The knowledge about English Language Teaching (ELT) methods/approaches will guide the action of t... more The knowledge about English Language Teaching (ELT) methods/approaches will guide the action of teachers of English in classroom. The reasons in choosing the best ELT method/approach will be depended on various factors. However, the ELT method/approach is supposed to facilitate the students to be competence in English. Using the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is aimed to carter the students’ need in communicative competence. Curriculum, students’ needs and facilities are extents to call CLT in ELT at of English Department concentration in tourism and hospitality industry. Keywords: English Language Teaching, Communicative Language Teaching. __________________________________________________________________________ Abstrak Pengetahuan tentang metode/pendekatan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (English Language Teaching/ELT) akan memandu kegiatan guru bahasa Inggris di kelas. Alasan menggunakan metode/pendekatan terbaik dalam ELT tergantung pada berbagai faktor. Namun, metode it...
Edukasi: jurnal pendidikan dan pengajaran, May 15, 2022
This study detailed the impacts of English on products branding from customers" point of view. It... more This study detailed the impacts of English on products branding from customers" point of view. It was limited in food, electronics, and garment as the three most traded products in Palembang city as one of the five biggest trading cities in Indonesia. Using a qualitative method with individual and focus group interviews for data collecting techniques, there were 15 participants involved in individual interviews and 30 participants in a focus group interview. Due to physical restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic era, the interviews were conducted online with semi-structured interview questions. The collected data were analysed using thematic analysis to unveil customers" perception in the terms of popularity, purchasing interest, sales and revenue, business competition, curiosity, vocabulary, a symbol of modernity, and prestige toward products with English branding. It was revealed that the use of English on product branding highly impacted popularity, business competition, buyers" curiosity, vocabulary, and the symbol of modernity of the users of the object products. Interestingly, electronics products were not affected by the use of English branding on purchasing interest, sales and revenue, and prestige, whereas food and garment products were. The English branding impacted the prestige of the customers only for garment products. Therefore, it is recommendable that certain products make use of English labelling for better recognition and acceptability in public.
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
Student learning motivation is an important factor to produce high-quality graduates. It can grow... more Student learning motivation is an important factor to produce high-quality graduates. It can grow from the inside of themselves (intrinsic) or it occurs because of from outside the students (extrinsic). This study was aimed to reveal both students' intrinsic and extrinsic factors toward their motivation in online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic era. The sudden transformation from offline learning to online one in Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, presents internal and external motivation factors of the students. Using random sampling, there were 922 students participated in a survey questionnaire. The collected data were analysed using Self-Determination Theory of Deci and Ryan (1985). It was revealed that the intrinsic factors (interest, enjoyment, satisfaction) influence the student learning motivation toward their online learning by 81.2%, 74.6% and 92.5%. Only the intrinsic factor of encouragement is lower than the counterparts (44%). While the influences of extrinsic factors on student learning motivation toward their online learning are classified good; identified regulation (79.85), integrated regulation (77.2%), introjected regulation (73.1%), and external regulation (72.8). Related to amotivation factors, students had no serious amotivation factors in their online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic era. The motivations in online learning are positively correlated with students' curiosities to learn new knowledge and enjoy new learning experiences (intrinsic motivation) and are influenced by regulation and environmental condition (extrinsic motivation).
Aptekmas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
This research is to know teachers’ perceptions on methods of teaching English for classes with mi... more This research is to know teachers’ perceptions on methods of teaching English for classes with mixed-English proficiency students: primary, elementary, intermediate, and advance levels. These methods were some differentiated instructions taught in training to teachers of English as a community service activity which conducted to the teachers of English at Lembaga Bahasa (LB) Bagus Palembang. In this training, the participants learned the methods because they did not get the knowledge in their pre-service teacher training. They only had teaching methods for classes with one level of English proficiency. After they completed the training, they were monitored during the methods application in order to find their perceptions on teaching such class. The data were gathered via observations in the class during the monitoring. The observation data were, then, matched to the data from semi-structured interviews to know the participants’ perception on the methods in their classes. The resea...
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
The purposes of the present study were to know the types of errors found in English sentences con... more The purposes of the present study were to know the types of errors found in English sentences constructed by the students of the English Department at Sriwijaya State Polytechnics. Two hundred pieces of writing written by a hundred students from fifty students in the first year, twenty-five students in the second year, and twenty-five students in the third year of the academic years 2020/2021 were taken as the data of the study. They were collected and analyzed in terms of the grammar errors using the Linguistic Category Taxonomy and the Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The results showed that the most frequently committed errors were omission of articles, third-person singular verb incorrect, the substitution of singulars for plurals, misuse of a-preposition, disagreement of subject and verb, the substitution of simple non-past, use of wrong possessive, omission of the verb to be, simple verb use instead of-ing, and misformation of passive sentences. This errors study provides teachers, syllabus designers, and test developers to determine their way of teaching or materials in the process of language teaching and learning. In addition, the most common errors and the ways to overcome them must be tackled by using various and interesting materials in English Structure textbooks with exercises and skills related to the grammatical errors.
