The aim of this study was to know coastal line change at south Pamekasan using remote sensing dat... more The aim of this study was to know coastal line change at south Pamekasan using remote sensing data. Coastal line change has been analyzed by using multi-temporal data obtained from Landsat Series Satellite (TM and ETM+) 1989 and 2000.Visual interpretation of RGB 542 and other combination were done to identify coastal line. Based on analysis of Landsat data, we noted that length of the coastal lines reduced 483.88 m Based on analysis of Landsat data, we have noted that length of the coastal lines reduced 483.88 m in the period 11 years (1989-2000) or 43.989 m per year. The abrasion has done at south coast of Pamekasan.
ABSTRACT The use of Rooibos shoots, a natural adsorbent, for cadmium removal from wastewater is p... more ABSTRACT The use of Rooibos shoots, a natural adsorbent, for cadmium removal from wastewater is proposed. The effects of initial pH, adsorbent dosage, contact time, and initial concentration were investigated in the batch adsorption mode. The optimum pH was found to be 5.5. Isotherm and kinetic data were modeled; the data fitted best to the Freundlich model, and, kinetically, the adsorption was of pseudo-second order as shown by the high R2 value of 0.9928 along with close agreement between the experimental qe (13.9 mg g ¡1) and calculated qe (14.24 mg g ¡1) values. The studied biomass material was found to be effectively used for removal of cadmium from contaminated mine wastewater.
Science and mathematics as proponents for sustainable future. The Fourth International Conference and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences (4th ICOWOBAS) and Regional Annual Fundamental Science Symposium 2013 (11th RAFSS), Johor, Malaysia, 2-5 September 2013, 2013
Seagrass beds are flowering plants that live on the seabed. Seagrass provides a habitat for diver... more Seagrass beds are flowering plants that live on the seabed. Seagrass provides a habitat for diverse flora and fauna, spawning ground, nursery ground, raising ground, and feeding ground. Balanan Resort-Baluran National Park has many beaches, such as Kajang Beach, Si Banjir Beach, Kakapa Beach, and Serondo Beach. This study was aimed to determine species composition, seagrass dominated, and the diversity index of seagrass and substrate in Resort Balanan-Baluran National Park. This research was carried out in Kajang Beach, Sibanjir Beach, Kakapa Beach, and Sirondo Beach from August to September 2015 using belt transect method, each transect consists of 15 plots (19 transects = 285 plots) and using the frame of 1x1 m. This research found seven genera and ten species : Cymodoce (C rotundata and C. serrulata), Syringodium (S. isoelifolium), Thallassodendron (T. ciliatum), Enhalus (E. acoroides) , Halodule (H. univernis and H. pinifolia), Halophila (H. ovalis and H. decipiens), and Thalassia (T. hemprichii). The diversity index of seagrass bed was moderate [H'=1.90] in Balanan Resort. The substrate of seagrass bed was mud, gravel, sand, clay sand and rubble in Balanan Resort. The dominance index was near zero [C = 0.194], that means no dominant species.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The purpose of this study is to know and locate the distribution of open defecation houses in Eas... more The purpose of this study is to know and locate the distribution of open defecation houses in East Surabaya of Surabaya City, Indonesia. Both of secondary and primary data are required for this research, the secondary data consist of the number of OD houses in East Surabaya and basic map of Surabaya City. Primary data consist of field survey OD houses of legal and illegal status. Mapping is conducted with mapping software based on geographical information system. The result of this research proves that there are 1.083 OD houses in East Surabaya and it is equally distributed throughout East Surabaya. The most OD sub-district (Kelurahan) is Gubeng with approximately 319 houses while the least is Kelurahan Tambaksari with 23 houses.
