Hacettepe Üniversitesi/Đktisadi ve Đdari Bilimler …
Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen y... more Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar, abone işleri ve diğer konularla ilgili yazışmalar aşağıdaki adrese yapılmalıdır:
There has been witnessed a big shift in the world trade over the last two decades. Since the earl... more There has been witnessed a big shift in the world trade over the last two decades. Since the early 1990s, there has been an increase in the number of bilateral, regional or cross-regional preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in the global trade system, and more recently, this trend has been accelerating. On the other hand, the importance of developing countries (the South) in global economy and especially trade among them (South-South trade), has been growing rapidly. In this vein, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the rise of PTAs, focusing on the South perspective. The paper emphasizes that the significance of such developments should not be overlooked since they have profoundly influenced the nature of international trade relations and the policy choices and behavior of developing countries.
Son 30 yıldır dünya ekonomisinde ve ticaretinde yaşanan büyük değişimin en önemli unsurlarından b... more Son 30 yıldır dünya ekonomisinde ve ticaretinde yaşanan büyük değişimin en önemli unsurlarından birisi, yeni bir bölgeselleşme dalgası olgusudur. Yeni bölgeselleşme olgusu, 20. Yüzyılın üçüncü çeyreğinde görülen (eski) bölgeselleşme olgusundan birçok yönüyle farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada yeni bölgeselleşme olgusunun, eski bölgeselleşmeden ayrıldığı noktalar analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma bahse konu yeni bölgeselleşmenin dinamiklerinin ve bu konudaki gelişmelerin öneminin her bir ülke ve ekonomik aktör açısından gözden uzak tutulmamasını önermekte ve bu savı anılan olgunun uluslararası ticari ilişkilerin yapısını ve ülkelerin davranışlarını ve politika seçeneklerini derinden etkileme gücü ve potansiyeline bağlamaktadır.
The longstanding trade dispute between Boeing (US) and Airbus (EU) over government subsidies has ... more The longstanding trade dispute between Boeing (US) and Airbus (EU) over government subsidies has increased in intensity over the past few years, with both parties filing complaints at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in May 2005. The aim of this paper is to analyze this dispute and its implications by reviewing the general characteristics of the large civil aircraft (LCA) industry and the particular legal roots of this dispute. The paper focuses on recent developments in terms of the WTO process. The main argument of this paper is that the WTO process is unlikely to produce a feasible and effective solution to the dispute. This is due to the characteristics of the LCA industry, complicated relations between the main producers and their governments, the historical roots of the dispute and the legacy of international arrangements on subsidies for the industry, and most importantly, the current structure of the WTO system.
Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen y... more Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar, abone işleri ve diğer konularla ilgili yazışmalar aşağıdaki adrese yapılmalıdır:
Objective of the study is to estimate export and import equations of Turkey using panel data of b... more Objective of the study is to estimate export and import equations of Turkey using panel data of bilateral trade. • In the export equation, dependent variable is the exports of Turkey to 117 countries covering the period 1993-2001. Independent variables are real exchange rate, gross domestic product of importing countries, dummy variables for the preferential trade regimes (namely, customs union and free trade agreements). To measure gravity effect we also put a variable measuring distance between Ankara and capital cities of the importing countries and a dummy variable for whether the country has a common border with Turkey or not. The model is estimated using panel data methodology. • In the import equation, the dependent variable is imports of Turkey from 113 countries between the years 1993-2002. Independent variables are GNP of Turkey and real exchange rate. Dummy variables for customs union, free trade agreements and border, same distance variable as in export equation (to measure gravity effect) are also put as independent variables. Time dependence of imports is accounted for by putting at the right hand side of the equation one period lagged values of imports and estimating the equation by dynamic panel data methodology. • JEL Classification : F02, C23, O52
Hacettepe Üniversitesi/Đktisadi ve Đdari Bilimler …
Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen y... more Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar, abone işleri ve diğer konularla ilgili yazışmalar aşağıdaki adrese yapılmalıdır:
There has been witnessed a big shift in the world trade over the last two decades. Since the earl... more There has been witnessed a big shift in the world trade over the last two decades. Since the early 1990s, there has been an increase in the number of bilateral, regional or cross-regional preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in the global trade system, and more recently, this trend has been accelerating. On the other hand, the importance of developing countries (the South) in global economy and especially trade among them (South-South trade), has been growing rapidly. In this vein, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the rise of PTAs, focusing on the South perspective. The paper emphasizes that the significance of such developments should not be overlooked since they have profoundly influenced the nature of international trade relations and the policy choices and behavior of developing countries.
