The book includes medieval swords from the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin (Pannonian Plain). Th... more The book includes medieval swords from the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin (Pannonian Plain). The Catalogue contains data on 412 swords that come from this area, from the Alps to Istanbul, including all states of the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), Bulgaria, Greece and Albania and from Slovakia via Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the Black Sea. Division of the shapes and forms of the basic parts of swords is based on the typology made by Ewart Oakeshott. In addition to this division, the existing shapes were compared with the typologies of other researchers (Alexander Ruttkay, Marian Głosek, Anatolij Kirpichnikov, Alfred Geibig, Karl-Zeno Pinter and others). Considering that swords from southeastern Europe include also some characteristic finds, Oakeshott`s typology is supplemented by some new types of pommels, blades and cross-guards. Certain typological and other properties of swords are mapped in order to explore their spatial distribution. In addition to archaeological findings, in book have been used other medieval source material, such as historical written sources as well as artistic representations of swords. Illustrative part of the book contains drawings and color photos of swords, their visual representations as well as geographical and historical maps.
Апстракт: У раду се преиспитују досадашња тумачења времена настанка и намене велике зидане грађев... more Апстракт: У раду се преиспитују досадашња тумачења времена настанка и намене велике зидане грађевине у месту Бреза крај Сарајева. На основу архитектонских и грађевинских особина објекта, као и стилских карактеристика његовог каменог украса и откривених покретних налаза, може се закључити да у питању није ранохришћанска базилика већ нешто каснији објекат управне намене, односно палата у којој се налазила свечана дворана (aula). На сличан начин се преиспитују и досадашња тумачења времена настанка и употребе низа приближно истовремених хришћанских храмова са простора данашње Босне и Херцеговине који би оквирно припадали раздобљу VII-VIII столећа. Територија на којој се јављају ови споменици налазила се у оквиру граница античке провинције Далмације и била је изложена словенској колонизацији најкасније од прве половине VII столећа. Писани извори пружају податке о досељавању Срба у то време, као и о њиховој власти у наредним вековима на овим просторима, а грађевина у Брези и поменути храмови употпуњују слику о материјалној култури и историји хришћанства у раном средњем веку на нашим просторима.
У раду се разматрају налази предмета франачког порекла, који су могли стићи у источнојадранско за... more У раду се разматрају налази предмета франачког порекла, који су могли стићи у источнојадранско залеђе као последица франачких освајања крајем VIII и почетком IX века. Њихова бројност и географски распоред у појединим областима на источном Јадрану указују на одређене разлике које су могле бити последица историјских збивања на том простору. Постоје и нешто старији предмети западног порекла, чије особине указују на то да су на подручје бивше античке провинције Далмације могли стићи у нешто другачијим историјским околностима.
Zbornik radova sa istoimenog naučnog skupa održanog od 20. do 22. septembra 2013. godine u Krušev... more Zbornik radova sa istoimenog naučnog skupa održanog od 20. do 22. septembra 2013. godine u Kruševcu, Velikom Šiljegovcu i Varvarinu.
Од почетка своје владавине Стефан Душан је предузимао бројне мере у циљу модернизовања српске сре... more Од почетка своје владавине Стефан Душан је предузимао бројне мере у циљу модернизовања српске средњовековне војске. Увоз великих количина савременог наоружања и војне опреме, оснивање нових врста јединица, увођење тактичких иновација у војску, ширење витешких обичаја у земљи као и друге мере овог владара сведоче да се ради о свеобухватној реформи српске војске по узору на модерне војске тог времена. На основу сачуване писане и археолошке грађе могуће je реконструисати изглед и наоружање једног оклопника у Србији овог времена.
New types of Arms and Armor in Moravian Serbia from the second half of 14th Century
Internationa... more New types of Arms and Armor in Moravian Serbia from the second half of 14th Century
International Scientific Conference "Authority and Power - the Nobility of Moravian Serbia from 1365. to 1402." (Sept. 2013) ed. Siniša Mišić
Paper analyses finds of a special type of cross-guard, closer analogies of which may be found on ... more Paper analyses finds of a special type of cross-guard, closer analogies of which may be found on Byzantine visual presentations from the IX–XI centuries. The archaeological find of a sword with such a cross-guard, which includes a preserved blade, indicates the characteristics of the spatha - the type of sword that was widespread in Byzantium, in those times. Swords with this kind of cross-guard and the general characteristics of the spatha are depicted in visual presentations as the weapons of the protospatharios or some other high-ranking imperial guardsmen and, in the descriptions of Byzantine court ceremony, this weapon was also called a spatha.
