Teaching Documents by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
La Historia desde Canarias. Cuaderno 11: «¿UNA “PRODIGIOSA” DÉCADA?», 2024
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «¿Una “prodigiosa” década?» desarrolla, naturalmente, los años que van desde 1960 (descolonizaciones en África) a 1973 (crisis energética que marca realmente el final de la década). Unos años que el imaginario colectivo occidental tiene por prodigiosos, pero cuya complejidad —como se muestra en las páginas que siguen— va mucho más allá del tópico. Como en cuadernos anteriores, hay constantes alusiones a la historia de Canarias con el fin de contextualizar el pretérito insular en el marco general de aquella extensa década.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A “prodigious” decade?» naturally develops the years from 1960 (decolonizations in Africa) to 1973 (energy crisis that really marks the end of the decade). A few years that the Western collective imagination considers prodigious, but whose complexity —as shown in the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. There are constant allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, as in previous graphic notebooks, in order to contextualize the island's past in the general framework of that long decade.
La Historia desde Canarias. Cuaderno 10: «UNA LARGA POSGUERRA», 2023
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Una larga posguerra» abarca los años que van desde 1939 (final de la guerra civil española y comienzo la Segunda Guerra Mundial) hasta 1959 (puesta en marcha del Plan de Estabilización en España, principio de la corta coexistencia pacífica EUA-URSS). La población española soporta una larga posguerra de miedos —por la represión política— y de privaciones. En la memoria colectiva, los años cuarenta son, por antonomasia, los años del hambre. En Canarias, la persecución política y las penurias empujaron a muchos coterráneos a buscar mejores condiciones de existencia en la Venezuela del petróleo.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A long postwar» covers the years from 1939 (end of the Spanish civil war and beginning of the Second World War) to 1959 (beginning of the Stabilization Plan in Spain and the short peaceful coexistence USA-USSR). The Spanish population endures a long postwar period of fear —due to political repression— and deprivation. In collective memory, the 1940s are, par excellence, the years of hunger. In the Canary Islands, political persecution and hardship pushed many countrymen to get better living conditions in the Venezuela of oil.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Aliados contra el Eje» repasa la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) y algunas de sus consecuencias. Europa conoció entonces el ascenso de los totalitarismos, y sufrió la mayor de las catástrofes bélicas del siglo xx, centuria que no careció precisamente de ellas.. Mientras tanto, España soporta los primeros años de una larga posguerra de miedos y privaciones tras haber salido maltrecha de una guerra civil (1936-1939). Y en Canarias, a la represión franquista y las penurias causadas por esa guerra se suman ahora las derivadas de la conflagración mundial.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Allies Against the Axis» reviews the Second World War (1939-1945) and some of its consequences. Europe then experienced the rise of totalitarianism, and suffered the greatest of the war catastrophes of the twentieth century, a century that did not lack them. Meanwhile, Spain endures the first years of a long post-war period of fear and deprivation after having emerged battered from a civil war (1936-1939). And in the Canary Islands, to the Francoist repression and the hardships caused by that war are now added those derived from the war conflagration.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Tiempo de caciques» es un título que expresa por sí mismo la etapa histórica a la que está dedicado este Cuaderno, la que va desde revolución septembrina de 1868 a la crisis de la Restauración, señalando las peculiaridades y paralelismos de la evolución sociopolítica de Canarias y la Península durante todo el periodo. Sin obviar los efectos de determinados hechos de ámbito internacional: por ejemplo, una crisis coyuntural como la del 98 trasciende la historia de España —de cuyo pasado forma parte esencial— para convertirse en episodio clave de la historia mundial, pero sin duda para los canarios tiene un significado especialísimo.