Bibliografía p. 95-98A quince años de la suscripción de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing por el... more Bibliografía p. 95-98A quince años de la suscripción de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing por el Estado peruano, corresponde realizar balances regulares de cuánto hemos avanzado en el efectivo ejercicio de los derechos de las mujeres, una mayor igualdad entre mujeres y hombres y la reducción de las brechas de género. Si bien se han experimentado avances muy importantes a nivel institucional principalmente, persisten aún enormes desafíos que enfrentar para llegar a ser un país cuyo nivel de democracia y modernidad se expresan también en las oportunidades de las que disfrutan las mujeres, adolescentes, niñas y mujeres de la tercera edad.Esta publicación ha sido posible gracias a los aportes de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); de la Cooperación Alemana, implementada por la GIZ; del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA); de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OPS) de la Oficina de la Coor...
Bibliografía p. 111-116Al cumplirse 20 años de la suscripción de la Declaración de Beijing por pa... more Bibliografía p. 111-116Al cumplirse 20 años de la suscripción de la Declaración de Beijing por parte del Estado Peruano y la creación de la Plataforma de Acción en el marco de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer en Beijing (1995), es necesario conocer en qué medida el Perú ha implementado los compromisos que se establecieron en dicha Plataforma, así como cuánto se ha avanzado en la incorporación del enfoque de género en las políticas públicas, programas y planes que contribuyan a reforzar los mecanismos institucionales para promover la igualdad de género en el Perú.Esta publicación ha sido posible gracias a los aportes de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); de la Cooperación Alemana, implementada por la GIZ; de la Cooperación Belga al Desarrollo; del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA); del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD); y de ONU Mujeres
... mary E penny claudio F lanata Eliana Villar WorKinG papEr no.28 Page 4. ... In its first phas... more ... mary E penny claudio F lanata Eliana Villar WorKinG papEr no.28 Page 4. ... In its first phase, Young Lives has investigated three key story lines the effects on child well-being of i) access to and use of services, ii) social capital, and iii) household livelihoods. ...
Background paper prepared for the Education for …, 2003
This analytical review will consider the evidence of gender-based violence in schools in developi... more This analytical review will consider the evidence of gender-based violence in schools in developing countries and summarise the measures taken to address them. A central problem in identifying the nature and scope of the review is the fact that many forms and incidents of gender violence in schools are not reported as such. Most often gender violence is not considered differently from other forms of school violence. Identification of gender-based violence in schools as a barrier to increased educational participation in particular of girls in the poorer countries of the world is recent and our understanding of its causes and consequences is not well developed. As a result the appropriate gender-sensitive framework required to observe and to intervene does not exist so that these least desirable aspects of school life are either left unreported or unrecognised as gender violence. There is no doubt however that this is not an isolated phenomenon as studies directed at investigating a range of problems in education in developing countries such as underachievement high pupil drop-out poor quality of teaching and low levels of teacher professionalism hint at its presence in schools. There is therefore a need to explore and categorise its manifestations within an explicit gender framework and to examine its impact on the school experience and student learning. Without this it will be impossible to identify effective system-wide strategies to address it. (excerpt)
ABSTRACT Gender analysis of participation of women in the Peruvian Parliament. This study is base... more ABSTRACT Gender analysis of participation of women in the Peruvian Parliament. This study is based on in depth interviews to female politicians.
and funded by DFID. The project aims to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences ... more and funded by DFID. The project aims to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of childhood poverty in the developing world by following the lives of a group of 8,000 children and their families over a 15-year period. Through the involvement of academic, government and NGO partners in the aforementioned countries, South Africa and the UK, the Young Lives project will highlight ways in which policy can be improved to more effectively tackle child poverty.
Research and Training Centre for Community Development,Vietnam Save the Children UK South Bank Un... more Research and Training Centre for Community Development,Vietnam Save the Children UK South Bank University, UK
In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Mill... more In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Millennium Development Goals, social protection mechanisms are increasingly seen as an important policy tool to tackle poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion.2 Within the broad field of social protection, cash transfers are
Although enrolment in primary schools in Peru is very high, more than half of primary school chil... more Although enrolment in primary schools in Peru is very high, more than half of primary school children are one or more grades below the norm for their age. Evaluations show Peruvian school children score well below the global average for their age and the average of countries with similar socio-economic circumstances. The role of social capital, or social networks and support, trust, and reciprocity, in explaining these findings has not been studied. Research in the United States has suggested positive associations between social capital and educational achievement. Young Lives researchers have examined whether social capital is associated with educational progress and achievement in Peru. In this paper, the authors consider the impact of social capital on children aged 7.5 to 8.5, focusing on whether or not the child is in a school grade corresponding to his/her age and achievements in mathematics and language. The findings in this paper confirm poor educational outcomes for many Pe...
