The mineral chemistry of illite/mica and chlorites, together with the evaluation of textural data... more The mineral chemistry of illite/mica and chlorites, together with the evaluation of textural data of low-temperature metaclastic rocks, plays an important role in determining their origin and metamorphic grade. This study aimed to investigate the chemical properties of phyllosilicates in early Paleozoic metaclastic rocks in the Eastern Tauride Belt, Türkiye. The textural (electron microscopy) and chemical (mineral chemistry analysis) analyses were performed on the samples representing different grades of metamorphism. The illites/micas and chlorites are observed as detrital (chlorite–mica stacks) and neoformation origin. Trioctahedral chlorites (chamosite) exhibit different chemistry for detrital and neoformed origin as well as the metamorphic grade. Tetrahedral Al and octahedral Fe + Mg increase, whereas octahedral Al decreases together with the increasing grade of metamorphism. The detrital chlorites have higher tetrahedral Al and Fe contents than their neoformed counterparts. Chl...
Orta (Bozkir-Konya, Isali formasyonu Gerez uyesi) ve Dogu (Kangal-Sivas, Kangal formasyonu Bakirt... more Orta (Bozkir-Konya, Isali formasyonu Gerez uyesi) ve Dogu (Kangal-Sivas, Kangal formasyonu Bakirtepe uyesi) Toroslar’da allokton Bolkardagi Birligi’ne ait Devoniyen yasli metakumtaslari; baslica kuvars (monokristalin ve polikristalin), feldispat (mikroklin ve plajiyoklaz), fillosilikat (illit, klorit, C-V, C-S ve dikit) ve kayac parcalari (fillit ve kuvarsit) icermektedir. Polikristalin kuvars, mikroklin ve fillitik kayac parcalari Bakirtepe uyesinde, plajiyoklaz ise Gerez uyesinde daha yuksek miktarda bulunmaktadir. Gerez uyesi genellikle kuvars arenit, Bakirtepe uyesi ise subarkoz bilesimli metakumtaslari ile temsil olunmaktadir. Devoniyen yasli metakumtaslari, altinda ve ustundeki ayni yasli birimlere gore litolojik (kum boyu silisiklastik kayaclarin baskinligi) ve mineralojik (daha fazla feldispat ve kuvars icermesi, 1M illitlerin ortaya cikmasi, farkli fillosilikat birliktelikleri) farkliliklara sahiptir. Metakumtaslari, yuksek SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 ve K2O icerigi ile karakteristi...
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni / Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 2020
Bu çalışmada, Doğu Toroslar'ın batı kesiminde Kahramanmaraş ili kuzeyinde batıdan doğuya doğru Gö... more Bu çalışmada, Doğu Toroslar'ın batı kesiminde Kahramanmaraş ili kuzeyinde batıdan doğuya doğru Göksun, Afşin ve Ekinözü ilçeleri çevresinde yüzeyleyen Üst Paleozoyik-Alt Mesozoyik yaşlı metamorfik birimlerindeki fillosilikatların jeokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda düşük-orta dereceli metamorfik örneklerden elde edilen saf K-mika ve illit/K-mikalarda jeokimyasal (ana ve iz/eser element, duraylı ve radyojenik izotop) incelemeler yapılmıştır. Fillosilikatların ana oksit bileşimlerine göre; Afşin ve Göksun bölgelerine ait illit/K-mikalar Ekinözü bölgesindekilere göre daha yüksek SiO 2 ve Al 2 O 3 , buna karşın daha düşük MgO, Fe 2 O 3 , MnO ve Na 2 O içermektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin ana oksit bileşimlerine göre; şistlerle temsil edilen Ekinözü bölgesindeki K-mikalar biyotit-seladonit, fillitlerle temsil edilen Afşin ve Göksun bölgesindekiler ise muskovit bileşimlerine daha yakındır. Kloritler; şamozit ve klinoklor arasında trioktahedral bileşime sahiptir. Hem trioktahedral, hem de dioktahedral özelliğindeki illit/K-mikalar; genel anlamda muskovit ile biyotit arasında (biyotit-seladonit, muskovit-filogopit, muskovit-ferrifenjit, muskovit-ferrobiyotit, Al-flogopit-Al-annit) bir bileşim sergilemektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin eser element içerikleri; geçiş metalleri ve granitoyid elementler bakımından yüksek; buna karşın diğer elementler, özellikle kalıcılığı düşük (LFSE) ve yüksek (HFSE) elementler açısından düşük derişim göstermektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin kondrit-normalize iz element desenlerinde; kloritler K-mikalara, benzer biçimde trioktahedral K-mikalar dioktahedral olanlara göre daha düşük değerler sunmaktadır. Klorit ve illit/Kmikaların kondrit ve Kuzey Amerika Şeyl Bileşimi'ne (NASC) göre normalize edilmiş nadir toprak element (NTE) dağılımlarında; Afşin bölgesine ait dioktahedral K-mikalar en fazla fakirleşmeye, Ekinözü bölgesine ait trioktahedral mikalar ise en yüksek zenginleşmeye sahiptirler. Oksijen ve hidrojen izotop bileşimlerine göre; fillosilikatları incelenen tüm örnekler yüksek sıcaklık ve derin ortam koşullarını temsil eden hipojen bölgede yer almaktadır. Serizit/K-mika ve kloritlerin oksijen ve hidrojen izotop değerleri; bu minerallerin oluşum sıcaklıklarının 375-500 °C arasında değiştiğine işaret etmektedir. İllit/K-mikaların 40 Ar/ 39 Ar radyometrik yaş verileri; Afşin ve Göksun bölgelerindeki metamorfik kayaçlar için Üst Kretase (Santoniyen-Kampaniyen), Ekinözü bölgesindekiler için Alt-Orta Eosen (İpresiyen-Bartoniyen) döneminde gelişen metamorfizmayı göstermektedir.
