A detailed, research-based introduction to the special section of the Goethe-Yearbook 22, 2015, w... more A detailed, research-based introduction to the special section of the Goethe-Yearbook 22, 2015, which I co-edited with Luke Fischer. We explicate some of Goethe's most central ideas about nature, and the human relation to/place within nature, consider the significance of his thought and his methodology for contemporary environmental philosophy and the environmental humanities in general, situating him within the context of both fields, and address both his theoretical, scientific writings and his practice as a scientist and observer of nature.
A detailed, research-based introduction to the special section of the Goethe-Yearbook 22, 2015, w... more A detailed, research-based introduction to the special section of the Goethe-Yearbook 22, 2015, which I co-edited with Luke Fischer. We explicate some of Goethe's most central ideas about nature, and the human relation to/place within nature, consider the significance of his thought and his methodology for contemporary environmental philosophy and the environmental humanities in general, situating him within the context of both fields, and address both his theoretical, scientific writings and his practice as a scientist and observer of nature.
Papers by Luke Fischer