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Tiempo de caciques» is a title that expresses by itself the historical period to which these pages are dedicated; they go from September revolution of 1868 to the crisis of the Restoration in Spain, pointing out the peculiarities and parallels of the sociopolitical evolution of the Canary Islands and the Peninsula throughout this period. Without ignoring the effects of certain international events: for example, a crisis like that in 1898 transcends the history of Spain —of whose past it is an essential part— to become an important episode in world history, but certainly for the canaries has a very special meaning.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Desamortizaciones y franquicias» coincide, en términos cronológicos, con el largo reinado de Isabel II, (regencias incluidas, 1833-1868). En su significación histórica se corresponde con la época de implantación del sistema capitalista en España, y por lo tanto en Canarias: la vía proteccionista frente a la librecambista. El Decreto de concesión de franquicias a los puertos canarios en 1852 cumplirá con el objetivo anhelado durante largo tiempo por la burguesía y la terratenencia isleñas, alineadas con el liberal-moderantismo imperante.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «De-amortizations and free ports» takes place during the long reign of Isabel II (regencies included, 1833-1868). In its historical significance, it’s the time of implantation of the capitalist system in Spain, and therefore in the Canary Islands: protectionist way against free trade model. The Decree that grants free ports to the Canary Islands in 1852 will fulfill an old objective of the local bourgeoisie and landowners, who were otherwise close to moderate positions of Spanish political liberalism.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Industria e imperio» se centra, como sugiere este título —tomado del que da nombre a una obra clásica de Hobsbaum—, en la relación entre la revolución industrial y la expansión colonial de las emergentes potencias capitalistas; entre industrialización e imperialismo. Al archipiélago canario le correspondió entonces jugar el papel de colonia británica sin bandera, inserta en el área de la libra esterlina, según sostiene la historiografía insular desde hace décadas.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Industry and Empire» focuses, as this title suggests —taken from the name of a classic work by Hobsbaum—, on the relationship between the industrial revolution and the colonial expansion of the emerging capitalist nations; between industrialization and imperialism. In that time, the Canary Islands had to play the role of one British colony without a flag, inserted in the area of the pound sterling, according to insular historiography.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «La Constitución de 1812» está dedicado al texto gaditano, cuyos periodos de vigencia y revocación plasman el enfrentamiento entre «liberales» modernizadores y «serviles» dispuestos a perpetuar el Antiguo Régimen. Porque para atisbar el final del absolutismo en España habrá que esperar a la muerte en 1833 del más tardío de sus exponentes, Fernando VII. Entre uno y otro de los años citados discurren las tiras gráficas de esta entrega sobre la Constitución de Cádiz, sobre el papel de los diputados doceañistas canarios, sobre el Trienio liberal —y el motín de 1823 en Gran Canaria—, sobre la Década ominosa en la Península y en las Islas...
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The Constitution of 1812» is dedicated to the Cádiz text, whose periods of validity and revocation reflect the confrontation between modernizing «liberals» and «serviles» willing to perpetuate the Old Regime. It will be necessary to wait for the death of Fernando VII in 1833 for the end of absolutism and the Old Regime in Spain. Between one and the other of the mentioned years run the graphic strips of this chapter on the Constitution of Cádiz, on the role of the deputies from the Canary Islands, on the Liberal Triennium —and the riot of 1823 in Gran Canaria—, on the «Ominous Decade» in the Peninsula and in the Canary Islands...
