Pluralismo jurídico y abastecimiento de agua para uso doméstico en la localidad Kilómetro 30, Aca... more Pluralismo jurídico y abastecimiento de agua para uso doméstico en la localidad Kilómetro 30, Acapulco, México Legal pluralism and domestic water supply in locality Kilómetro 30, Acapulco, Mexico
Los residuos sólidos (RS) generan problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos si su disposición ... more Los residuos sólidos (RS) generan problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos si su disposición final y aprovechamiento no es el adecuado, por ejemplo, los lodos obtenidos en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR). Dichos lodos podrían contribuir de manera significativa a la contaminación de la atmósfera, aguas nacionales y suelos, afectando los ecosistemas del área donde se depositen. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la caracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica del lodo de dos plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y verificar si, de acuerdo con las normas mexicanas NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002 y NMX-AA-180-SCFI-2018, el lodo es aprovechable y útil para la fabricación de composta. Para este fin, se realizaron análisis fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos en los lodos y la composta resultante de la mezcla de lodo, fibra de coco (FC) y residuos de poda de jardín (RPJ). Los resultados mostraron que las concentraciones de nutrientes, metales pesados, coliformes fecales (CF) y Salmonella spp. no exceden los límites permisibles enunciados en la NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, pero el compost resultante, como producto final, no satisface la NMX-AA-180-SCFI-2018. Así, es posible sugerir que los lodos son aprovechables para: el mejoramiento del suelo, usos forestales y agrícolas. Además, se infiere que estos lodos no son aptos para usos urbanos con y sin contacto público directo durante su aprovechamiento.
Telos: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales
El objetivo de la investigación fue impulsar la enseñanza aprendizaje a través de un Programa de ... more El objetivo de la investigación fue impulsar la enseñanza aprendizaje a través de un Programa de Educación Ambiental Informal (PEAI) con las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC); donde, se han utilizado estrategias por competencias para que el estudiante no sea un espectador más, si no, que sea capaz de aprender a aprender, a través del uso de su tiempo y espacio utilizando los recursos que tiene a su alcance para el cuidado del ambiente como lo es el uso del internet. En México más del 55% de la población utiliza el internet y más del 80% son jóvenes de 12 a 24 años. La metodología tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo y utilizando el método investigación acción; donde en una primera etapa se aplicó un instrumento para recolección de datos y conocer el principal problema ambiental que perciben estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) y en la etapa dos, a través de seis fases se planeó y diseñó el PEAI en línea. Como resultado se ...
Metazoan parasite communities can experience temporal structural changes related to seasonal and/... more Metazoan parasite communities can experience temporal structural changes related to seasonal and/or local variations in several biotic and abiotic environmental factors. However, few studies have addressed this issue in tropical regions, where changes in water temperature are less extreme than in temperate regions, so the factors or processes that can generate variations in these parasite communities are as yet unclear. We quantified and analysed the parasite communities of 421Lutjanus peru(Nichols & Murphy, 1922) collected from Acapulco Bay in Guerrero, Mexico, over a four-year period (August 2018 to April 2021), to identify any interannual variation due to local biotic and abiotic factors influenced by natural oceanographic phenomena, such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation, or La Niña. Twenty-five metazoan parasite taxa were recovered and identified: seven Digenea species; two Monogenea; one Cestoda; one Acanthocephala; four Nematoda; and ten of Crustacea (seven Copepoda and three I...
RESUMEN El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudi... more RESUMEN El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México (UAGro). Se utilizaron los aportes teóricos de Cortes, Cabana, Vega, Aguirre y Muñoz (2017). Se aplicó una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo y alcance descriptivo. Se administró un cuestionario con 25 ítems para determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que solo el 59% de los estudiantes realiza actividades que promueven la conservación del ambiente. Por lo tanto, se concluye que es necesario crear estrategias que ayuden a fortalecer la cultura ambiental de los universitarios.
