Solid waste management has become a major challenge due to strong urban population growth in many... more Solid waste management has become a major challenge due to strong urban population growth in many developing countries. As one of Indonesia's highest-density population cities, Tangerang City faces the disorganization of the solid waste management system handled by the government. This study aims to create an alternative solid waste disposal transportation by modelling the route and the number of trips. The initial step in reducing the unnecessary distance is redesigning the landfill area's vehicle pool. The vehicles should start and end the activity at the landfill. The calculation of OD pair distance uses Google API in the specific departure time by inputting coordinate data such as longitude and latitude. The application simultaneously applied the documentation of distance and time to 338 waste collection points. The data result is compiled in the distance matrix to find the closest destination between the collection point. The combination of collection points must meet t...
The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects, including transportation. Campaigns to reduce social ... more The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects, including transportation. Campaigns to reduce social distance have changed people's daily travel behaviors. Moreover, increased health awareness leads to increased bicycle usage, including in Jakarta. However, the lack of proper bicycle lanes along the road in Jakarta makes cyclists unsafe. Therefore, the Bicycle Level of Service method uses to evaluate the feasibility of a section of the bicycle lane in South Jakarta. As the number of cyclists in Jakarta grows, so do their characteristics. The diversity of cyclists may also reveal facility preferences. Hence, the Latent Class Analysis is carried out to determine a cyclist’s class likelihood. A sample of bicycle users in Jakarta and its surroundings was studied using descriptive quantitative analysis. Lastly, this study performed the cross-tabulation analysis to examine the relationship between cycling classes in Jakarta and the preferences on cycling facilities during the pandemic. Th...
Dependency on private vehicles has become a prevalent phenomenon in big cities experiencing urban... more Dependency on private vehicles has become a prevalent phenomenon in big cities experiencing urban sprawl. Related to that, there are still many unknown factors affecting the dependence on motorcycles. Various factors are suspected to influence this, ranging from spatial factors to aspatial factors. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta Urbanized Area (YUA) by taking 175 samples. Binomial Logistic Regression is used in order to find the factors that affect motorcycle dependency. The results showed that the index of dependency in YUA can be quite high. Motorcycle usage, bicycle ownership, and perception about the increase of fuel price are the factors that have a significant influence on motorcycle dependence in YUA. Even though the correlation between spatial factors and motorcycle dependency was weak, it cannot be said to have no effect. These factors are most likely to be influential if other indicators are included with more suitable proxies.
The impact of the earthquake in Lombok Island not only had an impact on community settlements, bu... more The impact of the earthquake in Lombok Island not only had an impact on community settlements, but also on tourism activities. Especially in Sembalun District, East Lombok, the impact can kill the economy of the community, since tourism is one of the main livelihoods of the people. The process of tourism recovery in Sembalun District shows different progress. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to compare the tourism performance before and after an earthquake—which was analyzed using comparative descriptive method. Furthermore, the next goal is to describe the recovery process of tourism in the aftermath of an earthquake, and identify factors that influence the achievement of tourism recovery using descriptive analysis. Based on the results of each purpose, it shows that there are several differences in the tourism performance before and after the earthquake; either it has better performance after the earthquake or worse. The process of tourism recovery is carried out differe...
The development of the city as an economic and trade node is very important for the urban system ... more The development of the city as an economic and trade node is very important for the urban system and the regional economy. The distribution of centralized public facilities and services attracts people to work in the city center. In these conditions, the ideal form of the city is needed because to reach work, school, public services and so on can be done only by walking or cycling. This study aims to examine the characteristics and behavior of walking and bicycle mode selection based on the shape of the urban environment, demographic, social and economic conditions of the community. And look at the factors that might influence the decision to choose the mode of transportation. This study uses a quantitative deductive approach. This research method is based on a questionnaire along with interviews and field observations. The study was conducted in eight urban villages in the city of Bogor. The target respondents are individuals who reside/domicile in the area. The results showed that...
Transit oriented development (TOD) merupakan konsep yang banyak digunakan negara maju dalam kawas... more Transit oriented development (TOD) merupakan konsep yang banyak digunakan negara maju dalam kawasan transitnya. Kota Bogor merupakan salah satu kota yang sedang menata kawasan transitnya. Sebagai kota aglomerasi perkotaan DKI Jakarta, tidak sedikit dari penduduknya merupakan komuter yang bermata pencaharian di DKI Jakarta. Untuk menghindari penggunaan kendaraan pribadi maka diperlukan transportasi publik massal yang memadai. Kereta api dianggap sebagai moda yang paling cocok untuk mengangkut komuter. Untuk mendukung penggunaan kereta api, pengembangan kawasan stasiun sangatlah penting. Walaupun penataan Kawasan Stasiun Bogor masih dilakukan, namun kawasan stasiun masih terlihat semrawut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis tentang peluang dan tantangan penerapan TOD sebagai konsep alternatif untuk kawasan stasiun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kondisi dan karakteristik Kawasan Stasiun Bogor dengan teori TOD serta mengidentifikasi peluang dan tantangan penerap...