Bulletin Of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 2019
This study aims to investigate and correlate the mineralogical-petrographic characteristics of Me... more This study aims to investigate and correlate the mineralogical-petrographic characteristics of Metamorphites in Göksun, Afşin and Ekinözü in the Southeast Anatolian Metamorphic Massifs. In this context, the optical microscopy and XRD investigations were performed on several samples. Göksun Metamorphites are constituted by phyllite, calcphyllite, marble and they contain mainly calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, phyllosilicate. KI and b-cell dimension data reflect high anchizone-epizone and medium pressure conditions. Afşin Metamorphites are represented by phyllite, calcphyllite, calcschist, micaschist, amphiboleschist, marble. Phyllosilicates have consisted of illite/mica, IIb chlorite, mixed-layers, smectite. KI and b-cell dimension data correspond to the subgreenschist-greenschist facies conditions. Ekinözü Metamorphites are made of chloriteschist, amphiboleschist, micaschist, micagneiss in lower parts, while calcitic and/or dolomitic marbles are present in the upper parts. Mica is dioctahedral and trioctahedral, whereas chlorite tends to be trioctahedral. Based on mineral associations, Ekinözü Metamorphites belong to amphibolite facies in the lower parts, but the greenschist facies conditions at the upper parts. The coarse-grained biotite, muscovite and chlorite are accompanied by mixed-layers. According to mineral composition and degrees of metamorphism, Göksun and Afşin Metamorphites are similar to the Keban and Malatya Metamorphites; however, Ekinözü Metamorphites to Pütürge Metamorphites. The data show that metamorphics in the western extension of the Southeast Anatolian Metamorphic Massifs have different origin and/or lithologies according to the regions, increasing temperature-pressure conditions from Göksun to Ekinözü and have groups of rock with different geological evolutions.
Objective: To determine the rate and affecting factors of asbestos-related diseases (ARD) in the ... more Objective: To determine the rate and affecting factors of asbestos-related diseases (ARD) in the villages close to ophiolitic units in the rural of Sivas, central Anatolia in Turkey. Methods: Volunteers (age>35, >20 years resident) from villages close to ophiolitic units and from villages >20 km distant to ophiolitic units as control group were included. Chest X-rays and questionnaire for demographical data and respiratory symptoms were performed. A geological map was used to measure the distance between ophiolitic units and villages. Samples were taken from houses and soil sources and analyzed for asbestos with X-ray diffraction. Results: 2987 volunteers (1148 male, 1839 female) from 48 villages close to ophiolitic units and 157 (91 male, 66 female) volunteers from 6 villages far to ophiolitic units were included. Mean age of study and control groups were 55.2 and 57.3 respectively. 292 patients (3 malignant mesothelioma, 289 pleural plaque) with ARD were identified from villages close to ophiolitic units. No ARD was identified in control group. Factors affecting ARD risk were male sex (OR:3.1,p=0.00), advanced age (OR:1.05 for every year of age,p=0.00), residency close to ophiolitic units (for each 1 km 12% increase) and, decrease in BMI (for each 1 unit 3.6% increase) in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Serpentine was found in samples of villages close to ophiolitic units, no asbestos was found in control villages. Conclusion: ARD rate is high in residents close to ophiolitic units in rural Sivas. Factors associated with ARD development were advanced age, male sex and living close to ophiolitic units.
