Conference Presentations by Junio Richson Sirait
Junio Richson Sirait, 2021
Junio Richson Sirait, 2021
Junio Richson Sirait, 2021
Junio Richson Sirait, 2021
Junio Richson Sirait, 2021
Papers by Junio Richson Sirait
Pharos journal of theology, Nov 1, 2022
Pharos Journal of Theology
Transformative leadership is one type of leadership needed by individuals, groups, and organizati... more Transformative leadership is one type of leadership needed by individuals, groups, and organizations to produce positive change at every stage of activity. One of the transformative leaders in the Bible is Nehemiah. In his efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was faced with various challenges both internally from his people and externally, namely his formidable opponents on various levels who tried to hinder Nehemiah's plans, but Nehemiah had a firm resolve and did not give up. On the contrary, he kept on praying and planning what to do in efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This study finds that the level of implementation of Transformative Leadership based on the Book of Nehemiah Articles 1-8 Among Church Leaders PGPI (Persekutuan Gereja Pantekosta Indonesia-The Pentecostal Church Community of Indonesia) Batam City members are at the level of the "medium" category and thus it is recommended to improve this quality to a "higher" categor...
Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG)
It is undeniable that women have been involved in the ministry, although their involvement is oft... more It is undeniable that women have been involved in the ministry, although their involvement is often debated to date. There are various reasons used to justify the group that disagrees, but also many arguments are given to support the involvement of women in services. This paper seeks to raise the role of women in the ministry of the church based on the New Testament. Hopefully this research is to clarify the understanding of Christians on the role of women in church services. In the midst of the struggles related to the position and dignity of women at that time, the New Testament records the involvement and role of women that cannot be taken lightly in the ministry. This can be seen from the Bible, how women were involved in the time of the Lord Jesus, the Acts of the Apostles which records the role of women in church ministry accompanying the apostles; as well as in Paul's letters where not a few women were partners with the Apostle Paul in the ministry.
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK), 2021
This study intends to apply a learning model including: development of a syllabus and a Learning ... more This study intends to apply a learning model including: development of a syllabus and a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) cooperative type time token type in PAK and Character In Class VIII, the material of Allah loves the world. The method used in this research was the descriptive qualitative research method. Data were collected through observation, interview, and literature study and analyzed in-depth and described descriptively. The action hypothesis is a temporary answer in the form of action on the formulation of the problems set out in this classroom action research which is: student learning outcomes will increase "can be accepted. Based on the results of the implementation of classroom action research with the title implementation of the Jerrold E camp learning model in Christian education (PAK) and Character subjects in junior high schools, especially in Hauru Christian Middle School in class VIII which lasted for 2 research cycles, it can be concluded: Christian Educ...
Basileia Buletin, Jul 16, 2021
Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG), 2021
Genesis 3:1-7 is the most important of the four chapters in the chapter. The problem that occurre... more Genesis 3:1-7 is the most important of the four chapters in the chapter. The problem that occurred was when the woman in the garden came face to face with a snake who said to her, “you will never die” (Gen 3:4). These words resulted in a dialogue that made the woman not only see and think that the fruit gave understanding, but she also took, ate and gave it to her husband and her husband ate it (Gen 3:6). This action has caused their eyes to be opened so that they know that they are naked (Gen. 3:7a), and they make their loincloths, because naked is a picture of their sinful condition. Meanwhile the LORD God had announced His Law “…in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die” Genesis 2:17.
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK), 2021
Transformational leadership is a leadership model that is still relevant to use today. All Christ... more Transformational leadership is a leadership model that is still relevant to use today. All Christian educational institutions require this pattern to develop quality in every implementation of the civitas academical. This paper aims to examine the relevance of transformation leadership patterns in Christian educational institutions through literature studies. The method in this research uses literature studies with descriptive analysis techniques. Through this study concluded that transformational leadership patterns are very relevant to be applied. Through this study, concluded that transformational leadership is very relevant to implemented in educational institutions. Transformational leadership has a role important in the achievement of the quality of education in Christian educational institutions.
