In considerazione del fatto che uno stato funzionale o patologico dell\u2019apparato genitale mas... more In considerazione del fatto che uno stato funzionale o patologico dell\u2019apparato genitale maschile pu\uf2 influenzare il contenuto di alcuni prodotti di secrezione delle ghiandole accessorie e, conseguentemente, condizionare alcune caratteristiche seminologiche, gli autori hanno determinato le concentrazioni nel plasma seminale dell\u2019acido citrico e del fruttosio sugli eiaculati (4 per soggetto) di 32 stalloni. Contemporaneamente sono state esaminate, mediante IVOS (Integrated Visual Optical System), la concentrazione e la motilit\ue0 nemaspermatica. Negli stalloni normospermici (concentrazione > 200 x 106/ml, motilit\ue0 totale > 60%) i valori del citrato nel plasma seminale sono risultati significativamente (p<0,05) pi\uf9 bassi (29,8 vs 36,8 e 41,6 mg/dl) e pi\uf9 elevati i livelli di fruttosio (7,8 vs 4,1 e 4,9 mg/ dl) rispetto ai soggetti astenospermici (concentrazione > 200 x 106, motilit\ue0 totale < 60%) ed oligoastenospermici (concentrazione < 200 x 106, motilit\ue0 totale < 60%), rispettivament
Il monitoraggio ecografico delle prime fasi della gravidanza \ue8 una metodica largamente utilizz... more Il monitoraggio ecografico delle prime fasi della gravidanza \ue8 una metodica largamente utilizzata nella cavalla per valutare lo sviluppo del prodotto del concepimento ed evidenziarne eventuali anomalie, mentre nella specie asinina sono presenti solo poche informazioni al riguardo. L\u2019osservazione ecografica del conceptus tra l\u20198\ub0 e il 54\ub0 giorno di gravidanza, in sei asine di Martina Franca, ha rilevato che la blastocisti, identificata al 12\ub0 giorno, risulta mobile fino al 16\ub0-18\ub0giorno e che la sua velocit\ue0 di crescita, dapprima (12\ub0-18\ub0 giorno) molto elevata (3 mm/die), subisce un forte rallentamento (0,4 mm/die) dal 20\ub0 al 28\ub0 giorno per poi aumentare nuovamente dopo il 30\ub0 giorno (1,8 mm/die). L\u2019embrione \ue8 riconoscibile dal 22\ub0 giorno, la sua attivit\ue0 cardiaca ed il sacco allantoideo si distinguono dal 26\ub0 giorno; il sacco vitellino \ue8 visibile fino al 44\ub0 giorno e la discesa ventrale del feto si completa al 50\ub0 giorno. La velocit\ue0 di crescita del corpo del conceptus, moderata (0,6 mm/die) durante la fase embrionale (12\ub0-40\ub0 giorno), diventa pi\uf9 rapida nella fase fetale (1,2 mm/die). I dati e le caratteristiche morfometriche del conceptus asinino, rilevati in questo studio, sono assimilabili a quanto precedentemente riportato sia nell\u2019asina che nella cavalla.In the mare, ultrasonography is widely used during the early pregnancy for evaluating the development of the conceptus and for highlight abnormalities. Instead, in the jenny, the ultrasonographic appearance of the early pregnancy has not been jet thoroughly described. The ultrasonographic study of the conceptus between Days 8 and 54 of pregnancy in six Martina Franca jennies has shown that the blastocyst was detected at Day 12 and its mobility ceased on Day 17 The growth rate of the vescicle was very high (3 mm/die) from Days 12 to 18, reduced (0.4 mm/die) from Days 20 to 28, and then moderate (1.8 mm/die) after Day 30. The embryo was first detected on Day 22, the allantoic sac and the heart beat on Day 26. The yolk sac was detectable until Day 44, and the ventral descent of the fetus was complete on Day 50. The growth rate of the conceptus was moderate during the embryonic phase (between Days 12 and 40) and then higher during the fetal phase (after Day 40). Data and morphometric features of the donkey conceptus recorded in the present study were similar to those previously reported in jennies and mares
Current assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are insufficient to cover the slice of the popul... more Current assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are insufficient to cover the slice of the population needing to restore fertility, as well as to amplify the reproductive performance of domestic animals or endangered species. The design of dedicated reproductive scaffolds has opened the possibility to better recapitulate the reproductive 3D ovarian environment, thus potentially innovating in vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) techniques. To this aim, the present research has been designed to compare ovine preantral follicles in vitro culture on poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)-based electrospun scaffolds designed with different topology (Random vs. Patterned fibers) with a previously validated system. The ivF performances were assessed after 14 days under 3D-oil, Two-Step (7 days in 3D-oil and on scaffold), or One-Step PCL protocols (14 days on PCL-scaffold) by assessing morphological and functional outcomes. The results show that Two- and One-Step PCL ivF protocols, when performed on pa...