Body: Objectives: Sivas province is located in the Central Anatolia where asbestos exposure is co... more Body: Objectives: Sivas province is located in the Central Anatolia where asbestos exposure is common. We aimed to study the relationship between environmental mineralogical effects and epidemiologic features of patients with MM. Methods: In total, 219 patients with MM who were diagnosed in our hospital between 1993 and 2010 were retrospectively analyzed in terms of demographical and clinical features. Rock, soil and house plaster samples were taken from the habitats of those patients and were evaluated with optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. Results: The patients aged between 18 and 85 years (male/female ratio=1.4). Most of the patients (86%) confirmed an asbestos exposure history. The most frequent symptoms were chest pain (60%) and dyspnea (50%) and the duration of the symptoms was 4 months in average. The plaster materials used in most of the houses were made up of mainly carbonate and silicate minerals and some chrysotile. Ophiolitic units contained fibrous minerals such as serpentine (clino+orthochrysotile) chiefly and pectolite, brucite, hydrotalcite and tremolite/actinolite in smaller amounts. Conclusions: MM is primarily related to environmental chrysotile exposure in Sivas. However, single or combined roles and/or interactions of other fibrous and non-fibrous minerals in the etiology of MM are not yet fully understood and remain to be investigated.
In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate ... more In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate geological history of the different units belonging to the Karakaya complex, Turkey. Primary and secondary chlorite minerals in the very low-grade metamorphic rocks display interference colors of blue and brown and an appearance of optical isotropy. Chlorites are present in the matrix, pores, and/or rocks units as platy/flaky and partly radial forms. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that Mg-Fe chlorites with entirely IIb polytype (trioctahedral) exhibit a variety of compositions, such as brunsvigite-diabantite-chamosite. The major element contents and structural formulas of chlorite also suggest these were derived from both felsic and metabasic source rocks. Trace and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of chlorites increase with increasing grade of metamorphism, and these geochemical changes can be related to the tectonic structures, formational mechanics, and environments pres...
... Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary from the Tethyan Belt, Hekimhan Basin, Turkey: Mineralogical and... more ... Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary from the Tethyan Belt, Hekimhan Basin, Turkey: Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence1 HüsEYiN Yalcin and Ömer Bozkaya Department ... dolo-mite at the base of the Paleocene section also was emphasized in studies on the Tecer Forma-tion ...
Hydrous Al-silicate deposits are found to the south of Pü tü rge in Malatya city, Turkey. The sur... more Hydrous Al-silicate deposits are found to the south of Pü tü rge in Malatya city, Turkey. The surrounding rocks consist of mylonitic granitic gneiss overlain by muscovite gneiss with kyanite-bearing metabasic schist lenses on top which are cut by silica veins containing prismatic tourmaline and specularite. Pyrophyllite is found within kyanite gneisses overlying the granitic gneisses. Fibrous, platy pyrophyllite is developed along the edges and cleavage planes of kyanite, whereas platy bunches of dickite occur as replacements of the relict kyanites as well as crack-and pore-fillings. Rocks forming the hydrous Al-silicate deposit contain 2M 1 pyrophyllite, alunite, topaz, paragonite, dravite, dumortierite, chlorite and epidote as early hypogene minerals, and 2M 1 dickite, diaspore, gibbsite, specularite, goethite and crandallite/goyazite as late hypogene minerals. On the basis of fluid inclusion and stable isotope data, it is estimated alterations to pyrophyllite and kaolinite occurred at temperatures are of 150 and 100ºC, respectively, the minerals being formed by meteoric waters interacting with metamorphic rocks. Trace and REE variations are highly distinctive in terms of enrichment of most trace elements in pyrophyllite, whereas REEs are clearly abundant in dickite, indicating different conditions during formation such as early and late hypogene processes. The pyrophyllitic alteration took place in the late Cretaceous (69À71 Ma), whereas kaolinization occurred later.
This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of zeolit (klinopilit) addition ... more This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of zeolit (klinopilit) addition in broiler feeds on fattening performances in broiler production. Natural clinoptilolit was added in broiler rations at doses of 0 (control), 1, 3 and 5 %. A total of day-age 240 broiler chicks were used in four experimental groups with 3 replicates (20 broiler in each replicate). Live weight gains, feed consumptions, feed conversion ratios, viabilities and litter parameters were recorded for 6 weeks. Final liveweights were found as 2555, 2459, 2431 and 2530 g for the mixed-sex groups, respectively (P>0.05). Feed consumption did not differ significantly between the groups in 6 weeks (P>0.05), but there are differences between the groups from 2 weeks to 5 weeks (P 0.05). Zeolit addition did not affect negatively viabilities in each group (95.55, 100.00, 100.00 ve 100.00) (P>0.05). It was concluded that zeolit can be added in broiler rations at ratios of 1-5 % ratios.
