Bu calisma, Kars’ta bir universite hastanesinin acil servisine basvuran kritik hasta yakinlarinin... more Bu calisma, Kars’ta bir universite hastanesinin acil servisine basvuran kritik hasta yakinlarinin gereksinimlerinin saptanmasi amaci ile tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Calisma, 15 Ocak-15 Eylul 2015 tarihleri arasinda 640 kritik hasta yakini ile yurutuldu. Arastirmanin verileri acil serviste kritik hasta yakinlarinin gereksinimlerini saptama olcegi ve demografik ozelliklere yonelik formlarla toplanmistir. En yuksek puan aile uyelerinin desteklenme sureci gereksinimi alt boyutundan alinmistir. En onemli ilk iki gereksinim maddesi sirasiyla: yakininiza verilebilecek en iyi bakimin verildiginden emin olunmasi ve nakil planlari yapilirken bilgi verilmesi seklindedir. Hasta yakinlarina acil servisten memnuniyet durumu soruldugunda %61.9’u memnun oldugunu, %28.9’u memnun olmadigini ve %9.2’si fikri olmadigini belirtmistir. Acil servise basvurma saatine gore toplam olcek ve alt olcek puanlarina bakildiginda 00:01-07:59 arasinda gelenlerin konfor alt olcegi puaninin daha yuksek oldugu ve f...
Giris ve Amac: Calisanlar acisindan onemli bir sorun olan tukenmislik ve is doyumu son yillarda s... more Giris ve Amac: Calisanlar acisindan onemli bir sorun olan tukenmislik ve is doyumu son yillarda siklikla arastirilan bir konu olmaya baslamistir. Bu nedenle bu calisma Kars’ta iki farkli kurumda calisan bireylerde tukenmislik ve is doyumu arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiz kesitsel tipte tanimlayici bir calisma olup calismanin orneklemini Kars Emniyet Genel Mudurlugunde calisan 116 ve Kafkas Universitesi Saglik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi’nde calisan 24 akademisyen olusturmaktadir. Calismanin verileri sosyo-demografik ve ise iliskin ozellikler formu, Hackman ve Oldham Is doyumu Olcegi (Envanteri) ve Maslach Tukenmislik Olcegi (MBI) kullanilarak yuzyuze gorusme yontemi kullanilarak toplanmistir. Veriler SPSS 16.0 programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Bulgular: Is doyumu Olcegi ve Tukenmislik olcegi alt boyutlari puaninin akademisyenlerde daha yuksek oldugu belirlenmistir. Hackman ve Oldham Is doyumu Olcegi ile Tukenmislik olcegi al...
... Van Tıp Dergi 2003; 10: 1-5. 14. Bozkurt Ş, Aytaç N. Doğankent Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesi&a... more ... Van Tıp Dergi 2003; 10: 1-5. 14. Bozkurt Ş, Aytaç N. Doğankent Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesi'nde yaşayan 20 yaş üzeri erişkinlerde bruselloz prevalansı. ... Turhan E, İnandı T, Çetin M. Hatay'da On Beş Yaş Üzeri Toplumda Bruselloz Seroprevalansı ve Risk Faktörleri. ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, Mar 1, 2021
Objective: Caring for patients with hematological malignancy could lead to many problems in diffe... more Objective: Caring for patients with hematological malignancy could lead to many problems in different aspects regarding the lives of caregivers. However, there is limited data on the emotional and social problems of caregivers, who deal with patients of hematological malignancy. The aim of this study is to determine the emotional and social problems in caregivers of individuals diagnosed with hematological malignancy. Methods: The study was carried out descriptively to identify the emotional and social problems in the relatives of the patients diagnosed with hematological malignancy as their caregivers, as well as the factors affecting these problems. The data of the study were collected with the Introductory Information Form and Identification of Emotional and Social Problems Form that were administered to the relatives of the patients. The data were evaluated by using Spearman's Rho correlation analysis and the Logit analysis in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. Results: Among the caregivers, 59.8% were in the age group of 30–51 years, and 66.2% were female. Of the caregivers, 70.1% had difficulty in fulfilling their responsibilities. Spiritual distress had the highest score among the emotional problems, and experiencing caregiver strain had the highest score among the social problems. In the Logit model, the changes in the professional life was the variable that affects the emotional and social problems the most and significantly. In addition, emotional problems were affected by the financial problems at a statistically significant level. Conclusions: In this study, it is suggested that the caregivers should be provided with certain conveniences in their professional lives based on the fact that the problem, which affected emotional and social problems the most, is the change in the professional life; it is recommended that further studies should be carried out on the caregivers.
