Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2020
The addition of different oil blends in the feed of finishing pigs was evaluated. Twenty-four cas... more The addition of different oil blends in the feed of finishing pigs was evaluated. Twenty-four castrated male finishing pigs were used in a randomized block design containing four treatments and six replicates. The treatments consisted of: Reference ration (RR) - 100% soybean oil feed; and the combination of the different oils: Blend1 - 50.0% soybean oil (SO), 25.0% flaxseed oil (FO), 12.5% olive oil (OO) and 12.5% canola oil (CO); Blend2 - 25.0% SO, 50.0% FO, 12.5% OO and 12.5% CO; and Blend3 - 25.0% SO, 12.5% FO, 12.5% OO and 50.0% CO. The performance, quantitative and qualitative carcass parameters, fatty acids profile and economic feasibility of the diets were evaluated. The use of blends in the diets did not influence the performance or carcass quality, but increased marbling and carcass yield. The fatty acid profile of the loin presented greater amounts of stearic acid in Blend3 and higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in animals fed with Blend1. The fatty tissue presen...
Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica, 2014
Se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética del mineral en lo... more Se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética del mineral en los tejidos de ovinos en crecimiento. Veinticuatro machos de la raza Santa Inés, con peso vivo medio de 34.5kg, fueron distribuidos a cuatro tratamientos (0,16; 0,37; 0,58 y 0,79% de fósforo en la MS de la dieta). Se utilizó un diseño en bloques al azar en parcelas subdivididas. Los animales fueron inyectados con 4 MBq de 32P y sacrificados ochos días después. Se determinó la concentración y retención de fósforo, la actividad específica relativa (AER) y la estandarizada (AEP) del 32P en los tejidos. El aumento en la ingestión de fósforo incrementó linealmente (P<0.05) la concentración plasmática del mineral y la actividad metabólica (AER) de los tejidos en relación al fósforo, sin embargo, la retención de 32P cayó linealmente (P>0.05) con el aumento en la ingestión, pero de manera diferente (P<0.05) entre los tejidos evaluados. El incremento en la ingestión no afectó (P>0.05) l...
ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the effect of increasing P intake on nutrient digestibility, and comp... more ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the effect of increasing P intake on nutrient digestibility, and compare the true and apparent absorption coefficients of P and Ca in lambs. Materials and methods. Twenty-four Santa Ines sheep, with an average weight of 33.6 ± 1.6 kg, were distributed into four treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 g/day of supplementary P) with forage: concentrate ratio of 70:30. The study of apparent nutrient digestibility was conducted during the first week, using the total feces collection method. During the second week, after injection of 7.4 MBq of 32P and 7.7 MBq of 45Ca, apparent (AAC) and true (TAC) absorption coefficients of P and Ca were determined. The lambs were kept in metabolic cages. Results. The increase in P intake did not affect (p>0.05) dry matter, crude protein, NDF or ADF digestibility, but the TAC of P and Ca and mineral matter digestibility decreased. The AAC was not affected (p=0.10). A cubic relationship was observed between P intake and TAC (TAC=2.16–1.9...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of cashew bagasse bran as well as the... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of cashew bagasse bran as well as the performance of swine fed diets with different levels of inclusion of this by-product and their economic viability. In the digestibility trial, ten crossbred barrows weighing 60±6.86 kg were housed in metabolic cages. Five received standard feed and five received test feed with 300 g kg −1 cashew bagasse bran included. For the performance and economic viability study, forty crossbred pigs weighing 60±5.24 kg were allotted in a randomized block design with five treatments (0, 75, 150, 225, and 300 g kg −1 inclusion of cashew bagasse bran) and four replications. Daily feed intake, daily gain, feed conversion, partial gross income with and without allowance index, and partial net income with and without allowance index were evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression analysis. The treatment with 75 g kg −1 cashew bagasse bran provided the best results. Cashew bagasse bran can be included in the diet of finishing pigs up to the level of 300 g kg −1 without adversely affecting animal performance.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2014
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P... more O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos, alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase. Foram utilizados 20 suínos machos castrados, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas durante 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coletas de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados, e amostras de tecidos do músculo (lombo), coração, fígado, rins e ossos foram coletadas. A enzima fitase interferiu na cinética do 32P, levando a uma menor incorporação nos tecidos dos ossos.
Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzym... more Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzyme that cleaves the ortho-phosphate groups from the phytate molecule. Diets fed to pigs are supplemented with inorganic P, and this can increase environmental pollution and diet costs. Sixty mixed sex, half-breed pigs, were used to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary levels of phytase (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU kg-1 feed) on animal performance as compared to a control without phytase but supplemented with dicalcium phosphate. Enzyme levels did not affect daily feed intake, food conversion, average daily weight gain, plasma P and Ca, calcium and phosphorus in bone ash, and the calcium/phosphorus ratio in the plasma and bones. A quadratic relationship between phytase levels and the percentages of P and Ca in bone ash was observed, reaching a maximum at the 880 and 879 PU levels, respectively. Animals fed diets containing phytase presented low plasma P values when compared to the cont...
SUMMARYThe objective of the current study was to apply the Vitti–Dias model to investigate phosph... more SUMMARYThe objective of the current study was to apply the Vitti–Dias model to investigate phosphorus (P) metabolism in growing pigs fed a diet supplemented with microbial phytase. The basal diet contained maize, defatted rice bran, vegetable oil, soybean meal, limestone, salt and a vitamin and mineral mix. There was no inorganic P in the diet and phytase was added at levels of 253, 759, 1265 and 1748 phytase units (PU)/kg of feed. The compartmental model included four pools of P: (1) gut lumen, (2) plasma, (3) bone and (4) soft tissue. A single dose of32P was administered, and specific radioactivity was measured in plasma, faeces, bone and soft tissue (muscle, heart, liver and kidney) at different times post-dosing for calculation of P flows between pools. Total P absorbed showed a negative relationship with total P excreted in faeces and was strongly correlated with bone P retention, suggesting that absorbed P was channelled to bone to address its physiological growth. Average eff...
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2009
Ten crossbred barrows weighting 20kg were allocated in five groups fed and on diets consisted of ... more Ten crossbred barrows weighting 20kg were allocated in five groups fed and on diets consisted of different total phosphorus (P) levels: 0.30%, 0.40%, 0.51%, 0.65%, and 0.73%. The animals were intravenously injected 7.4MBq of radioactive P (32P) and after seven days they were slaughtered for further analysis. The evaluated parameters were intake, excretion, specific activities, and flow of P in compartments (1-gut, 2-blood, 3-bone, and 4-soft tissue). Besides fecal losses, the kidneys played an import role in P regulation. The flows of P from tissue and gut to the blood were affected by P intake.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2010
Avaliou-se a possibilidade de redução da concentração do fósforo inorgânico em dietas formuladas ... more Avaliou-se a possibilidade de redução da concentração do fósforo inorgânico em dietas formuladas para suínos de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal, utilizando-se um modelo experimental para o estudo do fluxo do P no metabolismo animal. Utilizaram-se 20 suínos machos castrados em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam à adição de 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg de dieta. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, os animais receberam, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados e coletaram-se amostras de tecidos do músculo Longissimus dorsi, coração, fígado, rins e ossos. Pode-se reduzir em 50% a suplementação de P em dietas para suínos em crescimento adicionando-se 750UF/kg de dieta, em rações à base de milho e farelo de soja, balanceadas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal, diminuindo-se significativamente a excreção de P nas fezes.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2011
