A broad range of ecological issues may be traced back to agricultural soil management methods tha... more A broad range of ecological issues may be traced back to agricultural soil management methods that have a significant influence on ecosystems health across the globe. Agriculture has a major influence on the environment via soil quality deterioration or degradation. There are several types i.e., salinity, erosion, water logging and soil pollution with organic and inorganic contaminants and contributing factors to soil degradation. The inclusion of sustainable development goals (SDGs) related to the soil use as zero hunger (SDG 2), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), climate action (SDG 13), life on land (SDG 15) contributes and important in human wellbeing via producing food crops (SDG 2), increasing economic growth (SDG 8), sequestering atmospheric emissions for climate change mitigation (SDG 13), and betterment of life on earth (SDG 13). Factors include non-suitable agricultural practices, usage of wide fields without limits to impede water flow, and improper ploughing techniques.
Worldwide more than thousands of women and new born are at the danger of die from pregnancy and c... more Worldwide more than thousands of women and new born are at the danger of die from pregnancy and child delivery complications. Antenatal care (ANC)/ pregnancy care is the health care where expecting mothers and new born receive medical care or medical attention. The aim of this study is to examine factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care among married women of reproductive age in Merca, lower Shebelle, Somalia. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional and qualitative study design that was carried out from June to August 2022 and this study was carried out in Merca, district lower Shabelle, Somalia. Data were collected from 325 married women of reproductive age who have at least one child and more than living in Merca district. Result: Our study found that the magnitude of antenatal care uptake was 31.1% during the examined period. Very low utilization of antenatal care in Somali women is worrying in the face of high vulnerability of maternal complications. In terms of age diverse and utilization of antenatal care, women in younger age group 15-30 were more to utilize antenatal care services than with women in older age group 31 years above (p-value < 0.007). Our study also identified that there is association between level of education and level of utilization among women about antenatal care services (p-value < 0.001). In terms of level of awareness about antenatal care services, it is significantly associated with the level of utilization antenatal care (p-value < 0.001). Our study identified that the number of complaining complications related previous pregnancy that have no awareness about antenatal care services was higher than number of utilized antennal care awareness about antenatal care (p-value < 0.001).
Natural disasters usually involve a phenomenon with consequences that exceed the response capabil... more Natural disasters usually involve a phenomenon with consequences that exceed the response capabilities of local communities and have a significant impact on the region's socioeconomic development. Droughts, floods, and hurricanes are all natural disasters that jeopardize the environment and the lives of Somalis. Severe floods have devastated the south and central parts of the country multiple times, destroying infrastructure and homes and killing many vulnerable people. Droughts in the south and central parts of the country, particularly in the Middle Shebelle region, have killed a number of children and mothers. It also had a negative influence on crops and cattle. Objective of this study is to know the recurrence of Natural Disasters in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle region, Somalia: The Causes and Impacts. The Somali people are completely aware of natural disasters such as droughts and floods, and they are self-sufficient in dealing with the consequences of these disasters. Furthermore, the Somali government has not fully created environmental laws to protect and conserve the environment, and the majority of laws, rules, acts, and regulations are not used or administered effectively. We also found that the Somali government is not yet financially prepared to deal with these crises, and that there are no strategic plans in the central government or even state administrations to prevent or at least control these disasters from causing extreme harm to the community and the environment.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
Elevated noise level is an emerging global problem. Therefore, the present work is conducted that... more Elevated noise level is an emerging global problem. Therefore, the present work is conducted that can improve, increase, and integrate the already known issue in literature with new information coming from an emerging country such as Pakistan. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess the urban noise levels and traffic density of Chiniot and Jhang and (ii) to determine nonauditory health effects of noise levels on the residents of both cities. Noise levels were examined from 181 locations (103 from Jhang and 78 from Chiniot) and categorized into hospitals, educational, religious and recreational, residential, industrial areas, and traffic intersections. A-weighted noise level measurements were taken using an integrated sound level meter which recorded short-term road traffic noise continuously for 15 min at each location (LAeq15). The urban noise data showed 82% of the sites in Jhang (LAmax = 103 dB) and 95% in Chiniot (LAmax = 120 dB) exceeded the noise limits set by the National Environment Quality Standard of Pakistan (NEQS-Pak) and World Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, higher intensity of noise levels (LAeq15 ≥ 100 dB) was recorded in Chiniot (17 sites) than in Jhang (1 site). Regression analysis showed a relatively strong relationship of traffic density with noise at Chiniot (R2 = 0.48) compared to Jhang (R2 = 0.31). However, spatial variability of noise with traffic density was observed in both cities. Survey study revealed that all the respondents in Jhang and Chiniot suffered from many noise-related health problems such as annoyance (53 and 51%), depression (45 and 47%), dizziness (61 and 65%), headache (67 and 64%), hypertension (71 and 56%), hearing loss (53 and 56%), physiological stress (65 and 65%), sleeplessness (81 and 84%), and tinnitus (70 and 62%) due to noise, respectively. We conclude that noise levels are higher in Chiniot primarily due to high road traffic and secondarily due to high population density. It is recommended that vehicle maintenance and family and urban planning could be effective measures to reduce urban noise levels.