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «La sublevación del general Franco» se centra en los años de la guerra civil española (julio de 1936-abril de 1939), sobrevenida tras un fallido golpe militar, planeado por los viejos poderes como solución de fuerza frente a la amenaza que representaba la República constitucional de 1931 para su hegemonía social. Canarias fue de los primeros territorios controlados por los «nacionales» donde la represión alcanzó niveles inimaginables, sin que ello signifique que no hubiera resistencia. La victoria fascista dará paso a la dilatada dictadura franquista.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The uprising of General Franco» recounts the years of the Spanish civil war (July 1936-April 1939), which followed a failed military coup, planned by the old powers as a solution of force against the threat posed by the constitutional Republic of 1931 for its social hegemony. The Canary Islands were among the first territories controlled by the «nationals» where repression reached unthinkable levels, without this meaning that there was no resistance. The fascist victory will give way to the long Franco dictatorship.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «El impacto revolucionario» repasa en unas pocas páginas ilustradas el significado de la Revolución francesa, del proyecto imperial napoleónico y de la Guerra peninsular «contra el francés», así como sus efectos sobre la historia insular. Tarde o temprano, los sucesos de París iban a alterar los modos de vida de una porción considerable de la humanidad —expresamente, en Europa y en América—, hasta el punto de que los historiadores occidentales colocan el año de 1789 en el comienzo de la Edad Contemporánea.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The revolutionary impact» reviews in a few illustrated pages the meaning of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic imperial project and the Peninsular War «against the French», as well as its effects on these Atlantic Islands. Sooner or later, the events in Paris were to alter the ways of life of a considerable portion of humanity —especially, in Europe and America—, in such a way that Western historians place the year 1789 at the beginning of the Contemporary Age.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «Movimiento obrero» recorre desde la situación social del proletariado durante la primera revolución industrial y su organización en sindicatos obreros —siguiendo las corrientes socialista y anarquista— hasta recalar en los años treinta del siglo XX con un acercamiento a la segunda República española. Y siempre haciendo continuas referencias a cómo se desarrolla ese proceso histórico en el concreto caso del archipiélago canario.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. The chapter entitled «Workers’ movement» goes from the social situation of the proletariat during the first industrial revolution and its organization in trade unions —following the socialist and anarchist currents— until reaching the thirties of the 20th century with an approach to the second Spanish Republic. And always making continuous references to how this historical process develops in the specific case of the Canary Islands.
Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se pr... more Este Cuaderno forma parte de una serie que, bajo el epígrafe de La Historia desde Canarias, se propone divulgar mediante tiras gráficas el pasado reciente del archipiélago en el marco general de los tiempos contemporáneos. «La Ilustración que llegó a Canarias» principia con la conocida reflexión de Kant sobre el significado de aquel movimiento cultural, para luego realizar un recorrido por las críticas al Antiguo Régimen de los más influyentes philosophes —y por el pensamiento económico de Smith— antes de adentrarnos en las dificultades de difusión de las ideas ilustradas entre las elites peninsular e isleña. This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general context of contemporary times. The chapter entitled «The Enlightenment that came to the Canary Islands» begins with Kant's well-known reflection on the meaning of this cultural movement, and then takes a tour around the most influential critics against L’Ancien Régime, before getting into the difficulties of spreading Enlightenment ideas among the peninsular and insular elites.
Cliocanarias, 2022
El objetivo de esta colaboración es ofrecer, con ánimo divulgativo, una apretada síntesis de los ... more El objetivo de esta colaboración es ofrecer, con ánimo divulgativo, una apretada síntesis de los años sesenta del siglo XX. Un decenio que el imaginario colectivo tiene por prodigioso, pero cuya complejidad —como se muestra en las páginas que siguen— va mucho más allá del tópico. Al igual que en colaboraciones anteriores, el autor inserta constantes alusiones a la historia de Canarias con el fin de contextualizar el pretérito insular en el marco general de aquella década.
The objective of this collaboration is to offer, with an informative spirit, a tight synthesis of the decade of the sixties of the twentieth century. Ten years that the collective imagination considers prodigious, but its complexity —as shown on the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. As in previous collaborations, there are several allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, in order to contextualize the insular past within the general framework of that decade.
que conocemos en sentido amplio como Transición (c.1973-1982). Un corto pero agitado periodo-que ... more que conocemos en sentido amplio como Transición (c.1973-1982). Un corto pero agitado periodo-que abarca los años finales del mandato de Franco (tardofranquismo) y los primeros de su sucesor a título de rey, Juan Carlos I-solo asimilable, por su repercusión histórica en el siglo XX, a la década de los treinta.