The paper makes a record of the swords with pommels denoted as Type N (Oakeshott) or XV (Ruttkay)... more The paper makes a record of the swords with pommels denoted as Type N (Oakeshott) or XV (Ruttkay) or B2 (Głosek) or 16 II (Geibig). The other sword parts have also been analyzed: cross-guards ( Oakeskott Type 1) and blades (Oakeskott Types Xa and XIII). Two subtypes of N-Type pommels have been identified, N-a (9 specimens) and N-b (5 specimens), which correspond to Geibig Combination Type 16 II, as well as swords with pommels of related shapes (Types O, B/N and A1). The pommels, blades and guards of all Type N swords are similar both in type and in size. All swords have hand-and-a-half hilts, whose dimensions are very similar in most cases. Most of the blades are of medium dimensions and show transitional characteristics between Oakeshott’s types Xa and XIII, those with predominant features of the former type being more frequent. All guards of Type N swords are straight and slender, belong to Oakeshott Type 1 and are very long (22.5-27.7 cm). So far, only three swords with Type O pommels are known. Some examples are close to Type N swords (guards of Type 1, blades of Type Xa), and some differ (guards of Type 2, blades of Type XVI). Most finds of N-Type swords come from Transylvania, central Romania (5 examples), and Bavaria (three N-b examples, three B/N and one O), and almost all were chance finds. A rare exception is the N-Type pommel discovered in a Transylvanian hoard buried in 1241. The only artistic depiction of a sword with N-Type pommel occurs on a statue in Naumburg cathedral (central Germany) from about 1255. The dating of N-Type swords to the first half of the 13th century is confirmed by the typological characteristics of their blades and cross-guards, and this date has been suggested by most scholars. Based on their typological properties, the swords with Type O pommels have been dated to the second half of the 13th and early 14th centuries, which is suggested also by sculpted depiction in Freiburg cathedral from about 1300. Considering their morphological resemblance to Type N, O-Type pommels may be interpreted as their slightly younger derivative.
Lech Marek, Marko Aleksić, Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th C... more Lech Marek, Marko Aleksić, Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th Century (Review), Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 44, Krakow 2009, 267-271.
Hipólito Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Aleksić, Marko (2007): Mediaeval swords from Southeastern Eur... more Hipólito Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Aleksić, Marko (2007): Mediaeval swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th century (Review), Gladius 29, Madrid 2009, 207-208.
Jan Piet Puype, Aleksić Marko: Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe: material from 12th to 15... more Jan Piet Puype, Aleksić Marko: Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe: material from 12th to 15th Century (Review), Zeitschrift für Waffen- und Kleidungsgeschichte 2012/1, 125-128.
The book includes medieval swords from the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin (Pannonian Plain). Th... more The book includes medieval swords from the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin (Pannonian Plain). The Catalogue contains data on 412 swords that come from this area, from the Alps to Istanbul, including all states of the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), Bulgaria, Greece and Albania and from Slovakia via Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the Black Sea. Division of the shapes and forms of the basic parts of swords is based on the typology made by Ewart Oakeshott. In addition to this division, the existing shapes were compared with the typologies of other researchers (Alexander Ruttkay, Marian Głosek, Anatolij Kirpichnikov, Alfred Geibig, Karl-Zeno Pinter and others). Considering that swords from southeastern Europe include also some characteristic finds, Oakeshott`s typology is supplemented by some new types of pommels, blades and cross-guards. Certain typological and other properties of swords are mapped in order to explore their spatial distribution. In addition to archaeological findings, in book have been used other medieval source material, such as historical written sources as well as artistic representations of swords. Illustrative part of the book contains drawings and color photos of swords, their visual representations as well as geographical and historical maps.
Апстракт: У раду се преиспитују досадашња тумачења времена настанка и намене велике зидане грађев... more Апстракт: У раду се преиспитују досадашња тумачења времена настанка и намене велике зидане грађевине у месту Бреза крај Сарајева. На основу архитектонских и грађевинских особина објекта, као и стилских карактеристика његовог каменог украса и откривених покретних налаза, може се закључити да у питању није ранохришћанска базилика већ нешто каснији објекат управне намене, односно палата у којој се налазила свечана дворана (aula). На сличан начин се преиспитују и досадашња тумачења времена настанка и употребе низа приближно истовремених хришћанских храмова са простора данашње Босне и Херцеговине који би оквирно припадали раздобљу VII-VIII столећа. Територија на којој се јављају ови споменици налазила се у оквиру граница античке провинције Далмације и била је изложена словенској колонизацији најкасније од прве половине VII столећа. Писани извори пружају податке о досељавању Срба у то време, као и о њиховој власти у наредним вековима на овим просторима, а грађевина у Брези и поменути храмови употпуњују слику о материјалној култури и историји хришћанства у раном средњем веку на нашим просторима.
