İnsanoğlu, kendisi ve çevresi hakkındaki bütün metafizik ve toplumsal açıklamaları; “kutsal” kabu... more İnsanoğlu, kendisi ve çevresi hakkındaki bütün metafizik ve toplumsal açıklamaları; “kutsal” kabul ederek ilişki kurduğu bir inanç manzumesinin düzenlemelerinde bulmuş; ontolojik ve toplumsal varlığını bu açıklamalar vasıtasıyla anlamlandırmıştır. Bu tür bir anlamlandırma sürecinde insanın bilinç düzeyi, ait olduğu inanç sistemi tarafından şekillendirilmiş; tutum ve davranışları, aynı sistem tarafından yönlendirilmiştir. Varlığını toplum içinde sürdüren insanın, ihtiyaçlarını temin için sürekli bir çaba içinde bulunması; “din” ve “ahlak” gibi, hayatın kaçınılmaz gerekliliklerinden bir diğeridir. Toplumsal hayat, insanların ekonomik ihtiyaçlarını temin için “iş bölümü” yapmalarını ve birbirleriyle ekonomik ilişki içerisine girmelerini gerektirmektedir. Toplumsal hayatın istikrar ve bütünlüğü adına, bütün ilişkiler gibi ekonomik olanların da belirli bir düzen ve disiplin içerisinde gerçekleşme zarureti bu ilişkilerin neye göre düzenleneceğini sorgulamayı şart kılar. Bu makalede, Doğu-Batı karşıtlığının bariz bir anlama sahip olmadığı 18. yüzyıla kadar ekonomik hayatın, teorik/epistemolojik ve pratik bağlamda din ve ahlak ile iç içe ve toplumsal hayatın bütününe gömülü olarak icra edildiği ortaya konmaktadır: Hukuki düzenlemeler; amir ve bağlayıcı maddi kurallar olarak iktisadi faaliyetlerin yasal çerçevesini oluştururken, dinî/ahlaki değerler, insanın bireysel ve toplumsal bilinç yapısını şekillendirmek suretiyle onlara istikamet tayin eder. Bu çerçeve geleneksel toplumlarda dini, hâkim değerler sistemi kılarken ekonomik, sosyal, siyasal alanlar da dinin kurallarına göre belirlenecektir. İktisadî faaliyetlerin dinî ve ahlaki normlardan, bilim olarak iktisadın, teoloji ve ahlak felsefesinden kopmasında, insanın ontolojik bütünlüğünün ve bu bütünlüğe benzer biçimde birbiri içine geçmiş bulunan toplumsal faaliyet alanlarının ayrışmasında ise Modernite dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilir. Dolayısıyla bütün bunlar; herhangi bir inanç sistemi ile o sistemin hâkim olduğu toplumdaki ekonomik faaliyetlerin karşılıklı ilişkisini incelemek isteyen bir makalede, din-ahlak-ekonomi üçlüsü arasındaki ilişkinin mahiyeti kadar tarihsel serüvenini ortaya koymayı kaçınılmaz kılar. ABSTRACT: Humanity has been interpreting all metaphysical and social phenomena about themselves and their environment through a body of faith that they consider “holy,” and found meaning in their ontological and social existence in this body of faith. In this interpretation process, a person’s level of consciousness is shaped by the faith system they belong to, while their attitudes and behaviors are governed by the same system. Living in a social community, a human’s endless struggle to meet their needs is one of the other indispensable requirements, such as “religion” and “morality” of life. Social life entails that human beings seek a “division of labor” to meet their economic needs and also establish economic relations with each other. For the sake of stability and integrity of social life, necessity of realization of economic relations like all other relations in a specific order and discipline stipulates questioning of how these relations will be arranged. It is put forth in this article that economic life was executed in a form that it was within religion and morality in the theoretical/epistemological context and embedded to all aspects of the social life by the 18th century in when the East-the West adverseness didn’t have a clear meaning: While as governing and binding rules, legal regulations form the legal framework of economic activities, religious/moral values give them direction through shaping people’s structure of individual and social consciousness. This framework made religion prevailing system of values in traditional societies; economic, social and political fields would be determined by the religious rules. Modernity is recognized as the turning point in breaking away of economic activities from religious and moral norms, economics from theology and morality philosophy as a science as well as the differentiation of both humanity’s ontological integrity and of various areas in the social fields of activities that have been intermingled in a way that is similar to this ontological integrity. Therefore, all of this dictates that any article that seeks to examine the relationship between faith systems and economic activities within a society in which the system is prevailingly adopted will need to examine the nature of the relationship between religion, morality, and the economy, as well as the historical adventure of this relationship.
