Rocco Bruno è uno dei docenti e fondatore dell'Accademia della Pietra, il cenacolo fondato da un team di Ricercatori specializzati nei vari campi delle conoscenze umane: filosofia, arte ermetica, economia, formazione, antropologia, sociologia, storia, storia dell’arte, archeologia, naturopatia, scienze e discipline orientali, tantra, shiatzu, riflessologia, yoga, arti marziali, alchimia, tradizioni dei nativi d’America e druide dell’Occitania.
E’ possibile con una discreta conoscenza elettronica sviluppare e costruire un generatore di onde... more E’ possibile con una discreta conoscenza elettronica sviluppare e costruire un generatore di onde a ultra bassa frequenza, in grado di stimolare e quindi di aiutare le nostre cellule cerebrali a svolgere il loro compito dando loro l’energia occorrente che, per svariati motivi legati al nostro modo di vita, risultano insufficienti. Come sia possibile fare tutto questo è evidentemente coperto dalla riservatezza a tutela della progettazione in essere. L’azione quindi si sviluppa con programmi dedicati che agiscono su frequenze che sono proprie del nostro cervello, (alfa, beta, tetha, delta) il quale con questo aiuto, ha la possibilità di gestire l’attività chimico elettrica del nostro sistema nervoso in modo ottimale e secondo i parametri del nostro metabolismo.
Il Sole ed i pianeti come gli atomi e gli elettroni altro non sono che campi rotanti di spazio "c... more Il Sole ed i pianeti come gli atomi e gli elettroni altro non sono che campi rotanti di spazio "centro mossi", identificando i fenomeni fisici come particolari movimenti di uno spazio fluido, deducendone le “leggi” attraverso l'applicazione delle conoscenze basilari della “Fluidodinamica” ed introducendo anche tra questi fenomeni quelli di natura sottile ovvero “spirituale” che sorgono nel soggetto "osservatore". Lo stesso Cartesio per spiegare il meccanismo del sistema Solare, aveva immaginato che un immenso vortice di fluido, chiamato “etere”, ruotando attorno al Sole, trascinasse i pianeti a compiere una rivoluzione intorno ad esso.
Marco Todeschini è stato un uomo eccezionale del nostro tempo, sintetizzando in se filosofia, arte, mistica e scienza, ridando vigore e riconoscimento alle teorie di Galileo, Aristotele, Cartesio e molti altri, rivelando quello che la scienza moderna continua ostinatamente a celare dietro a formule sulla natura del "vuoto", sulle "forze" che lo muovono imputandole ad una qualche qualità della materia di cui non sono riusciti nemmeno a spiegarne l'origine (non se ne capacitano) e per la quale non celano neanche un minimo imbarazzo, considerando queste forze semplicemente insondabili e "misteriose"; o sull'atomo, la natura ondulatori e corpuscolare delle particelle e molto altro solo postulato, ma mai realmente dimostrato.
Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà as... more Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà assopita di cambiare dentro, come individui, diventando più maturi, più consapevoli e conseguentemente più liberi. Questo è l'unico modo per sopravviere all'adolescenza tecnologica senza auto-distruggerci, queste sono le basi del dibattito sul futuro dell'umanità attualmente in atto. Purtroppo le persone sono talmente assuefatte e prese dalla loro quotidianità, che anche se guardano, non vedono. Il dibattito è in atto, ma nessun se ne preoccupa, nessuno realmente ha la percezione dello stato di emergenza nel quale vertiamo tutti. Sembra proprio come nella storiella del tizio che mentre cade da un palazzo dice: "70° piano, fino qui tutto bene"-dimenticando di fatto che sta per sfracellarsi per terra. Dobbiamo ripensarci da capo, pensare nuovi modi di vivere e di esistere, il mondo come lo conosciamo non esisterà più, la rivoluzione tecnologica in atto spazzerà via ogni consuetudine ed ogni fondamento o certezza a cominciare proprio dal lavoro. Questo ci deve costringere a farne un miglior uso, prendendo in considerazione, finalmente e dopo secoli di oscurantismo, il fatto che l'uomo ha necessità di evolvere in coscienza. E' impensabile restare culturalmente
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Jan 6, 2015
We report the case of a woman with MEN2A presenting a double mutation in RET protooncogene. RET m... more We report the case of a woman with MEN2A presenting a double mutation in RET protooncogene. RET mutational analysis was performed by Sanger sequencing of DNA. The proband was compound heterozygote for the RET germline mutations Val648Ile and Val804Leu, mapping on exons 11 and 14 respectively. Genetic analysis of family members showed the presence of the Val648Ile mutation in all except one daughter, who carried the Val804Leu mutation. However, all of them did not show any clinical, biochemical or histological sign of neoplastic disease either in thyroid or adrenal gland. Furthermore, a daughter and the proband's sister who underwent a prophylactic thyroidectomy did not present pathological evidence of C cell disease. We suppose that the combined effect of the two mutations may have induced the development of pheochromocytoma in our patient. Thus, in the presence of single RET-induced mild MTC phenotype, the search for additional genetic anomalies may lead to discover rare but po...
The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology, 2008
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by the features "... more Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by the features "DIDMOAD" (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). We sought to study the audiometric data of genotyped Wolfram syndrome patients with sensorineural hearing impairment. Pure tone threshold data of 23 Wolfram syndrome patients were used for cross-sectional analysis in subgroups (age less than 16 years or between 19 and 25 years, gender, and origin). All subgroups, with 1 exception, showed a fairly similar type of hearing impairment with, on average, thresholds of about 25 dB (range, 0 to 65 dB) at 0.25 to 1 kHz, gently sloping downward to about 60 dB (range, 25 to 95 dB) at 8 kHz. The subgroup of Dutch women, which was excluded from the calculations of the average hearing thresholds, showed a higher degree of hearing impairment. Only the latter subgroup showed progression; however, contrary to the previous longitudinal analysis, progression was not signifi...
Patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness (DOC) are characterized by profound un... more Patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness (DOC) are characterized by profound unawareness and an impairment of large-scale cortical and subcortical connectivity. In this study, we applied an electrophysiological approach aimed at identifying the residual audiomotor connectivity patterns that are thought to be linked to awareness. We measured some markers of audiomotor integration (AMI) in 20 patients affected by DOC, before and after the application of a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol (rTMS) delivered over the left primary motor area (M1), paired to a transauricular alternating current stimulation. Our protocol induced potentiating of the electrophysiological markers of AMI and M1 excitability, paired to a clinical improvement, in all of the patients with minimally conscious state (MCS) but in none of those suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS). Our protocol could be a promising approach to potentiate the functional connectivi...
Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, Jan 6, 2015
Small thyroid papillary carcinomas contribute to the worldwide increased incidence of differentia... more Small thyroid papillary carcinomas contribute to the worldwide increased incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer observed over the past decades. However, mortality rate did not change over the same period of time, raising questions about the possibility that thyroid cancer patients, especially those with small tumors, are overdiagnosed and overtreated. Molecular prognostic marker able to discriminate aggressive thyroid cancers from those with an indolent course would be of great relevance to better tailor the therapeutic approach and reduce overtreatment. Mutations in the TERT promoter were recently reported to strongly correlate with aggressiveness in advanced forms of thyroid cancer, holding promise for a possible clinical application. The occurrence and potential clinical relevance of TERT mutations in thyroid papillary microcarcinomas (mPTCs) is currently unknown. Here, we aimed to analyze the occurrence of two TERT promoter mutations (-124C>T and -146C>T) and their pot...
