Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
The circular economy is currently being regarded as a solution to an environmental crisis that is... more The circular economy is currently being regarded as a solution to an environmental crisis that is as severe as the epidemic, but is less apparent to the general public. For anyone interested in learning more about the circular economy and its application areas, there is a wealth of knowledge available in both specialist and secondary information sources. The purpose of our investigation is to identify the most important characteristics of the circular economy as they are presented to the public in different parts of the globe. We decided on the infographic analysis as a solution for this. They communicate their message in a succinct manner, yet they have a significant influence on the audience. Do these communications have an impact on how people perceive the domain? This is the question that our investigation seeks to address. We conducted a study of the literature in order to provide clarity. This demonstrated to us the fundamental qualities of the circular economy, as well as the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
The European Parliament presents on its official website information on how the European Union in... more The European Parliament presents on its official website information on how the European Union intends to reach a circular economy by 2050. The action plans and directions, the key sectors of the circular economy, as well as the ways of waste management and transport are presented. On the other hand, the Department for Sustainable Development within the Romanian government presents its own vision of the circular economy. It should be appreciated that the Romanian perspective is based on studies that are based on the perceptions of citizens. The aim of our research is to highlight the cohesion between the Romanian perspective and the European vision in terms of how they understood to harmonize their principles and directions of action in the field of circular economy. It is known that Romania joined the EU on January 1, 2007 and has 33 members in the European Parliament. Currently about 77% of Romania’s exports are made to the EU (Germany 23%, Italy 11% and France 7%) and Romania’s i...
New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption
People's day-today lives have been transformed by the ICT revolution, but so have the relationshi... more People's day-today lives have been transformed by the ICT revolution, but so have the relationships between governments and their populations. ICT and web technologies have been used to support and redefine current, new information and transactional interactions with stakeholders (e.g. people and businesses) using ICT, in particular the Internet and web technologies, with the goal of enhancing government performance and operations. When it comes to e-governance, there have been several distinct stages, each with its own unique set of interactions with the public: the first stage is simply the digitization of government information, which serves as a passive presence on the Internet. Aim study is to discover whether county residents prefer electronic administration over traditional methods (e-governance). E-governance can only be implemented successfully if the people who will be affected by it agree with its implementation and believe it will be beneficial. Prior to implementing any plan for IT governance in public administration, it is critical to determine whether or not people desire or need such governance / administration. We should ask their views and see if we can implement it if they want it to be done thus.
Proceedings of the International Management Conference, 2022
Through the skills they acquire upon graduation, higher education is increasingly important. Coop... more Through the skills they acquire upon graduation, higher education is increasingly important. Cooperation between different higher education institutions, as well as joint support for university programs, has contributed to increasing student mobility. The article presents an analysis of the level of tertiary education for the population of the European Union, aged between 25 and 34 years. The application of new technologies requires highly qualified people. Given the demands that will come from the labor market, higher education will need to take advantage of the opportunity to provide flexible and modular learning pathways.
In this article we present an econometric model of oil production forecast at OECD member level t... more In this article we present an econometric model of oil production forecast at OECD member level that will allow decision makers but also other oil product stakeholders to be responsible for oil production in OECD member states. This responsibility can be perceived from several perspectives: economic, social, environmental, political, military etc. In order to be able to find the ideal formula for our calculation, we went through the specialized literature and brought elements of analysis during the research through several econometric paths traveled by other researchers and who provided us with support for our research. Before proceeding technically, in order to understand the urgency of this approach and of this study, we also discussed how oil and natural gas are explored, exploited and extracted from the underground deposits. We considered that the proposed model could be improved in the future so as to portray certain geopolitical or economic factors, determinants for oil produc...
Supravietuirea in casa vietii este determinata nu numai de factorii naturali, ci si de cei antrop... more Supravietuirea in casa vietii este determinata nu numai de factorii naturali, ci si de cei antropici, de oameni. Omule, lasa natura sa traiasca.., prin ea vei trai si tu! Dimensioneaza-ti mintea, sufletul in primul rand, prin politica pe care o duci, pentru conservarea biodiversitatii, a resurselor naturale, dar si acelor create de tine, nu numai astazi, dar si maine ...
