International Trade Policy
Recent papers in International Trade Policy
A careful assessment of intra-regional and extra-regional ASEAN trade volumes from 1970 to 2010 reveals that there has been no significant change during the pre- and post-AFTA era. However, researchers working on the effectiveness of the... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
This paper examines the Buy Malawi Strategy through the lenses of international agreements that Malawi is party to. The Buy Malawi Strategy seeks to increase the consumption of Malawian made goods and services through enhancing the... more
The present period of economic globalization originated following World War II. Given the strongly protectionist tendencies prevailing at the time, how did this happen? Structural economic and military causes, along with intervening... more
The objective of this paper is to establish through empirical evidence the economic development indicators that contribute to the growth of the manufacturing sector in Liberia. The study used a modified Story (1980) model to do the... more
Mega-regional trade agreements (MRTAs), namely Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), are new generation trade agreements that could,... more
International trade policy is a part of the State's socio-economic policy including a system of appropriate principles, tools and measures that the state applies to regulating national trade activities of a country in a certain period of... more
Can the theory of comparative advantage explain industrial specializations, which are a necessary condition for gaining from international trade ? In other words : what causal linking, in the very frame of that theory, leads managers to... more
Given Puerto Rico's colonial exclusion from Latin American and Caribbean regional-ism and its ruling parties' disregard for stimulating an industrial base of small and medium-sized local enterprises rather than U.S. multinational... more
En mai 2008, quelques mois avant la faillite de la banque Lehman Brothers, le journaliste américain Fareed Zakaria annonçait l'avènement d'un monde post-américain marqué par le déclin relatif de l'hegemon américain face aux nouvelles... more
The recent rise in suicide rates amongst farmers in India today is the symptom of an underlying crisis in agriculture due to the marginalization of the agrarian economy. It may partially be explained as a result of an increasingly... more
This paper reviews the WTO's first Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the United Arab Emirates. The TPR raises a number of concerns about barriers to foreign investment and competition. In reviewing the evaluation, the approach adopted in this... more
Globalization is taking hold of our imagination and of our scientific and political curiosity. Offshore outsourcing, Safeguard clauses against the import of Chinese textiles, anti-dumping measures against all other kinds of imports from... more
Access to finance by entrepreneurs is paramount for their business to succeed. The existing microfinance institutions (MFI’s) have tried to bridge the gap of credit accessibility to entrepreneurs but despite this the entrepreneurs have... more
Observers view the expansion of China’s relationship with African countries not only from its perspective as a multifaceted endeavour but also from the nuances extant in the academic and non-academic professional circles. The factors... more
The Cobden-Chevalier Treaty of 1860 is regarded as central turning point in nineteenth-century trade policy, inaugurating a free trade era in Western Europe. We reexamine this story and put it into global perspective with a new database... more
These reports present an important aspect of regional cooperation in Central Asia – trade. Many factors speak in favour of regional trade and cooperation, including (a) the communication, transport and energy infrastructure created by the... more
The study was aimed at assessing the current stance of fiscal credibility in South Africa, thereby generating robust thoughts as to how it can be strengthened if not restored. By means of a desktop approach, we find that the factors... more
Thailand's international trade policies, including cross-border and transit trade, are central to its economic growth and integration into the global economy. The country has long relied on an export-driven strategy, leveraging its... more
These reports present an important aspect of regional cooperation in Central Asia – trade. Many factors speak in favour of regional trade and cooperation, including (a) the communication, transport and energy infrastructure created by... more
Over the last twenty years the academic literature on globalisation has burgeoned. It will not be summarised here. The initial aim is to indicate that globalisation is a process that has a number of dimensions. It can be approached from... more
Since the emergence of nation-states as primary actors in the international system, relations among states have been defined and guided by their strategic interests in all areas of interaction. International economic relations,... more
The Cobden-Chevalier Treaty of 1860 is regarded as central turning point in nineteenth-century trade policy, inaugurating a free trade era in Western Europe. We reexamine this story and put it into global perspective with a new database... more
Since the inception of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, there has been increased interest on how to restart the Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) market especially in Europe. The crisis exposed several shortcomings in the securitization... more
Recent literature tried to explain the Indian growth miracle in different ways, ranging from trade liberalization to industrial reforms. Using data on Indian manufacturing firms, this paper analyzes the relationship between firm's... more
Thiago Lima: Mestrando em Relações Internacionais pelo Programa 'San Tiago Dantas' (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP). Pesquisador do CEDEC. Resumo O artigo trata da desavença entre o governo e uma parte importante do setor privado sobre os... more
Given Puerto Rico’s colonial exclusion from Latin American and Caribbean regionalism and its ruling parties’ disregard for stimulating an industrial base of small and medium-sized local enterprises rather than U.S. multinational... more
A careful assessment of intra-regional and extra-regional ASEAN trade volumes from 1970 to 2010 reveals that there has been no significant change during the pre- and post-AFTA era. However, researchers working on the effectiveness of the... more
Rick Rowden looks at the impact of corporate moves to homogenise global trading and investment agreements and how developing countries are struggling to preserve their sovereignty.
The International Trade Working Paper series promptly documents and disseminates reviews, analytical work and think-pieces to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to stimulate debates and discussions on issues that are of interest to... more
This paper empirically examines how wage growth in Turkey has been influenced by workdays lost to strikes, by inflation and by real GDP through the vector autoregression model for the annual period 1963–2015. According to empirical... more
Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie. 2016. ISSN: 1467-9663. This paper is a discussion of the... more
Chinese Economy and Central Asia. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review. 11(3): 1-14. 2015. ISSN 1813-0534. Chinese economic growth has accompanied the rise and development of the Chinese economic model with its own types of... more
Una estimación de los efectos que se derivarían del ALCA (TLC con Estados Unidos) con una eventual eliminación del AEC sobre los precios y cantidades de las importaciones de Venezuela y los Estados Unidos. Empleando la econometría de... more
Foreign missions have been the pillars of trade promotion and in particular, of export and export-oriented investment. In Sri Lanka, the potentiality in export promotion to Germany is immense. However, it is discernible that there is no... more