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni / Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 2016
Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu Otoktonu'nun (GDAO) Uludere-Uzungeçit (Şırnak) bölgesinde Çığlı G... more Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu Otoktonu'nun (GDAO) Uludere-Uzungeçit (Şırnak) bölgesinde Çığlı Grubu'na ait karbonat ve pelitik kayaçların mineralojik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çığlı Grubu, alttan üste doğru Yoncalı Formasyonu (kireçtaşı arakatkılı dolomit-silttaşı-şeyl); Uludere Formasyonu (dolomit arakatkılı şeyl/karbonatlı şeyl-killi kireçtaşı) ve Uzungeçit Formasyonu (çört yumrulu kireçtaşı-dolomitik kireçtaşı-şeyl) ile temsil edilmektedir. XRD incelemeleri ile elde edilen minerallerin bolluk sırasına göre; Yoncalı Formasyonu karbonat (kalsit, dolomit), silis (kuvars, moganit), feldispat, fillosilikat (illit, klorit) ve götit; Uludere Formasyonu karbonat (kalsit, dolomit), kuvars, feldispat, fillosilikat (illit, klorit, karışık tabakalı klorit-vermikülit/C-V, sadece bir örnekte çok az miktarda kaolinit) ve hematit; Uzungeçit Formasyonu ise karbonat (dolomit, kalsit), silis (kuvars, opal-CT, moganit), fillosilikat (klorit, illit), feldispat ve hematit içermektedir. İllit Kübler İndeksi-KI (Δ o 2Ɵ) değerlerine göre; Yoncalı Formasyonu ankizon; Uludere ve Uzungeçit formasyonları ise ankizon-yüksek diyajenez derecesini yansıtmaktadır. Klorit Arkai İndeksi (AI, Δ o 2Ɵ) değerleri benzer biçimde ankizondiyajenez derecelerini işaret etmektedir. İllitler 2M 1 ve 2M 1 + 1M + 1M d politipleri sergilemekte olup, b birim-hücre mesafesi değerleri ideal muskovite yakın bir bileşimi ve düşük basınç fasiyesi koşullarını göstermektedir. Çığlı Grubu kayaçları Diyarbakır-Hazro yöresindeki eşdeğer birimlere göre; kaolinitin ender bulunuşu, moganit ve C-V'in ortaya çıkışı ve çoğu seviyelerde dolomit ve hematitin baskınlığı, ayrıca diyajenez/metamorfizma derecelerinin yüksek olması bakımından farklılık sunmaktadır. Bu durum, Alt Triyas serilerinin bölgesel olarak Diyarbakır-Şırnak yönünde batıdan doğuya doğru daha derin bir çökelme ortamını yansıttığını, volkanik beslenim ve tektonik gömülmeyle daha yüksek olgunlaşma derecesine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences
We determined the variability and content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils formed on... more We determined the variability and content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils formed on volcanic parent materials erupted from Erciyes stratovolcano in the middle Anatolian region of Turkey. The PTE content of soils formed on tuffs were higher than the soils formed on lavas. All the PTE concentrations decrease with increasing soil depth except for those of Cd. Cr, Cd, and Ni increased with elevation, but Co, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn concentrations decreased. The high PTE concentrations in soils could be attributed to the volcanic parent materials. The greatest PTE variations in soils were determined by lithological differences and could be attributed to the types of parent material and their compositions. Site specific soil management practices must be applied to soils in the study area because of the high PTE content.
In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate ... more In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate geological history of the different units belonging to the Karakaya complex, Turkey. Primary and secondary chlorite minerals in the very low-grade metamorphic rocks display interference colors of blue and brown and an appearance of optical isotropy. Chlorites are present in the matrix, pores, and/or rocks units as platy/flaky and partly radial forms. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that Mg-Fe chlorites with entirely IIb polytype (trioctahedral) exhibit a variety of compositions, such as brunsvigite-diabantite-chamosite. The major element contents and structural formulas of chlorite also suggest these were derived from both felsic and metabasic source rocks. Trace and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of chlorites increase with increasing grade of metamorphism, and these geochemical changes can be related to the tectonic structures, formational mechanics, and environments present during their generation.
