Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., and Ramos-Cartelle, A. 2010. Horizontal and vertical mo... more Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., and Ramos-Cartelle, A. 2010. Horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the Southeast Pacific. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 466–474. In all, 21 swordfish (Xiphias gladius) were tagged with pop-up archival satellite tags in the Southeast Pacific. Despite problems of premature release, the information obtained provided insight into the horizontal and vertical behaviour of the species in the area. A consistent migratory pattern was observed, fish moving northwest by autumn and presumably returning south by early spring. Swordfish typically forage in deep water during the day and stay in the mixed layer at night, although this behaviour is occasionally modified. The maximum depth recorded was 1136 m, and dives deeper than 900 m were found in five of the six tags analysed. There was a significant positive relationship between average depth by night and visible moon fraction.
ABSTRACT Management measures for South African line-caught fish include output controls such as c... more ABSTRACT Management measures for South African line-caught fish include output controls such as closed seasons, bag and size limits and no-take moratoria. The main condition for these measures to be effective is that undesirable catches can be successfully released. However, most of the line-caught fish species are susceptible to barotrauma, a condition caused in physoclists by the rapid reduction of hydrostatic pressure during the ascent to the surface during capture. We investigated the effects of barotrauma on five commercially important species: roman Chrysoblephus laticeps, silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus, hottentot Pachymetopon blochii, santer Cheimerius nufar and carpenter Argyrozona argyrozona. A classification of the external signs of barotrauma was developed and internal and external signs of barotrauma were examined in relation to fishing depth and fish size, and compared between species. Immediate post-release mortality was investigated during a catch-and-release experiment. Medium-term survival of C. laticeps (~1 d) was examined by returning fish to depth in cages and subsequent monitoring on SCUBA. Our results indicate that most of the fish experience barotrauma even when caught at relatively shallow depths. External signs include extension of the inflated, everted stomach through the mouth, distended eyes, protrusion of the hind-gut and other organs through the cloaca, and gas bubbles in the dermal tissue between the fin rays. The absence of any obvious external signs of barotrauma can be misleading as dissections of such fish revealed ruptures of the swimbladder and other internal injuries consistent with barotrauma. Our results indicate that there might be significant post-release mortality, a factor that needs to be taken into account during stock assessment predictions and during the implementation of catch restrictions.
The aim of this paper is to develop a new algorithm to enhance the performance of EEG-based brain... more The aim of this paper is to develop a new algorithm to enhance the performance of EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI). We improved our time-frequency approach of classification of motor imagery (MI) tasks for BCI applications. The approach consists of Laplacian filtering, band-pass filtering and classification by correlation of time-frequency-spatial patterns. Through off-line analysis of data collected during a "cursor control" experiment, we evaluated the capability of our new method to reveal major features of the EEG control for enhancement of MI classification accuracy. The pilot results in a human subject are promising, with an accuracy rate of 96.1%.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important component of the pre-surgical evaluation in the treatm... more Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important component of the pre-surgical evaluation in the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy. However, clinical EEG uses 19 to 32 electrodes that significantly limits its localization ability. Recent development of dense-array recording techniques has suggested that increased spatial sampling rate improves the accuracy of source localization. In the current study, we proposed a 76-channel EEG system for the long-term monitoring of epilepsy patients, and proposed a dynamic seizure imaging (DSI) technique to image the ictal rhythmic activity that may evolve through time, space and frequency. We tested the system in a cohort of 8 patients and our results show that the DSI estimated the seizure activity in good correlation with intracranial recordings, successful surgery outcomes and other clinical evidence. The proposed dense-array recording and DSI imaging approach enable a non-invasive but quantitative imaging of continuous seizure activity. ...
