Papers by Loredana Camizzi

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica REINVENTING EDUCATION, vol III, Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Space and Time, 2021
Active learning practices are rarely carried out in secondary schools
in a systematic way, even t... more Active learning practices are rarely carried out in secondary schools
in a systematic way, even though the ‘Riordino’ (PRD 87, 88, 89 of 2010)
exhorted teachers to implement active approaches. On the other hand, the
reflection on the curriculum (Ajello, Pontecorvo, 2002; Frabboni, 2004; Baldacci, 2006) and the gradual liberation from the idea of a national ‘programma’ (Stenhouse, 1977) made it clear that teachers should be the ones to select contents and teaching strategies, on the basis of the particular contexts and the epistemological structures of the disciplines and their connections. This research study was carried out in collaboration with a secondary school, where some teachers were already promoting active learning strategies in core subjects, each one following their own teaching model. After an initial exploratory phase, the study moved on to a phase of collaborative research and research-training (Asquini, 2018). There followed a process involving most subject departments and covering the entire teaching process (design, implementation, peer observation, documentation, reflection). Researchers and teachers defined a documentation model of the practice together, from design
to action, which encouraged reflection (during and after) and dissemination within and outside the school. This process was both research and professional development. By comparing different teaching practices (in Maths, Physics, Science, Italian and Latin), the study highlighted some cross elements which were then consolidated in the expanded version of the study, involving more classes and teachers. These aspects concern the curriculum (from the selection criteria of the core ideas of the subjects to a discovery/problematic approach to
the contents), the teaching design (course and lesson planning) and the
methods (frequent use of various forms of verbal interaction: conversational lesson, discussion, brainstorming, group work, students’ writing tasks). This interdisciplinary approach to practices, ultimately, seems to show a sort of mutual influence between subject areas: language teaching was inspired by a ‘scientific’ approach to the study of languages where linguistic ‘data’ (words, sentences, texts) were observed, analysed, classified and re-elaborated (Bertocchi, 2015); at the same time, Science teaching developed particular attention to language – both ‘natural’ and more strictly ‘scientific’ (Fiorentini,
In this paper we document a six-phase video production process designed to support teachers ’ con... more In this paper we document a six-phase video production process designed to support teachers ’ continuous professional development in three disciplinary areas: scientific, linguistic-literary and foreign languages areas. This production has been carried out within the NOP1- National Operational Programme funded by European structural funds and conducted by INDIRE between 2007 and 2014.The originality of this work lies in the co-research action performed by the team involved (researchers, teachers, instructional designers, video director, etc.) aimed at capturing meaningful professional practices enacted by teachers in their classes for the achievement of a given educational goal. for citations:

In order to innovate and improve the italian language teaching, it is necessary to support teache... more In order to innovate and improve the italian language teaching, it is necessary to support teachers’ continuous professional development, as indicated by the European Recommendations. Concerning the realization of training plans for teachers of Italian language, INDIRE conducted a study on the design of learning content that goes beyond the model of “professional updating and training”: on the one hand through a indepth analysis of the aspects of innovation of the discipline, on the other through the study of the most effective “formats” to support the professional development and reflection of teachers. This also led to the design and production of video documentation of “exemplary” practices for the innovation of teaching of Italian language. This process has been possible thanks to the collaboration between research and school: teachers, researchers and disciplinary experts.

Per innovare e migliorare l’insegnamento dell’italiano e necessario agire sulla formazione dei do... more Per innovare e migliorare l’insegnamento dell’italiano e necessario agire sulla formazione dei docenti, come indicano anche le raccomandazioni europee. Nell’ambito della realizzazione di grandi piani di formazioneper gli insegnanti di italiano curati da Indire, e stata oggetto di riflessione la progettazione di contenuti formativi che superino il modello dell’“aggiornamento-addestramento”: da una parte attraverso un approfondimento degli aspetti di innovazione della disciplina, dall’altra tramite lo studio dei “formati” piu efficaci per supportare lo sviluppo professionale e la riflessione degli insegnanti,che ha portato anche alla progettazione e alla produzione di video documentazioni di pratiche didattiche “esemplari” per l’innovazione dell’italiano. Questo processo e stato possibile grazie alla collaborazione di docenti, ricercatori e esperti disciplinari, del mondo della ricerca e della scuola.

