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Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender MANJOLA BANJA Via Piave, 15, Varese, 21100 Italy +390332783992 HHUU Manjola.BANJA@ec.europa.eu +393299162476 m.banja@yahoo.com Albanian 10/03/1967 Female Occupational field Energy Environment Employment history Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 16.03.2015-now Contract Agent (F IV) – Scientific/Technical Support Officer , Sustainability of Bioenergy; Renewable Energy Monitoring and Mapping for Europe and Africa Database management and dissemination 755 RE-PORT Work Package Leader (243 REEU+ project); 5053 BioenerAssmod Work Package Leader (569 Bioeconomy project) Participation Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer WPK 3549 E3P (Development of the European Energy Efficiency Platform) WPK 3888-WEF-AFRIMED Directorate C: Energy, Transport and Climate, Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit, JRC, European Commission, Ispra-Italy 01.05.2011-31.12.2014 Seconded National Expert Sustainability of Bioenergy; Renewable Energy Mapping for Europe and Africa Institute for Energy and Transport, Renewable Energy Unit, JRC, European Commission, Ispra-Italy 01.01.2008-now Scientific researcher Air pollution management, monitoring, modelling Institute of Energy, Water and Environment ( ex- Hydrometeorological Institute), 01.05.2003 – 31.12.2007 Deputy Director Hydrometeorological activities management & Air Pollution Management, Monitoring, Modelling Hydrometeorological Institute, Academy of Sciences of Albania 01.09.1990 – 30.04.2003 Scientific researcher Air pollution Management, Monitoring, Modelling Hydrometeorological Institute, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Page 1/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Education Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates 2005 - 2008 PhD in Atmospheric Physics Air Pollution and Meteorology University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences 2004 Title of qualification awarded Master in Science Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Air Pollution Chemistry University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences Dates 1990 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Bachelor Degree Chemistry Engineer University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences Professional experience Dates 2012 - now Location Ispra, Italy Position Database management and dissemination Subject 1. National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) and biennial Progress Reports (NREAPs and Progress Reports Data Portal & Renewable Energy Data Viewer) ; 2. Support to EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) – Danube Renewable Energy Information Tool Name and type of organisation Dates Directorate C – Energy, Transport and Climate, JRC, EC 2009-2011 Location Albania Position Supervisor Subject First Level Student Thesis ( Environment) Name and type of organization Dates Polytechnic University, Faculty of Construction Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering 2009-2010 Location Albania Position Local expert Subject EU Project” Implementation of the National Plan for Approximation of Environmental Legislation in Albania Name and type of organization Dates Agrotec S.p.a, Italy 2008-2010 Location Albania Position Coordinator/ expert Subject S&T cooperation program Albania-Italy Project “ Use of diffusive sampling monitoring for the evaluation and prevention of air pollution” Name and type of organization PTU, Institute of Energy, Water and Environment Page 2/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 2006-2009 Location Albania Position Coordinator/ Expert Subject NATO SfP Project “ Modelling system for emergency response to the release of harmful substances in the atmosphere” ( MM5 and CAMx models) Name and type of organization Dates NATO SfP, PTU, Institute of Energy, Water and Environment 2008 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Project “Disaster risk mitigation and adaptation”, World Bank Report no. 43380- AL Name and type of organization Dates World Bank / PTU, Institute of Energy, Water and Environment 01.10 – 30.11.2008 Location Albany, US Position Environmental Consultant Subject Air Pollution Modelling – Aermod Model Name and type of organization Dates Trinity Consultants 2008 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Project “ Sustainable Development of Traffic in Tirana” Name and type of organization Dates ECAT-Tirana 2007 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Name and type of organisation Dates 0B0B World