Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that has impact on the physical, psychoneurological, a... more Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that has impact on the physical, psychoneurological, and social. Alcohol also becomes a trend and being lifestyle for many reasons. There are several factors who consume alcohol and could be motivated by sensation seeking. Sensation seeking is related with consideration of future consequences (CFC) and self-control in alcohol consumption. This study aims to determine the effect of CFC and self-control on sensation seeking in alcohol consumption. This study used accidental sampling technique and involved 221 individuals who consume alcohol in early adults (18-40 years) who consumed alcohol in last three months. The measuring tools used three scales, there are sensation seeking scale, CFC scale, and the self-control scale. The analysis technique is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) CFC had a significant impact on sensation seeking, (2) self-control had no significant impact on sensation seeking, (3) CFC and self-contro...
The study was conducted to determine the role of emotional regulation on self-acceptance of inmat... more The study was conducted to determine the role of emotional regulation on self-acceptance of inmates. The research method used is a quantitative method using the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) scale and self-acceptance scale. The results of the study were the role of emotional regulation on selfacceptance of inmates. The results of the relationship are shown by the coefisein value R = 0.160, and the P value is 0.005 (P <0.05), indicating regulation of emotions can affect the variables of selfacceptance of inmates.
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Penitentiary (prison) is a place where prisoners' room is limited and they are isolated from ... more Penitentiary (prison) is a place where prisoners' room is limited and they are isolated from the community. Prison conditions in Indonesia that are overcapacity now are also conditions that are not ideal for the lives of prisoners. The room must be filled with many people, simple and less varied food, and strict prison rules are stressors that cause prisoners to experience stress. Sarafino (2011) defines stress as a condition where transactions between individuals and the environment lead to a perceived gap between the physical or psychological demands of a situation with the resources of one's biological, psychological, and social systems. The condition of prisoners who experience stress causes them to get angry easily and even behave aggressively which makes the prison atmosphere more uncomfortable. Therefore prisoners need to be helped to manage their stress through Stress Management Training. Stress Management Training given to male prisoners in class I Tanjung Gusta Med...
Penyalahgunaan narkoba merupakan pola penggunaan zat secara maladaptif yang dapat menyebabkan gan... more Penyalahgunaan narkoba merupakan pola penggunaan zat secara maladaptif yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan klinis signifikan (APA, 2004).Salah satu cara menanganinya adalah dengan membantu pecandu melalui program rehabilitasi (Wade, 2007). Kenyataannya, rehabilitasi narkoba bukan hal yang mudah karena dapat terjadi relapse sebagai wujud dari keraguan pecandu akan kemampuannya untuk menolak penggunaan narkoba, atau disebut juga dengan abstinence self efficacyyang rendah. Abstinence self efficacy dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara memberikan intervensi Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) agar pecandu memiliki coping skill yang baik dan pikiran yang rasional terhadap penggunaan narkoba. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group. Subjek dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 20 orang yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen pertama yang mendapatkan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif, kelompok eksperimen kedua mendapatkan tek...
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (lapas) merupakan sebuah tempat dimana ruang gerak narapidana dibatasi dan... more Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (lapas) merupakan sebuah tempat dimana ruang gerak narapidana dibatasi dan mereka terisolasi dari masyarakat. Kondisi lapas di Indonesia yang overcapacity saat ini juga merupakan kondisi yang tidak ideal untuk kehidupan para narapidana. Ruangan yang harus diisi banyak orang, makanan yang sederhana dan kurang bervariasi, serta aturan lapas yang ketat merupakan stressor yang menyebabkan para narapidana mengalami stres. Sarafino (2011) mendefinisikan stres sebagai kondisi dimana transaksi antara individu dengan lingkungan mengarah pada kesenjangan yang dirasakan antara tuntutan fisik atau psikologis dari suatu situasi dengan sumber daya sistem biologis, psikologis, dan sosial seseorang. Kondisi narapidana yang mengalami stres menyebabkan mereka mudah marah bahkan berperilaku agresif yang membuat suasana lapas semakin tidak nyaman. Oleh karena itu para narapidana perlu dibantu mengelola stres mereka melalui Pelatihan Manajemen Stres. Pelatihan Manajemen Stres yan...
We present here new measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field (B_e) in the binary system HD... more We present here new measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field (B_e) in the binary system HD9996, where the primary companion is an Ap star. Series of 63 B_e observations was obtained in years 1994-2011 with the 1m optical telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia). New magnetic data allowed us to refine the long-term magnetic period of HD9996 to P_mag=21.8 years. Compilation of archival photometric data showed the existence of long term variations of HD9996 in time scale of 22-23 yr consistent with P_mag}. We identify P_mag with the precession period of the primary Ap star and summarize search for a short-term rotational period and the rotational line broadening in this star.
Krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang melanda lndonesia sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah melumpuhkan ... more Krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang melanda lndonesia sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah melumpuhkan sebagian besar aktivitas perekonomian lndonesia. Namun demikian krisis ekonomi dan moneter juga telah membuka mata dunia bisnis lndonesia bahwa sektor agribisnis yang berorientasi ekspor adalah sektor yang dapat diandalkan dalam meraih keuntungan. Pada krisis ekonomi yang melanda lndonesia tampaknya komoditi perkebunan kelapa sawit justru merupakan salah satu investasi yang banyak diburu para investor, ha1 tersebut karena sektor ini sudah terbukti tidak terpengaruh oleh krisis ekonomi. PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan yang salah satu aktivitasnya bergerak di bidang perkebunan khususnya perkebunan kelapa sawit. Di dalam pencapaian tujuan PT.XYZ menghadapi beberapa persoalan antara lain rendahnya kepercayaan karyawan terhadap manajemen karena tidak ada aturan yang jelas mengenai jalur karir, promosi atas prestasi bagi kesejahteraan yang menimbulkan rendahnya moral karyawan. Tidak adanya suatu sik...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan psikologis (needs) pada mahasis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan psikologis (needs) pada mahasiswa baru di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Mahasiswa adalah peserta didik di perguruan tinggi yang dituntut untuk memperlihatkan perilaku-perilaku tertentu sebagai bentuk penyesuaian diri dengan proses bleajar di perguruan tinggi. Menurut Henry A. Murray, salah seorang ilmuwan di bidang psikologi, perilaku manusia didasari oleh serangkaian kebutuhan (needs) yang mendominasi diri mereka. Demikian juga para mahasiswa baru yang diharapkan memperlihatkan perilaku-perilaku tertentu untuk mendukung proses belajarnya, juga akan didasari oleh kebutuhan-kebutuhan di dalam diri mereka. Allen L. Edwards kemudian mengembangkan teori Murray ini dengan menciptakan sebuah alat ukur kepribadian yang dinamakan Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan dalam diri seseorang mulai dari derajat yang paling tinggi hingga yang paling rendah. Apabila k...
Proses menua (lansia) adalah proses alami yang disertai adanya penurunan kondisi fisik, psikologi... more Proses menua (lansia) adalah proses alami yang disertai adanya penurunan kondisi fisik, psikologis maupun sosial yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain. Perubahan secara biologis ini dapat mempengaruhi status gizi lansia yang berkaitan erat dengan menurunnya aktivitas biologis tubuhnya dan berpotensi menimbulkan masalah kesehatan secara umum maupun kesehatan jiwa secara khusus pada lansia. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia melalui perawatan gigi yang mengganggu seperti gigi goyang dan berlubang, serta pembuatan gigi tiruan. Program ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap dengan masing-masing tahap dilakukan oleh pakar prostodonsia, psikologi, dan rongga mulut dengan prosedur sesuai bidangnya. Hasil dan capaian yang diperoleh pada program ini terpenuhi sesuai dengan permasalahan yang terdapat pada masing-masing bidang. Kesimpulannya, penyuluhan yang dilakukan memberikan pengaruh positif untuk pengetahuan tentang akibat dan perawatan kehilangan gigi, serta mo...
Collinear search impairment (CSI) is a phenomenon where a task-irrelevant collinear structure imp... more Collinear search impairment (CSI) is a phenomenon where a task-irrelevant collinear structure impairs a target search in a visual display. It has been suggested that CSI is monocular, occurs without the participants’ access to consciousness and is possibly processed at an early visual site (e.g. V1). This effect has frequently been compared with a well-documented opposite effect called attentional capture (AC), in which salient and task-irrelevant basic features (e.g. color, orientation) enhance target detection. However, whether this phenomenon can be attributed to non-attentional factors such as collinear facilitation (CF) has not yet been formally tested. Here we used one well-established property of CF, i.e. that target contrast modulates its effect direction (facilitation vs suppression), to examine whether CSI shared similar signature profiles along different contrast levels. In other words, we tested whether CSI previously observed at the supra-threshold level was reduced or ...
