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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyGilles DeleuzePaul Ricoeur
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      Political PhilosophyRomanticismJusticeTheories of Justice
Die Untersuchung versteht sich als Beitrag zu der in der Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte geführten Debatte um die Darstellungsformen von Wissen bzw. das »Wissen der Literatur«, geht jedoch in zweifacher... more
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      Intellectual HistoryWilhelm DiltheyFriedrich NietzscheHenri Bergson
El libro aborda tres de los problemas fundamentales de la obra de Borges, a) la consideración de la lectura, y por ende la traducción, como el hecho más radical de la creación literaria; b) la invención artificial de la tradición o, como... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesLiterature and PhilosophyBorges y CervantesBorges y Foucault
The problem of evil is not only a logical problem about God’s goodness but also an existential problem about the sense of God’s presence, which the Biblical book of Job conceives as a problem of aesthetic experience. Thus, just as theism... more
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      MysticismShaftesburyWittgensteinJean Paul Sartre
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    • Literature and Philosophy
Special Issue: Emotions
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      AestheticsImmanuel KantLiterature and PhilosophyMichael Fried
À mi-chemin entre philosophie morale et métaphysique de la liberté, cet essai se propose de méditer la possibilité d’une « éthique de la conviction » pour notre temps, et de réinventer ses coordonnées en la liant de manière indissoluble à... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of LiteratureSlavery
Atti del Convegno su Leopardi tenuto all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York nel 1998, con interventi di Edoardo Sanguineti, Alessandro Carrera, Franco Ferrucci, Giorgio Ficara, Sergio Givone, Thomas J. Harrison, Gioacchino Lanza... more
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      RomanticismItalian LiteratureGiacomo LeopardiLiterature and Philosophy
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy of LiteratureJacques DerridaAmerican Drama
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBritish LiteratureMythology And Folklore
The opening stage direction in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot (1953) is a simple one-line sentence: ‘A country road. A tree’ (2006 1). This ostensibly situates the protagonists in the midst of a journey, yet famously, it is one that... more
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      NarrativeMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellSamuel Beckett
Can literary fictions convey significant philosophical views, understood in terms of propositional knowledge? This study addresses the philosophical value of literature by examining how literary works impart philosophy truth and knowledge... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of LiteratureLiterary TheoryLiterature and Philosophy
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      Literature and PhilosophyAmerican PragmatismMaxim GorkySelf and Society
Essai de prospective : une littérature sans pouvoir
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureLiterature and PhilosophyArt and Philosophy
Critics have long argued over the nature of Wordsworth's sublime. Is it egotistical or impersonal? Does he write about history or evade history? Is his lens ideological or unmediated? This essay weighs in on the debate by outlining a... more
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      RomanticismWilliam WordsworthLiterature and PhilosophyThe Sublime
While critical commentary on Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) has been various and divided, few have questioned its seismic importance for the development of Western Marxism. Strangely though, in view... more
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      Marxist theorySecond World WarModernismLiterature and Philosophy
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      ShakespeareLiterature and PhilosophyRomeo and Juliet
Il senso del segreto si compone di approfondimenti tematici su cinque filosofi che hanno indagato la questione del segreto e della segretezza, attraverso un confronto – spesso esplicito, talvolta latente – con l’opera di Marcel Proust. Da... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesSecrecyContemporary French Philosophy
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureSociologyCultural Studies
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGerman StudiesComparative Literature
In To the Lighthouse, the epistemological questions that the philosopher Mr Ramsay ponders seem incomprehensible to Lily Briscoe, the artist. And yet, her painting process clearly explores these same questions by other means. This invites... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionPhenomenologyModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Жанр романтической сказки имеет своей задачей восстановление прав и полномочий символа. Этой задаче служит обращение к мистико-герметической традиции как носительнице «силы символа». Мы рассматриваем сказку Андерсена «Снежная королева»... more
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      AlchemyLiterature and PhilosophyPhilosophy and LiteratureHans Christian Andersen
Talvez não seja errado dizer que o conceito de humanidade é concomitante à constatação, por nossos ancestrais mais remotos, de que havia uma diferença fundamental entre eles e as outras classes de seres que compunham o seu ambiente mais... more
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      Literature and PhilosophyPhilosophy and LiteratureCritical Theory of Society and Culture
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      PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeMinority StudiesSpeculative Realism
Language Lost and Found takes as its starting-point Iris Murdoch's claim that "we have suffered a general loss of concepts." By means of a thorough reading of Iris Murdoch's philosophy in the light of this difficulty, it offers a detailed... more
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      Stanley CavellWittgensteinKierkegaardLiterature and Philosophy
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      Cultural TheoryLiterary TheoryBiocultural AnthropologyImagination
Esta nota crítica analiza la perspectiva que Martha Nussbaum presenta sobre la emoción de la ira en su último libro Anger and Forgiveness. Resentment, Generosity, Justice (2016). Para ello sitúo esta obra en el contexto del proyecto... more
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      Literature and LawLiterature and PhilosophyMartha NussbaumLaw and Humanities
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      PhilosophyLiterature and PhilosophyLiterary studies
Haiku Enlightenment undertakes a complex and comprehensive odyssey through the world of haiku, exploring primarily the dynamics of the “haiku moment”, that instant of spiritual interpenetration when the ego involuntarily surrenders in... more
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    • Literature and Philosophy
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      American LiteratureWorld LiteraturesModernism (Literature)Narrative
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      Personal and Moral AutonomyConscienceImmanuel KantLiterature and Philosophy
In diesem Buch wird Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes als ein literarischer Text gedeutet, der seine Überzeugungskraft aus der Lektüre anderer Texte schöpft. Untersucht werden die politischen und ästhetischen Konsequenzen dieser... more
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      DeconstructionGerman RomanticismPoeticsLiterary Theory
This paper traces complex relations between the thinking of the  poet Paul Valéry and the philosopher Jacques Derrida.