The mineral chemistry of illite/mica and chlorites, together with the evaluation of textural data... more The mineral chemistry of illite/mica and chlorites, together with the evaluation of textural data of low-temperature metaclastic rocks, plays an important role in determining their origin and metamorphic grade. This study aimed to investigate the chemical properties of phyllosilicates in early Paleozoic metaclastic rocks in the Eastern Tauride Belt, Türkiye. The textural (electron microscopy) and chemical (mineral chemistry analysis) analyses were performed on the samples representing different grades of metamorphism. The illites/micas and chlorites are observed as detrital (chlorite–mica stacks) and neoformation origin. Trioctahedral chlorites (chamosite) exhibit different chemistry for detrital and neoformed origin as well as the metamorphic grade. Tetrahedral Al and octahedral Fe + Mg increase, whereas octahedral Al decreases together with the increasing grade of metamorphism. The detrital chlorites have higher tetrahedral Al and Fe contents than their neoformed counterparts. Chl...
Orta (Bozkir-Konya, Isali formasyonu Gerez uyesi) ve Dogu (Kangal-Sivas, Kangal formasyonu Bakirt... more Orta (Bozkir-Konya, Isali formasyonu Gerez uyesi) ve Dogu (Kangal-Sivas, Kangal formasyonu Bakirtepe uyesi) Toroslar’da allokton Bolkardagi Birligi’ne ait Devoniyen yasli metakumtaslari; baslica kuvars (monokristalin ve polikristalin), feldispat (mikroklin ve plajiyoklaz), fillosilikat (illit, klorit, C-V, C-S ve dikit) ve kayac parcalari (fillit ve kuvarsit) icermektedir. Polikristalin kuvars, mikroklin ve fillitik kayac parcalari Bakirtepe uyesinde, plajiyoklaz ise Gerez uyesinde daha yuksek miktarda bulunmaktadir. Gerez uyesi genellikle kuvars arenit, Bakirtepe uyesi ise subarkoz bilesimli metakumtaslari ile temsil olunmaktadir. Devoniyen yasli metakumtaslari, altinda ve ustundeki ayni yasli birimlere gore litolojik (kum boyu silisiklastik kayaclarin baskinligi) ve mineralojik (daha fazla feldispat ve kuvars icermesi, 1M illitlerin ortaya cikmasi, farkli fillosilikat birliktelikleri) farkliliklara sahiptir. Metakumtaslari, yuksek SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 ve K2O icerigi ile karakteristi...
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni / Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 2020
Bu çalışmada, Doğu Toroslar'ın batı kesiminde Kahramanmaraş ili kuzeyinde batıdan doğuya doğru Gö... more Bu çalışmada, Doğu Toroslar'ın batı kesiminde Kahramanmaraş ili kuzeyinde batıdan doğuya doğru Göksun, Afşin ve Ekinözü ilçeleri çevresinde yüzeyleyen Üst Paleozoyik-Alt Mesozoyik yaşlı metamorfik birimlerindeki fillosilikatların jeokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda düşük-orta dereceli metamorfik örneklerden elde edilen saf K-mika ve illit/K-mikalarda jeokimyasal (ana ve iz/eser element, duraylı ve radyojenik izotop) incelemeler yapılmıştır. Fillosilikatların ana oksit bileşimlerine göre; Afşin ve Göksun bölgelerine ait illit/K-mikalar Ekinözü bölgesindekilere göre daha yüksek SiO 2 ve Al 2 O 3 , buna karşın daha düşük MgO, Fe 2 O 3 , MnO ve Na 2 O içermektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin ana oksit bileşimlerine göre; şistlerle temsil edilen Ekinözü bölgesindeki K-mikalar biyotit-seladonit, fillitlerle temsil edilen Afşin ve Göksun bölgesindekiler ise muskovit bileşimlerine daha yakındır. Kloritler; şamozit ve klinoklor arasında trioktahedral bileşime sahiptir. Hem trioktahedral, hem de dioktahedral özelliğindeki illit/K-mikalar; genel anlamda muskovit ile biyotit arasında (biyotit-seladonit, muskovit-filogopit, muskovit-ferrifenjit, muskovit-ferrobiyotit, Al-flogopit-Al-annit) bir bileşim sergilemektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin eser element içerikleri; geçiş metalleri ve granitoyid elementler bakımından yüksek; buna karşın diğer elementler, özellikle kalıcılığı düşük (LFSE) ve yüksek (HFSE) elementler açısından düşük derişim göstermektedir. Fillosilikat minerallerinin kondrit-normalize iz element desenlerinde; kloritler K-mikalara, benzer biçimde trioktahedral K-mikalar dioktahedral olanlara göre daha düşük değerler sunmaktadır. Klorit ve illit/Kmikaların kondrit ve Kuzey Amerika Şeyl Bileşimi'ne (NASC) göre normalize edilmiş nadir toprak element (NTE) dağılımlarında; Afşin bölgesine ait dioktahedral K-mikalar en fazla fakirleşmeye, Ekinözü bölgesine ait trioktahedral mikalar ise en yüksek zenginleşmeye sahiptirler. Oksijen ve hidrojen izotop bileşimlerine göre; fillosilikatları incelenen tüm örnekler yüksek sıcaklık ve derin ortam koşullarını temsil eden hipojen bölgede yer almaktadır. Serizit/K-mika ve kloritlerin oksijen ve hidrojen izotop değerleri; bu minerallerin oluşum sıcaklıklarının 375-500 °C arasında değiştiğine işaret etmektedir. İllit/K-mikaların 40 Ar/ 39 Ar radyometrik yaş verileri; Afşin ve Göksun bölgelerindeki metamorfik kayaçlar için Üst Kretase (Santoniyen-Kampaniyen), Ekinözü bölgesindekiler için Alt-Orta Eosen (İpresiyen-Bartoniyen) döneminde gelişen metamorfizmayı göstermektedir.
