Books by Mihailo Milinković
Jelica Gradina LiDAR scan, 2024
This is a scan of the multilayered hilltop site Gradina on the Jelica Mt. in modern Western Serbi... more This is a scan of the multilayered hilltop site Gradina on the Jelica Mt. in modern Western Serbia. The Early Byzantine stratum is the dominant so far, with remains of a fortified regional center. (6th-beginning/first half of 7th c.). Excavations of the Gradina started in 1984. under my direction. The scan is being analyzed; a publication is forthcoming.
Приложен је скен Градине на Јелици. На овом вишеслојном локалитету доминантан је рановизантијски стратум, са остацима утврђеног регионалног центра из 6. и почетка/прве половине 7. века. Ископавања су на овом месту отпочела 1984. године, под мојим руководством. У току је анализа скена, предстоји његова публикација.
The publication is a new and larger exhibition catalogue (2017) with introductory texts made more... more The publication is a new and larger exhibition catalogue (2017) with introductory texts made more actual and 507 catalogue entries, in Serbian with an English summary. The most part of the material belongs to the Early Byzantine period (ca. 6th and/or beginning of 7th century), a smaller part to different Prehistoric periods and to the Early Medieval period (ca. 7-9th c.).Compared with the 2014. catalogue, it has nearly the doubled number of exposed objects, and objects found in the period 2014-2016 too. The exhibition was held in the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, spring-summer 2017.
The Gradina on Mt Jelica is one of the most important Early Byzantine and Early Medieval centers in modern Serbia, or in Northern Illyricum. It is excavated since 1984, with interruptions. Some of the architectural monuments are conserved on the site, a hill (846m) in Western Serbia, near the town of Čačak. The finds are kept in the National Museum in Čačak.
Das Buch stellt eine einführende Studie für das Erforschen der frühbyzantinischen Siedlungen (vor... more Das Buch stellt eine einführende Studie für das Erforschen der frühbyzantinischen Siedlungen (vor allem 5-Anfang 7. Jahrhundert) in Serbien und in der näheren Umgebung dar (Mazedonien, Bulgarien usw.). Es werden die Forschungsgeschichte der Frühbyzantinischen Archäologie in Serbien, die Methoden und der Forschungsstand untersucht. Nach einer historischen Einleitung wird auf die geographischen und klimatischen Faktoren eingegengen, bevor die Kriterien für die (Un)möglichkeit einer strikten Typenverteilung der (meist befestigten) Siedlungen behandelt werden. Danach werden die Grundprinzipien der Fortifikation und die einzelnen vorkommenden Elemente der Befestigungen (Tore, Mauern, Türme usw.) vorgeführt. Das Weiterleben der alten römischen Städte (Sirmium, Singidunum, Viminatium, Naissus) wird analysiert, wie die im 6.Jh. neugegründeten Städte oder "Städte" (Jelica-Gradina, Caričin Grad, Zlata-?), mit einem Ausblick auf das frühchristliche Gamzigrad/Romuliana. Die den Dörfern und der Wirtschaft gewidmeten Kapitel schliessen mit Schlussbemerkungen die Studie ab, die mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung versehen ist.
The publication is an exhibition catalogue (p. 214) with a summary in English, dedicated to the f... more The publication is an exhibition catalogue (p. 214) with a summary in English, dedicated to the finds of the Early Byzantine town on the Jelica hill in todays Western Serbia, but considering the surrounding Early Byzantine fortified settlements (6th/beginning of 7th c.), some Prehistoric, Roman and Early Medieval finds too. There are 267 catalogue entries and several introducing texts. The exhibition is organized by the National Museum in Cacak (August 2014-January 2015). Author of the exhibition: prof. dr Mihailo Milinkovic.
The book is a repetition of most important archaeological excavation results at the Jelica-Gradin... more The book is a repetition of most important archaeological excavation results at the Jelica-Gradina site (1984-2009), with Prehistoric, Early Byzantine and Early Medieval layers. It deals with the Early Byzantine and the Early Medieval finds only, Prehistorical finds are published separated. In 6th c. there was a
new fortified town built on the hilltop (846m), with five basilicas so far, residential houses, workshops etc. It had a space of about 20ha. The central anonymous town was surrounded by smaller 6th c. fortifications (villages) that are mentioned too, as there is an overview of the "Early Byzantine fortification" problem in Serbia and the Balkan region.After it's destruction around 600. it was occupied again, with ceramic dating to ca. 7-8th c., mostly Slavic forms, and a new wall, different in construction. The book is in Serbian with a large German summary.