Il ciclo estrale e l’intervallo che si interpone tra due ovulazioni succes-sive e nella cavalla h... more Il ciclo estrale e l’intervallo che si interpone tra due ovulazioni succes-sive e nella cavalla ha una lunghezza media di 21 giorni (19-22 giorni).La fase follicolare del ciclo e caratterizzata dallo sviluppo, dalla selezio-ne e dalla maturazione del follicolo preovulatorio e dalla regressione odall’atresia degli altri follicoli sviluppatisi durante la stessa ondata folli-colare (Bergfelt, 2000). Nelle 24-48 ore precedenti il termine di questafase si ha l’ovulazione, evento che segna il confine con la fase luteinica.Per questo motivo il giorno in cui avviene l’ovulazione viene comune-mente definito giorno 0.La fase luteinica e dominata dalla presenza e dall’attivita del corpo lu-teo. La sua durata nella cavalla e mediamente di 14-15 giorni (Hughes
Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activit... more Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activity, primarily as luteolytic agents to induce estrus. Despite numerous studies on the effects of these luteolysins in the mare, to date only a single investigation has been conducted in the jenny. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the corpus luteum (CL) to a single dose of PGF(2alpha) given 3 days (72h) after ovulation and to establish the plasma progesterone (P4) profile from pre-treatment to post-treatment ovulation in the Martina Franca donkey. Twenty-two jennies were ultrasonographically monitored and treated 72h after the detection of ovulation with 0.075 mg i.m. of R-cloprostenol. From the day of ovulation until ovulation post-treatment, blood was collected daily for P4 determination by enhanced luminescence immunoassay. All the jennies except one, exhibited behavioral signs of PGF(2alpha)-induced estrus within 4 days of treatment lasting 5.4+/-1.16 days. Post-treatment ovulation was also hastened, reducing the interovulatory interval (9.6 days). In response to treatment, plasma P4 concentrations fell to estrus levels and then remained constant until the next ovulation in all but the non-responding animal. Our findings indicate that PGF(2alpha) treatment on Day 3 post-ovulation causes the functional regression of the CL in the jenny, reflected both by the rapid induction of estrus and ovulation and by an abrupt drop in circulating P4 concentrations.
This study was designed to establish the morphological features of the placenta of the Martina Fr... more This study was designed to establish the morphological features of the placenta of the Martina Franca jenny. Ten placentas were harvested at the time of foal delivery and examined both for gross and histological characteristics. The following factors were determined: the total weight and volume of the placenta and its components, the surface area of the allantochorion, umbilical cord length and site of insertion, and the diameter of the umbilical cord vessels and vascular pattern type. The weight of the placenta was similar to previously reported for ponies, and represented 12% of foal birth weight. Umbilical cord length was similar to that in the horse but longer than in the pony, while cord weight was intermediate between the two. In a histological examination, numerous strong villi were observed at sites corresponding to the non-pregnant and pregnant horn and uterine body. No villi were detected in the area overlying the cervical star. Despite obvious similarities between the donkey and horse placenta, specific morphological features do exist, and are possibly related to the differences in length of gestation.
The physiology of reproduction in the mare is reg- ulated by the action of several hormones. Amon... more The physiology of reproduction in the mare is reg- ulated by the action of several hormones. Among these, progesterone (P4), 17β-estradiol (E2) and the insulin-growth factor I (IGF-I) play major roles. The aim of this study is to give a complete picture about the hormonal variation during the estrus cy- cle in the mare, evaluating P4, E2, and IGF-I plasma levels between two subsequent ovulations. Ten mares were enrolled and were ultrasonographical- ly examined every 12 hours starting from the be- ginning of estrus until ovulation; then ultrasound examination was performed every day before the blood sampling and again every 12 hours from the beginning of the following estrus until the second ovulation. Blood samples were collected from each mare every morning between 8 and 10 a.m. from the day of the first ovulation until the following ovulation. P4, E2 and IGF-I were analyzed by RIA. The mean estrus cycle length was 22,1 days and the mean preovulatory follicle diameter was 41,3 mm. ...
