The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, has a series of characteristics that make this environm... more The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, has a series of characteristics that make this environment both distinct from other marine and land ecosystems and unique for the entire planet. This review describes these patterns and processes, from geological settings to biological processes, biodiversity and biogeographical patterns. It concludes with a brief discussion of current threats from anthropogenic activities to deep-sea habitats and their fauna.
Multibeam data have been acquired on eastern Tromsøflaket, a bank in the southwestern Barents Sea... more Multibeam data have been acquired on eastern Tromsøflaket, a bank in the southwestern Barents Sea comprising a plateau (b 200 m depth) bounded by glacially eroded troughs. These new data reveal the morphology of Tromsøflaket in spectacular detail and show that much of the area has been intensively scoured by iceberg ploughmarks. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data together with samples and video data have been used to interpret the distribution of surficial seabed sediments. The general pattern of this distribution reflects the morphology. Coarse sediments occur on ridges and shallow bank areas, while finer sediments occur in depressions, on the slopes of the bank and in the deeper areas. One exception to this pattern is observed in the Sørøydjupet trough (ca. 300m depth) where coarse sediments occur. Recent sedimentation is dominated by mud and fine sand.
This paper describes the fauna associated with the gorgonians Paragorgia arborea (530 colonies), ... more This paper describes the fauna associated with the gorgonians Paragorgia arborea (530 colonies), Primnoa resedaeformis (370 colonies) and Paramuricea placomus (68 colonies) and the sea pens Kophobelemnon stelliferum (584 colonies), Virgularia mirabilis (114 colonies), Funiculina quadrangularis (278 colonies) and Pennatula phosphorea (36 colonies) recorded by video from 18 locations on the Norwegian continental margin. The fauna associated with gorgonians was more diverse than that of the sea pens, with 21 and 12 taxa recorded. P. arborea had the highest number of associates; in total 38% of the colonies had associates on them. Amphipods dominated numerically contributing with 72% to the total number of taxa observed. Shrimps and the basket star Gorgonocephalus sp. were frequently observed on all gorgonian species. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the number of associated taxa was richest for P. resedaeformis. The fauna associated with the sea pens consisted mainly of shrimps and ophiuroids, for which the sea pens play a key role as a shelter and/or as a feeding platform. The ophiuroid Asteronyx loveni was only observed on F. quadrangularis, which is used as a platform to reach better feeding conditions. The squat lobster Munida sp. was often observed close to the sea pen K. stelliferum which presumably offer shelter against predators. We argue that both sea pens and gorgonians play an important role as a habitat, and that a better understanding of their ecological importance is essential to develop sound scientific advice on sustainable habitats and fisheries management of deep-water ecosystems.
Deep or cold-water corals house a rich fauna of more or less closely associated animals. This fau... more Deep or cold-water corals house a rich fauna of more or less closely associated animals. This fauna has been poorly studied, and most of the records are sporadic observations of single species. In this review we compile available records of invertebrates associated with alcyonarian, antipatharian, gorgonian, and scleractinian deep-water corals, including our own previously unpublished observations. Direct observations of the location of mobile species on deep-water corals are few and samples of deep-water corals often contain a mixture of sediments and broken corals. The nature of the relationship between the associated species and the coral is therefore in most cases uncertain. We present a list of species that can be characterised as symbionts. More than 980 species have been recorded on deep-water corals, of these 112 can be characterised as symbionts of which, 30 species are obligate to various cnidarian taxa. Fifty-three percent of the obligate deep-water coral symbionts are parasites, 47% are commensals. The obligate symbionts are rarer than their hosts, which implies that reduced coral abundance and distribution may be critical to the symbionts' ecology. Most of the parasites are endoparasites (37%), whereas ectoparasites and kleptoparasites are less common (13 and 3%, respectively). There are no clear examples of mutualistic symbiotic relationships with deep-water corals, but the behaviour of some of the common associates have equally strong elements of mutualism and parasitism.
