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The relation God/world and the necessity of the infinite universe · The aim of this chapter is to present the most relevant points of De immenso’s first book, focussing on the differences from the Italian dialogue De l’infinito, and in... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyGiordano BrunoScientific Revolution
Il De immenso viene composto, in otto libri, nel 1583, in Inghilterra, e poi pubblicato a Francoforte nel 1591. Insieme al De triplici minimo e al De monade esso fa parte di una trilogia dedicata al duca Enrico Giulio di Braunschweig e... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of ScienceRenaissance PhilosophyHistory of Renaissance Science
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was a philosopher in his own right. However, he was famous through the centuries due to his execution as a heretic. His pronouncements against teachings of the Catholic Church, his defence of the cosmology of... more
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      Giordano BrunoGiordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was a philosopher in his own right. However, he was famous through the centuries due to his execution as a heretic. His pronouncements against teachings of the Catholic Church, his defence of the cosmology of... more
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      Giordano BrunoGiordano Bruno
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      Cosmology (Physics)Giordano BrunoPhilosophy&Teology
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      Renaissance StudiesGiordano BrunoHistory of Philosophy
This article traces the radical devaluation of the phantasm throughout Western civilization. With the help of Nietzsche's critical perspective, I develop a notion of hystery as the series of collective traumas repeated in each... more
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Giordano Bruno and the Geometry of Language brings to the fore a sixteenth-century philosopher's role in early modern Europe as a bridge between science and literature, or more specifically, between the spatial paradigm of geometry and... more
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      History of MathematicsRenaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyLiterary Theory
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      ArtRenaissance PhilosophyMichel de MontaigneHistory Of Modern Philosophy
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      Giordano BrunoSpinozaPantheismPanentheism
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    • Giordano Bruno
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    • Giordano Bruno
The "Belgian John Dee", Cornelius Gemma (1535-1578) was a son of the famous mathematician and cosmographer Gemma Frisius. He was a professor of medicine at the University of Louvain. Until recently he has been almost totally neglected by... more
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      MathematicsTheologyPlatoHistory of Medicine
Felieton opisuje przypadki tak silnej fascynacji nauką, że nawet śmierć nie mogła jej przerwać. Pierwszy przypadek dotyczy włoskiego filozofa Giordano Bruno, który nie chciał się wyrzec naukowej wizji Wszechświata zgodnej z teorią... more
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      History of ScienceGiordano BrunoLavoisier
in <<GIORNALE CRITICO DELLA FILOSOFIA ITALIANA>>, settima serie, vol. XV, 2019 fasc. 1, pp. 190-205.
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      Renaissance StudiesCount Giovanni Pico della MirandolaGiordano BrunoGeorgios Gemistos Plethon
"Frances Yates and Her Work", epilogue in the Czech translation Frances Yatesová, Umění paměti [The Art of Memory], Praha 2015.
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismMemory StudiesGiordano Bruno
ISBN: 978-625-441-014-7
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      Medieval PhilosophyRenaissance PhilosophyGiordano Bruno
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      Renaissance PhilosophyFrancis BaconGiordano Bruno
Relazione al Convegno TRASFORMAZIONE DELL'ESISTENTE - ARTE & SCIENZA a cura di Francesco Borruso con il patrocinio del MUSIS, Museo della Scienza e dell'Informazione Scientifica. I nomi di Caravaggio e di Giordano Bruno vengono... more
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      Giordano BrunoFilosofíaCaravaggioArte moderna e contemporanea
Why did Giordano Bruno let himself be led to the stake by the Holy Office on 17 February 1600? A new, compelling and documented reconstruction that reopens one of the most celebrated court cases in our history. Perché Giordano Bruno si... more
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      Renaissance HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
Bruno, Moro e il vincolo dello spirito.
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismUtopian StudiesInquisition
William Shakespeare had a deep understanding of many things. Among them, astronomy. One of the sources of this knowledge was the work of Giordano Bruno who was far more present in England during this period than he is given credit for.... more
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      ShakespeareGiordano BrunoWilliam ShakespeareShakespeare's Sonnets
Edition of a treatise on mnemotechnics (memory training) written in the context of Giordano Bruno's visit to England
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      Giordano BrunoMnemotechnics
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
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      PhilosophyTheologyHistory Of Modern PhilosophyGiordano Bruno
Esprit nomade, hérétique parmi les hérétiques, philosophe et poète...