It has long been recognized that transport has a significant effect on the occurrence of social e... more It has long been recognized that transport has a significant effect on the occurrence of social exclusion. The absence or lack of access to transport can cause a person or group in difficulty to participate in various activities, such as difficulty of getting jobs, education, health care, and difficulty participating in arts and cultural activities. Individuals or groups that hampered his participation due to lack of access to transport is stated in literatures as experiencing transport-related social exclusion (TRSE). Other term to explain what happened to the person or the group is transport or mobility disadvantage, although the two terms are not always synonymous. Transport-related social exclusion is usually experienced by the poorest people (which are only able to live in a place with limited accessibility) and those who are socially disadvantaged such as people with disabilities, the elderly, women and people from ethnic minorities. For inclusive transportation planning, acco...
Mobilization in urban areas has increased every year along with the population growth and urban&#... more Mobilization in urban areas has increased every year along with the population growth and urban's development. Travel behaviors of the population in urban areas can be classified based on their travel characteristics. The identification of communities' travel behavior of Yogyakarta is based on the origin - destination and length of trip based on age characteristics. It will effects the travel patterns in the urban environment through spatial mapping. The method used in this research is critical path method. Critical Path Method (CPM) is used to determine the optimum path taken by the community based on its duration, which in this study CPM is used to determine the average travel of the community based on age groups when viewed from distance, length of trip and the number of daily trips. Based on the analysis, it shows that the average age of 15-22 years and 31-37 years have the highest travel time, which is about 9 hours and the average age of 23-30 years traveled the longes...
Pembangunan MRT dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kemacetan di Jabodetabek. Keberadaan MRT berpot... more Pembangunan MRT dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kemacetan di Jabodetabek. Keberadaan MRT berpotensi mengurangi pemakaian kendaraan pribadi. Moda MRT pada saat ini sudah beroperasi dari Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus hingga Stasiun MRT Bunderan Hotel Indonesia. Kawasan Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus menjadi kawasan yang direncanakan menjadi Kawasan Berorientasi Transit (Transit Oriented Development). Sebagai sebuah kawasan TOD, Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus membutuhkan integrasi dengan moda angkutan umum sebagai feeder. Pada area di sekitar Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus saat ini terdapat halte Transjakarta serta pangkalan angkot. Sebagai Stasiun MRT yang pada area sektiarnya didominasi oleh permukiman, moda angkutan umum harus dapat melayani penumpang MRT yang akan menuju ataupun dari Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduksi campuran. Analisis terbagi menjadi dua proses besar berdasarkan pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu analisis pola pelayanan feeder Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus serta efekt...
Economic diversity among villages in Yogyakarta has increased the urbanization in this city. Some... more Economic diversity among villages in Yogyakarta has increased the urbanization in this city. Some of low income residents will be more easier to maintain their lifes. On the other hand, low income residents who do not have specific skills will face difficulty and have to work very hard to support their daily lifes. They have to travel from home to workplace almost everyday. Therefore, they have to select the cheapest and most accurate modes of transport to make their activities more effective. The objectives of this research are to understand the travel behavior of low income residents and to understand the urban form and non urban form factors that give impact to them. This research was done in Tegalpanggung village, in which 26% of the resident living in this village was selected to get the social protection guarantee in Yogyakarta city. The method used in this research is the mixed deductive method that was analized by statistical descriptive, cross tabulation, and independent sa...
Kota sebagai sebuah kawasan konsentrasi kegiatan, pelayanan, dan pemerintahan telah mengalami per... more Kota sebagai sebuah kawasan konsentrasi kegiatan, pelayanan, dan pemerintahan telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat tinggi pada jumlah penduduk dan kendaraan bermotor. Kota Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu Kota di Indonesia merupakan sebuah kota dengan potensi pariwisata, budaya dan pendidikan. Adanya potensi tersebut di satu sisi dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi Kota Yogyakarta tetapi disisi lain juga memberikan dampak negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif dari adanya potensi tersebut adalah perkembangan kendaraan bermotor yang pesat yang terjadi akibat urbanisasi penduduk yang tinggi dengan tujuan mencari kerja dan mencari pendidikan. Berdasarkan data, Setiap tahun terjadi pertumbuhan kendaraan di Kota Yogyakarta yang tercatat pada tahun 2016 jumlah kendaraan roda 2 sebesar 71.566 sedangkan jumlah kendaraan roda 4 sebesar 12.746. Namun pada tahun 2017 jumlah kendaraan meningkat drastis yang mana kendaraan roda 2 berjumlah 222.915 unit sedangkan roda 4 berjumlah 56.647 unit. Adany...