Bulletin Of The Mineral Research and Exploration, 2019
This study aims to investigate and correlate the mineralogical-petrographic characteristics of Me... more This study aims to investigate and correlate the mineralogical-petrographic characteristics of Metamorphites in Göksun, Afşin and Ekinözü in the Southeast Anatolian Metamorphic Massifs. In this context, the optical microscopy and XRD investigations were performed on several samples. Göksun Metamorphites are constituted by phyllite, calcphyllite, marble and they contain mainly calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, phyllosilicate. KI and b-cell dimension data reflect high anchizone-epizone and medium pressure conditions. Afşin Metamorphites are represented by phyllite, calcphyllite, calcschist, micaschist, amphiboleschist, marble. Phyllosilicates have consisted of illite/mica, IIb chlorite, mixed-layers, smectite. KI and b-cell dimension data correspond to the subgreenschist-greenschist facies conditions. Ekinözü Metamorphites are made of chloriteschist, amphiboleschist, micaschist, micagneiss in lower parts, while calcitic and/or dolomitic marbles are present in the upper parts. Mica is dioctahedral and trioctahedral, whereas chlorite tends to be trioctahedral. Based on mineral associations, Ekinözü Metamorphites belong to amphibolite facies in the lower parts, but the greenschist facies conditions at the upper parts. The coarse-grained biotite, muscovite and chlorite are accompanied by mixed-layers. According to mineral composition and degrees of metamorphism, Göksun and Afşin Metamorphites are similar to the Keban and Malatya Metamorphites; however, Ekinözü Metamorphites to Pütürge Metamorphites. The data show that metamorphics in the western extension of the Southeast Anatolian Metamorphic Massifs have different origin and/or lithologies according to the regions, increasing temperature-pressure conditions from Göksun to Ekinözü and have groups of rock with different geological evolutions.
Objective: To determine the rate and affecting factors of asbestos-related diseases (ARD) in the ... more Objective: To determine the rate and affecting factors of asbestos-related diseases (ARD) in the villages close to ophiolitic units in the rural of Sivas, central Anatolia in Turkey. Methods: Volunteers (age>35, >20 years resident) from villages close to ophiolitic units and from villages >20 km distant to ophiolitic units as control group were included. Chest X-rays and questionnaire for demographical data and respiratory symptoms were performed. A geological map was used to measure the distance between ophiolitic units and villages. Samples were taken from houses and soil sources and analyzed for asbestos with X-ray diffraction. Results: 2987 volunteers (1148 male, 1839 female) from 48 villages close to ophiolitic units and 157 (91 male, 66 female) volunteers from 6 villages far to ophiolitic units were included. Mean age of study and control groups were 55.2 and 57.3 respectively. 292 patients (3 malignant mesothelioma, 289 pleural plaque) with ARD were identified from villages close to ophiolitic units. No ARD was identified in control group. Factors affecting ARD risk were male sex (OR:3.1,p=0.00), advanced age (OR:1.05 for every year of age,p=0.00), residency close to ophiolitic units (for each 1 km 12% increase) and, decrease in BMI (for each 1 unit 3.6% increase) in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Serpentine was found in samples of villages close to ophiolitic units, no asbestos was found in control villages. Conclusion: ARD rate is high in residents close to ophiolitic units in rural Sivas. Factors associated with ARD development were advanced age, male sex and living close to ophiolitic units.