The growth of educational research as one of scientific research has come to the state where the ... more The growth of educational research as one of scientific research has come to the state where the researchers in this field make their studies to generate a model for better educational practices. One of the most outstanding model designs is Research and Development (R&D) Method by Borg & Gall (1983), nevertheless, the widely use of this method prompts a question whether it is the only proper method in educational research. This paper is aimed to discuss in depth the R&D Method in some educational research by comparing the simplified steps and characteristics in those research. This paper also provides some alternatives of model design for educational research in which the usage and its implementation are adjusted in accordance to the research context and researchers characteristics.
The purpose of this study is to test whether the Process Genre Model Approach in teaching English... more The purpose of this study is to test whether the Process Genre Model Approach in teaching English Writing Subject to students of English Department at Sriwjaya State Polytechnic could improve the writing skills of the students. Using an experimental quantitative research method, this study tested the learning model to determine whether the model affected the dependent variable. There were 46 students involved in this study. They were equally divided and grouped into an experiment group and a control group. The experimental treatment was conducted in one semester studying period. The results revealed that the students’ writing skills in experimental classwas 77, while the control classwas 67.7, respectively, this study unveiled that the Process Genre Model was better for the treatment in teaching students’ writing skills for English Department students at Sriwijaya State Polytechnics. This approach also strengthened the field of students’ expertise via the genre model in the learning...
Regarding the English instruction, Yayasan Al-Kahfi Cabang Palembang (YACP) has seven problems. T... more Regarding the English instruction, Yayasan Al-Kahfi Cabang Palembang (YACP) has seven problems. The problems include lack of English teachers, lack of knowledge on young leraners’ characteristics and skills in teaching young learners, limited learning resources (teaching materials and media), teaching focus on vocabularies only, inappropriate teaching materials for young learners, ineffective teaching media, and uninteresting teaching strategies. The assigned community service program aims at providing the teachers with knowledge on young learners’ characteristics and teaching young learners and designing sistematic and contextual teaching materials for young learners in group A (elementary students in years 1, 2, and 3. The program was carried out through discussion and teaching material design. The process of the material design consisted of three main steps: preliminary study, design of teaching material draft, and evaluation and revision of the materials. Through this community ...
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in learning es... more This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in learning essay writing subject to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya Polytechnics. It expected to answers the question: is a blended learning approach effective in improving students’ essay writings compared to traditional approach? It used a quantitative method both in collecting and presenting the gained data. The data were gained from the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups of the participants in learning essay writing. The participants were 44 students whom equally grouped into two groups of learning essay writing: an experimental and a control. The experimental class had a blended learning approach, while the control one had a traditional approach in learning essay writing subject. The results of the tests from the experimental group and the control group were presented in a descriptive form and from the t-test. The findings revealed that it was more...
The purpose of this paper is to illuminate some issues regarding mixed-English proficiency classe... more The purpose of this paper is to illuminate some issues regarding mixed-English proficiency classes for English Language Teaching in the context of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The existing literatures reveals that there are pros and contras of this class in the forms of ways in grouping the students which lead to students’ different learning styles and interest, and teachers’ teaching and learning materials and methodology. Indeed, this English heterogeneous type of class brings potential risks for the students’ achievement. This paper also proposes three most common Differentiated Instruction strategies to engage mixed-English students in EFL teaching and learning processes more effectively.
Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, Dec 11, 2019
Heterogeneous classes, also known as mixed-ability classes, in English competency have been threa... more Heterogeneous classes, also known as mixed-ability classes, in English competency have been threatening to teachers of English at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. The effects of teaching English to the heterogeneous classes at Polytechnic of Sriwijaya have been a calling for this study to provide suggesting solutions for the English teachers in this institution. Using purposive sampling, there were eight teachers of English who participated in this study. They were grouped into teachers of English who taught in: (1) engineering departments; and (2) commerce departments. The collected data via individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that there was frequency in the case of challenges like students' different learning styles and interest, teaching and learning materials as well as its methodology in teaching the heterogeneous classes which, in turned, needed appropriate solutions. The most effective solutions in handling the heterogeneous classes in English learning were applying differentiated instructions, and appropriate classroom management. However, these solutions did not relate to the departments where the teachers of English placed. In fact, student-centered approach is the best strategy in this situation.