Bank/ISDR 1 /WMO Project “Meteorological and hydrological information sharing – status, needs, capacity building in south-east Europe” FF FF Hydrometeorological Institute –Academy of Sciences of Albania/ WMO/ WB 2005-2007 Location Albania Position Coordinator/Expert Subject S&T cooperation program Albania-Greece Project “ Influence of meteorological elements in the air pollutants transport in the atmosphere” Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania 2005-2007 Location Albania Position Expert Subject S&T cooperation program Albania-Italy Project “ Environmental isotopic composition of precipitations and their application in the climate change” Name and type of organization Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania Page 3/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 2005-2007 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Project “ Adriatic sea integrated coastal areas and river basin management: System pilot project-extension”, ADRICOSM-EXT Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania/ UNESCO/IOC 2005-2007 Location Albania Position Coordinator/Expert Subject Monitoring of Air Quality in Albania Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania/ Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration 2005-2006 Location Albania Position Coordinator Subject Study of environmental conditions of the industrial area of Porto-Romano, Maritime system Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania / ISMAR-CNR, Italy 2004-2006 Location Albania Position Coordinator/Expert Subject Pilot Project “Development and upgrade of hydrometeorological information and forecasting system for Sava River Basin” Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania / WMO 2006 Location Albania Position Expert Subject WMO Country – Level Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Program Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania / WMO 2006 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Lake Shkodra Transboundary Diagnostics Analysis ( Reference no. 9P6515/R/FKE/Nijm) Name and type of organization Dates Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania / Royal Haskoning Nederland B.V Water / WMO 2002 - 2006 Location Albania Position Teacher (part –time) Subject Organic Chemistry Name and type of organization Dates University of Agriculture of Tirana, Department of Chemistry 2005 Location Albania Position Expert Page 4/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Subject Name and type of organization European Commission Project “ Albania – Environmental Legislation and Planning” ( Reference no. Europe Aid/118904/C/SV/AL) - ELPA Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania/ EC Dates 2004 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Name and type of organisation Dates Internationally Shared Surface Water Bodies in the Balkan Region, Characteristics and state of policies of River basins ZINKE Environment Consulting, Vienna /UNESCO /INWEB 2004 Location Albania Position Expert Subject National Plan for Civil Emergency Name and type of organisation Albanian Ministry of Interior Affairs Dates Location 2002-2004 Albania Position Coordinator/Expert Subject Name and type of organisation Dates S&T cooperation Albania – Italy Project “Meteorological and Air Pollution Modeling in Coastal Area with Complex Orography” Hydrometeorological Institute- Academy of Sciences of Albania – ISAC, CNR, Lecce-Italy 1998 - 2001 Location Albania Position Expert Subject Monitoring of Air Quality in Albania Name and type of organisation Dates Hydrometeorological Institute-Academy of Sciences of Albania / National Environment Agency of Albania 1995-1996 Location Albania Position Coordinator/Expert Subject EC, PECO Program Project “ South European cycle of air pollutants” (SECAP) Name and type of organisation Hydrometeorological Institute – Academy of Sciences of Albania / IIA-CNR, Roma-Italy Training, Workshops & Conferences Dates 15-16.05.2017 Location Luxembourg Position Energy Statistics Working Group Meeting Name and type of organization Dates Eurostat (ESTAT 5), EC 10.11.2016 Location Ispra, Italy Position Workshop Subject "Use of Tableau for renewable energy data visualization" – Presentation at JRC Visualisation Workshop - Name and type of organization Joint Research Centre, European Commission Page 5/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 03-04.11.2016 Location Bratislava, Slovakia Position 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Subject "JRC Bioenergy Nexus" – Presentation at JRC workshop Name and type of organization Dates Slovak Republic and