ABSTRACT: Mangrove is a natural resource that has double role, in terms of economic and ecologica... more ABSTRACT: Mangrove is a natural resource that has double role, in terms of economic and ecological aspects. The research objective are to analyze the changes in mangrove area to Traditional pond culture, the causes of these changes and how to overcome them. This research was carried out on the Mampie coastal, Wonomulyo, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Transformation analysis method using spatial analysis, Landsat multi temporal and ground survey. There has been area transformation of mangrove to Traditional pond culture. The results showed the total area of mangrove in 2008 of 26.82 hectares while the area of mangrove area in 2015 amounted to 17.68 Ha so that the reduction in the number of mangroves during the interval of 7 years of 9.14 ha. This is due to lack of extension of the local government that how importance of mangrove area for ecosystem and the survival of the community.
SIGANUS: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk conwy terhadap pertumbuhan r... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk conwy terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut Gracilaria sp. yang dibudidayakan dalam skala laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Multitrofik Pusat Kegiatan Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental RAL (Rangkaian Acak Lengkap) 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan, antara lain perlakuan PC1 (0,5 ml pupuk conwy); perlakuan PC2 (1 ml pupuk conwy); dan perlakuan PC3 (1,5 ml pupuk conwy). Parameter uji yang diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu pertumbuhan, pigmen dan kualitas air. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA). Data yang menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut W-Tukey. Hasil yang diperoleh perlakuan PC 1 merupakan perlakuan yang memiliki pertumbuhan yang paling tinggi dengan rata-rata 13,41%, diikuti pada perlakuan PC 2 12.48% dan perlakuan yang terendah terjadi pada perlakuan ke PC 3 dengan pert...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia is an archipelagic country, becoming one of the countries that have the largest area of... more Indonesia is an archipelagic country, becoming one of the countries that have the largest area of mangrove forests in the world. Mangrove forests have a significant role, and its functions are perfect both directly and indirectly for the surrounding environment, especially for coastal residents, including preventing seawater intrusion, erosion, and coastal abrasion, as well as providing foodstuffs and becoming a nursery area for fish and invertebrates that live around it. However, mangrove forests throughout the world continue to experience pressure. The conversion of the function of mangrove forest land to other land uses to increase, for example, the conversion of mangrove forest land to ponds and residential areas, or the use of wood used as raw material for furniture and housing. In this case, human activities are considered to be the main cause of damage to mangrove forests. Therefore, it is essential to protect mangrove forests under pressure and rehabilitate mangrove forests ...
Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, ekosistem hutan mangrove dijadikan sasaran manusia untuk dijadikan b... more Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, ekosistem hutan mangrove dijadikan sasaran manusia untuk dijadikan berbagai macam aktivitas, baik itu secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Data rencana pola ruang wilayah Kabupaten Polewali Mandar menunjukkan bahwa hutan mangrove sebagian telah mengalami kerusakan sehingga jumlahnya mulai berkurang bahkan ada beberapa kawasan hutan mangrove yang mulai dikonversi menjadi kawasan budidaya yaitu sebagai tambak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove, menilai tingkat kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove, dan merumuskan strategi pengelolaan lingkungan akibat kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove dalam rangka pelestarian lingkungan daerah Polewali Mandar. Penelitian dilakukan sepanjang bulan Mei 2014 di Pantai Mampie. Pengumpulan data sosial dilakukan secara indepth interview menggunakan panduan pertanyaan yang terstruktur, sementara pengumpulan data vegetasi hutan mangrove dilakukan menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3 jenis kerusakan yaitu kerusakan komponen abiotik (tingkat abrasi pantai yang tinggi dan terganggunya fase pasang surut), kerusakan biotik (jenis vegetasi mangrove yang sedikit dan kurangnya permudaan vegetasi hutan mangrove), dan kerusakan cultural (konversi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak, penebangan pohon untuk keperluan rumah tangga, dan aktivitas pemukiman). Klasifikasi kerusakan dengan tingkat kerusakan sedang ditemukan pada Blok Area B, C, E, F, G, H, dan I (rentang nilai 20-26). Sedangkan klasifikasi kerusakan dengan kategori tidak rusak yaitu pada Blok Area pengamatan A, D, dan