The Family Perceptions of Physician-Family Caregiver Communication scale (FPPFC) was developed to... more The Family Perceptions of Physician-Family Caregiver Communication scale (FPPFC) was developed to assess quality of physician-family end-of-life communication in nursing homes. However, its validity has been tested only in the USA and the Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the FPPFC construct validity and its reliability, as well as the psychometric characteristics of the items comprising the scale. Data were collected in cross-sectional study in Belgium, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. The factorial structure was tested in confirmatory factor analysis. Item parameters were obtained using an item response theory model. Participants were 737 relatives of nursing home residents who died up to 3 months prior to the study. In general, the FPPFC scale proved to be a unidimensional and reliable measure of the perceived quality of physician-family communication in nursing home settings in all five countries. Nevertheless, we found unsatisfactory fit to the data w...
Background: Breast cancer, with 2.3 million new cases and 0.7 million deaths every year, represen... more Background: Breast cancer, with 2.3 million new cases and 0.7 million deaths every year, represents a great medical challenge worldwide. These numbers confirm that approx. 30% of BC patients will develop an incurable disease requiring life-long, palliative systemic treatment. Endocrine treatment and chemotherapy administered in a sequential fashion are the basic treatment options in advanced ER+/HER2- BC, which is the most common BC type. The palliative, long-term treatment of advanced BC should not only be highly active but also minimally toxic to allow long-term survival with the optimal quality of life. A combination of metronomic chemotherapy (MC) with endocrine treatment (ET) in patients who failed earlier lines of ET represents an interesting and promising option. Methods: The methodology includes retrospective data analyses of pretreated, metastatic ER+/HER2- BC (mBC) patients who were treated with the FulVEC regimen combining fulvestrant and MC (cyclophosphamide, vinorelbine...
Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze ... more Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze efekty kształcenia niż koedukacja? W artykule przedstawiono uzasadnienia teoretyczne i nieliczne próby weryfikacji mechanizmów oddziaływania edukacji prowadzonej w grupach jednorodnych płciowo na wyniki uczniów. Tekst uzupełnia literaturę przedmiotu, która do tej pory ogniskowała się na próbach dostarczenia jednoznacznych rozstrzygnięć na korzyść jednorodnej lub mieszanej płciowo formy organizacji nauczania.Why could we expect that single-sex education may lead to better educational results than coeducation? The article presents the available theoretical justifications for single-sex education along with the rare attempts of their empirical validation. Such a description fills a gap in the literature on this topic, which has so far mainly focused on reporting effects to support claims about the advantages of one over the other form of schooling, while missing an exploration of the mechan...
Rozdział traktuje o strategiach walki z pandemią, a konkretnie o politykach publicznych wdrożonyc... more Rozdział traktuje o strategiach walki z pandemią, a konkretnie o politykach publicznych wdrożonych przez poszczególne państwa w odpowiedzi na pandemię COVID-19. Przedstawiono także rekomendacje dla twórców polityk publicznych dotyczące planowania interwencji, mających na celu zatrzymanie pandemii. Przedstawiono także porównanie strategii wdrożonych przez państwa OECD, jak również zalecenia dotyczące prowadzenia analiz danych zastanych, wykorzystujących informacje z baz agregujących informacje o podjętych przez państwa interwencjach
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
Countries that have judicial discretion in their legal system usually struggle with sentencing di... more Countries that have judicial discretion in their legal system usually struggle with sentencing disparities. This is no different in Poland. The current study examined whether extralegal factors such as age, sex, education, marital status, number of children, and having a job impact sentencing disparities. We examined court files from 13 district courts in Poland for two offenses: drug possession and drunk driving. Our findings show that sex, age, and number of children have no or little effect on outcomes, whilst marital status and employment status have small to medium effects on sentencing. The clearest result pattern to emerge from our analyses is that defendants with tertiary education are treated more leniently than those with primary or lower secondary education.
