China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming powerful Stage IV space-based optical surve... more China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming powerful Stage IV space-based optical survey equipment. It is expected to explore a number of important cosmological problems in extremely high precision. In this work, we focus on investigating the constraints on neutrino mass and other cosmological parameters under the model of cold dark matter with a constant equation of state of dark energy (wCDM), using the mock data from the CSST photometric galaxy clustering and cosmic shear surveys (i.e. 3 × 2 pt). The systematics from galaxy bias, photometric redshift uncertainties, intrinsic alignment, shear calibration, baryonic feedback, non-linear, and instrumental effects are also included in the analysis. We generate the mock data based on the COSMOS catalogue considering the instrumental and observational effects of the CSST, and make use of the Markov chain Monte Carlo method to perform the constraints. Comparing to the results from current similar measurements, we find that CSST...
The Brans–Dicke (BD) theory is the simplest Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity, which can be conside... more The Brans–Dicke (BD) theory is the simplest Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity, which can be considered as a candidate of modified Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In this work, we forecast the constraints on BD theory in the CSST galaxy clustering spectroscopic survey with a magnitude limit ∼23 AB mag for point-source 5σ detection. We generate mock data based on the zCOSMOS catalog and consider the observational and instrumental effects of the CSST spectroscopic survey. We predict galaxy power spectra in the BD theory from z = 0 to 1.5, and the galaxy bias and other systematical parameters are also included. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique is employed to find the best-fits and probability distributions of the cosmological and systematical parameters. A BD parameter ζ is introduced, which satisfies ζ = ln 1 + 1 ω . We find that the CSST spectroscopic galaxy clustering survey can give ∣ζ∣ < 10−2, or equivalently ∣ ω ∣ > ( 10 2 ) and ∣ G ̇ / G ∣ < 10 − 13 , unde...
The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) photometric survey aims to perform a high spatial resolu... more The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) photometric survey aims to perform a high spatial resolution (∼0.″15) photometric imaging for the targets that cover a large sky area (∼17,500 deg2) and wide wavelength range (from NUV to NIR). It expects to explore the properties of dark matter, dark energy, and other important cosmological and astronomical areas. In this work, we evaluate whether the filter design of the Multi-channel Imager (MCI), one of the five instruments of the CSST, can provide accurate photometric redshift (photoz) measurements with its nine medium-band filters to meet the relevant scientific objectives. We generate the mock data based on the COSMOS photometric redshift catalog with astrophysical and instrumental effects. The application of upper limit information of low signal-to-noise ratio data is adopted in the estimation of photoz. We investigate the dependency of photoz accuracy on the filter parameters, such as band position and width. We find that the current...
Contamination of interloper galaxies due to misidentified emission lines can be a big issue in sp... more Contamination of interloper galaxies due to misidentified emission lines can be a big issue in spectroscopic galaxy-clustering surveys, especially in future high-precision observations. We propose a statistical method based on the cross correlations of the observational data between two redshift bins to efficiently reduce this effect, and it can also derive the interloper fraction f i in a redshift bin with a high level of accuracy. The ratio of cross and autoangular correlation functions or power spectra between redshift bins are suggested to estimate f i, and the key equations are derived for theoretical discussion. In order to explore and prove the feasibility and effectiveness of this method, we also run simulations, generate mock data, and perform cosmological constraints considering systematics based on the observation of China Space Station Telescope. We find that this method can effectively reduce the interloper effect, and accurately constrain the cosmological parameters fo...
