The article deals with the replacement of the native species Spartina maritima with the non-nativ... more The article deals with the replacement of the native species Spartina maritima with the non-native species Spartina townsendii and Spartina anglica in the Sacca di Bellocchio, an important brackish wetland on the northern Adriatic coast.
La vegetazione alofila della Sacca di Bellocchio, 2023
This article describes the most common types of vegetation in the brackish wetland "Sacca di Bell... more This article describes the most common types of vegetation in the brackish wetland "Sacca di Bellocchio", on the northern Adriatic coast - Italy. This important wetland is part of the IT4060003 - ZSC-ZPS - Vene di Bellocchio, Sacca di Bellocchio, Mouth of the Reno River, Pineta di Bellocchio, and is located in the provinces of Ravenna and Ferrara.
ALESSANDRINI A. & MONTANARI S. (EDS.). Review of noteworthy reports concerning the Region... more ALESSANDRINI A. & MONTANARI S. (EDS.). Review of noteworthy reports concerning the Regione Emilia-Romagna published in the web-forum "Acta Plantarum" In anticipation of the implementation of the new Italian flora Checklist, this work has been drafted to add information on the flora of Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). The data presented comes from the “Acta Plantarum” Web Forum, where they were made public for the first time. Thanks to the reports in the forum, the knowledge on regional flora has grown remarkably. An important contribution to the improvement of knowledge is also obtained from the magazine "Journal of studies and news of natural history of Romagna" where periodically novelties from the same forum for Romagna, a subregion with a very active group of explorers, are presented. This contribution covers a total of 103 entities, of which 84 are new for Emilia-Romagna and 3 for Italy; of these 47 are alien. Other 16 entities are then treated as the presence needed confirmation or the presence of which was recorded for the region but no basic data was known; of these 4 are alien.
Les zones humides cotieres d'eau douce sont tres rare en Italie. La vegetation de l'une d... more Les zones humides cotieres d'eau douce sont tres rare en Italie. La vegetation de l'une d'entre elles a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. A l'exception de 1'association Cyperetum flavescentis, determinee par le pietinement, la vegetation observee peut etre subdivisee en deux groupes : la vegetation psammophytique dans les zones les plus elevees (Bromo tectorum-Phleetum arenarii, Schoeneto-Chrysopogonetum grylli), et la vegetation hygrophytique dans les depressions interdunaires (Phragmitetum australis, groupement a Eleocharis uniglumis, groupement a Juncus subnodulosus, Allio suaveolentis-Molinietum) . La correlation des groupements vegetaux avec les valeurs indicatrices de Landolt et resp. avec les elements chronologiques a ete etudiee a l'aide de 1'analyse numerique. La tendance dynamique principale consiste en une serie lineaire, car les roselieres peuvent evoluer vers l'ordre Molinietalia et ensuite probablement vers l'ordre Populetalia albae. L'association Bromo-Phleetum arenarii peut etre consideree comme un gnoupement permanent, conditionnee par des causes soit naturelles soit anthropiques. En 1'absence de perturbation liee a l'erosion, on peut supposer une evolution vers l'ordre Quercetalia pubescenti-petaeae.
Coastal dunes provide the hinterland with natural protection from marine dynamics. The specialize... more Coastal dunes provide the hinterland with natural protection from marine dynamics. The specialized plant species that constitute dune vegetation communities are descriptive of the dune evolution status, which in turn reveals the ongoing coastal dynamics. The aims of this paper were to demonstrate the applicability of a low-cost unmanned aerial system for the classification of dune vegetation, in order to determine the level of detail achievable for the identification of vegetation communities and define the best-performing classification method for the dune environment according to pixel-based and object-based approaches. These goals were pursued by studying the north-Adriatic coastal dunes of Casal Borsetti (Ravenna, Italy). Four classification algorithms were applied to three-band orthoimages (red, green, and near-infrared). All classification maps were validated through ground truthing, and comparisons were performed for the three statistical methods, based on the k coefficient a...
L'ibis, uccello venerato fin dall'antichità egizia, è stato scelto dai naturalisti ravenn... more L'ibis, uccello venerato fin dall'antichità egizia, è stato scelto dai naturalisti ravennati come emblema della conservazione della Natura in senso generale ed in particolare come logos dell'oasi naturalistica delle Punte Alberete fin dagli anni '70 del secolo scorso. Agli albori del III millennio l'acronimo IBIS è stato scelto da L'Arca per definire un Inventario della Biodiversità Specifica e per indicare un ambizioso progetto di censimento della ricchezza biologica del territorio, con particolare riguardo alle stazioni ravennati del Parco del Delta del Po, Emilia Romagna (Progetto IBIS 2000). La presente Flora delle Riserve Naturali di Stato nell'area costiera di Ravenna costituisce il terzo dei Quaderni dell'IBIS (dopo Flora di Punte Alberete-Valle Mandriole e Flora della Bassa del Bardello e delle dune litoranee di Ravenna). Questi quaderni intendono contribuire alla conoscenza, alla divulgazione ed alla salvaguardia del patrimonio naturale della...
