In the presented paper, we offer an overview of the influence of research factors on voter turnou... more In the presented paper, we offer an overview of the influence of research factors on voter turnout. Factors can be divided into several main categories law, political, cultural, social and psychological. In addition to the relatively broad theoretical basis, new factors have been recently discovered, the impact of which has been undervalued and research almost absent. One such factor is the weather, whose impact on voter turnout has begun to be explored mainly after 2000. This research has mainly focused on the negative impact of precipitation on voter turnout, while the (extreme) temperatures and other meteorological elements remain unexplored. One of the methods of investigation in this issue is, besides correlation analyzes, the method of the ratiocartodiagrams.
Enormne topenie sladsieho arktickeho morskeho ľadu a gronskeho ľadovca prinasa v posledných rokoc... more Enormne topenie sladsieho arktickeho morskeho ľadu a gronskeho ľadovca prinasa v posledných rokoch necakane zmeny v severnom Atlantiku - vedci coraz viac upriamuju pozornosť na najvacsiu klimaticku anomaliu zapornej teploty na severnej pologuli, tvoriacu v severnom Atlantiku. Voda zo sladkeho topiaceho sa ľadu zo severných sirok vytlaca od severu teplejsi Golfský prud smerom na juh oveľa výraznejsie, ako predpovedali klimaticke modely este nedavno. Vďaka otepľujucej sa Arktide, no aj vďaka prispevku posunu chladnejsich oceanskych povrchových vod na juh, sa navyse sa nad severným Atlantikom hromadia studene vzduchove hmoty. Ďalej na juh sa preto presuva, najma na jeseň (po maxime topenia arktickeho a gronskeho ľadu), aj frontalna zona, co v jesenných mesiacoch prinasa v posledných rokoch coraz castejsie ochladenia v Europe. Nedavne studie odhaľuju, že v najbližsich desaťrociach už može byť letna Arktida bez ľadu a zaporna klimaticka anomalia može výrazne ovplyvniť už aj europske zimy...
The presented paper evaluates SARS-CoV-2 in relation to high-, neutral and low- pressure zones ab... more The presented paper evaluates SARS-CoV-2 in relation to high-, neutral and low- pressure zones above mid-latitudes (North Atlantic Oscillation/NAO and Arctic Oscillation/AO phases) and simultaneous effects of 8 meteorological elements across Europe and its wider region during early spring 2020. Data of national daily incidence of SARS-CoV-2 (for 86 countries and dependent territories) were correlated with daily values of 8 meteorological elements in 137 representative cities for 3 periods before an incidence day corresponding to incubation time of SARS-CoV-2. Period 0-9th day represented negative, period 5-14th day neutral and period 10-19th day positive NAO/AO pattern. Incubation time in last period was shifted, because some cases were linked to longer waiting for results of testing or in later course of SARS-CoV-2. Patterns linked with high-, neutral and low- pressure zones above mid-latitudes were outlined. Results have shown that, during the high-pressure pattern above mid-latit...
In the presented paper, we offer an overview of the influence of research factors on voter turnou... more In the presented paper, we offer an overview of the influence of research factors on voter turnout. Factors can be divided into several main categories law, political, cultural, social and psychological. In addition to the relatively broad theoretical basis, new factors have been recently discovered, the impact of which has been undervalued and research almost absent. One such factor is the weather, whose impact on voter turnout has begun to be explored mainly after 2000. This research has mainly focused on the negative impact of precipitation on voter turnout, while the (extreme) temperatures and other meteorological elements remain unexplored. One of the methods of investigation in this issue is, besides correlation analyzes, the method of the ratiocartodiagrams.
Enormne topenie sladsieho arktickeho morskeho ľadu a gronskeho ľadovca prinasa v posledných rokoc... more Enormne topenie sladsieho arktickeho morskeho ľadu a gronskeho ľadovca prinasa v posledných rokoch necakane zmeny v severnom Atlantiku - vedci coraz viac upriamuju pozornosť na najvacsiu klimaticku anomaliu zapornej teploty na severnej pologuli, tvoriacu v severnom Atlantiku. Voda zo sladkeho topiaceho sa ľadu zo severných sirok vytlaca od severu teplejsi Golfský prud smerom na juh oveľa výraznejsie, ako predpovedali klimaticke modely este nedavno. Vďaka otepľujucej sa Arktide, no aj vďaka prispevku posunu chladnejsich oceanskych povrchových vod na juh, sa navyse sa nad severným Atlantikom hromadia studene vzduchove hmoty. Ďalej na juh sa preto presuva, najma na jeseň (po maxime topenia arktickeho a gronskeho ľadu), aj frontalna zona, co v jesenných mesiacoch prinasa v posledných rokoch coraz castejsie ochladenia v Europe. Nedavne studie odhaľuju, že v najbližsich desaťrociach už može byť letna Arktida bez ľadu a zaporna klimaticka anomalia može výrazne ovplyvniť už aj europske zimy...
The presented paper evaluates SARS-CoV-2 in relation to high-, neutral and low- pressure zones ab... more The presented paper evaluates SARS-CoV-2 in relation to high-, neutral and low- pressure zones above mid-latitudes (North Atlantic Oscillation/NAO and Arctic Oscillation/AO phases) and simultaneous effects of 8 meteorological elements across Europe and its wider region during early spring 2020. Data of national daily incidence of SARS-CoV-2 (for 86 countries and dependent territories) were correlated with daily values of 8 meteorological elements in 137 representative cities for 3 periods before an incidence day corresponding to incubation time of SARS-CoV-2. Period 0-9th day represented negative, period 5-14th day neutral and period 10-19th day positive NAO/AO pattern. Incubation time in last period was shifted, because some cases were linked to longer waiting for results of testing or in later course of SARS-CoV-2. Patterns linked with high-, neutral and low- pressure zones above mid-latitudes were outlined. Results have shown that, during the high-pressure pattern above mid-latit...
Papers by Marek Kučera