The estimation of spectroscopic and photometric redshifts (spec-z and photo-z) is crucial for the... more The estimation of spectroscopic and photometric redshifts (spec-z and photo-z) is crucial for the future cosmological surveys. It can directly affect several powerful measurements of the Universe, e.g. weak lensing and galaxy clustering. In this work, we explore the accuracies of spec-z and photo-z that can be obtained in the China Space Station Optical Surveys (CSS-OS), which is a next-generation space survey, using neural network. The 1-dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1-d CNN) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP, a simplest form of Artificial Neural Network) are employed to derive the spec-z and photo-z, respectively. The mock spectral and photometric data used for training and testing the networks are generated based on the COSMOS catalog. The networks have been trained with noisy data by creating Gaussian random realizations to reduce the statistical effects, resulting in similar redshift accuracy for both high-SNR (signal to noise ratio) and low-SNR data. The probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the predicted redshifts are also derived via Gaussian random realizations of the testing data, and then the best-fit redshifts and 1-σ errors also can be obtained. We find that our networks can provide excellent redshift estimates with accuracies ∼0.001 and 0.01 on spec-z and photo-z, respectively. Compared to existing photo-z codes, our MLP has similar accuracy but is more efficient in the training process. The fractions of catastrophic redshifts or outliers can be dramatically suppressed comparing to the ordinary template-fitting method. This indicates that the neural network method is feasible and powerful for spec-z and photo-z estimations in the future cosmological surveys.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020
We confront the universal pressure profile (UPP) proposed. with the recent measurement of the cro... more We confront the universal pressure profile (UPP) proposed. with the recent measurement of the cross-correlation function of the thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich (tSZ) effect from Planck and weak gravitational lensing measurement from the Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey. By using the halo model, we calculate the prediction of ξy−κ (lensing convergence and Compton-y parameter) and $\xi ^{y-\gamma _{\rm t}}$ (lensing shear and Compton-y parameter) and fit the UPP parameters by using the observational data. We find consistent UPP parameters when fixing the cosmology to either WMAP 9-yr or Planck 2018 best-fitting values. The best constrained parameter is the pressure profile concentration c500 = r500/rs, for which we find $c_{500} = 2.68^{+1.46}_{-0.96}$ (WMAP-9) and $c_{500} = 1.91^{+1.07}_{-0.65}$ (Planck-2018) for the $\xi ^{y-\gamma _t}$ estimator. The shape index for the intermediate radius region α parameter is constrained to $\alpha =1.75^{+1.29}_{-0.77}$ and $\alpha = 1.65^{+0.74}_...
Understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe is crucial for cosmological studies, an... more Understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe is crucial for cosmological studies, and the line intensity mapping provides a powerful tool for this kind of study. We propose to make use of multipole moments of redshift-space line intensity power spectrum to constrain the cosmological and astrophysical parameters, such as equation of state of dark energy, massive neutrinos, primordial non-Gaussianity, and star formation rate density. As an example, we generate mock data of multipole power spectra for Hα 6563Å, [OIII] 5007Å and [OII] 3727Å measured by SPHEREx-like experiment at z = 1 considering contaminations from interloper lines, and use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to constrain the parameters in the model. We find a good fitting result of the parameters compared to their fiducial values, which means that the multipole power spectrum can effectively distinguish signal and interloper lines, and break the degeneracies between parameters, such as line mean intensity and bias. We also explore the cross power spectrum with CSST-like (Chinese Space Station Telescope) galaxy survey in the constraints. Since more accurate fitting results can be obtained by including measurements of the emission lines at higher redshifts out to z = 3 at least and crosscorrelations between emission lines can be involved, the line intensity mapping is expected to offer excellent results in future cosmological and astrophysical studies.
The Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS) is a planned full sky survey operated by the Ch... more The Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS) is a planned full sky survey operated by the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST). It can simultaneously perform the photometric imaging and spectroscopic slitless surveys, and will probe weak and strong gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, individual galaxies and galaxy clusters, active galactic nucleus (AGNs), and so on. It aims to explore the properties of dark matter and dark energy and other important cosmological problems. In this work, we focus on two main CSS-OS scientific goals, i.e. the weak gravitational lensing (WL) and galaxy clustering surveys. We generate the mock CSS-OS data based on the observational COSMOS and zCOSMOS catalogs. We investigate the constraints on the cosmological parameters from the CSS-OS using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The intrinsic alignments, galaxy bias, velocity dispersion, and systematics from instrumental effects in the CSST WL and galaxy clustering surveys are also included, and their impacts on the constraint results are discussed. We find that the CSS-OS can improve the constraints on the cosmological parameters by a factor of a few (even one order of magnitude in the optimistic case), compared to the current WL and galaxy clustering surveys. The constraints can be further enhanced when performing joint analysis with the WL, galaxy clustering, and galaxy-galaxy lensing data. Therefore, the CSS-OS is expected to be a powerful survey for exploring the Universe. Since some assumptions may be still optimistic and simple, it is possible that the results from the real survey could be worse. We will study these issues in details with the help of simulations in the future.