A large-scale method for producing fungal pathogens for mites, Hirsutella thompsonii and H. nodul... more A large-scale method for producing fungal pathogens for mites, Hirsutella thompsonii and H. nodulosa in two phase culture (liquid and solid), was developed to induce conidiogenesis. The vegetative growth that was obtained in the liquid media of soy meal with shaking, from an inoculum 0.5 g wet weight equivalent to 0.1 g of dry weight, was inoculated on eight solid supports. Generally for most of the strains, the three supports yielding greater conidiogenesis were rice, barley and bran, excluding the strains whose greater sporulation is achieved in rice, oats and sorghum, sorghum and oats as compared to barley and bran, respectively. Maximum production of conidia was obtained with HtM2, HtM4481 and HtC59 strains of H. thompsonii, which reached on solid support 334.75, 269.68 and 137.12 x 10(7) conidia/g, respectively.
ABSTRACT The parasite communities of marine fish in the tropical Pacific remain poorly studied. W... more ABSTRACT The parasite communities of marine fish in the tropical Pacific remain poorly studied. We did an initial study of the metazoan parasite communities of striped bonito Sarda orientalis from the Pacific coast of Mexico. Two hundred thirty individuals from two locations were collected between April 2017 and March 2018. Twenty-two metazoan parasite taxa (20 helminths and two Crustacea) were identified: one species of Monogenea, twelve of Digenea, one of Acanthocephala, two of Cestoda, four of Nematoda, one of Copepoda, and one of Isopoda. Didymozoid digeneans (six species) were the most frequent and abundant parasite species at both sampling locations. Parasite species richness at the component community level was similar in both locations (16–17 species). However, parasite community structure and species composition varied between them. Local fluctuations in some biotic (e.g. host feeding behaviour and body size) and abiotic environmental factors were probably responsible for these variations.
A total of 802 individuals of Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) specimens were collected ove... more A total of 802 individuals of Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) specimens were collected over a 10-year period (August 2012 to February 2021) from four locations on the south-central Pacific coast of Mexico. Their parasite communities were quantified and analyzed to determine if they experience significant spatial and inter-annual variations. Thirty-two taxa of metazoan parasite were recovered and identified: four species of Digenea, four Monogenea, one Cestoda, two Acanthocephala, seven Nematoda, one Hirudinea, and nine of Crustacea (six Copepoda, and three Isopoda). Species richness was greatest among the digenean group, which represented 25% of the total species recovered, followed by the nematodes (22% of total species). Species richness at the component community level (10 to 20 species) was similar to reported richness in other Lutjanus spp. The component communities and infracommunities exhibited a similar pattern: low species richness and diversity, and dominance by a single species, mainly the monogenean Haliotrematoides guttati. Parasite community structure and species composition varied through the years, as well as between sampling locations. Variations were possibly caused by a combination of biotic and abiotic factors which generated notable changes in the infection levels of several component species. However, the similarity in the parasite species composition was high locally for short-term periods (one or two years). This result, therefore, suggests that parasite communities of L. guttatus may be more predictable locally, but only for short-term periods.
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, Mar 31, 2020
Discharge of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) produced within flooded mines is a major environmental issu... more Discharge of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) produced within flooded mines is a major environmental issue in most polymetallic mining sites severely impacting nearby natural resources and producing a serious menace to the ecosystem and humans. The identification of both natural and anthropological factors influencing the bioavailability of toxic elements is relevant in revealing their behavior but also in the design of strategies for mitigating adverse effects to the environment. For these purposes, we carried out a spatial and seasonal hydrogeochemical (total and soluble contents) and a lead isotopic study of the AMD of the Xochula stream in the mining region of Taxco, Guerrero, in southern Mexico. The AMD is produced by the periodic discharge from the flooded Guerrero mine to the Xochula stream and is characterized by low to moderate pH, high sulfate, and high total and soluble metal contents. The AMD shows significant spatial but smaller temporal variations. Flow of AMD through a culvert made of concrete produces the most important chemical changes recorded regardless of the time of year significantly decreasing the electrical conductance and the concentration of total and soluble potentially toxic elements. Distribution of metals and As between dissolved and particulate-bound species is pH-controlled. Due to the short interaction time between the AMD and bedrock and the formation of coatings, lithology plays a minor role in neutralization, whereas mixing of AMD with freshwater is only significant in the less acidic segment of the stream. Neutralization of AMD entails a significant decrease of the concentration of both total and soluble metals and As and chemical speciation indicates that oxides, carbonates and sulfates are the reactive phases. The Pb isotopic composition reveals that metals derive from the Taxco ore deposit and that AMD is influenced by rocks of the Morelos and Taxco Schist formations.