In this paper we document a six-phase video production process designed to support teachers’ cont... more In this paper we document a six-phase video production process designed to support teachers’ continuous professional development in three disciplinary areas: scientific, linguistic-literary and foreign languages areas. This production has been carried out within the NOP1 - National Operational Programme funded by European structural funds and conducted by INDIRE between 2007 and 2014.The originality of this work lies in the co-research action performed by the team involved (researchers, teachers, instructional designers, video director, etc.) aimed at capturing meaningful professional practices enacted by teachers in their classes for the achievement of a given educational goal. The documented and exemplified production process can, not only function as a guide for the production of educational videos, but is also strongly characterized by its reflective and meta-reflective functions for Teacher Professional Development or TPD. Several examples of videos are described and referenced...
Volumi by Loredana Camizzi

Carocci Editore, 2020
Il volume presenta una proposta di applicazione pratica del modello teorico della grammatica vale... more Il volume presenta una proposta di applicazione pratica del modello teorico della grammatica valenziale frutto di una ricerca sul campo dal titolo Didattica della grammatica valenziale: dal modello teorico al laboratorio di grammatica in classe.
Nel biennio 2016/18 è stato verificato in 41 classi dalla scuola primaria al biennio della secondaria di II grado come l’introduzione di un modello più scientifico di studio della lingua – come quello valenziale – produca modifiche anche nelle modalità di insegnamento verso un approccio più attivo e laboratoriale e favorisca negli studenti la motivazione e l’interesse per lo studio della lingua.
Il contributo, destinato a ricercatori e studiosi, ma anche e soprattutto ai docenti di italiano di ogni ordine e grado, propone un curricolo verticale di morfosintassi valenziale dalla primaria al biennio della scuola secondaria di II grado e un modello di lezione-laboratorio, esemplificati da un repertorio di Unità Didattiche di Apprendimento (UDA) sperimentate in classe dai docenti coinvolti dalla ricerca. Le proposte di lavoro in classe sono presentate nella cornice del disegno, del processo e degli strumenti della ricerca che ne sta alla base.
Papers by Loredana Camizzi
in a systematic way, even though the ‘Riordino’ (PRD 87, 88, 89 of 2010)
exhorted teachers to implement active approaches. On the other hand, the
reflection on the curriculum (Ajello, Pontecorvo, 2002; Frabboni, 2004; Baldacci, 2006) and the gradual liberation from the idea of a national ‘programma’ (Stenhouse, 1977) made it clear that teachers should be the ones to select contents and teaching strategies, on the basis of the particular contexts and the epistemological structures of the disciplines and their connections. This research study was carried out in collaboration with a secondary school, where some teachers were already promoting active learning strategies in core subjects, each one following their own teaching model. After an initial exploratory phase, the study moved on to a phase of collaborative research and research-training (Asquini, 2018). There followed a process involving most subject departments and covering the entire teaching process (design, implementation, peer observation, documentation, reflection). Researchers and teachers defined a documentation model of the practice together, from design
to action, which encouraged reflection (during and after) and dissemination within and outside the school. This process was both research and professional development. By comparing different teaching practices (in Maths, Physics, Science, Italian and Latin), the study highlighted some cross elements which were then consolidated in the expanded version of the study, involving more classes and teachers. These aspects concern the curriculum (from the selection criteria of the core ideas of the subjects to a discovery/problematic approach to
the contents), the teaching design (course and lesson planning) and the
methods (frequent use of various forms of verbal interaction: conversational lesson, discussion, brainstorming, group work, students’ writing tasks). This interdisciplinary approach to practices, ultimately, seems to show a sort of mutual influence between subject areas: language teaching was inspired by a ‘scientific’ approach to the study of languages where linguistic ‘data’ (words, sentences, texts) were observed, analysed, classified and re-elaborated (Bertocchi, 2015); at the same time, Science teaching developed particular attention to language – both ‘natural’ and more strictly ‘scientific’ (Fiorentini,
