The COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in sales turnover for the cosmetic industry, causing sale... more The COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in sales turnover for the cosmetic industry, causing salesforce performance to be unsatisfactory. The study developed a model to improve the performance of the cosmetics industry in Banten Province of Indonesia. This quantitative study employed SmartPLS 3.3.2 version to analyze the data obtained from 120 respondents through observations and questionnaire. The results of the empirical model with SEM-PLS revealed that competence has a significant positive effect on financial compensation, competence has a significant positive effect on salesforce job satisfaction, salesforce job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on salesforce performance, financial compensation has no effect on salesforce performance, and salesforce performance has no effect on financial compensation. It is recommended that the cosmetic industry recalculate the amount of compensation appropriately according to measurable performance to yield an impact on salesforce ...
This study examined the influence of religiosity and knowledge of zakat on zakat awareness. It al... more This study examined the influence of religiosity and knowledge of zakat on zakat awareness. It also investigates the influence of religiosity, knowledge of zakat, and zakat awareness on zakat compliance. This study involved 338 NPWZ owners who were registered as muzakki at the LPZ and lived in Serang, Banten province Indonesia. Proportional random sampling was used for respondent selection. This study used a variant-based structural equation test using PLS-SEM. The results indicate that religiosity positively influences zakat awareness and that knowledge of zakat also has a positive influence on zakat awareness. Furthermore, religiosity positively influenced zakat compliance, and knowledge of zakat enhanced zakat compliance. Higher levels of zakat awareness were correlated with increased zakat compliance. It's important to understand how much eligible Muslims actually follow through with giving zakat. This knowledge is key for gathering funds to help fight poverty and support community growth. This is an open access article under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.
West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship, 2023
The operational management of manufacturing companies in Bandung City plays a pivotal role in sha... more The operational management of manufacturing companies in Bandung City plays a pivotal role in shaping their financial performance. This quantitative research aimed to analyze the implementation of operational management, with a focus on production efficiency, product innovation, and customer satisfaction, and their effects on financial performance. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) was employed to assess these relationships. The research involved a sample of 130 manufacturing companies, spanning various sizes. The study found robust support for the following hypotheses: production efficiency positively influences financial performance, product innovation has a positive impact on financial performance, higher customer satisfaction is associated with improved financial performance, and there are significant interdependencies among production efficiency, product innovation, and customer satisfaction, collectively affecting financial performance. The findings emphasize the need for a holistic approach to operational management, innovation, and customer-centric strategies in manufacturing companies. These results provide valuable insights for managers and policymakers in Bandung City, offering practical recommendations for enhancing financial performance in the manufacturing sector.
Covid-19 has various impacts is the economic sector, especially the banking sector. Banks are con... more Covid-19 has various impacts is the economic sector, especially the banking sector. Banks are constrained to get the level of profit. Profitability can be reflected in how effective the bank's management is in managing the funds entrusted to it to generate profits. The objectives of this study to determine the effect of BOPO, NOM, and CAR on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population in this study were all Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia with a total of 13 banks. Use secondary data, namely financial reports that had been published. The amount of data analyzed is 26 months. Technical data analysis used Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results showed that; 1) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on Profitability was 0.956, which means there was a positive influence and the T-Statistics value was 3.166. 2) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on CAR was 0.511, which means there was a positive influence and the T-S...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2022
This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher educat... more This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher education environment, accompanied by an in-depth analysis with the perspective of change management and how they adapt. The method used is SWOT analysis by scanning the environment through non-probability sampling using snowball data collection with the help of Google forms so that stakeholders can respond through a multimedia platform. The results of data processing in the form of index numbers by contrasting strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The final result is the ordinate point 2.93, 013 which is in quadrant 1 with good internal strength but has not been able to seize opportunities, which requires more adequate consolidation of resources. It was concluded that private higher education in Banten Province at a young age still requires strengthening in terms of human resources, finances, stable intake of students and educational infrastructure that must be update...