Community Partnership Program (PKM) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Air... more Community Partnership Program (PKM) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University with partners of housewives in Keputih Timur Water Pump has conducted community empowerment activities aimed at overcoming partner problems, namely low levels of knowledge of the mothers of the community towards vegetable processing and no additional income as well. The community emporement team acts as an instructor in providing training. In the first phase of the training that had been carried out was training on food preservation and making sweets of carrot, chili, tomato and star fruit vegetables. The training is conducted by lecturing and discussion. To evaluate the implementation of activities in the form of pretest and posttest, as well as the practice of making sweets. The pretest and postest was given after delivery of the material given. The success of socialization is determined by the increase in value between the pretest and posttest
This study aims to determine the distribution patterns and the presence makrobenthos adaptive to ... more This study aims to determine the distribution patterns and the presence makrobenthos adaptive to extreme temperatures in the stream of hot water Cangar in March-April 2014. This is a descriptive study conducted by taking samples at each temperature difference makrobenthos then grouped with a temperature range of 5°C using Surber net . Samples were analyzed for the presence of makrobenthos, species names, character, distribution patterns and the effect of temperature on the number of species found in stream of hot water Cangar. The highest temperature range found in streams of hot water Cangar is 70°C, but has also the lowest temperature is 18oC at a location away from the hot springs. Makrobenthos species are found as many as 10 species are Brotia testudinaria, Thiara scabra, Melanoides rustica, Melanoides tuberculata, Melanoides punctata, Thiara pantherina, Melanoides plicaria, Stenomelania blatta, Sulcospira testudinaria, Pomacea canaliculata. Makrobenthos highest number found in ...
Pengolahan sampah di Indonesia masih bertumpu pada konsep end-of-pipe, yaitu dengan mengubur samp... more Pengolahan sampah di Indonesia masih bertumpu pada konsep end-of-pipe, yaitu dengan mengubur sampah di area TPA atau dikenal dengan istilah landfill. Kegiatan tersebut menyebabkan tanah berpotensi tercemar oleh lindi, terutama jika TPA berada di daerah dengan curah hujan dan muka air tanahnya tinggi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencemaran lindi menjadi permasalahan yang umum terjadi di TPA di Indonesia. Hal itu sangat berbahaya karena secara umum, lindi sampah mengandung zat berbahaya seperti Cd, Zn, Cr, Hg, dan Ni (Freeze, 1979). Potensi pencemaran oleh lindi dapat diminimalkan dengan melakukan pengolahan yang tepat didasarkan atas kualitas dan kuantitas dari lindi di suatu TPA. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi lindi di sebuah TPA sebagai data primer untuk merancang teknologi pengolahan yang tepat. Karakter fisik-kimia adalah suhu, TDS, TSS, pH, Fe,Mn, Ba, Cu, Zn, Cr6+, Cr tot, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn, As, Se, Ni, Co, CN, H2S, Fluoride, Cl2, NH3-N,...
This study aims to determine the content of heavy metals from waste landfill leachate Klotok Kedi... more This study aims to determine the content of heavy metals from waste landfill leachate Klotok Kediri. Samples using leachate from the leachate treatment plant with a collection type is composite sample. Sampling point means S 07°49.017' E 111°494', S 07°49.020' E 111°492', S 07°49.023' E 111°493' and S 07°49.023' E 111°492'. Sampling was conducted in July-September 2013, in dry season. Heavy metal analysis performed using AAS. The results, found heavy metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr 6+ , Cr tot, Cd, Hg, Pb, Ni, Co, CN, As, Se and Sn. The heavy metal concentrations are respectively 2.010; 0.967; 0,040; 0,040; -1 . Metal concentrations were then compared with the appropriate quality standards Decree Head of BAPEDAL No. KEP/04/BAPEDAL/09/1995, showing the only Se was beyond the quality standard. The conclusion, this study was found 15 types of metals from landfill leachate Klotok Kediri. Metal concentration have beyond the quality standard is Se, which is 1.164...
This study aims to determine the type macrobenthos , makrobenthos abundance , and diversity macro... more This study aims to determine the type macrobenthos , makrobenthos abundance , and diversity macrobenthos Cangar River. This is a descriptive study. Samples were taken at 35 stations on the River Cangar using Surber net. Samples were analyzed to determine the species name, character, abundance, species diversity value, dominance Cangar River. Macrobenthos species were obtained from the study site as much as 5 species, namely Melanoides tuberculata, Melanoides rustica, Sulcospira testudinaria, Thiara scabra, Pomacea canaliculata. Diversity of species at each station varies from 0.11 to 1.09. Concluded Species diversity is low. Macrobenthos species in the Cangar River obtained five species , the highest diversity tends to station 32 .
