La recensione riguarda un testo che analizza il rapporto fra democrazia e religione oggi nel mond... more La recensione riguarda un testo che analizza il rapporto fra democrazia e religione oggi nel mondo occidentale
I beni di relazione : metafisica ed etica tra vulnerabilità e autosufficienza, 2020
The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not a... more The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not as a relationship of unilateral foundation but of co-foundation: not only in Aristotle, but also in Plato, insofar as it is considered problematic to make a rigid distinction between the young, aporetic Plato and the dogmatic, mature Plato. Through Heidegger\u2019s reflection on care as a re-proposal of this co- founding relationship of metaphysics and ethics present in Aristotle, the paper ar- gues that the relationship between ethics and metaphysics in the ancient Greeks can indicate a way forward in our fragile, restless and divided contemporary world
The critique of humanistic interpretations as a "person", as "being composed of sp... more The critique of humanistic interpretations as a "person", as "being composed of spirit, soul and body", is aimed at claiming a level of discourse that \u201callows the event of the truth of being to happen\u201d placing the 'humanitas on a higher level capable of restoring a new dignity to man. The invitation to overcome any anthropologism and subjectivism inaugurates a perspective for the contemporary world in which, by virtue of such decentralization, man is not master of other entities. Although many posthumanisms start from the critique of humanism, the very difference - albeit in the proximity - between the essence of action and that of the technique resolutely affirmed by Heidegger represents a barrier to that posthumanism which believes that man can and it must be redesigned by technology, which ultimately thinks that technology can produce ma
The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not a... more The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not as a relationship of unilateral foundation but of co-foundation: not only in Aristotle, but also in Plato, insofar as it is considered problematic to make a rigid distinction between the young, aporetic Plato and the dogmatic, mature Plato. Through Heidegger\u2019s reflection on care as a re-proposal of this co- founding relationship of metaphysics and ethics present in Aristotle, the paper ar- gues that the relationship between ethics and metaphysics in the ancient Greeks can indicate a way forward in our fragile, restless and divided contemporary world
recensione al testo di Luca Illetterati che analizza il concetto di tecnica dal punto di vista he... more recensione al testo di Luca Illetterati che analizza il concetto di tecnica dal punto di vista heideggeriano con riferimento al saggio sul concetto di "natura"
Scienza e tecnica : Heidegger, Heisenberg e il Weltbild della scienza contemporanea, 2021
Heidegger's will to go beyond the anthropological-instrumental conception of technique does n... more Heidegger's will to go beyond the anthropological-instrumental conception of technique does not result in a mythopoetics of technique as a fatal destiny to resign oneself to, nor in the suggestion of becoming accomplices in an uncontrolled advance of the technique itself. In the dialogue with Heisenberg on the occasion of the cycle of lectures on The arts in the age of technique, the trait of technique emerges understood from the point of view of "historical occurrence" in its essential distinction from "historiographic observation", a trait that appears decisive for the reformulation of the Seinsgeschichte, and that while leaving unresolved the controversial question of the role of the human in regard to technology, it allows a renewed look at the place of man in a world in which man himself has no right to think of himself as the master of other entities
Pure friendship as an implicit form of God\u2019s love is the one in which we observe the freedom... more Pure friendship as an implicit form of God\u2019s love is the one in which we observe the freedom of man to choose bonds that do not have the defective character of need and necessity. The reflection of God\u2019s love in a man capable of such freedom puts man himself in a position to be master of his own field and to keep the tares so as not to damage wheat until the time of harvest. Until the moment in which love is recognized the search for a good that coincides with that of the other and that does not know restrictions and limitations of freedom
Il porre correttamente la questione dell\u2019essere chiama in causa l\u2019intera storia di un\u... more Il porre correttamente la questione dell\u2019essere chiama in causa l\u2019intera storia di un\u2019epoca: la questione della tecnica planetaria come estrema conseguenza dell\u2019oblio dell\u2019essere \ue8 affrontata a partire dall\u2019analisi delle grammatiche che governano la nostra stessa esistenza storica, e che hanno contribuito in modo decisivo al destino della civilt\ue0 occidentale. E' in questo quadro che vengono letti i frammenti parmenidei sulla originaria coappartenenza di essere e pensiero. Ma la questione investe l\u2019intero orientamento dello sguardo filosofico con cui Heidegger intende condurre la propria riflessione. Qui appare pi\uf9 che mai evidente il noto tentativo seguito ad Essere e tempo di operare la svolta consistente in una comprensione dell\u2019uomo nel contesto di un domandare scevro da caratteri antropologici: un domandare storico e metafisico
The figure of the Arendtian survey can be identified in the idea of the incomparability of the ... more The figure of the Arendtian survey can be identified in the idea of the incomparability of the totalitarian phenomenon compared to previous forms of authoritarianism, for multiple and various reasons. Among these it is precisely the creation of the extermination camps, the systematic annihilation of human beings, the quid that makes totalitarianism irreducible to any political phenomenon of the past: the concentration camps, expression of nihilistic achievement, are for Arendt the event which, marking a clear historical fracture, stops the continuity of our tradition interrupted precisely by the realization of its own nihilistic dynamics.