European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, DG REGIO and Directorate-General of the Joint Research Centre, DG JRC) 16 – 17.06.2016 Location Luxembourg Position Energy Statistics Working Group Meeting Name and type of organization Dates Eurostat (ESTAT 5), EC 11-12.06.2016 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject Application of decomposition analysis to investigate energy consumption trends in Europe Name and type of organization Dates Joint Research Centre, European Commission 10.05.2016 Location Hague, Netherlands Position Workshop Subject Indicators: user requirements, methodological issues and communication challenges Name and type of organization Dates Location European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) 10.09.2015 Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject INSPIRE Basics Name and type of organization Dates Joint Research Centre, European Commission 11.09.2015 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject INSPIRE Utilisation Name and type of organisation Dates Joint Research Centre, European Commission 07-08.03.2013 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject Scientific writing Name and type of organization Dates Joint Research Centre, European Commission 19-20.06.2013 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject Clear writing Name and type of organization Joint Research Centre, European Commission Page 6/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 18-21 June 2012 Location Milan, Italy Position 20th European Conference Subject Biomass Name and type of organization Dates European Commission, Regione Lombardia, UNESCO,WCRE, EUBIA etc. 03-04.04.2012 Location Petten, Netherlands Position Workshop Subject Assessment of the potential of pumped hydropower storage Name and type of organization Dates SETIS, IET-JRC-EC 12 – 14.03.2012 Location Marseille, France Position 6th World Water Forum Subject Water Name and type of organization Dates FAO, UNEP, UNESCO etc. 08-10.11 2011 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject Exploring ENVI Name and type of organization Dates EXELIS (Visual Information Solutions) 17-18.10.2011 Location Ispra, Italy Position Training course Subject Introducing LINUX Name and type of organization Joint Research Centre, European Commission Dates March 2011 Location Tirana-Albania Position Training Subject ArcGis Name and type of organization Dates GIS-DATA Albania 14-15.10.2010 Location Raleigh, North Carolina-USA Position Training Subject CMAQ advanced training course Name and type of organization Dates CMAS - USA 09-10.11.2009 Location Ispra, Italy Position Workshop Subject “Uncertainty in air pollution measurements ” Name and type of organization IES, JRC, Ispra, Italy Page 7/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 15-17.09..2009 Location Krakow, Poland Position International Conference Subject “Measuring air pollutants by diffusive sampling and other low cost monitoring techniques ” Name and type of organization Dates AAMG-UK/ EC,JRC,Ispra-Italy/ NPL-UK/ RIVM-Netherland/ VITO-Belgium 12 – 14.11.2008 Location Albany, USA Position Training Subject “Practical Air Dispersion Modelling” Name and type of organization Dates Location Trinity Consultants 13-16.10.2008 Ispra, Italy Position Workshop Subject “Intercomparison exercise on air quality” Name and type of organization Dates IES, JRC-Ispra, Italy 07 – 11.07. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Training Subject “ International Research Training Program on EU project development and management” Name and type of organization Dates Academy of Sciences of Albania and Genardo Ltd. 09.07. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Training Subject “ Quality control at analytical laboratories” Name and type of organization Dates Directorate of Accreditation of Albania 08.07. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Training Subject “ Measurement of uncertainty linked with ISO 17025” Name and type of organization Dates Directorate of Accreditation of Albania 01.07. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Training Subject “ ISO 17025” Name and type of organization Dates Directorate of Accreditation of Albania 20-26.04.2008 Location Bangkok, Thailand Position Regional Seminar Subject “ Air Pollution Management” Name and type of organization SIDA Page 8/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 26.02. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop Subject “ Legal and technical aspects of certified emission reduction ( CERs) and carbon market transactions” Name and type of organization Dates Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea / University of Siena 24.01. 