External Debt
Recent papers in External Debt
The external debt burden of many low-income developing countries has increased significantly since the 1970s. Developments in a sample of ten countries show that the main factors behind the buildup of debt were (1) exogenous (adverse... more
External debt plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of a nation. It gives a shape to the economic activities of a country. External debt is more crucial for any developing country like India, where there is always a... more
This study was conducted to evaluate the trend in external debts, and events influencing the increase or decrease in external debts of Pakistan. Obviously external debt is risky for economic development in both developed and developing... more
Brazil has been a central participant in the developing country debt experience. In quantitative terms, Brazil's $1 10 billion debt accounts for some 10 percent of the total debt of developing countries.'In qualitative terms,... more
The empirical study explores the Impact of external debts, internal debts, foreign direct investments, Crude oil prices and debt servicing on Stock markets of Pakistan by using time series data from 1994 to 2018 on annual basis. Purpose... more
Pegando no comentário de Marx a Shakespeare em The Power of Money (1844), encontramos um quadro teórico do materialismo histórico/económico onde se percebe qual é a materialidade de um objecto, no sentido estrito; porém, não se percebe... more
Historia de la deuda externa de América Latina. Información general. Autores: Carlos Marichal; Editores: Alianza Editorial; Año de publicación: 1988; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-206-4212-6
Dutch Disease is a structural phenomenon that provokes de-industrialization. This study employed the VAR econometric technique in analyzing the existence of the Dutch Disease hypothesis in Nigeria with annual time series data for the... more
Developing Country Debt and Economic Performance
Most emerging countries owe substantial external debt and depend on foreign aid to achieve sustainable economic development. However, this paper's key purpose is to examine the determinants of Somalia's external debt. To achieve this, the... more
ABSTRACT This paper seeks to investigate the impact of Fiscal Policy and External Debt in Nigeria spanning into the period 1970 to 2011. Debt has become inevitable phenomenon in Nigeria, despite its oil wealth. The study applied... more
The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin America is A KICK IN THE TEETH—and this is to put it mildly! The poorest countries, who account <3% of private and public debt owed by so-called... more
Monitoring a suitable set of early warning indicators is crucial for the optimal timing of macroprudential measures aimed at reducing the risk of financial crises or at least mitigating their impact on the economy. This article sets out... more
El rescate mexicano de 1982/83 constituyó un primer y azaroso capítulo en la historia de las finanzas globales contemporáneas que ha estado marcada por numerosas crisis financieras sucesivas hasta nuestros días. Después de ofrecer una... more
The focus of this research is to analyze the effects of the International Monetary Fund’ (IMF) Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) on income distribution, poverty and social wellbeing in a number of African states with a special focus on... more
Borxhi eshte thjesht nje simptome. Shkaku i vertete i borxhit jane nevoja apo deshira e qeverive per te shpenzuar me shume se te ardhurat qe " krijojne " – jane shpenzimet qe mund te vleresohen si te mira apo te keqija. Borxhi eshte nje... more
In this study, we try to explore the effects of globalization and international integration on developing countries’ external debt in 1980-2010 time period. As known, the developing world consists of countries which desire to reach to the... more
This paper starts with the FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) impact analysis to main macroeconomic indicators (total investments, Gross fixed Capital Formation, GDP, exports, imports, real wage, external debt and external payments balance)... more
La historia reciente en Argentina muestra significativas lecciones para el acontecer político, social y económico actual respecto de cambios en las principales instituciones que componen el capitalismo moderno. Es nuestro propósito... more
Tesis de Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales
Uno de los aspectos más relevantes del modelo económico que surgió a partir de las últimas elecciones presidenciales es, sin lugar a dudas, la vuelta del financiamiento por la vía del endeudamiento externo. Esta tercera ola de... more
Türkiye ekonomisi 2018 ortalarında bir döviz krizi ile karşı karşıya kalmış, ekonomi yavaşlamaya, enflasyon hızla artmaya ve borç ödemelerinde yaşanan sorunlar yoğunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu makalede, yaşanan bu gelişmelerin, 2000'li... more
This study set out to examine empirically the threshold analysis of the impact of external debt on the Nigerian economy from 1981-2013. The debt laffer curve which is an inverted-U curve, shows that at the rising part of the curve... more