Analysis of professional experience violence in the medico-social was performed in France by anal... more Analysis of professional experience violence in the medico-social was performed in France by analyzing empirical sociological survey on victimization and health professionals. The empirical analysis was aimed at determining victimization as a significant dimension of professional experience. Sociological survey was based on data collection through a questionnaire.The research was conducted in CF Witting Hospital, located in Bucharest. CF Witting Hospital is a public establishment, with clinical departments, through a partnership with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Titu Maiorescu". The special ambulatory department is approved to perform analyzes both medical and psychological by trained personnel in Transport Safety. Currently, CF Witting No.1 Hospital is a modern hospital unit which belongs to the Ministry of Transport health network. The hospital has 318 beds for hospitalization continuous. and another 12 beds in day care regime.Replication of this study in Rom...
Today we witness a place excessive nanotechnology in our lives. This brings advantages such as el... more Today we witness a place excessive nanotechnology in our lives. This brings advantages such as elimination of communication barriers between people, freedom of movement and the assumption by them of routine activities. And new needs arise such as the ongoing training. However, to take full advantage of potential benefits. Division of labor and specialization of entrepreneurs, development and generalization of quality standards, professionalize, teamwork, accountability are just some of the reasons that lead us to believe that at present, although the activities are generated by individual needs, these cannot be satisfied entirely by a single entity called the individual, household, company or society. Outsourcing services is not only a fashion but a necessity. If we agree that resources are limited and needs are growing and diversifying, then we can accept the idea that a solution could come from the substitution of factors of production, development of production units and / or pro...
Electronic communication training techniques are a relatively new approach to learning. The basic... more Electronic communication training techniques are a relatively new approach to learning. The basics notions remain the same, only the means of transmitting and acquiring knowledge changes. Using information and communication systems for education means attaching to the learning process the element of freedom: students can learn when and where they wish. About motivation, pedagogical studies show that in general all training systems, classical or modern, are unmotivated. Viewed in this aspect, e-Learning systems are no exception. Conclusion: an elearning system is unmotivated. Considering all these elements we propose a conceptual model for EDU-RES. Initiated in 2006, Research and Teacher Education for Business & Economics (EDU-RES) is a interdisciplinary master programme in English promotes professional development.
Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences, 2019
E-government could be the latest trend in governance around the world, as good governance can be ... more E-government could be the latest trend in governance around the world, as good governance can be made possible through this concept if it is properly implemented. On the other hand, the idea of "open government" enjoys increasing popularity among municipalities, local governments and state administrations. Currently, there are a number of initiatives aimed at introducing open source software into European public administrations, but they are mainly deployed at local level, without coordination and without sharing knowledge, information or practices and, in particular, without rigorous cost benefit analysis. By allowing external actors to reuse government data and tools, new services can be provided to citizens and services can be created by citizens. The question is whether in this way the government can be transformed into a powerful "platform" that also involves innovators, or the e-administration involves strictly the transformation of bureaucratic procedures.
The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is... more The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is facing, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, has had so far on the Romanian labor force market. In this context, given the lack of information and information regarding this pandemic and its effects, the administration of a questionnaire among the population was considered to identify the research results. The method of semantic differential and the method of ordering the ranks were used for the interpretation of the results. With the help of this questionnaire, it will be possible to answer the question of the research in this study: What are the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Romanian labor market? The main results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Romanian workforce; the respondents of the applied questionnaire claimed that they obtained better results and maintained a similar income, but the health crisis also influenced the mentality of employees, with responden...
Lately, we face many challenges that threaten the well-being of society and the quality of life. ... more Lately, we face many challenges that threaten the well-being of society and the quality of life. All of these challenges are complex and closely related, which means that one approach can have positive consequences for others. In this context, population growth, an extremely delicate subject, from a social and ethical point of view has generally become a threat to the entire planet, and in particular, to urban agglomerations. At the global level, population growth puts even greater pressure on basic resources, from fresh water to fertile land, endangering the very existence of humanity. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the population trend globally, as compared to the population trend in the big urban agglomerations, as well as the evolution of some indicators of the quality of life depending on the population growth. Following the analysis, we aim to identify various challenges and develop proposals for the sustainable development of urban space.