Avaliaram-se o efeito de inclusão crescente de fitase (unidade de fitase - UF) em dietas para suí... more Avaliaram-se o efeito de inclusão crescente de fitase (unidade de fitase - UF) em dietas para suínos na fase de crescimento pela técnica de diluição isotópica. Foram utilizados 20 suínos, machos castrados, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos - 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg da ração - e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas por 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coleta de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu por via endovenosa em solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. A Quantum Phytase foi eficiente em disponibilizar o P fítico para suínos em crescimento até 750UF/kg de dieta, sendo que 500UF/kg da ração foi o indicado para dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja, formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2004
O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a cinética do P em tecidos de suínos em crescimento, ... more O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a cinética do P em tecidos de suínos em crescimento, alimentados com rações contendo P orgânico e vários níveis de fitase, com o uso do 32P como indicador. Foram usados 12 animais mestiços, machos castrados, com peso médio de 31,68± 1,62kg, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema de parcela subdividida, contendo quatro tratamentos (253, 759, 1265 e 1748 UF (unidade de fitase) /kg) e três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de níveis de inclusão da enzima fitase nas dietas associados aos tecidos dos ossos, fígado, coração, rins e músculos. Os leitões foram mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas por um período de dez dias de adaptação e sete dias de coletas de sangue. No primeiro dia de coleta, foram injetados em cada animal, por via endovenosa, 7,4 MBq de 32P, como indicador. No final do período experimental os animais foram sacrificados e amostras dos tecidos coletadas. Os níveis da enzima fitase não interferir...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal - RECIA, Jan 13, 2013
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los datos de un estudio en ovinos de pelo en cre... more Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los datos de un estudio en ovinos de pelo en crecimiento en donde se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética metabólica del mineral, y en el cual se observó un animal con alteraciones en los flujos de fósforo, en especial la cantidad excretada en la orina. El caso se destaca ya que no es usual que en un rumiante se excrete grandes cantidades de fósforo por la orina. Aunque este animal perdió más fósforo por vía fecal, la excreción por orina fue catorce veces superior a la observada en el resto de individuos. Además, la eficiencia con que se absorbió el fósforo dietético por parte de este ovino fue 36% inferior. Lo anterior destaca a este animal por poseer una cinética metabólica del mineral claramente diferente al resto de individuos. Considerando las variables estudiadas no se pudo especificar con precisión cuál fueron las causas de esas alteraciones, debido a la complejidad de la homeostasis del mineral en ese tipo de animales.
The International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 2019
Wood vinegar (WV), a byproduct from wood pyrolysis, is a natural, safe, nontoxic, cheap and versa... more Wood vinegar (WV), a byproduct from wood pyrolysis, is a natural, safe, nontoxic, cheap and versatile product suitable for use as additive on animal diets, as growth promoters and preventive antibiotic. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of WV as additive to quail feed. Increasing levels of eucalyptus WV were added to quail feed and performance parameters and economic viability were assessed. Chemical composition of WV was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and main compounds were identified. An experiment was conducted with 400 quails (Coturnix coturnix) with age of 1 to 42 days, according to a 5 x 2 factorial design: 5 levels of WV addition and 2 types of bedding (fresh and recycled), with 10 treatments and 4 replicates. Weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were determined. Furfural and phenolic compounds were the main components identified in the WV. The statistical analysis showed that for WV addition of 2.5% and quails housed with recycl...
