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The economic and financial history of Greece offers interesting in- sights into the current worldwide economic crisis. In the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Greece went through a series of financial disasters due to... more
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      Economic HistoryEuropean StudiesEconomicsBanking
This paper looks into fiscal consolidation in India's heartland states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh following their separation from 2001 to 2019. The study examines the trends in states' budget deficits, public spending, debt, and... more
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      Public ExpendituresPublic DebtRevenueEconomic growth and development
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceOrganized CrimeCo-operation
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      Economic DevelopmentModeling and SimulationPublic sectorFiscal policy
Abstract. In this paper we study the relationship of fiscal policy and economic performance of some core countries in the EU. Our aim is to find out whether public deficit and public debt have consequences for real variables in the... more
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      EconomicsEuropean integrationEconomic GrowthFiscal policy
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      EconomicsFinancial developmentApplied Economics LettersPublic Debt
Government debt is one of the most important variables monitored in the European economies of 21th century. Due to Euro Convergence Criteria, it is most often calculated as a ratio of government debt-to-Gross Domestic Product (D/GDP).... more
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      Public FinancePublic DebtGross Domestic Product (GDP)Government Debt
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomics
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      RiskDeveloping CountryPublic DebtCase Study
The Italian economy is characterized by a considerable amount of public debt and low growth for over a decade. This is a key issue both at a theoretical and policy level. The relationship between public debt and economic growth is widely... more
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      Economic GrowthFiscal policyPublic Debt
This chapter critically questions the ‘naturalisation’ of recourse to the market, namely, the process by which market devices and financial techniques were established and became unchallenged and uncontroversial technical issues. The... more
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      Political EconomyWelfare StatePolitical ScienceEconomic policy
This is an analysis of the 2015 Zambian Budget including breakdown of allocations to sectors including health, Agriculture, infrastructure development and many more. The Wage Freeze is addresses as well as the mining tax regime changes.
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      Tourism StudiesSocial PolicyManufacturingAgriculture
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      Property RightsEndangered SpeciesApplied EconomicsTerm Limits
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      Financial EconomicsPublic DebtBanking CrisisProfitability
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      EconomicsFiscal policyGlobal Financial CrisisMoral Hazard
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      EconomicsFiscal policyMonetary PolicyPublic Debt
Depuis 2015 Jean-Michel Servet voit dans le “partage au sens de bien commun” une forme du principe de réciprocité dont il conteste l ’assimilation au don. Il rejette aussi la conception de la monnaie qui la rapporte au concept de dette... more
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      Economic SociologyInstitutional EconomicsCommonsReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
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    • Public Debt
Pegando no comentário de Marx a Shakespeare em The Power of Money (1844), encontramos um quadro teórico do materialismo histórico/económico onde se percebe qual é a materialidade de um objecto, no sentido estrito; porém, não se percebe... more
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      Marxist EconomicsShakespeareMoney and BankingMoney
ABSTRACT The sovereign debt crisis in the euro area is a symptom of policy failures and deficiencies in – among other things – fiscal policy coordination. The first nine years of the euro were not used effectively in order to improve... more
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      Public FinanceFiscal policySovereign DebtEuro Area
The Kenyan economy has been under stress of late and this paper analyses the extent to which fiscal and monetary policies have informed the articulation of the economy.
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      Development EconomicsAfricaEconomic DevelopmentKenya
El canje de deuda de 2005 fue la primera etapa de un largo proceso de normalización de pasivos públicos en default que culminó en 2016. Además de sentar las bases de las etapas que le siguieron, la estrategia de manejo de la deuda... more
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      Economic SociologyInternational Political EconomyArgentinaInternational Negotiations
a short review of J. Soll, The Reckoning. Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations, New York, Basic Books, 2014, pp. 276; in STORIA del PENSIERO POLITICO 1/2015, 145-172
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      Modern HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of IdeasEarly Modern History
L’analyse de la dette publique repose sur un certain nombre de conventions qui semblent ne rien devoir à la recherche, mais plutôt reposer sur des consensus parfois difficiles à défendre sur le plan scientifique. Parmi elles, la... more
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    • Public Debt
Africa's growing public debt has sparked a renewed global debate about debt sustainability on the continent. This is largely owing to the emergence of China as a major financier of African infrastructure, resulting in a narrative that... more
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      African StudiesSino-African RelationsChina-Africa relationsPublic Debt
What is money? What is an economy? Why is money so addictive? What is accumulation? What is capitalism? What are the problems caused by capitalist accumulation. These are all question examined in this introductory overview of money, the... more
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      PovertyCommunismGlobalisation and DevelopmentCapitalism
Nel corso della sua breve storia nazionale, l'Italia ha affrontato diverse crisi della finanza pubblica, che ne hanno messo in pericolo la stabilità, come forse nessun altro paese europeo. Il libro analizza una delle fasi più complicate... more
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      Public DebtRelazioni Internazionalistoria economica e sociale del MezzogiornoModern Italy
This paper assesses the impact of total external debt, short term external debt, long term external debt and total reserve on economic growth by using time series data from 1980 to 2012 in case of India. According to ordinary least square... more
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      Economic GrowthExportPublic DebtImpact of External debt on economic growth
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      Civil WarTax PolicyPublic DebtLegislation
Debt cancellation in its Ancient Near Eastern context is an act and prerogative of sovereign power. This raises challenges for conceptualizing debt cancellation/Jubilee today as a radical or progressive practice.