Motorcycle usage in Indonesia’s big cities has been increasing rapidly for the past few years. In... more Motorcycle usage in Indonesia’s big cities has been increasing rapidly for the past few years. Increased ownership of private vehicles, including motorcycle, can indeed cause many transportation problems. On the other hand, with the limited public transport services, the lack of private vehicles can cause a person to experience social exclusion. In the field of transportation, the issue of social exclusion arises from the understanding that the provision of transportation services could cause different social impact on certain individuals and groups (Banister and Hall, 1981). Individuals and groups, who are not served by existing transportation systems, can experience social exclusion due to lack of access to opportunities (Preston and Raje, 2007). So far, theories explaining transport-related social exclusion and vehicle ownership are mostly come from the research in well-developed countries. In those countries, motorcycle usage is very rare, so that the research mostly focuses on ...
There are a lot of research on automobile dependency and the factors influencing it that has been... more There are a lot of research on automobile dependency and the factors influencing it that has been done. However, these studies were mostly conducted in developed countries by using a car as the object of research. While the growth in the use of motorcycles in developing countries, especially in Asia has become a phenomenon that is inevitable now, not much is known about the processes and factors that affect motorcycle ownership and dependency in developing countries. Yet according to some studies the majority of motorcyclists are low-income people who should have get more attention from the policy maker. There are allegations that low income people are forced to have a motorcycle because their specific needs cannot be met by existing public transport services. Therefore, by using the urban areas of Yogyakarta as a case study, this study intends to: 1) demonstrate the occurrence of motorcycle dependency in low income people; and 2) model the process of motorcycle dependency in low-in...
Solid waste management has become a major challenge due to strong urban population growth in many... more Solid waste management has become a major challenge due to strong urban population growth in many developing countries. As one of Indonesia's highest-density population cities, Tangerang City faces the disorganization of the solid waste management system handled by the government. This study aims to create an alternative solid waste disposal transportation by modelling the route and the number of trips. The initial step in reducing the unnecessary distance is redesigning the landfill area's vehicle pool. The vehicles should start and end the activity at the landfill. The calculation of OD pair distance uses Google API in the specific departure time by inputting coordinate data such as longitude and latitude. The application simultaneously applied the documentation of distance and time to 338 waste collection points. The data result is compiled in the distance matrix to find the closest destination between the collection point. The combination of collection points must meet t...
The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects, including transportation. Campaigns to reduce social ... more The Covid-19 pandemic affects many aspects, including transportation. Campaigns to reduce social distance have changed people's daily travel behaviors. Moreover, increased health awareness leads to increased bicycle usage, including in Jakarta. However, the lack of proper bicycle lanes along the road in Jakarta makes cyclists unsafe. Therefore, the Bicycle Level of Service method uses to evaluate the feasibility of a section of the bicycle lane in South Jakarta. As the number of cyclists in Jakarta grows, so do their characteristics. The diversity of cyclists may also reveal facility preferences. Hence, the Latent Class Analysis is carried out to determine a cyclist’s class likelihood. A sample of bicycle users in Jakarta and its surroundings was studied using descriptive quantitative analysis. Lastly, this study performed the cross-tabulation analysis to examine the relationship between cycling classes in Jakarta and the preferences on cycling facilities during the pandemic. Th...
Dependency on private vehicles has become a prevalent phenomenon in big cities experiencing urban... more Dependency on private vehicles has become a prevalent phenomenon in big cities experiencing urban sprawl. Related to that, there are still many unknown factors affecting the dependence on motorcycles. Various factors are suspected to influence this, ranging from spatial factors to aspatial factors. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta Urbanized Area (YUA) by taking 175 samples. Binomial Logistic Regression is used in order to find the factors that affect motorcycle dependency. The results showed that the index of dependency in YUA can be quite high. Motorcycle usage, bicycle ownership, and perception about the increase of fuel price are the factors that have a significant influence on motorcycle dependence in YUA. Even though the correlation between spatial factors and motorcycle dependency was weak, it cannot be said to have no effect. These factors are most likely to be influential if other indicators are included with more suitable proxies.