Ten years after the first description of activating mutations in the thyroid stimulating hormone ... more Ten years after the first description of activating mutations in the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) gene in sporadic autonomous hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas, there is general agreement in assigning a major pathogenic role of this genetic abnormality, acting via the constitutive activation of the cAMP pathway, in both the growth and functional characteristic of these tumours. From the beginning, however, the pathophysiological and clinical relevance of somatic TSHR mutations has been debated and some arguments still exist against a fully causative role of these mutations and the practical value of detecting these mutations for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of thyroid hot nodules. Some major issues will be examined herein, including (a) the frequency of TSHR alterations in various reports showing that the genetic abnormality underlying the pathogenesis of a substantial subset of thyroid tumours has yet to be identified; (b) the limitations of the present experimental models, which suggest greater caution in the interpretation of in vitro results; (c) the still unresolved question of absence of genotype-phenotype correlation. Clarification of these issues may hopefully provide new and useful tools for improving the clinical management of this disease.
The functional role of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in extrathyroidal tissues was investigat... more The functional role of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in extrathyroidal tissues was investigated by examining its mRNA and protein expression, together with the evidence of radioiodine (131)I uptake in 302 patients who underwent (131)I total body scanning, following the administration of high doses of (131)I for a papillary or follicular thyroid carcinoma. By using a real-time kinetic quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, the expression of NIS protein was detected mainly in secretory tissues. In parallel, 1311 uptake was evidenced in the majority of patients in the salivary glands (in 39%) and stomach (in 78%), but was found in breast in only 4 young female patients. These data demonstrate a strong correlation between the organ radioactivity distribution, as observed in vivo, and NIS protein expression. Interestingly, (131)I is rarely concentrated by mammary glands, even when large doses are administered. Moreover, a (131)I transfer in secretion fluids may represent a potential source of contamination responsible for false positive images and diagnostic pitfalls.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2010
Most papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMCs; ≤ 1 cm diameter) are indolent low-risk tumors, but... more Most papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMCs; ≤ 1 cm diameter) are indolent low-risk tumors, but some cases behave more aggressively. Controversies have thus arisen over the optimum postoperative surveillance of PTMC patients. We tested the hypothesis that clinical criteria could be used to identify PTMC patients with very low mortality/recurrence risks and attempted to define the best strategy for their management and long-term surveillance. We retrospectively analyzed data from 312 consecutively diagnosed PTMC patients with T1N0M0 stage disease, no family history of thyroid cancer, no history of head-neck irradiation, unifocal PTMC, no extracapsular involvement, and classic papillary histotypes. Additional inclusion criteria were complete follow-up data from surgery to at least 5 yr after diagnosis. All 312 had undergone (near) total thyroidectomy [with radioactive iodine (RAI) remnant ablation in 137 (44%) - RAI group] and were followed up yearly with cervical ultrasonography and serum thyroglobulin, TSH, and thyroglobulin antibody assays. During follow-up (5-23 yr, median 6.7 yr), there were no deaths due to thyroid cancer or reoperations. The first (6-12 months after surgery) and last postoperative cervical sonograms were negative in all cases. Final serum thyroglobulin levels were undetectable (<1 ng/ml) in all RAI patients and almost all (93%) of non-RAI patients. Accurate risk stratification can allow safe follow-up of most PTMC patients with a less intensive, more cost-effective protocol. Cervical ultrasonography is the mainstay of this protocol, and negative findings at the first postoperative examination are highly predictive of positive outcomes.
E’ possibile con una discreta conoscenza elettronica sviluppare e costruire un generatore di onde... more E’ possibile con una discreta conoscenza elettronica sviluppare e costruire un generatore di onde a ultra bassa frequenza, in grado di stimolare e quindi di aiutare le nostre cellule cerebrali a svolgere il loro compito dando loro l’energia occorrente che, per svariati motivi legati al nostro modo di vita, risultano insufficienti. Come sia possibile fare tutto questo è evidentemente coperto dalla riservatezza a tutela della progettazione in essere. L’azione quindi si sviluppa con programmi dedicati che agiscono su frequenze che sono proprie del nostro cervello, (alfa, beta, tetha, delta) il quale con questo aiuto, ha la possibilità di gestire l’attività chimico elettrica del nostro sistema nervoso in modo ottimale e secondo i parametri del nostro metabolismo.