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      Critical TheoryReligionTheologySovereignty
Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance
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      Fiscal Policy and debt ManagementExternal DebtPublic Debt
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      EconomicsEconomic TheoryMedicineMonetary Policy
El objetivo de este documento es presentar una estimación de los principales efectos de la Ley de Reestructuración de Pasivos (Ley 550 de 1999) en las entidades territoriales. El análisis se realiza mediante un método no experimental de... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic Policy EvaluationFiscal Federalism
This brief paper provides an example of the use of Altman's Z-Score in evaluating the probability of municipal default. It includes a short discussion of hedge fund strategy with regard to municipal default and advances an argument that... more
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      AccountingFinancial managementFinancial Risk ManagementRisk Management
India is an agrarian country with around 70% of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture, with 82% of farmers being small and marginal. Farmer suicides account for 11.2% of all suicides in India. Activists... more
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      MarketingAgrarian StudiesSuicideAgriculture
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      Political CultureEconomic policyDirect DemocracyApplied Economics
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      FinanceEconomicsPublic FinanceFinancial Economics
La deuda pública es aquel mecanismo por el cual un gobierno contrae deudas (a partir de bonos o prestamos concisos) pactados con determinado nivel de interés y plazo, para que se pueda subsanar la brecha entre el exceso de gasto con... more
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      ColombiaPublic DebtInvestigaciónDeuda Pública
This study has analysed the causal relationship between public debt and unemployment - youth unemployment in the PIIGS countries and Turkey for the period of 1990–2015. Availing country-based comparisons, Kònya (2006) panel bootstrap... more
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      UnemploymentPublic DebtPIIGS countriesBootstrap Panel Causality Analysis
The year 2002 would be remembered in the European Union as the year the ‘Euro’ officially became the common legal tender of the ‘Eurozone’ comprising presently of 19 member states. Exactly seven years after, a full blown banking and... more
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      European StudiesEconomicsInternational EconomicsPublic Finance
Introductory chapter of PhD thesis: 'Why Not Default? The Structural Power of Finance in Sovereign Debt Crises.' Defended (without corrections) at the European University Institute in Florence on May 19, 2016. This thesis aims to answer... more
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      FinanceLatin American StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
Questions regarding the economic consequences of US grand strategy have gained new salience. This paper provides an empirical test of the relationship between US military expenditures and public debt and clarifies the real constraints the... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityInternational Political EconomyMilitary Spending
"Capitalism is in a profound state of crisis. Beyond the mere dispassionate cruelty of 'ordinary' structural violence, it appears today as a global system bent on reckless economic revenge; its expression found in mass incarceration,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAngerPopular Culture
The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin America is A KICK IN THE TEETH—and this is to put it mildly! The poorest countries, who account <3% of private and public debt owed by so-called... more
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      Fiscal Policy and debt ManagementSovereign DebtFinancial CrisisImperialism
International financial organizations that lend to developing countries are the subject of controversy. Their functions, structures and effectiveness have generated important debates across disciplines, analysts and positions on the... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational organizationsInternational Political EconomyWorld Bank
Public debt of the United Provinces 1560-1795. A reconstruction of the growth of the public debt of the province of Holland and the Generality. The accumulated wealth of the Dutch Republic was tapped by the government in the 17th century... more
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      Public DebtHistory of Public Finance
In the 19th century, the Hudâvendigâr province was one the most important centers of sericulture and silk industry in The Ottoman Empire territories. Depending on the technological developments and demands taking place in Europe, a... more
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      Economic History of Ottoman EmpireSilkworm Genetics and BreedingPublic DebtBursa