In considerazione del fatto che uno stato funzionale o patologico dell\u2019apparato genitale mas... more In considerazione del fatto che uno stato funzionale o patologico dell\u2019apparato genitale maschile pu\uf2 influenzare il contenuto di alcuni prodotti di secrezione delle ghiandole accessorie e, conseguentemente, condizionare alcune caratteristiche seminologiche, gli autori hanno determinato le concentrazioni nel plasma seminale dell\u2019acido citrico e del fruttosio sugli eiaculati (4 per soggetto) di 32 stalloni. Contemporaneamente sono state esaminate, mediante IVOS (Integrated Visual Optical System), la concentrazione e la motilit\ue0 nemaspermatica. Negli stalloni normospermici (concentrazione > 200 x 106/ml, motilit\ue0 totale > 60%) i valori del citrato nel plasma seminale sono risultati significativamente (p<0,05) pi\uf9 bassi (29,8 vs 36,8 e 41,6 mg/dl) e pi\uf9 elevati i livelli di fruttosio (7,8 vs 4,1 e 4,9 mg/ dl) rispetto ai soggetti astenospermici (concentrazione > 200 x 106, motilit\ue0 totale < 60%) ed oligoastenospermici (concentrazione < 200 x 106, motilit\ue0 totale < 60%), rispettivament
Il monitoraggio ecografico delle prime fasi della gravidanza \ue8 una metodica largamente utilizz... more Il monitoraggio ecografico delle prime fasi della gravidanza \ue8 una metodica largamente utilizzata nella cavalla per valutare lo sviluppo del prodotto del concepimento ed evidenziarne eventuali anomalie, mentre nella specie asinina sono presenti solo poche informazioni al riguardo. L\u2019osservazione ecografica del conceptus tra l\u20198\ub0 e il 54\ub0 giorno di gravidanza, in sei asine di Martina Franca, ha rilevato che la blastocisti, identificata al 12\ub0 giorno, risulta mobile fino al 16\ub0-18\ub0giorno e che la sua velocit\ue0 di crescita, dapprima (12\ub0-18\ub0 giorno) molto elevata (3 mm/die), subisce un forte rallentamento (0,4 mm/die) dal 20\ub0 al 28\ub0 giorno per poi aumentare nuovamente dopo il 30\ub0 giorno (1,8 mm/die). L\u2019embrione \ue8 riconoscibile dal 22\ub0 giorno, la sua attivit\ue0 cardiaca ed il sacco allantoideo si distinguono dal 26\ub0 giorno; il sacco vitellino \ue8 visibile fino al 44\ub0 giorno e la discesa ventrale del feto si completa al 50\ub0 giorno. La velocit\ue0 di crescita del corpo del conceptus, moderata (0,6 mm/die) durante la fase embrionale (12\ub0-40\ub0 giorno), diventa pi\uf9 rapida nella fase fetale (1,2 mm/die). I dati e le caratteristiche morfometriche del conceptus asinino, rilevati in questo studio, sono assimilabili a quanto precedentemente riportato sia nell\u2019asina che nella cavalla.In the mare, ultrasonography is widely used during the early pregnancy for evaluating the development of the conceptus and for highlight abnormalities. Instead, in the jenny, the ultrasonographic appearance of the early pregnancy has not been jet thoroughly described. The ultrasonographic study of the conceptus between Days 8 and 54 of pregnancy in six Martina Franca jennies has shown that the blastocyst was detected at Day 12 and its mobility ceased on Day 17 The growth rate of the vescicle was very high (3 mm/die) from Days 12 to 18, reduced (0.4 mm/die) from Days 20 to 28, and then moderate (1.8 mm/die) after Day 30. The embryo was first detected on Day 22, the allantoic sac and the heart beat on Day 26. The yolk sac was detectable until Day 44, and the ventral descent of the fetus was complete on Day 50. The growth rate of the conceptus was moderate during the embryonic phase (between Days 12 and 40) and then higher during the fetal phase (after Day 40). Data and morphometric features of the donkey conceptus recorded in the present study were similar to those previously reported in jennies and mares
Current assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are insufficient to cover the slice of the popul... more Current assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are insufficient to cover the slice of the population needing to restore fertility, as well as to amplify the reproductive performance of domestic animals or endangered species. The design of dedicated reproductive scaffolds has opened the possibility to better recapitulate the reproductive 3D ovarian environment, thus potentially innovating in vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) techniques. To this aim, the present research has been designed to compare ovine preantral follicles in vitro culture on poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)-based electrospun scaffolds designed with different topology (Random vs. Patterned fibers) with a previously validated system. The ivF performances were assessed after 14 days under 3D-oil, Two-Step (7 days in 3D-oil and on scaffold), or One-Step PCL protocols (14 days on PCL-scaffold) by assessing morphological and functional outcomes. The results show that Two- and One-Step PCL ivF protocols, when performed on pa...