The risk of postpartum depression can be experienced by women who get less treatment when experie... more The risk of postpartum depression can be experienced by women who get less treatment when experiencing baby blues syndrome. Women who are at risk of experiencing postpartum depression need precautionary measures so that they do not develop into more severe disorders. This can be done by providing a valid postnatal depression detection tool, which is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). EPDS has been translated into various languages and has had reliability and validity test results in accordance with that language. The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity of the Indonesian version of EPDS so that it can be widely used in Indonesia and provide results that can detect the risk of postpartum depression. The test was conducted on 119 women in Batam city using the construct validity and reliability of Cronbach's alpha. Results: The construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed satisfactory results, the whole item has a loading...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Fiber sense technologies of vibration, ultrasonic, and partial discharge are the core technologie... more Fiber sense technologies of vibration, ultrasonic, and partial discharge are the core technologies for building smart grids. Single-mode fiber probes are key components of the above fiber sensors. The evolution of optical wave modes in fiber probes directly affects performance of fiber sensor. A simulation model for single-mode fiber spherical probe is established, and the modes of the spherical probe are simulated and analyzed in detail, and the evolution law of the optical wave mode in spherical probe is explored. The simulation results show that the longitudinal non-uniform spherical probe structure excites high-order modes. The fundamental mode power is gradually reduced, and the high-order mode power increases continuously. The main mode coupling in a single-mode fiber spherical probe is a strong coupling between the first and second-order cladding modes. At the top of the single-mode fiber spherical probe, with the decrease of the core layer radius, the high-order guided mode gradually transforms into the radiation mode, and the number of transmitted guided modes decreases gradually.
PKM Activities Drug Users are conducted in two institutions in Medan City, which referred as Drug... more PKM Activities Drug Users are conducted in two institutions in Medan City, which referred as Drug Rehabilitation Center are Narcotics Prevention Rehabilitation Agency (LRPPN) and Rumah Ummi, according to the guidance of the dedication partner of the North Sumatra Narcotics Community Information Center (PIMANSU) each involving 10 drug users from LRPPN and 5 drug users from Rumah Ummi. The problem in both centers is the high number of relapse from drug users because of the lack of attention into build stronger mind and behavior patterns to return to vulnerable communities. This relapse problem can be minimized by increasing abstinence of self efficacy (ASE) that is a belief to refuse using drugs again. Therefore, the main objective and target of PKM Drug Users activities is to enable drug users to face high risk situations through increasing ASE. Target activities include restructuring the irrational mind to be rational as well as understanding the techniques on facing high risk situa...
Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that has impact on the physical, psychoneurological, a... more Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that has impact on the physical, psychoneurological, and social. Alcohol also becomes a trend and being lifestyle for many reasons. There are several factors who consume alcohol and could be motivated by sensation seeking. Sensation seeking is related with consideration of future consequences (CFC) and self-control in alcohol consumption. This study aims to determine the effect of CFC and self-control on sensation seeking in alcohol consumption. This study used accidental sampling technique and involved 221 individuals who consume alcohol in early adults (18-40 years) who consumed alcohol in last three months. The measuring tools used three scales, there are sensation seeking scale, CFC scale, and the self-control scale. The analysis technique is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) CFC had a significant impact on sensation seeking, (2) self-control had no significant impact on sensation seeking, (3) CFC and self-contro...
The study was conducted to determine the role of emotional regulation on self-acceptance of inmat... more The study was conducted to determine the role of emotional regulation on self-acceptance of inmates. The research method used is a quantitative method using the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) scale and self-acceptance scale. The results of the study were the role of emotional regulation on selfacceptance of inmates. The results of the relationship are shown by the coefisein value R = 0.160, and the P value is 0.005 (P <0.05), indicating regulation of emotions can affect the variables of selfacceptance of inmates.
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Penitentiary (prison) is a place where prisoners' room is limited and they are isolated from ... more Penitentiary (prison) is a place where prisoners' room is limited and they are isolated from the community. Prison conditions in Indonesia that are overcapacity now are also conditions that are not ideal for the lives of prisoners. The room must be filled with many people, simple and less varied food, and strict prison rules are stressors that cause prisoners to experience stress. Sarafino (2011) defines stress as a condition where transactions between individuals and the environment lead to a perceived gap between the physical or psychological demands of a situation with the resources of one's biological, psychological, and social systems. The condition of prisoners who experience stress causes them to get angry easily and even behave aggressively which makes the prison atmosphere more uncomfortable. Therefore prisoners need to be helped to manage their stress through Stress Management Training. Stress Management Training given to male prisoners in class I Tanjung Gusta Med...