Bu calisma kok hucre nakli yapilan hastalarin nakil oncesi ya da nakil sonrasi TAT uygulamalarini... more Bu calisma kok hucre nakli yapilan hastalarin nakil oncesi ya da nakil sonrasi TAT uygulamalarinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Veriler Ankara'da bulunan 5 hastanede tedavi goren 153 hastadan toplanmistir. Veri toplama formu sosyo-demografik ozellikler ve gecen ve bir onceki yillardaki ilik nakillerinde TAT kullanimina iliskin bilgileri kapsamaktadir. Hastalarin TAT rak %48.4'unun sifali bitkisel urunleri, %28.1'inin dini aktiviteleri (dualar) kullandigi belirlenmistir. Hastalarin siklikla bitkisel urun olarak isirgan otunu (%69.0) ,hayvansal urun olarak ise kaplumbaga kanini kullandigi saptandi. Hastalar cogunlukla tedavi edici, gevsetici ve manevi guc olarak TAT kullandigini belirtmistir. Hastalarin %79.0'u doktorlari ile TAT kullanimlarina iliskin tartismadiklari-ni/danismadiklarini belirtmistir. Bu calismanin bulgularinin diger calismalardakilerle benzer oldugu saptanmistir.
Summary Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease with progressive pathology that resul... more Summary Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease with progressive pathology that results in symptoms that affect, or potentially affect, all aspects of living. It is important to evaluate the knowledge of multiple sclerosis patients regarding their disease and provide education so that these patients' problems can be prevented. Aim: This study was conducted to determine patients' knowledge about their disease and prevention of complications. Method: This study was a descriptive study. The study was carried out at a university hospital in Turkey with 106 patients during May-December 2003. Data were collected with a questionnaire prepared by the investigators, and the data were evaluated with percentages and chi square test. Results: Of the patients, 94.3% received information about the disease and 79% disease progression and prognosis, 79% found the information adequate. The mentioned side effects were weight gain with steroids in 56%, and flu-like symptoms from in...
BackgroundThe global COVID‐19 pandemic has led to massive disruptions in daily life, business, ed... more BackgroundThe global COVID‐19 pandemic has led to massive disruptions in daily life, business, education, lifestyle and economies worldwide. Nurses are a professional group who care directly for COVID‐19 patients and thus face direct exposure to the virus. The nurses who work on the front lines during this period put their own well‐being at risk to care for these patients.Purpose/AimThe aim of this study was to identify the experiences and challenges faced by nurses working in pandemic clinics in Turkey during the COVID‐19 pandemic.MethodsThis qualitative study was based on semi‐structured in‐depth interviews conducted through the mobile application Whatsapp with 19 nurses who were actively working in pandemic clinics. Due to the pandemic, the snowball sampling method was used to reach the sample group. Interviews were continued until data saturation was achieved. All interviews were audio recorded and later transcribed. The study data were interpreted according to themes identified...
