relationship between intra-renal complement activation and kidney histology in LN, and whether co... more relationship between intra-renal complement activation and kidney histology in LN, and whether complement activation products (CAPs) can serve as biomarkers to guide complement-directed therapies. In this investigation, urine CAPs levels were measured, and associations with kidney injury were determined. Methods A cohort of 149 patients had urine and blood collected at the time of kidney biopsy for suspected LN. The CAPs C5a, C5b-9, and factor Ba were measured in the urine by ELISA. Biopsies were examined by routine histology, and the NIH activity and chronicity indexes (AI,CI) were calculated by two nephropathologists. CAPs levels were correlated with clinical and histologic data using the spearman correlation r. Results The results are summarized in the table 1. The highest levels of CAPs were found in patients with proliferative or proliferative plus membranous LN, with lower levels in pure class II and V. All three urine CAPs correlated with AI, but the strongest correlation was between C5b-9 and AI. Only Ba and C5a correlated with CI, but this correlation was, at best, modest. All CAPs correlated with proteinuria, while only Ba and C5a correlated with serum creatinine. Conclusion Urine C5b-9 was the best measure of histologic activity in LN. Given the size of the C5b-9 complex, it is unlikely to be filtered, even by glomeruli with a damaged glomerular permeability barrier. Urine C5b-9 therefore only reflects intra-renal complement activity. C5a and Ba associated modestly with active lesions, as well as kidney damage, likely accounting for their association with serum creatinine. We suggest levels of urine C5b-9 could be used to follow the success of anti-complement therapies in mitigating intra-renal complement activation in LN.
Brain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and r... more Brain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and represents an unmet clinical need. The mechanisms that mediate metastatic cancer growth in the brain parenchyma are largely unknown. Melanoma, which has the highest rate of brain metastasis among common cancer types, is an ideal model to study how cancer cells adapt to the brain parenchyma. Our unbiased proteomics analysis of melanoma short-term cultures revealed that proteins implicated in neurodegenerative pathologies are differentially expressed in melanoma cells explanted from brain metastases compared to those derived from extracranial metastases. We showed that melanoma cells require amyloid beta (Aβ) for growth and survival in the brain parenchyma. Melanoma-secreted Aβ activates surrounding astrocytes to a prometastatic, anti-inflammatory phenotype and prevents phagocytosis of melanoma by microglia. Finally, we demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of Aβ decreases brain metas...
While translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that b... more While translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds eIF4E, inactivation/silencing of eIF4E, or quantitative sequestration of eIF4E by 4E-BPs through mTORC1 inhibition, does not impair translation of many capped mRNAs. This suggests an alternate mechanism may exist for cap-dependent but eIF4E/mTORC1-independent translation. DAP5 (NAT1, eIF4G2, p97) is an eIF4G family member that lacks the N-terminal binding domains for eIF4E and PABP. DAP5 was shown to mediate translation initiation through internal ribosome entry sites (IRES elements). We recently showed that DAP5 utilizes the cap binding activity of eIF3d to facilitate cap-dependent translation of a large number of capped mRNAs, making it a previous unknown major mechanism of cap-dependent but eIF4E/mTORC1-independent mRNA translation. Genome-wide transcriptomic and translatomic analyses indicate that DAP5 is required for translation of many transcription factor and cell receptor ca...
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
In addition to their pivotal role in thrombosis and hemostasis, platelets participate in inflamma... more In addition to their pivotal role in thrombosis and hemostasis, platelets participate in inflammatory responses and endothelial cell activation - hallmarks in the pathogenesis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Given the evidence for a hyperactive platelet phenotype in COVID-19, we investigated effector cell properties of COVID-19 platelets on endothelial cells (ECs). To explore this interaction, ECs were treated with platelet releasate from patients with and without COVID-19, and EC mRNA sequencing performed. We demonstrate that platelet released factors in COVID-19 promote an inflammatory hypercoagulable endotheliopathy. Investigation of the COVID-19 platelet transcriptome identified pathways related to organelle/granule release, metabolism, and immune effector function in addition to upregulation of S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA. Incubation of primary megakaryocytes with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) also induced upregulation of S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA...
Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) is common. We investigated the incidence and o... more Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) is common. We investigated the incidence and outcomes of MINS, and mechanistic underpinnings using pre-operative whole blood gene expression profiling in a prospective cohort study of individuals undergoing lower extremity revascularization (LER) for peripheral artery disease (PAD). Major adverse cardiovascular and limb events (MACLE) were defined as a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, major lower extremity amputation or reoperation. Among 226 participants undergoing LER, MINS occurred in 53 (23.5%). Patients with MINS had a greater incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (49.1% vs. 22.0%, adjusted HR 1.87, 95% CI 1.07–3.26) and MACLE (67.9% vs. 44.5%; adjusted HR 1.66, 95% CI 1.08–2.55) at median 20-month follow-up. Pre-operative whole blood transcriptome profiling of a nested matched MINS case–control cohort (n = 41) identified upregulation of pathways related to platelet alpha granules and coagulation in...
Table S2. EBI Metagenomics formatted sample input data input. a Taxonomic and b GO-term level dat... more Table S2. EBI Metagenomics formatted sample input data input. a Taxonomic and b GO-term level data derived from Rose et al. [28]. (PDF 115 kb)
Table S1. Huttenhower Biobakery formatted sample input data input. Data derived from reanalysis o... more Table S1. Huttenhower Biobakery formatted sample input data input. Data derived from reanalysis of a subset of HMP samples [27]. (PDF 133 kb)
ObjectiveHydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a mainstay of therapy in the treatment of SLE. The effect of... more ObjectiveHydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a mainstay of therapy in the treatment of SLE. The effect of HCQ on platelets and vascular health is uncertain. We investigated the relationship between HCQ use and dose with platelet activity, platelet transcriptomics and vascular health in patients with SLE.MethodsPlatelet aggregation, platelet mRNA expression and vascular health (sublingual capillary perfused boundary region (PBR), red blood cell filling (RBCF) and brachial artery reactivity testing) were analysed by HCQ use and dose.ResultsAmong 132 subjects with SLE (age: 39.7±12.9 years, 97% female), 108 were on HCQ. SLE disease activity was similar between subjects on and off HCQ. Platelet aggregation in response to multiple agonists was significantly lower in patients on HCQ. There were inverse relationships between HCQ dose and gene expression pathways of platelet activity. Gene expression of P-selectin (SELP) was inversely correlated with HCQ dose (r=−0.41, p=0.003), which was validated...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the etiological agent of Coronavi... more Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the etiological agent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is a dire need for novel effective antivirals to treat COVID-19, as the only approved direct-acting antiviral to date is remdesivir, targeting the viral polymerase complex. A potential alternate target in the viral life cycle is the main SARS-CoV-2 protease 3CLpro(Mpro). The drug candidate PF-00835231 is the active compound of the first anti-3CLproregimen in clinical trials. Here, we perform a comparative analysis of PF-00835231, the pre-clinical 3CLproinhibitor GC-376, and the polymerase inhibitor remdesivir, in alveolar basal epithelial cells modified to express ACE2 (A549+ACE2cells). We find PF-00835231 with at least similar or higher potency than remdesivir or GC-376. A time-of-drug-addition approach delineates the timing of early SARS-CoV-2 life cycle steps in A549+ACE2cells and validates PF-00835231’s early time of action. In a model of the human ...
Advances in mass-spectrometry have generated increasingly large-scale proteomics datasets contain... more Advances in mass-spectrometry have generated increasingly large-scale proteomics datasets containing tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) that require prioritization. We develop a bioinformatics tool called HotPho and systematically discover 3D co-clustering of phosphosites and cancer mutations on protein structures. HotPho identifies 474 such hybrid clusters containing 1255 co-clustering phosphosites, including RET p.S904/Y928, the conserved HRAS/KRAS p.Y96, and IDH1 p.Y139/IDH2 p.Y179 that are adjacent to recurrent mutations on protein structures not found by linear proximity approaches. Hybrid clusters, enriched in histone and kinase domains, frequently include expression-associated mutations experimentally shown as activating and conferring genetic dependency. Approximately 300 co-clustering phosphosites are verified in patient samples of 5 cancer types or previously implicated in cancer, including CTNNB1 p.S29/Y30, EGFR p.S720, MAPK1 p.S142, and PTPN12 p.S2...