A green chemistry approach for fabrication of active carbon, enriched with remediated iron is sho... more A green chemistry approach for fabrication of active carbon, enriched with remediated iron is shown. Detailed characterization (HRSTEM, STM, and N 2 adsorption) was performed, followed by active carbon soaking in iron and manganese ionic solutions obtained from remediated mining sludge. Novel forms of active carbons with round or needle-like oxide particles on the surface were obtained by combining these materials. The materials were tested as filters for sulfur dioxide, on sulfur-rich coals fume. After adsorption, the iron structures seem to play a stronger catalytic role in the filter regeneration, transforming the adsorbed sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid.
The Western Balkan region is known for emitting alarmingly high sulphur dioxide amounts from coal... more The Western Balkan region is known for emitting alarmingly high sulphur dioxide amounts from coal-fired power plants. Though a number of environmental regulations have been introduced in recent years (e.g. desulphurisation installations, construction of modern power plants), the pollution burden is still much higher than recommended by the authorities. A number of different montoring systems are required to observe the growing pollution situation in the Western Balkan region, partly caused by a high energy demand from outside (e.g. Western Europe).
: The paper presents results of the measurements of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide... more : The paper presents results of the measurements of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration and meteorological parameters: temperature, air pressure, relative humidity and wind speed. The data were collected from January 2019 to December 2020 at two stations, namely Center and Heating plant, in the City of Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. SO2 and NO2 are one of the major air pollutants that could negatively affect the human health. Levels of SO2 and NO2 in air samples and meteorological variables from urban zone of Bijeljina were determined at both localities, which represent a highly-populated area with intensive traffic. This topic has not been studied up to now in Bijeljina, although the recent research data indicates that there is a correlation between meteorological parameters and air pollutants. Statistical analysis confirms direct corelation between SO2 and NO2 and meteorological parameters, specially temperature in locality Center (r = -0.639), the wind speed in locality Heating plant (r = 0.399) and relative humidity (r = 0.162). Correlation of NO2 with temperature is not confirmed in both localities. The wind speed increase is followed by rises of the NO2 concentration values and vice versa. Correlation of NO2 with pressure is confirmed in locality Center (r = 0.128) but it is not confirmed in locality Heating plant. Correlation between NO2 and relative humidity found to be negative in locality Center (r = -0.062). These parameters are the most important meteorological factors influencing the variation in SO2 and NO2 concentration in the air during the research. Depending on the obtained correlation, meteorological parameters had a positive or negative impact on air pollution.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019
Faisalabad is one of the major industrial cities of Pakistan, which may cause noise pollution to ... more Faisalabad is one of the major industrial cities of Pakistan, which may cause noise pollution to the local residents due to the development of robust industrial and transport systems. This study aimed at (i) mapping the noise pollution levels at various locations of Faisalabad city; (ii) comparing noise pollution levels in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening for each source; and (iii) assessing nonauditory effects of noise on human health. Two industries and 43 famous/busy locations of Faisalabad Sadar were selected to study noise pollution by using the sound level meter for the period of 24 h. A questionnaire-based survey was carried out near the sampling points to get a public perception about the health impacts of noise pollution. The measured equivalent sound pressure levels (SPLeq) were higher than the permissible limits at all the sampling locations during morning, afternoon, and evening hours. The maximum sound pressure level (SPL max ) was 102 dB inside the production unit in the afternoon at Mian Muhammad Siddiq Textile Loom industry. The average SPL was found at State Bank road (102 dB), Children’s Hospital (101 dB), Jhang Bazar (100 dB) in the afternoon and at Punjab Medical College in the evening (97 dB). Based on the survey, 94% of respondents reported headache, 76% sleeplessness, 74% hypertension, 74% physiological stress, 64% elevated blood pressure levels, and 60% dizziness due to noise. Noise pollution is higher than the standard limits and causes auditory as well as nonauditory effects on humans. The vehicles and industrial machinery should be maintained, and sound proofing and protection equipment should be provided to the workforce in order to protect them from extreme noise levels.