Il Sole ed i pianeti come gli atomi e gli elettroni altro non sono che campi rotanti di spazio "c... more Il Sole ed i pianeti come gli atomi e gli elettroni altro non sono che campi rotanti di spazio "centro mossi", identificando i fenomeni fisici come particolari movimenti di uno spazio fluido, deducendone le “leggi” attraverso l'applicazione delle conoscenze basilari della “Fluidodinamica” ed introducendo anche tra questi fenomeni quelli di natura sottile ovvero “spirituale” che sorgono nel soggetto "osservatore". Lo stesso Cartesio per spiegare il meccanismo del sistema Solare, aveva immaginato che un immenso vortice di fluido, chiamato “etere”, ruotando attorno al Sole, trascinasse i pianeti a compiere una rivoluzione intorno ad esso.
Marco Todeschini è stato un uomo eccezionale del nostro tempo, sintetizzando in se filosofia, arte, mistica e scienza, ridando vigore e riconoscimento alle teorie di Galileo, Aristotele, Cartesio e molti altri, rivelando quello che la scienza moderna continua ostinatamente a celare dietro a formule sulla natura del "vuoto", sulle "forze" che lo muovono imputandole ad una qualche qualità della materia di cui non sono riusciti nemmeno a spiegarne l'origine (non se ne capacitano) e per la quale non celano neanche un minimo imbarazzo, considerando queste forze semplicemente insondabili e "misteriose"; o sull'atomo, la natura ondulatori e corpuscolare delle particelle e molto altro solo postulato, ma mai realmente dimostrato.
Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà as... more Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà assopita di cambiare dentro, come individui, diventando più maturi, più consapevoli e conseguentemente più liberi. Questo è l'unico modo per sopravviere all'adolescenza tecnologica senza auto-distruggerci, queste sono le basi del dibattito sul futuro dell'umanità attualmente in atto. Purtroppo le persone sono talmente assuefatte e prese dalla loro quotidianità, che anche se guardano, non vedono. Il dibattito è in atto, ma nessun se ne preoccupa, nessuno realmente ha la percezione dello stato di emergenza nel quale vertiamo tutti. Sembra proprio come nella storiella del tizio che mentre cade da un palazzo dice: "70° piano, fino qui tutto bene"-dimenticando di fatto che sta per sfracellarsi per terra. Dobbiamo ripensarci da capo, pensare nuovi modi di vivere e di esistere, il mondo come lo conosciamo non esisterà più, la rivoluzione tecnologica in atto spazzerà via ogni consuetudine ed ogni fondamento o certezza a cominciare proprio dal lavoro. Questo ci deve costringere a farne un miglior uso, prendendo in considerazione, finalmente e dopo secoli di oscurantismo, il fatto che l'uomo ha necessità di evolvere in coscienza. E' impensabile restare culturalmente
Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Jan 6, 2015
We report the case of a woman with MEN2A presenting a double mutation in RET protooncogene. RET m... more We report the case of a woman with MEN2A presenting a double mutation in RET protooncogene. RET mutational analysis was performed by Sanger sequencing of DNA. The proband was compound heterozygote for the RET germline mutations Val648Ile and Val804Leu, mapping on exons 11 and 14 respectively. Genetic analysis of family members showed the presence of the Val648Ile mutation in all except one daughter, who carried the Val804Leu mutation. However, all of them did not show any clinical, biochemical or histological sign of neoplastic disease either in thyroid or adrenal gland. Furthermore, a daughter and the proband's sister who underwent a prophylactic thyroidectomy did not present pathological evidence of C cell disease. We suppose that the combined effect of the two mutations may have induced the development of pheochromocytoma in our patient. Thus, in the presence of single RET-induced mild MTC phenotype, the search for additional genetic anomalies may lead to discover rare but po...