Papers by Mihailo Milinković
Antiquité Tardive, 1993
A Step into the Pas t Approaches to Identity, Communications and Material Culture in South-Eastern European Archaeology, 2023
Das Weiterleben der Romanen auf dem westlichen Teil der Balkanhalbinsel nach 476 n. Chr.
wird im ... more Das Weiterleben der Romanen auf dem westlichen Teil der Balkanhalbinsel nach 476 n. Chr.
wird im Anschluss an eine geographische, historische und archäologische Einführung durch Vergleiche
der Ereignisse zwischen dem Küstengebiet an der östlichen-südöstlichen Adria und dem kontinentalen
Hinterland (dem heutigen Gebiet von Kroatien, Montenegro, Bosnien und der Herzegowina, und
Serbien) dargestellt. Dies wird vornehmlich anhand von archäologischen Funden unternommen, vor
allem Bekleidungszubehör wie Fibeln und Gürtelschnallen, wobei Siedlungen und Kirchen nicht
ausgeschlossen sind. In geringerem Masse wird auch auf die Angaben aus schriftlichen Quellen Bezug
genommen. Dazu werden, wo angebracht, ethnographische und literaturgeschichtliche Beispiele
vorgeführt. Neben bestehenden Parallelen zwischen den beiden Vergleichsgebieten werden auch
Unterschiede festgestellt, die sich auf die Kontinuität oder Diskontinuität der einheimischen Bevölkerung
beziehen, mit einem Ausblick auf die weiteren Ereignisse im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. Ausgewählte
Funde aus Süddalmatien und Montenegro, darunter bisher nicht publizierte oder nur erwähnte, werden
als Beispiele präsentiert.
Hortus artium medievalium, May 1, 2014
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2012
First Christian traces in today’s Serbia date from the time of Diocletian (Martyrs). Bishops are ... more First Christian traces in today’s Serbia date from the time of Diocletian (Martyrs). Bishops are mentioned in towns from the 4thcent. onwards. The North Illyrian provinces collapsed as well as its churches at the beginning of the 7thcent. due to the Barbarian invasions and the Slav settlement. Following the written sources, the Serbs have been baptized at first 610-641 and again in the 2ndhalf of the 9thcent. The traces consist of around 90 archaeologically investigated Early Christian churches remains, although the number will be much higher, considering the amount of unexplored settlements dating from the 4th-6th/beginning of 7thcent. The churches are divided by place of their erection (village, town) and type of plan. The number of known Early Medieval churches (9-10thcent.) is much lower; St. Peter and Paul’s rotunda near Novi Pazar and St. Procopius’ church in Prokuplje are mentioned as examples. A short history of investigation and research methods is given, regarding the period from the 19thcent. t...
ILLYRICVM ROMANVM Studiola in honorem Miloje Vasić Arheoloski institut Beograd (eds.I. Popović-S. Petković), 2020
The paper is dedicated to a bigger building made of stone with a storage room (granarium), that w... more The paper is dedicated to a bigger building made of stone with a storage room (granarium), that was excavated in the Early Byzantine (6th/beginning 7th c.) fortified center on the hilltop site Gradina (846m), Jelica mountain, modern Western Serbia. The work is trowing light on the partly well preserved architectural remains and on the most important small finds (inventaria domestica, tools, weapons, ceramics, glass, numismatic finds etc.). Some of them seem to have connections to regions inhabited with German tribes.
The role of such a building inside a regional center (town?) in the North of the Early Byzantine Illyricum is discussed.
У раду се приказује дело Михаила Валтровића, првог професора археологије на Филозофском факултету... more У раду се приказује дело Михаила Валтровића, првог професора археологије на Филозофском факултету у Београду (1881), уз податке о њему као слободном зидару, који су се могли прикупити из одговарајућих публикација и доступних архива.
The article is presenting the work of Mihailo Valtrović, first professor of archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1881), with facts about him as a mason, that were achievable in publications and accessible archives.
Über den Glanz des Goldes und die Polychromie. Technische Vielfalt und kulturelle Bedeutung vor-und frühgeschichtlicher Metallarbeiten (Hrsg. H. Eilbracht, O. Heinrich-Tamaska, B. Niemeyer, I. Reiche und H.-U. Voß) , 2018
Analyse des Pseudoschnallengürtels aus "Sirmium".