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to explore the substitution of ractopamine by coconut o... more ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to explore the substitution of ractopamine by coconut or safflower oil in finishing pig diets. The study included 24 crossbred barrows weighing 78.00 ± 8.76 kg distributed in a randomized block design with four treatments and six replicates composed of: basal ration (BR), BR + 10 ppm ractopamine, BR + four 1 g capsules of safflower oil, and BR + four 1 g capsules of coconut oil. Performance evaluation showed that safflower oil, ractopamine, and coconut oil supplementation had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on weight gain and feed conversion. Carcass-related variables were also affected by the treatments (P < 0.05), with fat thickness 3 (FT3) reduced by the use of safflower oil, ractopamine, and coconut oil. Rib eye area was positively affected (P < 0.05) by diet, with ractopamine, coconut oil, and safflower oil supplementation treatments showing higher values than control diet treatment. The diets also affected fatty acid profiles ...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of qualitative dietary restriction diet on ... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of qualitative dietary restriction diet on carcass characteristics, meat quality, fatty acid profile, and performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing cashew bagasse bran. Forty pigs (20 females and 20 males) with initial weight of 60.00±5.24 kg of body weight (BW) were used. The diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal, cashew bagasse bran, vegetable oil, and mineral and vitamin mixture for finishing pigs. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments and four replicates, with two animals per experimental unit, one of each sex. Parameters related to performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acids profiles were used. The treatments used in the experiment did not affect feed intake and daily weight gain; however, in relation to feed conversion, a linear effect was observed with the increase of cashew bagasse bran levels in the diet. The same effects were also observed in carcass yield, backfat thickness, and fat area. The meat:fat ratio increased linearly with the increase of fiber in the diet. The level of 22.5% of cashew bagasse bran in finishing pig diets is recommended.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of canola and coconut oil... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of canola and coconut oils to diets of European quail (Coturnix coturnix) over performance and carcass yield. One hundred and ninety-two quail (eight-days old) were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments with six replicates of eight birds each. The treatments were arranged in a factorial 2×2 scheme with two sources of dietary oil containing two levels of canola and coconut oils (1 and 2%). For performance variables, the final weight was evaluated, and the carcass variables were feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion. A significant difference was observed between treatments for feed intake, with the inclusion of 2% canola oil providing higher intake. There was also significant effect for carcass characteristics on weight at fasting, eviscerated carcass, liver and gizzard weights, as well as liver, heart, and gizzard yields. The inclusion of vegetable oil such as canola and coconut oils in diets for European quail at the levels of 1 and 2% can be performed with no negative effect on performance from 8 to 42 days of age.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2020
The addition of different oil blends in the feed of finishing pigs was evaluated. Twenty-four cas... more The addition of different oil blends in the feed of finishing pigs was evaluated. Twenty-four castrated male finishing pigs were used in a randomized block design containing four treatments and six replicates. The treatments consisted of: Reference ration (RR) - 100% soybean oil feed; and the combination of the different oils: Blend1 - 50.0% soybean oil (SO), 25.0% flaxseed oil (FO), 12.5% olive oil (OO) and 12.5% canola oil (CO); Blend2 - 25.0% SO, 50.0% FO, 12.5% OO and 12.5% CO; and Blend3 - 25.0% SO, 12.5% FO, 12.5% OO and 50.0% CO. The performance, quantitative and qualitative carcass parameters, fatty acids profile and economic feasibility of the diets were evaluated. The use of blends in the diets did not influence the performance or carcass quality, but increased marbling and carcass yield. The fatty acid profile of the loin presented greater amounts of stearic acid in Blend3 and higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in animals fed with Blend1. The fatty tissue presen...
Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica, 2014
Se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética del mineral en lo... more Se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética del mineral en los tejidos de ovinos en crecimiento. Veinticuatro machos de la raza Santa Inés, con peso vivo medio de 34.5kg, fueron distribuidos a cuatro tratamientos (0,16; 0,37; 0,58 y 0,79% de fósforo en la MS de la dieta). Se utilizó un diseño en bloques al azar en parcelas subdivididas. Los animales fueron inyectados con 4 MBq de 32P y sacrificados ochos días después. Se determinó la concentración y retención de fósforo, la actividad específica relativa (AER) y la estandarizada (AEP) del 32P en los tejidos. El aumento en la ingestión de fósforo incrementó linealmente (P<0.05) la concentración plasmática del mineral y la actividad metabólica (AER) de los tejidos en relación al fósforo, sin embargo, la retención de 32P cayó linealmente (P>0.05) con el aumento en la ingestión, pero de manera diferente (P<0.05) entre los tejidos evaluados. El incremento en la ingestión no afectó (P>0.05) l...
ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the effect of increasing P intake on nutrient digestibility, and comp... more ABSTRACTObjective. Evaluate the effect of increasing P intake on nutrient digestibility, and compare the true and apparent absorption coefficients of P and Ca in lambs. Materials and methods. Twenty-four Santa Ines sheep, with an average weight of 33.6 ± 1.6 kg, were distributed into four treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 g/day of supplementary P) with forage: concentrate ratio of 70:30. The study of apparent nutrient digestibility was conducted during the first week, using the total feces collection method. During the second week, after injection of 7.4 MBq of 32P and 7.7 MBq of 45Ca, apparent (AAC) and true (TAC) absorption coefficients of P and Ca were determined. The lambs were kept in metabolic cages. Results. The increase in P intake did not affect (p>0.05) dry matter, crude protein, NDF or ADF digestibility, but the TAC of P and Ca and mineral matter digestibility decreased. The AAC was not affected (p=0.10). A cubic relationship was observed between P intake and TAC (TAC=2.16–1.9...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of cashew bagasse bran as well as the... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of cashew bagasse bran as well as the performance of swine fed diets with different levels of inclusion of this by-product and their economic viability. In the digestibility trial, ten crossbred barrows weighing 60±6.86 kg were housed in metabolic cages. Five received standard feed and five received test feed with 300 g kg −1 cashew bagasse bran included. For the performance and economic viability study, forty crossbred pigs weighing 60±5.24 kg were allotted in a randomized block design with five treatments (0, 75, 150, 225, and 300 g kg −1 inclusion of cashew bagasse bran) and four replications. Daily feed intake, daily gain, feed conversion, partial gross income with and without allowance index, and partial net income with and without allowance index were evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression analysis. The treatment with 75 g kg −1 cashew bagasse bran provided the best results. Cashew bagasse bran can be included in the diet of finishing pigs up to the level of 300 g kg −1 without adversely affecting animal performance.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2014
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P... more O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos, alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase. Foram utilizados 20 suínos machos castrados, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas durante 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coletas de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados, e amostras de tecidos do músculo (lombo), coração, fígado, rins e ossos foram coletadas. A enzima fitase interferiu na cinética do 32P, levando a uma menor incorporação nos tecidos dos ossos.
Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzym... more Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzyme that cleaves the ortho-phosphate groups from the phytate molecule. Diets fed to pigs are supplemented with inorganic P, and this can increase environmental pollution and diet costs. Sixty mixed sex, half-breed pigs, were used to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary levels of phytase (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU kg-1 feed) on animal performance as compared to a control without phytase but supplemented with dicalcium phosphate. Enzyme levels did not affect daily feed intake, food conversion, average daily weight gain, plasma P and Ca, calcium and phosphorus in bone ash, and the calcium/phosphorus ratio in the plasma and bones. A quadratic relationship between phytase levels and the percentages of P and Ca in bone ash was observed, reaching a maximum at the 880 and 879 PU levels, respectively. Animals fed diets containing phytase presented low plasma P values when compared to the cont...
SUMMARYThe objective of the current study was to apply the Vitti–Dias model to investigate phosph... more SUMMARYThe objective of the current study was to apply the Vitti–Dias model to investigate phosphorus (P) metabolism in growing pigs fed a diet supplemented with microbial phytase. The basal diet contained maize, defatted rice bran, vegetable oil, soybean meal, limestone, salt and a vitamin and mineral mix. There was no inorganic P in the diet and phytase was added at levels of 253, 759, 1265 and 1748 phytase units (PU)/kg of feed. The compartmental model included four pools of P: (1) gut lumen, (2) plasma, (3) bone and (4) soft tissue. A single dose of32P was administered, and specific radioactivity was measured in plasma, faeces, bone and soft tissue (muscle, heart, liver and kidney) at different times post-dosing for calculation of P flows between pools. Total P absorbed showed a negative relationship with total P excreted in faeces and was strongly correlated with bone P retention, suggesting that absorbed P was channelled to bone to address its physiological growth. Average eff...