The knowledge about English Language Teaching (ELT) methods/approaches will guide the action of t... more The knowledge about English Language Teaching (ELT) methods/approaches will guide the action of teachers of English in classroom. The reasons in choosing the best ELT method/approach will be depended on various factors. However, the ELT method/approach is supposed to facilitate the students to be competence in English. Using the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is aimed to carter the students’ need in communicative competence. Curriculum, students’ needs and facilities are extents to call CLT in ELT at of English Department concentration in tourism and hospitality industry. Keywords: English Language Teaching, Communicative Language Teaching. __________________________________________________________________________ Abstrak Pengetahuan tentang metode/pendekatan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (English Language Teaching/ELT) akan memandu kegiatan guru bahasa Inggris di kelas. Alasan menggunakan metode/pendekatan terbaik dalam ELT tergantung pada berbagai faktor. Namun, metode it...
Edukasi: jurnal pendidikan dan pengajaran, May 15, 2022
This study detailed the impacts of English on products branding from customers" point of view. It... more This study detailed the impacts of English on products branding from customers" point of view. It was limited in food, electronics, and garment as the three most traded products in Palembang city as one of the five biggest trading cities in Indonesia. Using a qualitative method with individual and focus group interviews for data collecting techniques, there were 15 participants involved in individual interviews and 30 participants in a focus group interview. Due to physical restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic era, the interviews were conducted online with semi-structured interview questions. The collected data were analysed using thematic analysis to unveil customers" perception in the terms of popularity, purchasing interest, sales and revenue, business competition, curiosity, vocabulary, a symbol of modernity, and prestige toward products with English branding. It was revealed that the use of English on product branding highly impacted popularity, business competition, buyers" curiosity, vocabulary, and the symbol of modernity of the users of the object products. Interestingly, electronics products were not affected by the use of English branding on purchasing interest, sales and revenue, and prestige, whereas food and garment products were. The English branding impacted the prestige of the customers only for garment products. Therefore, it is recommendable that certain products make use of English labelling for better recognition and acceptability in public.
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
Student learning motivation is an important factor to produce high-quality graduates. It can grow... more Student learning motivation is an important factor to produce high-quality graduates. It can grow from the inside of themselves (intrinsic) or it occurs because of from outside the students (extrinsic). This study was aimed to reveal both students' intrinsic and extrinsic factors toward their motivation in online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic era. The sudden transformation from offline learning to online one in Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, presents internal and external motivation factors of the students. Using random sampling, there were 922 students participated in a survey questionnaire. The collected data were analysed using Self-Determination Theory of Deci and Ryan (1985). It was revealed that the intrinsic factors (interest, enjoyment, satisfaction) influence the student learning motivation toward their online learning by 81.2%, 74.6% and 92.5%. Only the intrinsic factor of encouragement is lower than the counterparts (44%). While the influences of extrinsic factors on student learning motivation toward their online learning are classified good; identified regulation (79.85), integrated regulation (77.2%), introjected regulation (73.1%), and external regulation (72.8). Related to amotivation factors, students had no serious amotivation factors in their online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic era. The motivations in online learning are positively correlated with students' curiosities to learn new knowledge and enjoy new learning experiences (intrinsic motivation) and are influenced by regulation and environmental condition (extrinsic motivation).
Aptekmas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
This research is to know teachers’ perceptions on methods of teaching English for classes with mi... more This research is to know teachers’ perceptions on methods of teaching English for classes with mixed-English proficiency students: primary, elementary, intermediate, and advance levels. These methods were some differentiated instructions taught in training to teachers of English as a community service activity which conducted to the teachers of English at Lembaga Bahasa (LB) Bagus Palembang. In this training, the participants learned the methods because they did not get the knowledge in their pre-service teacher training. They only had teaching methods for classes with one level of English proficiency. After they completed the training, they were monitored during the methods application in order to find their perceptions on teaching such class. The data were gathered via observations in the class during the monitoring. The observation data were, then, matched to the data from semi-structured interviews to know the participants’ perception on the methods in their classes. The resea...
Proceedings of the 5th FIRST T3 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T3 2021), 2022
The purposes of the present study were to know the types of errors found in English sentences con... more The purposes of the present study were to know the types of errors found in English sentences constructed by the students of the English Department at Sriwijaya State Polytechnics. Two hundred pieces of writing written by a hundred students from fifty students in the first year, twenty-five students in the second year, and twenty-five students in the third year of the academic years 2020/2021 were taken as the data of the study. They were collected and analyzed in terms of the grammar errors using the Linguistic Category Taxonomy and the Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The results showed that the most frequently committed errors were omission of articles, third-person singular verb incorrect, the substitution of singulars for plurals, misuse of a-preposition, disagreement of subject and verb, the substitution of simple non-past, use of wrong possessive, omission of the verb to be, simple verb use instead of-ing, and misformation of passive sentences. This errors study provides teachers, syllabus designers, and test developers to determine their way of teaching or materials in the process of language teaching and learning. In addition, the most common errors and the ways to overcome them must be tackled by using various and interesting materials in English Structure textbooks with exercises and skills related to the grammatical errors.