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) are considered essential to protect human health a... more Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) are considered essential to protect human health and aquatic systems. However, several studies in the scientific field have identified adverse environmental effects in these treatment units that involve challenges in the water industry. Therefore, this work has the following objectives: (1) to understand the global context in which MWWTPs operate and (2) to determine the thematic and geographic trend in scientific research. Through the “Publish or Perish” software, scientific articles indexed in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases during the period 2000 to 2020 were obtained. Specific terms were used: “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”; “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants,” so that all terms must be contained in the title of the document. Categorization was defined according to key concepts considered as adverse effects indicated in the literature and that involve common problems in the water industry at the municipal level. As a result, 1844 documents (papers, reviews, books, book chapters, citations, letters, theses, and conference papers) were retrieved and subjected to a process of refinement (discrimination) where only articles, chapters, conference papers, and reviews were considered. Finally, 800 articles were selected for further content analysis, identifying seven categories and 30 subcategories. The category of “Emerging contaminants” was the most relevant within the research topics, and the category with the least available research was “Air quality.” The articles were also analyzed by economic region, identifying Asia with the largest number of studies on various topics. In conclusion, future research should be oriented towards management, energy, and air quality issues, because they are subjects of little research involving process efficiency, energy savings, and impacts on the quality of life.
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (MWWTPs) have proven to be sources of adverse environmental... more Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (MWWTPs) have proven to be sources of adverse environmental impacts; however, integrated management can help improve their efficiency. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the gap between the current management and another based on an international standard applied to WWTPMs, in order to understand their environmental commitment, and to identify the challenges and opportunities they present for the adoption or certification of an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001. For this purpose, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in two MWWTPs in southern Mexico. In a first step, an automated checklist was designed based on the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard and based on a modified FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) calculation method. In a second step, a diagnosis was carried out at the MWWTPs, followed by a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to determine internal and external factors until a series of challenges and opportunities was identified. The findings indicate that the selected MWWTPs have a wide gap that keeps them away from efficient management. Among the challenges, "limited financial resources" were identified followed by "high turnover of managerial staff", while the opportunities with the greatest potential for improvement are related to the factors "candidate for investment" and "environmental policy". The treatment plants show a weak environmental commitment, therefore rigorous action plans should be considered, not only to protect the environment but also the investment, and they should be the main promoters that challenge the private sector.
Contamination by microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is largely due to the release of millio... more Contamination by microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is largely due to the release of millions of these particles from treated effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). Due to the lack of policies and regulations that establish criteria for the control and elimination of MP from WWTP effluents, this research evaluated the presence of MP for particle sizes of 38 and 150 µm in influents and effluents from three WWTP in the port of Acapulco, Mexico. Using optical microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, the MP detected were polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). MP removal efficiencies of 82.5 to 98.7% (38 µm) and 86.8 to 97.5% (150µm) were obtained; the MP average daily emissions to the receiving bodies of these three WWTPs were in the ranges of 9.5 x 106 - 4.70 x 108 particles and the annual emissions in the range of 3.05 x 109 - 1.72 x 1011 particles. This work reveals the u...
Esta obra está publicada bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-4.0 Nematodos como bioindicadores para evaluar... more Esta obra está publicada bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-4.0 Nematodos como bioindicadores para evaluar el estado edáfico
In recent years, Multimetric Indices (MMIs) have received a lot of attention thanks to their abil... more In recent years, Multimetric Indices (MMIs) have received a lot of attention thanks to their ability to develop integrative evaluations of water quality, particularly in lagoons. In this article, we propose a new MMI for determining the water quality in lagoons. The proposed index is composed of biotic and abiotic indicators, in particular macroinvertebrates, macrophytes and morphological indicators. The proposed index is based on a geometric representation of a phenomenon associated with an ecological system, the ecosystem elements are mapped as vertices of a network and the relationship between them is represented by the corresponding edges. We classify the status of water bodies, from very low to very high using the ecological quality ratio. We compare our index with different different indices that measure water quality, such as General Biotic Index (JP(G)), Macrophyte Index for River (MIR) and Shannon diversity index (H’) and validate our index with Pearson’s correlation coeffi...