The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology, 2008
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by the features "... more Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by the features "DIDMOAD" (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). We sought to study the audiometric data of genotyped Wolfram syndrome patients with sensorineural hearing impairment. Pure tone threshold data of 23 Wolfram syndrome patients were used for cross-sectional analysis in subgroups (age less than 16 years or between 19 and 25 years, gender, and origin). All subgroups, with 1 exception, showed a fairly similar type of hearing impairment with, on average, thresholds of about 25 dB (range, 0 to 65 dB) at 0.25 to 1 kHz, gently sloping downward to about 60 dB (range, 25 to 95 dB) at 8 kHz. The subgroup of Dutch women, which was excluded from the calculations of the average hearing thresholds, showed a higher degree of hearing impairment. Only the latter subgroup showed progression; however, contrary to the previous longitudinal analysis, progression was not signifi...
Patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness (DOC) are characterized by profound un... more Patients suffering from chronic disorders of consciousness (DOC) are characterized by profound unawareness and an impairment of large-scale cortical and subcortical connectivity. In this study, we applied an electrophysiological approach aimed at identifying the residual audiomotor connectivity patterns that are thought to be linked to awareness. We measured some markers of audiomotor integration (AMI) in 20 patients affected by DOC, before and after the application of a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol (rTMS) delivered over the left primary motor area (M1), paired to a transauricular alternating current stimulation. Our protocol induced potentiating of the electrophysiological markers of AMI and M1 excitability, paired to a clinical improvement, in all of the patients with minimally conscious state (MCS) but in none of those suffering from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS). Our protocol could be a promising approach to potentiate the functional connectivi...
Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, Jan 6, 2015
Small thyroid papillary carcinomas contribute to the worldwide increased incidence of differentia... more Small thyroid papillary carcinomas contribute to the worldwide increased incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer observed over the past decades. However, mortality rate did not change over the same period of time, raising questions about the possibility that thyroid cancer patients, especially those with small tumors, are overdiagnosed and overtreated. Molecular prognostic marker able to discriminate aggressive thyroid cancers from those with an indolent course would be of great relevance to better tailor the therapeutic approach and reduce overtreatment. Mutations in the TERT promoter were recently reported to strongly correlate with aggressiveness in advanced forms of thyroid cancer, holding promise for a possible clinical application. The occurrence and potential clinical relevance of TERT mutations in thyroid papillary microcarcinomas (mPTCs) is currently unknown. Here, we aimed to analyze the occurrence of two TERT promoter mutations (-124C>T and -146C>T) and their pot...
Ten years after the first description of activating mutations in the thyroid stimulating hormone ... more Ten years after the first description of activating mutations in the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) gene in sporadic autonomous hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas, there is general agreement in assigning a major pathogenic role of this genetic abnormality, acting via the constitutive activation of the cAMP pathway, in both the growth and functional characteristic of these tumours. From the beginning, however, the pathophysiological and clinical relevance of somatic TSHR mutations has been debated and some arguments still exist against a fully causative role of these mutations and the practical value of detecting these mutations for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of thyroid hot nodules. Some major issues will be examined herein, including (a) the frequency of TSHR alterations in various reports showing that the genetic abnormality underlying the pathogenesis of a substantial subset of thyroid tumours has yet to be identified; (b) the limitations of the present experimental models, which suggest greater caution in the interpretation of in vitro results; (c) the still unresolved question of absence of genotype-phenotype correlation. Clarification of these issues may hopefully provide new and useful tools for improving the clinical management of this disease.