Cliocanarias, 2021
Resumen: La siguiente selección de documentos para uso docente complementa la información conteni... more Resumen: La siguiente selección de documentos para uso docente complementa la información contenida en «Una breve historia de la transición desde Canarias», publicada en el número anterior de CLIOCANARIAS. Gráficos, mapas, imágenes, textos... han sido compilados para su manejo en el aula por alumnado de estas islas de dieciséis años en adelante (se incluyen materiales específicos de ámbito insular sobre ese proceso histórico, c. 1973-1982).
Abstract: The following selection of documents for teaching use completes the information contained in «A brief history of transition from the Canary Islands» published in the previous issue of CLIOCANARIAS. Graphics, maps, images, texts... have been compiled for classroom management by students of these islands from sixteen years on (Canary Islands materials about this historical process, c. 1973-1982, are included).
Propuesta de actividades en tres itinerarios (con dos niveles de alumnos cada uno de ellos) para ... more Propuesta de actividades en tres itinerarios (con dos niveles de alumnos cada uno de ellos) para visitar la ciudad de San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, partiendo sobre todo de la propia información que los recorridos diseñados ofrecen. Es un intento de rehuir un planteamiento exhaustivo y ceñido a lo considerado como monumental y artístico, indispensable en una visita clásica. Se procura en los procedimientos que el alumnado sea protagonista y se le implica de modo que la mayor parte de las referencias, noticias,datos o testimonios necesarios para dar respuesta a las actividades planteadas deba indagarlos y hallarlos en el propio entorno urbano. Asimismo se pretende ir más allá de lo local, de manera que las visitas ayuden a entender la sociedad del pasado de una manera global y a servir de modelo, complemento, núcleo de interés o punto de partida, según los casos, de los contenidos curriculares.
Libros / Books by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
Número 2, 2020
Este segundo número número de la revista Cliocanarias presenta 28 trabajos sobre muy diversos asp... more Este segundo número número de la revista Cliocanarias presenta 28 trabajos sobre muy diversos aspectos de la historia de Canarias, de España y de otros territorios, tanto en la faceta divulgativa, como investigadora, archivística, etc., ampliando las secciones del número anterior, con una plural gama temática (económica, social, demográfica, política, historiigráfica…).
Papers by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
Cuadernos Del Ateneo, 2007
Teaching Documents by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A “prodigious” decade?» naturally develops the years from 1960 (decolonizations in Africa) to 1973 (energy crisis that really marks the end of the decade). A few years that the Western collective imagination considers prodigious, but whose complexity —as shown in the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. There are constant allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, as in previous graphic notebooks, in order to contextualize the island's past in the general framework of that long decade.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A long postwar» covers the years from 1939 (end of the Spanish civil war and beginning of the Second World War) to 1959 (beginning of the Stabilization Plan in Spain and the short peaceful coexistence USA-USSR). The Spanish population endures a long postwar period of fear —due to political repression— and deprivation. In collective memory, the 1940s are, par excellence, the years of hunger. In the Canary Islands, political persecution and hardship pushed many countrymen to get better living conditions in the Venezuela of oil.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Allies Against the Axis» reviews the Second World War (1939-1945) and some of its consequences. Europe then experienced the rise of totalitarianism, and suffered the greatest of the war catastrophes of the twentieth century, a century that did not lack them. Meanwhile, Spain endures the first years of a long post-war period of fear and deprivation after having emerged battered from a civil war (1936-1939). And in the Canary Islands, to the Francoist repression and the hardships caused by that war are now added those derived from the war conflagration.