The future status of transgender people in Slovakia is uncertain. In our conference we want to pr... more The future status of transgender people in Slovakia is uncertain. In our conference we want to present arguments for improving their legal status. A special interest is given to transgender adolescent youth.
L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane SMSR 86/2 (2020) STUDI E MATERIALI ... more L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane SMSR 86/2 (2020) STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 86/2 (2020) L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane Nuove vie di indagine
The Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law host an international conference in September ... more The Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law host an international conference in September 2022 related to the situation of Trans-Gender People in Slovakia entitled: „Interdisciplinary Aspects of the Status of Transgender People in Society“. This conference is a part of the research project of the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education Nr. 1/0350/21: „Trans-Identity of minors. Ethical and Legal Aspects related to Informed Consent.“
Martin Luther did not write a specific treatise solely on sin. Nevertheless, the topic of sin is ... more Martin Luther did not write a specific treatise solely on sin. Nevertheless, the topic of sin is important to him. There are very few treatises where the topic of sin does not appear, as there are few treatises where Luther would not use Scripture as the base for his argumentation. Luther’s hermeneutical preconditions for development of the doctrine on sin are both Old Testament and New Testament passages. The beginning of Luther’s doctrine of sin is tied to his discovery of Augustine’s anti-Pelagian writings during his “Lectures on Romans” (1515–1516). Luther equated concupiscence with original sin and reasoned about human passivity in the process of salvation. With the formulation of new reformational theology, the emphasis on original sin as the corruption of bodily and spiritual powers in its universal, total, and radical aspect grew. Luther came to the conviction that peccatum radicale is unbelief in God, a distrust in Christ’s promises, as clearly expressed in his treatise “Th...
The reception of Luther in central Europe has been influenced by the Counter-Reformation and re-C... more The reception of Luther in central Europe has been influenced by the Counter-Reformation and re-Catholicization more than anywhere else. Protestantism was so widespread in this area throughout the 16th century that it largely reduced the Roman Catholic Church to a minority confession, but 500 years later it comprises a majority. The diaspora situation did not leave space for academic research in Luther’s theology. This article focuses on just two regions of central Europe that can serve as typical case studies: parts of the lands of the Bohemian crown, and of the kingdom of Hungary. Similarities could be found in other parts of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, but particular historical complexities make it difficult to speak about central Europe as a whole. In its early phase, Luther’s thought spread primarily in regions where the population was able to read Reformation texts in German: Silesia, North Bohemia, Moravia, Upper Hungary, west Hungary, and Transylvania. From about 152...
V teológii sa uvažovanie o vine objavuje v kontexte náuky o hriechu, pričom hriech nie je len teo... more V teológii sa uvažovanie o vine objavuje v kontexte náuky o hriechu, pričom hriech nie je len teologické pomenovanie pre osobnú vinu. V katolíckej teológii sa poznanie hriechu človeka odvodzuje z pozorovania morálnych zlyhaní v živote človeka. Skutky sú hriešne, pretože sú zlé samé o sebe. Protiprirodzenosť skutku je racionálne pochopiteľná. Dedičný hriech je porušenosť (vitium), do ktorej sa každý človek rodí. Vina (reatus) človeka vzniká až hriešnym skutkom, pre ktorý sa človek slobode rozhodol a nesie zaň aj zodpovednosť. Hriešny skutok je morálne zlý a človek sa mu mohol (mal) vyhnúť. 1 Avšak, ak sa hriech stane prejavom nemorálnosti, potom sa z boja proti nemorálnosti stane boj proti hriechu. Cez "spovedné zrkadlá" v procese poznania seba samého môže človek rozumom spoznať, čo je dobré. Vďaka prirodzeným schopnostiam posilnených milosťou Božou, je vôľa hriešnika schopná chcieť, čo rozum poznáva ako dobré. Vnútorným či vonkajším skutkom vyznania viny sa hriešnik znova začleňuje do náboženského života. Ľútosť nad hriechom, vyznanie viny a snaha o zmenu života sa prejavuje v pokání (poenitentia). Od raného stredoveku patrilo v Západnej cirkvi sviatostné pokánie k siedmym sviatostiam. Pozostávalo z troch častí: skrúšenosť srdca (contritio/attritio), vyznanie hriechov (confessio) a zadosťučinenie (satisfactio). 2 Pod skrúšenosťou srdca sa očakávala intenzívna ľútosť nad hriechmi, ktorá mohla, podľa niektorých teológov, čiastočne spočívať v túžbe dokázať naozaj ľutovať (attritio). Hriešnik bol povinný v rámci pokánia vyznať jednotlivo svoje hriechy kňazovi. Dôležité bolo vyznanie všetkých * Článok vznikol ako súčasť projektu APVV-19-0166 Analýza konceptuálnych a kvalitatívnych domén estetických a morálnych emócií.