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2012
ABSTRACT Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina has not been found in the wild for the last 70 yr in the St... more ABSTRACT Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina has not been found in the wild for the last 70 yr in the State of São Paulo and, therefore, wild populations of this native orchid are thought to be extinct. This investigation studied seed storage at a low temperature, in vitro germination, and seedling development of H. cinnabarina in order to establish an optimized protocol for propagation, and thus assure species conservation. Seeds of different ages were incubated on Knudson C (KC), Murashige and Skoog, and Vacin and Went media with or without 1 μM of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and exposed to either 12 or 16 h of light (30 μmolm−2s−1 at 26±2°C). Seed surface sterilization was deleterious to 3-mo-old seeds and severely reduced the viability of the 4-mo-old seeds. More mature seeds were not affected by the sterilization procedure. In general, the germination of 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-mo-old seeds increased when BA was added to the culture medium especially under 16 h of light. Germination rates were highest with 8- and 9-mo-old seeds, and application of BA failed to enhance germination rates further. Developmental studies revealed that this cytokinin reduced seed and protocorm mortality rates; however, protocorm development was negatively affected in its presence. Seedling development was more pronounced when KC medium with 16 h of light was used. Long-term seed storage at 4°C did not provide promising results. The protocol described in this study proved to be efficient and relevant to in vitro seed germination and initial development of H. cinnabarina, and thus will contribute to conservation of this orchid species.
Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan varietas baru dapat melalui mutasi induksi dengan menggunakan m... more Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan varietas baru dapat melalui mutasi induksi dengan menggunakan mutagen kimia dan mutagen fisiko Hutagen fisik yang umum digunakan adalah energi sinar -X, neutron dan sinar gamma ( Welsh, 1991 ). Sinar gamma dapat menimbulkan perubahan -perubahan sifat pada tanaman yaitu sifat genetik, fisiologi dan morfologi (Gaul, 1970). Kedelai ( Glycine max (L) Herill ) adalah komoditas penting di Indonesia karena merupakan sumber protein yang termurah bagi masyarakat dan bergizi tinggi Kandungan asam amino dalam kedelai rata-rata tinggi kecuali metionin.Selain itu kedelai juga mengandung kalsium,fosfor, besi, vitamin A dan B yang berguna bagi metabolisme dan kesehatan sistem saraf. (Suprapto, 1993). Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menjawab permasalahan : Apakah radiasi sinar gamma Co-50 mempengaruhi morfologi tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merill) dan kandungan asam amino ? Asumsi yang digunakan adalah bahwa radiasi sinar gammma Co-50 adalah mutagen fisik yang d...
Ekologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mencoba menjelaskan interaksi makhluk hidup dan lingkungann... more Ekologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mencoba menjelaskan interaksi makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya pada saat ini memepunyai peranan sangat penting dan dibutuhkan.
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education
Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure a... more Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure at Bama Resort and in the past two decades has been lost about 35% area of mangrove forest in Indonesia and in the worldThe aims of this study was to find structure, composition, distribution and zonation patterns of mangroves at Bama Resort Baluran Nasional Park. Ten belt-transects were laid perpendicular to the shoreline, using standard methods. Vegetation structure was determined using data collected on plant species diversity, density, basal area, and the number of each species of mangroves. Shannon Wiener index to calculated diversity, evennes and Simpson to calculated dominance index. The results show there are 2 families and 6 mangrove species occurring in the study areas that is Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Ceriops tagal) and Araceae (Nypa fruticans). The highest importance value was R. apiculata (229.90...
1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data inderaja tidak terdapat perubahan jumlah jenis mangrove di Del... more 1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data inderaja tidak terdapat perubahan jumlah jenis mangrove di Delta Brantas dari tahun 1996 sampai 2001, yaitu tetap ada dua jenis A. marina dan S. caseolaris. 2. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja terjadi perluasan kawasan mangrove di Delta Brantas dari tahun 1996 sampai tahun 2001 sebesar 7.437,82 ha. 3. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja, luas mangrove di P. Lohgung Lamongan 6.600,78 ha, di Delta Brantas 17.775,18 ha, di P. Desa Tepos Situbondo 17,19 ha, an di T.N. Baluran 143,82 ha. 4. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja jenis mangrove yang tersebar di pantura Jatim adalah Rhizophora slylosa, Rhizophora apiculala, Sonneratia caseolaris dan Avicennia marina. Pada lokasi pantai abrasi dijumpai jenis mangrove Rhizophora apiculala, pada lokasi pantai akresi Sonneratia caseolaris dan Avicennia marina, sedang di pantai stabil Rhizophora slylosa dan Rhizophora apiculata. 5. Ketelitian pemetaan untuk identifikasi mangrove di atas 80% (P. Lohgung Lamongan 99,7...