2008 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop, Presentation “ Air Quality Methods and Equipments” Subject “Monitoring system in Albania” Name and type of organization Dates EU Project “Strengthening of Environmental Monitoring in Albania” (StEMA) 11-13.12.2007 Location Albania Position Training Subject “Quality control/assurance of analytical analysis” Name and type of organization Dates EU Project “Strengthening of Environmental Monitoring in Albania” (StEMA) 06.12.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop, Presentation “ Diffusive sampling- an effective alternative for air quality assessment” Subject “Sustainable traffic development in Tirana, Albania” Name and type of organization ECAT-Tirana Dates 23-24.11.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop Subject “Environmental features and sustainable development of the Albanian and Apulia wetlands” Name and type of organization Academy of Science of Albania/ University of Bari, Italy. Interreg IIIA Italy - Albania Dates 12-13.11.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position National Conference, Presentation “ Hydrometeorology and Civil Emergency” Subject Civil Emergency Name and type of organization Directorate of Emergency, Ministry of Interior Affairs Dates 07-09.11.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop , Presentation “ Water quality data management” Subject Network of environmental information and dissemination in Albania Name and type of organization Dates Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration/ UNEP-DEWA 07-12.10.2007 Location Essen, Germany Position Workshop Subject Intercomparison exercise on air quality Name and type of organization IES-JRC-Ispra / WHO-Germany Page 9/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 02.09-05.10.2007 Location Norrkoping, Sweden Position Training Subject “Air pollution management” Name and type of organization SIDA and SMHI Dates 01 – 10.08.2007 Location Sofia, Bulgaria Position Training course Subject Modeling transport and transformation in the atmosphere ( SMOKE, WRF and CAMx models) Name and type of organization Dates NMHI-Bulgaria and CMAS-USA 27.04.2007 Location Podgorica, Montenegro Position National Coordinator Subject Regional Meeting of the Project “Development and upgrade of Hydrometeorological Information and Forecasting system for Sava River Basin” Name and type of organization Dates WMO 24.04.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop Subject “CARDS 2003 Program ”Support for Standards, Certification and Accreditation in Albania” Europe Aid/120467/C/SV/AL” Name and type of organization Dates General Directory of Accreditation of Albania 17.04.2007 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop Subject “DMCSEE (Drought Management Center for South Eastern Europe)” Name and type of organization WMO Dates 27.06.2006 Location Tirana, Albania Position National Conference Subject “Improvement of air quality” Name and type of organization Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration of Albania Dates 21.06.2006 Location Tirana, Albania Position Workshop Subject “Emission Inventories in Albania” Name and type of organization Dates StEMA Project June.2006 Location Rogla, Slovenia Position Training Subject “Ion-Chromatography School” Name and type of organization EC / ISIC Page 10/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 02 – 07.04.2006 Location Langen, Germany Position Workshop Subject Intercomparison exersice on air quality Name and type of organization Dates Location WHO-Germany 25.01.2006 Tirana, Albania Position Expert Subject “Second meeting of Steering Committee - ELPA Project” Name and type of organization Dates Location Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration 05-06.09.2005 Heidelberg, Germany Position Albanian Delegation Member Subject Technical Conference “International Cooperation in Weather, Climate and Water Issues in Europe, Challenges and Opportunities” Name and type of organization Dates WMO 30.05-04.06.2005 Location Xanthi, Greece Position Workshop Subject “Bridging the gap between scientist and river basin organizations” Name and type of organization INWEB/UNESCO Dates 19 – 20.01.2005 Location Tirana, Albania Position National Training Course, Presentation “ State-of-art of river monitoring in Albania” Subject Mediterranean River Monitoring Name and type of organization Dates MAP-MED POL/ Ministry of Environment of Albania / GEF 18 – 20.10.2004 Location Thessaloniki, Greece Position Workshop Subject “Development of an inventory of internationally shared