The functional role of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in extrathyroidal tissues was investigat... more The functional role of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in extrathyroidal tissues was investigated by examining its mRNA and protein expression, together with the evidence of radioiodine (131)I uptake in 302 patients who underwent (131)I total body scanning, following the administration of high doses of (131)I for a papillary or follicular thyroid carcinoma. By using a real-time kinetic quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, the expression of NIS protein was detected mainly in secretory tissues. In parallel, 1311 uptake was evidenced in the majority of patients in the salivary glands (in 39%) and stomach (in 78%), but was found in breast in only 4 young female patients. These data demonstrate a strong correlation between the organ radioactivity distribution, as observed in vivo, and NIS protein expression. Interestingly, (131)I is rarely concentrated by mammary glands, even when large doses are administered. Moreover, a (131)I transfer in secretion fluids may represent a potential source of contamination responsible for false positive images and diagnostic pitfalls.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2010
Most papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMCs; ≤ 1 cm diameter) are indolent low-risk tumors, but... more Most papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMCs; ≤ 1 cm diameter) are indolent low-risk tumors, but some cases behave more aggressively. Controversies have thus arisen over the optimum postoperative surveillance of PTMC patients. We tested the hypothesis that clinical criteria could be used to identify PTMC patients with very low mortality/recurrence risks and attempted to define the best strategy for their management and long-term surveillance. We retrospectively analyzed data from 312 consecutively diagnosed PTMC patients with T1N0M0 stage disease, no family history of thyroid cancer, no history of head-neck irradiation, unifocal PTMC, no extracapsular involvement, and classic papillary histotypes. Additional inclusion criteria were complete follow-up data from surgery to at least 5 yr after diagnosis. All 312 had undergone (near) total thyroidectomy [with radioactive iodine (RAI) remnant ablation in 137 (44%) - RAI group] and were followed up yearly with cervical ultrasonography and serum thyroglobulin, TSH, and thyroglobulin antibody assays. During follow-up (5-23 yr, median 6.7 yr), there were no deaths due to thyroid cancer or reoperations. The first (6-12 months after surgery) and last postoperative cervical sonograms were negative in all cases. Final serum thyroglobulin levels were undetectable (<1 ng/ml) in all RAI patients and almost all (93%) of non-RAI patients. Accurate risk stratification can allow safe follow-up of most PTMC patients with a less intensive, more cost-effective protocol. Cervical ultrasonography is the mainstay of this protocol, and negative findings at the first postoperative examination are highly predictive of positive outcomes.
I miei scritti by Rocco Bruno
Marco Todeschini è stato un uomo eccezionale del nostro tempo, sintetizzando in se filosofia, arte, mistica e scienza, ridando vigore e riconoscimento alle teorie di Galileo, Aristotele, Cartesio e molti altri, rivelando quello che la scienza moderna continua ostinatamente a celare dietro a formule sulla natura del "vuoto", sulle "forze" che lo muovono imputandole ad una qualche qualità della materia di cui non sono riusciti nemmeno a spiegarne l'origine (non se ne capacitano) e per la quale non celano neanche un minimo imbarazzo, considerando queste forze semplicemente insondabili e "misteriose"; o sull'atomo, la natura ondulatori e corpuscolare delle particelle e molto altro solo postulato, ma mai realmente dimostrato.
Papers by Rocco Bruno
Marco Todeschini è stato un uomo eccezionale del nostro tempo, sintetizzando in se filosofia, arte, mistica e scienza, ridando vigore e riconoscimento alle teorie di Galileo, Aristotele, Cartesio e molti altri, rivelando quello che la scienza moderna continua ostinatamente a celare dietro a formule sulla natura del "vuoto", sulle "forze" che lo muovono imputandole ad una qualche qualità della materia di cui non sono riusciti nemmeno a spiegarne l'origine (non se ne capacitano) e per la quale non celano neanche un minimo imbarazzo, considerando queste forze semplicemente insondabili e "misteriose"; o sull'atomo, la natura ondulatori e corpuscolare delle particelle e molto altro solo postulato, ma mai realmente dimostrato.