Water samples were collected near the thermal power plant and coal mine (Gacko, Republic of Srpsk... more Water samples were collected near the thermal power plant and coal mine (Gacko, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and analyzed to measure the concentration of 33 parameters (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, alkalinity as CaCO3, total hardness as CaCO3, total solids, total suspended matter, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand with permanganate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, P, PAH, PCBs, phenolic index, mineral oils, detergents, content of As, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn and Pb, sulfates, chlorides, fluorides, aerobic organotrophs, total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci). Determined average mean pH values and EC are within the reference values for class I surface water quality. The surface water in the study area is alkaline, with a mean pH value of 8.01. Depending on the location, other analyzed parameters correspond from I to V water quality classes. The ERI for As, Cd, Cr and Pb is low and for Mn is appreciable. The RI of the surface water in location 1 and 2 were moderate. In other locations, risk coefficients are low.
Sustainability Studies: Environmental and Energy Management
The growth and development of society on our planet has caused a great consumption of natural res... more The growth and development of society on our planet has caused a great consumption of natural resources and, on the other hand, the production of waste and other substances harmful both to human health and to the ecosystem itself. With this way of life, man has moved away from nature. Consequently, a system that functions contrary to natural laws has been established. With the new way of production, it is necessary to return to natural processes and sustainable technologies, clean technologies, and the use of renewable energy sources. The projection of sustainability in the future must be based on resource use restriction, material reuse and other principles of economic and environmental sustainability. This chapter will discuss the new approach to production and the product itself through the consideration of several different possibilities such as circular economy, industrial ecology, ecological economy, blue economy, biomimicry, cradle to cradle, cleaner production and regenerati...
Noise pollution, as a major environmental problem, is present in Banja Luka. The measured values ... more Noise pollution, as a major environmental problem, is present in Banja Luka. The measured values exceeded the level of noise allowed, which is a great problem. Evaluation of the noise levels was carried out in the streets in the area with health institutions. Objectives of this research were to evaluate the environmental noise pollution in the City of Banja Luka due to traffic noise and to compare the measured noise levels in the city with legislation and to establish the connection between noise and the number of vehicles. Correlation between the noise level and number of vehicles was positive and significant during the study period (r=0.89). It is confirmed that, with the increase of the number of vehicle, the noise level increases, i.e. the decrease in the number of vehicle decreases the noise level.
