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    Spela Modic

    Diabrotica virgifera virgifera lec onte (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae), im deutschspra- chigen Raum als Westlicher Maiswurzelbohrer bekannt, ist ein von der Neuen Welt nach Europa eingeschleppter Schädling. Er gelangte in mindestens drei... more
    Diabrotica virgifera virgifera lec onte (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae), im deutschspra- chigen Raum als Westlicher Maiswurzelbohrer bekannt, ist ein von der Neuen Welt nach Europa eingeschleppter Schädling. Er gelangte in mindestens drei Einwanderungsschüben, die durch mole- kulargenetische Untersuchungen unterscheidbar sind, nach Europa. Innerhalb der letzten eineinhalb Jahrzehnte wurde, mit Ausnahme von Dänemark, die gesamte Fläche Südost- und Zentraleuropas vom Käfer besiedelt. In
    A 2 year study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of biological control with optimally timed Trichogramma brassicae releases as an integrated pest management tool against the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), in... more
    A 2 year study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of biological control with optimally timed Trichogramma brassicae releases as an integrated pest management tool against the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), in on-farm experiments (i.e. real field conditions) in three European regions with dissimilar geoclimatic conditions and ECB pressure and conventional management (i.e. insecticide treated and untreated). Biological control with Trichogramma (1) provided ECB protection comparable with conventional management, (2) in all cases maintained mycotoxin levels below the EU threshold for maize raw materials destined for food products, (3) was economically sustainable in southern France and northern Italy, but not in Slovenia where it resulted in a significant decrease in gross margin, mainly owing to the cost of Trichogramma product, and (4) enabled avoidance of detrimental environmental effects of lambda-cyhalothrin use in northern Italy. Optimally timed mass ...
    The first invasion of the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) into Slovenia was recorded in 2003. A few beetles were found in the western province of Slovenia near Italy. More... more
    The first invasion of the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) into Slovenia was recorded in 2003. A few beetles were found in the western province of Slovenia near Italy. More beetles were detected in the eastern district of Prekmurje bordering Austria, Hungary and Croatia. While the western population remained the same in 2005, the eastern population increased considerably. By means of the very sensitive Metcalf sticky trap baited with the female sex pheromone, early infestations could be recorded. At corn fields, Zea mays L., near the villages of Dolina, Gornji Lakos and Pince, Diabrotica flights were observed in 2005 which had their maxima during the first week of August and yielded, respectively, 57, 112, and 45 beetles/trap per 3-4 day trapping interval. The increase from 2004 to 2005 in this eastern most district of Slovenia is noteworthy. Generally in the western and central part of Slovenia, most maize is grown in r...
    Ever since the western corn rootworm (WCR) (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera), an alien invasive species from North America, has been introduced into Europe on at least 3 separate occasions, it spread within 15 years over the entire area of... more
    Ever since the western corn rootworm (WCR) (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera), an alien invasive species from North America, has been introduced into Europe on at least 3 separate occasions, it spread within 15 years over the entire area of south-eastern and central Europe (except Denmark). Until quite recently, Zea mays L. was the only known host plant whereas in North America WCR also attacks members of the plant family Cucurbitaceae. In August of 2006, we were able to validate these findings also in the Old World by observing WCR visiting blossoms of oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.). Beside this first report of WCR on this regionally and economically important crop, a population increase in Gaberje near Lendava, Eastern Slovenia, was observed. Some future consequences of multiple hosts for integrated pest management (IPM) of WCR are being discussed.
    The American Chrysomelid beetle Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (D.v.v.), also called the western corn rootworm, spread from the location of its original introduction into Europe, Belgrade airport (BACA 1993), in all directions.... more
    The American Chrysomelid beetle Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (D.v.v.), also called the western corn rootworm, spread from the location of its original introduction into Europe, Belgrade airport (BACA 1993), in all directions. Within a decade it occupied almost all countries of South-eastern and Central Europe. However, it reached Slovenia as late as 2003: Only 19 specimen were found in maize fields of the eastern and also western provinces. Already in the summer of 2004, their number had risen to 386 which were mainly found in the eastern provinces near the borders to Croatia, Austria and Hungary. For their monitoring, a simple trap is being described which can be acquired in high numbers at a very low price and can guaranty a most sensitive detection of beetles. The Metcalf cup trap which in Slovenia so far has been unknown performed the task of monitoring quite well at five locations. It will also facilitate the future search for new and increasing infestations. Comparin...