In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Mill... more In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Millennium Development Goals, social protection mechanisms are increasingly seen as an important policy tool to tackle poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion. Latin American countries, including Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Honduras, have been some of the world pioneers in this field, and recently Peru has started to follow suit. In February 2005 Juntos (“Together”), a cash transfer programme aimed at developing human capital and breaking inter-generational transfers of poverty, was launched by the Toledo government. Initially the announcement sparked opposition from various societal stakeholders, largely in part due to Toledo’s low popularity rankings and suspicions that the programme would be used for clientelistic purposes in the pre-election period prior to the April 2006 national elections. Specific concerns included the government’s plan to implement the programme simultaneously in r...
Si bien en el Peru el indice de matricula en las escuelas primarias es muy alto, mas de la mitad ... more Si bien en el Peru el indice de matricula en las escuelas primarias es muy alto, mas de la mitad de los ninos que asisten a la escuela primaria se encuentra uno o mas grados por debajo de la media para su edad. Ademas, las evaluaciones han demostrado que, si se someten a prueba, los escolares peruanos se ubican bastante por debajo de lo que se espera para su edad. Sus puntajes se encuentran tambien por debajo de los niveles promedio de paises que atraviesan circunstancias socioeconomicas similares. No se ha estudiado el papel del capital social1 en explicar estos hallazgos, aunque la investigacion efectuada en EE.UU. ha sugerido asociaciones positivas entre capital social y rendimiento educativo. Las organizaciones sociales que se concentran en el cuidado infantil son un ejemplo de recursos de redes sociales solidas en el Peru. El estudio de Ninos del Milenio ofrece una oportunidad para investigar si el capital social se asocial con el progreso y el rendimiento a nivel educativo.
This report presents a brief literature review of childhood poverty in Peru, identifies key natio... more This report presents a brief literature review of childhood poverty in Peru, identifies key national audiences for the Young Lives study, explains the study methods used and presents provisional evidence, conclusions and policy implications. The Peruvian economy underwent a series of crises and external shocks in the 1980s and 1990s. The number of poor households rose rapidly from 43 per cent of the total in 1985-86 to 59 per cent in 1991. Despite reforms in the 1990s, Peru has one of the highest rates of income inequality in Latin America. Childhood poverty rates are higher than poverty rates in the general population. Health indicators reveal a large gap between rural and urban regions. Peru has the third highest child malnutrition rate in Latin America and the third worst ranking for nutritional inequality. In education, by contrast, the Peruvian government has made great strides. By 2000, primary school enrolment had almost become universal and around 73 per cent of 12- to 16-ye...
Bibliografía p. 95-98A quince años de la suscripción de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing por el... more Bibliografía p. 95-98A quince años de la suscripción de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing por el Estado peruano, corresponde realizar balances regulares de cuánto hemos avanzado en el efectivo ejercicio de los derechos de las mujeres, una mayor igualdad entre mujeres y hombres y la reducción de las brechas de género. Si bien se han experimentado avances muy importantes a nivel institucional principalmente, persisten aún enormes desafíos que enfrentar para llegar a ser un país cuyo nivel de democracia y modernidad se expresan también en las oportunidades de las que disfrutan las mujeres, adolescentes, niñas y mujeres de la tercera edad.Esta publicación ha sido posible gracias a los aportes de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); de la Cooperación Alemana, implementada por la GIZ; del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA); de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OPS) de la Oficina de la Coor...
Bibliografía p. 111-116Al cumplirse 20 años de la suscripción de la Declaración de Beijing por pa... more Bibliografía p. 111-116Al cumplirse 20 años de la suscripción de la Declaración de Beijing por parte del Estado Peruano y la creación de la Plataforma de Acción en el marco de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer en Beijing (1995), es necesario conocer en qué medida el Perú ha implementado los compromisos que se establecieron en dicha Plataforma, así como cuánto se ha avanzado en la incorporación del enfoque de género en las políticas públicas, programas y planes que contribuyan a reforzar los mecanismos institucionales para promover la igualdad de género en el Perú.Esta publicación ha sido posible gracias a los aportes de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID); de la Cooperación Alemana, implementada por la GIZ; de la Cooperación Belga al Desarrollo; del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA); del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD); y de ONU Mujeres
... mary E penny claudio F lanata Eliana Villar WorKinG papEr no.28 Page 4. ... In its first phas... more ... mary E penny claudio F lanata Eliana Villar WorKinG papEr no.28 Page 4. ... In its first phase, Young Lives has investigated three key story lines the effects on child well-being of i) access to and use of services, ii) social capital, and iii) household livelihoods. ...
