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We start with a theatre, and two moments of astonishing gender transgression. One happened in a theatre on a hillside in the center of Athens on a spring day in late March of 431 BCE. The second happened there sixteen years later, in... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek TragedyGender and SexualityGender studies in ancient Greece
Helléniste remarquable, Jean Racine se distingue de tous ses contemporains, et de Corneille en particulier, par le retour incessant à la tragédie grecque. C'est en traduisant Aristote, en annotant les pièces athéniennes et en adaptant... more
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      EuripidesAncient Greek TragediesReception of Greek tragedyPort-Royal
Euripides’ Hecuba is originally performed in the ancient theatre of Dionysus around 425 BC, during the Peloponnesian war. The moral and political corruption of the Athenian society at the time is strikingly reflected onto the ethos of... more
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      Theatre StudiesReception StudiesEuripidesAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Μεταπτυχιακή Διατριβή στο Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου,
Σχολή Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών
Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Θεατρικές Σπουδές με τίτλο:
Χριστός Πάσχων: η ευριπίδεια δραματουργία
σε χριστιανικά συμφραζόμενα.
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      Byzantine StudiesEuripidesAncient Greek DramaChristus Patiens
ABSTRACT: This article considers how the erotics of the real, of Bataille, might contribute to the ethics of the real, of Lacan, and also to the genealogy of morals disclosed by Nietzsche. Combining Bataille’s anthropological... more
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      PlatoFriedrich NietzscheJacques LacanSigmund Freud
The play in which Aristophanes gives his account of the project of the third living wise man (after Socrates and Aristophanes himself): Euripides the tragic poet. To accompany Leo Strauss, SOCRATES AND ARISTOPHANES.
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanesSocrates
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyAthenian DemocracyEuripides
This article offers a new interpretation of Athenian tragedy, in which the poets competed for their audience's favour by constructing stories in which the protagonists suffer and die because they act within a world which lacks the... more
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      Greek HistoryGreek TragedyAthenian DemocracyThucydides
Free e-book, available at: by ISBN search: 9781456637354 (distributed by my publisher): • Google Play Books (PDF). • Google Books (PDF). without an ISBN (distributed by the author): • In this page. Ο Διόνυσος, υιός... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyAncient myth and religionEuripides
The paper may be downloaded from the "Skenè: Texts and Studies" website by clicking on the following link: http://textsandstudies.skeneproject.it/index.php/TS/catalog/view/62/11/199-1
Download is free, but you need to register first.
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyReception Studies
Tosco, Alessandro, “‘To repay grace is no madness’: fathers sacrificing sons in Chinese dramas of the Yuan Dynasty”, in Italian Association for Chinese Studies. Selected Papers 3, edited by E. Giunipero & C. Piccinini, Cafoscarina,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEuripidesChinese literatureChinese Theatre
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyIconographyArt History
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      Textual CriticismEuripidesTextual criticism (Classics)Euripides' Ion
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      Greek TragedySigmund FreudPsychoanalysis And LiteratureEuripides
El texto es un espacio de encuentro donde lectores, discursos y formaciones simbólicas confluyen en la producción de sentidos. Desde este punto de vista, toda lectura o escritura puede ser entendida como traducción. Considerar la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureEuripidesEuripides, Bacchae
Rappresentazione teatrale | 21 febbraio 2013, Teatro Goldoni, Venezia. Medea, un tempo principessa della Colchide, maga e nipote del Sole, ora è in casa, a Corinto, intenta a tagliare e cucire il vestito da sposa per Creusa, futura... more
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      Heiner MüllerSenecaApollonius RhodiusOvid
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      Gender StudiesGreek TheatreEuripidestragic poetry
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    • Euripides
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      Victorian StudiesGender and SexualityVictorian Women WritersEuripides
The Trojan Women is the tragedy of change. Troy has fallen, and women wait to be taken to Greece as slaves. The Trojan women have to adapt to this new situation and exhibit their resilience to their sudden change of status. In her words,... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek TragedyAncient Greek Chorus
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesTranslationEuripides' Helen
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      ClassicsGreek TragedySophoclesEuripides
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
Abstract In 1981, the Spanish playwright Luis Riaza published the play Medea es un buen chico (Medea is a Good Boy). In it, two male actors perform the main roles of Medea and the Nurse, who comment, with references to other fictional... more
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      Cultural StudiesSpanish LiteratureGender StudiesQueer Studies
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesMedeaMedusa
Notes & Queries 64 (2017): 254–55.