R. Frederiksen, S. Müth, P.I. Schneider, M. Schnelle (eds.), FOCUS ON FORTIFICATIONS New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East, 2016, 2016
Die sgn. Frühbyzantinischen Befestigungen im Illyricum werden in den meisten Fällen als befestigt... more Die sgn. Frühbyzantinischen Befestigungen im Illyricum werden in den meisten Fällen als befestigte Siedlungen ruralen Charakters angesprochen, als Dörfer die die Siedlungsgrundeinheit bildeten. Dabei werden nicht-landwirtschaftliche Berufstätigkeiten der Bewohner wie im Bergbau nicht ausgeschlossen. Überregionale Verteidigungslinien hat es ausser am Donaulimes nicht gegeben. Es werden auch die Fortifikationselemente behandelt.
У тексту се разматра споменичка вредност вишеслојног археолошког налазишта Градина на планини Јел... more У тексту се разматра споменичка вредност вишеслојног археолошког налазишта Градина на планини Јелици, у Драгачеву, недалеко од Чачка, и могућа корист за едукативни туризам, као и туризам уопште. Уједно се нуди осврт на општу понуду споменика културе у Србији, када је туризам у питању.
The publication is a new and larger exhibition catalogue (2017) with introductory texts made more... more The publication is a new and larger exhibition catalogue (2017) with introductory texts made more actual and 507 catalogue entries, in Serbian with an English summary. The most part of the material belongs to the Early Byzantine period (ca. 6th and/or beginning of 7th century), a smaller part to different Prehistoric periods and to the Early Medieval period (ca. 7-9th c.).Compared with the 2014. catalogue, it has nearly the doubled number of exposed objects, and objects found in the period 2014-2016 too. The exhibition was held in the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, spring-summer 2017. The Gradina on Mt Jelica is one of the most important Early Byzantine and Early Medieval centers in modern Serbia, or in Northern Illyricum. It is excavated since 1984, with interruptions. Some of the architectural monuments are conserved on the site, a hill (846m) in Western Serbia, near the town of Čačak. The finds are kept in the National Museum in Čačak.
The region of Grbalj (present-day Montenegro), between Mt Lovćen and the Adriatic Sea, has been s... more The region of Grbalj (present-day Montenegro), between Mt Lovćen and the Adriatic Sea, has been surveyed in 2000, with the result of 204 archaeological sites ranging from Prehistory, Antiquity, Early Christian and Medieval times to the Early Modern period registered and plotted on a map. Trial excavations have been undertaken on two sites, at Bigova and Krimovice. A concentration of sites has been observed in Lower Grbalj. The report is perliminary.
Chr. Lübke und M. Hardt, 400–1000 Vom spätantiken Erbe zu den Anfängen der Romanik, Handbuch zur Geschichte der Kunst in Ostmitteleuropa, Band 1, Leipzig 2017.
Three short entries with illustrations about a pair of Migration Period fibulae from Sirmium, abo... more Three short entries with illustrations about a pair of Migration Period fibulae from Sirmium, about the Early Byzantine fortified town on Jelica-Gradina hill, Western Serbia and a golden belt with pseudo-buckles "from Sirmium"
A first summary of excavation results on an Early Byzantine hillfort settlement in Western Serbia... more A first summary of excavation results on an Early Byzantine hillfort settlement in Western Serbia, on the Jelica mountain (6th / beginning of 7th c.), in German. It was a paper read at the Int. Conference - 75 years of excavations in Caricin Grad (organized by prof. dr. Vladislav Popovic in 1987). A part of the results, like those from some of the churches, are still valuable. The Jelica-Gradina site is one of the most important Early Byzantine sites in the region (huge fortified settlement, several church remains, residences etc.)
Transformation in the settlement pattern and settlements themselves took place in 6th c. Northern... more Transformation in the settlement pattern and settlements themselves took place in 6th c. Northern Illyricum, leading to landscape
and environmental changes. Due to Barbarian invasions new locations on hilltop positions have been preferred, judging by the
actual state of investigation. This process is best shown by examples of new built cities, as it is the case with the Gradina site
on the Jelica mountain in modern Western Serbia. Dissimilarities compared to models from ancient Roman times and to other
contemporary towns like Carièin Grad are discussed.
[Archaeological notes on the fortification solutions of Early Byzantine forts in Serbia... more Abstract
[Archaeological notes on the fortification solutions of Early Byzantine forts in Serbia] The article presents some ar- chaeological notes about solutions applied in Early Byzantine fortified settlements (6th cent. – beginning of the 7th cent.) in modern Serbia (Northern Illyricum). After a short history of investigation and interpretation, the main principles of Early Byzantine fortifications located in the Balkans are considered. Most of the ‘Early Byzantine fortifications’ have been shown after excavation to be fortified rural settlements, with possible additional functions like mining, metallurgy, or trade at some of them. The choice of location for building a fortified settlement is analyzed, as well as the ditches, the wall layout, the manner of wall construction, the different forms of gates, towers, etc.