У раду се разматрају налази предмета франачког порекла, који су могли стићи у источнојадранско за... more У раду се разматрају налази предмета франачког порекла, који су могли стићи у источнојадранско залеђе као последица франачких освајања крајем VIII и почетком IX века. Њихова бројност и географски распоред у појединим областима на источном Јадрану указују на одређене разлике које су могле бити последица историјских збивања на том простору. Постоје и нешто старији предмети западног порекла, чије особине указују на то да су на подручје бивше античке провинције Далмације могли стићи у нешто другачијим историјским околностима.
Zbornik radova sa istoimenog naučnog skupa održanog od 20. do 22. septembra 2013. godine u Krušev... more Zbornik radova sa istoimenog naučnog skupa održanog od 20. do 22. septembra 2013. godine u Kruševcu, Velikom Šiljegovcu i Varvarinu.
Од почетка своје владавине Стефан Душан је предузимао бројне мере у циљу модернизовања српске сре... more Од почетка своје владавине Стефан Душан је предузимао бројне мере у циљу модернизовања српске средњовековне војске. Увоз великих количина савременог наоружања и војне опреме, оснивање нових врста јединица, увођење тактичких иновација у војску, ширење витешких обичаја у земљи као и друге мере овог владара сведоче да се ради о свеобухватној реформи српске војске по узору на модерне војске тог времена. На основу сачуване писане и археолошке грађе могуће je реконструисати изглед и наоружање једног оклопника у Србији овог времена.
New types of Arms and Armor in Moravian Serbia from the second half of 14th Century
Internationa... more New types of Arms and Armor in Moravian Serbia from the second half of 14th Century
International Scientific Conference "Authority and Power - the Nobility of Moravian Serbia from 1365. to 1402." (Sept. 2013) ed. Siniša Mišić
Paper analyses finds of a special type of cross-guard, closer analogies of which may be found on ... more Paper analyses finds of a special type of cross-guard, closer analogies of which may be found on Byzantine visual presentations from the IX–XI centuries. The archaeological find of a sword with such a cross-guard, which includes a preserved blade, indicates the characteristics of the spatha - the type of sword that was widespread in Byzantium, in those times. Swords with this kind of cross-guard and the general characteristics of the spatha are depicted in visual presentations as the weapons of the protospatharios or some other high-ranking imperial guardsmen and, in the descriptions of Byzantine court ceremony, this weapon was also called a spatha.
The paper makes a record of the swords with pommels denoted as Type N (Oakeshott) or XV (Ruttkay)... more The paper makes a record of the swords with pommels denoted as Type N (Oakeshott) or XV (Ruttkay) or B2 (Głosek) or 16 II (Geibig). The other sword parts have also been analyzed: cross-guards ( Oakeskott Type 1) and blades (Oakeskott Types Xa and XIII). Two subtypes of N-Type pommels have been identified, N-a (9 specimens) and N-b (5 specimens), which correspond to Geibig Combination Type 16 II, as well as swords with pommels of related shapes (Types O, B/N and A1). The pommels, blades and guards of all Type N swords are similar both in type and in size. All swords have hand-and-a-half hilts, whose dimensions are very similar in most cases. Most of the blades are of medium dimensions and show transitional characteristics between Oakeshott’s types Xa and XIII, those with predominant features of the former type being more frequent. All guards of Type N swords are straight and slender, belong to Oakeshott Type 1 and are very long (22.5-27.7 cm). So far, only three swords with Type O pommels are known. Some examples are close to Type N swords (guards of Type 1, blades of Type Xa), and some differ (guards of Type 2, blades of Type XVI). Most finds of N-Type swords come from Transylvania, central Romania (5 examples), and Bavaria (three N-b examples, three B/N and one O), and almost all were chance finds. A rare exception is the N-Type pommel discovered in a Transylvanian hoard buried in 1241. The only artistic depiction of a sword with N-Type pommel occurs on a statue in Naumburg cathedral (central Germany) from about 1255. The dating of N-Type swords to the first half of the 13th century is confirmed by the typological characteristics of their blades and cross-guards, and this date has been suggested by most scholars. Based on their typological properties, the swords with Type O pommels have been dated to the second half of the 13th and early 14th centuries, which is suggested also by sculpted depiction in Freiburg cathedral from about 1300. Considering their morphological resemblance to Type N, O-Type pommels may be interpreted as their slightly younger derivative.