Pluralismo jurídico y abastecimiento de agua para uso doméstico en la localidad Kilómetro 30, Aca... more Pluralismo jurídico y abastecimiento de agua para uso doméstico en la localidad Kilómetro 30, Acapulco, México Legal pluralism and domestic water supply in locality Kilómetro 30, Acapulco, Mexico
Los residuos sólidos (RS) generan problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos si su disposición ... more Los residuos sólidos (RS) generan problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos si su disposición final y aprovechamiento no es el adecuado, por ejemplo, los lodos obtenidos en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR). Dichos lodos podrían contribuir de manera significativa a la contaminación de la atmósfera, aguas nacionales y suelos, afectando los ecosistemas del área donde se depositen. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la caracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica del lodo de dos plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales y verificar si, de acuerdo con las normas mexicanas NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002 y NMX-AA-180-SCFI-2018, el lodo es aprovechable y útil para la fabricación de composta. Para este fin, se realizaron análisis fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos en los lodos y la composta resultante de la mezcla de lodo, fibra de coco (FC) y residuos de poda de jardín (RPJ). Los resultados mostraron que las concentraciones de nutrientes, metales pesados, coliformes fecales (CF) y Salmonella spp. no exceden los límites permisibles enunciados en la NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002, pero el compost resultante, como producto final, no satisface la NMX-AA-180-SCFI-2018. Así, es posible sugerir que los lodos son aprovechables para: el mejoramiento del suelo, usos forestales y agrícolas. Además, se infiere que estos lodos no son aptos para usos urbanos con y sin contacto público directo durante su aprovechamiento.
Telos: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales
El objetivo de la investigación fue impulsar la enseñanza aprendizaje a través de un Programa de ... more El objetivo de la investigación fue impulsar la enseñanza aprendizaje a través de un Programa de Educación Ambiental Informal (PEAI) con las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC); donde, se han utilizado estrategias por competencias para que el estudiante no sea un espectador más, si no, que sea capaz de aprender a aprender, a través del uso de su tiempo y espacio utilizando los recursos que tiene a su alcance para el cuidado del ambiente como lo es el uso del internet. En México más del 55% de la población utiliza el internet y más del 80% son jóvenes de 12 a 24 años. La metodología tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo y utilizando el método investigación acción; donde en una primera etapa se aplicó un instrumento para recolección de datos y conocer el principal problema ambiental que perciben estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) y en la etapa dos, a través de seis fases se planeó y diseñó el PEAI en línea. Como resultado se ...
Metazoan parasite communities can experience temporal structural changes related to seasonal and/... more Metazoan parasite communities can experience temporal structural changes related to seasonal and/or local variations in several biotic and abiotic environmental factors. However, few studies have addressed this issue in tropical regions, where changes in water temperature are less extreme than in temperate regions, so the factors or processes that can generate variations in these parasite communities are as yet unclear. We quantified and analysed the parasite communities of 421Lutjanus peru(Nichols & Murphy, 1922) collected from Acapulco Bay in Guerrero, Mexico, over a four-year period (August 2018 to April 2021), to identify any interannual variation due to local biotic and abiotic factors influenced by natural oceanographic phenomena, such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation, or La Niña. Twenty-five metazoan parasite taxa were recovered and identified: seven Digenea species; two Monogenea; one Cestoda; one Acanthocephala; four Nematoda; and ten of Crustacea (seven Copepoda and three I...
RESUMEN El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudi... more RESUMEN El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México (UAGro). Se utilizaron los aportes teóricos de Cortes, Cabana, Vega, Aguirre y Muñoz (2017). Se aplicó una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo y alcance descriptivo. Se administró un cuestionario con 25 ítems para determinar las actitudes ambientales de los estudiantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que solo el 59% de los estudiantes realiza actividades que promueven la conservación del ambiente. Por lo tanto, se concluye que es necesario crear estrategias que ayuden a fortalecer la cultura ambiental de los universitarios.