Entrepreneurial education is one of the fastest growing areas in the world today, with a growing ... more Entrepreneurial education is one of the fastest growing areas in the world today, with a growing interest in academia, which allows the possibility of linking current labor market needs to academic theory. The purpose of this article is to make a positive contribution to the formation of future entrepreneurship programs, by analyzing existing curricula to identify potential educational gaps, as well as to identify the skills needed by students in the context of sustainable business development. This will allow entrepreneurial trainers to exchange ideas that facilitate collective learning and help inform researchers about the future directions of education. This article will focus on the analysis of existing entrepreneurship education at the international level, as well as on the development of suggestions on how entrepreneurship education can progress further, as a way of shaping the future development of the economy. Keywords: entrepreneurial education, sustainable business, sustai...
In the literature there is systematic information regarding the implications of sustainable devel... more In the literature there is systematic information regarding the implications of sustainable development for business administration and it was demonstrated and exemplified the way in that sustainability, as a result of innovation, could become source of competitive advantage. For the research it was employed a holistic, result oriented approach using a multidimensional matrix that expresses the features of applied research. Sustainable development recognizes the interdependency between economic processes and social and ecologic ones, meaning that its research supposes the confrontation of knowledge from more scientific domains, needing inter-and multidisciplinary approaches. The strategic orientations could be derived from the societal challenges determined by irreducible situations in the economic, financial, food, ecologic, and energy fields and are reflecting the visions outlined on the basis of sustainable development principles and after the 2008 reconfiguration with focus on green economy. These pursue offsetting the impact of economic and financial crisis and preventing similar conditions to be met by the restructuring of economy in such a way that it allows the accomplishment of goals like increase of human wellbeing and social equity and significant reduction of environmental risks, including the diminishment of economic processes' carbon intensity. The general and specific trends identified to be relevant for sustainability integration in businesses are deepening of income inequalities; decoupling of economic growth from the opportunity of income generation by job creation, jeopardizing primary distribution of wealth; intensification of geostrategic competition; pollution intensification in developing countries; impact of climate change by extreme weather events and water resource scarcity; intensification of climate change mitigation actions; growing contribution of companies in solving the general development problems; and increasing consumer exigencies regarding sustainability performance. Synthesizing the results of the study made within in the present paper, it can be concluded that integrating sustainability into business depends on many factors, out of which innovation plays a decisive role. The Porter hypothesis shows that the virtuous cycle of sustainable innovation could be triggered by external forces, such as regulations, that lead to the expected impact with the help of competition. Sustainable innovation management facilitates this process and implies an enhancement of
The present paper proposes to determine the types of organizational cultures that exist within th... more The present paper proposes to determine the types of organizational cultures that exist within the Romanian textileindustry, starting off from Handy’s typology according to which there are four types of cultures, respectively the TaskTypes, the Power Types, the Role Types and the Person Type. In this sense, we have conducted an empirical studymade up of two questionnaires, the first regarding the organizational culture within the Romanian textile industry – fromthe point of view of employees without leadership positions, and the second regarding the organizational culture withinthe Romanian textile industry – from the managerial point of view. Interviews were conducted on employees andmanagers from local companies, by using direct questions, with multiple choice answers, with the purpose of ensuringtransparency and objectivity when processing and analyzing the data. The database of this study contains 110completed and validated questionnaires, divided into the two respondent categor...
The existence and continuity of life on Earth is based on the existence of an ecological balance.... more The existence and continuity of life on Earth is based on the existence of an ecological balance. Under the influence of pollution, the quality of the natural environment gradually degrades. Thus, pressures are exerted on the environment, including from energy production and consumption activities. The different phenomena of pollution, associated with the destruction of the environment, have made the sources of energy production diversified. Sustainable development can be achieved through the use of technologies that protect the environment. Within the electricity sector, energy from renewable sources has grown significantly in recent years. Energy production from Renewable energy reduces the use of fossil fuels, but also influences the process of reducing greenhouse gases. The article starts from the analysis of the current situation of renewable sources in the member countries of the European Union. With support of the comparative analysis of existing data at European level, the s...