For å dokumentere klimaendringer er det viktig å kjenne klimaets forhistorie. Detaljerte temperat... more For å dokumentere klimaendringer er det viktig å kjenne klimaets forhistorie. Detaljerte temperaturdata basert på direkte temperaturmålinger finnes bare for de siste 100 år. For å finne ut hvordan temperaturen varierte i tidligere tider må det benyttes indirekte metoder. Det eksisterer en rekke indirekte metoder som kan angi forhistoriske temperaturer.
This paper describes the associated fauna of the deep-sea gorgonian corals Paragorgia arborea and... more This paper describes the associated fauna of the deep-sea gorgonian corals Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis. Composition and distribution of this fauna is described based on material from the continental shelf and slope off Atlantic Canada (300-600 m depth). Samples were collected from five areas with Remotely Operated Vehicle, video grab, and bottom trawl. The collected material consists of 25 samples, 13 from P. arborea and 12 from P. resedaeformis.
A, Mortensen PB. 2000. The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtal... more A, Mortensen PB. 2000. The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtalès, 1868) (Scleractinia, Guyniidae) from Norwegian waters. Sarsia 85:275-276. A single living specimen of Stenocyathus vermiformis was collected with a grab from the distal rubble zone of a Lophelia bank at 276 m depth on the Sula Ridge, Norwegian Shelf.
EXTENDED ABSTRACT MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas) ( more EXTENDED ABSTRACT MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas) ( is a multidisciplinary mapping programme, focusing on offshore areas in the southern Barents Sea. It was initiated to address the lack of knowledge about the seabed and environment which is required for informed, sustainable management. The mapping programme includes acquisition of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data together with a comprehensive, integrated biological and geological sampling programme. Equipment used includes underwater video, box corer, grab, epibenthic-sled, and beam trawl. Mapping outputs from the project include bathymetric data, geological maps (morphology, hard and soft seabed, sediment grain size distribution, sedimentary environment, geological genesis), biological maps (including biodiversity and faunal distribution), and benthic habitat maps. Habitat maps are produced by combining information on landscape features, sediment types, and biological commun...
Description of a new genus and species of lamippid copepod from the Atlantic coast of Canada. The... more Description of a new genus and species of lamippid copepod from the Atlantic coast of Canada. The copepod was found in galls on the deep-water gorgonian Paragorgia arborea collected from ~500 m depth in the Northeast Channel (between Nova Scotia and Georges Bank) and the Davis Strait area (west of Greenland). The copepod induces gall formation in its host. Twenty-three galls from four coral colonies have been inspected. The galls contained a total of 76 copepods and 172 egg-sacks. The morphology of the copepod and the galls with content are described. The female copepod is unusually large and there is a considerable size difference between the female (8.5 mm) and the male (2.3 mm) compared to other lamippid species. Infection of this endoparasite seems to have little effect on the host. The morphological characteristics of the ten genera that are presently included in the family Lamippidae are discussed.
MAREANO is an interdisciplinary programme mapping Norwegian offshore bathymetry, geology, biology... more MAREANO is an interdisciplinary programme mapping Norwegian offshore bathymetry, geology, biology and geochemistry. Following bathymetric mapping by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, biological and geological sampling are undertaken by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) to obtain visual (video) and physical sample data that are used in conjunction with bathymetric and backscatter data for the generation of thematic maps. Currently, MAREANO samples 10 video lines per 1000 km2 in the Norwegian Sea and 5 video lines per 1000 km2 in the eastern part of the Norwegian Barents Sea. The reduced sampling effort in the Barents Sea is based on the assumption of less variability, judging from the regional bathymetry. As the environmental and spatial variability of the Norwegian seabed has become better known, the need for a more flexible strategy has become apparent. In order to optimise MAREANO sampling effort there is a need for a sampling strat...