Son 30 yıldır dünya ekonomisinde ve ticaretinde yaşanan büyük değişimin en önemli unsurlarından b... more Son 30 yıldır dünya ekonomisinde ve ticaretinde yaşanan büyük değişimin en önemli unsurlarından birisi, yeni bir bölgeselleşme dalgası olgusudur. Yeni bölgeselleşme olgusu, 20. Yüzyılın üçüncü çeyreğinde görülen (eski) bölgeselleşme olgusundan birçok yönüyle farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada yeni bölgeselleşme olgusunun, eski bölgeselleşmeden ayrıldığı noktalar analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma bahse konu yeni bölgeselleşmenin dinamiklerinin ve bu konudaki gelişmelerin öneminin her bir ülke ve ekonomik aktör açısından gözden uzak tutulmamasını önermekte ve bu savı anılan olgunun uluslararası ticari ilişkilerin yapısını ve ülkelerin davranışlarını ve politika seçeneklerini derinden etkileme gücü ve potansiyeline bağlamaktadır.
The longstanding trade dispute between Boeing (US) and Airbus (EU) over government subsidies has ... more The longstanding trade dispute between Boeing (US) and Airbus (EU) over government subsidies has increased in intensity over the past few years, with both parties filing complaints at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in May 2005. The aim of this paper is to analyze this dispute and its implications by reviewing the general characteristics of the large civil aircraft (LCA) industry and the particular legal roots of this dispute. The paper focuses on recent developments in terms of the WTO process. The main argument of this paper is that the WTO process is unlikely to produce a feasible and effective solution to the dispute. This is due to the characteristics of the LCA industry, complicated relations between the main producers and their governments, the historical roots of the dispute and the legacy of international arrangements on subsidies for the industry, and most importantly, the current structure of the WTO system.
Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen y... more Dergisi yılda iki defa yayımlanır ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar, abone işleri ve diğer konularla ilgili yazışmalar aşağıdaki adrese yapılmalıdır:
Objective of the study is to estimate export and import equations of Turkey using panel data of b... more Objective of the study is to estimate export and import equations of Turkey using panel data of bilateral trade. • In the export equation, dependent variable is the exports of Turkey to 117 countries covering the period 1993-2001. Independent variables are real exchange rate, gross domestic product of importing countries, dummy variables for the preferential trade regimes (namely, customs union and free trade agreements). To measure gravity effect we also put a variable measuring distance between Ankara and capital cities of the importing countries and a dummy variable for whether the country has a common border with Turkey or not. The model is estimated using panel data methodology. • In the import equation, the dependent variable is imports of Turkey from 113 countries between the years 1993-2002. Independent variables are GNP of Turkey and real exchange rate. Dummy variables for customs union, free trade agreements and border, same distance variable as in export equation (to measure gravity effect) are also put as independent variables. Time dependence of imports is accounted for by putting at the right hand side of the equation one period lagged values of imports and estimating the equation by dynamic panel data methodology. • JEL Classification : F02, C23, O52
(2014), The 13th METU Conference on International Relations, June 25-27, 2014, Ankara, Turkey (wi... more (2014), The 13th METU Conference on International Relations, June 25-27, 2014, Ankara, Turkey (with Halit HARPUT).
(2013), TSBD 13. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 4 - 6 Aralık 2013, Ankara: ODTÜ Kongre ve Kültü... more (2013), TSBD 13. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 4 - 6 Aralık 2013, Ankara: ODTÜ Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi (Halit HARPUT ile birlikte).
`Turkey in the World`, the 12th METU Conference on International Relations, 12-14 June 2013, METU... more `Turkey in the World`, the 12th METU Conference on International Relations, 12-14 June 2013, METU, Ankara, Turkey (with Halit HARPUT)
(2006) TEK 2006 Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı, 11-13 Eylül 2006, Ankara. (TURKISH ECONOMIC ASSO... more (2006) TEK 2006 Uluslararası Ekonomi Konferansı, 11-13 Eylül 2006, Ankara. (TURKISH ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMICS ICE-TEA 2006 ANKARA, SEPTEMBER 11-13, 2006 (with Guzin BAYAR).
(2003). METU International Conference in Economics VII, September 6-9, 2003, Ankara (with E.Ariso... more (2003). METU International Conference in Economics VII, September 6-9, 2003, Ankara (with E.Arisoy&G.Bayar)
Papers by Ozgur CALISKAN