Volumi by Loredana Camizzi
Nel biennio 2016/18 è stato verificato in 41 classi dalla scuola primaria al biennio della secondaria di II grado come l’introduzione di un modello più scientifico di studio della lingua – come quello valenziale – produca modifiche anche nelle modalità di insegnamento verso un approccio più attivo e laboratoriale e favorisca negli studenti la motivazione e l’interesse per lo studio della lingua.
Il contributo, destinato a ricercatori e studiosi, ma anche e soprattutto ai docenti di italiano di ogni ordine e grado, propone un curricolo verticale di morfosintassi valenziale dalla primaria al biennio della scuola secondaria di II grado e un modello di lezione-laboratorio, esemplificati da un repertorio di Unità Didattiche di Apprendimento (UDA) sperimentate in classe dai docenti coinvolti dalla ricerca. Le proposte di lavoro in classe sono presentate nella cornice del disegno, del processo e degli strumenti della ricerca che ne sta alla base.
in a systematic way, even though the ‘Riordino’ (PRD 87, 88, 89 of 2010)
exhorted teachers to implement active approaches. On the other hand, the
reflection on the curriculum (Ajello, Pontecorvo, 2002; Frabboni, 2004; Baldacci, 2006) and the gradual liberation from the idea of a national ‘programma’ (Stenhouse, 1977) made it clear that teachers should be the ones to select contents and teaching strategies, on the basis of the particular contexts and the epistemological structures of the disciplines and their connections. This research study was carried out in collaboration with a secondary school, where some teachers were already promoting active learning strategies in core subjects, each one following their own teaching model. After an initial exploratory phase, the study moved on to a phase of collaborative research and research-training (Asquini, 2018). There followed a process involving most subject departments and covering the entire teaching process (design, implementation, peer observation, documentation, reflection). Researchers and teachers defined a documentation model of the practice together, from design
to action, which encouraged reflection (during and after) and dissemination within and outside the school. This process was both research and professional development. By comparing different teaching practices (in Maths, Physics, Science, Italian and Latin), the study highlighted some cross elements which were then consolidated in the expanded version of the study, involving more classes and teachers. These aspects concern the curriculum (from the selection criteria of the core ideas of the subjects to a discovery/problematic approach to
the contents), the teaching design (course and lesson planning) and the
methods (frequent use of various forms of verbal interaction: conversational lesson, discussion, brainstorming, group work, students’ writing tasks). This interdisciplinary approach to practices, ultimately, seems to show a sort of mutual influence between subject areas: language teaching was inspired by a ‘scientific’ approach to the study of languages where linguistic ‘data’ (words, sentences, texts) were observed, analysed, classified and re-elaborated (Bertocchi, 2015); at the same time, Science teaching developed particular attention to language – both ‘natural’ and more strictly ‘scientific’ (Fiorentini,
Nel biennio 2016/18 è stato verificato in 41 classi dalla scuola primaria al biennio della secondaria di II grado come l’introduzione di un modello più scientifico di studio della lingua – come quello valenziale – produca modifiche anche nelle modalità di insegnamento verso un approccio più attivo e laboratoriale e favorisca negli studenti la motivazione e l’interesse per lo studio della lingua.
Il contributo, destinato a ricercatori e studiosi, ma anche e soprattutto ai docenti di italiano di ogni ordine e grado, propone un curricolo verticale di morfosintassi valenziale dalla primaria al biennio della scuola secondaria di II grado e un modello di lezione-laboratorio, esemplificati da un repertorio di Unità Didattiche di Apprendimento (UDA) sperimentate in classe dai docenti coinvolti dalla ricerca. Le proposte di lavoro in classe sono presentate nella cornice del disegno, del processo e degli strumenti della ricerca che ne sta alla base.