Materyal ve Metod: Ankara ili Büyükşehir Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan resmi, yarıresmi ve ... more Materyal ve Metod: Ankara ili Büyükşehir Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan resmi, yarıresmi ve özel olarak çalışan 24 diyaliz ünitesi araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmuştur. Evrenin tamamı çalışma kapsamına alınmış ancak yedi diyaliz ünitesinin araştırmayı kabul etmemesi nedeniyle çalışma 17 ünite ile 15 Mayıs-30 Haziran 2004 tarihleri arasında tamamlanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacılar tarafından literatür ve Sağlık Bakanlığı Diyaliz Merkezleri Yönetmeliği (SBDMY) dikkate alınarak hazırlanan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Anket formu ünite sorumlusu (hemşire/hekim/işletmeci) tarafından doldurulmuştur. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı ve yüzdelik değerlendirme kullanılmıştır.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran hipertansiyon hastalarinin ilac te... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran hipertansiyon hastalarinin ilac tedavisine uyum oz etkililik duzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte olan bu arastirma, Şubat-Mayis 2012 tarihleri arasinda, Kars Il Merkez’ine bagli bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran ve hipertansiyon tanisi alan 127 kisinin katilimi ile gerceklestirildi. Veri toplama araci olarak tanitici ozelliklerin ve hastaliga iliskin verilerin yer aldigi anket formu ve Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi kullanildi. Arastirmadan elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortaminda, sayi-yuzdelikler, student-t testi, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis testi ve basit korelasyon analizleri kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastalarin Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi puan ortalamasi 61.92 ± 12.69 olarak hesaplandi. Kadinlarin ve duzenli ilac kullananlarin Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi puan ortalamasi daha yuksek bulunurken p0.05 . Sonuc:...
Disease-related uncertainty and the factors associated with uncertainty in patients with cancer h... more Disease-related uncertainty and the factors associated with uncertainty in patients with cancer have not been adequately investigated. This study aimed to determine the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in patients with cancer. This cross-sectional descriptive study included 351 patients treated in the oncology clinic of a university hospital. All participants completed the Holistic Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (HCAMQ) and the 12-item Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-12). Most patients (84.3%) said that they had information about CAM, 39.7% reported obtaining this information from their social environment, 83.2% said that they believed that CAM methods are effective, and 76.0% reported not telling health care professionals about their CAM use. Mean IUS-12 and HCAMQ total scores were 46.53 ± 2.05 and 32.11 ± 2.32, respectively, and showed a weak negative correlation. The patie...
Bu calisma, Kars’ta bir universite hastanesinin acil servisine basvuran kritik hasta yakinlarinin... more Bu calisma, Kars’ta bir universite hastanesinin acil servisine basvuran kritik hasta yakinlarinin gereksinimlerinin saptanmasi amaci ile tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Calisma, 15 Ocak-15 Eylul 2015 tarihleri arasinda 640 kritik hasta yakini ile yurutuldu. Arastirmanin verileri acil serviste kritik hasta yakinlarinin gereksinimlerini saptama olcegi ve demografik ozelliklere yonelik formlarla toplanmistir. En yuksek puan aile uyelerinin desteklenme sureci gereksinimi alt boyutundan alinmistir. En onemli ilk iki gereksinim maddesi sirasiyla: yakininiza verilebilecek en iyi bakimin verildiginden emin olunmasi ve nakil planlari yapilirken bilgi verilmesi seklindedir. Hasta yakinlarina acil servisten memnuniyet durumu soruldugunda %61.9’u memnun oldugunu, %28.9’u memnun olmadigini ve %9.2’si fikri olmadigini belirtmistir. Acil servise basvurma saatine gore toplam olcek ve alt olcek puanlarina bakildiginda 00:01-07:59 arasinda gelenlerin konfor alt olcegi puaninin daha yuksek oldugu ve f...
Giris ve Amac: Calisanlar acisindan onemli bir sorun olan tukenmislik ve is doyumu son yillarda s... more Giris ve Amac: Calisanlar acisindan onemli bir sorun olan tukenmislik ve is doyumu son yillarda siklikla arastirilan bir konu olmaya baslamistir. Bu nedenle bu calisma Kars’ta iki farkli kurumda calisan bireylerde tukenmislik ve is doyumu arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamiz kesitsel tipte tanimlayici bir calisma olup calismanin orneklemini Kars Emniyet Genel Mudurlugunde calisan 116 ve Kafkas Universitesi Saglik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi’nde calisan 24 akademisyen olusturmaktadir. Calismanin verileri sosyo-demografik ve ise iliskin ozellikler formu, Hackman ve Oldham Is doyumu Olcegi (Envanteri) ve Maslach Tukenmislik Olcegi (MBI) kullanilarak yuzyuze gorusme yontemi kullanilarak toplanmistir. Veriler SPSS 16.0 programi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Bulgular: Is doyumu Olcegi ve Tukenmislik olcegi alt boyutlari puaninin akademisyenlerde daha yuksek oldugu belirlenmistir. Hackman ve Oldham Is doyumu Olcegi ile Tukenmislik olcegi al...