What is the relationship between the physical environment, species diversity and biological resou... more What is the relationship between the physical environment, species diversity and biological resources? This is one of the questions addressed by the MAREANO program (Marine Areal Database for Norwegian Coasts and Sea Areas). The project partners, Institute of marine Research, Geological Survey of Norway and Norwegian Hydrographic Service co-operate closely to perform mapping of the environment and fauna. Through the MAREANO-program the Norwegian government wants to map the continental shelf and slope off Norway starting in the Barents Sea. This is done to get new knowledge needed for the implementation of the Barents Sea management plan. The goal is to obtain information for the regulation of human activities such as petroleum industry and fisheries. The project was launched as an interministerial financial collaboration between the ministries of the Environment, Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Trade and Industry and the Research Council of Norway in 2005. The area mapped by MAREANO ...
Video observations of the seafloor show that cup corals, Flabellum spp. are common and locally ab... more Video observations of the seafloor show that cup corals, Flabellum spp. are common and locally abundant on the continental slope off Nova Scotia. Flabellum alabstrum Moseley, 1876 was the most common with an average abundance, when present of 1.1 individual per square meter. Flabellum macandrewi Gray, 1849 was often encountered in clusters of up to seven individuals close enough for tentacles to interact. Occurrence of live fragments in the field may indicate fisheries impact or that fragmentation represents an asexual reproduction mode. Live specimens of F. alabastrum were collected with a remotely operated vehicle and videograb, and studied in laboratory for 21 mo. The corals were kept in a tank and aquarium with stable temperature and salinity. Observations were made on patterns of polyp expansion/contraction, movement, feeding behavior, and survival and regeneration of coral fragments. Large (0.1–1.5 cm) pieces of dead krill (Euphausiacea) were handled with a relatively rapid wi...
This study is part of the multidisciplinary seabed mapping programme MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase... more This study is part of the multidisciplinary seabed mapping programme MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas). The mapping programme includes acquisition of multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data together with a comprehensive, integrated biological and geological sampling programme. The equipment used includes underwater video, boxcorer, grab, hyperbenthic sled, and beam trawl. A procedure for producing maps of predicted biotopes is described that combined information on the distribution of biological communities with environmental factors and indicators. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to relate bottom environment [including multiscale physical descriptors of the seabed derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data] and faunal distribution to find the best physical biotope descriptors. Analyses of large data sets tend to reveal general patterns with limited usefulness for management and poor improvement of the ecological understa...
This study describes the distribution, species composition and environmental characteristics of b... more This study describes the distribution, species composition and environmental characteristics of benthic habitats and biotopes from 38 stations in the Hardangerfjord, based on observations using high-definition video. Faunal composition was primarily related to substrate composition, distance from open ocean and depth (water masses) by using Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Six different biotopes were observed at depths between 100 and 400 m: (1) Lophelia reef, (2) sponge garden, (3) seapen communities, (4) soft bottom coral garden, (5) hard bottom coral garden and (6) cerianthid stands. Three Lophelia reefs were observed between 140 and 230 m depth in the outer part of the fjord. Geodia spp. and other large sponges were abundant on morainic bottom, on sills. Seapen communities occurred on muddy bottoms mainly between 250 and 350 m depth. The soft bottom coral garden comprised the gorgonian Isidella lofotensis, locally with densities up to 167 colonies/100 m2. Hard bottom coral gar...
One of the main goals of marine spatial management is to promote a sustainable use of marine reso... more One of the main goals of marine spatial management is to promote a sustainable use of marine resources without putting biodiversity and habitats at risk. Environmental status assessments of benthic habitats have traditionally been conducted on soft bottom infauna communities. These communities represent only a limited part of the total diversity of seabed environments. Large and habitat forming organisms that are particularly vulnerable to physical disturbance of the seabed are in general associated with mixed or hard substrates. Together with mobile benthos these large organisms have been poorly mapped with the traditional approach. In accordance with a demand for information on all aspects of benthic habitats there is an increasing interest in a broader mapping approach for assessments of the distribution and status of benthos. This has led to an increased demand for a broader mapping approach for assessments of the distribution and status of benthos to include as many habitats as...