International Journal of Business, Management and Economics
This study aims to analyze and investigate former migrant workers who previously worked in the co... more This study aims to analyze and investigate former migrant workers who previously worked in the country of Qatar, after the Covid-19 pandemic hit this country. The Qatar government has cut spending by 30% to shore up its finances amid the stress of the pandemic. The impact of the Qatari government's policy has resulted in the termination of the employment relationship of several Indonesian migrant workers in Qatar, some of the Indonesian migrant workers working in Qatar who brought their families while living in Qatar had to return to their homeland. This study aims to describe how retired Indonesian workers from Qatar have adapted to changing socio-economic conditions after they no longer work as migrant workers and return to Indonesia and their families in a state of not having a job during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is qualitative research, which describes the problems to be studied based on actual social facts. The author uses primary data in this...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2022
This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher educat... more This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher education environment, accompanied by an in-depth analysis with the perspective of change management and how they adapt. The method used is SWOT analysis by scanning the environment through non-probability sampling using snowball data collection with the help of Google forms so that stakeholders can respond through a multimedia platform. The results of data processing in the form of index numbers by contrasting strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The final result is the ordinate point 2.93, 013 which is in quadrant 1 with good internal strength but has not been able to seize opportunities, which requires more adequate consolidation of resources. It was concluded that private higher education in Banten Province at a young age still requires strengthening in terms of human resources, finances, stable intake of students and educational infrastructure that must be update...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in sales turnover for the cosmetic industry, causing sale... more The COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in sales turnover for the cosmetic industry, causing salesforce performance to be unsatisfactory. The study developed a model to improve the performance of the cosmetics industry in Banten Province of Indonesia. This quantitative study employed SmartPLS 3.3.2 version to analyze the data obtained from 120 respondents through observations and questionnaire. The results of the empirical model with SEM-PLS revealed that competence has a significant positive effect on financial compensation, competence has a significant positive effect on salesforce job satisfaction, salesforce job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on salesforce performance, financial compensation has no effect on salesforce performance, and salesforce performance has no effect on financial compensation. It is recommended that the cosmetic industry recalculate the amount of compensation appropriately according to measurable performance to yield an impact on salesforce ...
This study examined the influence of religiosity and knowledge of zakat on zakat awareness. It al... more This study examined the influence of religiosity and knowledge of zakat on zakat awareness. It also investigates the influence of religiosity, knowledge of zakat, and zakat awareness on zakat compliance. This study involved 338 NPWZ owners who were registered as muzakki at the LPZ and lived in Serang, Banten province Indonesia. Proportional random sampling was used for respondent selection. This study used a variant-based structural equation test using PLS-SEM. The results indicate that religiosity positively influences zakat awareness and that knowledge of zakat also has a positive influence on zakat awareness. Furthermore, religiosity positively influenced zakat compliance, and knowledge of zakat enhanced zakat compliance. Higher levels of zakat awareness were correlated with increased zakat compliance. It's important to understand how much eligible Muslims actually follow through with giving zakat. This knowledge is key for gathering funds to help fight poverty and support community growth. This is an open access article under CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.
West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship, 2023
The operational management of manufacturing companies in Bandung City plays a pivotal role in sha... more The operational management of manufacturing companies in Bandung City plays a pivotal role in shaping their financial performance. This quantitative research aimed to analyze the implementation of operational management, with a focus on production efficiency, product innovation, and customer satisfaction, and their effects on financial performance. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) was employed to assess these relationships. The research involved a sample of 130 manufacturing companies, spanning various sizes. The study found robust support for the following hypotheses: production efficiency positively influences financial performance, product innovation has a positive impact on financial performance, higher customer satisfaction is associated with improved financial performance, and there are significant interdependencies among production efficiency, product innovation, and customer satisfaction, collectively affecting financial performance. The findings emphasize the need for a holistic approach to operational management, innovation, and customer-centric strategies in manufacturing companies. These results provide valuable insights for managers and policymakers in Bandung City, offering practical recommendations for enhancing financial performance in the manufacturing sector.
Covid-19 has various impacts is the economic sector, especially the banking sector. Banks are con... more Covid-19 has various impacts is the economic sector, especially the banking sector. Banks are constrained to get the level of profit. Profitability can be reflected in how effective the bank's management is in managing the funds entrusted to it to generate profits. The objectives of this study to determine the effect of BOPO, NOM, and CAR on the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population in this study were all Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia with a total of 13 banks. Use secondary data, namely financial reports that had been published. The amount of data analyzed is 26 months. Technical data analysis used Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results showed that; 1) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on Profitability was 0.956, which means there was a positive influence and the T-Statistics value was 3.166. 2) The coefficient value of the effect of BOPO on CAR was 0.511, which means there was a positive influence and the T-S...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2022
This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher educat... more This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher education environment, accompanied by an in-depth analysis with the perspective of change management and how they adapt. The method used is SWOT analysis by scanning the environment through non-probability sampling using snowball data collection with the help of Google forms so that stakeholders can respond through a multimedia platform. The results of data processing in the form of index numbers by contrasting strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The final result is the ordinate point 2.93, 013 which is in quadrant 1 with good internal strength but has not been able to seize opportunities, which requires more adequate consolidation of resources. It was concluded that private higher education in Banten Province at a young age still requires strengthening in terms of human resources, finances, stable intake of students and educational infrastructure that must be update...