Gender dysphoria in adolescents. Ethical issues related to informed consent Transgender therapy i... more Gender dysphoria in adolescents. Ethical issues related to informed consent Transgender therapy is a complex and demanding process for all parties involved: both in regard to the multidisciplinary nature of this therapy, but also in terms of social relations and legal context. The article describes the situation of transgender people, the process of the reassignment, the ethical aspects of informed consent, when concerning underage transgender people and, above all, the institute of informed consent itself. For this reason, it is the aim of this paper to provide an ethical rationale for considerations to lower the age limit of informed consent when concerning adolescent transgender people. Respect for human dignity and the pursuit of the best interests of the child, with regard to the age and degree of maturity, can open the space for ethical justification of taking into account the informed consent of transgender adolescents in completely reversible and partially reversible interventions.
The future status of transgender people in Slovakia is uncertain. In our conference we want to pr... more The future status of transgender people in Slovakia is uncertain. In our conference we want to present arguments for improving their legal status. A special interest is given to transgender adolescent youth.
L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane SMSR 86/2 (2020) STUDI E MATERIALI ... more L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane SMSR 86/2 (2020) STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 86/2 (2020) L'immagine delle religioni indigene nelle cronache novoispane Nuove vie di indagine
The Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law host an international conference in September ... more The Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law host an international conference in September 2022 related to the situation of Trans-Gender People in Slovakia entitled: „Interdisciplinary Aspects of the Status of Transgender People in Society“. This conference is a part of the research project of the Scientific Grant Agency of Ministry of Education Nr. 1/0350/21: „Trans-Identity of minors. Ethical and Legal Aspects related to Informed Consent.“
Martin Luther did not write a specific treatise solely on sin. Nevertheless, the topic of sin is ... more Martin Luther did not write a specific treatise solely on sin. Nevertheless, the topic of sin is important to him. There are very few treatises where the topic of sin does not appear, as there are few treatises where Luther would not use Scripture as the base for his argumentation. Luther’s hermeneutical preconditions for development of the doctrine on sin are both Old Testament and New Testament passages. The beginning of Luther’s doctrine of sin is tied to his discovery of Augustine’s anti-Pelagian writings during his “Lectures on Romans” (1515–1516). Luther equated concupiscence with original sin and reasoned about human passivity in the process of salvation. With the formulation of new reformational theology, the emphasis on original sin as the corruption of bodily and spiritual powers in its universal, total, and radical aspect grew. Luther came to the conviction that peccatum radicale is unbelief in God, a distrust in Christ’s promises, as clearly expressed in his treatise “Th...
The reception of Luther in central Europe has been influenced by the Counter-Reformation and re-C... more The reception of Luther in central Europe has been influenced by the Counter-Reformation and re-Catholicization more than anywhere else. Protestantism was so widespread in this area throughout the 16th century that it largely reduced the Roman Catholic Church to a minority confession, but 500 years later it comprises a majority. The diaspora situation did not leave space for academic research in Luther’s theology. This article focuses on just two regions of central Europe that can serve as typical case studies: parts of the lands of the Bohemian crown, and of the kingdom of Hungary. Similarities could be found in other parts of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, but particular historical complexities make it difficult to speak about central Europe as a whole. In its early phase, Luther’s thought spread primarily in regions where the population was able to read Reformation texts in German: Silesia, North Bohemia, Moravia, Upper Hungary, west Hungary, and Transylvania. From about 152...