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2009
In the present study, we utilize methods from graph theory to analyze epileptogenic network prope... more In the present study, we utilize methods from graph theory to analyze epileptogenic network properties during periods of ictal activity. Using these methods, we analyzed the DTF-based causal information flow in nine seizures recorded from two patients undergoing presurgical monitoring for the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy. From the results, we observed a high degree of correlation between the regions with a high amount of information outflow (termed the outdegree) and the cortical areas identified clinically as the generators of the ictal activity. We furthermore observe a frequency-dependent correlation between the co-localization of these "activated regions" and the clinical foci. These findings suggest that application of network analysis tools to ictal activity could provide clinically useful information concerning these epileptogenic networks.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2007
This paper proposes the application of the directed transfer function (DTF) to a set of time-vary... more This paper proposes the application of the directed transfer function (DTF) to a set of time-varying coefficients obtained through the use of a multivariate adaptive autoregressive (MVAAR) model. We define this time-varying measure of causality as the adaptive directed transfer function (ADTF) and compare its ability to discern changes in the causal interaction pattern as compared with the conventional DTF. To accomplish this task, two multivariate models with predefined interaction patterns were created in which the causal interaction between the nodes was altered during the course of the time series. In both models, the ADTF has the capability to discern the dynamic changes in the primary source of the information outflow. The results obtained by using the ADTF were subsequently compared to those calculated through use of the conventional DTF method and the present simulation result suggests that use of the ADTF could provide useful information regarding dynamic causality.
Despite their ecological and economic importance, the temperate reef habitats of the central Agul... more Despite their ecological and economic importance, the temperate reef habitats of the central Agulhas Bank remain poorly studied. From 2008 to 2010, multiple stations grouped into six general sites of varying depth, profile and distance offshore, were surveyed. A combination of linefishing and fishtrapping was found to be most suitable to assess the ichthyofauna. The survey yielded a total catch of 8470 individuals (45 species) from 183 stations from a depth range between eight and 100 metres. Multivariate analyses indicated that the demersal reef fish community of the central Agulhas Bank is determined by depth rather than distance offshore, and that offshore reefs can function as fish aggregating structures for some of the region's overexploited species such as carpenter (Argyrozona argyrozona).
Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has been established as a major component of the presurgical e... more Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has been established as a major component of the presurgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery. However, its ability to localize seizure onset zones (SOZ) has been significantly restricted by its low spatial resolution and indirect correlation with underlying brain activities. Here we report a novel non-invasive dynamic seizure imaging (DSI) approach based upon high-density EEG recordings. This novel approach was particularly designed to image the dynamic changes of ictal rhythmic discharges that evolve through time, space and frequency. This method was evaluated in a group of 8 epilepsy patients and results were rigorously validated using intracranial EEG (iEEG) (n = 3) and surgical outcome (n = 7). The DSI localized the ictal activity in concordance with surgically resected zones and ictal iEEG recordings in the cohort of patients. The present promising results support the ability to precisely and accurately image dynamic seizure activity from non-invasive measurements. The successful establishment of such a non-invasive seizure imaging modality for surgical evaluation will have a significant impact in the management of medically intractable epilepsy.
It is desirable to estimate both location and extent information of epileptogenic zones from noni... more It is desirable to estimate both location and extent information of epileptogenic zones from noninvasive EEG. In the present study, we use a subspace source localization method, i.e. FINE, combined with a local thresholding technique to achieve such tasks. We have evaluated the performance of this method in interictal spikes from three pediatric patients with medically intractable partial epilepsy. The present results suggest that the thresholded subspace correlation, which is obtained from FINE scanning, is a favorable marker, which implies the extents of current sources associated with epileptic activities. Our findings were validated through comparison to invasive ECoG recordings during interictal spikes. The surgical resections in these three patients are well correlated with the epileptogenic zones identified from both EEG sources and ECoG potential distributions. The value of the proposed noninvasive technique for estimating epileptiform activity was supported by satisfactory surgery outcomes.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2006
Human motor imagery (MI) tasks evoke EEG signal changes. The features of these changes appear as ... more Human motor imagery (MI) tasks evoke EEG signal changes. The features of these changes appear as subject-specific temporal traces of EEG rhythmic components at specific channels located over the scalp. Accurate classification of MI tasks based upon EEG may lead to a noninvasive braincomputer interface (BCI) to decode and convey intention of human subjects. We have previously proposed two novel methods on time-frequency feature extraction, expression and classification for high-density EEG recordings present study, we refined the above time-frequencyspatial approach and applied it to a one-dimensional "cursor control" BCI experiment with online feedback. Through offline analysis of the collected data, we evaluated the capability of the present refined method in comparison with the original time-frequency-spatial methods. The enhanced performance in terms of classification accuracy was found for the proposed approach, with a mean accuracy rate of 91.1% for two subjects studied.