The mercury contaminated seawater can pollute fish pond. Bioremediation is an effective process f... more The mercury contaminated seawater can pollute fish pond. Bioremediation is an effective process for the removal and recovery of mercury (II) from seawater using organism as an agent of biological degradation. The aim of this study was to know the optimum contact time and concentrations of the Skeletonema costatum cell inoculation on the bioremediation in mercury (II) contaminated seawater. This study has used the concentrations of the cell inoculation (5000; 10000; and 15000 cells/mL), the mercury (II) (0; 0.5; 1; and 2 mg/L), the contact time (24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours), and its replicated five times. The maximum bioremediation capacity of mercury (II) was 2 mg/L at 15 000 cells/mL and contact time 96 hours, with bioremediation efficiency 86.83%. Diatom Skeletonema costatum was efficient at removing 2 mg/L mercury (II) 79.5% for 5 000 cells/L at 72 hours, 83.3 % for 10 000 cells/L at 72 hours and 85% for 15 000 cells/L at 72 hours. The optimum contact time and concentrations of...
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education
Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure a... more Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure at Bama Resort and in the past two decades has been lost about 35% area of mangrove forest in Indonesia and in the worldThe aims of this study was to find structure, composition, distribution and zonation patterns of mangroves at Bama Resort Baluran Nasional Park. Ten belt-transects were laid perpendicular to the shoreline, using standard methods. Vegetation structure was determined using data collected on plant species diversity, density, basal area, and the number of each species of mangroves. Shannon Wiener index to calculated diversity, evennes and Simpson to calculated dominance index. The results show there are 2 families and 6 mangrove species occurring in the study areas that is Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Ceriops tagal) and Araceae (Nypa fruticans). The highest importance value was R. apiculata (229.90...
Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability
The heavy metals that polluted sea water can end up polluting fish pond too. Hence, it is necessa... more The heavy metals that polluted sea water can end up polluting fish pond too. Hence, it is necessary to remove the heavy metals before sea water enters the fish pond. The aim of this study was to know the growth, remediation ability, and the highest of removal efficiency of marine diatom Skeletonema costatum in the lead (Pb(II)) and cadmium (Cd(II)) solution. This study used 3 x 4 factorial design, i.e. concentrations of the cell inoculation (5000 cells mL-1; 10000 cells mL-1; and 15000 cells mL-1) and concentrations of Pb(II) and Cd(II) (0; 0.5; 1; and 2 ppm), replicated five times. During five day exposure time, the cell density was observed daily using a microscope (400X), while filtrate of media was analyzed using AAS. The result showed that S. costatum could grow in Pb(II) and Cd(II) at 2 ppm, and could remediate Pb(II) and Cd(II) at 2 ppm. The highest removal efficiency of marine diatom S. costatum in Pb(II) solution was 80.5% (5000 cells mL-1 at 2 ppm on the first day), and in...
In this work, the cadmium adsorption capacity of abundant algae waste was investigated. The exper... more In this work, the cadmium adsorption capacity of abundant algae waste was investigated. The experiments in this work used batch mode adsorption. The parameters process studied were pH, adsorbent dosage and contact time. The values of pH studied were in the range of 2 to 7, the values of adsorbent dosage were in the range of 0.1 to 2 g while the contact time were in the range of 5 to 240 minutes. The results obtained showed that cadmium adsorption capacity was favored by increasing pH, dosage adsorbent and contact time. From the results obtained it can be concluded that algae was a promising adsorbent for cadmium sequestration from aqueous solution.
