I'm a retired Health ecomomist from University of Southern Denmark with a sub-specialization in neuroeconomics. My peak career was as coordinator of the European Homecare-project. I have received a number of Academic Awards. Intersymp17 in Baden-Baden awarded me for the neurocybernetic quality of my paper "Homo Neuroeconomicus - A Neuroeconomic Review of fMRI of Economic Choice" (IJUDH 2017). 2019 this line continues with "Economics like a Living A Bioecological Model for the 21th Century" (IGI IJPPPHCE 4(1) Article 2). 2021 IGI publishes my new textbook: APPLIED DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS and Neuroeconomic Psychology for Business and Politics: https://www.igi-global.com/book/applied-doughnut-economics-neuroeconomic-psychology/254905 FOLLOW TWITTER: "https://twitter.com/neurodoughnut?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5704-7753
The scientific world calls for a Synthesis-of-Science (SoS) for better coordination of the common... more The scientific world calls for a Synthesis-of-Science (SoS) for better coordination of the common human efforts for a better world. However, the best approaches today are compoundings by headlines without any common internal structure and original conclusions. Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) is the micro part of SoS, where risk-willingness ordering the Big5 Taxonomy replaces the mainstream paradigm of Bounded Rationality. This study complements the micro level NeP with a Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) synthesizing the macro level. UTA extends technology assessment in healthcare including the Ecosystem identifying the following macroeconomic targets for implementing a sustainable development: 1. A broad international Tariff on CO2 emissions (ET) to accelerate transition to a carbon neutral economy. 2. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for equalization of income. 3. Point 1-2 serve the 17 UN Goals on Sustainable Development and is acceptable for collaboration across-the-center to moderate majority of both democratic wings. 4. Meditative in-depth-relaxation serves stress-management. Eventually in combination with neurofeedback. 5. Better mutual understanding between genders is requested, because neuroeconomics shows that females are risk-averse while males are risk-willing. Alternatives to SoS are discussed. No one is contradictory, but the most are complementary.
Neuroeconomic Model of Decision-making (NeM) identifies Risk-willingness as the basal parameter o... more Neuroeconomic Model of Decision-making (NeM) identifies Risk-willingness as the basal parameter of behavior 1-3. NeM integrates with the Big5 typology providing an Economic Psychology , see Fig. 1 3b. Use it with the Dohmen Scale to develop sensitivity to the psychological differences between Extravert, Agreeable, Conscientious and Open-minded.
Cybernetics is the study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and el... more Cybernetics is the study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and electronic systems and as such more relevant to the study of human behavior than simple paradigms, for instance Bounded Rationality (BR). Cybernetic Economics has like other cybernetic systems three levels: A. Economics aims to maximize the utility of goods and services B. Relevant Feedback is QALY-effects, for instance: 1) Eco effects, 2) Human relations and 3) Personal income C. System Management: Ad 1: A carbon neutral economy by a global CO 2-emission Tariff (ET) Ad 2: Operation of the Big5 by Neuroeconomic Model (NeM) Ad 1-2: Informal bottom-up support of tripartite management (3P) Ad 3a: Market-based economic growth Ad 3b: Equalization of the market-based income by Universal Basic Income (UBI) Conclusion: A test course indicates that Cybernetic Economics can be disseminated to laymen. The major dissemination challenge is to give specialized researchers an introduction course in Cybernetics. Dissemination of Cybernetic Economics should have top-priority, because it's critical to better democratic guidance of Mankind towards the best possible QALY.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2022
A review-based neuroeconomic model of decision-making (NeM) identifies general risk-willingness a... more A review-based neuroeconomic model of decision-making (NeM) identifies general risk-willingness as a parameter of economic behavior with crucial implications to more domains of Socioeconomics: 1. NeM orders the Big5 personalities into a simplified model for sensitivity training of managers. NeM elaborates on the Pilot-in-the-plane model of entrepreneurship, too. 2. Neuroeconomic trials show man is neither egoist or altruist but a hybrid with a cultural potential for development of democracy beyond classical fighting of wings towards collaboration across-the-center on issues of common interest (strong economic-political reciprocity). Such strong reciprocity is required towards global threats such as 1) CO2 Tariff towards global warming and 2) Universal Basic Income (UBI) for redistribution. A primary target group for promotion of such strong reciprocity is found in social liberal political movements as confirmed by a Field Study of Danish social liberals. 3. NeM explains too meditative in-depth-relaxation as effective towards epidemic job-related stress. Discussion focuses on responses to this approach to Socioeconomics from other social scientists.