Frequency-derived identification of the propagation of information between brain regions has quic... more Frequency-derived identification of the propagation of information between brain regions has quickly become a popular area in the neurosciences. Of the various techniques used to study the propagation of activation within the central nervous system, the directed transfer function (DTF) has been well used to explore the functional connectivity during a variety of brain states and pathological conditions. However, the DTF method assumes the stationarity of the neural electrical signals and the time invariance of the connectivity among different channels over the investigated time window. Such assumptions may not be valid in the abnormal brain signals such as seizures and interictal spikes in epilepsy patients. In the present study, we have developed an adaptive DTF method (ADTF) through the use of a multivariate adaptive autoregressive model to study the time-variant propagation of seizures and interictal spikes in simulated electroencephalogram (ECoG) networks. The timevariant connectivity reconstruction is achieved by the Kalman filter algorithm which can incorporate time-varying state equations. We study the performance of the proposed method through simulations with various propagation models using either sample seizures or interictal spikes as the source waveform. The present results suggest that the new ADTF method correctly captures the temporal dynamics of the propagation models while the DTF method cannot, and even returns erroneous results in some cases. The present ADTF method was tested in real epileptiform electroencephalogram data from an epilepsy patient and the ADTF results are consistent with the clinical assessments performed by neurologists.
Unlocking the dynamic inner workings of the brain continues to remain a grand challenge of the 21... more Unlocking the dynamic inner workings of the brain continues to remain a grand challenge of the 21st century. To this end, functional neuroimaging modalities represent an outstanding approach to better understand the mechanisms of both normal and abnormal brain functions. The ability to image brain function with ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution has made a significant leap over the past several decades. Further delineation of functional networks could lead to improved understanding of brain function in both normal and diseased states. This paper reviews recent advancements and current challenges in dynamic functional neuroimaging techniques, including electrophysiological source imaging, multimodal neuroimaging integrating fMRI with EEG/MEG, and functional connectivity imaging.
Advances in neuroelectric recordings and computational tools allow investigation of interactive b... more Advances in neuroelectric recordings and computational tools allow investigation of interactive brain activity and connectivity in a group of subjects engaged in social interactions.
Acoustic telemetry was used to study patterns of habitat use and movements of Pomatomus saltatrix... more Acoustic telemetry was used to study patterns of habitat use and movements of Pomatomus saltatrix L. (common name elf/shad/bluefish/tailor) within the Saldanha Bay with Langebaan Lagoon coastal embayment on the west coast of South Africa. Thirty six mature P. saltatrix were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released within the lagoon in May 2006 and NovembereDecember 2007, and their positions were monitored until late-November 2008 using 28 hydrophones positioned throughout the embayment. The detection pattern of P. saltatrix suggested a tendency to residence within the embayment throughout the thirty month long study period, with nearly 60% of released individuals only being detected within the lagoon in the inner part of the embayment. However, there was a long-term trend of movement from the lagoon into the bay. One individual was recaptured off the east coast of South Africa 21 months after being tagged, 1760 km away, suggesting that P. saltatrix are capable of undertaking long along-shore migrations. Over finer scales within the inner lagoon, P. saltatrix ground speed increased (1) with an increase in tidal current speed, (2) with an increase in photoperiod, and (3) during day. Pomatomus saltatrix tended to move seaward during ebb tides, and to occupy greater depths during day.