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      Literature and PhilosophyPoetry and Poetics
With its innovative narrative structure and its controversial explorations of race, gender and empire, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is a landmark of 20th century literature that continues to resonate to this day. This book brings... more
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      Critical TheoryEnglish LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesPoststructuralism
È un libro di filosofia della conoscenza che si muove liberamente tra filosofia e letteratura. La luce, intesa come supporto della scrittura (si scrive nella luce, "incidendo" la luce) nonché come metafora della conoscenza stessa, è... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJohann Wolfgang von GoetheLiterature and PhilosophyPhilosophy and Literature
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      AestheticsGiorgio AgambenKierkegaardLiterature and Philosophy
Revisiting La città del sole in light of recent scholarship on Campanella’s naturalism and with recourse to key works of his philosophy, I examine how his utopia systematically re-writes Plato’s ideal city from the Republic by... more
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      Utopian StudiesRenaissance PlatonismUtopian LiteratureLiterature and Philosophy
ABSTRACT: Calling on the abundant recent bibliography of writings on both the philosophical themes running through Shakespeare’s dramas, and on the theme of friendship in early modern Europe, the essay enquires into the relationship... more
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      Renaissance StudiesLiterature and Philosophy
This article compares two novels: Moyshe Kulbak’s Montog (“Monday”) and Samuel Beckett’s Murphy. Each novel ends with the death of its protagonist, figured as both a senseless act and the apotheosis of its hero’s self-reflexive, ironic... more
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      Comparative LiteratureYiddish LiteratureEnglish LiteratureJewish Studies
W artykule szczerość i nieszczerość traktowane są jako pojęcia retoryczne. Autor stara się uniknąć błędnego utożsamiania szczerości i prawdziwości oraz retoryki i poetyki, a także równie błędnego utożsamiania szczerości i performatywności... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureRussian LiteratureLiterary TheoryLiterature and Philosophy
Una lettura del saggio di De Sanctis sulla Fedra di Racine, contro Wilhelm Schlegel, fra Hegel e Blanchot / A Reading of De Sanctis's Essay on Racine's Phèdre, against Wilhelm Schlegel, between Hegel and Blanchot / Une lecture de l'essai... more
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      Italian LiteratureLiterature and PhilosophyEuripidesTragedy
J.M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus and The Schooldays of Jesus typify the concerns of his later writings. These concerns are crystallized around the concept of life and the dynamic relation between a post-secular valorization of life... more
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      World LiteraturesDeathPostcolonial StudiesHeinrich von Kleist
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      PhilosophyLiterature and PhilosophyFilosofíaFilozofia
Words Underway offers the first full account of the important contributions the Continental tradition has made to the philosophy of language. The book examines the vital work of a range of thinkers, including Heidegger, Gadamer, Blanchot,... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyPhilosophy of Literature
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryLiterature
"The article seeks to study Beckett’s (in)famous abstractionism in the light of his engagement with the discursive borderline of philosophy and literature with recourse to Alain Badiou’s texts on Beckett and his meditations on the... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureCritical ThinkingSamuel Beckett
This essay affords the first extensive reading of T.S. Eliot’s marginalia to F. H. Bradley’s ‘Appearance and Reality.’ I draw attention to a shift in Eliot’s way of doing philosophy over the course of his year at Merton College, Oxford,... more
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      Modernism (Literature)Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)T.S. EliotLiterature and Philosophy