E. Strategi pengelolaan kawasan hutan mangrove di pantai Mampie berdasarkan analisis SWOT yaitu menjadikan kawasan hutan mangrove Mampie yang tersisa menjadi kawasan ekowisata, peningkatan mutu kualitas SDM (masyarakat setempat) dan pengetahuan dalam pemanfaatan hutan mangrove untuk ekonomi, prioritas penanganan kawasan hutan mangrove yang tergolong rusak sedang oleh pemerintah daerah, penanaman bibit mangrove pada kawasan tambak (silvofishery development), penanaman bibit mangrove pada daerah abrasi dengan patok, perbaikan aliran hidrologi kawasan Mammpie sehinggan distribusi bibit mangrove berjalan normal, dan rehabilitasi kawasan hutan mangrove yang termasuk kategori sedang. These last few years, the mangrove forest ecosystem had been targeted to be used as a wide range of activities by human, either directly or indirectly. Data of Polewali Mandar regency show that mangrove forests have been partially damage so that their numbers begin to decrease and some mangrove forests area converted as cultivation are namely pond. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of mangrove forest damage due to human activities of Polewali Mandar, to assess the level of damage of mangrove forest ecosystems, and to formulate environmental management strategies due to damage of mangrove forest ecosystems fot the environmental conservation of Polewali Mandar regency. The research was conducted throughout the month of May 2014 in Mampie Shore, Wonomulyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Social data collection conducted in-depth interview using a structured question guide, while mangrove forest vegetation data collection using proportionate random sampling technique. The results showed that there are 3 types of damage namely abiotic components damage (high levels of coastal erosion and disruption of tidal phase), biotic components damage (mangrove diversity is sparse, and the lack of regeneration from mangrove forest vegetation), and cultural components damage (conversion of mangrove forests into farms, logging for domestic use, and settlement activities). Medium-damage level are found at B, C, E, F, G, H, and I block (range value 20-26). While low-damage level are found A, D, and E block. Management strategy of mangrove forests at Mampie shore based on the SWOT analysis are to make Mampie remaining mangrove forests into ecotourism, improving the quality of human resource (local community) and knowledge in the utilization of mangrove forests for economic, priority handling mid-damage level of mangrove forest by the local government, the planting of mangrove seedling in the pond area (silvofishery development), planting mangroves in the abration area with stakes, improved rhydrological flow of Mampie so that sdistribution mangrove normally, and rehabilitation of mangrove forest including the medium-damage level.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The reduction in the quantity of mangrove forest ecosystems will certainly have a negative impact... more The reduction in the quantity of mangrove forest ecosystems will certainly have a negative impact on the balance of coastal ecosystems, people who live in coastal areas, and of course sustainable sustainable development proclaimed by the local government. The research objective is to analyze the damage of mangrove forest ecosystems through Environmental Science approach. One approach to the study in question is the remote sensing approach. The study was conducted throughout August 2018 precisely at Mampie Beach, Wonomulyo Subdistrict, Polewali Mandar District. The collection of mangrove forest vegetation data was conducted using purposive sampling (systematic plot) technique. The data used in the analysis of damage to mangrove forest ecosystems is the RBI Sheet Polewali Map Scale 1: 50000 BAKOSURTANAL in 1999, SPOT 4 Image in 2014, SPOT 4 Image in 2015, and Digital Globe Image Acquisition 6/9/2016. Data analysis and processing using the Arc-GIS program to analyze SPOT images, overla...
Pendirian Pusat Studi Pedesaan yang dinaungi oleh Universitas Sulawesi Barat patut diapresiasi. K... more Pendirian Pusat Studi Pedesaan yang dinaungi oleh Universitas Sulawesi Barat patut diapresiasi. Kelahiran pusat studi ini dapat menjadi oase bagi dahaga kegiatan riset yang terkait dengan desa. Pembangunan desa yang terdapat di Sulawesi Barat harus didukung oleh penelitian ilmiah yang baik sehingga menghasilkan strategi pembangunan yang terukur dan memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat desa. Terlebih jika melihat pada berbagai data tentang pembangunan yang tersedia, kemajuan yang dimiliki berbagai desa di Sulbar tidaklah setara satu dengan yang lain. Agar dapat mengakselerasi desa-desa yang masuk kategori tertinggal, dan meningkatkan kualitas pembangunan di desa-desa yang sudah lebih dulu maju, dibutuhkan sebuah ikhtiar ilmiah yang dapat menjadi dasar kebijakan bagi pembangunan di desa tersebut maupun kebijakan di level pemerintah daerah dan provinsi. Dan Pusat Studi Pedesaan Unsulbar memiliki beban tersebut di bahu para penelitinya.