Traditionally, the term "waste" has a negative connotation and implies something that is unwanted... more Traditionally, the term "waste" has a negative connotation and implies something that is unwanted that people reject, and all because of inadequate thinking about waste [1]. In the context of integrated sustainable waste management, waste can have a negative context only if it is not used as a resource not utilized to its full potential, and which is not used for energy or new products [2-3]. The conventional approach to waste management involves its formation, collection, and waste disposal, where all planning operations are viewed independently of the others [1]. Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is defined as the systematic control of the formation, collection, storage, transport,
A broad range of ecological issues may be traced back to agricultural soil management methods tha... more A broad range of ecological issues may be traced back to agricultural soil management methods that have a significant influence on ecosystems health across the globe. Agriculture has a major influence on the environment via soil quality deterioration or degradation. There are several types i.e., salinity, erosion, water logging and soil pollution with organic and inorganic contaminants and contributing factors to soil degradation. The inclusion of sustainable development goals (SDGs) related to the soil use as zero hunger (SDG 2), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), climate action (SDG 13), life on land (SDG 15) contributes and important in human wellbeing via producing food crops (SDG 2), increasing economic growth (SDG 8), sequestering atmospheric emissions for climate change mitigation (SDG 13), and betterment of life on earth (SDG 13). Factors include non-suitable agricultural practices, usage of wide fields without limits to impede water flow, and improper ploughing techniques.
Worldwide more than thousands of women and new born are at the danger of die from pregnancy and c... more Worldwide more than thousands of women and new born are at the danger of die from pregnancy and child delivery complications. Antenatal care (ANC)/ pregnancy care is the health care where expecting mothers and new born receive medical care or medical attention. The aim of this study is to examine factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care among married women of reproductive age in Merca, lower Shebelle, Somalia. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional and qualitative study design that was carried out from June to August 2022 and this study was carried out in Merca, district lower Shabelle, Somalia. Data were collected from 325 married women of reproductive age who have at least one child and more than living in Merca district. Result: Our study found that the magnitude of antenatal care uptake was 31.1% during the examined period. Very low utilization of antenatal care in Somali women is worrying in the face of high vulnerability of maternal complications. In terms of age diverse and utilization of antenatal care, women in younger age group 15-30 were more to utilize antenatal care services than with women in older age group 31 years above (p-value < 0.007). Our study also identified that there is association between level of education and level of utilization among women about antenatal care services (p-value < 0.001). In terms of level of awareness about antenatal care services, it is significantly associated with the level of utilization antenatal care (p-value < 0.001). Our study identified that the number of complaining complications related previous pregnancy that have no awareness about antenatal care services was higher than number of utilized antennal care awareness about antenatal care (p-value < 0.001).
Natural disasters usually involve a phenomenon with consequences that exceed the response capabil... more Natural disasters usually involve a phenomenon with consequences that exceed the response capabilities of local communities and have a significant impact on the region's socioeconomic development. Droughts, floods, and hurricanes are all natural disasters that jeopardize the environment and the lives of Somalis. Severe floods have devastated the south and central parts of the country multiple times, destroying infrastructure and homes and killing many vulnerable people. Droughts in the south and central parts of the country, particularly in the Middle Shebelle region, have killed a number of children and mothers. It also had a negative influence on crops and cattle. Objective of this study is to know the recurrence of Natural Disasters in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle region, Somalia: The Causes and Impacts. The Somali people are completely aware of natural disasters such as droughts and floods, and they are self-sufficient in dealing with the consequences of these disasters. Furthermore, the Somali government has not fully created environmental laws to protect and conserve the environment, and the majority of laws, rules, acts, and regulations are not used or administered effectively. We also found that the Somali government is not yet financially prepared to deal with these crises, and that there are no strategic plans in the central government or even state administrations to prevent or at least control these disasters from causing extreme harm to the community and the environment.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
Elevated noise level is an emerging global problem. Therefore, the present work is conducted that... more Elevated noise level is an emerging global problem. Therefore, the present work is conducted that can improve, increase, and integrate the already known issue in literature with new information coming from an emerging country such as Pakistan. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess the urban noise levels and traffic density of Chiniot and Jhang and (ii) to determine nonauditory health effects of noise levels on the residents of both cities. Noise levels were examined from 181 locations (103 from Jhang and 78 from Chiniot) and categorized into hospitals, educational, religious and recreational, residential, industrial areas, and traffic intersections. A-weighted noise level measurements were taken using an integrated sound level meter which recorded short-term road traffic noise continuously for 15 min at each location (LAeq15). The urban noise data showed 82% of the sites in Jhang (LAmax = 103 dB) and 95% in Chiniot (LAmax = 120 dB) exceeded the noise limits set by the National Environment Quality Standard of Pakistan (NEQS-Pak) and World Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, higher intensity of noise levels (LAeq15 ≥ 100 dB) was recorded in Chiniot (17 sites) than in Jhang (1 site). Regression analysis showed a relatively strong relationship of traffic density with noise at Chiniot (R2 = 0.48) compared to Jhang (R2 = 0.31). However, spatial variability of noise with traffic density was observed in both cities. Survey study revealed that all the respondents in Jhang and Chiniot suffered from many noise-related health problems such as annoyance (53 and 51%), depression (45 and 47%), dizziness (61 and 65%), headache (67 and 64%), hypertension (71 and 56%), hearing loss (53 and 56%), physiological stress (65 and 65%), sleeplessness (81 and 84%), and tinnitus (70 and 62%) due to noise, respectively. We conclude that noise levels are higher in Chiniot primarily due to high road traffic and secondarily due to high population density. It is recommended that vehicle maintenance and family and urban planning could be effective measures to reduce urban noise levels.