The spatial fluctuations of the extragalactic background light trace the total emission from all ... more The spatial fluctuations of the extragalactic background light trace the total emission from all stars and galaxies in the Universe. A multiwavelength study can be used to measure the integrated emission from first galaxies during reionization when the Universe was about 500 million years old. Here we report arcmin-scale spatial fluctuations in one of the deepest sky surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope in five wavebands between 0.6 and 1.6 μm. We model-fit the angular power spectra of intensity fluctuation measurements to find the ultraviolet luminosity density of galaxies at redshifts greater than 8 to be . This level of integrated light emission allows for a significant surface density of fainter primeval galaxies that are below the point-source detection level in current surveys.
Extragalactic background light (EBL) anisotropy traces variations in the total production of phot... more Extragalactic background light (EBL) anisotropy traces variations in the total production of photons over cosmic history and may contain faint, extended components missed in galaxy point-source surveys. Infrared EBL fluctuations have been attributed to primordial galaxies and black holes at the epoch of reionization (EOR) or, alternately, intrahalo light (IHL) from stars tidally stripped from their parent galaxies at low redshift. We report new EBL anisotropy measurements from a specialized sounding rocket experiment at 1.1 and 1.6 micrometers. The observed fluctuations exceed the amplitude from known galaxy populations, are inconsistent with EOR galaxies and black holes, and are largely explained by IHL emission. The measured fluctuations are associated with an EBL intensity that is comparable to the background from known galaxies measured through number counts and therefore a substantial contribution to the energy contained in photons in the cosmos.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
Cosmic magnification is due to the weak gravitational lensing of sources in the distant Universe ... more Cosmic magnification is due to the weak gravitational lensing of sources in the distant Universe by foreground large-scale structure leading to coherent changes in the observed number density of the background sources. Depending on the slope of the background source number counts, cosmic magnification causes a correlation between the background and foreground galaxies, which is unexpected in the absence of lensing if the two populations are spatially disjoint. Previous attempts using submillimetre (sub-mm) sources have been hampered by small number statistics. The large number of sources detected in the Herschel Multi-tiered Extra-galactic Survey (HerMES) Lockman-SWIRE field enables us to carry out the first robust study of the crosscorrelation between sub-mm sources and sources at lower redshifts. Using ancillary data we compile two low-redshift samples from SDSS and SWIRE with z ∼ 0.2 and 0.4, respectively, and cross-correlate with two sub-mm samples based on flux density and colour criteria, selecting galaxies preferentially at z ∼ 2. We detect crosscorrelation on angular scales between ∼ 1 and 50 arcmin and find clear evidence that this is primarily due to cosmic magnification. A small, but non-negligible signal from intrinsic clustering is likely to be present due to the tails of the redshift distribution of the sub-mm sources overlapping with those of the foreground samples. 2 L. Wang et al.
We consider the interaction between dark matter and dark energy in the framework of holographic d... more We consider the interaction between dark matter and dark energy in the framework of holographic dark energy, and propose a natural and physically plausible form of interaction, in which the interacting term is proportional to the product of the powers of the dark matter and dark energy densities. We investigate the cosmic evolution in such models. The impact of the coupling on the dark matter and dark energy components may be asymmetric. While the dark energy decouples from the dark matter at late time, just as other components of the cosmic fluid become decoupled as the universe expands, interestingly, the dark matter may actually become coupled to the dark energy at late time. We shall call such a phenomenon as incoupling. We use the latest type Ia supernovae data from the SCP team, baryon acoustics oscillation data from SDSS and 2dF surveys, and the position of the first peak of the CMB angular power spectrum to constrain the model. We find that the interaction term which is proportional to the first power product of the dark energy and dark matter densities gives an excellent fit to the current data. I. INTRODUCTION A number of astronomical observations, such as type Ia supernovae (SNIa) [1], the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy [2], and the large scale structure (LSS) [3], have shown that the expansion of our universe is accelerating. The acceleration of the Universe
In unparticle dark matter (unmatter) models the equation of state of the unmatter is given by p =... more In unparticle dark matter (unmatter) models the equation of state of the unmatter is given by p = ρ/(2dU + 1), where dU is the scaling factor. Unmatter with such equations of state would have a significant impact on the expansion history of the universe. Using type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements and the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to place constraints on such unmatter models we find that if only the SNIa data is used the constraints are weak. However, with the BAO and CMB shift parameter data added strong constraints can be obtained. For the ΛUDM model, in which unmatter is the sole dark matter, we find that dU > 60 at 95% C.L. For comparison, in most unparticle physics models it is assumed dU < 2. For the ΛCUDM model, in which unmatter co-exists with cold dark matter, we found that the unmatter can at most make up a few percent of the total cosmic density if dU < 10, thus it can not be the major component of dark matter.