    The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Col.:Chrysomelidae) (D.v.v.) is one of the most important maize pests in North America. Ever since its invasion into Europe and its detection near Belgrade airport by BACA... more
    The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Col.:Chrysomelidae) (D.v.v.) is one of the most important maize pests in North America. Ever since its invasion into Europe and its detection near Belgrade airport by BACA in 1993 it quickly spread all over southeastern Europe and is now advancing towards central Europe. Up until summer 2004 considered free of D.v.v., Germany is, with the exception of its northern and northeastern borders, surrounded by countries with proven D.v.v. infestations. In addition to simultaneous spot introductions by airplanes, three main routes for terrestrial introduction into Germany are likely: 1. from south to north via Lombardy (Italy) through Switzerland to the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the southwest; 2. from south east to northwest via Croatia, Slovenia, Austria into the State of Bavaria; and 3. from Belgium and the Netherlands in southeasterly direction to the state of Northrhine-Westfalia. From these, progress of D.v.v. along...
    White cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) is commonly used as an ornamental plant in cut or free-growing hedges in all parts of Slovenia, regardless of the soil or climate conditions. The dominant variety is Emerald with a conical crown. A... more
    White cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) is commonly used as an ornamental plant in cut or free-growing hedges in all parts of Slovenia, regardless of the soil or climate conditions. The dominant variety is Emerald with a conical crown. A significant drying and dying of white cedars in an older hedge was observed in autumn 2010 in Ljubljana (Vič). When the branches were carefully examined, many were found to be hollow and full of channels filled with sawdust. In the channels pupae were discovered, from which blue-green beetles with a metallic sheen emerged after five days at 20°C. Beetles were morphologically analyzed and classified as Cypress Jewel Beetle (Ovalisia festival L.). Additinally, molecular bar-coding was performed. A segment of mitochondrial DNA, which encodes cytochrome oxygenase I, was amplified by PCR. The sequence obtained was published on the internet. In April and May 2012 similar damage was observed in several gardens in Ljubljana (Trnovo, Bežigrad), Posavje (Žadovine...
    The root aphid Tetraneura (Tetraneurella) nigriabdominalis (Sasaki), (Pemphiginae: Eriosomatini) was recorded on corn roots (Zea mays L.) in August 2011 in northeast Slovenia in the village Benica. The species was classified... more
    The root aphid Tetraneura (Tetraneurella) nigriabdominalis (Sasaki), (Pemphiginae: Eriosomatini) was recorded on corn roots (Zea mays L.) in August 2011 in northeast Slovenia in the village Benica. The species was classified morphologically and by molecular methods.
    In the 2000-2001 period three different methods to control the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella L.) were tested: the efficacy of the chosen biotechnical method to reduce the number of the pest to a less harmful level was compared to... more
    In the 2000-2001 period three different methods to control the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella L.) were tested: the efficacy of the chosen biotechnical method to reduce the number of the pest to a less harmful level was compared to treatments with two different insecticides. In the field block experiment on Brussels sprouts the efficacy of imidacloprid (systemic insecticide), pirimiphos-methyl (contact insecticide) and the yellow sticky boards for mass trapping were tested. All results were compared with non-treated plots. Spraying with contact insecticide was established as the most effective way of controlling the pest in question (A. proletella L.). Comparing other treatments, no statistically significant differences were determined. Therefore, our hypothesis about efficacy of the yellow sticky boards to control the cabbage whitefly on the cultivated Brassica plants cannot be confirmed. On the basis of the results of the average number of the whitefly larvae on randomly ch...