La diversita di orientamenti e la pluralita di intenti che emergono dai contributi raccolti dimos... more La diversita di orientamenti e la pluralita di intenti che emergono dai contributi raccolti dimostra ancora una volta come il “Giornale di metafisica” sia un luogo di dibattito e di confronto franco e aperto tra gli studiosi. Ma una simile eterogeneita e anche significativa di un tratto distintivo della ricerca filosofica orientata dal peculiare movimento di un pensiero che, in ogni tentativo di oltrepassamento, fa i conti con l’ineludibilita di un domandare fondamentale, con l’impossibilita di lasciarsi alle spalle la disposizione naturale dell’uomo a porre le domande fondamentali della filosofia: una disposizione che non viene meno di certo ne di fronte ai dubbi sul carattere aporetico degli interrogativi filosofici ne di fronte alle accuse di insensatezza semantica intorno a cio di cui non si vuole ne si puo dimostrare l’esistenza ma intorno a cui non si puo neanche smettere di domandare.
The essay questions the relationship between prassi and techne in today's fully-tech society.... more The essay questions the relationship between prassi and techne in today's fully-tech society. The analysis moves from the aristotelian distinction between the various epistemai and continues through the comparison with the heideggerian idea of the root of knowing in the effectivity of existence, and with the gadameric perspective that highlights the similarities and differences between techne and praxis by bringing out at the same time the peculiarities of an irreducible knowledge of the technique
La recensione riguarda un testo che analizza il rapporto fra democrazia e religione oggi nel mond... more La recensione riguarda un testo che analizza il rapporto fra democrazia e religione oggi nel mondo occidentale
I beni di relazione : metafisica ed etica tra vulnerabilità e autosufficienza, 2020
The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not a... more The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not as a relationship of unilateral foundation but of co-foundation: not only in Aristotle, but also in Plato, insofar as it is considered problematic to make a rigid distinction between the young, aporetic Plato and the dogmatic, mature Plato. Through Heidegger\u2019s reflection on care as a re-proposal of this co- founding relationship of metaphysics and ethics present in Aristotle, the paper ar- gues that the relationship between ethics and metaphysics in the ancient Greeks can indicate a way forward in our fragile, restless and divided contemporary world
The critique of humanistic interpretations as a "person", as "being composed of sp... more The critique of humanistic interpretations as a "person", as "being composed of spirit, soul and body", is aimed at claiming a level of discourse that \u201callows the event of the truth of being to happen\u201d placing the 'humanitas on a higher level capable of restoring a new dignity to man. The invitation to overcome any anthropologism and subjectivism inaugurates a perspective for the contemporary world in which, by virtue of such decentralization, man is not master of other entities. Although many posthumanisms start from the critique of humanism, the very difference - albeit in the proximity - between the essence of action and that of the technique resolutely affirmed by Heidegger represents a barrier to that posthumanism which believes that man can and it must be redesigned by technology, which ultimately thinks that technology can produce ma
The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not a... more The relationship between metaphysics and ethics in classical Greek philosophy is understood not as a relationship of unilateral foundation but of co-foundation: not only in Aristotle, but also in Plato, insofar as it is considered problematic to make a rigid distinction between the young, aporetic Plato and the dogmatic, mature Plato. Through Heidegger\u2019s reflection on care as a re-proposal of this co- founding relationship of metaphysics and ethics present in Aristotle, the paper ar- gues that the relationship between ethics and metaphysics in the ancient Greeks can indicate a way forward in our fragile, restless and divided contemporary world
recensione al testo di Luca Illetterati che analizza il concetto di tecnica dal punto di vista he... more recensione al testo di Luca Illetterati che analizza il concetto di tecnica dal punto di vista heideggeriano con riferimento al saggio sul concetto di "natura"
Scienza e tecnica : Heidegger, Heisenberg e il Weltbild della scienza contemporanea, 2021