The report describes the fishing gears that contact the seabed used in Norway, and also details t... more The report describes the fishing gears that contact the seabed used in Norway, and also details the geographical areas affected. The report describes how modifying fishing gears can reduce the impact on seabed habitats, and suggests actions to be taken to reduce the effects of trawling on sediments and benthic fauna.
The distribution of nine cold-water corals in the cold temperate North Atlantic is described base... more The distribution of nine cold-water corals in the cold temperate North Atlantic is described based on existing records. The species studied are: Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata, Paragorgia arborea, Primnoa resedaeformis, Paramuricea placomus, Acanella arbuscula, Isidella lofotensis, Radicipes gracilis, and Acanthogorgia armata. The compiled numbers of records were 5854, of which 4875 were obtained from databases and 979 from publications. Distribution maps were produced and temperature, broad-scale topography and current patterns were considered to understand the distribution patterns and conditions at which the species thrive. Currents connecting shelves and slopes above 500 meters can explain the wide spatial distribution of L. pertusa, P. arborea, and P. resedaeformis. However, L. pertusa is scarce on the western side of the North Atlantic, P. arborea has only few records off Iceland and A. arbuscula and A. armata are not found on the Norwegian shelf. The differences in distr...
The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, has a series of characteristics that make this environm... more The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, has a series of characteristics that make this environment both distinct from other marine and land ecosystems and unique for the entire planet. This review describes these patterns and processes, from geological settings to biological processes, biodiversity and biogeographical patterns. It concludes with a brief discussion of current threats from anthropogenic activities to deep-sea habitats and their fauna.
Multibeam data have been acquired on eastern Tromsøflaket, a bank in the southwestern Barents Sea... more Multibeam data have been acquired on eastern Tromsøflaket, a bank in the southwestern Barents Sea comprising a plateau (b 200 m depth) bounded by glacially eroded troughs. These new data reveal the morphology of Tromsøflaket in spectacular detail and show that much of the area has been intensively scoured by iceberg ploughmarks. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data together with samples and video data have been used to interpret the distribution of surficial seabed sediments. The general pattern of this distribution reflects the morphology. Coarse sediments occur on ridges and shallow bank areas, while finer sediments occur in depressions, on the slopes of the bank and in the deeper areas. One exception to this pattern is observed in the Sørøydjupet trough (ca. 300m depth) where coarse sediments occur. Recent sedimentation is dominated by mud and fine sand.
This paper describes the fauna associated with the gorgonians Paragorgia arborea (530 colonies), ... more This paper describes the fauna associated with the gorgonians Paragorgia arborea (530 colonies), Primnoa resedaeformis (370 colonies) and Paramuricea placomus (68 colonies) and the sea pens Kophobelemnon stelliferum (584 colonies), Virgularia mirabilis (114 colonies), Funiculina quadrangularis (278 colonies) and Pennatula phosphorea (36 colonies) recorded by video from 18 locations on the Norwegian continental margin. The fauna associated with gorgonians was more diverse than that of the sea pens, with 21 and 12 taxa recorded. P. arborea had the highest number of associates; in total 38% of the colonies had associates on them. Amphipods dominated numerically contributing with 72% to the total number of taxa observed. Shrimps and the basket star Gorgonocephalus sp. were frequently observed on all gorgonian species. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the number of associated taxa was richest for P. resedaeformis. The fauna associated with the sea pens consisted mainly of shrimps and ophiuroids, for which the sea pens play a key role as a shelter and/or as a feeding platform. The ophiuroid Asteronyx loveni was only observed on F. quadrangularis, which is used as a platform to reach better feeding conditions. The squat lobster Munida sp. was often observed close to the sea pen K. stelliferum which presumably offer shelter against predators. We argue that both sea pens and gorgonians play an important role as a habitat, and that a better understanding of their ecological importance is essential to develop sound scientific advice on sustainable habitats and fisheries management of deep-water ecosystems.