International Journal of Business, Management and Economics
This study aims to analyze and investigate former migrant workers who previously worked in the co... more This study aims to analyze and investigate former migrant workers who previously worked in the country of Qatar, after the Covid-19 pandemic hit this country. The Qatar government has cut spending by 30% to shore up its finances amid the stress of the pandemic. The impact of the Qatari government's policy has resulted in the termination of the employment relationship of several Indonesian migrant workers in Qatar, some of the Indonesian migrant workers working in Qatar who brought their families while living in Qatar had to return to their homeland. This study aims to describe how retired Indonesian workers from Qatar have adapted to changing socio-economic conditions after they no longer work as migrant workers and return to Indonesia and their families in a state of not having a job during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is qualitative research, which describes the problems to be studied based on actual social facts. The author uses primary data in this...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2022
This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher educat... more This study aims to explore strategic issues of the industrial revolution 4.0 in the higher education environment, accompanied by an in-depth analysis with the perspective of change management and how they adapt. The method used is SWOT analysis by scanning the environment through non-probability sampling using snowball data collection with the help of Google forms so that stakeholders can respond through a multimedia platform. The results of data processing in the form of index numbers by contrasting strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. The final result is the ordinate point 2.93, 013 which is in quadrant 1 with good internal strength but has not been able to seize opportunities, which requires more adequate consolidation of resources. It was concluded that private higher education in Banten Province at a young age still requires strengthening in terms of human resources, finances, stable intake of students and educational infrastructure that must be update...
Dalam era kehidupan yang semakin memondial dan dipengaruhi oleh pesatnya kemajuan teknologi, Prof... more Dalam era kehidupan yang semakin memondial dan dipengaruhi oleh pesatnya kemajuan teknologi, Prof. Bambang D. Suseno membawa kita dalam perjalanan akademik secara mendalam melalui bukunya yang menyoroti transformasi human capital Indonesia. Fokus utamanya adalah respons terhadap tantangan daya saing global, dengan sorotan khusus pada integrasi kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence atau AI) dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Buku ini menggali tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia dalam meningkatkan daya saing global, merinci indikator kunci seperti Global Innovation Index, Indeks Daya Saing Global, pendapatan per kapita, kesenjangan akses ekonomi, harmonisasi mentalitas dengan proses pembangunan daya saing global, serta ketertinggalan riset sebagai batasan untuk inovasi. Dalam konteks ini, pembaca diajak untuk memahami bagaimana gerakan nasional Revolusi Mental dapat menjadi kunci untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Dengan latar belakang yang terstruktur, buku ini tidak hanya memberikan analisis mendalam tetapi juga memperkenalkan konsep-konsep kunci seperti Recurve, Human Capital, Soft State, dan Culture's Consequences. Clifford Geertz menjadi panduan dalam memahami klasifikasi manusia Indonesia menjadi abangan, santri, dan priyayi, dan bagaimana hal ini mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagian paling menonjol dari buku ini adalah pembahasan mengenai integrasi kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam meningkatkan daya saing human capital. Penulis merinci bagaimana teknologi AI dapat memperkuat sumber daya manusia Indonesia, mempercepat inovasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi di berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk ekonomi, pendidikan, dan industri. Buku ini tidak hanya berhenti pada analisis, namun juga mengembangkan proposisi konsep strategi recurve human capital Indonesia. Melalui solusi dan panduan praktis, pembaca diarahkan untuk memahami kompleksitas dinamika daya saing global dan potensi besar integrasi kecerdasan buatan dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang berdaya saing tinggi. Dengan begitu, buku ini menjadi panduan yang relevan dan penting untuk membantu Indonesia beradaptasi dan berkembang dalam era transformasi global yang semakin terintegrasinya AI dalam segala aspek kehidupan.