We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the at... more We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere related to Industrialization, see reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The core is a CO2 concentration above 450 ppm corresponding to 1.5°C that starts to elicit a series of reinforcing climate tipping points, for instance melting of the Russian Tundra which massively releases Methane with a far stronger heating effect. The Paris Agreement 2015 aims to hold "the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above the level before industrialization" and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, the actual evaluation is that the Paris Partners lacks sufficient action planning to fulfill such target 1 !
We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the at... more We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere related to Industrialization, see reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The core is a CO2 concentration above 450 ppm corresponding to 1.5°C that starts to elicit a series of reinforcing climate tipping points, for instance melting of the Russian Tundra which massively releases Methane with a far stronger heating effect. The Paris Agreement 2015 aims to hold "the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above the level before industrialization" and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, the actual evaluation is that the Paris Partners lacks sufficient action planning to fulfill such target 1 !
The workshop will start with an introduction by Dr. H. Vondeling of some of the key concepts and ... more The workshop will start with an introduction by Dr. H. Vondeling of some of the key concepts and basic typology of economic evaluation studies, which will be illustrated by means of economic evaluations of integrated care programmes. This is followed by a presentation by Dr. S. Evers on a trend analysis of economic evaluation studies in integrated care. An analysis of the numbers and specific fields focused upon in economic evaluations in integrated care programmes over time will be presented. Finally, Dr. T. Larsen will present an innovative approach to economic evaluation that may be relevant for integrated care projects in the field of public health and health promotion, based on insights from neuroeconomics. A plenary discussion will round off the one-hour workshop, which will result in increasing awareness of the audience on the contribution of economics to inform choices on the allocation of scarce resources in the field of integrated care.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2006
Objectives: A comprehensive and systematic assessment (HTA) of early home-supported discharge by ... more Objectives: A comprehensive and systematic assessment (HTA) of early home-supported discharge by a multidisciplinary team that plans, coordinates, and delivers care at home (EHSD) was undertaken and the results were compared with that of conventional rehabilitation at stroke units.Methods: A systematic literature search for randomized trials (RCTs) on “early supported discharge” was closed in April 2005. RCTs on EHSD without information on (i) death or institution at follow-up, (ii) change in Barthél Index, (iii) length of hospital stay, (iv) intensity of home rehabilitation, or (v) baseline data are excluded. Seven RCTs on EHSD with 1,108 patients followed 3–12 months after discharge are selected for statistical meta-analysis of outcomes. The costs are calculated as a function of the average number of home training sessions. Economic evaluation is organized as a test of dominance (both better outcomes and lower costs).Results: The odds ratio (OR) for “Death or institution” is reduc...
International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives, 2009
The fragmented delivery of healthcare and social services was put on the agenda as a major proble... more The fragmented delivery of healthcare and social services was put on the agenda as a major problem by WHO in 2002. Integrated Homecare (IHC) combining efficacy with net savings represents a prototype of integrated care (IC) with overlapping services for better clinical continuity. Frequent chronic conditions as stroke, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and mental disease exhibit parallel results as explained by a common neuroeconomic framework. A SWOT analysis of IHC emphasizes Strength, health economic dominance, Weakness, fragmented financial conditions, Opportunity, low-tech patient benefits affordable to low and middle income countries, and Threat, low levels of trust across professions and settings. A meso-strategy for EU recommends (1) Make a synthesis of existing and ongoing research as a health technology assessment (HTA) of IHC for multidisciplinary teamwork across the hospital and primary care interface and (2) Focus on dissemination by the formation of ...