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama
In general, researchers only focus on taking a practical approach to Paul trying to reconcile Phi... more In general, researchers only focus on taking a practical approach to Paul trying to reconcile Philemon with Onesimus. Onesimus is a slave who has run away from his master, Philemon. Conflict resolution in Paul's letter to Philemon has not yet been researched. The purpose of this research is to find conflict resolution based on Philemon 1:1-25. The method used in this research is qualitative with a literature study approach. The result of the research on conflict resolution in Philemon 1:1-25 is that reconciliation must be realized based on the ties of brotherhood obtained from God's Ownership.
JUPAK, 2022
Sunday School programs play an important role in promoting the spiritual growth of children. Educ... more Sunday School programs play an important role in promoting the spiritual growth of children. Educating children is a must. Children are God's inheritance to parents. Conducting ministry to children has been started since the Old Testament times as God commanded Moses (Exodus 12:25-27). Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced Sunday School teachers to adapt to technology. In the perspective of the cognitive load theory of multimedia-based learning, the media is a central factor determining the successful attainment of learning objectives. Effective media makes learning easy that enables the Sunday School students to process and integrate new information with their prior knowledge. In so doing, the reconstruction of new knowledge during the learning process via multimedia is possibly generated. However, the extent to which Sunday school teachers can make use of technology in the context of Sunday School teaching has not extensively been explored in the pandemic studies. This paper aims to provide a sketch of the implementation of teaching and learning activities carried out by Sunday school teachers at church X during the pandemic. About eight Sunday school teachers are involved as the subjects of this study: one male Sunday school teacher (12%) and seven female Sunday school teachers (88%). This paper
finds that Sunday School teachers can adapt to technology. To design an effective teaching media, the teachers minimize extrinsic load to promote effective learning while maintaining appropriate difficulty level of the new topics being presented (intrinsic load).
Covenant theology is one of the most important parts of the Christian faith. Theology is God'... more Covenant theology is one of the most important parts of the Christian faith. Theology is God's initiative in persuading His love for man. God promises to give redemption to all men without requirement. However, advances in technology and science have harmed one's belief in God's promise. The purpose of this study was to find reflections of covenant theology found in Genesis 1-3 and its implications for today's believers. The method used in this article is library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Through the research of the library, three covenants that God gave to man were covenants of work, redemption, and grace. The covenant can still be enjoyed by all believers today if, it can place Christ at the center of the fulfillment of god's covenant.
Upaya dalam memajukan jurnal merupakan pekerjaan yang sangat sulit. System yang memiliki banyak a... more Upaya dalam memajukan jurnal merupakan pekerjaan yang sangat sulit. System yang memiliki banyak aturan dalam menjalankan setiap fungsinya membuat banyak pengelola jurnal gagal dalam meningkatkan kualitas. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK) berkembang melalui pendampingan dari organisasi Relawan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi Relawan Jurnal Indonesia dalam kemajuan Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK). Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan yang didapat dari hasil dan pembahasan yaitu, organisasi Relawan Jurnal Indonesia berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan kualitas manajemen operasionalisasi, DOI, indexing journal, dan Similarity Check (IThenticate). Relawan Jurnal Indonesia menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut dan pendampingan secara daring dan luring.
Mendeley merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk menolong para penulis mensitasi karya-karya ilmiah ... more Mendeley merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk menolong para penulis mensitasi karya-karya ilmiah yang dimuat dalam media online maupun cetak. Namun sebagian mahasiswa dan dosen seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk memberikan langkah-langkah menggunakan mendeley berserta penjelasannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah eksposisi. Melalui tulisan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dan dosen dapat terbantu dalam menggunakan mendeley pada saat membuat karya yang berupa tulisan. Mendeley merupakan aplikasi yang direkomendasi oleh lembaga-lembaga publikasi di nasional maupun internasional.
Conference Presentations by Junio Richson Sirait
Papers by Junio Richson Sirait
finds that Sunday School teachers can adapt to technology. To design an effective teaching media, the teachers minimize extrinsic load to promote effective learning while maintaining appropriate difficulty level of the new topics being presented (intrinsic load).
finds that Sunday School teachers can adapt to technology. To design an effective teaching media, the teachers minimize extrinsic load to promote effective learning while maintaining appropriate difficulty level of the new topics being presented (intrinsic load).