ABSTRACT: Mangrove is a natural resource that has double role, in terms of economic and ecologica... more ABSTRACT: Mangrove is a natural resource that has double role, in terms of economic and ecological aspects. The research objective are to analyze the changes in mangrove area to Traditional pond culture, the causes of these changes and how to overcome them. This research was carried out on the Mampie coastal, Wonomulyo, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Transformation analysis method using spatial analysis, Landsat multi temporal and ground survey. There has been area transformation of mangrove to Traditional pond culture. The results showed the total area of mangrove in 2008 of 26.82 hectares while the area of mangrove area in 2015 amounted to 17.68 Ha so that the reduction in the number of mangroves during the interval of 7 years of 9.14 ha. This is due to lack of extension of the local government that how importance of mangrove area for ecosystem and the survival of the community.
SIGANUS: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk conwy terhadap pertumbuhan r... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk conwy terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut Gracilaria sp. yang dibudidayakan dalam skala laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Multitrofik Pusat Kegiatan Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental RAL (Rangkaian Acak Lengkap) 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali pengulangan, antara lain perlakuan PC1 (0,5 ml pupuk conwy); perlakuan PC2 (1 ml pupuk conwy); dan perlakuan PC3 (1,5 ml pupuk conwy). Parameter uji yang diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu pertumbuhan, pigmen dan kualitas air. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA). Data yang menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut W-Tukey. Hasil yang diperoleh perlakuan PC 1 merupakan perlakuan yang memiliki pertumbuhan yang paling tinggi dengan rata-rata 13,41%, diikuti pada perlakuan PC 2 12.48% dan perlakuan yang terendah terjadi pada perlakuan ke PC 3 dengan pert...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia is an archipelagic country, becoming one of the countries that have the largest area of... more Indonesia is an archipelagic country, becoming one of the countries that have the largest area of mangrove forests in the world. Mangrove forests have a significant role, and its functions are perfect both directly and indirectly for the surrounding environment, especially for coastal residents, including preventing seawater intrusion, erosion, and coastal abrasion, as well as providing foodstuffs and becoming a nursery area for fish and invertebrates that live around it. However, mangrove forests throughout the world continue to experience pressure. The conversion of the function of mangrove forest land to other land uses to increase, for example, the conversion of mangrove forest land to ponds and residential areas, or the use of wood used as raw material for furniture and housing. In this case, human activities are considered to be the main cause of damage to mangrove forests. Therefore, it is essential to protect mangrove forests under pressure and rehabilitate mangrove forests ...
Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, ekosistem hutan mangrove dijadikan sasaran manusia untuk dijadikan b... more Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, ekosistem hutan mangrove dijadikan sasaran manusia untuk dijadikan berbagai macam aktivitas, baik itu secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Data rencana pola ruang wilayah Kabupaten Polewali Mandar menunjukkan bahwa hutan mangrove sebagian telah mengalami kerusakan sehingga jumlahnya mulai berkurang bahkan ada beberapa kawasan hutan mangrove yang mulai dikonversi menjadi kawasan budidaya yaitu sebagai tambak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove, menilai tingkat kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove, dan merumuskan strategi pengelolaan lingkungan akibat kerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove dalam rangka pelestarian lingkungan daerah Polewali Mandar. Penelitian dilakukan sepanjang bulan Mei 2014 di Pantai Mampie. Pengumpulan data sosial dilakukan secara indepth interview menggunakan panduan pertanyaan yang terstruktur, sementara pengumpulan data vegetasi hutan mangrove dilakukan menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3 jenis kerusakan yaitu kerusakan komponen abiotik (tingkat abrasi pantai yang tinggi dan terganggunya fase pasang surut), kerusakan biotik (jenis vegetasi mangrove yang sedikit dan kurangnya permudaan vegetasi hutan mangrove), dan kerusakan cultural (konversi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak, penebangan pohon untuk keperluan rumah tangga, dan aktivitas pemukiman). Klasifikasi kerusakan dengan tingkat kerusakan sedang ditemukan pada Blok Area B, C, E, F, G, H, dan I (rentang nilai 20-26). Sedangkan klasifikasi kerusakan dengan kategori tidak rusak yaitu pada Blok Area pengamatan A, D, dan E. Strategi