The paradigm of economic rationality is eroded by criticism from related behavioral disciplines, ... more The paradigm of economic rationality is eroded by criticism from related behavioral disciplines, especially psychology. Neuroeconomics is a new multidisciplinary approach to behavioral economics. Neuroeconomics orders the Big5 Taxonomy by risk-will into a pluralist behavioral economics (PBE) that changes the classical and develops new domains of economic behavior: Firstly, consumer behavior is not sovereign but formed by group standards centering Open-mindedness. The rational consumer standard is now “Simple Living” as an alternative to consumerism. Secondly, the prototype of open-mindedness in production life is identified as the Pilot-in-the-plane entrepreneur that expands the production scope far beyond maximization of profit to include characteristics such as pragmatism, versatile team composition and perseverance to overcome obstacles. Thirdly, stress-management by meditative in-depth relaxation is evidenced as a complement to fitness. Fourthly, gender economics is supported by...
The aim of this study is to use an advanced telerehabilitation system in the context of an IHC se... more The aim of this study is to use an advanced telerehabilitation system in the context of an IHC service to find out: in which specific situations telerehabilitation enriches the home treatment; if it is feasible to use the telerehabilitation gear in patients home; tendencies concerning the effect of training in relation to improvement in arm function. Context: The increasing number of survivors following acute events such as stroke are enlightening new needs to guarantee appropriate care and quality of life support at home. A potential application of telerehabilitation is to deliver home services. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe Regional Office considers as a critical issue in Western-countries the fragmented delivery of health and social services. Research on this topic has been called at the last European Community Call Health-2007-3.1.6: Continuity of Clinical Care. Data soruces: A Danish HTA shows that EHSD improved the ADL function and reduces both the time of stay in hospital and the risk of hard endpoint. Empowerment of the EHSD model is encouraged by means of an already tested telerehabilitation approach, in order to improve functional patients outcomes with a resulting better allocation of resources and saving costs. Within an already running Early Home Support Discharge (EHSD) project model for persons with stroke we implement a telerehabilitation approach. Case description: The EHSD model provide an enrolment at 10 days from the stroke event for persons meeting the following criteria: 25<age<85 years, living in a participating municipalities, Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity (F-M UE)>0, De Renzi test>62, Albert test=36, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)>24. Mental illness, dementia, severe language disturbances, pregnancy, former acquired brain injury and transfer to another unit were considered as exclusion criteria. In the EHSD program eight home-therapy sessions were provided during the in-charge time (hospital stay included), with at minimum two sessions provided after the hospital discharge. We implement the tele-treatment (based on the remote control of an already tested virtual reality device for motor treatment) in the month after hospital discharge, at minimum one hour/three times/week.
This paper looks into implementation details of network coding for a mobile application running o... more This paper looks into implementation details of network coding for a mobile application running on commercial mobile phones. We describe the necessary coding operations and algorithms that implements them. The coding algorithms forms the basis for a implementation in C++ and Symbian C++. We report on practical measurement results of coding throughput and energy consumption for a single-source multiple-sinks network, with and without recoding at the sinks. These results confirm that network coding is practical even on computationally weak platforms, and that network coding potentially can be used to reduce energy consumption.
Market-driven economic growth is based on a psychology of reciprocity between a majority of consu... more Market-driven economic growth is based on a psychology of reciprocity between a majority of consumers maximizing utility and technological creativity by a small minority. The neural correlates to these qualities in the Frontal Cortex explains the option of economic growth. The Big5 psychology integrates with neuroeconomics into a positivist economic psychology with personal risk-will as parameter. The open-minded is identified as a key person in the formation of social standards for instance regarding consumption and technological development. Economic psychology appears as a pragmatic step-by-step alternative to idealist Humanistic psychology. "Simple Living" is identified as rational behavior in digitized economies with low marginal utility. It comprises a variety of humanistic alternatives to consumerism. However, today market-driven growth is challenged by severe market failures, for instance the Greenhouse effect. Psychology identifies the basic effect of culture as moderation of opposites. In economic policy moderation means better democratic collaboration across-thecenter, for instance on a Tariff of CO2 emission that lets the polluter pay for the transition to a carbon neutral economy.