A green chemistry approach for fabrication of active carbon, enriched with remediated iron is sho... more A green chemistry approach for fabrication of active carbon, enriched with remediated iron is shown. Detailed characterization (HRSTEM, STM, and N 2 adsorption) was performed, followed by active carbon soaking in iron and manganese ionic solutions obtained from remediated mining sludge. Novel forms of active carbons with round or needle-like oxide particles on the surface were obtained by combining these materials. The materials were tested as filters for sulfur dioxide, on sulfur-rich coals fume. After adsorption, the iron structures seem to play a stronger catalytic role in the filter regeneration, transforming the adsorbed sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid.
The Western Balkan region is known for emitting alarmingly high sulphur dioxide amounts from coal... more The Western Balkan region is known for emitting alarmingly high sulphur dioxide amounts from coal-fired power plants. Though a number of environmental regulations have been introduced in recent years (e.g. desulphurisation installations, construction of modern power plants), the pollution burden is still much higher than recommended by the authorities. A number of different montoring systems are required to observe the growing pollution situation in the Western Balkan region, partly caused by a high energy demand from outside (e.g. Western Europe).
: The paper presents results of the measurements of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide... more : The paper presents results of the measurements of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration and meteorological parameters: temperature, air pressure, relative humidity and wind speed. The data were collected from January 2019 to December 2020 at two stations, namely Center and Heating plant, in the City of Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. SO2 and NO2 are one of the major air pollutants that could negatively affect the human health. Levels of SO2 and NO2 in air samples and meteorological variables from urban zone of Bijeljina were determined at both localities, which represent a highly-populated area with intensive traffic. This topic has not been studied up to now in Bijeljina, although the recent research data indicates that there is a correlation between meteorological parameters and air pollutants. Statistical analysis confirms direct corelation between SO2 and NO2 and meteorological parameters, specially temperature in locality Center (r = -0.639), the wind speed in locality Heating plant (r = 0.399) and relative humidity (r = 0.162). Correlation of NO2 with temperature is not confirmed in both localities. The wind speed increase is followed by rises of the NO2 concentration values and vice versa. Correlation of NO2 with pressure is confirmed in locality Center (r = 0.128) but it is not confirmed in locality Heating plant. Correlation between NO2 and relative humidity found to be negative in locality Center (r = -0.062). These parameters are the most important meteorological factors influencing the variation in SO2 and NO2 concentration in the air during the research. Depending on the obtained correlation, meteorological parameters had a positive or negative impact on air pollution.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019
Faisalabad is one of the major industrial cities of Pakistan, which may cause noise pollution to ... more Faisalabad is one of the major industrial cities of Pakistan, which may cause noise pollution to the local residents due to the development of robust industrial and transport systems. This study aimed at (i) mapping the noise pollution levels at various locations of Faisalabad city; (ii) comparing noise pollution levels in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening for each source; and (iii) assessing nonauditory effects of noise on human health. Two industries and 43 famous/busy locations of Faisalabad Sadar were selected to study noise pollution by using the sound level meter for the period of 24 h. A questionnaire-based survey was carried out near the sampling points to get a public perception about the health impacts of noise pollution. The measured equivalent sound pressure levels (SPLeq) were higher than the permissible limits at all the sampling locations during morning, afternoon, and evening hours. The maximum sound pressure level (SPL max ) was 102 dB inside the production unit in the afternoon at Mian Muhammad Siddiq Textile Loom industry. The average SPL was found at State Bank road (102 dB), Children’s Hospital (101 dB), Jhang Bazar (100 dB) in the afternoon and at Punjab Medical College in the evening (97 dB). Based on the survey, 94% of respondents reported headache, 76% sleeplessness, 74% hypertension, 74% physiological stress, 64% elevated blood pressure levels, and 60% dizziness due to noise. Noise pollution is higher than the standard limits and causes auditory as well as nonauditory effects on humans. The vehicles and industrial machinery should be maintained, and sound proofing and protection equipment should be provided to the workforce in order to protect them from extreme noise levels.