Qualitative comparative analysis is increasingly popular as a methodological option in the evalua... more Qualitative comparative analysis is increasingly popular as a methodological option in the evaluator’s toolkit. However, evaluators who are willing to apply it face inconsistent suggestions regarding the choice of the ‘solution term’. These inconsistent suggestions reflect a current broad debate among proponents of two approaches to qualitative comparative analysis. The first approach focuses on substantial interpretability and the second on redundancy-free results. We offer three questions to guide the choice of a solution term in the context of impact multi-method evaluation research. They are related to the intended use of the findings, goals of the analysis and regularity theory of causality. Finally, we showcase guidelines through three potential applications of qualitative comparative analysis. The guiding questions would almost always lead to choosing the substantial interpretability approach. However, the redundancy-free approach should not be disregarded. Whatever the choic...
Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze ... more Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze efekty kształcenia niż koedukacja? W artykule przedstawiono uzasadnienia teoretyczne i nieliczne próby weryfikacji mechanizmów oddziaływania edukacji prowadzonej w grupach jednorodnych płciowo na wyniki uczniów. Tekst uzupełnia literaturę przedmiotu, która do tej pory ogniskowała się na próbach dostarczenia jednoznacznych rozstrzygnięć na korzyść jednorodnej lub mieszanej płciowo formy organizacji nauczania.
This paper reports a study addressing how teacher effectiveness influences student outcomes in Po... more This paper reports a study addressing how teacher effectiveness influences student outcomes in Polish Lower Secondary schools. Data from a Polish nationwide lower secondary school study were analysed. Data included 3883 pupils in 246 classes, in 137 schools with 202 maths teachers and 4119 pupils in 260 classes, in 143 schools with 215 language teachers. Variance of exam scores explained by teacher effect was 12% (maths) and 8% (language skills). Controlling for prior achievement, intelligence and student family background, teacher effects were 5% (maths) and 4% (language skills). Until now there has been no consensus about which teacher characteristics could explain variance in their effectiveness. The scale of “teacher authority/classroom management” explains 91% of exam scores in maths and 81% in language skills, when controlling for prior student achievement, intelligence, student family background and school location.
Artykuł napisany na podstawie pracy magisterskiej przygotowanej pod kierunkiem dra hab. Jarosława... more Artykuł napisany na podstawie pracy magisterskiej przygotowanej pod kierunkiem dra hab. Jarosława Górniaka w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Adres do korespondencji: Maciej Koniewski, Zakład Socjologii Gospodarki, Edukacji i Metod Badań Społecznych, Instytut Socjologii UJ, ul. Grodzka 52, 31044 Kraków. Adres e-mail: * Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie E polityka edukacyjna państwa, której zadaniem jest racjonalna alokacja dostępnych zasobów w celu ciągłego podnoszenia jakości kształcenia, powinna z namysłem korzystać z wyników badań naukowych. Rolą badań edukacyjnych jest natomiast dostarczanie wiedzy na temat siły i kierunku zależności między jakością nauczania a innymi czynnikami, szczególnie tymi na które mamy wpływ, poprzez decyzje administracyjne i finansowanie. Jednym z tych czynników jest liczebność klasy. Ten problem rzadko jest poruszany w polskiej debacie publicznej, od czasu do czasu wychodzi...
The Family Perceptions of Physician-Family Caregiver Communication scale (FPPFC) was developed to... more The Family Perceptions of Physician-Family Caregiver Communication scale (FPPFC) was developed to assess quality of physician-family end-of-life communication in nursing homes. However, its validity has been tested only in the USA and the Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the FPPFC construct validity and its reliability, as well as the psychometric characteristics of the items comprising the scale. Data were collected in cross-sectional study in Belgium, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. The factorial structure was tested in confirmatory factor analysis. Item parameters were obtained using an item response theory model. Participants were 737 relatives of nursing home residents who died up to 3 months prior to the study. In general, the FPPFC scale proved to be a unidimensional and reliable measure of the perceived quality of physician-family communication in nursing home settings in all five countries. Nevertheless, we found unsatisfactory fit to the data w...
