Research Papers by Ruby Grace Ricalde

The Philippines is an agricultural country and the dairy farming is one of the industries which p... more The Philippines is an agricultural country and the dairy farming is one of the industries which provide vigor to the economy. The Federation of Davao Dairy Farmers Cooperatives (FEDDAFC) is one of the producers of fresh cow's milk in the Philippines and the only one in Davao City. All the eight dairy cooperatives under the FEDDAFC were considered. This study aims to measure the technical efficiency of the primary cooperatives under FEDDAFC; identify which among the cooperatives is/are the most technically efficient and inefficient; examine the potential of milk production if dairy farms could operate efficiently; and provide recommendations to improve the production of every cooperative. The technical efficiency was measured through the outputoriented model using Data Envelopment Analysis Program (DEAP) to obtain the most efficient cooperative using the inputs, namely grass, cow, farmer, and water, and output (milk) in terms of liters. Results show that the mean values of technical efficiencies under Constant Returns to Scale (CRS) and Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) which are 0.693 and 0.855, respectively. Calinan Dairy Farmers Cooperative (CDFC) is the most efficient with CRS and VRS of 1 because of the efficient allocation of inputs. It is followed by Malagos Dairy Cooperative (MDC), Aklat Dairy Cooperative (ADC) and Riverside Dairy Farmers Cooperative (RIDAFCO). Wangan Dairy Farmers Cooperative (WADAC), Cadalian Dairy Farmers Cooperative (CADAFCO), Biao Joaquin Dairy Farmers Cooperative (BJDAFCO) and Tacunan Dairy Farmers Cooperative (TADAFCO) are the inefficient cooperatives. Therefore, it implies that these inefficient cooperatives can further increase their outputs by undertaking their opportunities and proper usage of their resources by allocating their inputs proportionally. Results show that WADAC should mimic the practices of CDFC and ADC; BJDAFCO and TADAFCO should follow CDFC, ADC, and RIDAFCO; and CADAFCO should also follow CDFC, MDC and RIDAFCO to operate efficiently within the FEDDAFC. Given that these inefficient cooperatives will implement these changes, their outputs will increase from 11 to 37 percent.

Laundry is one of the biggest contributors of service in the Philippines, comprising 6% of the se... more Laundry is one of the biggest contributors of service in the Philippines, comprising 6% of the sector. This type of business has been sprouting out in Davao City, even in the far flung area of Mintal. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was done on one of the laundry shops located in the heart of Mintal, which is A's Laundry Shop. This study aims to find out the maximum profit, to identify the best combination of the amount of labor and capital to produce maximum profit, to determine the maximum number of kilograms to be washed per month that would maximize the profit and to provide recommendation to the owners. Data was gathered through an interview and were organized through Microsoft Excel and were run through Gretl and Lingo. Results showed that A's Laundry Shop can attain their maximum profit of Php38, 694.31 in present time by inputting Php13,978.71 of capital and Php5,626.773 of labor per month. This combination of inputs can generate an output of 2914.989454 kilos of laundry.

Out-of-school youth (OSY) rate is increasing nowadays due to the high cost of education. In order... more Out-of-school youth (OSY) rate is increasing nowadays due to the high cost of education. In order to alleviate this, the city government of Davao implemented the Scholarship on Tertiary Education Program (STEP) in 2008 to provide economic assistance to underprivileged yet deserving students of Davao City. The study aimed to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of STEP by identifying, evaluating, comparing the costs and benefits, and analyzing if it is worth pursuing on the next years. Data were gathered through personal interviews with the STEP in-charge and 5 of its 33 graduates. The ex-post impact of STEP was assessed through Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) approach that compares the opportunity cost of the STEP graduates who went to college after high school, which is the salary they could have earned if they worked after high school, against the opportunity cost of the conceptualized counterfactual scenario which is the college degree foregone if they chose to work first before entering college The opportunity costs were measured in terms of the length of time STEP graduates can recuperate the 4-year tuition fees based on their annual income and the length of time that the non-STEP recipients will need to work in order for them to enroll to college based on Region XI's minimum wage. The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) of 6.57 showed that STEP has a positive impact since it takes 0.632 years or 7.6 months for STEP graduates to recompense their tuition, while it takes 0.934 years or 11.2 months for high school graduates who chose to work first to gain enough money to proceed to college. Therefore, getting a college degree through scholarships like STEP is more beneficial than working before entering college. Thus, STEP is worth pursuing and should be given an increased budget to cater more students to lessen the number of OSY.
Case Study by Ruby Grace Ricalde
One of the key requirements for a cooperative to be coordinated and to gain successful feedbacks ... more One of the key requirements for a cooperative to be coordinated and to gain successful feedbacks and good governance is unity among its members. Lack of unity among members can give rise to larger problems and challenges that may be hard for an organization to cope up.
Reaction Papers by Ruby Grace Ricalde
Companies, especially large multinational companies control the whole food system, from seed to t... more Companies, especially large multinational companies control the whole food system, from seed to the supermarket. The industrial food system is always looking for greater efficiency, but each step in taking greater efficiency leads to a problem. As seen on the movie, factories are increasing and companies tend to mass produce. But most of the companies in modern industrial food system are just thinking of getting faster, fatter, bigger, and cheaper products. No one is thinking about the harmful effects that it brings. That is why when you go to the supermarkets, you can also observe that not all food being sold have labels wherein nutritional facts and other information about the processing can be located. This is because if the companies write everything on the label, they let consumers read all about it and the consumers might not want to eat it.
Research Papers by Ruby Grace Ricalde
Case Study by Ruby Grace Ricalde
Reaction Papers by Ruby Grace Ricalde