Summary We have established experimental systems to assess the effects of early-life exposures to... more Summary We have established experimental systems to assess the effects of early-life exposures to antibiotics on the intestinal microbiota and gene expression in the brain. This model system is highly relevant to human exposure and may be developed into a preclinical model of neurodevelopmental disorders in which the gut–brain axis is perturbed, leading to organizational effects that permanently alter the structure and function of the brain. Exposing newborn mice to low-dose penicillin led to substantial changes in intestinal microbiota population structure and composition. Transcriptomic alterations implicate pathways perturbed in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. There also were substantial effects on frontal cortex and amygdala gene expression by bioinformatic interrogation, affecting multiple pathways underlying neurodevelopment. Informatic analyses established linkages between specific intestinal microbial populations and the early-life expression of particular affected genes. These studies provide translational models to explore intestinal microbiome roles in the normal and abnormal maturation of the vulnerable central nervous system.
Highlights d Proteomics and glycoproteomics of 83 ovarian cancer and 23 relevant non-tumor tissue... more Highlights d Proteomics and glycoproteomics of 83 ovarian cancer and 23 relevant non-tumor tissues d Glycosylation is associated with three tumor clusters d Tumor-specific changes of glycoproteins and glycosites are apparent d Enzymes responsible for the glycosylation alterations are identified
The arsenal of SARS-CoV-2 specific antiviral drugs is extremely limited. Only one direct-acting a... more The arsenal of SARS-CoV-2 specific antiviral drugs is extremely limited. Only one direct-acting antiviral drug is currently approved, the viral polymerase inhibitor remdesivir, and it has limited efficacy.
SummaryBrain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer type... more SummaryBrain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and represents an unmet clinical need. The mechanisms that mediate metastatic cancer growth in the brain parenchyma are largely unknown. Melanoma, which has the highest rate of brain metastasis among common cancer types, is an ideal model to study how cancer cells adapt to the brain parenchyma. We performed unbiased proteomics analysis of melanoma short-term cultures, a novel model for the study of brain metastasis. Intriguingly, we found that proteins implicated in neurodegenerative pathologies are differentially expressed in melanoma cells explanted from brain metastases compared to those derived from extracranial metastases. This raised the exciting hypothesis that molecular pathways implicated in neurodegenerative disorders are critical for metastatic adaptation to the brain.Here, we show that melanoma cells require amyloid beta (Aβ), a polypeptide heavily implicated in Alzheimer’s...
Background: Exploration of large data sets, such as shotgun metagenomic sequence or expression da... more Background: Exploration of large data sets, such as shotgun metagenomic sequence or expression data, by biomedical experts and medical professionals remains as a major bottleneck in the scientific discovery process. Although tools for this purpose exist for 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing analysis, there is a growing but still insufficient number of user-friendly interactive visualization workflows for easy data exploration and figure generation. The development of such platforms for this purpose is necessary to accelerate and streamline microbiome laboratory research. Results: We developed the Workflow Hub for Automated Metagenomic Exploration (WHAM!) as a web-based interactive tool capable of user-directed data visualization and statistical analysis of annotated shotgun metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data sets. WHAM! includes exploratory and hypothesis-based gene and taxa search modules for visualizing differences in microbial taxa and gene family expression across experimental groups, and for creating publication quality figures without the need for command line interface or in-house bioinformatics. Conclusions: WHAM! is an interactive and customizable tool for downstream metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis providing a user-friendly interface allowing for easy data exploration by microbiome and ecological experts to facilitate discovery in multi-dimensional and large-scale data sets.
Cancers induce gene expression alterations in stroma surrounding tumors that supports cancer prog... more Cancers induce gene expression alterations in stroma surrounding tumors that supports cancer progression. However, it is actually not at all known the extent of altered stromal gene expression enacted by tumors nor the extent to which altered stromal gene expression penetrates the stromal tissue. Presently, post-surgical "tumor-free" stromal tissue is determined to be cancer-free based on solely on morphological normality-a criteria that has not changed in more than 100 years despite the existence of sophisticated gene expression data to the contrary. We therefore investigated the extent to which breast tumors alter stromal gene expression in three dimensions in women undergoing mastectomy with the intent of providing a genomic determination for development of future risk of recurrence criteria, and to inform the need for adjuvant full-breast irradiation. Genome-wide gene expression changes were determined in histopathologically normal breast tissue in 33 women undergoing ...
Translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds e... more Translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). However, inactivation of eIF4E does not impair translation of many capped mRNAs, suggesting an unknown alternate mechanism may exist for cap-dependent but eIF4E-independent translation. We show that DAP5, an eIF4GI homolog that lacks eIF4E binding, utilizes eIF3d to facilitate cap-dependent translation of approximately 20% of mRNAs. Genome-wide transcriptomic and translatomic analyses indicate that DAP5 is required for translation of many transcription factors and receptor capped mRNAs and their mRNA targets involved in cell survival, motility, DNA repair and translation initiation, among other mRNAs. Mass spectrometry and crosslinking studies demonstrate that eIF3d is a direct binding partner of DAP5. In vitro translation and ribosome complex studies demonstrate that DAP5 and eIF3d are both essential for eIF4E-independent capped-mRNA translation. ...
Background-Benzodiazepines are a widely prescribed psychoactive drug; in the U.S., both medical a... more Background-Benzodiazepines are a widely prescribed psychoactive drug; in the U.S., both medical and nonmedical use of benzodiazepines has increased markedly in the past 15 years. Long-term use can lead to tolerance and dependence, and abrupt withdrawal can cause seizures or other life-threatening symptoms. Benzodiazepines are often used nonmedically in conjunction with other drugs, and with opioids in particular a combination that can increase the risk for fatal and non-fatal overdose. This mixed-methods study examines nonmedical use of benzodiazepines among young adults in New York City and its relationship with opioid use. Methods-For qualitative analysis, 46 90-minute semi-structured interviews were conducted with young adult opioid users (ages 18-32). Interviews were transcribed and coded for key themes. For quantitative analysis, 464 young adult opioid users (ages 18-29) were recruited using Respondent-Driven Sampling and completed structured interviews. Benzodiazepine use was assessed via a self-report questionnaire that included measures related to nonmedical benzodiazepine and opioid use.
relationship between intra-renal complement activation and kidney histology in LN, and whether co... more relationship between intra-renal complement activation and kidney histology in LN, and whether complement activation products (CAPs) can serve as biomarkers to guide complement-directed therapies. In this investigation, urine CAPs levels were measured, and associations with kidney injury were determined. Methods A cohort of 149 patients had urine and blood collected at the time of kidney biopsy for suspected LN. The CAPs C5a, C5b-9, and factor Ba were measured in the urine by ELISA. Biopsies were examined by routine histology, and the NIH activity and chronicity indexes (AI,CI) were calculated by two nephropathologists. CAPs levels were correlated with clinical and histologic data using the spearman correlation r. Results The results are summarized in the table 1. The highest levels of CAPs were found in patients with proliferative or proliferative plus membranous LN, with lower levels in pure class II and V. All three urine CAPs correlated with AI, but the strongest correlation was between C5b-9 and AI. Only Ba and C5a correlated with CI, but this correlation was, at best, modest. All CAPs correlated with proteinuria, while only Ba and C5a correlated with serum creatinine. Conclusion Urine C5b-9 was the best measure of histologic activity in LN. Given the size of the C5b-9 complex, it is unlikely to be filtered, even by glomeruli with a damaged glomerular permeability barrier. Urine C5b-9 therefore only reflects intra-renal complement activity. C5a and Ba associated modestly with active lesions, as well as kidney damage, likely accounting for their association with serum creatinine. We suggest levels of urine C5b-9 could be used to follow the success of anti-complement therapies in mitigating intra-renal complement activation in LN.
Brain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and r... more Brain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and represents an unmet clinical need. The mechanisms that mediate metastatic cancer growth in the brain parenchyma are largely unknown. Melanoma, which has the highest rate of brain metastasis among common cancer types, is an ideal model to study how cancer cells adapt to the brain parenchyma. Our unbiased proteomics analysis of melanoma short-term cultures revealed that proteins implicated in neurodegenerative pathologies are differentially expressed in melanoma cells explanted from brain metastases compared to those derived from extracranial metastases. We showed that melanoma cells require amyloid beta (Aβ) for growth and survival in the brain parenchyma. Melanoma-secreted Aβ activates surrounding astrocytes to a prometastatic, anti-inflammatory phenotype and prevents phagocytosis of melanoma by microglia. Finally, we demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of Aβ decreases brain metas...
While translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that b... more While translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds eIF4E, inactivation/silencing of eIF4E, or quantitative sequestration of eIF4E by 4E-BPs through mTORC1 inhibition, does not impair translation of many capped mRNAs. This suggests an alternate mechanism may exist for cap-dependent but eIF4E/mTORC1-independent translation. DAP5 (NAT1, eIF4G2, p97) is an eIF4G family member that lacks the N-terminal binding domains for eIF4E and PABP. DAP5 was shown to mediate translation initiation through internal ribosome entry sites (IRES elements). We recently showed that DAP5 utilizes the cap binding activity of eIF3d to facilitate cap-dependent translation of a large number of capped mRNAs, making it a previous unknown major mechanism of cap-dependent but eIF4E/mTORC1-independent mRNA translation. Genome-wide transcriptomic and translatomic analyses indicate that DAP5 is required for translation of many transcription factor and cell receptor ca...
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
In addition to their pivotal role in thrombosis and hemostasis, platelets participate in inflamma... more In addition to their pivotal role in thrombosis and hemostasis, platelets participate in inflammatory responses and endothelial cell activation - hallmarks in the pathogenesis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Given the evidence for a hyperactive platelet phenotype in COVID-19, we investigated effector cell properties of COVID-19 platelets on endothelial cells (ECs). To explore this interaction, ECs were treated with platelet releasate from patients with and without COVID-19, and EC mRNA sequencing performed. We demonstrate that platelet released factors in COVID-19 promote an inflammatory hypercoagulable endotheliopathy. Investigation of the COVID-19 platelet transcriptome identified pathways related to organelle/granule release, metabolism, and immune effector function in addition to upregulation of S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA. Incubation of primary megakaryocytes with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) also induced upregulation of S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA...
Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) is common. We investigated the incidence and o... more Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) is common. We investigated the incidence and outcomes of MINS, and mechanistic underpinnings using pre-operative whole blood gene expression profiling in a prospective cohort study of individuals undergoing lower extremity revascularization (LER) for peripheral artery disease (PAD). Major adverse cardiovascular and limb events (MACLE) were defined as a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, major lower extremity amputation or reoperation. Among 226 participants undergoing LER, MINS occurred in 53 (23.5%). Patients with MINS had a greater incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (49.1% vs. 22.0%, adjusted HR 1.87, 95% CI 1.07–3.26) and MACLE (67.9% vs. 44.5%; adjusted HR 1.66, 95% CI 1.08–2.55) at median 20-month follow-up. Pre-operative whole blood transcriptome profiling of a nested matched MINS case–control cohort (n = 41) identified upregulation of pathways related to platelet alpha granules and coagulation in...
Table S2. EBI Metagenomics formatted sample input data input. a Taxonomic and b GO-term level dat... more Table S2. EBI Metagenomics formatted sample input data input. a Taxonomic and b GO-term level data derived from Rose et al. [28]. (PDF 115 kb)
Table S1. Huttenhower Biobakery formatted sample input data input. Data derived from reanalysis o... more Table S1. Huttenhower Biobakery formatted sample input data input. Data derived from reanalysis of a subset of HMP samples [27]. (PDF 133 kb)
ObjectiveHydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a mainstay of therapy in the treatment of SLE. The effect of... more ObjectiveHydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a mainstay of therapy in the treatment of SLE. The effect of HCQ on platelets and vascular health is uncertain. We investigated the relationship between HCQ use and dose with platelet activity, platelet transcriptomics and vascular health in patients with SLE.MethodsPlatelet aggregation, platelet mRNA expression and vascular health (sublingual capillary perfused boundary region (PBR), red blood cell filling (RBCF) and brachial artery reactivity testing) were analysed by HCQ use and dose.ResultsAmong 132 subjects with SLE (age: 39.7±12.9 years, 97% female), 108 were on HCQ. SLE disease activity was similar between subjects on and off HCQ. Platelet aggregation in response to multiple agonists was significantly lower in patients on HCQ. There were inverse relationships between HCQ dose and gene expression pathways of platelet activity. Gene expression of P-selectin (SELP) was inversely correlated with HCQ dose (r=−0.41, p=0.003), which was validated...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the etiological agent of Coronavi... more Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the etiological agent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is a dire need for novel effective antivirals to treat COVID-19, as the only approved direct-acting antiviral to date is remdesivir, targeting the viral polymerase complex. A potential alternate target in the viral life cycle is the main SARS-CoV-2 protease 3CLpro(Mpro). The drug candidate PF-00835231 is the active compound of the first anti-3CLproregimen in clinical trials. Here, we perform a comparative analysis of PF-00835231, the pre-clinical 3CLproinhibitor GC-376, and the polymerase inhibitor remdesivir, in alveolar basal epithelial cells modified to express ACE2 (A549+ACE2cells). We find PF-00835231 with at least similar or higher potency than remdesivir or GC-376. A time-of-drug-addition approach delineates the timing of early SARS-CoV-2 life cycle steps in A549+ACE2cells and validates PF-00835231’s early time of action. In a model of the human ...