Background: Breast cancer, with 2.3 million new cases and 0.7 million deaths every year, represen... more Background: Breast cancer, with 2.3 million new cases and 0.7 million deaths every year, represents a great medical challenge worldwide. These numbers confirm that approx. 30% of BC patients will develop an incurable disease requiring life-long, palliative systemic treatment. Endocrine treatment and chemotherapy administered in a sequential fashion are the basic treatment options in advanced ER+/HER2- BC, which is the most common BC type. The palliative, long-term treatment of advanced BC should not only be highly active but also minimally toxic to allow long-term survival with the optimal quality of life. A combination of metronomic chemotherapy (MC) with endocrine treatment (ET) in patients who failed earlier lines of ET represents an interesting and promising option. Methods: The methodology includes retrospective data analyses of pretreated, metastatic ER+/HER2- BC (mBC) patients who were treated with the FulVEC regimen combining fulvestrant and MC (cyclophosphamide, vinorelbine...
Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze ... more Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze efekty kształcenia niż koedukacja? W artykule przedstawiono uzasadnienia teoretyczne i nieliczne próby weryfikacji mechanizmów oddziaływania edukacji prowadzonej w grupach jednorodnych płciowo na wyniki uczniów. Tekst uzupełnia literaturę przedmiotu, która do tej pory ogniskowała się na próbach dostarczenia jednoznacznych rozstrzygnięć na korzyść jednorodnej lub mieszanej płciowo formy organizacji nauczania.Why could we expect that single-sex education may lead to better educational results than coeducation? The article presents the available theoretical justifications for single-sex education along with the rare attempts of their empirical validation. Such a description fills a gap in the literature on this topic, which has so far mainly focused on reporting effects to support claims about the advantages of one over the other form of schooling, while missing an exploration of the mechan...
Rozdział traktuje o strategiach walki z pandemią, a konkretnie o politykach publicznych wdrożonyc... more Rozdział traktuje o strategiach walki z pandemią, a konkretnie o politykach publicznych wdrożonych przez poszczególne państwa w odpowiedzi na pandemię COVID-19. Przedstawiono także rekomendacje dla twórców polityk publicznych dotyczące planowania interwencji, mających na celu zatrzymanie pandemii. Przedstawiono także porównanie strategii wdrożonych przez państwa OECD, jak również zalecenia dotyczące prowadzenia analiz danych zastanych, wykorzystujących informacje z baz agregujących informacje o podjętych przez państwa interwencjach
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
Countries that have judicial discretion in their legal system usually struggle with sentencing di... more Countries that have judicial discretion in their legal system usually struggle with sentencing disparities. This is no different in Poland. The current study examined whether extralegal factors such as age, sex, education, marital status, number of children, and having a job impact sentencing disparities. We examined court files from 13 district courts in Poland for two offenses: drug possession and drunk driving. Our findings show that sex, age, and number of children have no or little effect on outcomes, whilst marital status and employment status have small to medium effects on sentencing. The clearest result pattern to emerge from our analyses is that defendants with tertiary education are treated more leniently than those with primary or lower secondary education.
Qualitative comparative analysis is increasingly popular as a methodological option in the evalua... more Qualitative comparative analysis is increasingly popular as a methodological option in the evaluator’s toolkit. However, evaluators who are willing to apply it face inconsistent suggestions regarding the choice of the ‘solution term’. These inconsistent suggestions reflect a current broad debate among proponents of two approaches to qualitative comparative analysis. The first approach focuses on substantial interpretability and the second on redundancy-free results. We offer three questions to guide the choice of a solution term in the context of impact multi-method evaluation research. They are related to the intended use of the findings, goals of the analysis and regularity theory of causality. Finally, we showcase guidelines through three potential applications of qualitative comparative analysis. The guiding questions would almost always lead to choosing the substantial interpretability approach. However, the redundancy-free approach should not be disregarded. Whatever the choic...
Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze ... more Dlaczego można się spodziewać, że edukacja zróżnicowana ze względu na płeć może przynosić lepsze efekty kształcenia niż koedukacja? W artykule przedstawiono uzasadnienia teoretyczne i nieliczne próby weryfikacji mechanizmów oddziaływania edukacji prowadzonej w grupach jednorodnych płciowo na wyniki uczniów. Tekst uzupełnia literaturę przedmiotu, która do tej pory ogniskowała się na próbach dostarczenia jednoznacznych rozstrzygnięć na korzyść jednorodnej lub mieszanej płciowo formy organizacji nauczania.
This paper reports a study addressing how teacher effectiveness influences student outcomes in Po... more This paper reports a study addressing how teacher effectiveness influences student outcomes in Polish Lower Secondary schools. Data from a Polish nationwide lower secondary school study were analysed. Data included 3883 pupils in 246 classes, in 137 schools with 202 maths teachers and 4119 pupils in 260 classes, in 143 schools with 215 language teachers. Variance of exam scores explained by teacher effect was 12% (maths) and 8% (language skills). Controlling for prior achievement, intelligence and student family background, teacher effects were 5% (maths) and 4% (language skills). Until now there has been no consensus about which teacher characteristics could explain variance in their effectiveness. The scale of “teacher authority/classroom management” explains 91% of exam scores in maths and 81% in language skills, when controlling for prior student achievement, intelligence, student family background and school location.
Artykuł napisany na podstawie pracy magisterskiej przygotowanej pod kierunkiem dra hab. Jarosława... more Artykuł napisany na podstawie pracy magisterskiej przygotowanej pod kierunkiem dra hab. Jarosława Górniaka w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Adres do korespondencji: Maciej Koniewski, Zakład Socjologii Gospodarki, Edukacji i Metod Badań Społecznych, Instytut Socjologii UJ, ul. Grodzka 52, 31044 Kraków. Adres e-mail: * Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie E polityka edukacyjna państwa, której zadaniem jest racjonalna alokacja dostępnych zasobów w celu ciągłego podnoszenia jakości kształcenia, powinna z namysłem korzystać z wyników badań naukowych. Rolą badań edukacyjnych jest natomiast dostarczanie wiedzy na temat siły i kierunku zależności między jakością nauczania a innymi czynnikami, szczególnie tymi na które mamy wpływ, poprzez decyzje administracyjne i finansowanie. Jednym z tych czynników jest liczebność klasy. Ten problem rzadko jest poruszany w polskiej debacie publicznej, od czasu do czasu wychodzi...
The aim of the paper is to present a technique of selecting beneficiaries for qualitative researc... more The aim of the paper is to present a technique of selecting beneficiaries for qualitative research, based on statistical matching, as well as to show the benefits resulting from its application. The technique will be described against the background of counterfactual analyses and based on experience from the application of this technique during the ex post evaluation of selected measures of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy, OPIE. The main purpose of the study was to estimate what level of observed changes in enterprises which implemented projects under OPIE is the direct effect of the Programme. As part of the study, the effects of Programme Measures 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 and 8.2 were analysed. The estimation covered both the net effects (comparing the beneficiary’s situation after the project completion to a hypothetical scenario in which no support would be granted to that beneficiary) and the relative effects (comparing the beneficiary’s situation after the project completion to a hypothetical scenario in which the beneficiary would have used support under a different measure). The qualitative component was supplemented by qualitative analyses, and its aim was to analyse the success and failure factors of the companies supported under the Measure 4.4.
Papers by Maciej Koniewski
against the background of counterfactual analyses and based on experience from the application of this technique during the ex post evaluation of selected measures of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy, OPIE. The main purpose of the study was to estimate what level of observed changes in enterprises which implemented projects under OPIE is the direct effect of the Programme. As part of the study, the effects of Programme Measures 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 and 8.2 were analysed. The estimation covered both the net effects (comparing the beneficiary’s situation after the project completion to a hypothetical scenario in which no
support would be granted to that beneficiary) and the relative effects (comparing the beneficiary’s situation after the project completion to a hypothetical scenario in which the beneficiary would have used support under a different measure). The qualitative component was supplemented by qualitative analyses, and its aim was to analyse the success and failure factors of the companies supported under the Measure 4.4.