surface waters in Southern-Eastern Europe”(SEE) Name and type of organization Dates INWEB/UNESCO 21 – 23.10.2004 Location Thessaloniki, Greece Position Workshop Subject “Key issues for sustainable management of transboundary aquifers in Mediterranean and in South Eastern Europe” Name and type of organization Dates INWEB/UNESCO-ISARM 20 – 24.09.2004 Location Gozo, Malta Position Training Subject “ Landscape integrity for sustainability in the coastal zone” Name and type of organisation ICS-UNIDO/ International Environment University of Malta Page 11/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Dates 13-15.06.2002 Location Halkidiki, Greece Position Workshop Subject NATO Advanced Research Workshop “ Air pollution processes in regional scale” Name and type of organisation Dates Albanian Ministry of Interior Affairs 20.09 – 15.10.1999 Location Warsaw, Kativice, Krakow, Gdine-Poland Position Training Subject “On-Job training course in the field of air pollution monitoring” Name and type of organisation Dates IMGW 1994 Location Tirana, Albania Position Training Subject “Gestion de l’environnment et developpement durable” Name and type of organisation UNDP Dates 11 – 15.10.1993 Location Halkidiki, Greece Position Training Subject “Background atmospheric composition monitoring” Name and type of organisation Dates WMO/BERDI 09-18.02.1993 Location Valleta, Malta Position Training Subject “Monitoring and assessment of airborne pollution in Mediterranean” Name and type of organisation WMO/UNEP/ University of Malta Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Other language(s) Albanian English, Italian, German Self-assessment Understanding Listening Speaking Reading Writing Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Italian C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 German Page 12/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja Other Contribution to 1. SWD (2014) 259 final – " State of play on the sustainability of solid and gaseous biomass used for electricity,heating and cooling in the EU", https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/2014_biomass_state_of_play_.pdf 2. SWD (2016) 418 final – "Impact assessment – Sustainability of bioenergy" (accompanying the document " Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast)"), https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/1_en_impact_assessment_part4_v4_418.pdf Reviewer of 1. "Renewables 2016 - Global Status Report" – REN 21 2. "Renewables 2017 – Global Status Report" – REN 21 Membership License Computer skills and competences 1. INTAD6 ( World Meteorological Organisation) 2. Vice-Director of Technical Committee for the Certification of Environmental Management System and Auditing, Albanian Accreditation Directorate 3. Member of Energy Statistics Working Group –Eurostat (EC) since June 2013. Regularly participation in ESWG meetings (twice per year) . Environmental Impact Assessment Expert (Decision No.6, Registered No.210) dt. 02.08.2006 Microsoft Office, Minitab 15, Screen3, Breeze-Screen3, Breeze-Aermod, WRPLOT View, ArcGis v.9.3, ENVI, Tableau Desktop v.9.3 & v.10.1, Tableau Server v.10 Studies & Reports 2017 (coauth) "Mitigating Climate Change: Renewables in the EU – Cutting greenhouse gas emissions through renewables", REPORT EUR 28677 EN, Directorate C- Energy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, 2017 (coauth) "Climate-effectiveness of renewable energy and the impact of ‘co-benefits and trade-offs’ related to bioenergy implementation" – Spijker E, Szendrei K, Sikkema R, Banja M., (submitted for review) 2017 (coauth) "Renewable energy deployment in the European Union" – Report EUR 28512 EN, Directorate CEnergy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/renewable-energydeployment-european-union-renewable-energy-european-union-further-renewable 2016 (coauth) "Sustainable energy in the Danube region as an integral part of EU 2020 strategy" – Report 27730 EN, Directorate C- Energy, Transport and Climate, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/sustainable-energy-danube-region-integral-part-eu-2020-strategy 2015 (coauth) "Renewable energy technologies/sources path within EU 2020 strategy", Report 27447 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2015 (coauth) "Renewable Energy in Europe for Climate Change Mitigation - GHG emission savings due to renewable energy (2009-2012)" – Report EUR 27253 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2015 (coauth) "Renewable energy policy framework and bioenergy contribution in the European Union – An overview from National Renewable Energy Action Plans and Progress