Body: Objectives: Sivas province is located in the Central Anatolia where asbestos exposure is co... more Body: Objectives: Sivas province is located in the Central Anatolia where asbestos exposure is common. We aimed to study the relationship between environmental mineralogical effects and epidemiologic features of patients with MM. Methods: In total, 219 patients with MM who were diagnosed in our hospital between 1993 and 2010 were retrospectively analyzed in terms of demographical and clinical features. Rock, soil and house plaster samples were taken from the habitats of those patients and were evaluated with optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. Results: The patients aged between 18 and 85 years (male/female ratio=1.4). Most of the patients (86%) confirmed an asbestos exposure history. The most frequent symptoms were chest pain (60%) and dyspnea (50%) and the duration of the symptoms was 4 months in average. The plaster materials used in most of the houses were made up of mainly carbonate and silicate minerals and some chrysotile. Ophiolitic units contained fibrous minerals such as serpentine (clino+orthochrysotile) chiefly and pectolite, brucite, hydrotalcite and tremolite/actinolite in smaller amounts. Conclusions: MM is primarily related to environmental chrysotile exposure in Sivas. However, single or combined roles and/or interactions of other fibrous and non-fibrous minerals in the etiology of MM are not yet fully understood and remain to be investigated.
In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate ... more In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate geological history of the different units belonging to the Karakaya complex, Turkey. Primary and secondary chlorite minerals in the very low-grade metamorphic rocks display interference colors of blue and brown and an appearance of optical isotropy. Chlorites are present in the matrix, pores, and/or rocks units as platy/flaky and partly radial forms. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that Mg-Fe chlorites with entirely IIb polytype (trioctahedral) exhibit a variety of compositions, such as brunsvigite-diabantite-chamosite. The major element contents and structural formulas of chlorite also suggest these were derived from both felsic and metabasic source rocks. Trace and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of chlorites increase with increasing grade of metamorphism, and these geochemical changes can be related to the tectonic structures, formational mechanics, and environments pres...
... Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary from the Tethyan Belt, Hekimhan Basin, Turkey: Mineralogical and... more ... Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary from the Tethyan Belt, Hekimhan Basin, Turkey: Mineralogical and Geochemical Evidence1 HüsEYiN Yalcin and Ömer Bozkaya Department ... dolo-mite at the base of the Paleocene section also was emphasized in studies on the Tecer Forma-tion ...
Hydrous Al-silicate deposits are found to the south of Pü tü rge in Malatya city, Turkey. The sur... more Hydrous Al-silicate deposits are found to the south of Pü tü rge in Malatya city, Turkey. The surrounding rocks consist of mylonitic granitic gneiss overlain by muscovite gneiss with kyanite-bearing metabasic schist lenses on top which are cut by silica veins containing prismatic tourmaline and specularite. Pyrophyllite is found within kyanite gneisses overlying the granitic gneisses. Fibrous, platy pyrophyllite is developed along the edges and cleavage planes of kyanite, whereas platy bunches of dickite occur as replacements of the relict kyanites as well as crack-and pore-fillings. Rocks forming the hydrous Al-silicate deposit contain 2M 1 pyrophyllite, alunite, topaz, paragonite, dravite, dumortierite, chlorite and epidote as early hypogene minerals, and 2M 1 dickite, diaspore, gibbsite, specularite, goethite and crandallite/goyazite as late hypogene minerals. On the basis of fluid inclusion and stable isotope data, it is estimated alterations to pyrophyllite and kaolinite occurred at temperatures are of 150 and 100ºC, respectively, the minerals being formed by meteoric waters interacting with metamorphic rocks. Trace and REE variations are highly distinctive in terms of enrichment of most trace elements in pyrophyllite, whereas REEs are clearly abundant in dickite, indicating different conditions during formation such as early and late hypogene processes. The pyrophyllitic alteration took place in the late Cretaceous (69À71 Ma), whereas kaolinization occurred later.
This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of zeolit (klinopilit) addition ... more This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of zeolit (klinopilit) addition in broiler feeds on fattening performances in broiler production. Natural clinoptilolit was added in broiler rations at doses of 0 (control), 1, 3 and 5 %. A total of day-age 240 broiler chicks were used in four experimental groups with 3 replicates (20 broiler in each replicate). Live weight gains, feed consumptions, feed conversion ratios, viabilities and litter parameters were recorded for 6 weeks. Final liveweights were found as 2555, 2459, 2431 and 2530 g for the mixed-sex groups, respectively (P>0.05). Feed consumption did not differ significantly between the groups in 6 weeks (P>0.05), but there are differences between the groups from 2 weeks to 5 weeks (P 0.05). Zeolit addition did not affect negatively viabilities in each group (95.55, 100.00, 100.00 ve 100.00) (P>0.05). It was concluded that zeolit can be added in broiler rations at ratios of 1-5 % ratios.