Habitats of Community interest (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) in the Natural Reserve of Sacca di B... more Habitats of Community interest (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) in the Natural Reserve of Sacca di Bellocchio (Ravenna and Ferrara Provinces). Vegetal communities of the littoral saltmarsh Sacca di Bellocchio (Ravenna and Ferrara provinces), recently surveyed in order to verify the possible changes in comparison with the regional cartography of the 1999, have been analyzed and classifyed following the Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats – EUR 27 July 2007. The following habitats have been recognized: 1150*-Coastal lagoons; 1210 -Annual vegetation of drift lines; 1310 -Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand; 1320 -Spartina swards (Spartinion maritimae); 1410 -Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi); 1420 -Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi); 2120 -Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes). Furthermore a syntaxonomical scheme of the detected communities is reported. Key words: Ha...
Rare and threatened plant communities of the Ravenna province sites of the Park of the Po Delta (... more Rare and threatened plant communities of the Ravenna province sites of the Park of the Po Delta (Emilia-Romagna Region). We present here an outline of the most threatened plant communities of the coastal territory of the Ravenna province, for the most part included in the Regional Park of the Po Delta (Emilia-Romagna Region). It concerns a complex landscape related to the particular geographical situation, instability, changes in the territory and human activities. This varied territory includes sand dunes, saltmarsh ponds, freshwater ponds, grey dunes and related dune slacks. The vegetation types we consider particularly rare or in critical condition are marked with an asterisk in the final syntaxonomical scheme.
La vegetation de la Saline de Comacchio a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. Les rel... more La vegetation de la Saline de Comacchio a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. Les releves ont ete classes par des methodes d'analyse numerique. Dans ce biotope dont la production du sel a ete arretee en 1984, 7 associations ont ete mises en evidence, quelques-unes entre elles tres interessantes au point de vue phytogeographique et en particulier Puccinellio convolutae - Arthrocnemetum glauci subass. typicum et halocnemetosum strobilacei. Les principaux facteurs ecologiques qui determinent la distribution des types de vegetation sont le niveau et la salinite de l'eau.
Illustrated identification guide to the arbustive plants of Ravenna and Cervia pinewood, 2nd edit... more Illustrated identification guide to the arbustive plants of Ravenna and Cervia pinewood, 2nd edition, cured for Comune di Ravenna, Servizio Ambiente and Parco Regionale Delta del Po.
The article deals with the replacement of the native species Spartina maritima with the non-nativ... more The article deals with the replacement of the native species Spartina maritima with the non-native species Spartina townsendii and Spartina anglica in the Sacca di Bellocchio, an important brackish wetland on the northern Adriatic coast.
La vegetazione alofila della Sacca di Bellocchio, 2023
This article describes the most common types of vegetation in the brackish wetland "Sacca di Bell... more This article describes the most common types of vegetation in the brackish wetland "Sacca di Bellocchio", on the northern Adriatic coast - Italy. This important wetland is part of the IT4060003 - ZSC-ZPS - Vene di Bellocchio, Sacca di Bellocchio, Mouth of the Reno River, Pineta di Bellocchio, and is located in the provinces of Ravenna and Ferrara.
ALESSANDRINI A. & MONTANARI S. (EDS.). Review of noteworthy reports concerning the Region... more ALESSANDRINI A. & MONTANARI S. (EDS.). Review of noteworthy reports concerning the Regione Emilia-Romagna published in the web-forum "Acta Plantarum" In anticipation of the implementation of the new Italian flora Checklist, this work has been drafted to add information on the flora of Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). The data presented comes from the “Acta Plantarum” Web Forum, where they were made public for the first time. Thanks to the reports in the forum, the knowledge on regional flora has grown remarkably. An important contribution to the improvement of knowledge is also obtained from the magazine "Journal of studies and news of natural history of Romagna" where periodically novelties from the same forum for Romagna, a subregion with a very active group of explorers, are presented. This contribution covers a total of 103 entities, of which 84 are new for Emilia-Romagna and 3 for Italy; of these 47 are alien. Other 16 entities are then treated as the presence needed confirmation or the presence of which was recorded for the region but no basic data was known; of these 4 are alien.
Les zones humides cotieres d'eau douce sont tres rare en Italie. La vegetation de l'une d... more Les zones humides cotieres d'eau douce sont tres rare en Italie. La vegetation de l'une d'entre elles a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. A l'exception de 1'association Cyperetum flavescentis, determinee par le pietinement, la vegetation observee peut etre subdivisee en deux groupes : la vegetation psammophytique dans les zones les plus elevees (Bromo tectorum-Phleetum arenarii, Schoeneto-Chrysopogonetum grylli), et la vegetation hygrophytique dans les depressions interdunaires (Phragmitetum australis, groupement a Eleocharis uniglumis, groupement a Juncus subnodulosus, Allio suaveolentis-Molinietum) . La correlation des groupements vegetaux avec les valeurs indicatrices de Landolt et resp. avec les elements chronologiques a ete etudiee a l'aide de 1'analyse numerique. La tendance dynamique principale consiste en une serie lineaire, car les roselieres peuvent evoluer vers l'ordre Molinietalia et ensuite probablement vers l'ordre Populetalia albae. L'association Bromo-Phleetum arenarii peut etre consideree comme un gnoupement permanent, conditionnee par des causes soit naturelles soit anthropiques. En 1'absence de perturbation liee a l'erosion, on peut supposer une evolution vers l'ordre Quercetalia pubescenti-petaeae.