The impact of the earthquake in Lombok Island not only had an impact on community settlements, bu... more The impact of the earthquake in Lombok Island not only had an impact on community settlements, but also on tourism activities. Especially in Sembalun District, East Lombok, the impact can kill the economy of the community, since tourism is one of the main livelihoods of the people. The process of tourism recovery in Sembalun District shows different progress. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to compare the tourism performance before and after an earthquake—which was analyzed using comparative descriptive method. Furthermore, the next goal is to describe the recovery process of tourism in the aftermath of an earthquake, and identify factors that influence the achievement of tourism recovery using descriptive analysis. Based on the results of each purpose, it shows that there are several differences in the tourism performance before and after the earthquake; either it has better performance after the earthquake or worse. The process of tourism recovery is carried out differe...
The development of the city as an economic and trade node is very important for the urban system ... more The development of the city as an economic and trade node is very important for the urban system and the regional economy. The distribution of centralized public facilities and services attracts people to work in the city center. In these conditions, the ideal form of the city is needed because to reach work, school, public services and so on can be done only by walking or cycling. This study aims to examine the characteristics and behavior of walking and bicycle mode selection based on the shape of the urban environment, demographic, social and economic conditions of the community. And look at the factors that might influence the decision to choose the mode of transportation. This study uses a quantitative deductive approach. This research method is based on a questionnaire along with interviews and field observations. The study was conducted in eight urban villages in the city of Bogor. The target respondents are individuals who reside/domicile in the area. The results showed that...
Transit oriented development (TOD) merupakan konsep yang banyak digunakan negara maju dalam kawas... more Transit oriented development (TOD) merupakan konsep yang banyak digunakan negara maju dalam kawasan transitnya. Kota Bogor merupakan salah satu kota yang sedang menata kawasan transitnya. Sebagai kota aglomerasi perkotaan DKI Jakarta, tidak sedikit dari penduduknya merupakan komuter yang bermata pencaharian di DKI Jakarta. Untuk menghindari penggunaan kendaraan pribadi maka diperlukan transportasi publik massal yang memadai. Kereta api dianggap sebagai moda yang paling cocok untuk mengangkut komuter. Untuk mendukung penggunaan kereta api, pengembangan kawasan stasiun sangatlah penting. Walaupun penataan Kawasan Stasiun Bogor masih dilakukan, namun kawasan stasiun masih terlihat semrawut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis tentang peluang dan tantangan penerapan TOD sebagai konsep alternatif untuk kawasan stasiun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kondisi dan karakteristik Kawasan Stasiun Bogor dengan teori TOD serta mengidentifikasi peluang dan tantangan penerap...
It has long been recognized that transport has a significant effect on the occurrence of social e... more It has long been recognized that transport has a significant effect on the occurrence of social exclusion. The absence or lack of access to transport can cause a person or group in difficulty to participate in various activities, such as difficulty of getting jobs, education, health care, and difficulty participating in arts and cultural activities. Individuals or groups that hampered his participation due to lack of access to transport is stated in literatures as experiencing transport-related social exclusion (TRSE). Other term to explain what happened to the person or the group is transport or mobility disadvantage, although the two terms are not always synonymous. Transport-related social exclusion is usually experienced by the poorest people (which are only able to live in a place with limited accessibility) and those who are socially disadvantaged such as people with disabilities, the elderly, women and people from ethnic minorities. For inclusive transportation planning, acco...
Mobilization in urban areas has increased every year along with the population growth and urban&#... more Mobilization in urban areas has increased every year along with the population growth and urban's development. Travel behaviors of the population in urban areas can be classified based on their travel characteristics. The identification of communities' travel behavior of Yogyakarta is based on the origin - destination and length of trip based on age characteristics. It will effects the travel patterns in the urban environment through spatial mapping. The method used in this research is critical path method. Critical Path Method (CPM) is used to determine the optimum path taken by the community based on its duration, which in this study CPM is used to determine the average travel of the community based on age groups when viewed from distance, length of trip and the number of daily trips. Based on the analysis, it shows that the average age of 15-22 years and 31-37 years have the highest travel time, which is about 9 hours and the average age of 23-30 years traveled the longes...