Water samples were collected near the thermal power plant and coal mine (Gacko, Republic of Srpsk... more Water samples were collected near the thermal power plant and coal mine (Gacko, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and analyzed to measure the concentration of 33 parameters (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, alkalinity as CaCO3, total hardness as CaCO3, total solids, total suspended matter, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand with permanganate, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, P, PAH, PCBs, phenolic index, mineral oils, detergents, content of As, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn and Pb, sulfates, chlorides, fluorides, aerobic organotrophs, total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci). Determined average mean pH values and EC are within the reference values for class I surface water quality. The surface water in the study area is alkaline, with a mean pH value of 8.01. Depending on the location, other analyzed parameters correspond from I to V water quality classes. The ERI for As, Cd, Cr and Pb is low and for Mn is appreciable. The RI of the surface water in location 1 and 2 were moderate. In other locations, risk coefficients are low.
Sustainability Studies: Environmental and Energy Management
The growth and development of society on our planet has caused a great consumption of natural res... more The growth and development of society on our planet has caused a great consumption of natural resources and, on the other hand, the production of waste and other substances harmful both to human health and to the ecosystem itself. With this way of life, man has moved away from nature. Consequently, a system that functions contrary to natural laws has been established. With the new way of production, it is necessary to return to natural processes and sustainable technologies, clean technologies, and the use of renewable energy sources. The projection of sustainability in the future must be based on resource use restriction, material reuse and other principles of economic and environmental sustainability. This chapter will discuss the new approach to production and the product itself through the consideration of several different possibilities such as circular economy, industrial ecology, ecological economy, blue economy, biomimicry, cradle to cradle, cleaner production and regenerati...
Noise pollution, as a major environmental problem, is present in Banja Luka. The measured values ... more Noise pollution, as a major environmental problem, is present in Banja Luka. The measured values exceeded the level of noise allowed, which is a great problem. Evaluation of the noise levels was carried out in the streets in the area with health institutions. Objectives of this research were to evaluate the environmental noise pollution in the City of Banja Luka due to traffic noise and to compare the measured noise levels in the city with legislation and to establish the connection between noise and the number of vehicles. Correlation between the noise level and number of vehicles was positive and significant during the study period (r=0.89). It is confirmed that, with the increase of the number of vehicle, the noise level increases, i.e. the decrease in the number of vehicle decreases the noise level.
Traditionally, the term "waste" has a negative connotation and implies something that is unwanted... more Traditionally, the term "waste" has a negative connotation and implies something that is unwanted that people reject, and all because of inadequate thinking about waste [1]. In the context of integrated sustainable waste management, waste can have a negative context only if it is not used as a resource not utilized to its full potential, and which is not used for energy or new products [2-3]. The conventional approach to waste management involves its formation, collection, and waste disposal, where all planning operations are viewed independently of the others [1]. Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is defined as the systematic control of the formation, collection, storage, transport,
Papers by Predrag Ilic