Limbah kulit jagung terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn da... more Limbah kulit jagung terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn dalam air tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kemungkinan regenerasi kulit jagung dengan menggunakan agen desorpsi HCl 0,1 M, NaOH 0,1 M, dan akuades, berturut-turut sebagai agen asam, basa, dan netral. Proses adsorpsi-desorpsi dilakukan secara batch selama satu jam dengan dua kali reuse adsorben. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara berturut-turut persentase desorpsi Fe dan Mn dengan menggunakan HCl 0,1 M > NaOH 0,1 M > akuades. Kapasitas adsorpsi Fe dan Mn terbesar diperoleh dari kulit jagung yang telah didesorpsi dengan akuades yaitu 0,329 mg Fe/g g dan 0,246 mg Fe/g dan 0,094 mg Mn/g dan 0,096 mg Mn/g, masing-masing pada reuse I dan reuse II. Pada percobaan menggunakan air tanah asli dengan agen desorpsi akuades, diperoleh kapasitas adsorpsi Fe dan Mn dari air tanah asli adalah sebesar 0,433 mg Fe/g dan 0,430 mg Fe/g dan 0,044 mg Mn/g dan 0,043 mg Mn/g, berturut-turut pada reuse I dan reuse II. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akuades merupakan agen terbaik untuk regenerasi kulit jagung yang telah digunakan dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn, ditinjau dari kapasitas adsorpsi yang dihasilkannya.
Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation, 2018
This paper aims to assess metallic pollution in the Batang Arau River, an important source of f... more This paper aims to assess metallic pollution in the Batang Arau River, an important source of freshwater supply for local communities in West Sumatera, Indonesia, by applying multivariate statistical techniques. Sampling was conducted at eight stations along the river from March to May 2014. The results indicate that all the metals studied have similar spatial distribution patterns, with an increasing trend in concentration from upstream to downstream. Total concentration of six metals studied upstream, as background concentration, was 1.050 mg/L, and increased to 2.249 mg/L downstream. Spatial distribution of metals did not show significant variability (p < 0.05) for Cd, Cr, Fe, and Pb, but Co and Mn did. The results of principal component analysis/factor analysis (PCA/FA) and correlation analysis suggest that Cd, Co, and Fe are originated from natural and anthropogenic sources; Cr and Pb are derived from natural sources; and Mn is controlled by anthropogenic sources.
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2016
Adsorption of iron from aqueous solution by using maize husk (Zea mays L.) as a low-cost adsorben... more Adsorption of iron from aqueous solution by using maize husk (Zea mays L.) as a low-cost adsorbent was studied. Batch experiments were carried out at ambient temperature, 0.075-0.250 mm of particle size and 100 rpm of agitation speed to determine the influence of initial pH, adsorbent dose, initial concentration and contact time on the removal of iron. Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied to describe the adsorption isotherm of iron by maize husk. The results showed that optimum condition of iron removal were 4 of pH solution, 20 g/L of adsorbent dose, 10 mg/L of Fe concentration and 15 min of contact time of adsorption with 0.499 mg Fe/g maize husk of adsorption capacity. Experimental data fitted well to Langmuir's adsorption equilibrium isotherm within the concentration range studied. This study demonstrated that maize husk, which is an agricultural waste, has potential for iron removal from groundwater or other polluted waters.
Modification by physical and chemical treatments was evaluated to increase the adsorption capabil... more Modification by physical and chemical treatments was evaluated to increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice in the removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution. The treatments were heating at temperatures of 300, 450 and 600 ℃ for physical and soaking in acid solutions (HCl, H2SO4 and HNO3) for chemical treatment. The adsorption was performed in the batch system at the optimum condition (5 of pH solution, < 63 µm of adsorbent diameter, 3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 5 mg/L of Cu(II) concentration and 30 min of contact time). The results showed the removal efficiency and Cu(II) uptake increased using modified pumice from 71.19 % and 1.19 mg/g to 84.45 % and 1.41 mg/g. The highest removal efficiency and Cu(II) uptake were obtained from 300℃ of heating temperature and HCl for the acid solution. The application of physical and chemical treatments in modification has the potential to increase the removal efficiency and heavy metal uptake of the natural pumice. HIGHLIGHTS Various metho...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai ki... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai kinerja Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) penyelenggara Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) di Kabupaten Solok dan Kota Solok Sumatera Barat pada kurun waktu 2017-2019. Kajian dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi dan evaluasi kondisi eksisting, menganalisis permasalahan teknis dan kinerja yang meliputi aspek keuangan, aspek pelayanan, aspek operasional dan aspek sumber daya manusia, serta melakukan penilaian kinerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja SPAM di wilayah studi menunjukkan nilai dan status kinerja PDAM Kabupaten Solok berada pada kisaran 2.270 – 2.340 dalam kategori tidak sehat, sedangkan PDAM di Kota Solok berada pada kisaran 2.920 – 3.100 untuk kategori tidak sehat hingga sehat. Indikator yang berhasil dipenuhi SPAM wilayah studi pada tahun 2019 adalah indikator solvabilitas, tingkat penyelesaian keluhan, rasio jumlah karyawan per 1.000 nasabah. Rekomendasi yang diusulkan s...