We use the current weak lensing data to constrain the equation of state of dark energy w and the ... more We use the current weak lensing data to constrain the equation of state of dark energy w and the total mass of massive neutrinos ∑ mν. The constraint on w would be weak if only the current weak lensing data are used. With the addition of other observational data such as ...
Abstract: A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, es... more Abstract: A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, especially in an era of wide-field optical and radio surveys and high resolution cosmic microwave background experiments. The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS), will lead to imaging data over 4000 sq. degrees at 250, 350, and 500 micron. Major Goals of HSLS are:(a) produce a catalog of 2.5 to 3 million galaxies down to 26, 27 and 33 mJy (50% completeness; 5 sigma confusion noise) at 250, 350 and 500 micron, respectively, in the ...
The extragalactic background light (EBL) is composed of the cumulative radiation from all galaxie... more The extragalactic background light (EBL) is composed of the cumulative radiation from all galaxies and active galactic nuclei over cosmic history. In addition to point sources, the EBL also contains information from diffuse sources of radiation. The angular power spectra of the near-infrared intensities could contain additional signals, and a complete understanding of the nature of the infrared (IR) background is still lacking in the literature. Here we explore the constraints that can be placed on particle decays, especially candidate dark matter (DM) models involving axions that trace DM halos of galaxies. Axions with a mass around a few electronvolts will decay via two photons with wavelengths in the near-IR band and will leave a signature in the IR background intensity power spectrum. Using recent power spectra measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment, we find that the 0.6-1.6 μm power spectra can be explained by axions with masses around 4 eV. The total axion abundance Ω a ; 0.05, and it is comparable to the baryon density of the universe. The suggested mean axion mass and abundance are not ruled out by existing cosmological observations. Interestingly, the axion model with a mass distribution is preferred by the data, which cannot be explained by the standard quantum chromodynamics theory and needs further discussion.
China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming powerful Stage IV space-based optical surve... more China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming powerful Stage IV space-based optical survey equipment. It is expected to explore a number of important cosmological problems in extremely high precision. In this work, we focus on investigating the constraints on neutrino mass and other cosmological parameters under the model of cold dark matter with a constant equation of state of dark energy (wCDM), using the mock data from the CSST photometric galaxy clustering and cosmic shear surveys (i.e. 3 × 2 pt). The systematics from galaxy bias, photometric redshift uncertainties, intrinsic alignment, shear calibration, baryonic feedback, non-linear, and instrumental effects are also included in the analysis. We generate the mock data based on the COSMOS catalogue considering the instrumental and observational effects of the CSST, and make use of the Markov chain Monte Carlo method to perform the constraints. Comparing to the results from current similar measurements, we find that CSST...
The Brans–Dicke (BD) theory is the simplest Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity, which can be conside... more The Brans–Dicke (BD) theory is the simplest Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity, which can be considered as a candidate of modified Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In this work, we forecast the constraints on BD theory in the CSST galaxy clustering spectroscopic survey with a magnitude limit ∼23 AB mag for point-source 5σ detection. We generate mock data based on the zCOSMOS catalog and consider the observational and instrumental effects of the CSST spectroscopic survey. We predict galaxy power spectra in the BD theory from z = 0 to 1.5, and the galaxy bias and other systematical parameters are also included. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique is employed to find the best-fits and probability distributions of the cosmological and systematical parameters. A BD parameter ζ is introduced, which satisfies ζ = ln 1 + 1 ω . We find that the CSST spectroscopic galaxy clustering survey can give ∣ζ∣ < 10−2, or equivalently ∣ ω ∣ > ( 10 2 ) and ∣ G ̇ / G ∣ < 10 − 13 , unde...