Purpose-The current gold standard for the localization of the cortical regions responsible for th... more Purpose-The current gold standard for the localization of the cortical regions responsible for the initiation and propagation of the ictal activity is through the use of invasive electrocorticography (ECoG). This method is utilized to guide surgical intervention in cases of medically intractable epilepsy by identifying the location and extent of the epileptogenic focus. Recent studies have proposed mechanisms in which the activity of epileptogenic cortical networks, rather than discrete focal sources, contributes to the generation of the ictal state. If true, selective modulation of key network components could be employed for the prevention and termination of the ictal state.
Purpose-Determination of the origin of extra-temporal neocortical onset seizures is often challen... more Purpose-Determination of the origin of extra-temporal neocortical onset seizures is often challenging due to the rapid speed in which they propagate throughout the cortex. Typically, these patients are poor surgical candidates and many times experience recurrences of seizure activity following resection of the assumed seizure focus.
The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targ... more The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targeted species are too mobile to benefit from area protection and that no-take areas are only appropriate for resident species. The degree of protection does not depend on the size of the no-take area but rather on the time fish reside inside its boundaries during key life-history events (i.e., spawning) and during periods of peak fishing activity. We evaluated the potential of a small no-take marine protected area (MPA) inside a coastal embayment as a harvest refuge for a mobile, possibly migratory, long-lived fish species. We used acoustic telemetry to track movements of 30 transmitter-tagged white stumpnose (Rhabdosargus globiceps) across and on both sides of the boundary of a small (34 km 2 ) no-take area over a full year. Being landlocked on 3 sides, the location of the MPA inside the lagoon made it practical to detect all boundary crossings and to calculate the time individual fish used the MPA. We detected frequent movements across the boundary, with strong seasonal and individual variations. There were significant differences in MPA use patterns between fish from different release areas. The time spent in the MPA by individual fish during summer (mean 50%; max 98%) was out of proportion with the size of that area (4% of total habitat). Summer coincided with peak recreational fishing activity and with the spawning season of this species. The small MPA provided a refuge for a part of the spawning stock of white stumpnose. Our findings suggest that if strategically placed, a small no-take area can be effective in protecting mobile species and that models of spillover from no-take areas should account for seasonal and individual variation in area use and the spatiotemporal distribution of fish and fishers.
Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., and Ramos-Cartelle, A. 2010. Horizontal and vertical mo... more Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., and Ramos-Cartelle, A. 2010. Horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the Southeast Pacific. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 466–474. In all, 21 swordfish (Xiphias gladius) were tagged with pop-up archival satellite tags in the Southeast Pacific. Despite problems of premature release, the information obtained provided insight into the horizontal and vertical behaviour of the species in the area. A consistent migratory pattern was observed, fish moving northwest by autumn and presumably returning south by early spring. Swordfish typically forage in deep water during the day and stay in the mixed layer at night, although this behaviour is occasionally modified. The maximum depth recorded was 1136 m, and dives deeper than 900 m were found in five of the six tags analysed. There was a significant positive relationship between average depth by night and visible moon fraction.
ABSTRACT Management measures for South African line-caught fish include output controls such as c... more ABSTRACT Management measures for South African line-caught fish include output controls such as closed seasons, bag and size limits and no-take moratoria. The main condition for these measures to be effective is that undesirable catches can be successfully released. However, most of the line-caught fish species are susceptible to barotrauma, a condition caused in physoclists by the rapid reduction of hydrostatic pressure during the ascent to the surface during capture. We investigated the effects of barotrauma on five commercially important species: roman Chrysoblephus laticeps, silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus, hottentot Pachymetopon blochii, santer Cheimerius nufar and carpenter Argyrozona argyrozona. A classification of the external signs of barotrauma was developed and internal and external signs of barotrauma were examined in relation to fishing depth and fish size, and compared between species. Immediate post-release mortality was investigated during a catch-and-release experiment. Medium-term survival of C. laticeps (~1 d) was examined by returning fish to depth in cages and subsequent monitoring on SCUBA. Our results indicate that most of the fish experience barotrauma even when caught at relatively shallow depths. External signs include extension of the inflated, everted stomach through the mouth, distended eyes, protrusion of the hind-gut and other organs through the cloaca, and gas bubbles in the dermal tissue between the fin rays. The absence of any obvious external signs of barotrauma can be misleading as dissections of such fish revealed ruptures of the swimbladder and other internal injuries consistent with barotrauma. Our results indicate that there might be significant post-release mortality, a factor that needs to be taken into account during stock assessment predictions and during the implementation of catch restrictions.