Neuroeconomic Psychology: 3 Cognitive Training Modules for End-Users, 2019
A neuroeconomic decision-making model identifies risk-willingness as the basal parameter of econo... more A neuroeconomic decision-making model identifies risk-willingness as the basal parameter of economic behavior. Other studies show that persons differentiated by weak, medium, and strong risk-willingness have separate behavioral patterns. General personality psychology identifies five different personality types. A study of the relationship between risk-willingness and personality type shows complementarity strong correlation between risk-willingness and extreme personality types “extravert” and “risk-averter.” The moderated personality types “open-minded,” “respective,” “agreeable,” or “conscientious” behave risk neutral with an internal order according to degree of flexibility. The integrated model of neuroeconomic psychology operates in three complementary cognitive tools: 1 General skills to differentiate between the five types of economic agents is relevant for collaboration 2 The substance of the moderated personality types is the the historical tradition of dialectical thinking. Positivist Dialectics for new Economics is outlined 3 To handle stress the action-mechanism of classical mantra-meditation is explained as reinforcing open-mindedness.
Simple systems e.g. multiple linear regression (MLR) are described by cause (X) and effect (Y). L... more Simple systems e.g. multiple linear regression (MLR) are described by cause (X) and effect (Y). Living systems including the brain are complex adaptive systems consisting of client, server and integrator. The prediction of adaptive systems requires beyond data on X (Client) and Y (Server), additional data on Z (Integrator). Adaptability relies on self-organization, wherefore a target function (g) must be identified, too.
The scientific world calls for a Synthesis-of-Science (SoS) for better coordination of the common... more The scientific world calls for a Synthesis-of-Science (SoS) for better coordination of the common human efforts for a better world. However, the best approaches today are compoundings by headlines without any common internal structure and original conclusions. Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) is the micro part of SoS, where risk-willingness ordering the Big5 Taxonomy replaces the mainstream paradigm of Bounded Rationality. This study complements the micro level NeP with a Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) synthesizing the macro level. UTA extends technology assessment in healthcare including the Ecosystem identifying the following macroeconomic targets for implementing a sustainable development: 1. A broad international Tariff on CO2 emissions (ET) to accelerate transition to a carbon neutral economy. 2. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for equalization of income. 3. Point 1-2 serve the 17 UN Goals on Sustainable Development and is acceptable for collaboration across-the-center to moderate majority of both democratic wings. 4. Meditative in-depth-relaxation serves stress-management. Eventually in combination with neurofeedback. 5. Better mutual understanding between genders is requested, because neuroeconomics shows that females are risk-averse while males are risk-willing. Alternatives to SoS are discussed. No one is contradictory, but the most are complementary.
Neuroeconomic Model of Decision-making (NeM) identifies Risk-willingness as the basal parameter o... more Neuroeconomic Model of Decision-making (NeM) identifies Risk-willingness as the basal parameter of behavior 1-3. NeM integrates with the Big5 typology providing an Economic Psychology , see Fig. 1 3b. Use it with the Dohmen Scale to develop sensitivity to the psychological differences between Extravert, Agreeable, Conscientious and Open-minded.
Cybernetics is the study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and el... more Cybernetics is the study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and electronic systems and as such more relevant to the study of human behavior than simple paradigms, for instance Bounded Rationality (BR). Cybernetic Economics has like other cybernetic systems three levels: A. Economics aims to maximize the utility of goods and services B. Relevant Feedback is QALY-effects, for instance: 1) Eco effects, 2) Human relations and 3) Personal income C. System Management: Ad 1: A carbon neutral economy by a global CO 2-emission Tariff (ET) Ad 2: Operation of the Big5 by Neuroeconomic Model (NeM) Ad 1-2: Informal bottom-up support of tripartite management (3P) Ad 3a: Market-based economic growth Ad 3b: Equalization of the market-based income by Universal Basic Income (UBI) Conclusion: A test course indicates that Cybernetic Economics can be disseminated to laymen. The major dissemination challenge is to give specialized researchers an introduction course in Cybernetics. Dissemination of Cybernetic Economics should have top-priority, because it's critical to better democratic guidance of Mankind towards the best possible QALY.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2022
A review-based neuroeconomic model of decision-making (NeM) identifies general risk-willingness a... more A review-based neuroeconomic model of decision-making (NeM) identifies general risk-willingness as a parameter of economic behavior with crucial implications to more domains of Socioeconomics: 1. NeM orders the Big5 personalities into a simplified model for sensitivity training of managers. NeM elaborates on the Pilot-in-the-plane model of entrepreneurship, too. 2. Neuroeconomic trials show man is neither egoist or altruist but a hybrid with a cultural potential for development of democracy beyond classical fighting of wings towards collaboration across-the-center on issues of common interest (strong economic-political reciprocity). Such strong reciprocity is required towards global threats such as 1) CO2 Tariff towards global warming and 2) Universal Basic Income (UBI) for redistribution. A primary target group for promotion of such strong reciprocity is found in social liberal political movements as confirmed by a Field Study of Danish social liberals. 3. NeM explains too meditative in-depth-relaxation as effective towards epidemic job-related stress. Discussion focuses on responses to this approach to Socioeconomics from other social scientists.