ABSTRAK Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada lim... more ABSTRAK Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada limbah cair hotel yang berasal dari dapur dan laundry. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi minyak dan lemak melebihi baku mutu Surat Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Barat Nomor 26 Tahun 2001 tentang Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Bagi Kegiatan Hotel di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan akrilik dengan dimensi 50 x 15 x 100 cm, terdiri dari dua macam lapisan batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm serta lapisan yang terdiri dari campuran tanah dan material organik. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atas material organik, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbah cair dialirkan pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) dengan variasi 500, 750, dan 1.000 l/m 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan minya...
To increase the performance of continuous adsorption with rice husks as adsorbent in Zn removal f... more To increase the performance of continuous adsorption with rice husks as adsorbent in Zn removal from groundwater, a series of fixed bed column was applied. The experiments were carried out at the acrylic columns having diameter of 7 cm, column height of 19.5 cm, bed height of 13.5 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft2 (310 mL/minute) for 540 minutes. The number of columns used were 3 columns arranged in series and the rice husk used were in their original size (1-2 mm). The influent concentration of Zn metal was 7.62 mg/L. The results showed that the use of column adsorption in series increased the removal efficiency of Zn by rice husks, from 33.21% using 1 column to 51.70% with 3 columns. The adsorption capacity of Zn obtained when using 3 columns in series was 3.542 mg/g. In addition, the use of adsorption columns in series can also prolong the saturation of the adsorbent, thereby extending its service life. The overall research results demonstrated that column the adsorption in series wi...
Data of waste generation, composition, and characteristic is necessary in design of solid waste m... more Data of waste generation, composition, and characteristic is necessary in design of solid waste management system. For that purpose, a research about waste generation, composition, and physical characteristic like compaction and specific weight and chemical characteristic such as moisture, volatile rate, and ash rate in Bukittinggi city will be performed. The analysis is focused tonon domestic solid waste. Base on SNI 19-3964-1994, the research is done on dry season and wet season The research’s result shows that average waste generation for non domestic solid waste on Bukittinggi is 2,30 l/p/d in volume unit or 0,88 kg/p/d in weight unit. Prediction waste generation of non domestic solid waste for the next twenty years (2027) is 3,21 l/p/d. The composition of non domestic solid waste
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability
To investigate the potential of adsorption and regeneration of natural pumice from West Sumatera ... more To investigate the potential of adsorption and regeneration of natural pumice from West Sumatera Indonesia for total chromium (Cr) removal from aqueous solution, batch experiments in multiple adsorption-desorption cycles were performed. The results indicated that the optimum condition of total Cr removal were 3 of pH solution, 0.3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 60 min of contact time of adsorption, <63 ?m of diameter of adsorbent, and 1 mg/L of total Cr initial concentration with 2.226 mg Cr/g pumice of total Cr uptake. The experimental data obtained were fitted with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm within the concentration range studied. Desorption efficiencies for total Cr ions by using 0.1 M HCl as desorbing agent were in the range of 31-32%. Although complete desorption were not attained, the natural pumice could be sufficiently reused up to 3 cycles of adsorption- desorption with increasing trend in total Cr uptake that may due to the surface modification of natural pumice caused ...