V teológii sa uvažovanie o vine objavuje v kontexte náuky o hriechu, pričom hriech nie je len teo... more V teológii sa uvažovanie o vine objavuje v kontexte náuky o hriechu, pričom hriech nie je len teologické pomenovanie pre osobnú vinu. V katolíckej teológii sa poznanie hriechu človeka odvodzuje z pozorovania morálnych zlyhaní v živote človeka. Skutky sú hriešne, pretože sú zlé samé o sebe. Protiprirodzenosť skutku je racionálne pochopiteľná. Dedičný hriech je porušenosť (vitium), do ktorej sa každý človek rodí. Vina (reatus) človeka vzniká až hriešnym skutkom, pre ktorý sa človek slobode rozhodol a nesie zaň aj zodpovednosť. Hriešny skutok je morálne zlý a človek sa mu mohol (mal) vyhnúť. 1 Avšak, ak sa hriech stane prejavom nemorálnosti, potom sa z boja proti nemorálnosti stane boj proti hriechu. Cez "spovedné zrkadlá" v procese poznania seba samého môže človek rozumom spoznať, čo je dobré. Vďaka prirodzeným schopnostiam posilnených milosťou Božou, je vôľa hriešnika schopná chcieť, čo rozum poznáva ako dobré. Vnútorným či vonkajším skutkom vyznania viny sa hriešnik znova začleňuje do náboženského života. Ľútosť nad hriechom, vyznanie viny a snaha o zmenu života sa prejavuje v pokání (poenitentia). Od raného stredoveku patrilo v Západnej cirkvi sviatostné pokánie k siedmym sviatostiam. Pozostávalo z troch častí: skrúšenosť srdca (contritio/attritio), vyznanie hriechov (confessio) a zadosťučinenie (satisfactio). 2 Pod skrúšenosťou srdca sa očakávala intenzívna ľútosť nad hriechmi, ktorá mohla, podľa niektorých teológov, čiastočne spočívať v túžbe dokázať naozaj ľutovať (attritio). Hriešnik bol povinný v rámci pokánia vyznať jednotlivo svoje hriechy kňazovi. Dôležité bolo vyznanie všetkých * Článok vznikol ako súčasť projektu APVV-19-0166 Analýza konceptuálnych a kvalitatívnych domén estetických a morálnych emócií.
Gender dysphoria in adolescents. Ethical issues related to informed consent Transgender therapy i... more Gender dysphoria in adolescents. Ethical issues related to informed consent Transgender therapy is a complex and demanding process for all parties involved: both in regard to the multidisciplinary nature of this therapy, but also in terms of social relations and legal context. The article describes the situation of transgender people, the process of the reassignment, the ethical aspects of informed consent, when concerning underage transgender people and, above all, the institute of informed consent itself. For this reason, it is the aim of this paper to provide an ethical rationale for considerations to lower the age limit of informed consent when concerning adolescent transgender people. Respect for human dignity and the pursuit of the best interests of the child, with regard to the age and degree of maturity, can open the space for ethical justification of taking into account the informed consent of transgender adolescents in completely reversible and partially reversible interventions.
Abstract: To Lutherans, the Augsburg Confession is important despite the widespread ignorance thr... more Abstract: To Lutherans, the Augsburg Confession is important despite the widespread ignorance throughout the church regarding what it actually says. A re-examination of the Augsburg Confession, for example, provides a realistic and profound anthropology, understanding ...
O PRÁVE A NÁBOŽENSTVE V EURÓPSKOM A DOMÁCOM KONTEXTE Sloboda vyznania v histórii a dnes; štát, cirkev a kánonické právo, 2022
V tejto monografii sme si všimli problematiku vzťahu práva a náboženstva (a v súvislosti s tým aj... more V tejto monografii sme si všimli problematiku vzťahu práva a náboženstva (a v súvislosti s tým aj problematiku vzťahu štátu a cirkvi) z hľadiska európskeho i slovenského prostredia. V prvej kapitole sme sa zaoberali niektorými historickými súvislosťami náboženskej slobody a pozornosť sme zamerali predovšetkým na idey protestantskej reformácie, ktorá na európskom kontinente v podstate načala polemiku o slobode človeka ako indivídua (jednotlivca, ktorý stojí pred Bohom sám za seba), čo malo nemalý dopad zvlášť na boj za slobodu náboženstva (svedomia) ako aj slobodu slova a následne ďalších slobôd, ktoré dnes patria medzi „koreňové“ ľudské práva. Ponúkli sme náhľad do myslenia kľúčových osobností reformácie, ako boli Martin Luther, Filipa Melanchthon a Ján Kalvín, a to so zameraním sa na ich pohľady na problematiku, ktorá nás v tejto monografii zaujíma – t. j. na tému vzťahu práva a náboženstva, štátu a cirkvi. Neskôr sa sme sa pokúsili načrtnúť možný dopad ich myšlienok pre dnešok, vďaka čomu má táto monografia charakter nielen právnického pojednania, ale aj politicko-teologického. Naše dôrazy, ktoré sme v tejto monografii z danej politickej teológie vyvodili, sú však v zásade (umiernene) sekularistické.
Conference Presentations by Ľubomír Batka
Papers by Ľubomír Batka