Pembangunan MRT dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kemacetan di Jabodetabek. Keberadaan MRT berpot... more Pembangunan MRT dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kemacetan di Jabodetabek. Keberadaan MRT berpotensi mengurangi pemakaian kendaraan pribadi. Moda MRT pada saat ini sudah beroperasi dari Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus hingga Stasiun MRT Bunderan Hotel Indonesia. Kawasan Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus menjadi kawasan yang direncanakan menjadi Kawasan Berorientasi Transit (Transit Oriented Development). Sebagai sebuah kawasan TOD, Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus membutuhkan integrasi dengan moda angkutan umum sebagai feeder. Pada area di sekitar Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus saat ini terdapat halte Transjakarta serta pangkalan angkot. Sebagai Stasiun MRT yang pada area sektiarnya didominasi oleh permukiman, moda angkutan umum harus dapat melayani penumpang MRT yang akan menuju ataupun dari Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduksi campuran. Analisis terbagi menjadi dua proses besar berdasarkan pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu analisis pola pelayanan feeder Stasiun MRT Lebak Bulus serta efekt...
Economic diversity among villages in Yogyakarta has increased the urbanization in this city. Some... more Economic diversity among villages in Yogyakarta has increased the urbanization in this city. Some of low income residents will be more easier to maintain their lifes. On the other hand, low income residents who do not have specific skills will face difficulty and have to work very hard to support their daily lifes. They have to travel from home to workplace almost everyday. Therefore, they have to select the cheapest and most accurate modes of transport to make their activities more effective. The objectives of this research are to understand the travel behavior of low income residents and to understand the urban form and non urban form factors that give impact to them. This research was done in Tegalpanggung village, in which 26% of the resident living in this village was selected to get the social protection guarantee in Yogyakarta city. The method used in this research is the mixed deductive method that was analized by statistical descriptive, cross tabulation, and independent sa...
Kota sebagai sebuah kawasan konsentrasi kegiatan, pelayanan, dan pemerintahan telah mengalami per... more Kota sebagai sebuah kawasan konsentrasi kegiatan, pelayanan, dan pemerintahan telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat tinggi pada jumlah penduduk dan kendaraan bermotor. Kota Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu Kota di Indonesia merupakan sebuah kota dengan potensi pariwisata, budaya dan pendidikan. Adanya potensi tersebut di satu sisi dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi Kota Yogyakarta tetapi disisi lain juga memberikan dampak negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif dari adanya potensi tersebut adalah perkembangan kendaraan bermotor yang pesat yang terjadi akibat urbanisasi penduduk yang tinggi dengan tujuan mencari kerja dan mencari pendidikan. Berdasarkan data, Setiap tahun terjadi pertumbuhan kendaraan di Kota Yogyakarta yang tercatat pada tahun 2016 jumlah kendaraan roda 2 sebesar 71.566 sedangkan jumlah kendaraan roda 4 sebesar 12.746. Namun pada tahun 2017 jumlah kendaraan meningkat drastis yang mana kendaraan roda 2 berjumlah 222.915 unit sedangkan roda 4 berjumlah 56.647 unit. Adany...
Motorcycle usage in Indonesia’s big cities has been increasing rapidly for the past few years. In... more Motorcycle usage in Indonesia’s big cities has been increasing rapidly for the past few years. Increased ownership of private vehicles, including motorcycle, can indeed cause many transportation problems. On the other hand, with the limited public transport services, the lack of private vehicles can cause a person to experience social exclusion. In the field of transportation, the issue of social exclusion arises from the understanding that the provision of transportation services could cause different social impact on certain individuals and groups (Banister and Hall, 1981). Individuals and groups, who are not served by existing transportation systems, can experience social exclusion due to lack of access to opportunities (Preston and Raje, 2007). So far, theories explaining transport-related social exclusion and vehicle ownership are mostly come from the research in well-developed countries. In those countries, motorcycle usage is very rare, so that the research mostly focuses on ...
There are a lot of research on automobile dependency and the factors influencing it that has been... more There are a lot of research on automobile dependency and the factors influencing it that has been done. However, these studies were mostly conducted in developed countries by using a car as the object of research. While the growth in the use of motorcycles in developing countries, especially in Asia has become a phenomenon that is inevitable now, not much is known about the processes and factors that affect motorcycle ownership and dependency in developing countries. Yet according to some studies the majority of motorcyclists are low-income people who should have get more attention from the policy maker. There are allegations that low income people are forced to have a motorcycle because their specific needs cannot be met by existing public transport services. Therefore, by using the urban areas of Yogyakarta as a case study, this study intends to: 1) demonstrate the occurrence of motorcycle dependency in low income people; and 2) model the process of motorcycle dependency in low-in...
Papers by Yori Herwangi