We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the at... more We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere related to Industrialization, see reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The core is a CO2 concentration above 450 ppm corresponding to 1.5°C that starts to elicit a series of reinforcing climate tipping points, for instance melting of the Russian Tundra which massively releases Methane with a far stronger heating effect. The Paris Agreement 2015 aims to hold "the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above the level before industrialization" and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, the actual evaluation is that the Paris Partners lacks sufficient action planning to fulfill such target 1 !
We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the at... more We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere related to Industrialization, see reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The core is a CO2 concentration above 450 ppm corresponding to 1.5°C that starts to elicit a series of reinforcing climate tipping points, for instance melting of the Russian Tundra which massively releases Methane with a far stronger heating effect. The Paris Agreement 2015 aims to hold "the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above the level before industrialization" and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, the actual evaluation is that the Paris Partners lacks sufficient action planning to fulfill such target 1 !
The workshop will start with an introduction by Dr. H. Vondeling of some of the key concepts and ... more The workshop will start with an introduction by Dr. H. Vondeling of some of the key concepts and basic typology of economic evaluation studies, which will be illustrated by means of economic evaluations of integrated care programmes. This is followed by a presentation by Dr. S. Evers on a trend analysis of economic evaluation studies in integrated care. An analysis of the numbers and specific fields focused upon in economic evaluations in integrated care programmes over time will be presented. Finally, Dr. T. Larsen will present an innovative approach to economic evaluation that may be relevant for integrated care projects in the field of public health and health promotion, based on insights from neuroeconomics. A plenary discussion will round off the one-hour workshop, which will result in increasing awareness of the audience on the contribution of economics to inform choices on the allocation of scarce resources in the field of integrated care.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2006
Objectives: A comprehensive and systematic assessment (HTA) of early home-supported discharge by ... more Objectives: A comprehensive and systematic assessment (HTA) of early home-supported discharge by a multidisciplinary team that plans, coordinates, and delivers care at home (EHSD) was undertaken and the results were compared with that of conventional rehabilitation at stroke units.Methods: A systematic literature search for randomized trials (RCTs) on “early supported discharge” was closed in April 2005. RCTs on EHSD without information on (i) death or institution at follow-up, (ii) change in Barthél Index, (iii) length of hospital stay, (iv) intensity of home rehabilitation, or (v) baseline data are excluded. Seven RCTs on EHSD with 1,108 patients followed 3–12 months after discharge are selected for statistical meta-analysis of outcomes. The costs are calculated as a function of the average number of home training sessions. Economic evaluation is organized as a test of dominance (both better outcomes and lower costs).Results: The odds ratio (OR) for “Death or institution” is reduc...
International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives, 2009
The fragmented delivery of healthcare and social services was put on the agenda as a major proble... more The fragmented delivery of healthcare and social services was put on the agenda as a major problem by WHO in 2002. Integrated Homecare (IHC) combining efficacy with net savings represents a prototype of integrated care (IC) with overlapping services for better clinical continuity. Frequent chronic conditions as stroke, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and mental disease exhibit parallel results as explained by a common neuroeconomic framework. A SWOT analysis of IHC emphasizes Strength, health economic dominance, Weakness, fragmented financial conditions, Opportunity, low-tech patient benefits affordable to low and middle income countries, and Threat, low levels of trust across professions and settings. A meso-strategy for EU recommends (1) Make a synthesis of existing and ongoing research as a health technology assessment (HTA) of IHC for multidisciplinary teamwork across the hospital and primary care interface and (2) Focus on dissemination by the formation of ...