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2009
Ten crossbred barrows weighting 20kg were allocated in five groups fed and on diets consisted of ... more Ten crossbred barrows weighting 20kg were allocated in five groups fed and on diets consisted of different total phosphorus (P) levels: 0.30%, 0.40%, 0.51%, 0.65%, and 0.73%. The animals were intravenously injected 7.4MBq of radioactive P (32P) and after seven days they were slaughtered for further analysis. The evaluated parameters were intake, excretion, specific activities, and flow of P in compartments (1-gut, 2-blood, 3-bone, and 4-soft tissue). Besides fecal losses, the kidneys played an import role in P regulation. The flows of P from tissue and gut to the blood were affected by P intake.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2010
Avaliou-se a possibilidade de redução da concentração do fósforo inorgânico em dietas formuladas ... more Avaliou-se a possibilidade de redução da concentração do fósforo inorgânico em dietas formuladas para suínos de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal, utilizando-se um modelo experimental para o estudo do fluxo do P no metabolismo animal. Utilizaram-se 20 suínos machos castrados em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam à adição de 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg de dieta. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, os animais receberam, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados e coletaram-se amostras de tecidos do músculo Longissimus dorsi, coração, fígado, rins e ossos. Pode-se reduzir em 50% a suplementação de P em dietas para suínos em crescimento adicionando-se 750UF/kg de dieta, em rações à base de milho e farelo de soja, balanceadas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal, diminuindo-se significativamente a excreção de P nas fezes.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2011
Avaliaram-se o efeito de inclusão crescente de fitase (unidade de fitase - UF) em dietas para suí... more Avaliaram-se o efeito de inclusão crescente de fitase (unidade de fitase - UF) em dietas para suínos na fase de crescimento pela técnica de diluição isotópica. Foram utilizados 20 suínos, machos castrados, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos - 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg da ração - e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas por 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coleta de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu por via endovenosa em solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. A Quantum Phytase foi eficiente em disponibilizar o P fítico para suínos em crescimento até 750UF/kg de dieta, sendo que 500UF/kg da ração foi o indicado para dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja, formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2004
O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a cinética do P em tecidos de suínos em crescimento, ... more O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a cinética do P em tecidos de suínos em crescimento, alimentados com rações contendo P orgânico e vários níveis de fitase, com o uso do 32P como indicador. Foram usados 12 animais mestiços, machos castrados, com peso médio de 31,68± 1,62kg, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema de parcela subdividida, contendo quatro tratamentos (253, 759, 1265 e 1748 UF (unidade de fitase) /kg) e três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de níveis de inclusão da enzima fitase nas dietas associados aos tecidos dos ossos, fígado, coração, rins e músculos. Os leitões foram mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas por um período de dez dias de adaptação e sete dias de coletas de sangue. No primeiro dia de coleta, foram injetados em cada animal, por via endovenosa, 7,4 MBq de 32P, como indicador. No final do período experimental os animais foram sacrificados e amostras dos tecidos coletadas. Os níveis da enzima fitase não interferir...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal - RECIA, Jan 13, 2013
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los datos de un estudio en ovinos de pelo en cre... more Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los datos de un estudio en ovinos de pelo en crecimiento en donde se evaluó el efecto del incremento en la ingestión de fósforo sobre la cinética metabólica del mineral, y en el cual se observó un animal con alteraciones en los flujos de fósforo, en especial la cantidad excretada en la orina. El caso se destaca ya que no es usual que en un rumiante se excrete grandes cantidades de fósforo por la orina. Aunque este animal perdió más fósforo por vía fecal, la excreción por orina fue catorce veces superior a la observada en el resto de individuos. Además, la eficiencia con que se absorbió el fósforo dietético por parte de este ovino fue 36% inferior. Lo anterior destaca a este animal por poseer una cinética metabólica del mineral claramente diferente al resto de individuos. Considerando las variables estudiadas no se pudo especificar con precisión cuál fueron las causas de esas alteraciones, debido a la complejidad de la homeostasis del mineral en ese tipo de animales.