The aim of this paper is to develop a new algorithm to enhance the performance of EEG-based brain... more The aim of this paper is to develop a new algorithm to enhance the performance of EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI). We improved our time-frequency approach of classification of motor imagery (MI) tasks for BCI applications. The approach consists of Laplacian filtering, band-pass filtering and classification by correlation of time-frequency-spatial patterns. Through off-line analysis of data collected during a "cursor control" experiment, we evaluated the capability of our new method to reveal major features of the EEG control for enhancement of MI classification accuracy. The pilot results in a human subject are promising, with an accuracy rate of 96.1%.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2011
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important component of the pre-surgical evaluation in the treatm... more Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important component of the pre-surgical evaluation in the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy. However, clinical EEG uses 19 to 32 electrodes that significantly limits its localization ability. Recent development of dense-array recording techniques has suggested that increased spatial sampling rate improves the accuracy of source localization. In the current study, we proposed a 76-channel EEG system for the long-term monitoring of epilepsy patients, and proposed a dynamic seizure imaging (DSI) technique to image the ictal rhythmic activity that may evolve through time, space and frequency. We tested the system in a cohort of 8 patients and our results show that the DSI estimated the seizure activity in good correlation with intracranial recordings, successful surgery outcomes and other clinical evidence. The proposed dense-array recording and DSI imaging approach enable a non-invasive but quantitative imaging of continuous seizure activity. ...
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2009
In the present study, we utilize methods from graph theory to analyze epileptogenic network prope... more In the present study, we utilize methods from graph theory to analyze epileptogenic network properties during periods of ictal activity. Using these methods, we analyzed the DTF-based causal information flow in nine seizures recorded from two patients undergoing presurgical monitoring for the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy. From the results, we observed a high degree of correlation between the regions with a high amount of information outflow (termed the outdegree) and the cortical areas identified clinically as the generators of the ictal activity. We furthermore observe a frequency-dependent correlation between the co-localization of these "activated regions" and the clinical foci. These findings suggest that application of network analysis tools to ictal activity could provide clinically useful information concerning these epileptogenic networks.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2007
This paper proposes the application of the directed transfer function (DTF) to a set of time-vary... more This paper proposes the application of the directed transfer function (DTF) to a set of time-varying coefficients obtained through the use of a multivariate adaptive autoregressive (MVAAR) model. We define this time-varying measure of causality as the adaptive directed transfer function (ADTF) and compare its ability to discern changes in the causal interaction pattern as compared with the conventional DTF. To accomplish this task, two multivariate models with predefined interaction patterns were created in which the causal interaction between the nodes was altered during the course of the time series. In both models, the ADTF has the capability to discern the dynamic changes in the primary source of the information outflow. The results obtained by using the ADTF were subsequently compared to those calculated through use of the conventional DTF method and the present simulation result suggests that use of the ADTF could provide useful information regarding dynamic causality.
Despite their ecological and economic importance, the temperate reef habitats of the central Agul... more Despite their ecological and economic importance, the temperate reef habitats of the central Agulhas Bank remain poorly studied. From 2008 to 2010, multiple stations grouped into six general sites of varying depth, profile and distance offshore, were surveyed. A combination of linefishing and fishtrapping was found to be most suitable to assess the ichthyofauna. The survey yielded a total catch of 8470 individuals (45 species) from 183 stations from a depth range between eight and 100 metres. Multivariate analyses indicated that the demersal reef fish community of the central Agulhas Bank is determined by depth rather than distance offshore, and that offshore reefs can function as fish aggregating structures for some of the region's overexploited species such as carpenter (Argyrozona argyrozona).
Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has been established as a major component of the presurgical e... more Scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has been established as a major component of the presurgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery. However, its ability to localize seizure onset zones (SOZ) has been significantly restricted by its low spatial resolution and indirect correlation with underlying brain activities. Here we report a novel non-invasive dynamic seizure imaging (DSI) approach based upon high-density EEG recordings. This novel approach was particularly designed to image the dynamic changes of ictal rhythmic discharges that evolve through time, space and frequency. This method was evaluated in a group of 8 epilepsy patients and results were rigorously validated using intracranial EEG (iEEG) (n = 3) and surgical outcome (n = 7). The DSI localized the ictal activity in concordance with surgically resected zones and ictal iEEG recordings in the cohort of patients. The present promising results support the ability to precisely and accurately image dynamic seizure activity from non-invasive measurements. The successful establishment of such a non-invasive seizure imaging modality for surgical evaluation will have a significant impact in the management of medically intractable epilepsy.
It is desirable to estimate both location and extent information of epileptogenic zones from noni... more It is desirable to estimate both location and extent information of epileptogenic zones from noninvasive EEG. In the present study, we use a subspace source localization method, i.e. FINE, combined with a local thresholding technique to achieve such tasks. We have evaluated the performance of this method in interictal spikes from three pediatric patients with medically intractable partial epilepsy. The present results suggest that the thresholded subspace correlation, which is obtained from FINE scanning, is a favorable marker, which implies the extents of current sources associated with epileptic activities. Our findings were validated through comparison to invasive ECoG recordings during interictal spikes. The surgical resections in these three patients are well correlated with the epileptogenic zones identified from both EEG sources and ECoG potential distributions. The value of the proposed noninvasive technique for estimating epileptiform activity was supported by satisfactory surgery outcomes.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2006
Human motor imagery (MI) tasks evoke EEG signal changes. The features of these changes appear as ... more Human motor imagery (MI) tasks evoke EEG signal changes. The features of these changes appear as subject-specific temporal traces of EEG rhythmic components at specific channels located over the scalp. Accurate classification of MI tasks based upon EEG may lead to a noninvasive braincomputer interface (BCI) to decode and convey intention of human subjects. We have previously proposed two novel methods on time-frequency feature extraction, expression and classification for high-density EEG recordings present study, we refined the above time-frequencyspatial approach and applied it to a one-dimensional "cursor control" BCI experiment with online feedback. Through offline analysis of the collected data, we evaluated the capability of the present refined method in comparison with the original time-frequency-spatial methods. The enhanced performance in terms of classification accuracy was found for the proposed approach, with a mean accuracy rate of 91.1% for two subjects studied.
Frequency-derived identification of the propagation of information between brain regions has quic... more Frequency-derived identification of the propagation of information between brain regions has quickly become a popular area in the neurosciences. Of the various techniques used to study the propagation of activation within the central nervous system, the directed transfer function (DTF) has been well used to explore the functional connectivity during a variety of brain states and pathological conditions. However, the DTF method assumes the stationarity of the neural electrical signals and the time invariance of the connectivity among different channels over the investigated time window. Such assumptions may not be valid in the abnormal brain signals such as seizures and interictal spikes in epilepsy patients. In the present study, we have developed an adaptive DTF method (ADTF) through the use of a multivariate adaptive autoregressive model to study the time-variant propagation of seizures and interictal spikes in simulated electroencephalogram (ECoG) networks. The timevariant connectivity reconstruction is achieved by the Kalman filter algorithm which can incorporate time-varying state equations. We study the performance of the proposed method through simulations with various propagation models using either sample seizures or interictal spikes as the source waveform. The present results suggest that the new ADTF method correctly captures the temporal dynamics of the propagation models while the DTF method cannot, and even returns erroneous results in some cases. The present ADTF method was tested in real epileptiform electroencephalogram data from an epilepsy patient and the ADTF results are consistent with the clinical assessments performed by neurologists.