The paradigm of economic rationality is eroded by criticism from related behavioral disciplines, ... more The paradigm of economic rationality is eroded by criticism from related behavioral disciplines, especially psychology. Neuroeconomics is a new multidisciplinary approach to behavioral economics. Neuroeconomics orders the Big5 Taxonomy by risk-will into a pluralist behavioral economics (PBE) that changes the classical and develops new domains of economic behavior: Firstly, consumer behavior is not sovereign but formed by group standards centering Open-mindedness. The rational consumer standard is now “Simple Living” as an alternative to consumerism. Secondly, the prototype of open-mindedness in production life is identified as the Pilot-in-the-plane entrepreneur that expands the production scope far beyond maximization of profit to include characteristics such as pragmatism, versatile team composition and perseverance to overcome obstacles. Thirdly, stress-management by meditative in-depth relaxation is evidenced as a complement to fitness. Fourthly, gender economics is supported by...
The aim of this study is to use an advanced telerehabilitation system in the context of an IHC se... more The aim of this study is to use an advanced telerehabilitation system in the context of an IHC service to find out: in which specific situations telerehabilitation enriches the home treatment; if it is feasible to use the telerehabilitation gear in patients home; tendencies concerning the effect of training in relation to improvement in arm function. Context: The increasing number of survivors following acute events such as stroke are enlightening new needs to guarantee appropriate care and quality of life support at home. A potential application of telerehabilitation is to deliver home services. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe Regional Office considers as a critical issue in Western-countries the fragmented delivery of health and social services. Research on this topic has been called at the last European Community Call Health-2007-3.1.6: Continuity of Clinical Care. Data soruces: A Danish HTA shows that EHSD improved the ADL function and reduces both the time of stay in hospital and the risk of hard endpoint. Empowerment of the EHSD model is encouraged by means of an already tested telerehabilitation approach, in order to improve functional patients outcomes with a resulting better allocation of resources and saving costs. Within an already running Early Home Support Discharge (EHSD) project model for persons with stroke we implement a telerehabilitation approach. Case description: The EHSD model provide an enrolment at 10 days from the stroke event for persons meeting the following criteria: 25<age<85 years, living in a participating municipalities, Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity (F-M UE)>0, De Renzi test>62, Albert test=36, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)>24. Mental illness, dementia, severe language disturbances, pregnancy, former acquired brain injury and transfer to another unit were considered as exclusion criteria. In the EHSD program eight home-therapy sessions were provided during the in-charge time (hospital stay included), with at minimum two sessions provided after the hospital discharge. We implement the tele-treatment (based on the remote control of an already tested virtual reality device for motor treatment) in the month after hospital discharge, at minimum one hour/three times/week.
This paper looks into implementation details of network coding for a mobile application running o... more This paper looks into implementation details of network coding for a mobile application running on commercial mobile phones. We describe the necessary coding operations and algorithms that implements them. The coding algorithms forms the basis for a implementation in C++ and Symbian C++. We report on practical measurement results of coding throughput and energy consumption for a single-source multiple-sinks network, with and without recoding at the sinks. These results confirm that network coding is practical even on computationally weak platforms, and that network coding potentially can be used to reduce energy consumption.
Market-driven economic growth is based on a psychology of reciprocity between a majority of consu... more Market-driven economic growth is based on a psychology of reciprocity between a majority of consumers maximizing utility and technological creativity by a small minority. The neural correlates to these qualities in the Frontal Cortex explains the option of economic growth. The Big5 psychology integrates with neuroeconomics into a positivist economic psychology with personal risk-will as parameter. The open-minded is identified as a key person in the formation of social standards for instance regarding consumption and technological development. Economic psychology appears as a pragmatic step-by-step alternative to idealist Humanistic psychology. "Simple Living" is identified as rational behavior in digitized economies with low marginal utility. It comprises a variety of humanistic alternatives to consumerism. However, today market-driven growth is challenged by severe market failures, for instance the Greenhouse effect. Psychology identifies the basic effect of culture as moderation of opposites. In economic policy moderation means better democratic collaboration across-thecenter, for instance on a Tariff of CO2 emission that lets the polluter pay for the transition to a carbon neutral economy.