Heidegger's will to go beyond the anthropological-instrumental conception of technique does n... more Heidegger's will to go beyond the anthropological-instrumental conception of technique does not result in a mythopoetics of technique as a fatal destiny to resign oneself to, nor in the suggestion of becoming accomplices in an uncontrolled advance of the technique itself. In the dialogue with Heisenberg on the occasion of the cycle of lectures on The arts in the age of technique, the trait of technique emerges understood from the point of view of "historical occurrence" in its essential distinction from "historiographic observation", a trait that appears decisive for the reformulation of the Seinsgeschichte, and that while leaving unresolved the controversial question of the role of the human in regard to technology, it allows a renewed look at the place of man in a world in which man himself has no right to think of himself as the master of other entities
Pure friendship as an implicit form of God\u2019s love is the one in which we observe the freedom... more Pure friendship as an implicit form of God\u2019s love is the one in which we observe the freedom of man to choose bonds that do not have the defective character of need and necessity. The reflection of God\u2019s love in a man capable of such freedom puts man himself in a position to be master of his own field and to keep the tares so as not to damage wheat until the time of harvest. Until the moment in which love is recognized the search for a good that coincides with that of the other and that does not know restrictions and limitations of freedom
Il porre correttamente la questione dell\u2019essere chiama in causa l\u2019intera storia di un\u... more Il porre correttamente la questione dell\u2019essere chiama in causa l\u2019intera storia di un\u2019epoca: la questione della tecnica planetaria come estrema conseguenza dell\u2019oblio dell\u2019essere \ue8 affrontata a partire dall\u2019analisi delle grammatiche che governano la nostra stessa esistenza storica, e che hanno contribuito in modo decisivo al destino della civilt\ue0 occidentale. E' in questo quadro che vengono letti i frammenti parmenidei sulla originaria coappartenenza di essere e pensiero. Ma la questione investe l\u2019intero orientamento dello sguardo filosofico con cui Heidegger intende condurre la propria riflessione. Qui appare pi\uf9 che mai evidente il noto tentativo seguito ad Essere e tempo di operare la svolta consistente in una comprensione dell\u2019uomo nel contesto di un domandare scevro da caratteri antropologici: un domandare storico e metafisico
The figure of the Arendtian survey can be identified in the idea of the incomparability of the ... more The figure of the Arendtian survey can be identified in the idea of the incomparability of the totalitarian phenomenon compared to previous forms of authoritarianism, for multiple and various reasons. Among these it is precisely the creation of the extermination camps, the systematic annihilation of human beings, the quid that makes totalitarianism irreducible to any political phenomenon of the past: the concentration camps, expression of nihilistic achievement, are for Arendt the event which, marking a clear historical fracture, stops the continuity of our tradition interrupted precisely by the realization of its own nihilistic dynamics.
La diversita di orientamenti e la pluralita di intenti che emergono dai contributi raccolti dimos... more La diversita di orientamenti e la pluralita di intenti che emergono dai contributi raccolti dimostra ancora una volta come il “Giornale di metafisica” sia un luogo di dibattito e di confronto franco e aperto tra gli studiosi. Ma una simile eterogeneita e anche significativa di un tratto distintivo della ricerca filosofica orientata dal peculiare movimento di un pensiero che, in ogni tentativo di oltrepassamento, fa i conti con l’ineludibilita di un domandare fondamentale, con l’impossibilita di lasciarsi alle spalle la disposizione naturale dell’uomo a porre le domande fondamentali della filosofia: una disposizione che non viene meno di certo ne di fronte ai dubbi sul carattere aporetico degli interrogativi filosofici ne di fronte alle accuse di insensatezza semantica intorno a cio di cui non si vuole ne si puo dimostrare l’esistenza ma intorno a cui non si puo neanche smettere di domandare.
The essay questions the relationship between prassi and techne in today's fully-tech society.... more The essay questions the relationship between prassi and techne in today's fully-tech society. The analysis moves from the aristotelian distinction between the various epistemai and continues through the comparison with the heideggerian idea of the root of knowing in the effectivity of existence, and with the gadameric perspective that highlights the similarities and differences between techne and praxis by bringing out at the same time the peculiarities of an irreducible knowledge of the technique
Papers by chiara agnello