ANOVA pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan lokasi sampling tidak mengakibatkan perb... more ANOVA pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan lokasi sampling tidak mengakibatkan perbedaan konsentrasi sulfat yang signifikan (p>0,05), kecuali antara titik S1 dengan S7 dan S8. Lebih lanjut, analisis spasial dengan menggunakan analisis klaster mengelompokkan titik sampling ke dalam dua klaster, yaitu klaster 1 yang terdiri dari titik S1 sampai titik S7 dan klaster 2 (S8) yang menggambarkan perubahan konsentrasi pencemar sulfat dari konsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi sedang.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
As an effort for water resources conservation, a fixed-bed column was applied to remove nitrate f... more As an effort for water resources conservation, a fixed-bed column was applied to remove nitrate from groundwater using pumice as adsorbent. The column performances were evaluated by varying the influent concentration (50 mg/L dan 80 mg/L) and influent flow rate (2 - 3 gpm/ft2 equal to 43–65 mL/min) with 85 cm of adsorbent bed depth. The results indicated that the increase in influent concentration increased the amount of nitrate and cause the earlier breakthrough time. Furthermore, the increase in influent flow rate caused the column exhaustion time to occur earlier resulted in the shortened lifespan of the column. The column system with a bed depth of 85 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft2 (43 mL/min) for 80 mg/L of influent concentration showed the best nitrate uptake performance in this study with a total removal of 31.42% and adsorption capacity of 1.394 mg/g. The results revealed that the pumice in column has potential for nitrate removal from groundwater.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi logam Mn dalam air terhadap efis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi logam Mn dalam air terhadap efisiensi penyisihan logam Fe pada proses adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben kulit jagung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch pada temperatur kamar dan kondisi optimum adsorpsi Fe yaitu pH adsorbat 4, diameter adsorben 0,075-0,250 mm dan dosis adsorben 20 g/L dengan waktu pengamatan sampai 60 menit dan kecepatan pengadukan 100 rpm. Larutan yang digunakan berupa larutan artifisial dengan variasi konsentrasi Fe>Mn, Fe=Mn, dan Fe<Mn. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan efisiensi penyisihan Fe pada variasi konsentrasi Fe>Mn, Fe=Mn, dan Fe<Mn berturut-turut adalah 98,55%; 95,64%; 94,19% dan penyisihan Mn sebesar 80,29%; 87,30%; 89,71%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kompetisi adsorpsi antara Fe dan Mn pada adsorben kulit jagung, sehingga mempengaruhi proses difusi ion-ion logam tersebut untuk mencapai sisi aktif dari adsorben. Efisiensi penyisihan Fe semakin menurun dengan semakin meningkatnya konsentrasi Mn dalam larutann, namun efisiensi penyisihan Fe tetap lebih tinggi dari Mn pada semua variasi konsentrasi. Hal ini disebabkan selain karena proses adsorpsi dilakukan pada kondisi optimum penyisihan Fe dengan adsorben kulit jagung, juga karena jari-jari ion Fe yang lebih kecil dari Mn sehingga ion Fe cenderung lebih cepat teradsorpsi pada sisi aktif adsorben.
Padang. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi melebihi ... more Padang. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi melebihi standar konsentrasi kalium pada air. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan fiberglass, berbentuk trapesium untuk sisi tegaknya, dengan dimensi panjang dan lebar alas 37 cm, panjang dan lebar sisi atas 44 cm dan tinggi 60 cm, serta lapisan aerob berupa batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atas material organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbah cair ini dialirkan pada variasi konsentrasi antara 1,048-6,237 mg/l, serta pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) dengan variasi 1.000, 2.000, dan 4.000 l/m 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan kalium mencapai 100% baik pada reaktor 1, maupun pada reaktor 2. Variasi material organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, variasi konsentrasi influen, dan variasi HLR berpengaruh pada penyisihan kalium. Efisiensi penyisihan kalium didapatkan lebih tinggi pada reaktor 2 pada variasi konsentrasi influen terkecil, dengan pengaliran limbah cair pada HLR 1000 l/m 2 hari. Secara umum MSL dapat diaplikasikan pada pengolahan limbah cair persawahan.
The objective of this study is to analyze the spatial variability of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrat... more The objective of this study is to analyze the spatial variability of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations along the Batang Arau River, one of the most important rivers in West Sumatera, Indonesia. The results showed that the ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations were in the range of 0.180–0.510 mg/L, 0.0–0.178 mg/L, and 0.675–1.165 mg/L, respectively. The ammonium and nitrate concentrations were still below the maximum permissible concentrations for the river water quality standard of class II established by Regulation Governor of West Sumatera at all of the sampling locations, except at midstream for ammonium, while the nitrite concentration had exceeded the quality standard from midstream to downstream of the river. The increase of the nitrogen concentration was observed from upstream to downstream of the river. Spatial analysis shows significant differences in nitrogen concentrations were obtained between the upstream and the midstream of the Batang Arau River (p ...