A large-scale method for producing fungal pathogens for mites, Hirsutella thompsonii and H. nodul... more A large-scale method for producing fungal pathogens for mites, Hirsutella thompsonii and H. nodulosa in two phase culture (liquid and solid), was developed to induce conidiogenesis. The vegetative growth that was obtained in the liquid media of soy meal with shaking, from an inoculum 0.5 g wet weight equivalent to 0.1 g of dry weight, was inoculated on eight solid supports. Generally for most of the strains, the three supports yielding greater conidiogenesis were rice, barley and bran, excluding the strains whose greater sporulation is achieved in rice, oats and sorghum, sorghum and oats as compared to barley and bran, respectively. Maximum production of conidia was obtained with HtM2, HtM4481 and HtC59 strains of H. thompsonii, which reached on solid support 334.75, 269.68 and 137.12 x 10(7) conidia/g, respectively.
ABSTRACT The parasite communities of marine fish in the tropical Pacific remain poorly studied. W... more ABSTRACT The parasite communities of marine fish in the tropical Pacific remain poorly studied. We did an initial study of the metazoan parasite communities of striped bonito Sarda orientalis from the Pacific coast of Mexico. Two hundred thirty individuals from two locations were collected between April 2017 and March 2018. Twenty-two metazoan parasite taxa (20 helminths and two Crustacea) were identified: one species of Monogenea, twelve of Digenea, one of Acanthocephala, two of Cestoda, four of Nematoda, one of Copepoda, and one of Isopoda. Didymozoid digeneans (six species) were the most frequent and abundant parasite species at both sampling locations. Parasite species richness at the component community level was similar in both locations (16–17 species). However, parasite community structure and species composition varied between them. Local fluctuations in some biotic (e.g. host feeding behaviour and body size) and abiotic environmental factors were probably responsible for these variations.
A total of 802 individuals of Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) specimens were collected ove... more A total of 802 individuals of Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner, 1869) specimens were collected over a 10-year period (August 2012 to February 2021) from four locations on the south-central Pacific coast of Mexico. Their parasite communities were quantified and analyzed to determine if they experience significant spatial and inter-annual variations. Thirty-two taxa of metazoan parasite were recovered and identified: four species of Digenea, four Monogenea, one Cestoda, two Acanthocephala, seven Nematoda, one Hirudinea, and nine of Crustacea (six Copepoda, and three Isopoda). Species richness was greatest among the digenean group, which represented 25% of the total species recovered, followed by the nematodes (22% of total species). Species richness at the component community level (10 to 20 species) was similar to reported richness in other Lutjanus spp. The component communities and infracommunities exhibited a similar pattern: low species richness and diversity, and dominance by a single species, mainly the monogenean Haliotrematoides guttati. Parasite community structure and species composition varied through the years, as well as between sampling locations. Variations were possibly caused by a combination of biotic and abiotic factors which generated notable changes in the infection levels of several component species. However, the similarity in the parasite species composition was high locally for short-term periods (one or two years). This result, therefore, suggests that parasite communities of L. guttatus may be more predictable locally, but only for short-term periods.
Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas, Mar 31, 2020
Discharge of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) produced within flooded mines is a major environmental issu... more Discharge of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) produced within flooded mines is a major environmental issue in most polymetallic mining sites severely impacting nearby natural resources and producing a serious menace to the ecosystem and humans. The identification of both natural and anthropological factors influencing the bioavailability of toxic elements is relevant in revealing their behavior but also in the design of strategies for mitigating adverse effects to the environment. For these purposes, we carried out a spatial and seasonal hydrogeochemical (total and soluble contents) and a lead isotopic study of the AMD of the Xochula stream in the mining region of Taxco, Guerrero, in southern Mexico. The AMD is produced by the periodic discharge from the flooded Guerrero mine to the Xochula stream and is characterized by low to moderate pH, high sulfate, and high total and soluble metal contents. The AMD shows significant spatial but smaller temporal variations. Flow of AMD through a culvert made of concrete produces the most important chemical changes recorded regardless of the time of year significantly decreasing the electrical conductance and the concentration of total and soluble potentially toxic elements. Distribution of metals and As between dissolved and particulate-bound species is pH-controlled. Due to the short interaction time between the AMD and bedrock and the formation of coatings, lithology plays a minor role in neutralization, whereas mixing of AMD with freshwater is only significant in the less acidic segment of the stream. Neutralization of AMD entails a significant decrease of the concentration of both total and soluble metals and As and chemical speciation indicates that oxides, carbonates and sulfates are the reactive phases. The Pb isotopic composition reveals that metals derive from the Taxco ore deposit and that AMD is influenced by rocks of the Morelos and Taxco Schist formations.