Neuroeconomic Psychology: 3 Cognitive Training Modules for End-Users, 2019
A neuroeconomic decision-making model identifies risk-willingness as the basal parameter of econo... more A neuroeconomic decision-making model identifies risk-willingness as the basal parameter of economic behavior. Other studies show that persons differentiated by weak, medium, and strong risk-willingness have separate behavioral patterns. General personality psychology identifies five different personality types. A study of the relationship between risk-willingness and personality type shows complementarity strong correlation between risk-willingness and extreme personality types “extravert” and “risk-averter.” The moderated personality types “open-minded,” “respective,” “agreeable,” or “conscientious” behave risk neutral with an internal order according to degree of flexibility. The integrated model of neuroeconomic psychology operates in three complementary cognitive tools: 1 General skills to differentiate between the five types of economic agents is relevant for collaboration 2 The substance of the moderated personality types is the the historical tradition of dialectical thinking. Positivist Dialectics for new Economics is outlined 3 To handle stress the action-mechanism of classical mantra-meditation is explained as reinforcing open-mindedness.
Simple systems e.g. multiple linear regression (MLR) are described by cause (X) and effect (Y). L... more Simple systems e.g. multiple linear regression (MLR) are described by cause (X) and effect (Y). Living systems including the brain are complex adaptive systems consisting of client, server and integrator. The prediction of adaptive systems requires beyond data on X (Client) and Y (Server), additional data on Z (Integrator). Adaptability relies on self-organization, wherefore a target function (g) must be identified, too.
The Novo Nordic Foundation has called for a Synthesis of Global Science (SGS) to guide human beha... more The Novo Nordic Foundation has called for a Synthesis of Global Science (SGS) to guide human behavior on behalf of international Top decision-makers. Such SGS must guide both on individual economic behavior and implementation of the 17 common UN goals 2015 for sustainable development. This utilitarian SGS is by Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) and Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) in modules guiding on individual behavior (B) as well as policy (P). Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) ordering the Big5 Tempers by risk-willingness for guidance of individual economic behavior 1. NeP bases on: 1) The shape of the risk-will function is identified by neuroeconomic trials 2) Correlation is evidenced between individual risk-willingness and the Big5 Typology (Temper) NeP in Fig. 1 guides on: B1: Simplified sensi-training to the Big5 and: B2: Explains entrepreneurship as moderate risk-willingness (Pilot-in-the-Plane Entrepreneur) B3: Identifies Extravert and Conscientious as subjective biases in behavioral science B4: Stress-management by relaxation exercises
Suggestion on Direct Air Capture to Partners in the Paris Agreement, 2023
We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the at... more We face a well-researched global Greenhouse effect due to a rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere related to Industrialization, see reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The core is a CO2 concentration above 450 ppm corresponding to 1.5°C elicits a series of reinforcing climate tipping points, for instance melting the Russian Tundra with massive release of Methane with a far stronger heating effect. The Paris Agreement 2015 aims to hold "the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above the level before industrialization" and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. However, the actual evaluation is that the Paris Partners lacks sufficient action planning to fulfill such target 1 !
This alternative to the Neoclassical axiom of bounded economic rationality has 3 axioms: §1. A co... more This alternative to the Neoclassical axiom of bounded economic rationality has 3 axioms: §1. A contemporary approach to Economics must must commit to the social contract in Democracies which requires renaming the whole discipline to Socioeconomics. §2. Socioeconomics must have a pluralist approach to behavioral economics based on the Big5 Taxonomy to be representative to the population. §3. The Big5 reveal, too, subjective biases in positivist decision-making that can be minimized by Open-minded analysis of personal experiences/memories.
An established method for technology assessment in healthcare is in this study is expanded to an ... more An established method for technology assessment in healthcare is in this study is expanded to an overall Public Technology Assessment (PTA), which finds that side-effects such as global warming and job-related stress more than outweigh the gain by market-based growth. Market economy can function by limited weak reciprocal relations. However, sustainable economic policy requires a moderate reciprocity including collaborative finance of interventions for the common good. A development from weak to moderate reciprocity is definitely a biological option operated as across-the-center collaboration between Social Liberals and Social Democrats. Critical political reforms for such sustainable development are a CO 2 Tariff towards global warming and Universal Basic Income (UBI) for redistribution of income. "Simple Living" as a bottom-up alternative to consumerism is assessed as a complement to the political interventions. Meditation for better stress-management is not so much a political problem as a professional collaboration challenge for Medicine and Health Economics.