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri
Pumice is known as a low-cost material with a porous structure, has the potential as an adsorbent... more Pumice is known as a low-cost material with a porous structure, has the potential as an adsorbent to remove various kinds of pollutant compounds. The abundance of pumice is found in Sungai Pasak area and it never been utilized. This study was performed to see the ability of Sungai Pasak pumice as an adsorbent for ammonium removal in water along with its ability to be regenerated. The study was carried out triplo in batches to obtain optimum adsorption conditions which were then used in desorption experiments using HCl 0.1 M agent for regeneration process. The optimum conditions obtained: adsorbate pH 6, adsorbent dose 0.3 g/l, contact time 30 minutes, adsorbent diameter 63 µm and adsorbate concentration 4 mg/l. The results showed that pumice has ability to remove ammonium with adsorption capacity at optimum conditions were 47.06% and 6.27 mg/g with Freundlich's isotherm equation (R2=0.997). Acid agents are able to adsorb ammonium from pumice with an average desorption percentage...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Contamination of groundwater by heavy metals is an environmental problem worldwide. Metal poisoni... more Contamination of groundwater by heavy metals is an environmental problem worldwide. Metal poisoning leads severe damage to human health that can cause the death. One of metals contained in the ground water is aluminium, which can be selectively leached from rock and soil to enter any water source. The removal of aluminum from groundwater by natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatera, Indonesia was investigated in a continuous fixed-bed column. The performances of column were evaluated by varying the adsorbent bed depth (65-85 cm) and influent flow rate (2-4 gpm/ft 2 equal to 43-87 mL/min). The results revealed that the increase in bed depth increased the amount of adsorbent used, thus increasing the total removal of aluminum and prolonged the lifespan of the natural pumice column. However, the increase in influent flow rate resulted in the shortened lifespan of the column. The increased flow rate also led the column exhaustion time to reach earlier. Therefore, to obtain optimum performance, suitable parameters are necessary for the column system operation. The column system with a bed depth of 85 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft 2 (43 mL/min) showed the best aluminum uptake performance in this study with a total removal of 59.5% and an adsorption capacity of 0.056 mg/g. The results showed that the natural pumice has potential for removing of aluminum from groundwater by column.
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology
The potential of adsorption and regeneration of Indonesian natural pumice to remove nitrate from ... more The potential of adsorption and regeneration of Indonesian natural pumice to remove nitrate from aqueous solution was studied in multiple adsorption-desorption cycles. Batch experiments were performed to examine the effect of various experimental parameters on the removal of nitrate. The optimum condition of nitrate removal by natural pumice were obtained at 3 of pH solution, 0.3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 30 min of contact time, <63 μm of particle size, and 90 mg/L of nitrate concentration with 54.79% of removal efficiency and 164.37 mg/g of nitrate uptake. The experimental data obtained were fitted with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm within the concentration range studied. Although complete desorption were not achieved, the result confirmed that HCl can be used as desorbing and recovery agent, which be desorbed 10-13% of nitrate ion. The used natural pumice also could be regenerated and reused up to three successive adsorption-desorption cycles. Overall results revealed that th...
To increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatra, Indonesi... more To increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatra, Indonesia in removal of Zn from aqueous solution, modification by physical and chemical treatments were evaluated. The treatments were heating at temperatures of 300°C, 450°C, and 600°C for physical and soaking in acid solutions (HCl, H2SO4, and HNO3) for chemical treatments. The adsorption was performed in batch system with the optimum condition (6 of pH solution, < 63 um of adsorbent diameter, 3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 5 mg/L of Zn concentration, and 15 min of contact time). The results revealed that the removal efficiency and Zn uptake increase using modified pumice from 68.83% and 1.15 mg/g to 74.46% and 1.24 mg/g. The highest removal efficiency and Zn uptake were obtained from 300°C of heating temperatures and HCl for acid solution. The application of modified adsorbent for removal of Zn from aqueous solution showed that the modification technique has the potential to increase the removal...
