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Curriculum Vitae

19th-20th Century Europe, Social Network Analysis (SNA), and Historical Linguistics
CURRICULUM VITAE Surname Abacı Name Nurcan Date of Birth 21.07.1966 Adress Uludağ University, Faculty of Arts&Sciences, Department of History Görükle Kampüsü-16059 Bursa/Turkey E-mail nurcanabaci@gmail.com Web page http://uludag.academia.edu/NurcanABACI Phone 90+224+294 18 59 Education 21 .05. 1999 26. 09. 1994 08. 07. 1991 Ph.D., Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences. M.A, Uludağ University, Institute of Social Sciences. Bachelor, Middle East Technical University, Department of History. Employment 1997 to date Extra-curricular reference and supplementary tutorials in Intensive Ottoman Summer School in Cunda by Harvard University and Koç University (except 1999). 02.05.2012 to Professor Dr., Department of History, FAS, Uludağ University. date 09.10.2006-01- Associate Prof. Dr., Department of History, FAS, Uludağ University. 05.2012 12. 10 2001-Assistant Prof. Dr., Department of History, FAS, Uludağ University. 08.10.2006 19. 12. 1994/ 11.Lecturer, Department of History, FAS, Uludağ University. 10. 2001 27. 11. 1992/ 18.Research Assistant, Uludağ University, Institute of Social Sciences. 12. 1994 Fellowships 2007-2008 1997-1998 1997 Getting Closer to Death: Last Wills of the Ottoman Elderly in Terms of Social Stratification, (1700-1800). Grant by Av. Humboldt. Freiburg University. Research fellow, Center for the Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, grant by Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). Research fellow , Universität Bamberg, grant by Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). Teaching Responsibilities Graduate Courses Study of Archival and Narrative Ottoman Sources (Intensive Ottoman Summer School in Cunda by Harvard University and Koç University) Ottoman Urban Institutions in Classical Period (1300-1600) Enlightment and European Order (1500-1800) Undergraduate Courses Fall TRH 2013 Methods of Research in History TRH 3013 European History (Early Modern Period) TRH 4015 Contemporary World History Spring TRH 1024 Reading and Analysis in History TRH 3007 European History (Modern Period) TRH 4014 Readings in Social History Selected Publications Books: Abacı, Nurcan. The Ottoman Judges and Their Registers, the Bursa Court Register B-90/295 (Dated Ah 1081/Ad 1670-71, Introduction and Text (Entries 1-600). Vol. I, Sources of Oriental Languages and Literatures 79. Cambridge: Harvard University, The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2007. Abacı, Nurcan. The Ottoman Judges and Their Registers, the Bursa Court Register B-90/295 (Dated Ah 1081/Ad 1670-71, Text (Entries 601-998) and Facsimile. Vol. II, Sources of Oriental Languages and Literatures 80. Cambridge: Harvard University, The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2007. Abacı Nurcan (Ed.), Papers of VIIIth International Congress on the Economic and Social History of Turkey, Morrisville: Lulu Press, 2006. Abacı Nurcan, Bursa Şehri’nde Osmanlı Hukuku’nun Uygulanması (17. yüzyıl), (Application of the Ottoman Law as seen from Bursa Court Records, 17th Century) Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, 2001. Abacı Nurcan (Ed.), Bursa'nın Depremselliği ve Deprem Tarihi, (The Seismicity of Bursa and History of its Earthquakes) Bursa: Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayını, 2001. Research Projects: The two Facets of the Mountain: A Social Network Analysis of Mountain and Immigrant Villages of Bursa /Dağın İki Yüzü: Bursa’nın Dağ Yöresi Köyleri ile Göçmen Köylerine Yönelik Sosyal Ağ Analizi (Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-Tübitak. Grant no: 109K422). 2010-2012. “Standarts of Everyday Life in the Middle Ages and in Modern Times”, (Researcher/LLP Erasmus IP-St. Cyril St Methodius University of Veliko Tırnovo, 2012-2014). “Being Linked or Powerful so as not to Break Up”: Social Networks and Actors in the Ottoman Society According to Qadi Registers (1695-1700)/“Batmayacak Kadar Bağlantılı Ya da Güçlü Olmak”: Kadı Sicillerine Göre Osmanlı Toplumunda Sosyal Ağlar ve Aktörler (16951700), (Researcher/Supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-Tübitak. Grant no: 112K270). 2012-2015. Conference Papers: Politics of Keeping Your Honor Intact: Gender and Defamation Cases in the Seventeenth Century Bursa Court Records, Ottoman Subjects as “Homo Dictyous”: Reputation, Authority and the Power of Words, 13th International Congress Of Ottoman Social And Economic History (ICOSEH), 1-5 October, 2013, Alcalá. Hz.İsa Kadı Mahkemesinde: Bir Kanıt Olarak Müslüman ve Hristiyanların Yemin Etme Süreçleri, Hikayelerimiz ve Adaletin Mümkünlüğü: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne Adalet Hikayeleri, 20th CIÉPO Symposium, New Trends in Ottoman Studies, 27 June – 1 July 2012, Rethymno, Crete. Mountain and Immigrant Villages of Bursa in Comparative Perspective: Hierarchical or Egalitarian Social Structure? Clio Harnessing the Spider: SNA (Social Network Analysis) of Ottoman Bursa (15th - 20th Centuries), 45th Annual Meeting of Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 1-4 December, 2011, Washington D.C. SNA (Social Network Analysis) and Ottoman History: A Social Network Analysis of Mountain and Immigrant Villages of Bursa (Late Ottoman/Early Republic), 12th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH), 11-15 July, 2011, Retz. 17.Yüzyılda İhtisap-Subaşılık Kurumlarının İşleyişi ve Yönetilenlerin Merkezle Temas Noktaları: Bursa Örneği”, (Establishment of the Chief of Police in the 17th Century: A Case of Bursa), Ciepo-15 International Committee Of Pre-Ottoman And Ottoman Studies (Comité International Détudes Pré-Ottomanes Et Ottomanes), 15th Symposium, 8-12 July, 2002, London. The Notion of "Identity" as seen from the Center in the Ottoman Empire: The Case of Bursa", 34th Annual Meeting of Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 16-19 November, 2000, Orlando/Florida. Osmanlı Kadı'sının Sosyal Konumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma, (An Investigation upon the Position of the Ottoman Judge in Social Stratification) , XIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 4-8 Ekim 1999, Ankara.