Advances in mass-spectrometry have generated increasingly large-scale proteomics datasets contain... more Advances in mass-spectrometry have generated increasingly large-scale proteomics datasets containing tens of thousands of phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) that require prioritization. We develop a bioinformatics tool called HotPho and systematically discover 3D co-clustering of phosphosites and cancer mutations on protein structures. HotPho identifies 474 such hybrid clusters containing 1255 co-clustering phosphosites, including RET p.S904/Y928, the conserved HRAS/KRAS p.Y96, and IDH1 p.Y139/IDH2 p.Y179 that are adjacent to recurrent mutations on protein structures not found by linear proximity approaches. Hybrid clusters, enriched in histone and kinase domains, frequently include expression-associated mutations experimentally shown as activating and conferring genetic dependency. Approximately 300 co-clustering phosphosites are verified in patient samples of 5 cancer types or previously implicated in cancer, including CTNNB1 p.S29/Y30, EGFR p.S720, MAPK1 p.S142, and PTPN12 p.S2...
Summary We have established experimental systems to assess the effects of early-life exposures to... more Summary We have established experimental systems to assess the effects of early-life exposures to antibiotics on the intestinal microbiota and gene expression in the brain. This model system is highly relevant to human exposure and may be developed into a preclinical model of neurodevelopmental disorders in which the gut–brain axis is perturbed, leading to organizational effects that permanently alter the structure and function of the brain. Exposing newborn mice to low-dose penicillin led to substantial changes in intestinal microbiota population structure and composition. Transcriptomic alterations implicate pathways perturbed in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. There also were substantial effects on frontal cortex and amygdala gene expression by bioinformatic interrogation, affecting multiple pathways underlying neurodevelopment. Informatic analyses established linkages between specific intestinal microbial populations and the early-life expression of particular affected genes. These studies provide translational models to explore intestinal microbiome roles in the normal and abnormal maturation of the vulnerable central nervous system.
Highlights d Proteomics and glycoproteomics of 83 ovarian cancer and 23 relevant non-tumor tissue... more Highlights d Proteomics and glycoproteomics of 83 ovarian cancer and 23 relevant non-tumor tissues d Glycosylation is associated with three tumor clusters d Tumor-specific changes of glycoproteins and glycosites are apparent d Enzymes responsible for the glycosylation alterations are identified
The arsenal of SARS-CoV-2 specific antiviral drugs is extremely limited. Only one direct-acting a... more The arsenal of SARS-CoV-2 specific antiviral drugs is extremely limited. Only one direct-acting antiviral drug is currently approved, the viral polymerase inhibitor remdesivir, and it has limited efficacy.
SummaryBrain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer type... more SummaryBrain metastasis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple cancer types and represents an unmet clinical need. The mechanisms that mediate metastatic cancer growth in the brain parenchyma are largely unknown. Melanoma, which has the highest rate of brain metastasis among common cancer types, is an ideal model to study how cancer cells adapt to the brain parenchyma. We performed unbiased proteomics analysis of melanoma short-term cultures, a novel model for the study of brain metastasis. Intriguingly, we found that proteins implicated in neurodegenerative pathologies are differentially expressed in melanoma cells explanted from brain metastases compared to those derived from extracranial metastases. This raised the exciting hypothesis that molecular pathways implicated in neurodegenerative disorders are critical for metastatic adaptation to the brain.Here, we show that melanoma cells require amyloid beta (Aβ), a polypeptide heavily implicated in Alzheimer’s...