Coastal dunes provide the hinterland with natural protection from marine dynamics. The specialize... more Coastal dunes provide the hinterland with natural protection from marine dynamics. The specialized plant species that constitute dune vegetation communities are descriptive of the dune evolution status, which in turn reveals the ongoing coastal dynamics. The aims of this paper were to demonstrate the applicability of a low-cost unmanned aerial system for the classification of dune vegetation, in order to determine the level of detail achievable for the identification of vegetation communities and define the best-performing classification method for the dune environment according to pixel-based and object-based approaches. These goals were pursued by studying the north-Adriatic coastal dunes of Casal Borsetti (Ravenna, Italy). Four classification algorithms were applied to three-band orthoimages (red, green, and near-infrared). All classification maps were validated through ground truthing, and comparisons were performed for the three statistical methods, based on the k coefficient a...
L'ibis, uccello venerato fin dall'antichità egizia, è stato scelto dai naturalisti ravenn... more L'ibis, uccello venerato fin dall'antichità egizia, è stato scelto dai naturalisti ravennati come emblema della conservazione della Natura in senso generale ed in particolare come logos dell'oasi naturalistica delle Punte Alberete fin dagli anni '70 del secolo scorso. Agli albori del III millennio l'acronimo IBIS è stato scelto da L'Arca per definire un Inventario della Biodiversità Specifica e per indicare un ambizioso progetto di censimento della ricchezza biologica del territorio, con particolare riguardo alle stazioni ravennati del Parco del Delta del Po, Emilia Romagna (Progetto IBIS 2000). La presente Flora delle Riserve Naturali di Stato nell'area costiera di Ravenna costituisce il terzo dei Quaderni dell'IBIS (dopo Flora di Punte Alberete-Valle Mandriole e Flora della Bassa del Bardello e delle dune litoranee di Ravenna). Questi quaderni intendono contribuire alla conoscenza, alla divulgazione ed alla salvaguardia del patrimonio naturale della...
Habitats of Community interest (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) in the Natural Reserve of Sacca di B... more Habitats of Community interest (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) in the Natural Reserve of Sacca di Bellocchio (Ravenna and Ferrara Provinces). Vegetal communities of the littoral saltmarsh Sacca di Bellocchio (Ravenna and Ferrara provinces), recently surveyed in order to verify the possible changes in comparison with the regional cartography of the 1999, have been analyzed and classifyed following the Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats – EUR 27 July 2007. The following habitats have been recognized: 1150*-Coastal lagoons; 1210 -Annual vegetation of drift lines; 1310 -Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand; 1320 -Spartina swards (Spartinion maritimae); 1410 -Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi); 1420 -Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi); 2120 -Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes). Furthermore a syntaxonomical scheme of the detected communities is reported. Key words: Ha...
Rare and threatened plant communities of the Ravenna province sites of the Park of the Po Delta (... more Rare and threatened plant communities of the Ravenna province sites of the Park of the Po Delta (Emilia-Romagna Region). We present here an outline of the most threatened plant communities of the coastal territory of the Ravenna province, for the most part included in the Regional Park of the Po Delta (Emilia-Romagna Region). It concerns a complex landscape related to the particular geographical situation, instability, changes in the territory and human activities. This varied territory includes sand dunes, saltmarsh ponds, freshwater ponds, grey dunes and related dune slacks. The vegetation types we consider particularly rare or in critical condition are marked with an asterisk in the final syntaxonomical scheme.
La vegetation de la Saline de Comacchio a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. Les rel... more La vegetation de la Saline de Comacchio a ete etudiee selon la methode de Braun-Blanquet. Les releves ont ete classes par des methodes d'analyse numerique. Dans ce biotope dont la production du sel a ete arretee en 1984, 7 associations ont ete mises en evidence, quelques-unes entre elles tres interessantes au point de vue phytogeographique et en particulier Puccinellio convolutae - Arthrocnemetum glauci subass. typicum et halocnemetosum strobilacei. Les principaux facteurs ecologiques qui determinent la distribution des types de vegetation sont le niveau et la salinite de l'eau.
Illustrated identification guide to the arbustive plants of Ravenna and Cervia pinewood, 2nd edit... more Illustrated identification guide to the arbustive plants of Ravenna and Cervia pinewood, 2nd edition, cured for Comune di Ravenna, Servizio Ambiente and Parco Regionale Delta del Po.
Papers by Nicola Merloni
Books by Nicola Merloni