Keywords: Serbia, Illyricum, Early Byzantine period, fortifications, walls, towers, gates
Books by Mihailo Milinković
Приложен је скен Градине на Јелици. На овом вишеслојном локалитету доминантан је рановизантијски стратум, са остацима утврђеног регионалног центра из 6. и почетка/прве половине 7. века. Ископавања су на овом месту отпочела 1984. године, под мојим руководством. У току је анализа скена, предстоји његова публикација.
The Gradina on Mt Jelica is one of the most important Early Byzantine and Early Medieval centers in modern Serbia, or in Northern Illyricum. It is excavated since 1984, with interruptions. Some of the architectural monuments are conserved on the site, a hill (846m) in Western Serbia, near the town of Čačak. The finds are kept in the National Museum in Čačak.
new fortified town built on the hilltop (846m), with five basilicas so far, residential houses, workshops etc. It had a space of about 20ha. The central anonymous town was surrounded by smaller 6th c. fortifications (villages) that are mentioned too, as there is an overview of the "Early Byzantine fortification" problem in Serbia and the Balkan region.After it's destruction around 600. it was occupied again, with ceramic dating to ca. 7-8th c., mostly Slavic forms, and a new wall, different in construction. The book is in Serbian with a large German summary.
Papers by Mihailo Milinković
wird im Anschluss an eine geographische, historische und archäologische Einführung durch Vergleiche
der Ereignisse zwischen dem Küstengebiet an der östlichen-südöstlichen Adria und dem kontinentalen
Hinterland (dem heutigen Gebiet von Kroatien, Montenegro, Bosnien und der Herzegowina, und
Serbien) dargestellt. Dies wird vornehmlich anhand von archäologischen Funden unternommen, vor
allem Bekleidungszubehör wie Fibeln und Gürtelschnallen, wobei Siedlungen und Kirchen nicht
ausgeschlossen sind. In geringerem Masse wird auch auf die Angaben aus schriftlichen Quellen Bezug
genommen. Dazu werden, wo angebracht, ethnographische und literaturgeschichtliche Beispiele
vorgeführt. Neben bestehenden Parallelen zwischen den beiden Vergleichsgebieten werden auch
Unterschiede festgestellt, die sich auf die Kontinuität oder Diskontinuität der einheimischen Bevölkerung
beziehen, mit einem Ausblick auf die weiteren Ereignisse im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. Ausgewählte
Funde aus Süddalmatien und Montenegro, darunter bisher nicht publizierte oder nur erwähnte, werden
als Beispiele präsentiert.
The role of such a building inside a regional center (town?) in the North of the Early Byzantine Illyricum is discussed.
The article is presenting the work of Mihailo Valtrović, first professor of archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1881), with facts about him as a mason, that were achievable in publications and accessible archives.
and environmental changes. Due to Barbarian invasions new locations on hilltop positions have been preferred, judging by the
actual state of investigation. This process is best shown by examples of new built cities, as it is the case with the Gradina site
on the Jelica mountain in modern Western Serbia. Dissimilarities compared to models from ancient Roman times and to other
contemporary towns like Carièin Grad are discussed.
[Archaeological notes on the fortification solutions of Early Byzantine forts in Serbia] The article presents some ar- chaeological notes about solutions applied in Early Byzantine fortified settlements (6th cent. – beginning of the 7th cent.) in modern Serbia (Northern Illyricum). After a short history of investigation and interpretation, the main principles of Early Byzantine fortifications located in the Balkans are considered. Most of the ‘Early Byzantine fortifications’ have been shown after excavation to be fortified rural settlements, with possible additional functions like mining, metallurgy, or trade at some of them. The choice of location for building a fortified settlement is analyzed, as well as the ditches, the wall layout, the manner of wall construction, the different forms of gates, towers, etc.
Keywords: Serbia, Illyricum, Early Byzantine period, fortifications, walls, towers, gates
Приложен је скен Градине на Јелици. На овом вишеслојном локалитету доминантан је рановизантијски стратум, са остацима утврђеног регионалног центра из 6. и почетка/прве половине 7. века. Ископавања су на овом месту отпочела 1984. године, под мојим руководством. У току је анализа скена, предстоји његова публикација.