İnsanoğlu, kendisi ve çevresi hakkındaki bütün metafizik ve toplumsal açıklamaları; “kutsal” kabu... more İnsanoğlu, kendisi ve çevresi hakkındaki bütün metafizik ve toplumsal açıklamaları; “kutsal” kabul ederek ilişki kurduğu bir inanç manzumesinin düzenlemelerinde bulmuş; ontolojik ve toplumsal varlığını bu açıklamalar vasıtasıyla anlamlandırmıştır. Bu tür bir anlamlandırma sürecinde insanın bilinç düzeyi, ait olduğu inanç sistemi tarafından şekillendirilmiş; tutum ve davranışları, aynı sistem tarafından yönlendirilmiştir. Varlığını toplum içinde sürdüren insanın, ihtiyaçlarını temin için sürekli bir çaba içinde bulunması; “din” ve “ahlak” gibi, hayatın kaçınılmaz gerekliliklerinden bir diğeridir. Toplumsal hayat, insanların ekonomik ihtiyaçlarını temin için “iş bölümü” yapmalarını ve birbirleriyle ekonomik ilişki içerisine girmelerini gerektirmektedir. Toplumsal hayatın istikrar ve bütünlüğü adına, bütün ilişkiler gibi ekonomik olanların da belirli bir düzen ve disiplin içerisinde gerçekleşme zarureti bu ilişkilerin neye göre düzenleneceğini sorgulamayı şart kılar. Bu makalede, Doğu-Batı karşıtlığının bariz bir anlama sahip olmadığı 18. yüzyıla kadar ekonomik hayatın, teorik/epistemolojik ve pratik bağlamda din ve ahlak ile iç içe ve toplumsal hayatın bütününe gömülü olarak icra edildiği ortaya konmaktadır: Hukuki düzenlemeler; amir ve bağlayıcı maddi kurallar olarak iktisadi faaliyetlerin yasal çerçevesini oluştururken, dinî/ahlaki değerler, insanın bireysel ve toplumsal bilinç yapısını şekillendirmek suretiyle onlara istikamet tayin eder. Bu çerçeve geleneksel toplumlarda dini, hâkim değerler sistemi kılarken ekonomik, sosyal, siyasal alanlar da dinin kurallarına göre belirlenecektir. İktisadî faaliyetlerin dinî ve ahlaki normlardan, bilim olarak iktisadın, teoloji ve ahlak felsefesinden kopmasında, insanın ontolojik bütünlüğünün ve bu bütünlüğe benzer biçimde birbiri içine geçmiş bulunan toplumsal faaliyet alanlarının ayrışmasında ise Modernite dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilir. Dolayısıyla bütün bunlar; herhangi bir inanç sistemi ile o sistemin hâkim olduğu toplumdaki ekonomik faaliyetlerin karşılıklı ilişkisini incelemek isteyen bir makalede, din-ahlak-ekonomi üçlüsü arasındaki ilişkinin mahiyeti kadar tarihsel serüvenini ortaya koymayı kaçınılmaz kılar. ABSTRACT: Humanity has been interpreting all metaphysical and social phenomena about themselves and their environment through a body of faith that they consider “holy,” and found meaning in their ontological and social existence in this body of faith. In this interpretation process, a person’s level of consciousness is shaped by the faith system they belong to, while their attitudes and behaviors are governed by the same system. Living in a social community, a human’s endless struggle to meet their needs is one of the other indispensable requirements, such as “religion” and “morality” of life. Social life entails that human beings seek a “division of labor” to meet their economic needs and also establish economic relations with each other. For the sake of stability and integrity of social life, necessity of realization of economic relations like all other relations in a specific order and discipline stipulates questioning of how these relations will be arranged. It is put forth in this article that economic life was executed in a form that it was within religion and morality in the theoretical/epistemological context and embedded to all aspects of the social life by the 18th century in when the East-the West adverseness didn’t have a clear meaning: While as governing and binding rules, legal regulations form the legal framework of economic activities, religious/moral values give them direction through shaping people’s structure of individual and social consciousness. This framework made religion prevailing system of values in traditional societies; economic, social and political fields would be determined by the religious rules. Modernity is recognized as the turning point in breaking away of economic activities from religious and moral norms, economics from theology and morality philosophy as a science as well as the differentiation of both humanity’s ontological integrity and of various areas in the social fields of activities that have been intermingled in a way that is similar to this ontological integrity. Therefore, all of this dictates that any article that seeks to examine the relationship between faith systems and economic activities within a society in which the system is prevailingly adopted will need to examine the nature of the relationship between religion, morality, and the economy, as well as the historical adventure of this relationship.