Limbah kulit jagung terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn da... more Limbah kulit jagung terbukti dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn dalam air tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kemungkinan regenerasi kulit jagung dengan menggunakan agen desorpsi HCl 0,1 M, NaOH 0,1 M, dan akuades, berturut-turut sebagai agen asam, basa, dan netral. Proses adsorpsi-desorpsi dilakukan secara batch selama satu jam dengan dua kali reuse adsorben. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara berturut-turut persentase desorpsi Fe dan Mn dengan menggunakan HCl 0,1 M > NaOH 0,1 M > akuades. Kapasitas adsorpsi Fe dan Mn terbesar diperoleh dari kulit jagung yang telah didesorpsi dengan akuades yaitu 0,329 mg Fe/g g dan 0,246 mg Fe/g dan 0,094 mg Mn/g dan 0,096 mg Mn/g, masing-masing pada reuse I dan reuse II. Pada percobaan menggunakan air tanah asli dengan agen desorpsi akuades, diperoleh kapasitas adsorpsi Fe dan Mn dari air tanah asli adalah sebesar 0,433 mg Fe/g dan 0,430 mg Fe/g dan 0,044 mg Mn/g dan 0,043 mg Mn/g, berturut-turut pada reuse I dan reuse II. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akuades merupakan agen terbaik untuk regenerasi kulit jagung yang telah digunakan dalam penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn, ditinjau dari kapasitas adsorpsi yang dihasilkannya.
Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation, 2018
This paper aims to assess metallic pollution in the Batang Arau River, an important source of f... more This paper aims to assess metallic pollution in the Batang Arau River, an important source of freshwater supply for local communities in West Sumatera, Indonesia, by applying multivariate statistical techniques. Sampling was conducted at eight stations along the river from March to May 2014. The results indicate that all the metals studied have similar spatial distribution patterns, with an increasing trend in concentration from upstream to downstream. Total concentration of six metals studied upstream, as background concentration, was 1.050 mg/L, and increased to 2.249 mg/L downstream. Spatial distribution of metals did not show significant variability (p < 0.05) for Cd, Cr, Fe, and Pb, but Co and Mn did. The results of principal component analysis/factor analysis (PCA/FA) and correlation analysis suggest that Cd, Co, and Fe are originated from natural and anthropogenic sources; Cr and Pb are derived from natural sources; and Mn is controlled by anthropogenic sources.
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2016
Adsorption of iron from aqueous solution by using maize husk (Zea mays L.) as a low-cost adsorben... more Adsorption of iron from aqueous solution by using maize husk (Zea mays L.) as a low-cost adsorbent was studied. Batch experiments were carried out at ambient temperature, 0.075-0.250 mm of particle size and 100 rpm of agitation speed to determine the influence of initial pH, adsorbent dose, initial concentration and contact time on the removal of iron. Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied to describe the adsorption isotherm of iron by maize husk. The results showed that optimum condition of iron removal were 4 of pH solution, 20 g/L of adsorbent dose, 10 mg/L of Fe concentration and 15 min of contact time of adsorption with 0.499 mg Fe/g maize husk of adsorption capacity. Experimental data fitted well to Langmuir's adsorption equilibrium isotherm within the concentration range studied. This study demonstrated that maize husk, which is an agricultural waste, has potential for iron removal from groundwater or other polluted waters.
Modification by physical and chemical treatments was evaluated to increase the adsorption capabil... more Modification by physical and chemical treatments was evaluated to increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice in the removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution. The treatments were heating at temperatures of 300, 450 and 600 ℃ for physical and soaking in acid solutions (HCl, H2SO4 and HNO3) for chemical treatment. The adsorption was performed in the batch system at the optimum condition (5 of pH solution, < 63 µm of adsorbent diameter, 3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 5 mg/L of Cu(II) concentration and 30 min of contact time). The results showed the removal efficiency and Cu(II) uptake increased using modified pumice from 71.19 % and 1.19 mg/g to 84.45 % and 1.41 mg/g. The highest removal efficiency and Cu(II) uptake were obtained from 300℃ of heating temperature and HCl for the acid solution. The application of physical and chemical treatments in modification has the potential to increase the removal efficiency and heavy metal uptake of the natural pumice. HIGHLIGHTS Various metho...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai ki... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan informasi yang lebih komprehensif mengenai kinerja Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) penyelenggara Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) di Kabupaten Solok dan Kota Solok Sumatera Barat pada kurun waktu 2017-2019. Kajian dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi dan evaluasi kondisi eksisting, menganalisis permasalahan teknis dan kinerja yang meliputi aspek keuangan, aspek pelayanan, aspek operasional dan aspek sumber daya manusia, serta melakukan penilaian kinerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja SPAM di wilayah studi menunjukkan nilai dan status kinerja PDAM Kabupaten Solok berada pada kisaran 2.270 – 2.340 dalam kategori tidak sehat, sedangkan PDAM di Kota Solok berada pada kisaran 2.920 – 3.100 untuk kategori tidak sehat hingga sehat. Indikator yang berhasil dipenuhi SPAM wilayah studi pada tahun 2019 adalah indikator solvabilitas, tingkat penyelesaian keluhan, rasio jumlah karyawan per 1.000 nasabah. Rekomendasi yang diusulkan s...