Reports", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 51, November 2015, Pages 969–985, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364032115006346 2015 (coauth) "Snapshot of renewable energy development in the EU- Vol.2", Report 27182 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2015 (coauth) "Energy use in the EU food sector: State of play and opportunities for improvement", Report 27247 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2013 (coauth) "Renewable Energy Progress in EU 27 (2005-2020), Report 26481 EN, , Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2013 (coauth) "Snapshots of renewable energy development in European Union. Status in 2010 and progress in comparison with NREAPs", Report 26338 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2013 (coauth) " Bioenergy and Water", Report EUR 26160 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ Page 13/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja 2013 (coauth) "Renewable Energy Development in EU 27 (2009-2010)", Report 26166 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2013 (coauth) "Renewable Energy Snapshots 2013", Report 26006 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2013 (coauth) "Review of Technical Assessment of National renewable Action Plans", Report 25757 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2012 (coauth) "Renewable Energy Snapshots 2012", Report EUR 25756 EN, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/remea/ 2011 (auth) "Existing Legislation on Approaches to Regulate the Lifecycle of GHG of Fuels", Desk-Study, Institute for Energy and Transport, Joint Research Centre, European Commission 2008 (auth) “Tirana Air Quality Report” EU/LIFE Program / German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety / ECAT-Tirana http://www.ecat-tirana.org/project4/imazhe/Tirana%20Air%20Quality%20Report.pdf 2007 (coauth) Internationally Shared Aquifers in the Balkan Region- Transboundary karst aquifers UNESCO Chair and Network / INWEB-Aristotle University of Thessaloniki http://www.isarm.org/dynamics/modules/SFIL0100/view.php?fil_Id=265 2007 (coauth) South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Management Initiative ( SEEDRMI)- Final report UN-ISDR / WB/ RMSI http://www.preventionweb.net/files/2695_SEEDRMI.pdf 2007 (coauth) “Monitoring Program of Air Quality – 2007” Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration / Hydrometeorological Institute http://www.moe.gov.al/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=94&Itemid=40 2006 (coauth) “Monitoring Program of Air Quality – 2006” Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration / Hydrometeorological Institute http://www.moe.gov.al/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=94&Itemid=40 2005 (coauth) “ Monitoring Program of Air Quality – 2005” Ministry of Environment / Hydrometeorological Institute http://www.moe.gov.al/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=94&Itemid=40 2005 (coauth) “ Strengthening the Hydrometeorological Services in South Eastern Europe” – South Eastern Europe Disaster Risk Management and Adoption Programme WB / ISDR/ WMO/Finnish Meteorological Institute http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/dra/eur/documents/DRRSEE%20Project/Strength_hydromet_SEE.pdf 2004 (coauth) Internationally Shared Surface Water Bodies in the Balkan Region – Characteristics and State of Policies of River Basins Zinke Environmental Consulting / UNESCO /INWEB and German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety / GEF http://www.zinke.at/WFDmain.htm Papers/Posters 2017 (coauth) "Climate-effectiveness of renewable energy and the impact of ‘co-benefits and trade-offs’ related to bioenergy implementation" – Spijker E, Szendrei K, Sikkema R, Banja M., (peer review - submitted) 2017 (coauth) "Biomass for energy in Albania: state of play and opportunities for the future" – Banja M. Jaupaj O, Merkoci A, Rroco E, Dallemand JF, Motola V., (peer review – in the submission process) 2017 (coauth) "Biomass supply for energy use in the European Union" – An overview from national renewable energy action plans and progress reports", Banja M, Scarlat N. Dallemand J.F, Sikkema R., 25th EUBCE, 12-15.06.2017. Stockholm, Sweden 2016 (coauth) "Bioenergy roadmap in Danube region: role of European Union 2020 strategy" -Banja M. MonfortiFerrario F, Bódis K , 24th EUBCE, 06-09.06.2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2014 (coauth) "Current and expected state of biomass use for energy production in Albania" – Banja M, Jaupaj O., Poster, 22nd EUBCE, 23-26.06.2014, Hamburg, Germany 2014 (coauth) "Coordination of Business Strategy and Marketing Tactics for PV Industry on European Electricity Markets", 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), 22- 26.09.2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2013 (coauth) "Possible Impact of 2020 Bioenergy Targets on European Union Land Use. A Scenario based Assessment from National Renewable Energy Action Plans Proposals" , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18 (2013), pp. 595–606 (peer review) http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/111111111/26992 Page 14/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja 2012 (coauth) 2012 (auth) "Assessment of Impacts and Risks of Air Pollution Applying Two Strategies of Numerical Chemistry Transport Modeling", Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 3, N.1, pp.26-40. (peer review) http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=16866 “Ozone weekend effect in urban Tirana area related to nitrogen oxides”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 1235 – 1241 (peer review) http://www.jepe-journal.info/journal-content/vol-13-no3-2012 2012 (coauth) " Development of a Short-Term Ozone Prediction Tool in Tirana Area based on Meteorological Variables", Journal of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 32-38 (peer review) http://www.atmospolres.com/issue31.html 2010 (coauth) “Evaluation of ozone transport over Albania related to meteorological conditions”, 4rth International Symposium of Montenegro Ecologists, 06-10 October 2010. Conference Proceeding Book & Natura Montenegrina Journal http://www.pmcg.co.me/nm9/Banja%20&%20Porja%20ISEM4.pdf 2010 (coauth) “Ozone effect on vegetation in Tirana area”, 4rth International Symposium of Montenegro Ecologists, 0610 October 2010. Conference Proceeding Book & Natura Montenegrina Journal http://www.pmcg.co.me/nm10/banja_&_laska_nm10.pdf 2010 (coauth) “Mapping air pollution in urban Tirana area using GIS”, International Conference “ Spatial Data Infrastructure”, 15-17 September 2010, Skopje-Macedonia. Conference proceeding Book http://www.oicrf.org/document.asp?ID=9527 2010 (coauth) “Data on water quality in Shkodra Lake (Albanian part)” , REC International Conference ,05-06 June 2010, Shkoder-Albania. Conference Proceeding Book http://albania.rec.org/Projects/Biodiversiteti/ramsar-lake-conference.html 2009 (coauth) “ Assessment of power plants impact in Prishtina air quality” 4th International Meeting of Alb-Science Institute, 30.08 – 02.09.2009, Tetovo, Macedonia. International Meeting Proceeding Book 2009 ( coauth) “ Comparing weekend and weekday ozone levels in Tirana area”, 7th International Conference on Air Quality-Science and Aplication ( Air Quality 2009), 24 – 27 March 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceeding Book and CD-ROM, University of Hertfordshire. ISBN: 978-1-905313-64-8 (peer review) 2008 ( auth) “ Statistical characteristics of ozone and NO2 in Tirana area”, International Conference on Biological and Environmental Sciences, 26 – 29 September 2008,Tirana-Albania, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-99956-6867-9. 2008 ( coauth) “Transport of ozone over Albania related to air circulation in different levels”, 10th Plinius International Conference on “ Mediterranean Storms”, 22-24 September 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus, CD-ROM and Abstract Book (peer review) 2008 “Near surface ozone in Tirana area”, Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences No.23 (1), 2008 ( auth) 2006 ( coauth) “Integrated catchment simulator system – ICSS for a river test site” ADRICOSM-Ext – Final Meeting Project Proceedings, Rome-Italy, 2006. 2005 ( coauth) “Evaluation of Air Quality in Tirana”, Proceeding of 5th Urban Air Quality Conference, UAQ 2005, March 29-31, Valencia (Spain)“ (R.S.Sokhi, M.M.Millan and N.Moussiopulos editors), CD-ROM, ISBN I-898543-92-5, University of Hertfordshire. 2003 ( coauth) “On evaluation of air and surface water quality in Albania” International Meeting “Methods and instrument for evaluation of water quality “ Shkoder, 2003, Proceedings book, organized by Italian Embassy in Tirana 2003 ( coauth) “Analyzing On-line Measurements of SO2 Pollution for Tirana City”, Air Pollution Processes in Regional Scale: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Kallithea, Halkidiki, Greece, 13 -15 June 2003, Published by Springer, ISBN 1402016263, 9781402016264 2003 ( coauth) “Influence of HCl and citric solutions at the kinetic of NH4+ release from soil “ Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences, 2000 Page 15/15 - Curriculum vitae of Manjola Banja