Deep or cold-water corals house a rich fauna of more or less closely associated animals. This fau... more Deep or cold-water corals house a rich fauna of more or less closely associated animals. This fauna has been poorly studied, and most of the records are sporadic observations of single species. In this review we compile available records of invertebrates associated with alcyonarian, antipatharian, gorgonian, and scleractinian deep-water corals, including our own previously unpublished observations. Direct observations of the location of mobile species on deep-water corals are few and samples of deep-water corals often contain a mixture of sediments and broken corals. The nature of the relationship between the associated species and the coral is therefore in most cases uncertain. We present a list of species that can be characterised as symbionts. More than 980 species have been recorded on deep-water corals, of these 112 can be characterised as symbionts of which, 30 species are obligate to various cnidarian taxa. Fifty-three percent of the obligate deep-water coral symbionts are parasites, 47% are commensals. The obligate symbionts are rarer than their hosts, which implies that reduced coral abundance and distribution may be critical to the symbionts' ecology. Most of the parasites are endoparasites (37%), whereas ectoparasites and kleptoparasites are less common (13 and 3%, respectively). There are no clear examples of mutualistic symbiotic relationships with deep-water corals, but the behaviour of some of the common associates have equally strong elements of mutualism and parasitism.
For å dokumentere klimaendringer er det viktig å kjenne klimaets forhistorie. Detaljerte temperat... more For å dokumentere klimaendringer er det viktig å kjenne klimaets forhistorie. Detaljerte temperaturdata basert på direkte temperaturmålinger finnes bare for de siste 100 år. For å finne ut hvordan temperaturen varierte i tidligere tider må det benyttes indirekte metoder. Det eksisterer en rekke indirekte metoder som kan angi forhistoriske temperaturer.
This paper describes the associated fauna of the deep-sea gorgonian corals Paragorgia arborea and... more This paper describes the associated fauna of the deep-sea gorgonian corals Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis. Composition and distribution of this fauna is described based on material from the continental shelf and slope off Atlantic Canada (300-600 m depth). Samples were collected from five areas with Remotely Operated Vehicle, video grab, and bottom trawl. The collected material consists of 25 samples, 13 from P. arborea and 12 from P. resedaeformis.
A, Mortensen PB. 2000. The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtal... more A, Mortensen PB. 2000. The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtalès, 1868) (Scleractinia, Guyniidae) from Norwegian waters. Sarsia 85:275-276. A single living specimen of Stenocyathus vermiformis was collected with a grab from the distal rubble zone of a Lophelia bank at 276 m depth on the Sula Ridge, Norwegian Shelf.
EXTENDED ABSTRACT MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas) ( more EXTENDED ABSTRACT MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas) ( is a multidisciplinary mapping programme, focusing on offshore areas in the southern Barents Sea. It was initiated to address the lack of knowledge about the seabed and environment which is required for informed, sustainable management. The mapping programme includes acquisition of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data together with a comprehensive, integrated biological and geological sampling programme. Equipment used includes underwater video, box corer, grab, epibenthic-sled, and beam trawl. Mapping outputs from the project include bathymetric data, geological maps (morphology, hard and soft seabed, sediment grain size distribution, sedimentary environment, geological genesis), biological maps (including biodiversity and faunal distribution), and benthic habitat maps. Habitat maps are produced by combining information on landscape features, sediment types, and biological commun...
Description of a new genus and species of lamippid copepod from the Atlantic coast of Canada. The... more Description of a new genus and species of lamippid copepod from the Atlantic coast of Canada. The copepod was found in galls on the deep-water gorgonian Paragorgia arborea collected from ~500 m depth in the Northeast Channel (between Nova Scotia and Georges Bank) and the Davis Strait area (west of Greenland). The copepod induces gall formation in its host. Twenty-three galls from four coral colonies have been inspected. The galls contained a total of 76 copepods and 172 egg-sacks. The morphology of the copepod and the galls with content are described. The female copepod is unusually large and there is a considerable size difference between the female (8.5 mm) and the male (2.3 mm) compared to other lamippid species. Infection of this endoparasite seems to have little effect on the host. The morphological characteristics of the ten genera that are presently included in the family Lamippidae are discussed.