... Van Tıp Dergi 2003; 10: 1-5. 14. Bozkurt Ş, Aytaç N. Doğankent Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesi&a... more ... Van Tıp Dergi 2003; 10: 1-5. 14. Bozkurt Ş, Aytaç N. Doğankent Sağlık Ocağı Bölgesi'nde yaşayan 20 yaş üzeri erişkinlerde bruselloz prevalansı. ... Turhan E, İnandı T, Çetin M. Hatay'da On Beş Yaş Üzeri Toplumda Bruselloz Seroprevalansı ve Risk Faktörleri. ...
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, Mar 1, 2021
Objective: Caring for patients with hematological malignancy could lead to many problems in diffe... more Objective: Caring for patients with hematological malignancy could lead to many problems in different aspects regarding the lives of caregivers. However, there is limited data on the emotional and social problems of caregivers, who deal with patients of hematological malignancy. The aim of this study is to determine the emotional and social problems in caregivers of individuals diagnosed with hematological malignancy. Methods: The study was carried out descriptively to identify the emotional and social problems in the relatives of the patients diagnosed with hematological malignancy as their caregivers, as well as the factors affecting these problems. The data of the study were collected with the Introductory Information Form and Identification of Emotional and Social Problems Form that were administered to the relatives of the patients. The data were evaluated by using Spearman's Rho correlation analysis and the Logit analysis in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. Results: Among the caregivers, 59.8% were in the age group of 30–51 years, and 66.2% were female. Of the caregivers, 70.1% had difficulty in fulfilling their responsibilities. Spiritual distress had the highest score among the emotional problems, and experiencing caregiver strain had the highest score among the social problems. In the Logit model, the changes in the professional life was the variable that affects the emotional and social problems the most and significantly. In addition, emotional problems were affected by the financial problems at a statistically significant level. Conclusions: In this study, it is suggested that the caregivers should be provided with certain conveniences in their professional lives based on the fact that the problem, which affected emotional and social problems the most, is the change in the professional life; it is recommended that further studies should be carried out on the caregivers.
Bu calisma kok hucre nakli yapilan hastalarin nakil oncesi ya da nakil sonrasi TAT uygulamalarini... more Bu calisma kok hucre nakli yapilan hastalarin nakil oncesi ya da nakil sonrasi TAT uygulamalarinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla tanimlayici olarak yapilmistir. Veriler Ankara'da bulunan 5 hastanede tedavi goren 153 hastadan toplanmistir. Veri toplama formu sosyo-demografik ozellikler ve gecen ve bir onceki yillardaki ilik nakillerinde TAT kullanimina iliskin bilgileri kapsamaktadir. Hastalarin TAT rak %48.4'unun sifali bitkisel urunleri, %28.1'inin dini aktiviteleri (dualar) kullandigi belirlenmistir. Hastalarin siklikla bitkisel urun olarak isirgan otunu (%69.0) ,hayvansal urun olarak ise kaplumbaga kanini kullandigi saptandi. Hastalar cogunlukla tedavi edici, gevsetici ve manevi guc olarak TAT kullandigini belirtmistir. Hastalarin %79.0'u doktorlari ile TAT kullanimlarina iliskin tartismadiklari-ni/danismadiklarini belirtmistir. Bu calismanin bulgularinin diger calismalardakilerle benzer oldugu saptanmistir.