The growth of educational research as one of scientific research has come to the state where the ... more The growth of educational research as one of scientific research has come to the state where the researchers in this field make their studies to generate a model for better educational practices. One of the most outstanding model designs is Research and Development (R&D) Method by Borg & Gall (1983), nevertheless, the widely use of this method prompts a question whether it is the only proper method in educational research. This paper is aimed to discuss in depth the R&D Method in some educational research by comparing the simplified steps and characteristics in those research. This paper also provides some alternatives of model design for educational research in which the usage and its implementation are adjusted in accordance to the research context and researchers characteristics.
The purpose of this study is to test whether the Process Genre Model Approach in teaching English... more The purpose of this study is to test whether the Process Genre Model Approach in teaching English Writing Subject to students of English Department at Sriwjaya State Polytechnic could improve the writing skills of the students. Using an experimental quantitative research method, this study tested the learning model to determine whether the model affected the dependent variable. There were 46 students involved in this study. They were equally divided and grouped into an experiment group and a control group. The experimental treatment was conducted in one semester studying period. The results revealed that the students’ writing skills in experimental classwas 77, while the control classwas 67.7, respectively, this study unveiled that the Process Genre Model was better for the treatment in teaching students’ writing skills for English Department students at Sriwijaya State Polytechnics. This approach also strengthened the field of students’ expertise via the genre model in the learning...
Regarding the English instruction, Yayasan Al-Kahfi Cabang Palembang (YACP) has seven problems. T... more Regarding the English instruction, Yayasan Al-Kahfi Cabang Palembang (YACP) has seven problems. The problems include lack of English teachers, lack of knowledge on young leraners’ characteristics and skills in teaching young learners, limited learning resources (teaching materials and media), teaching focus on vocabularies only, inappropriate teaching materials for young learners, ineffective teaching media, and uninteresting teaching strategies. The assigned community service program aims at providing the teachers with knowledge on young learners’ characteristics and teaching young learners and designing sistematic and contextual teaching materials for young learners in group A (elementary students in years 1, 2, and 3. The program was carried out through discussion and teaching material design. The process of the material design consisted of three main steps: preliminary study, design of teaching material draft, and evaluation and revision of the materials. Through this community ...
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in learning es... more This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in learning essay writing subject to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya Polytechnics. It expected to answers the question: is a blended learning approach effective in improving students’ essay writings compared to traditional approach? It used a quantitative method both in collecting and presenting the gained data. The data were gained from the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups of the participants in learning essay writing. The participants were 44 students whom equally grouped into two groups of learning essay writing: an experimental and a control. The experimental class had a blended learning approach, while the control one had a traditional approach in learning essay writing subject. The results of the tests from the experimental group and the control group were presented in a descriptive form and from the t-test. The findings revealed that it was more...
The purpose of this paper is to illuminate some issues regarding mixed-English proficiency classe... more The purpose of this paper is to illuminate some issues regarding mixed-English proficiency classes for English Language Teaching in the context of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The existing literatures reveals that there are pros and contras of this class in the forms of ways in grouping the students which lead to students’ different learning styles and interest, and teachers’ teaching and learning materials and methodology. Indeed, this English heterogeneous type of class brings potential risks for the students’ achievement. This paper also proposes three most common Differentiated Instruction strategies to engage mixed-English students in EFL teaching and learning processes more effectively.
Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, Dec 11, 2019
Heterogeneous classes, also known as mixed-ability classes, in English competency have been threa... more Heterogeneous classes, also known as mixed-ability classes, in English competency have been threatening to teachers of English at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. The effects of teaching English to the heterogeneous classes at Polytechnic of Sriwijaya have been a calling for this study to provide suggesting solutions for the English teachers in this institution. Using purposive sampling, there were eight teachers of English who participated in this study. They were grouped into teachers of English who taught in: (1) engineering departments; and (2) commerce departments. The collected data via individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that there was frequency in the case of challenges like students' different learning styles and interest, teaching and learning materials as well as its methodology in teaching the heterogeneous classes which, in turned, needed appropriate solutions. The most effective solutions in handling the heterogeneous classes in English learning were applying differentiated instructions, and appropriate classroom management. However, these solutions did not relate to the departments where the teachers of English placed. In fact, student-centered approach is the best strategy in this situation.
Papers by Sri Gustiani