menyajikan buku yang berjudul "Strategi Recurve Human Capital Indonesia: Tantangan dan Integras... more menyajikan buku yang berjudul "Strategi Recurve Human Capital Indonesia: Tantangan dan Integrasi Artificial Intelligence dalam Konteks Daya Saing Global". Buku ini merupakan karya intelektual dalam orasi pengukuhan Guru Besar/Profesor kami sebagai pandangan mendalam tentang bagaimana pemegang amanat konstitusi di negeri ini dapat memajukan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Indonesia dalam menghadapi tantangan dan daya saing global. Buku ini mencerminkan keahlian akademis dalam penyusunannya, tetapi juga disertai perspektif praktisnya dalam mengembangkan daya saing SDM di era yang penuh inovasi ini. Tantangan global yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia dalam mengoptimalkan potensi manusianya menjadi fokus utama dalam buku ini. Buku ini dengan bijak menggali potensi integrasi Artificial Intelligence (AI) sebagai solusi strategis untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa. Konsep "Stratrgi Recurve Human Capital" yang diusungnya mengajak kita untuk melihat SDM sebagai aset yang dapat diarahkan dan dikembangkan secara dinamis. Oleh karena itu buku ini bukan hanya sebuah analisis akademis, tetapi juga sebuah panduan praktis bagi pemimpin dan pengambil kebijakan dari pemerintah di pusat maupun daerah yang mendapatkan amanah konstitusi untuk menjalankan pemerintahan. Demikian juga para pelaku sektor bisnis yang berkeinginan untuk menghadapi perubahan zaman dengan bijak. Integrasi AI bukan sekadar suatu tren, tetapi suatu keharusan untuk memastikan bahwa kita tidak hanya ikut serta dalam perubahan, tetapi juga menjadi pionir dalam menciptakan masa depan yang lebih cerah. Buku ini diharapkan menjadi panduan berharga bagi para akademisi dan peneliti yang peduli terhadap masa depan pembangunan SDM Indonesia serta berkontribusi pemikiran yang membawa bangsa ini melangkah menuju masa depan yang lebih berdaya saing.
Papers by bambang dwi suseno
Buku ini menggali tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia dalam meningkatkan daya saing global, merinci indikator kunci seperti Global Innovation Index, Indeks Daya Saing Global, pendapatan per kapita, kesenjangan akses ekonomi, harmonisasi mentalitas dengan proses pembangunan daya saing global, serta ketertinggalan riset sebagai batasan untuk inovasi. Dalam konteks ini, pembaca diajak untuk memahami bagaimana gerakan nasional Revolusi Mental dapat menjadi kunci untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan tersebut.
Dengan latar belakang yang terstruktur, buku ini tidak hanya memberikan analisis mendalam tetapi juga memperkenalkan konsep-konsep kunci seperti Recurve, Human Capital, Soft State, dan Culture's Consequences. Clifford Geertz menjadi panduan dalam memahami klasifikasi manusia Indonesia menjadi abangan, santri, dan priyayi, dan bagaimana hal ini mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari.
Bagian paling menonjol dari buku ini adalah pembahasan mengenai integrasi kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam meningkatkan daya saing human capital. Penulis merinci bagaimana teknologi AI dapat memperkuat sumber daya manusia Indonesia, mempercepat inovasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi di berbagai sektor kehidupan, termasuk ekonomi, pendidikan, dan industri.
Buku ini tidak hanya berhenti pada analisis, namun juga mengembangkan proposisi konsep strategi recurve human capital Indonesia. Melalui solusi dan panduan praktis, pembaca diarahkan untuk memahami kompleksitas dinamika daya saing global dan potensi besar integrasi kecerdasan buatan dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang berdaya saing tinggi. Dengan begitu, buku ini menjadi panduan yang relevan dan penting untuk membantu Indonesia beradaptasi dan berkembang dalam era transformasi global yang semakin terintegrasinya AI dalam segala aspek kehidupan.
Buku ini mencerminkan keahlian akademis dalam penyusunannya, tetapi juga disertai perspektif praktisnya dalam mengembangkan daya saing SDM di era yang penuh inovasi ini. Tantangan global yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia dalam mengoptimalkan potensi manusianya menjadi fokus utama dalam buku ini. Buku ini dengan bijak menggali potensi integrasi Artificial Intelligence (AI) sebagai solusi strategis untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa. Konsep "Stratrgi Recurve Human Capital" yang diusungnya mengajak kita untuk melihat SDM sebagai aset yang dapat diarahkan dan dikembangkan secara dinamis.
Oleh karena itu buku ini bukan hanya sebuah analisis akademis, tetapi juga sebuah panduan praktis bagi pemimpin dan pengambil kebijakan dari pemerintah di pusat maupun daerah yang mendapatkan amanah konstitusi untuk menjalankan pemerintahan. Demikian juga para pelaku sektor bisnis yang berkeinginan untuk menghadapi perubahan zaman dengan bijak. Integrasi AI bukan sekadar suatu tren, tetapi suatu keharusan untuk memastikan bahwa kita tidak hanya ikut serta dalam perubahan, tetapi juga menjadi pionir dalam menciptakan masa depan yang lebih cerah.
Buku ini diharapkan menjadi panduan berharga bagi para akademisi dan peneliti yang peduli terhadap masa depan pembangunan SDM Indonesia serta berkontribusi pemikiran yang membawa bangsa ini melangkah menuju masa depan yang lebih berdaya saing.