Stress creates a major health-related issue in our society, because many health-related problems,... more Stress creates a major health-related issue in our society, because many health-related problems, such as a lot of economic losses, social disruptions, and human mental problems, are the consequences of it. In general, humans experience stress, especially those who are involved in work in developed capitalist countries and under huge mental workloads continuously and endless technological development. Stressors come across in our daily life (for instance, the difference of opinion among family members or hard work deadlines) and may play a vital role in personal health and well-being. In this study, we introduce a model of health awareness system that incorporates two assessment strategies: questionnaire asking method and physical
Stress creates a major health-related issue in our society, because many health-related problems,... more Stress creates a major health-related issue in our society, because many health-related problems, such as a lot of economic losses, social disruptions, and human mental problems, are the consequences of it. In general, humans experience stress, especially those who are involved in work in developed capitalist countries and under huge mental workloads continuously and endless technological development. Stressors come across in our daily life (for instance, the difference of opinion among family members or hard work deadlines) and may play a vital role in personal health and well-being. In this study, we introduce a model of health awareness system that incorporates two assessment strategies: questionnaire asking method and physical
Thesis Chapters by Partha Deka