Il ciclo estrale e l’intervallo che si interpone tra due ovulazioni succes-sive e nella cavalla h... more Il ciclo estrale e l’intervallo che si interpone tra due ovulazioni succes-sive e nella cavalla ha una lunghezza media di 21 giorni (19-22 giorni).La fase follicolare del ciclo e caratterizzata dallo sviluppo, dalla selezio-ne e dalla maturazione del follicolo preovulatorio e dalla regressione odall’atresia degli altri follicoli sviluppatisi durante la stessa ondata folli-colare (Bergfelt, 2000). Nelle 24-48 ore precedenti il termine di questafase si ha l’ovulazione, evento che segna il confine con la fase luteinica.Per questo motivo il giorno in cui avviene l’ovulazione viene comune-mente definito giorno 0.La fase luteinica e dominata dalla presenza e dall’attivita del corpo lu-teo. La sua durata nella cavalla e mediamente di 14-15 giorni (Hughes
Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activit... more Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activity, primarily as luteolytic agents to induce estrus. Despite numerous studies on the effects of these luteolysins in the mare, to date only a single investigation has been conducted in the jenny. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the corpus luteum (CL) to a single dose of PGF(2alpha) given 3 days (72h) after ovulation and to establish the plasma progesterone (P4) profile from pre-treatment to post-treatment ovulation in the Martina Franca donkey. Twenty-two jennies were ultrasonographically monitored and treated 72h after the detection of ovulation with 0.075 mg i.m. of R-cloprostenol. From the day of ovulation until ovulation post-treatment, blood was collected daily for P4 determination by enhanced luminescence immunoassay. All the jennies except one, exhibited behavioral signs of PGF(2alpha)-induced estrus within 4 days of treatment lasting 5.4+/-1.16 days. Post-treatment ovulation was also hastened, reducing the interovulatory interval (9.6 days). In response to treatment, plasma P4 concentrations fell to estrus levels and then remained constant until the next ovulation in all but the non-responding animal. Our findings indicate that PGF(2alpha) treatment on Day 3 post-ovulation causes the functional regression of the CL in the jenny, reflected both by the rapid induction of estrus and ovulation and by an abrupt drop in circulating P4 concentrations.
This study was designed to establish the morphological features of the placenta of the Martina Fr... more This study was designed to establish the morphological features of the placenta of the Martina Franca jenny. Ten placentas were harvested at the time of foal delivery and examined both for gross and histological characteristics. The following factors were determined: the total weight and volume of the placenta and its components, the surface area of the allantochorion, umbilical cord length and site of insertion, and the diameter of the umbilical cord vessels and vascular pattern type. The weight of the placenta was similar to previously reported for ponies, and represented 12% of foal birth weight. Umbilical cord length was similar to that in the horse but longer than in the pony, while cord weight was intermediate between the two. In a histological examination, numerous strong villi were observed at sites corresponding to the non-pregnant and pregnant horn and uterine body. No villi were detected in the area overlying the cervical star. Despite obvious similarities between the donkey and horse placenta, specific morphological features do exist, and are possibly related to the differences in length of gestation.
The physiology of reproduction in the mare is reg- ulated by the action of several hormones. Amon... more The physiology of reproduction in the mare is reg- ulated by the action of several hormones. Among these, progesterone (P4), 17β-estradiol (E2) and the insulin-growth factor I (IGF-I) play major roles. The aim of this study is to give a complete picture about the hormonal variation during the estrus cy- cle in the mare, evaluating P4, E2, and IGF-I plasma levels between two subsequent ovulations. Ten mares were enrolled and were ultrasonographical- ly examined every 12 hours starting from the be- ginning of estrus until ovulation; then ultrasound examination was performed every day before the blood sampling and again every 12 hours from the beginning of the following estrus until the second ovulation. Blood samples were collected from each mare every morning between 8 and 10 a.m. from the day of the first ovulation until the following ovulation. P4, E2 and IGF-I were analyzed by RIA. The mean estrus cycle length was 22,1 days and the mean preovulatory follicle diameter was 41,3 mm. ...
Papers by Umberto Tosi