The International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 2019
Wood vinegar (WV), a byproduct from wood pyrolysis, is a natural, safe, nontoxic, cheap and versa... more Wood vinegar (WV), a byproduct from wood pyrolysis, is a natural, safe, nontoxic, cheap and versatile product suitable for use as additive on animal diets, as growth promoters and preventive antibiotic. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of WV as additive to quail feed. Increasing levels of eucalyptus WV were added to quail feed and performance parameters and economic viability were assessed. Chemical composition of WV was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and main compounds were identified. An experiment was conducted with 400 quails (Coturnix coturnix) with age of 1 to 42 days, according to a 5 x 2 factorial design: 5 levels of WV addition and 2 types of bedding (fresh and recycled), with 10 treatments and 4 replicates. Weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were determined. Furfural and phenolic compounds were the main components identified in the WV. The statistical analysis showed that for WV addition of 2.5% and quails housed with recycl...
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to explore the substitution of ractopamine by coconut o... more ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to explore the substitution of ractopamine by coconut or safflower oil in finishing pig diets. The study included 24 crossbred barrows weighing 78.00 ± 8.76 kg distributed in a randomized block design with four treatments and six replicates composed of: basal ration (BR), BR + 10 ppm ractopamine, BR + four 1 g capsules of safflower oil, and BR + four 1 g capsules of coconut oil. Performance evaluation showed that safflower oil, ractopamine, and coconut oil supplementation had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on weight gain and feed conversion. Carcass-related variables were also affected by the treatments (P < 0.05), with fat thickness 3 (FT3) reduced by the use of safflower oil, ractopamine, and coconut oil. Rib eye area was positively affected (P < 0.05) by diet, with ractopamine, coconut oil, and safflower oil supplementation treatments showing higher values than control diet treatment. The diets also affected fatty acid profiles ...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of qualitative dietary restriction diet on ... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of qualitative dietary restriction diet on carcass characteristics, meat quality, fatty acid profile, and performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing cashew bagasse bran. Forty pigs (20 females and 20 males) with initial weight of 60.00±5.24 kg of body weight (BW) were used. The diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal, cashew bagasse bran, vegetable oil, and mineral and vitamin mixture for finishing pigs. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments and four replicates, with two animals per experimental unit, one of each sex. Parameters related to performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acids profiles were used. The treatments used in the experiment did not affect feed intake and daily weight gain; however, in relation to feed conversion, a linear effect was observed with the increase of cashew bagasse bran levels in the diet. The same effects were also observed in carcass yield, backfat thickness, and fat area. The meat:fat ratio increased linearly with the increase of fiber in the diet. The level of 22.5% of cashew bagasse bran in finishing pig diets is recommended.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of canola and coconut oil... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of canola and coconut oils to diets of European quail (Coturnix coturnix) over performance and carcass yield. One hundred and ninety-two quail (eight-days old) were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments with six replicates of eight birds each. The treatments were arranged in a factorial 2×2 scheme with two sources of dietary oil containing two levels of canola and coconut oils (1 and 2%). For performance variables, the final weight was evaluated, and the carcass variables were feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion. A significant difference was observed between treatments for feed intake, with the inclusion of 2% canola oil providing higher intake. There was also significant effect for carcass characteristics on weight at fasting, eviscerated carcass, liver and gizzard weights, as well as liver, heart, and gizzard yields. The inclusion of vegetable oil such as canola and coconut oils in diets for European quail at the levels of 1 and 2% can be performed with no negative effect on performance from 8 to 42 days of age.
Papers by José Aparecido Moreira