Summary Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease with progressive pathology that resul... more Summary Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease with progressive pathology that results in symptoms that affect, or potentially affect, all aspects of living. It is important to evaluate the knowledge of multiple sclerosis patients regarding their disease and provide education so that these patients' problems can be prevented. Aim: This study was conducted to determine patients' knowledge about their disease and prevention of complications. Method: This study was a descriptive study. The study was carried out at a university hospital in Turkey with 106 patients during May-December 2003. Data were collected with a questionnaire prepared by the investigators, and the data were evaluated with percentages and chi square test. Results: Of the patients, 94.3% received information about the disease and 79% disease progression and prognosis, 79% found the information adequate. The mentioned side effects were weight gain with steroids in 56%, and flu-like symptoms from in...
BackgroundThe global COVID‐19 pandemic has led to massive disruptions in daily life, business, ed... more BackgroundThe global COVID‐19 pandemic has led to massive disruptions in daily life, business, education, lifestyle and economies worldwide. Nurses are a professional group who care directly for COVID‐19 patients and thus face direct exposure to the virus. The nurses who work on the front lines during this period put their own well‐being at risk to care for these patients.Purpose/AimThe aim of this study was to identify the experiences and challenges faced by nurses working in pandemic clinics in Turkey during the COVID‐19 pandemic.MethodsThis qualitative study was based on semi‐structured in‐depth interviews conducted through the mobile application Whatsapp with 19 nurses who were actively working in pandemic clinics. Due to the pandemic, the snowball sampling method was used to reach the sample group. Interviews were continued until data saturation was achieved. All interviews were audio recorded and later transcribed. The study data were interpreted according to themes identified...
Materyal ve Metod: Ankara ili Büyükşehir Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan resmi, yarıresmi ve ... more Materyal ve Metod: Ankara ili Büyükşehir Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan resmi, yarıresmi ve özel olarak çalışan 24 diyaliz ünitesi araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmuştur. Evrenin tamamı çalışma kapsamına alınmış ancak yedi diyaliz ünitesinin araştırmayı kabul etmemesi nedeniyle çalışma 17 ünite ile 15 Mayıs-30 Haziran 2004 tarihleri arasında tamamlanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacılar tarafından literatür ve Sağlık Bakanlığı Diyaliz Merkezleri Yönetmeliği (SBDMY) dikkate alınarak hazırlanan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Anket formu ünite sorumlusu (hemşire/hekim/işletmeci) tarafından doldurulmuştur. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı ve yüzdelik değerlendirme kullanılmıştır.
Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran hipertansiyon hastalarinin ilac te... more Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran hipertansiyon hastalarinin ilac tedavisine uyum oz etkililik duzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Gerec ve Yontem: Tanimlayici tipte olan bu arastirma, Şubat-Mayis 2012 tarihleri arasinda, Kars Il Merkez’ine bagli bir aile sagligi merkezine basvuran ve hipertansiyon tanisi alan 127 kisinin katilimi ile gerceklestirildi. Veri toplama araci olarak tanitici ozelliklerin ve hastaliga iliskin verilerin yer aldigi anket formu ve Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi kullanildi. Arastirmadan elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortaminda, sayi-yuzdelikler, student-t testi, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis testi ve basit korelasyon analizleri kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastalarin Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi puan ortalamasi 61.92 ± 12.69 olarak hesaplandi. Kadinlarin ve duzenli ilac kullananlarin Ilac Tedavisine Baglilik/Uyum Oz Etkililik Olcegi puan ortalamasi daha yuksek bulunurken p0.05 . Sonuc:...
Disease-related uncertainty and the factors associated with uncertainty in patients with cancer h... more Disease-related uncertainty and the factors associated with uncertainty in patients with cancer have not been adequately investigated. This study aimed to determine the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in patients with cancer. This cross-sectional descriptive study included 351 patients treated in the oncology clinic of a university hospital. All participants completed the Holistic Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (HCAMQ) and the 12-item Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-12). Most patients (84.3%) said that they had information about CAM, 39.7% reported obtaining this information from their social environment, 83.2% said that they believed that CAM methods are effective, and 76.0% reported not telling health care professionals about their CAM use. Mean IUS-12 and HCAMQ total scores were 46.53 ± 2.05 and 32.11 ± 2.32, respectively, and showed a weak negative correlation. The patie...
Papers by Yeliz Akkus