The aim of this study was to know coastal line change at south Pamekasan using remote sensing dat... more The aim of this study was to know coastal line change at south Pamekasan using remote sensing data. Coastal line change has been analyzed by using multi-temporal data obtained from Landsat Series Satellite (TM and ETM+) 1989 and 2000.Visual interpretation of RGB 542 and other combination were done to identify coastal line. Based on analysis of Landsat data, we noted that length of the coastal lines reduced 483.88 m Based on analysis of Landsat data, we have noted that length of the coastal lines reduced 483.88 m in the period 11 years (1989-2000) or 43.989 m per year. The abrasion has done at south coast of Pamekasan.
ABSTRACT The use of Rooibos shoots, a natural adsorbent, for cadmium removal from wastewater is p... more ABSTRACT The use of Rooibos shoots, a natural adsorbent, for cadmium removal from wastewater is proposed. The effects of initial pH, adsorbent dosage, contact time, and initial concentration were investigated in the batch adsorption mode. The optimum pH was found to be 5.5. Isotherm and kinetic data were modeled; the data fitted best to the Freundlich model, and, kinetically, the adsorption was of pseudo-second order as shown by the high R2 value of 0.9928 along with close agreement between the experimental qe (13.9 mg g ¡1) and calculated qe (14.24 mg g ¡1) values. The studied biomass material was found to be effectively used for removal of cadmium from contaminated mine wastewater.
Science and mathematics as proponents for sustainable future. The Fourth International Conference and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences (4th ICOWOBAS) and Regional Annual Fundamental Science Symposium 2013 (11th RAFSS), Johor, Malaysia, 2-5 September 2013, 2013
Seagrass beds are flowering plants that live on the seabed. Seagrass provides a habitat for diver... more Seagrass beds are flowering plants that live on the seabed. Seagrass provides a habitat for diverse flora and fauna, spawning ground, nursery ground, raising ground, and feeding ground. Balanan Resort-Baluran National Park has many beaches, such as Kajang Beach, Si Banjir Beach, Kakapa Beach, and Serondo Beach. This study was aimed to determine species composition, seagrass dominated, and the diversity index of seagrass and substrate in Resort Balanan-Baluran National Park. This research was carried out in Kajang Beach, Sibanjir Beach, Kakapa Beach, and Sirondo Beach from August to September 2015 using belt transect method, each transect consists of 15 plots (19 transects = 285 plots) and using the frame of 1x1 m. This research found seven genera and ten species : Cymodoce (C rotundata and C. serrulata), Syringodium (S. isoelifolium), Thallassodendron (T. ciliatum), Enhalus (E. acoroides) , Halodule (H. univernis and H. pinifolia), Halophila (H. ovalis and H. decipiens), and Thalassia (T. hemprichii). The diversity index of seagrass bed was moderate [H'=1.90] in Balanan Resort. The substrate of seagrass bed was mud, gravel, sand, clay sand and rubble in Balanan Resort. The dominance index was near zero [C = 0.194], that means no dominant species.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The purpose of this study is to know and locate the distribution of open defecation houses in Eas... more The purpose of this study is to know and locate the distribution of open defecation houses in East Surabaya of Surabaya City, Indonesia. Both of secondary and primary data are required for this research, the secondary data consist of the number of OD houses in East Surabaya and basic map of Surabaya City. Primary data consist of field survey OD houses of legal and illegal status. Mapping is conducted with mapping software based on geographical information system. The result of this research proves that there are 1.083 OD houses in East Surabaya and it is equally distributed throughout East Surabaya. The most OD sub-district (Kelurahan) is Gubeng with approximately 319 houses while the least is Kelurahan Tambaksari with 23 houses.