Lech Marek, Marko Aleksić, Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th C... more Lech Marek, Marko Aleksić, Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th Century (Review), Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 44, Krakow 2009, 267-271.
Hipólito Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Aleksić, Marko (2007): Mediaeval swords from Southeastern Eur... more Hipólito Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Aleksić, Marko (2007): Mediaeval swords from Southeastern Europe. Material from 12th to 15th century (Review), Gladius 29, Madrid 2009, 207-208.
Jan Piet Puype, Aleksić Marko: Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe: material from 12th to 15... more Jan Piet Puype, Aleksić Marko: Medieval Swords from Southeastern Europe: material from 12th to 15th Century (Review), Zeitschrift für Waffen- und Kleidungsgeschichte 2012/1, 125-128.
Books by Marko Aleksic
Certain typological and other properties of swords are mapped in order to explore their spatial distribution. In addition to archaeological findings, in book have been used other medieval source material, such as historical written sources as well as artistic representations of swords. Illustrative part of the book contains drawings and color photos of swords, their visual representations as well as geographical and historical maps.
Some of the reviews:
• B. Milosavljević, Vesnik Vojnog muzeja 34, Beograd 2008.
• H. Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Gladius 29, Madrid 2009, 207-208. -
• Michal Pírek, Slovenska Archaeologia 57/1, Nitra 2009, 191-192. -
• Lech Marek, Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, Vol. XLIV, Krakow 2009, 267-271.
•J. Piet Puype, Waffen- und Kostümkunde 2012, Heft 1, 126-128.
Papers by Marko Aleksic
International Scientific Conference "Authority and Power - the Nobility of Moravian Serbia from 1365. to 1402." (Sept. 2013) ed. Siniša Mišić
So far, only three swords with Type O pommels are known. Some examples are close to Type N swords (guards of Type 1, blades of Type Xa), and some differ (guards of Type 2, blades of Type XVI).
Most finds of N-Type swords come from Transylvania, central Romania (5 examples), and Bavaria (three N-b examples, three B/N and one O), and almost all were chance finds. A rare exception is the N-Type pommel discovered in a Transylvanian hoard buried in 1241.
The only artistic depiction of a sword with N-Type pommel occurs on a statue in Naumburg cathedral (central Germany) from about 1255. The dating of N-Type swords to the first half of the 13th century is confirmed by the typological characteristics of their blades and cross-guards, and this date has been suggested by most scholars. Based on their typological properties, the swords with Type O pommels have been dated to the second half of the 13th and early 14th centuries, which is suggested also by sculpted depiction in Freiburg cathedral from about 1300. Considering their morphological resemblance to Type N, O-Type pommels may be interpreted as their slightly younger derivative.
Book Reviews by Marko Aleksic
Certain typological and other properties of swords are mapped in order to explore their spatial distribution. In addition to archaeological findings, in book have been used other medieval source material, such as historical written sources as well as artistic representations of swords. Illustrative part of the book contains drawings and color photos of swords, their visual representations as well as geographical and historical maps.
Some of the reviews:
• B. Milosavljević, Vesnik Vojnog muzeja 34, Beograd 2008.
• H. Sanchiz Alvarez de Toledo, Gladius 29, Madrid 2009, 207-208. -
• Michal Pírek, Slovenska Archaeologia 57/1, Nitra 2009, 191-192. -
• Lech Marek, Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, Vol. XLIV, Krakow 2009, 267-271.
•J. Piet Puype, Waffen- und Kostümkunde 2012, Heft 1, 126-128.
International Scientific Conference "Authority and Power - the Nobility of Moravian Serbia from 1365. to 1402." (Sept. 2013) ed. Siniša Mišić
So far, only three swords with Type O pommels are known. Some examples are close to Type N swords (guards of Type 1, blades of Type Xa), and some differ (guards of Type 2, blades of Type XVI).
Most finds of N-Type swords come from Transylvania, central Romania (5 examples), and Bavaria (three N-b examples, three B/N and one O), and almost all were chance finds. A rare exception is the N-Type pommel discovered in a Transylvanian hoard buried in 1241.
The only artistic depiction of a sword with N-Type pommel occurs on a statue in Naumburg cathedral (central Germany) from about 1255. The dating of N-Type swords to the first half of the 13th century is confirmed by the typological characteristics of their blades and cross-guards, and this date has been suggested by most scholars. Based on their typological properties, the swords with Type O pommels have been dated to the second half of the 13th and early 14th centuries, which is suggested also by sculpted depiction in Freiburg cathedral from about 1300. Considering their morphological resemblance to Type N, O-Type pommels may be interpreted as their slightly younger derivative.