ABSTRAK Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada lim... more ABSTRAK Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada limbah cair hotel yang berasal dari dapur dan laundry. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi minyak dan lemak melebihi baku mutu Surat Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Barat Nomor 26 Tahun 2001 tentang Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Bagi Kegiatan Hotel di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan akrilik dengan dimensi 50 x 15 x 100 cm, terdiri dari dua macam lapisan batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm serta lapisan yang terdiri dari campuran tanah dan material organik. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atas material organik, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbah cair dialirkan pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) dengan variasi 500, 750, dan 1.000 l/m 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan minya...
To increase the performance of continuous adsorption with rice husks as adsorbent in Zn removal f... more To increase the performance of continuous adsorption with rice husks as adsorbent in Zn removal from groundwater, a series of fixed bed column was applied. The experiments were carried out at the acrylic columns having diameter of 7 cm, column height of 19.5 cm, bed height of 13.5 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft2 (310 mL/minute) for 540 minutes. The number of columns used were 3 columns arranged in series and the rice husk used were in their original size (1-2 mm). The influent concentration of Zn metal was 7.62 mg/L. The results showed that the use of column adsorption in series increased the removal efficiency of Zn by rice husks, from 33.21% using 1 column to 51.70% with 3 columns. The adsorption capacity of Zn obtained when using 3 columns in series was 3.542 mg/g. In addition, the use of adsorption columns in series can also prolong the saturation of the adsorbent, thereby extending its service life. The overall research results demonstrated that column the adsorption in series wi...
Data of waste generation, composition, and characteristic is necessary in design of solid waste m... more Data of waste generation, composition, and characteristic is necessary in design of solid waste management system. For that purpose, a research about waste generation, composition, and physical characteristic like compaction and specific weight and chemical characteristic such as moisture, volatile rate, and ash rate in Bukittinggi city will be performed. The analysis is focused tonon domestic solid waste. Base on SNI 19-3964-1994, the research is done on dry season and wet season The research’s result shows that average waste generation for non domestic solid waste on Bukittinggi is 2,30 l/p/d in volume unit or 0,88 kg/p/d in weight unit. Prediction waste generation of non domestic solid waste for the next twenty years (2027) is 3,21 l/p/d. The composition of non domestic solid waste
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability
To investigate the potential of adsorption and regeneration of natural pumice from West Sumatera ... more To investigate the potential of adsorption and regeneration of natural pumice from West Sumatera Indonesia for total chromium (Cr) removal from aqueous solution, batch experiments in multiple adsorption-desorption cycles were performed. The results indicated that the optimum condition of total Cr removal were 3 of pH solution, 0.3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 60 min of contact time of adsorption, <63 ?m of diameter of adsorbent, and 1 mg/L of total Cr initial concentration with 2.226 mg Cr/g pumice of total Cr uptake. The experimental data obtained were fitted with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm within the concentration range studied. Desorption efficiencies for total Cr ions by using 0.1 M HCl as desorbing agent were in the range of 31-32%. Although complete desorption were not attained, the natural pumice could be sufficiently reused up to 3 cycles of adsorption- desorption with increasing trend in total Cr uptake that may due to the surface modification of natural pumice caused ...