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni / Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 2016
Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu Otoktonu'nun (GDAO) Uludere-Uzungeçit (Şırnak) bölgesinde Çığlı G... more Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu Otoktonu'nun (GDAO) Uludere-Uzungeçit (Şırnak) bölgesinde Çığlı Grubu'na ait karbonat ve pelitik kayaçların mineralojik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çığlı Grubu, alttan üste doğru Yoncalı Formasyonu (kireçtaşı arakatkılı dolomit-silttaşı-şeyl); Uludere Formasyonu (dolomit arakatkılı şeyl/karbonatlı şeyl-killi kireçtaşı) ve Uzungeçit Formasyonu (çört yumrulu kireçtaşı-dolomitik kireçtaşı-şeyl) ile temsil edilmektedir. XRD incelemeleri ile elde edilen minerallerin bolluk sırasına göre; Yoncalı Formasyonu karbonat (kalsit, dolomit), silis (kuvars, moganit), feldispat, fillosilikat (illit, klorit) ve götit; Uludere Formasyonu karbonat (kalsit, dolomit), kuvars, feldispat, fillosilikat (illit, klorit, karışık tabakalı klorit-vermikülit/C-V, sadece bir örnekte çok az miktarda kaolinit) ve hematit; Uzungeçit Formasyonu ise karbonat (dolomit, kalsit), silis (kuvars, opal-CT, moganit), fillosilikat (klorit, illit), feldispat ve hematit içermektedir. İllit Kübler İndeksi-KI (Δ o 2Ɵ) değerlerine göre; Yoncalı Formasyonu ankizon; Uludere ve Uzungeçit formasyonları ise ankizon-yüksek diyajenez derecesini yansıtmaktadır. Klorit Arkai İndeksi (AI, Δ o 2Ɵ) değerleri benzer biçimde ankizondiyajenez derecelerini işaret etmektedir. İllitler 2M 1 ve 2M 1 + 1M + 1M d politipleri sergilemekte olup, b birim-hücre mesafesi değerleri ideal muskovite yakın bir bileşimi ve düşük basınç fasiyesi koşullarını göstermektedir. Çığlı Grubu kayaçları Diyarbakır-Hazro yöresindeki eşdeğer birimlere göre; kaolinitin ender bulunuşu, moganit ve C-V'in ortaya çıkışı ve çoğu seviyelerde dolomit ve hematitin baskınlığı, ayrıca diyajenez/metamorfizma derecelerinin yüksek olması bakımından farklılık sunmaktadır. Bu durum, Alt Triyas serilerinin bölgesel olarak Diyarbakır-Şırnak yönünde batıdan doğuya doğru daha derin bir çökelme ortamını yansıttığını, volkanik beslenim ve tektonik gömülmeyle daha yüksek olgunlaşma derecesine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences
We determined the variability and content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils formed on... more We determined the variability and content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soils formed on volcanic parent materials erupted from Erciyes stratovolcano in the middle Anatolian region of Turkey. The PTE content of soils formed on tuffs were higher than the soils formed on lavas. All the PTE concentrations decrease with increasing soil depth except for those of Cd. Cr, Cd, and Ni increased with elevation, but Co, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn concentrations decreased. The high PTE concentrations in soils could be attributed to the volcanic parent materials. The greatest PTE variations in soils were determined by lithological differences and could be attributed to the types of parent material and their compositions. Site specific soil management practices must be applied to soils in the study area because of the high PTE content.
In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate ... more In this study, chlorite is used to investigate the diagenetic-metamorphic evolution and accurate geological history of the different units belonging to the Karakaya complex, Turkey. Primary and secondary chlorite minerals in the very low-grade metamorphic rocks display interference colors of blue and brown and an appearance of optical isotropy. Chlorites are present in the matrix, pores, and/or rocks units as platy/flaky and partly radial forms. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicate that Mg-Fe chlorites with entirely IIb polytype (trioctahedral) exhibit a variety of compositions, such as brunsvigite-diabantite-chamosite. The major element contents and structural formulas of chlorite also suggest these were derived from both felsic and metabasic source rocks. Trace and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of chlorites increase with increasing grade of metamorphism, and these geochemical changes can be related to the tectonic structures, formational mechanics, and environments present during their generation.
Papers by Hüseyin Yalçın