This report presents the BigDataGrapes project vision and ambition and summarises the project'... more This report presents the BigDataGrapes project vision and ambition and summarises the project's advancements achieved during the first year of its execution. Its target audience comprises representatives of external interested communities as well as the general public. The document summarizes the technical and implementation details of the BigDataGrapes infrastructure, describes the technical choices and the rationale behind them, and discusses the research and scientific particularities faced by each of the BigDataGrapes pilots. More specifically, the document establishes the main objectives of the BigDataGrapes project and summarizes the core outcomes of the four pilot communities represented in the project. Based on these two axes, the technical advancements achieved during the reporting period are contextualised and discussed at a high level. Finally, the report concludes with the presentation of the foreseen next steps and the progress to be achieved during the upcoming sec...
The deliverable (D8.3) focuses on the task T8.3 Integration with existing real-life Software Syst... more The deliverable (D8.3) focuses on the task T8.3 Integration with existing real-life Software Systems: this task focuses on the integration of the BigDataGrapes (BDG) software stack and data model into a market-ready Farm Management System produced by ABACO, SITI4Farmer, augmenting its functionalities to support the implementation of the envisaged Use Cases. This deliverable aims to incorporate by prototyping onto SITI4Farmer, the relevant functionalities of the BDG software stack, further used in the piloting sessions. Within the BDG scope, the farm management system integration refers to the integration of weather-soil-plant monitoring data via data exchange over Rest-APIs in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Another important integration domain is represented by the GEOCLEDIAN Satellite data and the related vegetation indices. The real-life software system allows to define (draw and edit) farming plans at field level on top of which time series of indices are calculated.
The deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", aims to give a general scope of the activities t... more The deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", aims to give a general scope of the activities that will be undertaken during the project lifetime under the pilots, a report documenting the plan for the development and execution of the pilots and the methodology and materials for the pilot trials. The objective of this deliverable is to provide, in the first part, generic guidelines to all the pilots that will constitute instantiations of the use cases that have already been identified in WP2. Updated versions of this deliverable, including refined piloting plans, are due to M15 and M24 of the project lifetime. Deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", is based on the individual plans of the following pilots: Table Grapes Pilot (AUA), Wine Making Pilot (INRA), Farm Management Pilot (ABACO & Geocledian), and Natural Cosmetics Pilot (APIGEA). This document reports tailored guidelines and concludes with a detailed overview of the planning for each of the four pilots. Information wa...
Estimating leaf area index (LAI) of Vitis vinifera using indirect methods involves some critical ... more Estimating leaf area index (LAI) of Vitis vinifera using indirect methods involves some critical issues, related to its discontinuous and non-homogeneous canopy. This study evaluates the smart app PocketLAI and hemispherical photography in vineyards against destructive LAI measurements. Data were collected during six surveys in an experimental site characterized by a high level of heterogeneity among plants, allowing us to explore a wide range of LAI values. During the last survey, the possibility to combine remote sensing data and in-situ PocketLAI estimates (smart scouting) was evaluated. Results showed a good agreement between PocketLAI data and direct measurements, especially for LAI ranging from 0.13 to 1.41 (R 2 = 0.94, RRMSE = 17.27%), whereas the accuracy decreased when an outlying value (vineyard LAI = 2.84) was included (R 2 = 0.77, RRMSE = 43.00%), due to the saturation effect in case of very dense canopies arising from lack of green pruning. The hemispherical photography showed very high values of R 2 , even in presence of the outlying value (R 2 = 0.94), although it showed a marked and quite constant overestimation error (RRMSE = 99.46%), suggesting the need to introduce a correction factor specific for vineyards. During the smart scouting, PocketLAI showed its reliability to monitor the spatial-temporal variability of vine vigor in cordon-trained systems, and showed a potential for a wide range of applications, also in combination with remote sensing.
ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial represen... more ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial representations of shoots and sprouts, collected every year on April 24th in the vineyards of the Hungarian town of K ő szeg. A long time series (1740 – 2009) of sprouts phenological devel- opment coded with the BBCH scale is obtained through paintings visual inspection. Consequently, a model relating sprouts development with thermal resources accumulation is developed on the base of Wien daily air temperature series for the 1857 – 2009 period. Thermal resources is obtained with the Normal Heat Hours approach, a response curve method that takes into account the nonlinear response of phenological development to temperature. The model, calibrated and validated on the 1930 – 2009 period, shows an overestimation of thermal resources when applied to the 1857 – 1929, due to the more advanced phenology of that phase. Since this advance can be ascribed to genetics and management instead of more favorable thermal conditions, model outputs previous to 1930 are decreased by a constant factor. Finally, the 1740 – 2009 time series of grapevine spring thermal resources is obtained applying the model to the complete phenological time series. The analysis of the series highlights a first phase (1740 – 1780) characterized by high and stable availability of thermal resources during the 1740 – 1780, a second phase (1781 – 1820) with the lowest level of resources, a phase of intermediate availability (1821 – 1929) and a final present phase (1930 – 2009) with renewed high availability. The adopted method overcomes the lack of correlation for the post 1960 period shown by previous works.
BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci is a serious pest of agricultural and horticultural crops in greenhous... more BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci is a serious pest of agricultural and horticultural crops in greenhouses and fields around the world. This paper deals with the distribution of the pest under field conditions. In Europe, the insect is currently found in coastal regions of Mediterranean countries where it is subject to quarantine regulations. To assess the risk presented by B. tabaci to Europe, the area of potential establishment of this insect, in light of the climate change scenario, was assessed by a temperature-dependent physiologically based demographic model (PBDM). RESULTS: The simulated potential distribution under current climate conditions has been successfully validated with the available field records of B. tabaci in Europe. Considering climate change scenarios of +1 and +2 ∘ C, range expansion by B. tabaci is predicted, particularly in Spain, France, Italy, Greece and along the Adriatic coast of the Balkans. Nonetheless, even under the scenario of +2 ∘ C, northern European countries are not likely to be at risk of B. tabaci establishment because of climatic limitations. CONCLUSION: Model validation with field observations and evaluation of uncertainties associated with model parameter variability support the reliability of model results. The PBDM developed here can be applied to other organisms and offers significant advantages for assessing the potential distribution of invasive species.
Since Middle Ages, the rulers of many territories of Europe defined grape harvest dates for a lot... more Since Middle Ages, the rulers of many territories of Europe defined grape harvest dates for a lot of motivations, sometimes producing quite long archives of dates. These data are useful for paleoclimatic reconstruction because the date of harvest is influenced by a set of climatic variables like temperature, precipitation, solar radiation and so on. More specifically, the main determinant of grape harvest date is the maximum air temperature of Spring -Summer period. In this work, time series of grape harvest dates for the Alpine area of Tirano -Valtellina (North Italy) were analyzed by means of a linear model approach to reconstruct maximum temperatures of Sondrio for the bimester May -June. Unavaible data were rebuilt by means of a correlation analysis between harvest dates of Burgundy and Tirano. The final product was represented by a time series of May -June temperatures for the whole period 1624-2003. Some climatological evaluations were carried out; in particular homogeneous periods were defined and characterized adopting a statistical approach founded on a change point analysis.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is cultivated in Europe since five thousand years and during this l... more Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is cultivated in Europe since five thousand years and during this long period it was exposed to a wide climatic variability with conditions ranging from hot phases (e.g. the Roman optimum) to cold ones (e.g. the Little Ice Age). This work aims to evaluate the effects of European climate variability and change on grapevine cv Chardonnay phenology along the recent period (1981-2012) which was characterized by two homogeneous thermal phases divided by an abrupt shift occurred at the end of the 80s. This goal was pursued applying the operational phenological model of the Iphen project to daily European thermal fields and analyzing the deriving behavior of grapevine phenology (cv Chardonnay) . Since 2006 the Iphen Project ( periodically produces and broadcast Italian maps of phenological analysis and forecasts for grapevine and other relevant natural and cultivated plants such as Olive tree, Cypress, and Locust tree....
