Discusses the key issues covered by Sigmund Freud in his famous case of 1915 about the Wolf Man. ... more Discusses the key issues covered by Sigmund Freud in his famous case of 1915 about the Wolf Man. The work of Lacan shows how psychoanalysis has changed since the time of Freud.
Translator's note Acknowledgements Abbreviations Part I Introduction to the Question of the P... more Translator's note Acknowledgements Abbreviations Part I Introduction to the Question of the Psychoses 1. Introduction to the question of the psychoses 2. The meaning of delusion 3. The Other and psychosis 4. "I've just been to the butcher's" Part II Thematics and Structure of the Psychotic Phenomenon 5. On a god who does not deceive and one who does 6. The psychotic phenomenon and its mechanism 7. THe imaginary dissolution 8. The symbolic sentence 9. On nonsense and the structure of God 10. On the signifier in the real and the bellowing-miracle 11. On the rejection of a primordial signifier Part III On the Signifier and the Signified 12. The hysteric's question 13. The hysteric's question (II)_: ^'What is a woman? 14. The signifier, as such, signifies nothing 15. On primordial signifiers and the lack of one 16. Secretaries to the insane 17. Metaphor and metonymy (I) "His sheaf was neither miserly nor spiteful" 18. Metaphor and metonymy (II...
Expands on the claim, fundamental to analysis with children within a Lacanian orientation, that t... more Expands on the claim, fundamental to analysis with children within a Lacanian orientation, that the child's symptom is a response to what is symptomatic in the family.
The article discusses the concept of hysteria and whether it can be classified as an illness or n... more The article discusses the concept of hysteria and whether it can be classified as an illness or not. Hysteria continues to be considered a taboo subject by many and the debate continues over whether hysteria is curable or not.
Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 1994
Turistički sektor na Zagrebačkoj burzi (ZSE): koliko vrijedi hrvatski turizam? Tourism sector on ... more Turistički sektor na Zagrebačkoj burzi (ZSE): koliko vrijedi hrvatski turizam? Tourism sector on the Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE): What is the Value of Croatian Tourism? Stipe Buzar Analiza globalnog etičkog kodeksa za turizam u kontekstu društveno odgovornog poslovanja An Analysis of the Global Code of Ethic for Tourism in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility Mladen Knežević Socijalni turizam kao socijalna i ekonomska kategorija-nekoliko elemenata razvoja Social Tourism as a Social and Economic Category-Some Elements of Development
This is the authors ’ final peered reviewed (post print) version of the item published as: Grigg,... more This is the authors ’ final peered reviewed (post print) version of the item published as: Grigg, Russell 2013, Treating the wolf man as a case of ordinary psychosis, in Culture/clinic,
The author explores the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and the phenomenon... more The author explores the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and the phenomenon of shame and guilt, its connection with religion, and its place and significance in human society. Key words Other – shame – guilt Resumo O autor explora a lenda de Adao e Eva, contada no livro de Milton “Paraiso Perdido”, e o fenomeno da vergonha e da culpa, a sua ligacao com a religiao e o seu lugar e significância na sociedade humana. Palavras-chave Outro – vergonha – culpa
Discusses the key issues covered by Sigmund Freud in his famous case of 1915 about the Wolf Man. ... more Discusses the key issues covered by Sigmund Freud in his famous case of 1915 about the Wolf Man. The work of Lacan shows how psychoanalysis has changed since the time of Freud.
Translator's note Acknowledgements Abbreviations Part I Introduction to the Question of the P... more Translator's note Acknowledgements Abbreviations Part I Introduction to the Question of the Psychoses 1. Introduction to the question of the psychoses 2. The meaning of delusion 3. The Other and psychosis 4. "I've just been to the butcher's" Part II Thematics and Structure of the Psychotic Phenomenon 5. On a god who does not deceive and one who does 6. The psychotic phenomenon and its mechanism 7. THe imaginary dissolution 8. The symbolic sentence 9. On nonsense and the structure of God 10. On the signifier in the real and the bellowing-miracle 11. On the rejection of a primordial signifier Part III On the Signifier and the Signified 12. The hysteric's question 13. The hysteric's question (II)_: ^'What is a woman? 14. The signifier, as such, signifies nothing 15. On primordial signifiers and the lack of one 16. Secretaries to the insane 17. Metaphor and metonymy (I) "His sheaf was neither miserly nor spiteful" 18. Metaphor and metonymy (II...
Expands on the claim, fundamental to analysis with children within a Lacanian orientation, that t... more Expands on the claim, fundamental to analysis with children within a Lacanian orientation, that the child's symptom is a response to what is symptomatic in the family.
The article discusses the concept of hysteria and whether it can be classified as an illness or n... more The article discusses the concept of hysteria and whether it can be classified as an illness or not. Hysteria continues to be considered a taboo subject by many and the debate continues over whether hysteria is curable or not.
Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 1994
Turistički sektor na Zagrebačkoj burzi (ZSE): koliko vrijedi hrvatski turizam? Tourism sector on ... more Turistički sektor na Zagrebačkoj burzi (ZSE): koliko vrijedi hrvatski turizam? Tourism sector on the Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE): What is the Value of Croatian Tourism? Stipe Buzar Analiza globalnog etičkog kodeksa za turizam u kontekstu društveno odgovornog poslovanja An Analysis of the Global Code of Ethic for Tourism in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility Mladen Knežević Socijalni turizam kao socijalna i ekonomska kategorija-nekoliko elemenata razvoja Social Tourism as a Social and Economic Category-Some Elements of Development
This is the authors ’ final peered reviewed (post print) version of the item published as: Grigg,... more This is the authors ’ final peered reviewed (post print) version of the item published as: Grigg, Russell 2013, Treating the wolf man as a case of ordinary psychosis, in Culture/clinic,
The author explores the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and the phenomenon... more The author explores the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and the phenomenon of shame and guilt, its connection with religion, and its place and significance in human society. Key words Other – shame – guilt Resumo O autor explora a lenda de Adao e Eva, contada no livro de Milton “Paraiso Perdido”, e o fenomeno da vergonha e da culpa, a sua ligacao com a religiao e o seu lugar e significância na sociedade humana. Palavras-chave Outro – vergonha – culpa
Papers by Russell Grigg