The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) photometric survey aims to perform a high spatial resolu... more The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) photometric survey aims to perform a high spatial resolution (∼0.″15) photometric imaging for the targets that cover a large sky area (∼17,500 deg2) and wide wavelength range (from NUV to NIR). It expects to explore the properties of dark matter, dark energy, and other important cosmological and astronomical areas. In this work, we evaluate whether the filter design of the Multi-channel Imager (MCI), one of the five instruments of the CSST, can provide accurate photometric redshift (photoz) measurements with its nine medium-band filters to meet the relevant scientific objectives. We generate the mock data based on the COSMOS photometric redshift catalog with astrophysical and instrumental effects. The application of upper limit information of low signal-to-noise ratio data is adopted in the estimation of photoz. We investigate the dependency of photoz accuracy on the filter parameters, such as band position and width. We find that the current...
Contamination of interloper galaxies due to misidentified emission lines can be a big issue in sp... more Contamination of interloper galaxies due to misidentified emission lines can be a big issue in spectroscopic galaxy-clustering surveys, especially in future high-precision observations. We propose a statistical method based on the cross correlations of the observational data between two redshift bins to efficiently reduce this effect, and it can also derive the interloper fraction f i in a redshift bin with a high level of accuracy. The ratio of cross and autoangular correlation functions or power spectra between redshift bins are suggested to estimate f i, and the key equations are derived for theoretical discussion. In order to explore and prove the feasibility and effectiveness of this method, we also run simulations, generate mock data, and perform cosmological constraints considering systematics based on the observation of China Space Station Telescope. We find that this method can effectively reduce the interloper effect, and accurately constrain the cosmological parameters fo...
The estimation of spectroscopic and photometric redshifts (spec-z and photo-z) is crucial for the... more The estimation of spectroscopic and photometric redshifts (spec-z and photo-z) is crucial for the future cosmological surveys. It can directly affect several powerful measurements of the Universe, e.g. weak lensing and galaxy clustering. In this work, we explore the accuracies of spec-z and photo-z that can be obtained in the China Space Station Optical Surveys (CSS-OS), which is a next-generation space survey, using neural network. The 1-dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks (1-d CNN) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP, a simplest form of Artificial Neural Network) are employed to derive the spec-z and photo-z, respectively. The mock spectral and photometric data used for training and testing the networks are generated based on the COSMOS catalog. The networks have been trained with noisy data by creating Gaussian random realizations to reduce the statistical effects, resulting in similar redshift accuracy for both high-SNR (signal to noise ratio) and low-SNR data. The probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the predicted redshifts are also derived via Gaussian random realizations of the testing data, and then the best-fit redshifts and 1-σ errors also can be obtained. We find that our networks can provide excellent redshift estimates with accuracies ∼0.001 and 0.01 on spec-z and photo-z, respectively. Compared to existing photo-z codes, our MLP has similar accuracy but is more efficient in the training process. The fractions of catastrophic redshifts or outliers can be dramatically suppressed comparing to the ordinary template-fitting method. This indicates that the neural network method is feasible and powerful for spec-z and photo-z estimations in the future cosmological surveys.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020
We confront the universal pressure profile (UPP) proposed. with the recent measurement of the cro... more We confront the universal pressure profile (UPP) proposed. with the recent measurement of the cross-correlation function of the thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich (tSZ) effect from Planck and weak gravitational lensing measurement from the Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey. By using the halo model, we calculate the prediction of ξy−κ (lensing convergence and Compton-y parameter) and $\xi ^{y-\gamma _{\rm t}}$ (lensing shear and Compton-y parameter) and fit the UPP parameters by using the observational data. We find consistent UPP parameters when fixing the cosmology to either WMAP 9-yr or Planck 2018 best-fitting values. The best constrained parameter is the pressure profile concentration c500 = r500/rs, for which we find $c_{500} = 2.68^{+1.46}_{-0.96}$ (WMAP-9) and $c_{500} = 1.91^{+1.07}_{-0.65}$ (Planck-2018) for the $\xi ^{y-\gamma _t}$ estimator. The shape index for the intermediate radius region α parameter is constrained to $\alpha =1.75^{+1.29}_{-0.77}$ and $\alpha = 1.65^{+0.74}_...
Understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe is crucial for cosmological studies, an... more Understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe is crucial for cosmological studies, and the line intensity mapping provides a powerful tool for this kind of study. We propose to make use of multipole moments of redshift-space line intensity power spectrum to constrain the cosmological and astrophysical parameters, such as equation of state of dark energy, massive neutrinos, primordial non-Gaussianity, and star formation rate density. As an example, we generate mock data of multipole power spectra for Hα 6563Å, [OIII] 5007Å and [OII] 3727Å measured by SPHEREx-like experiment at z = 1 considering contaminations from interloper lines, and use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to constrain the parameters in the model. We find a good fitting result of the parameters compared to their fiducial values, which means that the multipole power spectrum can effectively distinguish signal and interloper lines, and break the degeneracies between parameters, such as line mean intensity and bias. We also explore the cross power spectrum with CSST-like (Chinese Space Station Telescope) galaxy survey in the constraints. Since more accurate fitting results can be obtained by including measurements of the emission lines at higher redshifts out to z = 3 at least and crosscorrelations between emission lines can be involved, the line intensity mapping is expected to offer excellent results in future cosmological and astrophysical studies.
The Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS) is a planned full sky survey operated by the Ch... more The Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS) is a planned full sky survey operated by the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST). It can simultaneously perform the photometric imaging and spectroscopic slitless surveys, and will probe weak and strong gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, individual galaxies and galaxy clusters, active galactic nucleus (AGNs), and so on. It aims to explore the properties of dark matter and dark energy and other important cosmological problems. In this work, we focus on two main CSS-OS scientific goals, i.e. the weak gravitational lensing (WL) and galaxy clustering surveys. We generate the mock CSS-OS data based on the observational COSMOS and zCOSMOS catalogs. We investigate the constraints on the cosmological parameters from the CSS-OS using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The intrinsic alignments, galaxy bias, velocity dispersion, and systematics from instrumental effects in the CSST WL and galaxy clustering surveys are also included, and their impacts on the constraint results are discussed. We find that the CSS-OS can improve the constraints on the cosmological parameters by a factor of a few (even one order of magnitude in the optimistic case), compared to the current WL and galaxy clustering surveys. The constraints can be further enhanced when performing joint analysis with the WL, galaxy clustering, and galaxy-galaxy lensing data. Therefore, the CSS-OS is expected to be a powerful survey for exploring the Universe. Since some assumptions may be still optimistic and simple, it is possible that the results from the real survey could be worse. We will study these issues in details with the help of simulations in the future.
The spatial fluctuations of the extragalactic background light trace the total emission from all ... more The spatial fluctuations of the extragalactic background light trace the total emission from all stars and galaxies in the Universe. A multiwavelength study can be used to measure the integrated emission from first galaxies during reionization when the Universe was about 500 million years old. Here we report arcmin-scale spatial fluctuations in one of the deepest sky surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope in five wavebands between 0.6 and 1.6 μm. We model-fit the angular power spectra of intensity fluctuation measurements to find the ultraviolet luminosity density of galaxies at redshifts greater than 8 to be . This level of integrated light emission allows for a significant surface density of fainter primeval galaxies that are below the point-source detection level in current surveys.
Extragalactic background light (EBL) anisotropy traces variations in the total production of phot... more Extragalactic background light (EBL) anisotropy traces variations in the total production of photons over cosmic history and may contain faint, extended components missed in galaxy point-source surveys. Infrared EBL fluctuations have been attributed to primordial galaxies and black holes at the epoch of reionization (EOR) or, alternately, intrahalo light (IHL) from stars tidally stripped from their parent galaxies at low redshift. We report new EBL anisotropy measurements from a specialized sounding rocket experiment at 1.1 and 1.6 micrometers. The observed fluctuations exceed the amplitude from known galaxy populations, are inconsistent with EOR galaxies and black holes, and are largely explained by IHL emission. The measured fluctuations are associated with an EBL intensity that is comparable to the background from known galaxies measured through number counts and therefore a substantial contribution to the energy contained in photons in the cosmos.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
Cosmic magnification is due to the weak gravitational lensing of sources in the distant Universe ... more Cosmic magnification is due to the weak gravitational lensing of sources in the distant Universe by foreground large-scale structure leading to coherent changes in the observed number density of the background sources. Depending on the slope of the background source number counts, cosmic magnification causes a correlation between the background and foreground galaxies, which is unexpected in the absence of lensing if the two populations are spatially disjoint. Previous attempts using submillimetre (sub-mm) sources have been hampered by small number statistics. The large number of sources detected in the Herschel Multi-tiered Extra-galactic Survey (HerMES) Lockman-SWIRE field enables us to carry out the first robust study of the crosscorrelation between sub-mm sources and sources at lower redshifts. Using ancillary data we compile two low-redshift samples from SDSS and SWIRE with z ∼ 0.2 and 0.4, respectively, and cross-correlate with two sub-mm samples based on flux density and colour criteria, selecting galaxies preferentially at z ∼ 2. We detect crosscorrelation on angular scales between ∼ 1 and 50 arcmin and find clear evidence that this is primarily due to cosmic magnification. A small, but non-negligible signal from intrinsic clustering is likely to be present due to the tails of the redshift distribution of the sub-mm sources overlapping with those of the foreground samples. 2 L. Wang et al.