The monodisciplinary paradigm of economic rationality is long eroded by criticism from related be... more The monodisciplinary paradigm of economic rationality is long eroded by criticism from related behavioral disciplines. A new model of behavioral economics is searched, reviewing Neuroeconomics. The Big Five Typology of behavioral psychology frames a pluralist behavioral economics (PBE) using neuroeconomics to order the Big Five by risk-willingness (+Positive;-Negative): EXTRAVERT (++) OPEN-MINDED (+) AGREEABLE (0) CONSCIENTIOUS (-) NEUROTICISM (- -)
Executive Summary of Applied Doughnut EconomicsE, 2021
Contemporary Mainstream Economics suffers from both internal inconsistency on behavior and lack o... more Contemporary Mainstream Economics suffers from both internal inconsistency on behavior and lack of external outlook despite an overwhelming success in the real world! New pluralist behavioral economics (PBE), based on the Big Five Taxonomy, focuses on group processes rather than individuals where the most Open-minded of the Big Five is the key person in the formation of group standards. PBE identifies the democratic culture as the weakest link in the chain of interactions towards sustainable development due to the complexity of the issue. This requires a systematic information of the public on Economics to improve the quality of democratic decision-making on economic-political issues. The overall selection criteria of elements of economics for such a public information program is Human Capital value which has guided the structure of this new textbook.
In the 18th Century, British Empiricism founded modern empirical science to overcome human prejud... more In the 18th Century, British Empiricism founded modern empirical science to overcome human prejudices by religion, tradition and personality. Pragmatic Humanism supports personal responsibility by 10 positivist guidelines serving to unfold our human potential: • Applied Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) Guides Individual Economic Behavior: (1) Sensitivity training, (2) Entrepreneurship and (3) Stress management. (4) Prevention of subjective biases in behavioral science. (5) Mutual understanding between genders. • Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) Guides the Priority of Collective Needs: (6) The marginal global net growth effect will be negative before 2050 pushing burdens to future generations and (7) A subsidy to non-fossil energy alternatives (ES) is recommended to protect the ecosystem. (8) Social welfare by short-term stabilization policies and Universal Basic Income. (9) Democratic collaboration across-the-center serves implementation of (8). (10) UTA divides the global economy in the rich North and the developing South, opening an option for a unilateral implementation of ES by the Global North. The Discussion focuses both on the relation between Pragmatic Humanism and democracy, and how ES in a globalized economy must replace the mainstream recommendation of a tariff on CO2 emission (ET).
Papers by Torben Larsen
the following macroeconomic targets for implementing a sustainable development:
1. A broad international Tariff on CO2 emissions (ET) to accelerate transition to a carbon neutral economy.
2. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for equalization of income.
3. Point 1-2 serve the 17 UN Goals on Sustainable Development and is acceptable for collaboration across-the-center to moderate majority of both democratic wings.
4. Meditative in-depth-relaxation serves stress-management. Eventually in combination with neurofeedback.
5. Better mutual understanding between genders is requested, because neuroeconomics shows that females are risk-averse while males are risk-willing.
Alternatives to SoS are discussed. No one is contradictory, but the most are complementary.
1 General skills to differentiate between the five types of economic agents is relevant for collaboration
2 The substance of the moderated personality types is the the historical tradition of dialectical thinking. Positivist Dialectics for new Economics is outlined
3 To handle stress the action-mechanism of classical mantra-meditation is explained as reinforcing open-mindedness.
the following macroeconomic targets for implementing a sustainable development:
1. A broad international Tariff on CO2 emissions (ET) to accelerate transition to a carbon neutral economy.
2. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for equalization of income.
3. Point 1-2 serve the 17 UN Goals on Sustainable Development and is acceptable for collaboration across-the-center to moderate majority of both democratic wings.
4. Meditative in-depth-relaxation serves stress-management. Eventually in combination with neurofeedback.
5. Better mutual understanding between genders is requested, because neuroeconomics shows that females are risk-averse while males are risk-willing.
Alternatives to SoS are discussed. No one is contradictory, but the most are complementary.
1 General skills to differentiate between the five types of economic agents is relevant for collaboration
2 The substance of the moderated personality types is the the historical tradition of dialectical thinking. Positivist Dialectics for new Economics is outlined
3 To handle stress the action-mechanism of classical mantra-meditation is explained as reinforcing open-mindedness.