ANOVA pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan lokasi sampling tidak mengakibatkan perb... more ANOVA pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan lokasi sampling tidak mengakibatkan perbedaan konsentrasi sulfat yang signifikan (p>0,05), kecuali antara titik S1 dengan S7 dan S8. Lebih lanjut, analisis spasial dengan menggunakan analisis klaster mengelompokkan titik sampling ke dalam dua klaster, yaitu klaster 1 yang terdiri dari titik S1 sampai titik S7 dan klaster 2 (S8) yang menggambarkan perubahan konsentrasi pencemar sulfat dari konsentrasi rendah ke konsentrasi sedang.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
As an effort for water resources conservation, a fixed-bed column was applied to remove nitrate f... more As an effort for water resources conservation, a fixed-bed column was applied to remove nitrate from groundwater using pumice as adsorbent. The column performances were evaluated by varying the influent concentration (50 mg/L dan 80 mg/L) and influent flow rate (2 - 3 gpm/ft2 equal to 43–65 mL/min) with 85 cm of adsorbent bed depth. The results indicated that the increase in influent concentration increased the amount of nitrate and cause the earlier breakthrough time. Furthermore, the increase in influent flow rate caused the column exhaustion time to occur earlier resulted in the shortened lifespan of the column. The column system with a bed depth of 85 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft2 (43 mL/min) for 80 mg/L of influent concentration showed the best nitrate uptake performance in this study with a total removal of 31.42% and adsorption capacity of 1.394 mg/g. The results revealed that the pumice in column has potential for nitrate removal from groundwater.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi logam Mn dalam air terhadap efis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi logam Mn dalam air terhadap efisiensi penyisihan logam Fe pada proses adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben kulit jagung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch pada temperatur kamar dan kondisi optimum adsorpsi Fe yaitu pH adsorbat 4, diameter adsorben 0,075-0,250 mm dan dosis adsorben 20 g/L dengan waktu pengamatan sampai 60 menit dan kecepatan pengadukan 100 rpm. Larutan yang digunakan berupa larutan artifisial dengan variasi konsentrasi Fe>Mn, Fe=Mn, dan Fe<Mn. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan efisiensi penyisihan Fe pada variasi konsentrasi Fe>Mn, Fe=Mn, dan Fe<Mn berturut-turut adalah 98,55%; 95,64%; 94,19% dan penyisihan Mn sebesar 80,29%; 87,30%; 89,71%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kompetisi adsorpsi antara Fe dan Mn pada adsorben kulit jagung, sehingga mempengaruhi proses difusi ion-ion logam tersebut untuk mencapai sisi aktif dari adsorben. Efisiensi penyisihan Fe semakin menurun dengan semakin meningkatnya konsentrasi Mn dalam larutann, namun efisiensi penyisihan Fe tetap lebih tinggi dari Mn pada semua variasi konsentrasi. Hal ini disebabkan selain karena proses adsorpsi dilakukan pada kondisi optimum penyisihan Fe dengan adsorben kulit jagung, juga karena jari-jari ion Fe yang lebih kecil dari Mn sehingga ion Fe cenderung lebih cepat teradsorpsi pada sisi aktif adsorben.
Padang. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi melebihi ... more Padang. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi melebihi standar konsentrasi kalium pada air. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan fiberglass, berbentuk trapesium untuk sisi tegaknya, dengan dimensi panjang dan lebar alas 37 cm, panjang dan lebar sisi atas 44 cm dan tinggi 60 cm, serta lapisan aerob berupa batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atas material organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbah cair ini dialirkan pada variasi konsentrasi antara 1,048-6,237 mg/l, serta pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) dengan variasi 1.000, 2.000, dan 4.000 l/m 2 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan kalium mencapai 100% baik pada reaktor 1, maupun pada reaktor 2. Variasi material organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, variasi konsentrasi influen, dan variasi HLR berpengaruh pada penyisihan kalium. Efisiensi penyisihan kalium didapatkan lebih tinggi pada reaktor 2 pada variasi konsentrasi influen terkecil, dengan pengaliran limbah cair pada HLR 1000 l/m 2 hari. Secara umum MSL dapat diaplikasikan pada pengolahan limbah cair persawahan.
The objective of this study is to analyze the spatial variability of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrat... more The objective of this study is to analyze the spatial variability of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations along the Batang Arau River, one of the most important rivers in West Sumatera, Indonesia. The results showed that the ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations were in the range of 0.180–0.510 mg/L, 0.0–0.178 mg/L, and 0.675–1.165 mg/L, respectively. The ammonium and nitrate concentrations were still below the maximum permissible concentrations for the river water quality standard of class II established by Regulation Governor of West Sumatera at all of the sampling locations, except at midstream for ammonium, while the nitrite concentration had exceeded the quality standard from midstream to downstream of the river. The increase of the nitrogen concentration was observed from upstream to downstream of the river. Spatial analysis shows significant differences in nitrogen concentrations were obtained between the upstream and the midstream of the Batang Arau River (p ...