We consider the interaction between dark matter and dark energy in the framework of holographic d... more We consider the interaction between dark matter and dark energy in the framework of holographic dark energy, and propose a natural and physically plausible form of interaction, in which the interacting term is proportional to the product of the powers of the dark matter and dark energy densities. We investigate the cosmic evolution in such models. The impact of the coupling on the dark matter and dark energy components may be asymmetric. While the dark energy decouples from the dark matter at late time, just as other components of the cosmic fluid become decoupled as the universe expands, interestingly, the dark matter may actually become coupled to the dark energy at late time. We shall call such a phenomenon as incoupling. We use the latest type Ia supernovae data from the SCP team, baryon acoustics oscillation data from SDSS and 2dF surveys, and the position of the first peak of the CMB angular power spectrum to constrain the model. We find that the interaction term which is proportional to the first power product of the dark energy and dark matter densities gives an excellent fit to the current data. I. INTRODUCTION A number of astronomical observations, such as type Ia supernovae (SNIa) [1], the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy [2], and the large scale structure (LSS) [3], have shown that the expansion of our universe is accelerating. The acceleration of the Universe
In unparticle dark matter (unmatter) models the equation of state of the unmatter is given by p =... more In unparticle dark matter (unmatter) models the equation of state of the unmatter is given by p = ρ/(2dU + 1), where dU is the scaling factor. Unmatter with such equations of state would have a significant impact on the expansion history of the universe. Using type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements and the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to place constraints on such unmatter models we find that if only the SNIa data is used the constraints are weak. However, with the BAO and CMB shift parameter data added strong constraints can be obtained. For the ΛUDM model, in which unmatter is the sole dark matter, we find that dU > 60 at 95% C.L. For comparison, in most unparticle physics models it is assumed dU < 2. For the ΛCUDM model, in which unmatter co-exists with cold dark matter, we found that the unmatter can at most make up a few percent of the total cosmic density if dU < 10, thus it can not be the major component of dark matter.
We use the current weak lensing data to constrain the equation of state of dark energy w and the ... more We use the current weak lensing data to constrain the equation of state of dark energy w and the total mass of massive neutrinos ∑ mν. The constraint on w would be weak if only the current weak lensing data are used. With the addition of other observational data such as ...
Abstract: A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, es... more Abstract: A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, especially in an era of wide-field optical and radio surveys and high resolution cosmic microwave background experiments. The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS), will lead to imaging data over 4000 sq. degrees at 250, 350, and 500 micron. Major Goals of HSLS are:(a) produce a catalog of 2.5 to 3 million galaxies down to 26, 27 and 33 mJy (50% completeness; 5 sigma confusion noise) at 250, 350 and 500 micron, respectively, in the ...
The extragalactic background light (EBL) is composed of the cumulative radiation from all galaxie... more The extragalactic background light (EBL) is composed of the cumulative radiation from all galaxies and active galactic nuclei over cosmic history. In addition to point sources, the EBL also contains information from diffuse sources of radiation. The angular power spectra of the near-infrared intensities could contain additional signals, and a complete understanding of the nature of the infrared (IR) background is still lacking in the literature. Here we explore the constraints that can be placed on particle decays, especially candidate dark matter (DM) models involving axions that trace DM halos of galaxies. Axions with a mass around a few electronvolts will decay via two photons with wavelengths in the near-IR band and will leave a signature in the IR background intensity power spectrum. Using recent power spectra measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment, we find that the 0.6-1.6 μm power spectra can be explained by axions with masses around 4 eV. The total axion abundance Ω a ; 0.05, and it is comparable to the baryon density of the universe. The suggested mean axion mass and abundance are not ruled out by existing cosmological observations. Interestingly, the axion model with a mass distribution is preferred by the data, which cannot be explained by the standard quantum chromodynamics theory and needs further discussion.
Papers by Yan Gong