Background: Exploration of large data sets, such as shotgun metagenomic sequence or expression da... more Background: Exploration of large data sets, such as shotgun metagenomic sequence or expression data, by biomedical experts and medical professionals remains as a major bottleneck in the scientific discovery process. Although tools for this purpose exist for 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing analysis, there is a growing but still insufficient number of user-friendly interactive visualization workflows for easy data exploration and figure generation. The development of such platforms for this purpose is necessary to accelerate and streamline microbiome laboratory research. Results: We developed the Workflow Hub for Automated Metagenomic Exploration (WHAM!) as a web-based interactive tool capable of user-directed data visualization and statistical analysis of annotated shotgun metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data sets. WHAM! includes exploratory and hypothesis-based gene and taxa search modules for visualizing differences in microbial taxa and gene family expression across experimental groups, and for creating publication quality figures without the need for command line interface or in-house bioinformatics. Conclusions: WHAM! is an interactive and customizable tool for downstream metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis providing a user-friendly interface allowing for easy data exploration by microbiome and ecological experts to facilitate discovery in multi-dimensional and large-scale data sets.
Cancers induce gene expression alterations in stroma surrounding tumors that supports cancer prog... more Cancers induce gene expression alterations in stroma surrounding tumors that supports cancer progression. However, it is actually not at all known the extent of altered stromal gene expression enacted by tumors nor the extent to which altered stromal gene expression penetrates the stromal tissue. Presently, post-surgical "tumor-free" stromal tissue is determined to be cancer-free based on solely on morphological normality-a criteria that has not changed in more than 100 years despite the existence of sophisticated gene expression data to the contrary. We therefore investigated the extent to which breast tumors alter stromal gene expression in three dimensions in women undergoing mastectomy with the intent of providing a genomic determination for development of future risk of recurrence criteria, and to inform the need for adjuvant full-breast irradiation. Genome-wide gene expression changes were determined in histopathologically normal breast tissue in 33 women undergoing ...
Translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds e... more Translation initiation of most mammalian mRNAs is mediated by a 5' cap structure that binds eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). However, inactivation of eIF4E does not impair translation of many capped mRNAs, suggesting an unknown alternate mechanism may exist for cap-dependent but eIF4E-independent translation. We show that DAP5, an eIF4GI homolog that lacks eIF4E binding, utilizes eIF3d to facilitate cap-dependent translation of approximately 20% of mRNAs. Genome-wide transcriptomic and translatomic analyses indicate that DAP5 is required for translation of many transcription factors and receptor capped mRNAs and their mRNA targets involved in cell survival, motility, DNA repair and translation initiation, among other mRNAs. Mass spectrometry and crosslinking studies demonstrate that eIF3d is a direct binding partner of DAP5. In vitro translation and ribosome complex studies demonstrate that DAP5 and eIF3d are both essential for eIF4E-independent capped-mRNA translation. ...
Background-Benzodiazepines are a widely prescribed psychoactive drug; in the U.S., both medical a... more Background-Benzodiazepines are a widely prescribed psychoactive drug; in the U.S., both medical and nonmedical use of benzodiazepines has increased markedly in the past 15 years. Long-term use can lead to tolerance and dependence, and abrupt withdrawal can cause seizures or other life-threatening symptoms. Benzodiazepines are often used nonmedically in conjunction with other drugs, and with opioids in particular a combination that can increase the risk for fatal and non-fatal overdose. This mixed-methods study examines nonmedical use of benzodiazepines among young adults in New York City and its relationship with opioid use. Methods-For qualitative analysis, 46 90-minute semi-structured interviews were conducted with young adult opioid users (ages 18-32). Interviews were transcribed and coded for key themes. For quantitative analysis, 464 young adult opioid users (ages 18-29) were recruited using Respondent-Driven Sampling and completed structured interviews. Benzodiazepine use was assessed via a self-report questionnaire that included measures related to nonmedical benzodiazepine and opioid use.
Papers by Kelly Ruggles