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri
Pumice is known as a low-cost material with a porous structure, has the potential as an adsorbent... more Pumice is known as a low-cost material with a porous structure, has the potential as an adsorbent to remove various kinds of pollutant compounds. The abundance of pumice is found in Sungai Pasak area and it never been utilized. This study was performed to see the ability of Sungai Pasak pumice as an adsorbent for ammonium removal in water along with its ability to be regenerated. The study was carried out triplo in batches to obtain optimum adsorption conditions which were then used in desorption experiments using HCl 0.1 M agent for regeneration process. The optimum conditions obtained: adsorbate pH 6, adsorbent dose 0.3 g/l, contact time 30 minutes, adsorbent diameter 63 µm and adsorbate concentration 4 mg/l. The results showed that pumice has ability to remove ammonium with adsorption capacity at optimum conditions were 47.06% and 6.27 mg/g with Freundlich's isotherm equation (R2=0.997). Acid agents are able to adsorb ammonium from pumice with an average desorption percentage...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Contamination of groundwater by heavy metals is an environmental problem worldwide. Metal poisoni... more Contamination of groundwater by heavy metals is an environmental problem worldwide. Metal poisoning leads severe damage to human health that can cause the death. One of metals contained in the ground water is aluminium, which can be selectively leached from rock and soil to enter any water source. The removal of aluminum from groundwater by natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatera, Indonesia was investigated in a continuous fixed-bed column. The performances of column were evaluated by varying the adsorbent bed depth (65-85 cm) and influent flow rate (2-4 gpm/ft 2 equal to 43-87 mL/min). The results revealed that the increase in bed depth increased the amount of adsorbent used, thus increasing the total removal of aluminum and prolonged the lifespan of the natural pumice column. However, the increase in influent flow rate resulted in the shortened lifespan of the column. The increased flow rate also led the column exhaustion time to reach earlier. Therefore, to obtain optimum performance, suitable parameters are necessary for the column system operation. The column system with a bed depth of 85 cm and flow rate of 2 gpm/ft 2 (43 mL/min) showed the best aluminum uptake performance in this study with a total removal of 59.5% and an adsorption capacity of 0.056 mg/g. The results showed that the natural pumice has potential for removing of aluminum from groundwater by column.
Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology
The potential of adsorption and regeneration of Indonesian natural pumice to remove nitrate from ... more The potential of adsorption and regeneration of Indonesian natural pumice to remove nitrate from aqueous solution was studied in multiple adsorption-desorption cycles. Batch experiments were performed to examine the effect of various experimental parameters on the removal of nitrate. The optimum condition of nitrate removal by natural pumice were obtained at 3 of pH solution, 0.3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 30 min of contact time, <63 μm of particle size, and 90 mg/L of nitrate concentration with 54.79% of removal efficiency and 164.37 mg/g of nitrate uptake. The experimental data obtained were fitted with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm within the concentration range studied. Although complete desorption were not achieved, the result confirmed that HCl can be used as desorbing and recovery agent, which be desorbed 10-13% of nitrate ion. The used natural pumice also could be regenerated and reused up to three successive adsorption-desorption cycles. Overall results revealed that th...
To increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatra, Indonesi... more To increase the adsorption capability of natural pumice from Sungai Pasak, West Sumatra, Indonesia in removal of Zn from aqueous solution, modification by physical and chemical treatments were evaluated. The treatments were heating at temperatures of 300°C, 450°C, and 600°C for physical and soaking in acid solutions (HCl, H2SO4, and HNO3) for chemical treatments. The adsorption was performed in batch system with the optimum condition (6 of pH solution, < 63 um of adsorbent diameter, 3 g/L of adsorbent dose, 5 mg/L of Zn concentration, and 15 min of contact time). The results revealed that the removal efficiency and Zn uptake increase using modified pumice from 68.83% and 1.15 mg/g to 74.46% and 1.24 mg/g. The highest removal efficiency and Zn uptake were obtained from 300°C of heating temperatures and HCl for acid solution. The application of modified adsorbent for removal of Zn from aqueous solution showed that the modification technique has the potential to increase the removal...
Papers by Shinta Indah