Unlocking the dynamic inner workings of the brain continues to remain a grand challenge of the 21... more Unlocking the dynamic inner workings of the brain continues to remain a grand challenge of the 21st century. To this end, functional neuroimaging modalities represent an outstanding approach to better understand the mechanisms of both normal and abnormal brain functions. The ability to image brain function with ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution has made a significant leap over the past several decades. Further delineation of functional networks could lead to improved understanding of brain function in both normal and diseased states. This paper reviews recent advancements and current challenges in dynamic functional neuroimaging techniques, including electrophysiological source imaging, multimodal neuroimaging integrating fMRI with EEG/MEG, and functional connectivity imaging.
Advances in neuroelectric recordings and computational tools allow investigation of interactive b... more Advances in neuroelectric recordings and computational tools allow investigation of interactive brain activity and connectivity in a group of subjects engaged in social interactions.
Acoustic telemetry was used to study patterns of habitat use and movements of Pomatomus saltatrix... more Acoustic telemetry was used to study patterns of habitat use and movements of Pomatomus saltatrix L. (common name elf/shad/bluefish/tailor) within the Saldanha Bay with Langebaan Lagoon coastal embayment on the west coast of South Africa. Thirty six mature P. saltatrix were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released within the lagoon in May 2006 and NovembereDecember 2007, and their positions were monitored until late-November 2008 using 28 hydrophones positioned throughout the embayment. The detection pattern of P. saltatrix suggested a tendency to residence within the embayment throughout the thirty month long study period, with nearly 60% of released individuals only being detected within the lagoon in the inner part of the embayment. However, there was a long-term trend of movement from the lagoon into the bay. One individual was recaptured off the east coast of South Africa 21 months after being tagged, 1760 km away, suggesting that P. saltatrix are capable of undertaking long along-shore migrations. Over finer scales within the inner lagoon, P. saltatrix ground speed increased (1) with an increase in tidal current speed, (2) with an increase in photoperiod, and (3) during day. Pomatomus saltatrix tended to move seaward during ebb tides, and to occupy greater depths during day.
Purpose-The current gold standard for the localization of the cortical regions responsible for th... more Purpose-The current gold standard for the localization of the cortical regions responsible for the initiation and propagation of the ictal activity is through the use of invasive electrocorticography (ECoG). This method is utilized to guide surgical intervention in cases of medically intractable epilepsy by identifying the location and extent of the epileptogenic focus. Recent studies have proposed mechanisms in which the activity of epileptogenic cortical networks, rather than discrete focal sources, contributes to the generation of the ictal state. If true, selective modulation of key network components could be employed for the prevention and termination of the ictal state.
Purpose-Determination of the origin of extra-temporal neocortical onset seizures is often challen... more Purpose-Determination of the origin of extra-temporal neocortical onset seizures is often challenging due to the rapid speed in which they propagate throughout the cortex. Typically, these patients are poor surgical candidates and many times experience recurrences of seizure activity following resection of the assumed seizure focus.
The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targ... more The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targeted species are too mobile to benefit from area protection and that no-take areas are only appropriate for resident species. The degree of protection does not depend on the size of the no-take area but rather on the time fish reside inside its boundaries during key life-history events (i.e., spawning) and during periods of peak fishing activity. We evaluated the potential of a small no-take marine protected area (MPA) inside a coastal embayment as a harvest refuge for a mobile, possibly migratory, long-lived fish species. We used acoustic telemetry to track movements of 30 transmitter-tagged white stumpnose (Rhabdosargus globiceps) across and on both sides of the boundary of a small (34 km 2 ) no-take area over a full year. Being landlocked on 3 sides, the location of the MPA inside the lagoon made it practical to detect all boundary crossings and to calculate the time individual fish used the MPA. We detected frequent movements across the boundary, with strong seasonal and individual variations. There were significant differences in MPA use patterns between fish from different release areas. The time spent in the MPA by individual fish during summer (mean 50%; max 98%) was out of proportion with the size of that area (4% of total habitat). Summer coincided with peak recreational fishing activity and with the spawning season of this species. The small MPA provided a refuge for a part of the spawning stock of white stumpnose. Our findings suggest that if strategically placed, a small no-take area can be effective in protecting mobile species and that models of spillover from no-take areas should account for seasonal and individual variation in area use and the spatiotemporal distribution of fish and fishers.
Papers by Chris Wilke