Community Partnership Program (PKM) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Air... more Community Partnership Program (PKM) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University with partners of housewives in Keputih Timur Water Pump has conducted community empowerment activities aimed at overcoming partner problems, namely low levels of knowledge of the mothers of the community towards vegetable processing and no additional income as well. The community emporement team acts as an instructor in providing training. In the first phase of the training that had been carried out was training on food preservation and making sweets of carrot, chili, tomato and star fruit vegetables. The training is conducted by lecturing and discussion. To evaluate the implementation of activities in the form of pretest and posttest, as well as the practice of making sweets. The pretest and postest was given after delivery of the material given. The success of socialization is determined by the increase in value between the pretest and posttest
This study aims to determine the distribution patterns and the presence makrobenthos adaptive to ... more This study aims to determine the distribution patterns and the presence makrobenthos adaptive to extreme temperatures in the stream of hot water Cangar in March-April 2014. This is a descriptive study conducted by taking samples at each temperature difference makrobenthos then grouped with a temperature range of 5°C using Surber net . Samples were analyzed for the presence of makrobenthos, species names, character, distribution patterns and the effect of temperature on the number of species found in stream of hot water Cangar. The highest temperature range found in streams of hot water Cangar is 70°C, but has also the lowest temperature is 18oC at a location away from the hot springs. Makrobenthos species are found as many as 10 species are Brotia testudinaria, Thiara scabra, Melanoides rustica, Melanoides tuberculata, Melanoides punctata, Thiara pantherina, Melanoides plicaria, Stenomelania blatta, Sulcospira testudinaria, Pomacea canaliculata. Makrobenthos highest number found in ...
Pengolahan sampah di Indonesia masih bertumpu pada konsep end-of-pipe, yaitu dengan mengubur samp... more Pengolahan sampah di Indonesia masih bertumpu pada konsep end-of-pipe, yaitu dengan mengubur sampah di area TPA atau dikenal dengan istilah landfill. Kegiatan tersebut menyebabkan tanah berpotensi tercemar oleh lindi, terutama jika TPA berada di daerah dengan curah hujan dan muka air tanahnya tinggi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencemaran lindi menjadi permasalahan yang umum terjadi di TPA di Indonesia. Hal itu sangat berbahaya karena secara umum, lindi sampah mengandung zat berbahaya seperti Cd, Zn, Cr, Hg, dan Ni (Freeze, 1979). Potensi pencemaran oleh lindi dapat diminimalkan dengan melakukan pengolahan yang tepat didasarkan atas kualitas dan kuantitas dari lindi di suatu TPA. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi lindi di sebuah TPA sebagai data primer untuk merancang teknologi pengolahan yang tepat. Karakter fisik-kimia adalah suhu, TDS, TSS, pH, Fe,Mn, Ba, Cu, Zn, Cr6+, Cr tot, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn, As, Se, Ni, Co, CN, H2S, Fluoride, Cl2, NH3-N,...
This study aims to determine the content of heavy metals from waste landfill leachate Klotok Kedi... more This study aims to determine the content of heavy metals from waste landfill leachate Klotok Kediri. Samples using leachate from the leachate treatment plant with a collection type is composite sample. Sampling point means S 07°49.017' E 111°494', S 07°49.020' E 111°492', S 07°49.023' E 111°493' and S 07°49.023' E 111°492'. Sampling was conducted in July-September 2013, in dry season. Heavy metal analysis performed using AAS. The results, found heavy metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr 6+ , Cr tot, Cd, Hg, Pb, Ni, Co, CN, As, Se and Sn. The heavy metal concentrations are respectively 2.010; 0.967; 0,040; 0,040; -1 . Metal concentrations were then compared with the appropriate quality standards Decree Head of BAPEDAL No. KEP/04/BAPEDAL/09/1995, showing the only Se was beyond the quality standard. The conclusion, this study was found 15 types of metals from landfill leachate Klotok Kediri. Metal concentration have beyond the quality standard is Se, which is 1.164...
This study aims to determine the type macrobenthos , makrobenthos abundance , and diversity macro... more This study aims to determine the type macrobenthos , makrobenthos abundance , and diversity macrobenthos Cangar River. This is a descriptive study. Samples were taken at 35 stations on the River Cangar using Surber net. Samples were analyzed to determine the species name, character, abundance, species diversity value, dominance Cangar River. Macrobenthos species were obtained from the study site as much as 5 species, namely Melanoides tuberculata, Melanoides rustica, Sulcospira testudinaria, Thiara scabra, Pomacea canaliculata. Diversity of species at each station varies from 0.11 to 1.09. Concluded Species diversity is low. Macrobenthos species in the Cangar River obtained five species , the highest diversity tends to station 32 .