Penyalahgunaan narkoba merupakan pola penggunaan zat secara maladaptif yang dapat menyebabkan gan... more Penyalahgunaan narkoba merupakan pola penggunaan zat secara maladaptif yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan klinis signifikan (APA, 2004).Salah satu cara menanganinya adalah dengan membantu pecandu melalui program rehabilitasi (Wade, 2007). Kenyataannya, rehabilitasi narkoba bukan hal yang mudah karena dapat terjadi relapse sebagai wujud dari keraguan pecandu akan kemampuannya untuk menolak penggunaan narkoba, atau disebut juga dengan abstinence self efficacyyang rendah. Abstinence self efficacy dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara memberikan intervensi Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) agar pecandu memiliki coping skill yang baik dan pikiran yang rasional terhadap penggunaan narkoba. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest control group. Subjek dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 20 orang yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen pertama yang mendapatkan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif, kelompok eksperimen kedua mendapatkan tek...
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (lapas) merupakan sebuah tempat dimana ruang gerak narapidana dibatasi dan... more Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (lapas) merupakan sebuah tempat dimana ruang gerak narapidana dibatasi dan mereka terisolasi dari masyarakat. Kondisi lapas di Indonesia yang overcapacity saat ini juga merupakan kondisi yang tidak ideal untuk kehidupan para narapidana. Ruangan yang harus diisi banyak orang, makanan yang sederhana dan kurang bervariasi, serta aturan lapas yang ketat merupakan stressor yang menyebabkan para narapidana mengalami stres. Sarafino (2011) mendefinisikan stres sebagai kondisi dimana transaksi antara individu dengan lingkungan mengarah pada kesenjangan yang dirasakan antara tuntutan fisik atau psikologis dari suatu situasi dengan sumber daya sistem biologis, psikologis, dan sosial seseorang. Kondisi narapidana yang mengalami stres menyebabkan mereka mudah marah bahkan berperilaku agresif yang membuat suasana lapas semakin tidak nyaman. Oleh karena itu para narapidana perlu dibantu mengelola stres mereka melalui Pelatihan Manajemen Stres. Pelatihan Manajemen Stres yan...
We present here new measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field (B_e) in the binary system HD... more We present here new measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field (B_e) in the binary system HD9996, where the primary companion is an Ap star. Series of 63 B_e observations was obtained in years 1994-2011 with the 1m optical telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia). New magnetic data allowed us to refine the long-term magnetic period of HD9996 to P_mag=21.8 years. Compilation of archival photometric data showed the existence of long term variations of HD9996 in time scale of 22-23 yr consistent with P_mag}. We identify P_mag with the precession period of the primary Ap star and summarize search for a short-term rotational period and the rotational line broadening in this star.
Krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang melanda lndonesia sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah melumpuhkan ... more Krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang melanda lndonesia sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah melumpuhkan sebagian besar aktivitas perekonomian lndonesia. Namun demikian krisis ekonomi dan moneter juga telah membuka mata dunia bisnis lndonesia bahwa sektor agribisnis yang berorientasi ekspor adalah sektor yang dapat diandalkan dalam meraih keuntungan. Pada krisis ekonomi yang melanda lndonesia tampaknya komoditi perkebunan kelapa sawit justru merupakan salah satu investasi yang banyak diburu para investor, ha1 tersebut karena sektor ini sudah terbukti tidak terpengaruh oleh krisis ekonomi. PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan yang salah satu aktivitasnya bergerak di bidang perkebunan khususnya perkebunan kelapa sawit. Di dalam pencapaian tujuan PT.XYZ menghadapi beberapa persoalan antara lain rendahnya kepercayaan karyawan terhadap manajemen karena tidak ada aturan yang jelas mengenai jalur karir, promosi atas prestasi bagi kesejahteraan yang menimbulkan rendahnya moral karyawan. Tidak adanya suatu sik...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan psikologis (needs) pada mahasis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan psikologis (needs) pada mahasiswa baru di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Mahasiswa adalah peserta didik di perguruan tinggi yang dituntut untuk memperlihatkan perilaku-perilaku tertentu sebagai bentuk penyesuaian diri dengan proses bleajar di perguruan tinggi. Menurut Henry A. Murray, salah seorang ilmuwan di bidang psikologi, perilaku manusia didasari oleh serangkaian kebutuhan (needs) yang mendominasi diri mereka. Demikian juga para mahasiswa baru yang diharapkan memperlihatkan perilaku-perilaku tertentu untuk mendukung proses belajarnya, juga akan didasari oleh kebutuhan-kebutuhan di dalam diri mereka. Allen L. Edwards kemudian mengembangkan teori Murray ini dengan menciptakan sebuah alat ukur kepribadian yang dinamakan Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan profil kebutuhan-kebutuhan dalam diri seseorang mulai dari derajat yang paling tinggi hingga yang paling rendah. Apabila k...