I lisimetri sono nati originariamente per la conduzione di studi sul bilancio idrico delle coltur... more I lisimetri sono nati originariamente per la conduzione di studi sul bilancio idrico delle colture legati sia alla calibrazione e validazione delle equazioni di stima dell'ET0 sia alla determinazione dei coefficienti colturali (kc) necessari per trasformare i valori di ET0 in valori di ETM. In termini generali un lisimetro è un blocco di terreno inserito in un apposito contenitore e
Mini-Lysimeters (ML) installed in a farm of Milano University provide a direct measurement of eva... more Mini-Lysimeters (ML) installed in a farm of Milano University provide a direct measurement of evapotranspiration from reference crop. An indirect estimation of evapotranspiration has been carried out by means of micrometeorological algo- rithm of Penman -Monteith. Data produced by the ML has been compared with Penman-Monteith equation. Advantages and limits of the ML approach were evidenced. Riassunto I Mini-Lisimetri (ML) installati presso un'azienda agricola dell'Università degli Studi di Milano forniscono la misura di- retta dell'evapotraspirazione da coltura di riferimento. Una stima indiretta di evapotraspirazione è stata condotta con l'utilizzo dell'equazione di Penman-Monteith. I dati prodotti dai ML sono stati messi a confronto con l'equazione di Pen- man-Monteith. Vantaggi e svantaggi dei ML sono infine stati messi in evidenza. Parole chiave: Mini-Lisimetri , evapotraspirazione, micrometeorologia
ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial represen... more ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial representations of shoots and sprouts, collected every year on April 24th in the vineyards of the Hungarian town of K ő szeg. A long time series (1740 – 2009) of sprouts phenological devel- opment coded with the BBCH scale is obtained through paintings visual inspection. Consequently, a model relating sprouts development with thermal resources accumulation is developed on the base of Wien daily air temperature series for the 1857 – 2009 period. Thermal resources is obtained with the Normal Heat Hours approach, a response curve method that takes into account the nonlinear response of phenological development to temperature. The model, calibrated and validated on the 1930 – 2009 period, shows an overestimation of thermal resources when applied to the 1857 – 1929, due to the more advanced phenology of that phase. Since this advance can be ascribed to genetics and management instead of more favorable thermal conditions, model outputs previous to 1930 are decreased by a constant factor. Finally, the 1740 – 2009 time series of grapevine spring thermal resources is obtained applying the model to the complete phenological time series. The analysis of the series highlights a first phase (1740 – 1780) characterized by high and stable availability of thermal resources during the 1740 – 1780, a second phase (1781 – 1820) with the lowest level of resources, a phase of intermediate availability (1821 – 1929) and a final present phase (1930 – 2009) with renewed high availability. The adopted method overcomes the lack of correlation for the post 1960 period shown by previous works.
This report presents the BigDataGrapes project vision and ambition and summarises the project'... more This report presents the BigDataGrapes project vision and ambition and summarises the project's advancements achieved during the first year of its execution. Its target audience comprises representatives of external interested communities as well as the general public. The document summarizes the technical and implementation details of the BigDataGrapes infrastructure, describes the technical choices and the rationale behind them, and discusses the research and scientific particularities faced by each of the BigDataGrapes pilots. More specifically, the document establishes the main objectives of the BigDataGrapes project and summarizes the core outcomes of the four pilot communities represented in the project. Based on these two axes, the technical advancements achieved during the reporting period are contextualised and discussed at a high level. Finally, the report concludes with the presentation of the foreseen next steps and the progress to be achieved during the upcoming sec...
The deliverable (D8.3) focuses on the task T8.3 Integration with existing real-life Software Syst... more The deliverable (D8.3) focuses on the task T8.3 Integration with existing real-life Software Systems: this task focuses on the integration of the BigDataGrapes (BDG) software stack and data model into a market-ready Farm Management System produced by ABACO, SITI4Farmer, augmenting its functionalities to support the implementation of the envisaged Use Cases. This deliverable aims to incorporate by prototyping onto SITI4Farmer, the relevant functionalities of the BDG software stack, further used in the piloting sessions. Within the BDG scope, the farm management system integration refers to the integration of weather-soil-plant monitoring data via data exchange over Rest-APIs in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Another important integration domain is represented by the GEOCLEDIAN Satellite data and the related vegetation indices. The real-life software system allows to define (draw and edit) farming plans at field level on top of which time series of indices are calculated.
The deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", aims to give a general scope of the activities t... more The deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", aims to give a general scope of the activities that will be undertaken during the project lifetime under the pilots, a report documenting the plan for the development and execution of the pilots and the methodology and materials for the pilot trials. The objective of this deliverable is to provide, in the first part, generic guidelines to all the pilots that will constitute instantiations of the use cases that have already been identified in WP2. Updated versions of this deliverable, including refined piloting plans, are due to M15 and M24 of the project lifetime. Deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", is based on the individual plans of the following pilots: Table Grapes Pilot (AUA), Wine Making Pilot (INRA), Farm Management Pilot (ABACO & Geocledian), and Natural Cosmetics Pilot (APIGEA). This document reports tailored guidelines and concludes with a detailed overview of the planning for each of the four pilots. Information wa...