Background paper prepared for the Education for …, 2003
This analytical review will consider the evidence of gender-based violence in schools in developi... more This analytical review will consider the evidence of gender-based violence in schools in developing countries and summarise the measures taken to address them. A central problem in identifying the nature and scope of the review is the fact that many forms and incidents of gender violence in schools are not reported as such. Most often gender violence is not considered differently from other forms of school violence. Identification of gender-based violence in schools as a barrier to increased educational participation in particular of girls in the poorer countries of the world is recent and our understanding of its causes and consequences is not well developed. As a result the appropriate gender-sensitive framework required to observe and to intervene does not exist so that these least desirable aspects of school life are either left unreported or unrecognised as gender violence. There is no doubt however that this is not an isolated phenomenon as studies directed at investigating a range of problems in education in developing countries such as underachievement high pupil drop-out poor quality of teaching and low levels of teacher professionalism hint at its presence in schools. There is therefore a need to explore and categorise its manifestations within an explicit gender framework and to examine its impact on the school experience and student learning. Without this it will be impossible to identify effective system-wide strategies to address it. (excerpt)
ABSTRACT Gender analysis of participation of women in the Peruvian Parliament. This study is base... more ABSTRACT Gender analysis of participation of women in the Peruvian Parliament. This study is based on in depth interviews to female politicians.
and funded by DFID. The project aims to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences ... more and funded by DFID. The project aims to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of childhood poverty in the developing world by following the lives of a group of 8,000 children and their families over a 15-year period. Through the involvement of academic, government and NGO partners in the aforementioned countries, South Africa and the UK, the Young Lives project will highlight ways in which policy can be improved to more effectively tackle child poverty.
Research and Training Centre for Community Development,Vietnam Save the Children UK South Bank Un... more Research and Training Centre for Community Development,Vietnam Save the Children UK South Bank University, UK
In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Mill... more In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Millennium Development Goals, social protection mechanisms are increasingly seen as an important policy tool to tackle poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion.2 Within the broad field of social protection, cash transfers are
Although enrolment in primary schools in Peru is very high, more than half of primary school chil... more Although enrolment in primary schools in Peru is very high, more than half of primary school children are one or more grades below the norm for their age. Evaluations show Peruvian school children score well below the global average for their age and the average of countries with similar socio-economic circumstances. The role of social capital, or social networks and support, trust, and reciprocity, in explaining these findings has not been studied. Research in the United States has suggested positive associations between social capital and educational achievement. Young Lives researchers have examined whether social capital is associated with educational progress and achievement in Peru. In this paper, the authors consider the impact of social capital on children aged 7.5 to 8.5, focusing on whether or not the child is in a school grade corresponding to his/her age and achievements in mathematics and language. The findings in this paper confirm poor educational outcomes for many Pe...
In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Mill... more In the context of significant international attention on poverty reduction and realizing the Millennium Development Goals, social protection mechanisms are increasingly seen as an important policy tool to tackle poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion. Latin American countries, including Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Honduras, have been some of the world pioneers in this field, and recently Peru has started to follow suit. In February 2005 Juntos (“Together”), a cash transfer programme aimed at developing human capital and breaking inter-generational transfers of poverty, was launched by the Toledo government. Initially the announcement sparked opposition from various societal stakeholders, largely in part due to Toledo’s low popularity rankings and suspicions that the programme would be used for clientelistic purposes in the pre-election period prior to the April 2006 national elections. Specific concerns included the government’s plan to implement the programme simultaneously in r...
Si bien en el Peru el indice de matricula en las escuelas primarias es muy alto, mas de la mitad ... more Si bien en el Peru el indice de matricula en las escuelas primarias es muy alto, mas de la mitad de los ninos que asisten a la escuela primaria se encuentra uno o mas grados por debajo de la media para su edad. Ademas, las evaluaciones han demostrado que, si se someten a prueba, los escolares peruanos se ubican bastante por debajo de lo que se espera para su edad. Sus puntajes se encuentran tambien por debajo de los niveles promedio de paises que atraviesan circunstancias socioeconomicas similares. No se ha estudiado el papel del capital social1 en explicar estos hallazgos, aunque la investigacion efectuada en EE.UU. ha sugerido asociaciones positivas entre capital social y rendimiento educativo. Las organizaciones sociales que se concentran en el cuidado infantil son un ejemplo de recursos de redes sociales solidas en el Peru. El estudio de Ninos del Milenio ofrece una oportunidad para investigar si el capital social se asocial con el progreso y el rendimiento a nivel educativo.
This report presents a brief literature review of childhood poverty in Peru, identifies key natio... more This report presents a brief literature review of childhood poverty in Peru, identifies key national audiences for the Young Lives study, explains the study methods used and presents provisional evidence, conclusions and policy implications. The Peruvian economy underwent a series of crises and external shocks in the 1980s and 1990s. The number of poor households rose rapidly from 43 per cent of the total in 1985-86 to 59 per cent in 1991. Despite reforms in the 1990s, Peru has one of the highest rates of income inequality in Latin America. Childhood poverty rates are higher than poverty rates in the general population. Health indicators reveal a large gap between rural and urban regions. Peru has the third highest child malnutrition rate in Latin America and the third worst ranking for nutritional inequality. In education, by contrast, the Peruvian government has made great strides. By 2000, primary school enrolment had almost become universal and around 73 per cent of 12- to 16-ye...
Papers by Eliana Villar