Papers by Selma Karışman
Humanity has been interpreting all metaphysical and social phenomena about themselves and their environment through a body of faith that they consider “holy,” and found meaning in their ontological and social existence in this body of faith. In this interpretation process, a person’s level of consciousness is shaped by the faith system they belong to, while their attitudes and behaviors are governed by the same system. Living in a social community, a human’s endless struggle to meet their needs is one of the other indispensable requirements, such as “religion” and “morality” of life. Social life entails that human beings seek a “division of labor” to meet their economic needs and also establish economic relations with each other. For the sake of stability and integrity of social life, necessity of realization of economic relations like all other relations in a specific order and discipline stipulates questioning of how these relations will be arranged. It is put forth in this article that economic life was executed in a form that it was within religion and morality in the theoretical/epistemological context and embedded to all aspects of the social life by the 18th century in when the East-the West adverseness didn’t have a clear meaning: While as governing and binding rules, legal regulations form the legal framework of economic activities, religious/moral values give them direction through shaping people’s structure of individual and social consciousness. This framework made religion prevailing system of values in traditional societies; economic, social and political fields would be determined by the religious rules. Modernity is recognized as the turning point in breaking away of economic activities from religious and moral norms, economics from theology and morality philosophy as a science as well as the differentiation of both humanity’s ontological integrity and of various areas in the social fields of activities that have been intermingled in a way that is similar to this ontological integrity. Therefore, all of this dictates that any article that seeks to examine the relationship between faith systems and economic activities within a society in which the system is prevailingly adopted will need to examine the nature of the relationship between religion, morality, and the economy, as well as the historical adventure of this relationship.
Humanity has been interpreting all metaphysical and social phenomena about themselves and their environment through a body of faith that they consider “holy,” and found meaning in their ontological and social existence in this body of faith. In this interpretation process, a person’s level of consciousness is shaped by the faith system they belong to, while their attitudes and behaviors are governed by the same system. Living in a social community, a human’s endless struggle to meet their needs is one of the other indispensable requirements, such as “religion” and “morality” of life. Social life entails that human beings seek a “division of labor” to meet their economic needs and also establish economic relations with each other. For the sake of stability and integrity of social life, necessity of realization of economic relations like all other relations in a specific order and discipline stipulates questioning of how these relations will be arranged. It is put forth in this article that economic life was executed in a form that it was within religion and morality in the theoretical/epistemological context and embedded to all aspects of the social life by the 18th century in when the East-the West adverseness didn’t have a clear meaning: While as governing and binding rules, legal regulations form the legal framework of economic activities, religious/moral values give them direction through shaping people’s structure of individual and social consciousness. This framework made religion prevailing system of values in traditional societies; economic, social and political fields would be determined by the religious rules. Modernity is recognized as the turning point in breaking away of economic activities from religious and moral norms, economics from theology and morality philosophy as a science as well as the differentiation of both humanity’s ontological integrity and of various areas in the social fields of activities that have been intermingled in a way that is similar to this ontological integrity. Therefore, all of this dictates that any article that seeks to examine the relationship between faith systems and economic activities within a society in which the system is prevailingly adopted will need to examine the nature of the relationship between religion, morality, and the economy, as well as the historical adventure of this relationship.