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
The circular economy is currently being regarded as a solution to an environmental crisis that is... more The circular economy is currently being regarded as a solution to an environmental crisis that is as severe as the epidemic, but is less apparent to the general public. For anyone interested in learning more about the circular economy and its application areas, there is a wealth of knowledge available in both specialist and secondary information sources. The purpose of our investigation is to identify the most important characteristics of the circular economy as they are presented to the public in different parts of the globe. We decided on the infographic analysis as a solution for this. They communicate their message in a succinct manner, yet they have a significant influence on the audience. Do these communications have an impact on how people perceive the domain? This is the question that our investigation seeks to address. We conducted a study of the literature in order to provide clarity. This demonstrated to us the fundamental qualities of the circular economy, as well as the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence
The European Parliament presents on its official website information on how the European Union in... more The European Parliament presents on its official website information on how the European Union intends to reach a circular economy by 2050. The action plans and directions, the key sectors of the circular economy, as well as the ways of waste management and transport are presented. On the other hand, the Department for Sustainable Development within the Romanian government presents its own vision of the circular economy. It should be appreciated that the Romanian perspective is based on studies that are based on the perceptions of citizens. The aim of our research is to highlight the cohesion between the Romanian perspective and the European vision in terms of how they understood to harmonize their principles and directions of action in the field of circular economy. It is known that Romania joined the EU on January 1, 2007 and has 33 members in the European Parliament. Currently about 77% of Romania’s exports are made to the EU (Germany 23%, Italy 11% and France 7%) and Romania’s i...
New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption
People's day-today lives have been transformed by the ICT revolution, but so have the relationshi... more People's day-today lives have been transformed by the ICT revolution, but so have the relationships between governments and their populations. ICT and web technologies have been used to support and redefine current, new information and transactional interactions with stakeholders (e.g. people and businesses) using ICT, in particular the Internet and web technologies, with the goal of enhancing government performance and operations. When it comes to e-governance, there have been several distinct stages, each with its own unique set of interactions with the public: the first stage is simply the digitization of government information, which serves as a passive presence on the Internet. Aim study is to discover whether county residents prefer electronic administration over traditional methods (e-governance). E-governance can only be implemented successfully if the people who will be affected by it agree with its implementation and believe it will be beneficial. Prior to implementing any plan for IT governance in public administration, it is critical to determine whether or not people desire or need such governance / administration. We should ask their views and see if we can implement it if they want it to be done thus.
Proceedings of the International Management Conference, 2022
Through the skills they acquire upon graduation, higher education is increasingly important. Coop... more Through the skills they acquire upon graduation, higher education is increasingly important. Cooperation between different higher education institutions, as well as joint support for university programs, has contributed to increasing student mobility. The article presents an analysis of the level of tertiary education for the population of the European Union, aged between 25 and 34 years. The application of new technologies requires highly qualified people. Given the demands that will come from the labor market, higher education will need to take advantage of the opportunity to provide flexible and modular learning pathways.
In this article we present an econometric model of oil production forecast at OECD member level t... more In this article we present an econometric model of oil production forecast at OECD member level that will allow decision makers but also other oil product stakeholders to be responsible for oil production in OECD member states. This responsibility can be perceived from several perspectives: economic, social, environmental, political, military etc. In order to be able to find the ideal formula for our calculation, we went through the specialized literature and brought elements of analysis during the research through several econometric paths traveled by other researchers and who provided us with support for our research. Before proceeding technically, in order to understand the urgency of this approach and of this study, we also discussed how oil and natural gas are explored, exploited and extracted from the underground deposits. We considered that the proposed model could be improved in the future so as to portray certain geopolitical or economic factors, determinants for oil produc...
Supravietuirea in casa vietii este determinata nu numai de factorii naturali, ci si de cei antrop... more Supravietuirea in casa vietii este determinata nu numai de factorii naturali, ci si de cei antropici, de oameni. Omule, lasa natura sa traiasca.., prin ea vei trai si tu! Dimensioneaza-ti mintea, sufletul in primul rand, prin politica pe care o duci, pentru conservarea biodiversitatii, a resurselor naturale, dar si acelor create de tine, nu numai astazi, dar si maine ...