Estimating leaf area index (LAI) of Vitis vinifera using indirect methods involves some critical ... more Estimating leaf area index (LAI) of Vitis vinifera using indirect methods involves some critical issues, related to its discontinuous and non-homogeneous canopy. This study evaluates the smart app PocketLAI and hemispherical photography in vineyards against destructive LAI measurements. Data were collected during six surveys in an experimental site characterized by a high level of heterogeneity among plants, allowing us to explore a wide range of LAI values. During the last survey, the possibility to combine remote sensing data and in-situ PocketLAI estimates (smart scouting) was evaluated. Results showed a good agreement between PocketLAI data and direct measurements, especially for LAI ranging from 0.13 to 1.41 (R 2 = 0.94, RRMSE = 17.27%), whereas the accuracy decreased when an outlying value (vineyard LAI = 2.84) was included (R 2 = 0.77, RRMSE = 43.00%), due to the saturation effect in case of very dense canopies arising from lack of green pruning. The hemispherical photography showed very high values of R 2 , even in presence of the outlying value (R 2 = 0.94), although it showed a marked and quite constant overestimation error (RRMSE = 99.46%), suggesting the need to introduce a correction factor specific for vineyards. During the smart scouting, PocketLAI showed its reliability to monitor the spatial-temporal variability of vine vigor in cordon-trained systems, and showed a potential for a wide range of applications, also in combination with remote sensing.
ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial represen... more ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial representations of shoots and sprouts, collected every year on April 24th in the vineyards of the Hungarian town of K ő szeg. A long time series (1740 – 2009) of sprouts phenological devel- opment coded with the BBCH scale is obtained through paintings visual inspection. Consequently, a model relating sprouts development with thermal resources accumulation is developed on the base of Wien daily air temperature series for the 1857 – 2009 period. Thermal resources is obtained with the Normal Heat Hours approach, a response curve method that takes into account the nonlinear response of phenological development to temperature. The model, calibrated and validated on the 1930 – 2009 period, shows an overestimation of thermal resources when applied to the 1857 – 1929, due to the more advanced phenology of that phase. Since this advance can be ascribed to genetics and management instead of more favorable thermal conditions, model outputs previous to 1930 are decreased by a constant factor. Finally, the 1740 – 2009 time series of grapevine spring thermal resources is obtained applying the model to the complete phenological time series. The analysis of the series highlights a first phase (1740 – 1780) characterized by high and stable availability of thermal resources during the 1740 – 1780, a second phase (1781 – 1820) with the lowest level of resources, a phase of intermediate availability (1821 – 1929) and a final present phase (1930 – 2009) with renewed high availability. The adopted method overcomes the lack of correlation for the post 1960 period shown by previous works.
BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci is a serious pest of agricultural and horticultural crops in greenhous... more BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci is a serious pest of agricultural and horticultural crops in greenhouses and fields around the world. This paper deals with the distribution of the pest under field conditions. In Europe, the insect is currently found in coastal regions of Mediterranean countries where it is subject to quarantine regulations. To assess the risk presented by B. tabaci to Europe, the area of potential establishment of this insect, in light of the climate change scenario, was assessed by a temperature-dependent physiologically based demographic model (PBDM). RESULTS: The simulated potential distribution under current climate conditions has been successfully validated with the available field records of B. tabaci in Europe. Considering climate change scenarios of +1 and +2 ∘ C, range expansion by B. tabaci is predicted, particularly in Spain, France, Italy, Greece and along the Adriatic coast of the Balkans. Nonetheless, even under the scenario of +2 ∘ C, northern European countries are not likely to be at risk of B. tabaci establishment because of climatic limitations. CONCLUSION: Model validation with field observations and evaluation of uncertainties associated with model parameter variability support the reliability of model results. The PBDM developed here can be applied to other organisms and offers significant advantages for assessing the potential distribution of invasive species.