The Gradina on Mt Jelica is one of the most important Early Byzantine and Early Medieval centers in modern Serbia, or in Northern Illyricum. It is excavated since 1984, with interruptions. Some of the architectural monuments are conserved on the site, a hill (846m) in Western Serbia, near the town of Čačak. The finds are kept in the National Museum in Čačak.
new fortified town built on the hilltop (846m), with five basilicas so far, residential houses, workshops etc. It had a space of about 20ha. The central anonymous town was surrounded by smaller 6th c. fortifications (villages) that are mentioned too, as there is an overview of the "Early Byzantine fortification" problem in Serbia and the Balkan region.After it's destruction around 600. it was occupied again, with ceramic dating to ca. 7-8th c., mostly Slavic forms, and a new wall, different in construction. The book is in Serbian with a large German summary.
wird im Anschluss an eine geographische, historische und archäologische Einführung durch Vergleiche
der Ereignisse zwischen dem Küstengebiet an der östlichen-südöstlichen Adria und dem kontinentalen
Hinterland (dem heutigen Gebiet von Kroatien, Montenegro, Bosnien und der Herzegowina, und
Serbien) dargestellt. Dies wird vornehmlich anhand von archäologischen Funden unternommen, vor
allem Bekleidungszubehör wie Fibeln und Gürtelschnallen, wobei Siedlungen und Kirchen nicht
ausgeschlossen sind. In geringerem Masse wird auch auf die Angaben aus schriftlichen Quellen Bezug
genommen. Dazu werden, wo angebracht, ethnographische und literaturgeschichtliche Beispiele
vorgeführt. Neben bestehenden Parallelen zwischen den beiden Vergleichsgebieten werden auch
Unterschiede festgestellt, die sich auf die Kontinuität oder Diskontinuität der einheimischen Bevölkerung
beziehen, mit einem Ausblick auf die weiteren Ereignisse im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit. Ausgewählte
Funde aus Süddalmatien und Montenegro, darunter bisher nicht publizierte oder nur erwähnte, werden
als Beispiele präsentiert.
The role of such a building inside a regional center (town?) in the North of the Early Byzantine Illyricum is discussed.
The article is presenting the work of Mihailo Valtrović, first professor of archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1881), with facts about him as a mason, that were achievable in publications and accessible archives.
and environmental changes. Due to Barbarian invasions new locations on hilltop positions have been preferred, judging by the
actual state of investigation. This process is best shown by examples of new built cities, as it is the case with the Gradina site
on the Jelica mountain in modern Western Serbia. Dissimilarities compared to models from ancient Roman times and to other
contemporary towns like Carièin Grad are discussed.
[Archaeological notes on the fortification solutions of Early Byzantine forts in Serbia] The article presents some ar- chaeological notes about solutions applied in Early Byzantine fortified settlements (6th cent. – beginning of the 7th cent.) in modern Serbia (Northern Illyricum). After a short history of investigation and interpretation, the main principles of Early Byzantine fortifications located in the Balkans are considered. Most of the ‘Early Byzantine fortifications’ have been shown after excavation to be fortified rural settlements, with possible additional functions like mining, metallurgy, or trade at some of them. The choice of location for building a fortified settlement is analyzed, as well as the ditches, the wall layout, the manner of wall construction, the different forms of gates, towers, etc.
Keywords: Serbia, Illyricum, Early Byzantine period, fortifications, walls, towers, gates
AND A MULTILAYERED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, Beograd, Serbia, Knez Mihailova 35., 26.04. - 21.05.2017.
The ruins of the ancient town belong to the 6th c. too and were reused in Early Medieval and Medieval times. They are not far away from Caricin Grad, that many see as Iustiniana Prima.
The ruins of the ancient town belong to the 6th c. too. They are not far away from Caricin Grad, that many see as Iustiniana Prima.
In 1998 I ordered a new map of the Balkan peninsula (without modern entries) for my doctoral thesis "Germanic Tribes in the Balkans. Archaeological Finds from the Migration Period" (University in Belgrade), considering my needs. To my surprise, there was no such one, at least not in Serbia in this time. It was made under my supervision by an employee of the Geographical institute, and, BTW, I had to pay for it. I see a lot of "similar" maps in archaeological literature. To be clear: I did not made this map for my personal use only, I´ll be really glad if others find it useful, and I will send to anybody who addresses me a version with good resolution, for publications etc. But I would be very grateful for a note where it comes from. Some of the colleagues have already done so. I do appreciate their fair approach. Some, maybe, are not informed about the origins. Therefore this short note.
Thank you,
Mihailo Milinković
Ausgrabungen auf der Jelica-Gradina in 2022, kurzer Vorbericht