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      Greek TragedyEdmund SpenserEuripides
ΤΟ ΑΙΝΙΓΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΡΘΕΝΩΝΑ, with preface by Angelos Chaniotis, translation by Katerina Servi. Patakis Publishers, Athens, 2016.
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyMythology
Open Access Publication, available at https://brill.com/view/title/58967.
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanesMenander
'U Ciclopu di Pirandello è la riduzione in dialetto siciliano del dramma satiresco di Euripide. Tra le cosiddette opere minori, 'U Ciclopu non è solo una traduzione di servizio, ma un'opera pirandelliana a tutti gli effetti. Nell'articolo... more
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      Luigi PirandelloEuripidesAndrea CamilleriCyclops
In the 5th century b. C., there is in Athens a distance between political speeches, like the funeral oration, and the tragic discourse, but that difference has been effaced in the last decades in many critical works on tragedy. The... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripides
Recent times use to bring up studies in the Ancient Greek Literature lacking any philological content, inasmuch as no attention is paid to the problems of the transmission and edition of the extant texts. That is to say, it seems that... more
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      EuripidesAncient Greek Theatre
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      Theatre StudiesFeminist TheoryEuripidesAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      Greek TragedyPostdramatic theatreAeschylusSophocles
Estos bellos relatos nos enseñan cómo concibieron los griegos las relaciones de la Humanidad con su entorno, con el cielo y la tierra, el sol y los mares, la belleza y la inteligencia, el miedo y el amor. Algunos nos resultarán... more
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      Hesiodic PoetryEuripidesHomeric HymnsAncient Greek Mythology
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      Greek LiteratureEuripidesAncient Greek DramaGreek Satyr Play
La proposition consiste à rechercher les catégories indiquées dans le cadre de conditions déterminées d’énonciation. Il s’agit de réfléchir autour de la notion d’agent en considérant deux figures singulières : le héros tragique et le... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek Tragedy
Eurípides, entre os três tragediógrafos canônicos da Grécia clássica, é aquele de quem a Antiguidade nos legou maior quantidade de material biográfico. Percorrendo esse material, nota-se a persistente caracterização do poeta como misógino... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek TragedyGreek TheatreGender studies in ancient Greece
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyTranslation StudiesEuripides
2019-"Euripides en el espejo: la imagen de Eurípides ὁ γνωμολογικώτατος fuera de Eurípides" Desde los inicios de la literatura griega las reflexiones generales o gnomai tienen una posición privilegiada, sobre todo en los géneros que... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Ancient greek tragedy notoriously provided director Luchino Visconti and his screenwriters with invaluable inspiration while they were writing "Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa..." ("Sandra"). Working on unpublished documents and collating six... more
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      Greek TragedyFilm StudiesLiterature and cinemaFilm Analysis
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Una lettura del saggio di De Sanctis sulla Fedra di Racine, contro Wilhelm Schlegel, fra Hegel e Blanchot / A Reading of De Sanctis's Essay on Racine's Phèdre, against Wilhelm Schlegel, between Hegel and Blanchot / Une lecture de l'essai... more
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      Italian LiteratureLiterature and PhilosophyEuripidesTragedy
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      Greek TragedyRhetoricEuripidesAncient Greek Literature
Elena così come ce la racconta Euripide è senza dubbio un dramma non facile, non solo perché si confronta con uno dei miti più conosciuti della classicità, ma anche perché approfondisce un filone secondario del mito. È una tragedia... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesMitologiaAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
The depiction of monarchy in Athenian drama has puzzled many commentators, who have argued that the figure of the ‘democratic king’ is an anachronism. Other critics have taken a historicising approach, and interpreted the presence of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGreek TragedyHistory of Political Thought
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      PerformanceEuripidesSuppliant PlaysAlexandros
Ancient Greek tragedy addresses a myriad of themes, from questions of identity to socio-political changes and issues. The Bacchae is a perfect example of these themes, especially regarding the question of gender (self) and the differences... more
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      Self and IdentitySpectacleEuripidesDionysus
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPolitical PhilosophyAristophanes
This article discusses how the famous play "Gota d’água" (1975) by Chico Buarque makes use of Euripides' Medea in order to comment on political and societal challenges of the present. The play, including the metaphor implied by its... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureBrazilian StudiesEuripidesBrazilian Literature