MAREANO is an interdisciplinary programme mapping Norwegian offshore bathymetry, geology, biology... more MAREANO is an interdisciplinary programme mapping Norwegian offshore bathymetry, geology, biology and geochemistry. Following bathymetric mapping by the Norwegian Hydrographic Service, biological and geological sampling are undertaken by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) to obtain visual (video) and physical sample data that are used in conjunction with bathymetric and backscatter data for the generation of thematic maps. Currently, MAREANO samples 10 video lines per 1000 km2 in the Norwegian Sea and 5 video lines per 1000 km2 in the eastern part of the Norwegian Barents Sea. The reduced sampling effort in the Barents Sea is based on the assumption of less variability, judging from the regional bathymetry. As the environmental and spatial variability of the Norwegian seabed has become better known, the need for a more flexible strategy has become apparent. In order to optimise MAREANO sampling effort there is a need for a sampling strat...
What is the relationship between the physical environment, species diversity and biological resou... more What is the relationship between the physical environment, species diversity and biological resources? This is one of the questions addressed by the MAREANO program (Marine Areal Database for Norwegian Coasts and Sea Areas). The project partners, Institute of marine Research, Geological Survey of Norway and Norwegian Hydrographic Service co-operate closely to perform mapping of the environment and fauna. Through the MAREANO-program the Norwegian government wants to map the continental shelf and slope off Norway starting in the Barents Sea. This is done to get new knowledge needed for the implementation of the Barents Sea management plan. The goal is to obtain information for the regulation of human activities such as petroleum industry and fisheries. The project was launched as an interministerial financial collaboration between the ministries of the Environment, Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Trade and Industry and the Research Council of Norway in 2005. The area mapped by MAREANO ...
Video observations of the seafloor show that cup corals, Flabellum spp. are common and locally ab... more Video observations of the seafloor show that cup corals, Flabellum spp. are common and locally abundant on the continental slope off Nova Scotia. Flabellum alabstrum Moseley, 1876 was the most common with an average abundance, when present of 1.1 individual per square meter. Flabellum macandrewi Gray, 1849 was often encountered in clusters of up to seven individuals close enough for tentacles to interact. Occurrence of live fragments in the field may indicate fisheries impact or that fragmentation represents an asexual reproduction mode. Live specimens of F. alabastrum were collected with a remotely operated vehicle and videograb, and studied in laboratory for 21 mo. The corals were kept in a tank and aquarium with stable temperature and salinity. Observations were made on patterns of polyp expansion/contraction, movement, feeding behavior, and survival and regeneration of coral fragments. Large (0.1–1.5 cm) pieces of dead krill (Euphausiacea) were handled with a relatively rapid wi...
This study is part of the multidisciplinary seabed mapping programme MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase... more This study is part of the multidisciplinary seabed mapping programme MAREANO (Marine AREAdatabase for NOrwegian coast and sea areas). The mapping programme includes acquisition of multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data together with a comprehensive, integrated biological and geological sampling programme. The equipment used includes underwater video, boxcorer, grab, hyperbenthic sled, and beam trawl. A procedure for producing maps of predicted biotopes is described that combined information on the distribution of biological communities with environmental factors and indicators. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to relate bottom environment [including multiscale physical descriptors of the seabed derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data] and faunal distribution to find the best physical biotope descriptors. Analyses of large data sets tend to reveal general patterns with limited usefulness for management and poor improvement of the ecological understa...
This study describes the distribution, species composition and environmental characteristics of b... more This study describes the distribution, species composition and environmental characteristics of benthic habitats and biotopes from 38 stations in the Hardangerfjord, based on observations using high-definition video. Faunal composition was primarily related to substrate composition, distance from open ocean and depth (water masses) by using Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Six different biotopes were observed at depths between 100 and 400 m: (1) Lophelia reef, (2) sponge garden, (3) seapen communities, (4) soft bottom coral garden, (5) hard bottom coral garden and (6) cerianthid stands. Three Lophelia reefs were observed between 140 and 230 m depth in the outer part of the fjord. Geodia spp. and other large sponges were abundant on morainic bottom, on sills. Seapen communities occurred on muddy bottoms mainly between 250 and 350 m depth. The soft bottom coral garden comprised the gorgonian Isidella lofotensis, locally with densities up to 167 colonies/100 m2. Hard bottom coral gar...