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) are considered essential to protect human health a... more Municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs) are considered essential to protect human health and aquatic systems. However, several studies in the scientific field have identified adverse environmental effects in these treatment units that involve challenges in the water industry. Therefore, this work has the following objectives: (1) to understand the global context in which MWWTPs operate and (2) to determine the thematic and geographic trend in scientific research. Through the “Publish or Perish” software, scientific articles indexed in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases during the period 2000 to 2020 were obtained. Specific terms were used: “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”; “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants,” so that all terms must be contained in the title of the document. Categorization was defined according to key concepts considered as adverse effects indicated in the literature and that involve common problems in the water industry at the municipal level. As a result, 1844 documents (papers, reviews, books, book chapters, citations, letters, theses, and conference papers) were retrieved and subjected to a process of refinement (discrimination) where only articles, chapters, conference papers, and reviews were considered. Finally, 800 articles were selected for further content analysis, identifying seven categories and 30 subcategories. The category of “Emerging contaminants” was the most relevant within the research topics, and the category with the least available research was “Air quality.” The articles were also analyzed by economic region, identifying Asia with the largest number of studies on various topics. In conclusion, future research should be oriented towards management, energy, and air quality issues, because they are subjects of little research involving process efficiency, energy savings, and impacts on the quality of life.
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (MWWTPs) have proven to be sources of adverse environmental... more Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (MWWTPs) have proven to be sources of adverse environmental impacts; however, integrated management can help improve their efficiency. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the gap between the current management and another based on an international standard applied to WWTPMs, in order to understand their environmental commitment, and to identify the challenges and opportunities they present for the adoption or certification of an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001. For this purpose, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in two MWWTPs in southern Mexico. In a first step, an automated checklist was designed based on the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard and based on a modified FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) calculation method. In a second step, a diagnosis was carried out at the MWWTPs, followed by a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to determine internal and external factors until a series of challenges and opportunities was identified. The findings indicate that the selected MWWTPs have a wide gap that keeps them away from efficient management. Among the challenges, "limited financial resources" were identified followed by "high turnover of managerial staff", while the opportunities with the greatest potential for improvement are related to the factors "candidate for investment" and "environmental policy". The treatment plants show a weak environmental commitment, therefore rigorous action plans should be considered, not only to protect the environment but also the investment, and they should be the main promoters that challenge the private sector.
Contamination by microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is largely due to the release of millio... more Contamination by microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is largely due to the release of millions of these particles from treated effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). Due to the lack of policies and regulations that establish criteria for the control and elimination of MP from WWTP effluents, this research evaluated the presence of MP for particle sizes of 38 and 150 µm in influents and effluents from three WWTP in the port of Acapulco, Mexico. Using optical microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, the MP detected were polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). MP removal efficiencies of 82.5 to 98.7% (38 µm) and 86.8 to 97.5% (150µm) were obtained; the MP average daily emissions to the receiving bodies of these three WWTPs were in the ranges of 9.5 x 106 - 4.70 x 108 particles and the annual emissions in the range of 3.05 x 109 - 1.72 x 1011 particles. This work reveals the u...
Esta obra está publicada bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-4.0 Nematodos como bioindicadores para evaluar... more Esta obra está publicada bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-4.0 Nematodos como bioindicadores para evaluar el estado edáfico
In recent years, Multimetric Indices (MMIs) have received a lot of attention thanks to their abil... more In recent years, Multimetric Indices (MMIs) have received a lot of attention thanks to their ability to develop integrative evaluations of water quality, particularly in lagoons. In this article, we propose a new MMI for determining the water quality in lagoons. The proposed index is composed of biotic and abiotic indicators, in particular macroinvertebrates, macrophytes and morphological indicators. The proposed index is based on a geometric representation of a phenomenon associated with an ecological system, the ecosystem elements are mapped as vertices of a network and the relationship between them is represented by the corresponding edges. We classify the status of water bodies, from very low to very high using the ecological quality ratio. We compare our index with different different indices that measure water quality, such as General Biotic Index (JP(G)), Macrophyte Index for River (MIR) and Shannon diversity index (H’) and validate our index with Pearson’s correlation coeffi...
Papers by José Rosas-Acevedo