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Tiempo de caciques» is a title that expresses by itself the historical period to which these pages are dedicated; they go from September revolution of 1868 to the crisis of the Restoration in Spain, pointing out the peculiarities and parallels of the sociopolitical evolution of the Canary Islands and the Peninsula throughout this period. Without ignoring the effects of certain international events: for example, a crisis like that in 1898 transcends the history of Spain —of whose past it is an essential part— to become an important episode in world history, but certainly for the canaries has a very special meaning.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «De-amortizations and free ports» takes place during the long reign of Isabel II (regencies included, 1833-1868). In its historical significance, it’s the time of implantation of the capitalist system in Spain, and therefore in the Canary Islands: protectionist way against free trade model. The Decree that grants free ports to the Canary Islands in 1852 will fulfill an old objective of the local bourgeoisie and landowners, who were otherwise close to moderate positions of Spanish political liberalism.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Industry and Empire» focuses, as this title suggests —taken from the name of a classic work by Hobsbaum—, on the relationship between the industrial revolution and the colonial expansion of the emerging capitalist nations; between industrialization and imperialism. In that time, the Canary Islands had to play the role of one British colony without a flag, inserted in the area of the pound sterling, according to insular historiography.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The Constitution of 1812» is dedicated to the Cádiz text, whose periods of validity and revocation reflect the confrontation between modernizing «liberals» and «serviles» willing to perpetuate the Old Regime. It will be necessary to wait for the death of Fernando VII in 1833 for the end of absolutism and the Old Regime in Spain. Between one and the other of the mentioned years run the graphic strips of this chapter on the Constitution of Cádiz, on the role of the deputies from the Canary Islands, on the Liberal Triennium —and the riot of 1823 in Gran Canaria—, on the «Ominous Decade» in the Peninsula and in the Canary Islands...
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The uprising of General Franco» recounts the years of the Spanish civil war (July 1936-April 1939), which followed a failed military coup, planned by the old powers as a solution of force against the threat posed by the constitutional Republic of 1931 for its social hegemony. The Canary Islands were among the first territories controlled by the «nationals» where repression reached unthinkable levels, without this meaning that there was no resistance. The fascist victory will give way to the long Franco dictatorship.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The revolutionary impact» reviews in a few illustrated pages the meaning of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic imperial project and the Peninsular War «against the French», as well as its effects on these Atlantic Islands. Sooner or later, the events in Paris were to alter the ways of life of a considerable portion of humanity —especially, in Europe and America—, in such a way that Western historians place the year 1789 at the beginning of the Contemporary Age.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. The chapter entitled «Workers’ movement» goes from the social situation of the proletariat during the first industrial revolution and its organization in trade unions —following the socialist and anarchist currents— until reaching the thirties of the 20th century with an approach to the second Spanish Republic. And always making continuous references to how this historical process develops in the specific case of the Canary Islands.
The objective of this collaboration is to offer, with an informative spirit, a tight synthesis of the decade of the sixties of the twentieth century. Ten years that the collective imagination considers prodigious, but its complexity —as shown on the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. As in previous collaborations, there are several allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, in order to contextualize the insular past within the general framework of that decade.
Abstract: The following selection of documents for teaching use completes the information contained in «A brief history of transition from the Canary Islands» published in the previous issue of CLIOCANARIAS. Graphics, maps, images, texts... have been compiled for classroom management by students of these islands from sixteen years on (Canary Islands materials about this historical process, c. 1973-1982, are included).