pengelolaan kawasan hutan mangrove di pantai Mampie berdasarkan analisis SWOT yaitu menjadikan kawasan hutan mangrove Mampie yang tersisa menjadi kawasan ekowisata, peningkatan mutu kualitas SDM (masyarakat setempat) dan pengetahuan dalam pemanfaatan hutan mangrove untuk ekonomi, prioritas penanganan kawasan hutan mangrove yang tergolong rusak sedang oleh pemerintah daerah, penanaman bibit mangrove pada kawasan tambak (silvofishery development), penanaman bibit mangrove pada daerah abrasi dengan patok, perbaikan aliran hidrologi kawasan Mammpie sehinggan distribusi bibit mangrove berjalan normal, dan rehabilitasi kawasan hutan mangrove yang termasuk kategori sedang. These last few years, the mangrove forest ecosystem had been targeted to be used as a wide range of activities by human, either directly or indirectly. Data of Polewali Mandar regency show that mangrove forests have been partially damage so that their numbers begin to decrease and some mangrove forests area converted as cultivation are namely pond. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of mangrove forest damage due to human activities of Polewali Mandar, to assess the level of damage of mangrove forest ecosystems, and to formulate environmental management strategies due to damage of mangrove forest ecosystems fot the environmental conservation of Polewali Mandar regency. The research was conducted throughout the month of May 2014 in Mampie Shore, Wonomulyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. Social data collection conducted in-depth interview using a structured question guide, while mangrove forest vegetation data collection using proportionate random sampling technique. The results showed that there are 3 types of damage namely abiotic components damage (high levels of coastal erosion and disruption of tidal phase), biotic components damage (mangrove diversity is sparse, and the lack of regeneration from mangrove forest vegetation), and cultural components damage (conversion of mangrove forests into farms, logging for domestic use, and settlement activities). Medium-damage level are found at B, C, E, F, G, H, and I block (range value 20-26). While low-damage level are found A, D, and E block. Management strategy of mangrove forests at Mampie shore based on the SWOT analysis are to make Mampie remaining mangrove forests into ecotourism, improving the quality of human resource (local community) and knowledge in the utilization of mangrove forests for economic, priority handling mid-damage level of mangrove forest by the local government, the planting of mangrove seedling in the pond area (silvofishery development), planting mangroves in the abration area with stakes, improved rhydrological flow of Mampie so that sdistribution mangrove normally, and rehabilitation of mangrove forest including the medium-damage level.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The reduction in the quantity of mangrove forest ecosystems will certainly have a negative impact... more The reduction in the quantity of mangrove forest ecosystems will certainly have a negative impact on the balance of coastal ecosystems, people who live in coastal areas, and of course sustainable sustainable development proclaimed by the local government. The research objective is to analyze the damage of mangrove forest ecosystems through Environmental Science approach. One approach to the study in question is the remote sensing approach. The study was conducted throughout August 2018 precisely at Mampie Beach, Wonomulyo Subdistrict, Polewali Mandar District. The collection of mangrove forest vegetation data was conducted using purposive sampling (systematic plot) technique. The data used in the analysis of damage to mangrove forest ecosystems is the RBI Sheet Polewali Map Scale 1: 50000 BAKOSURTANAL in 1999, SPOT 4 Image in 2014, SPOT 4 Image in 2015, and Digital Globe Image Acquisition 6/9/2016. Data analysis and processing using the Arc-GIS program to analyze SPOT images, overla...
Pendirian Pusat Studi Pedesaan yang dinaungi oleh Universitas Sulawesi Barat patut diapresiasi. K... more Pendirian Pusat Studi Pedesaan yang dinaungi oleh Universitas Sulawesi Barat patut diapresiasi. Kelahiran pusat studi ini dapat menjadi oase bagi dahaga kegiatan riset yang terkait dengan desa. Pembangunan desa yang terdapat di Sulawesi Barat harus didukung oleh penelitian ilmiah yang baik sehingga menghasilkan strategi pembangunan yang terukur dan memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat desa. Terlebih jika melihat pada berbagai data tentang pembangunan yang tersedia, kemajuan yang dimiliki berbagai desa di Sulbar tidaklah setara satu dengan yang lain. Agar dapat mengakselerasi desa-desa yang masuk kategori tertinggal, dan meningkatkan kualitas pembangunan di desa-desa yang sudah lebih dulu maju, dibutuhkan sebuah ikhtiar ilmiah yang dapat menjadi dasar kebijakan bagi pembangunan di desa tersebut maupun kebijakan di level pemerintah daerah dan provinsi. Dan Pusat Studi Pedesaan Unsulbar memiliki beban tersebut di bahu para penelitinya.
Papers by Suparjo Razasli Carong