Since Middle Ages, the rulers of many territories of Europe defined grape harvest dates for a lot... more Since Middle Ages, the rulers of many territories of Europe defined grape harvest dates for a lot of motivations, sometimes producing quite long archives of dates. These data are useful for paleoclimatic reconstruction because the date of harvest is influenced by a set of climatic variables like temperature, precipitation, solar radiation and so on. More specifically, the main determinant of grape harvest date is the maximum air temperature of Spring -Summer period. In this work, time series of grape harvest dates for the Alpine area of Tirano -Valtellina (North Italy) were analyzed by means of a linear model approach to reconstruct maximum temperatures of Sondrio for the bimester May -June. Unavaible data were rebuilt by means of a correlation analysis between harvest dates of Burgundy and Tirano. The final product was represented by a time series of May -June temperatures for the whole period 1624-2003. Some climatological evaluations were carried out; in particular homogeneous periods were defined and characterized adopting a statistical approach founded on a change point analysis.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is cultivated in Europe since five thousand years and during this l... more Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is cultivated in Europe since five thousand years and during this long period it was exposed to a wide climatic variability with conditions ranging from hot phases (e.g. the Roman optimum) to cold ones (e.g. the Little Ice Age). This work aims to evaluate the effects of European climate variability and change on grapevine cv Chardonnay phenology along the recent period (1981-2012) which was characterized by two homogeneous thermal phases divided by an abrupt shift occurred at the end of the 80s. This goal was pursued applying the operational phenological model of the Iphen project to daily European thermal fields and analyzing the deriving behavior of grapevine phenology (cv Chardonnay) . Since 2006 the Iphen Project ( periodically produces and broadcast Italian maps of phenological analysis and forecasts for grapevine and other relevant natural and cultivated plants such as Olive tree, Cypress, and Locust tree....
I lisimetri sono nati originariamente per la conduzione di studi sul bilancio idrico delle coltur... more I lisimetri sono nati originariamente per la conduzione di studi sul bilancio idrico delle colture legati sia alla calibrazione e validazione delle equazioni di stima dell'ET0 sia alla determinazione dei coefficienti colturali (kc) necessari per trasformare i valori di ET0 in valori di ETM. In termini generali un lisimetro è un blocco di terreno inserito in un apposito contenitore e
Mini-Lysimeters (ML) installed in a farm of Milano University provide a direct measurement of eva... more Mini-Lysimeters (ML) installed in a farm of Milano University provide a direct measurement of evapotranspiration from reference crop. An indirect estimation of evapotranspiration has been carried out by means of micrometeorological algo- rithm of Penman -Monteith. Data produced by the ML has been compared with Penman-Monteith equation. Advantages and limits of the ML approach were evidenced. Riassunto I Mini-Lisimetri (ML) installati presso un'azienda agricola dell'Università degli Studi di Milano forniscono la misura di- retta dell'evapotraspirazione da coltura di riferimento. Una stima indiretta di evapotraspirazione è stata condotta con l'utilizzo dell'equazione di Penman-Monteith. I dati prodotti dai ML sono stati messi a confronto con l'equazione di Pen- man-Monteith. Vantaggi e svantaggi dei ML sono infine stati messi in evidenza. Parole chiave: Mini-Lisimetri , evapotraspirazione, micrometeorologia
ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial represen... more ABSTRACT Since 1740 until now, the Book of Vine Branches encompasses beautiful pictorial representations of shoots and sprouts, collected every year on April 24th in the vineyards of the Hungarian town of K ő szeg. A long time series (1740 – 2009) of sprouts phenological devel- opment coded with the BBCH scale is obtained through paintings visual inspection. Consequently, a model relating sprouts development with thermal resources accumulation is developed on the base of Wien daily air temperature series for the 1857 – 2009 period. Thermal resources is obtained with the Normal Heat Hours approach, a response curve method that takes into account the nonlinear response of phenological development to temperature. The model, calibrated and validated on the 1930 – 2009 period, shows an overestimation of thermal resources when applied to the 1857 – 1929, due to the more advanced phenology of that phase. Since this advance can be ascribed to genetics and management instead of more favorable thermal conditions, model outputs previous to 1930 are decreased by a constant factor. Finally, the 1740 – 2009 time series of grapevine spring thermal resources is obtained applying the model to the complete phenological time series. The analysis of the series highlights a first phase (1740 – 1780) characterized by high and stable availability of thermal resources during the 1740 – 1780, a second phase (1781 – 1820) with the lowest level of resources, a phase of intermediate availability (1821 – 1929) and a final present phase (1930 – 2009) with renewed high availability. The adopted method overcomes the lack of correlation for the post 1960 period shown by previous works.
Papers by Simone Parisi