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2012
ABSTRACT Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina has not been found in the wild for the last 70 yr in the St... more ABSTRACT Hoffmannseggella cinnabarina has not been found in the wild for the last 70 yr in the State of São Paulo and, therefore, wild populations of this native orchid are thought to be extinct. This investigation studied seed storage at a low temperature, in vitro germination, and seedling development of H. cinnabarina in order to establish an optimized protocol for propagation, and thus assure species conservation. Seeds of different ages were incubated on Knudson C (KC), Murashige and Skoog, and Vacin and Went media with or without 1 μM of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and exposed to either 12 or 16 h of light (30 μmolm−2s−1 at 26±2°C). Seed surface sterilization was deleterious to 3-mo-old seeds and severely reduced the viability of the 4-mo-old seeds. More mature seeds were not affected by the sterilization procedure. In general, the germination of 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-mo-old seeds increased when BA was added to the culture medium especially under 16 h of light. Germination rates were highest with 8- and 9-mo-old seeds, and application of BA failed to enhance germination rates further. Developmental studies revealed that this cytokinin reduced seed and protocorm mortality rates; however, protocorm development was negatively affected in its presence. Seedling development was more pronounced when KC medium with 16 h of light was used. Long-term seed storage at 4°C did not provide promising results. The protocol described in this study proved to be efficient and relevant to in vitro seed germination and initial development of H. cinnabarina, and thus will contribute to conservation of this orchid species.
Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan varietas baru dapat melalui mutasi induksi dengan menggunakan m... more Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan varietas baru dapat melalui mutasi induksi dengan menggunakan mutagen kimia dan mutagen fisiko Hutagen fisik yang umum digunakan adalah energi sinar -X, neutron dan sinar gamma ( Welsh, 1991 ). Sinar gamma dapat menimbulkan perubahan -perubahan sifat pada tanaman yaitu sifat genetik, fisiologi dan morfologi (Gaul, 1970). Kedelai ( Glycine max (L) Herill ) adalah komoditas penting di Indonesia karena merupakan sumber protein yang termurah bagi masyarakat dan bergizi tinggi Kandungan asam amino dalam kedelai rata-rata tinggi kecuali metionin.Selain itu kedelai juga mengandung kalsium,fosfor, besi, vitamin A dan B yang berguna bagi metabolisme dan kesehatan sistem saraf. (Suprapto, 1993). Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menjawab permasalahan : Apakah radiasi sinar gamma Co-50 mempengaruhi morfologi tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merill) dan kandungan asam amino ? Asumsi yang digunakan adalah bahwa radiasi sinar gammma Co-50 adalah mutagen fisik yang d...
Ekologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mencoba menjelaskan interaksi makhluk hidup dan lingkungann... more Ekologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mencoba menjelaskan interaksi makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya pada saat ini memepunyai peranan sangat penting dan dibutuhkan.
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education
Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure a... more Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure at Bama Resort and in the past two decades has been lost about 35% area of mangrove forest in Indonesia and in the worldThe aims of this study was to find structure, composition, distribution and zonation patterns of mangroves at Bama Resort Baluran Nasional Park. Ten belt-transects were laid perpendicular to the shoreline, using standard methods. Vegetation structure was determined using data collected on plant species diversity, density, basal area, and the number of each species of mangroves. Shannon Wiener index to calculated diversity, evennes and Simpson to calculated dominance index. The results show there are 2 families and 6 mangrove species occurring in the study areas that is Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Ceriops tagal) and Araceae (Nypa fruticans). The highest importance value was R. apiculata (229.90...
1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data inderaja tidak terdapat perubahan jumlah jenis mangrove di Del... more 1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data inderaja tidak terdapat perubahan jumlah jenis mangrove di Delta Brantas dari tahun 1996 sampai 2001, yaitu tetap ada dua jenis A. marina dan S. caseolaris. 2. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja terjadi perluasan kawasan mangrove di Delta Brantas dari tahun 1996 sampai tahun 2001 sebesar 7.437,82 ha. 3. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja, luas mangrove di P. Lohgung Lamongan 6.600,78 ha, di Delta Brantas 17.775,18 ha, di P. Desa Tepos Situbondo 17,19 ha, an di T.N. Baluran 143,82 ha. 4. Dari hasil analisis data inderaja jenis mangrove yang tersebar di pantura Jatim adalah Rhizophora slylosa, Rhizophora apiculala, Sonneratia caseolaris dan Avicennia marina. Pada lokasi pantai abrasi dijumpai jenis mangrove Rhizophora apiculala, pada lokasi pantai akresi Sonneratia caseolaris dan Avicennia marina, sedang di pantai stabil Rhizophora slylosa dan Rhizophora apiculata. 5. Ketelitian pemetaan untuk identifikasi mangrove di atas 80% (P. Lohgung Lamongan 99,7...