Proses menua (lansia) adalah proses alami yang disertai adanya penurunan kondisi fisik, psikologi... more Proses menua (lansia) adalah proses alami yang disertai adanya penurunan kondisi fisik, psikologis maupun sosial yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain. Perubahan secara biologis ini dapat mempengaruhi status gizi lansia yang berkaitan erat dengan menurunnya aktivitas biologis tubuhnya dan berpotensi menimbulkan masalah kesehatan secara umum maupun kesehatan jiwa secara khusus pada lansia. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia melalui perawatan gigi yang mengganggu seperti gigi goyang dan berlubang, serta pembuatan gigi tiruan. Program ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap dengan masing-masing tahap dilakukan oleh pakar prostodonsia, psikologi, dan rongga mulut dengan prosedur sesuai bidangnya. Hasil dan capaian yang diperoleh pada program ini terpenuhi sesuai dengan permasalahan yang terdapat pada masing-masing bidang. Kesimpulannya, penyuluhan yang dilakukan memberikan pengaruh positif untuk pengetahuan tentang akibat dan perawatan kehilangan gigi, serta mo...
Collinear search impairment (CSI) is a phenomenon where a task-irrelevant collinear structure imp... more Collinear search impairment (CSI) is a phenomenon where a task-irrelevant collinear structure impairs a target search in a visual display. It has been suggested that CSI is monocular, occurs without the participants’ access to consciousness and is possibly processed at an early visual site (e.g. V1). This effect has frequently been compared with a well-documented opposite effect called attentional capture (AC), in which salient and task-irrelevant basic features (e.g. color, orientation) enhance target detection. However, whether this phenomenon can be attributed to non-attentional factors such as collinear facilitation (CF) has not yet been formally tested. Here we used one well-established property of CF, i.e. that target contrast modulates its effect direction (facilitation vs suppression), to examine whether CSI shared similar signature profiles along different contrast levels. In other words, we tested whether CSI previously observed at the supra-threshold level was reduced or ...
The risk of postpartum depression can be experienced by women who get less treatment when experie... more The risk of postpartum depression can be experienced by women who get less treatment when experiencing baby blues syndrome. Women who are at risk of experiencing postpartum depression need precautionary measures so that they do not develop into more severe disorders. This can be done by providing a valid postnatal depression detection tool, which is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). EPDS has been translated into various languages and has had reliability and validity test results in accordance with that language. The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity of the Indonesian version of EPDS so that it can be widely used in Indonesia and provide results that can detect the risk of postpartum depression. The test was conducted on 119 women in Batam city using the construct validity and reliability of Cronbach's alpha. Results: The construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed satisfactory results, the whole item has a loading...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Fiber sense technologies of vibration, ultrasonic, and partial discharge are the core technologie... more Fiber sense technologies of vibration, ultrasonic, and partial discharge are the core technologies for building smart grids. Single-mode fiber probes are key components of the above fiber sensors. The evolution of optical wave modes in fiber probes directly affects performance of fiber sensor. A simulation model for single-mode fiber spherical probe is established, and the modes of the spherical probe are simulated and analyzed in detail, and the evolution law of the optical wave mode in spherical probe is explored. The simulation results show that the longitudinal non-uniform spherical probe structure excites high-order modes. The fundamental mode power is gradually reduced, and the high-order mode power increases continuously. The main mode coupling in a single-mode fiber spherical probe is a strong coupling between the first and second-order cladding modes. At the top of the single-mode fiber spherical probe, with the decrease of the core layer radius, the high-order guided mode gradually transforms into the radiation mode, and the number of transmitted guided modes decreases gradually.
PKM Activities Drug Users are conducted in two institutions in Medan City, which referred as Drug... more PKM Activities Drug Users are conducted in two institutions in Medan City, which referred as Drug Rehabilitation Center are Narcotics Prevention Rehabilitation Agency (LRPPN) and Rumah Ummi, according to the guidance of the dedication partner of the North Sumatra Narcotics Community Information Center (PIMANSU) each involving 10 drug users from LRPPN and 5 drug users from Rumah Ummi. The problem in both centers is the high number of relapse from drug users because of the lack of attention into build stronger mind and behavior patterns to return to vulnerable communities. This relapse problem can be minimized by increasing abstinence of self efficacy (ASE) that is a belief to refuse using drugs again. Therefore, the main objective and target of PKM Drug Users activities is to enable drug users to face high risk situations through increasing ASE. Target activities include restructuring the irrational mind to be rational as well as understanding the techniques on facing high risk situa...
Papers by Juliana Saragih