Analysis of professional experience violence in the medico-social was performed in France by anal... more Analysis of professional experience violence in the medico-social was performed in France by analyzing empirical sociological survey on victimization and health professionals. The empirical analysis was aimed at determining victimization as a significant dimension of professional experience. Sociological survey was based on data collection through a questionnaire.The research was conducted in CF Witting Hospital, located in Bucharest. CF Witting Hospital is a public establishment, with clinical departments, through a partnership with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Titu Maiorescu". The special ambulatory department is approved to perform analyzes both medical and psychological by trained personnel in Transport Safety. Currently, CF Witting No.1 Hospital is a modern hospital unit which belongs to the Ministry of Transport health network. The hospital has 318 beds for hospitalization continuous. and another 12 beds in day care regime.Replication of this study in Rom...
Today we witness a place excessive nanotechnology in our lives. This brings advantages such as el... more Today we witness a place excessive nanotechnology in our lives. This brings advantages such as elimination of communication barriers between people, freedom of movement and the assumption by them of routine activities. And new needs arise such as the ongoing training. However, to take full advantage of potential benefits. Division of labor and specialization of entrepreneurs, development and generalization of quality standards, professionalize, teamwork, accountability are just some of the reasons that lead us to believe that at present, although the activities are generated by individual needs, these cannot be satisfied entirely by a single entity called the individual, household, company or society. Outsourcing services is not only a fashion but a necessity. If we agree that resources are limited and needs are growing and diversifying, then we can accept the idea that a solution could come from the substitution of factors of production, development of production units and / or pro...
Electronic communication training techniques are a relatively new approach to learning. The basic... more Electronic communication training techniques are a relatively new approach to learning. The basics notions remain the same, only the means of transmitting and acquiring knowledge changes. Using information and communication systems for education means attaching to the learning process the element of freedom: students can learn when and where they wish. About motivation, pedagogical studies show that in general all training systems, classical or modern, are unmotivated. Viewed in this aspect, e-Learning systems are no exception. Conclusion: an elearning system is unmotivated. Considering all these elements we propose a conceptual model for EDU-RES. Initiated in 2006, Research and Teacher Education for Business & Economics (EDU-RES) is a interdisciplinary master programme in English promotes professional development.
Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences, 2019
E-government could be the latest trend in governance around the world, as good governance can be ... more E-government could be the latest trend in governance around the world, as good governance can be made possible through this concept if it is properly implemented. On the other hand, the idea of "open government" enjoys increasing popularity among municipalities, local governments and state administrations. Currently, there are a number of initiatives aimed at introducing open source software into European public administrations, but they are mainly deployed at local level, without coordination and without sharing knowledge, information or practices and, in particular, without rigorous cost benefit analysis. By allowing external actors to reuse government data and tools, new services can be provided to citizens and services can be created by citizens. The question is whether in this way the government can be transformed into a powerful "platform" that also involves innovators, or the e-administration involves strictly the transformation of bureaucratic procedures.
The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is... more The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is facing, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, has had so far on the Romanian labor force market. In this context, given the lack of information and information regarding this pandemic and its effects, the administration of a questionnaire among the population was considered to identify the research results. The method of semantic differential and the method of ordering the ranks were used for the interpretation of the results. With the help of this questionnaire, it will be possible to answer the question of the research in this study: What are the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Romanian labor market? The main results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Romanian workforce; the respondents of the applied questionnaire claimed that they obtained better results and maintained a similar income, but the health crisis also influenced the mentality of employees, with responden...
Lately, we face many challenges that threaten the well-being of society and the quality of life. ... more Lately, we face many challenges that threaten the well-being of society and the quality of life. All of these challenges are complex and closely related, which means that one approach can have positive consequences for others. In this context, population growth, an extremely delicate subject, from a social and ethical point of view has generally become a threat to the entire planet, and in particular, to urban agglomerations. At the global level, population growth puts even greater pressure on basic resources, from fresh water to fertile land, endangering the very existence of humanity. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the population trend globally, as compared to the population trend in the big urban agglomerations, as well as the evolution of some indicators of the quality of life depending on the population growth. Following the analysis, we aim to identify various challenges and develop proposals for the sustainable development of urban space.