The mercury contaminated seawater can pollute fish pond. Bioremediation is an effective process f... more The mercury contaminated seawater can pollute fish pond. Bioremediation is an effective process for the removal and recovery of mercury (II) from seawater using organism as an agent of biological degradation. The aim of this study was to know the optimum contact time and concentrations of the Skeletonema costatum cell inoculation on the bioremediation in mercury (II) contaminated seawater. This study has used the concentrations of the cell inoculation (5000; 10000; and 15000 cells/mL), the mercury (II) (0; 0.5; 1; and 2 mg/L), the contact time (24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours), and its replicated five times. The maximum bioremediation capacity of mercury (II) was 2 mg/L at 15 000 cells/mL and contact time 96 hours, with bioremediation efficiency 86.83%. Diatom Skeletonema costatum was efficient at removing 2 mg/L mercury (II) 79.5% for 5 000 cells/L at 72 hours, 83.3 % for 10 000 cells/L at 72 hours and 85% for 15 000 cells/L at 72 hours. The optimum contact time and concentrations of...
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education
Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure a... more Ecotourism development program at Bama beaches area require baseline data of mangrove structure at Bama Resort and in the past two decades has been lost about 35% area of mangrove forest in Indonesia and in the worldThe aims of this study was to find structure, composition, distribution and zonation patterns of mangroves at Bama Resort Baluran Nasional Park. Ten belt-transects were laid perpendicular to the shoreline, using standard methods. Vegetation structure was determined using data collected on plant species diversity, density, basal area, and the number of each species of mangroves. Shannon Wiener index to calculated diversity, evennes and Simpson to calculated dominance index. The results show there are 2 families and 6 mangrove species occurring in the study areas that is Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Ceriops tagal) and Araceae (Nypa fruticans). The highest importance value was R. apiculata (229.90...
Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability
The heavy metals that polluted sea water can end up polluting fish pond too. Hence, it is necessa... more The heavy metals that polluted sea water can end up polluting fish pond too. Hence, it is necessary to remove the heavy metals before sea water enters the fish pond. The aim of this study was to know the growth, remediation ability, and the highest of removal efficiency of marine diatom Skeletonema costatum in the lead (Pb(II)) and cadmium (Cd(II)) solution. This study used 3 x 4 factorial design, i.e. concentrations of the cell inoculation (5000 cells mL-1; 10000 cells mL-1; and 15000 cells mL-1) and concentrations of Pb(II) and Cd(II) (0; 0.5; 1; and 2 ppm), replicated five times. During five day exposure time, the cell density was observed daily using a microscope (400X), while filtrate of media was analyzed using AAS. The result showed that S. costatum could grow in Pb(II) and Cd(II) at 2 ppm, and could remediate Pb(II) and Cd(II) at 2 ppm. The highest removal efficiency of marine diatom S. costatum in Pb(II) solution was 80.5% (5000 cells mL-1 at 2 ppm on the first day), and in...
In this work, the cadmium adsorption capacity of abundant algae waste was investigated. The exper... more In this work, the cadmium adsorption capacity of abundant algae waste was investigated. The experiments in this work used batch mode adsorption. The parameters process studied were pH, adsorbent dosage and contact time. The values of pH studied were in the range of 2 to 7, the values of adsorbent dosage were in the range of 0.1 to 2 g while the contact time were in the range of 5 to 240 minutes. The results obtained showed that cadmium adsorption capacity was favored by increasing pH, dosage adsorbent and contact time. From the results obtained it can be concluded that algae was a promising adsorbent for cadmium sequestration from aqueous solution.
Papers by Thin Soedarti