One of the main goals of marine spatial management is to promote a sustainable use of marine reso... more One of the main goals of marine spatial management is to promote a sustainable use of marine resources without putting biodiversity and habitats at risk. Environmental status assessments of benthic habitats have traditionally been conducted on soft bottom infauna communities. These communities represent only a limited part of the total diversity of seabed environments. Large and habitat forming organisms that are particularly vulnerable to physical disturbance of the seabed are in general associated with mixed or hard substrates. Together with mobile benthos these large organisms have been poorly mapped with the traditional approach. In accordance with a demand for information on all aspects of benthic habitats there is an increasing interest in a broader mapping approach for assessments of the distribution and status of benthos. This has led to an increased demand for a broader mapping approach for assessments of the distribution and status of benthos to include as many habitats as...
The report describes the fishing gears that contact the seabed used in Norway, and also details t... more The report describes the fishing gears that contact the seabed used in Norway, and also details the geographical areas affected. The report describes how modifying fishing gears can reduce the impact on seabed habitats, and suggests actions to be taken to reduce the effects of trawling on sediments and benthic fauna.
The distribution of nine cold-water corals in the cold temperate North Atlantic is described base... more The distribution of nine cold-water corals in the cold temperate North Atlantic is described based on existing records. The species studied are: Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata, Paragorgia arborea, Primnoa resedaeformis, Paramuricea placomus, Acanella arbuscula, Isidella lofotensis, Radicipes gracilis, and Acanthogorgia armata. The compiled numbers of records were 5854, of which 4875 were obtained from databases and 979 from publications. Distribution maps were produced and temperature, broad-scale topography and current patterns were considered to understand the distribution patterns and conditions at which the species thrive. Currents connecting shelves and slopes above 500 meters can explain the wide spatial distribution of L. pertusa, P. arborea, and P. resedaeformis. However, L. pertusa is scarce on the western side of the North Atlantic, P. arborea has only few records off Iceland and A. arbuscula and A. armata are not found on the Norwegian shelf. The differences in distr...
Papers by Pål Buhl-mortensen
observed. Shrimps and the basket star Gorgonocephalus sp. were frequently observed on all gorgonian species. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the number of associated taxa was richest for P. resedaeformis. The fauna associated with the sea pens consisted mainly of shrimps and ophiuroids, for which the sea pens play a key role as a shelter and/or as a feeding platform. The ophiuroid Asteronyx loveni was only observed on F. quadrangularis, which is used as a platform to reach better feeding conditions. The squat lobster Munida sp. was often observed close to the sea pen K. stelliferum which presumably offer shelter against predators. We argue that both sea pens and gorgonians play an important role as a habitat, and that a better understanding of their ecological importance is essential to develop sound scientific advice on sustainable habitats and fisheries management of deep-water ecosystems.
observed. Shrimps and the basket star Gorgonocephalus sp. were frequently observed on all gorgonian species. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the number of associated taxa was richest for P. resedaeformis. The fauna associated with the sea pens consisted mainly of shrimps and ophiuroids, for which the sea pens play a key role as a shelter and/or as a feeding platform. The ophiuroid Asteronyx loveni was only observed on F. quadrangularis, which is used as a platform to reach better feeding conditions. The squat lobster Munida sp. was often observed close to the sea pen K. stelliferum which presumably offer shelter against predators. We argue that both sea pens and gorgonians play an important role as a habitat, and that a better understanding of their ecological importance is essential to develop sound scientific advice on sustainable habitats and fisheries management of deep-water ecosystems.