Entrepreneurial education is one of the fastest growing areas in the world today, with a growing ... more Entrepreneurial education is one of the fastest growing areas in the world today, with a growing interest in academia, which allows the possibility of linking current labor market needs to academic theory. The purpose of this article is to make a positive contribution to the formation of future entrepreneurship programs, by analyzing existing curricula to identify potential educational gaps, as well as to identify the skills needed by students in the context of sustainable business development. This will allow entrepreneurial trainers to exchange ideas that facilitate collective learning and help inform researchers about the future directions of education. This article will focus on the analysis of existing entrepreneurship education at the international level, as well as on the development of suggestions on how entrepreneurship education can progress further, as a way of shaping the future development of the economy. Keywords: entrepreneurial education, sustainable business, sustai...
In the literature there is systematic information regarding the implications of sustainable devel... more In the literature there is systematic information regarding the implications of sustainable development for business administration and it was demonstrated and exemplified the way in that sustainability, as a result of innovation, could become source of competitive advantage. For the research it was employed a holistic, result oriented approach using a multidimensional matrix that expresses the features of applied research. Sustainable development recognizes the interdependency between economic processes and social and ecologic ones, meaning that its research supposes the confrontation of knowledge from more scientific domains, needing inter-and multidisciplinary approaches. The strategic orientations could be derived from the societal challenges determined by irreducible situations in the economic, financial, food, ecologic, and energy fields and are reflecting the visions outlined on the basis of sustainable development principles and after the 2008 reconfiguration with focus on green economy. These pursue offsetting the impact of economic and financial crisis and preventing similar conditions to be met by the restructuring of economy in such a way that it allows the accomplishment of goals like increase of human wellbeing and social equity and significant reduction of environmental risks, including the diminishment of economic processes' carbon intensity. The general and specific trends identified to be relevant for sustainability integration in businesses are deepening of income inequalities; decoupling of economic growth from the opportunity of income generation by job creation, jeopardizing primary distribution of wealth; intensification of geostrategic competition; pollution intensification in developing countries; impact of climate change by extreme weather events and water resource scarcity; intensification of climate change mitigation actions; growing contribution of companies in solving the general development problems; and increasing consumer exigencies regarding sustainability performance. Synthesizing the results of the study made within in the present paper, it can be concluded that integrating sustainability into business depends on many factors, out of which innovation plays a decisive role. The Porter hypothesis shows that the virtuous cycle of sustainable innovation could be triggered by external forces, such as regulations, that lead to the expected impact with the help of competition. Sustainable innovation management facilitates this process and implies an enhancement of
The present paper proposes to determine the types of organizational cultures that exist within th... more The present paper proposes to determine the types of organizational cultures that exist within the Romanian textileindustry, starting off from Handy’s typology according to which there are four types of cultures, respectively the TaskTypes, the Power Types, the Role Types and the Person Type. In this sense, we have conducted an empirical studymade up of two questionnaires, the first regarding the organizational culture within the Romanian textile industry – fromthe point of view of employees without leadership positions, and the second regarding the organizational culture withinthe Romanian textile industry – from the managerial point of view. Interviews were conducted on employees andmanagers from local companies, by using direct questions, with multiple choice answers, with the purpose of ensuringtransparency and objectivity when processing and analyzing the data. The database of this study contains 110completed and validated questionnaires, divided into the two respondent categor...
The existence and continuity of life on Earth is based on the existence of an ecological balance.... more The existence and continuity of life on Earth is based on the existence of an ecological balance. Under the influence of pollution, the quality of the natural environment gradually degrades. Thus, pressures are exerted on the environment, including from energy production and consumption activities. The different phenomena of pollution, associated with the destruction of the environment, have made the sources of energy production diversified. Sustainable development can be achieved through the use of technologies that protect the environment. Within the electricity sector, energy from renewable sources has grown significantly in recent years. Energy production from Renewable energy reduces the use of fossil fuels, but also influences the process of reducing greenhouse gases. The article starts from the analysis of the current situation of renewable sources in the member countries of the European Union. With support of the comparative analysis of existing data at European level, the s...
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch ge... more Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your personal and scholarly purposes. You are not to copy documents for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. If the documents have been made available under an Open Content Licence (especially Creative Commons Licences), you may exercise further usage rights as specified in the indicated licence.
Papers by Sorin Burlacu