Un portrait de Giordano Bruno à travers les opinions des éminents experts internationaux.
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      RenaissancePhilosophies of Human NatureGiordano BrunoPhilosophie
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    • Giordano Bruno
Il tema centrale di questa tesi è il rapporto tra storiografia e conoscenza delle fonti nelle ricostruzioni della vicenda processuale di Giordano Bruno compiute da autori italiani. Nell’affrontare quest’argomento, si è operata una... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyGiordano BrunoRenaissance Rome
Shakespeare's works were philosophically arrayed against "the Western symbolic". He was opposed to Christianity, monotheism, and he generally liked and adopted Giordano Bruno's heretical pantheistic ideas. In this paper, I especially... more
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      ShakespeareGoddess SpiritualityGiordano Bruno
Venerdì 4 giugno alle ore 18 in diretta radiofonica (www.usmaradio.org) dialogano con l’Autrice: - Caterina Ciccopiedi, Università degli Studi di Torino - Alfredo Ferrara, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro - Mario Resta,... more
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      Modern HistoryGiordano BrunoHeresy and Inquisition
Giordanon Bruno’s dialogue Cabala del cavallo pegaseo, unmistakably a satire and satirical appendix to the complex mockery of religion in the Spaccio de la bestia trionfante, plays with a large number of religious and quasi-theological... more
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      Giordano BrunoTransmigration of soulMetempsychosis
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      Renaissance PhilosophyGiordano BrunoMichel de Montaigne (Philosophy)
The author explores the affinity between the " philosophy of theatre " and " theatricality of philosophy " of Giordano Bruno, and the contemporary understanding of the links between theatre and philosophy in the 20 th and 21 st century.... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesLiterature and PhilosophyGiordano Bruno
Funciones de la luz en la cosmología de Giordano Bruno
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    • Giordano Bruno
Il Grande Oriente d’Italia, rifondato nel 1859, ebbe fra i suoi elementi identitari un viscerale anticlericalismo. Al centro del suo impegno nella società civile vi fu la costante mobilitazione per limitare l’influenza della Chiesa... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGalileo GalileiSecularization
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      Renaissance StudiesPoeticsGiordano Bruno
Recensione a Ioan Petru Culianu, Iocari serio. Scienza e arte nel pensiero del Rinascimento. Edizioni Lindau, Torino, 2017; pubblicata su Axis Mundi: https://axismundi.blog/2018/01/25/i-p-culianu-gioco-e-magia-nel-rinascimento/ e sul... more
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      MagicMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Giordano BrunoMarsilio Ficino
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      Renaissance HumanismGiordano BrunoRenaissance Neo-Platonism
Questo testo raccoglie le Epistole Proemiali che Giordano Bruno premise ai suoi "Dialoghi Italiani", per proporne un'analisi ed un commento che coinvolgano l'intero svolgimento della filosofia bruniana presente negli stessi testi.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePlatoPhilosophy Of Mathematics
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      PhilosophyRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance Philosophy
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural StudiesEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Bu çalışmanı temel amacı, taşıyıcı madde kavrayışının Aristoteles’ten Bruno’ya dek nasıl bir yol izlemiş olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda ilkin, Aristoteles’in ontolojisinde madde ve nous’un nasıl ele alındığı açığa... more
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      AristotlePlotinusGiordano BrunoSt Thomas Aquinas
L’art. 16 della Dichiarazione dei diritti dell’uomo e del cittadino del 26 agosto 1789 afferma: «Una società, nella quale la garanzia dei diritti non sia assicurata e la separazione dei poteri fissata, non ha una Costituzione». Non per... more
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      Political PhilosophyCensorshipPolitical SciencePolitical communication
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      Renaissance PlatonismGiordano BrunoNatural MagicScientific Revolution
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance PhilosophyErasmusZwingli
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of ScienceRenaissance PhilosophyGiordano Bruno
Este libro comprende nueve estudios especializados en problemas filosóficos de la Filosofía Moderna. Cada capítulo propone una pregunta que articula parte de los intereses y problemas que se plantean distintas filósofas y filósofos, de... more
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      HobbesThomas HobbesJohannes KeplerBaruch Spinoza
The distinction between 'potentia Dei absoluta' and 'ordinata' is taken as an example of the more general investigation into God’s attributes performed again and again by theologians throughout the Middle Ages. Indeed, if the question of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasTheologyHistory of Christianity