Libros / Books by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
Papers by José Manuel Pérez Lorenzo
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A “prodigious” decade?» naturally develops the years from 1960 (decolonizations in Africa) to 1973 (energy crisis that really marks the end of the decade). A few years that the Western collective imagination considers prodigious, but whose complexity —as shown in the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. There are constant allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, as in previous graphic notebooks, in order to contextualize the island's past in the general framework of that long decade.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «A long postwar» covers the years from 1939 (end of the Spanish civil war and beginning of the Second World War) to 1959 (beginning of the Stabilization Plan in Spain and the short peaceful coexistence USA-USSR). The Spanish population endures a long postwar period of fear —due to political repression— and deprivation. In collective memory, the 1940s are, par excellence, the years of hunger. In the Canary Islands, political persecution and hardship pushed many countrymen to get better living conditions in the Venezuela of oil.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Allies Against the Axis» reviews the Second World War (1939-1945) and some of its consequences. Europe then experienced the rise of totalitarianism, and suffered the greatest of the war catastrophes of the twentieth century, a century that did not lack them. Meanwhile, Spain endures the first years of a long post-war period of fear and deprivation after having emerged battered from a civil war (1936-1939). And in the Canary Islands, to the Francoist repression and the hardships caused by that war are now added those derived from the war conflagration.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Tiempo de caciques» is a title that expresses by itself the historical period to which these pages are dedicated; they go from September revolution of 1868 to the crisis of the Restoration in Spain, pointing out the peculiarities and parallels of the sociopolitical evolution of the Canary Islands and the Peninsula throughout this period. Without ignoring the effects of certain international events: for example, a crisis like that in 1898 transcends the history of Spain —of whose past it is an essential part— to become an important episode in world history, but certainly for the canaries has a very special meaning.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «De-amortizations and free ports» takes place during the long reign of Isabel II (regencies included, 1833-1868). In its historical significance, it’s the time of implantation of the capitalist system in Spain, and therefore in the Canary Islands: protectionist way against free trade model. The Decree that grants free ports to the Canary Islands in 1852 will fulfill an old objective of the local bourgeoisie and landowners, who were otherwise close to moderate positions of Spanish political liberalism.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «Industry and Empire» focuses, as this title suggests —taken from the name of a classic work by Hobsbaum—, on the relationship between the industrial revolution and the colonial expansion of the emerging capitalist nations; between industrialization and imperialism. In that time, the Canary Islands had to play the role of one British colony without a flag, inserted in the area of the pound sterling, according to insular historiography.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The Constitution of 1812» is dedicated to the Cádiz text, whose periods of validity and revocation reflect the confrontation between modernizing «liberals» and «serviles» willing to perpetuate the Old Regime. It will be necessary to wait for the death of Fernando VII in 1833 for the end of absolutism and the Old Regime in Spain. Between one and the other of the mentioned years run the graphic strips of this chapter on the Constitution of Cádiz, on the role of the deputies from the Canary Islands, on the Liberal Triennium —and the riot of 1823 in Gran Canaria—, on the «Ominous Decade» in the Peninsula and in the Canary Islands...
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The uprising of General Franco» recounts the years of the Spanish civil war (July 1936-April 1939), which followed a failed military coup, planned by the old powers as a solution of force against the threat posed by the constitutional Republic of 1931 for its social hegemony. The Canary Islands were among the first territories controlled by the «nationals» where repression reached unthinkable levels, without this meaning that there was no resistance. The fascist victory will give way to the long Franco dictatorship.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. «The revolutionary impact» reviews in a few illustrated pages the meaning of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic imperial project and the Peninsular War «against the French», as well as its effects on these Atlantic Islands. Sooner or later, the events in Paris were to alter the ways of life of a considerable portion of humanity —especially, in Europe and America—, in such a way that Western historians place the year 1789 at the beginning of the Contemporary Age.
This series, under the heading of The History from the Canary Islands, shows through graphic strips their recent past in the general framework of contemporary times. The chapter entitled «Workers’ movement» goes from the social situation of the proletariat during the first industrial revolution and its organization in trade unions —following the socialist and anarchist currents— until reaching the thirties of the 20th century with an approach to the second Spanish Republic. And always making continuous references to how this historical process develops in the specific case of the Canary Islands.
The objective of this collaboration is to offer, with an informative spirit, a tight synthesis of the decade of the sixties of the twentieth century. Ten years that the collective imagination considers prodigious, but its complexity —as shown on the pages that follow— goes far beyond the cliché. As in previous collaborations, there are several allusions to the history of the Canary Islands, in order to contextualize the insular past within the general framework of that decade.
Abstract: The following selection of documents for teaching use completes the information contained in «A brief history of transition from the Canary Islands» published in the previous issue of CLIOCANARIAS. Graphics, maps, images, texts... have been compiled for classroom management by students of these islands from sixteen years on (Canary Islands materials about this historical process, c. 1973-1982, are included).