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      Greek TragedySigmund FreudPsychoanalysis And LiteratureEuripides
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      Textual CriticismEuripidesTextual criticism (Classics)Euripides' Ion
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
This article argues that the ending of Euripides' play Ion is the result of an interaction between the plan of the god Apollo and the reactions of the human characters Creusa and Ion, and that the result is better than it would have been... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripides' Ion
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
Il lavoro intende inquadrare la tragedia frammentaria sofoclea "Creusa" all'interno del contesto mitologico e narrativo a noi non pervenuto, alla luce dell'analisi comparata con la superstite tragedia euripidea dello "Ione", ipotizzando... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyClassical philologyEuripides
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      DeixisEuripidesAlcmaeonidsEuripides' Ion
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      Greek TragedyIconographyEuripidesPausanias
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
The paper focuses on a peculiar class of mythical innovation in Greek dra- ma: in a substantial percentage of extant tragedies, mythical variants lead the action to end up in Athens. Considering the 32 preserved texts in the tragic... more
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      Greek TragedyGreek TheatreGreek MythAeschylus
Euripides' Ion is a play with elements that challenge tragic gravity, and bring about a lighter tone. Although the body of criticism that discusses the comic elements of Euripides' tragedies (esp. the so-called tragic-comedies) is... more
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      EuripidesMetapoetryEuripides' Ion
This essay challenges dominant interpretations of Foucault’s lectures on parrhesia as affirming an ethical, non-political conception of truth-telling. I read the lectures instead as depicting truth-telling as an always political... more
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      Gender StudiesEthicsFeminist TheoryDemocratic Theory
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      MetatheatreEuripidesMetadramaEuripides' Ion
Supervisor: Helen Gasti Professor of Ancient Greek and Latin Literature Εxamination Committee H. Gasti, E. Karakasis, K. Synodinou MA Thesis Defense: May 13, 2019 Grade: 10/10 (A) Classics Department University of Ioannina... more
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      Literary CriticismPerformanceEmotional EngagementMetatheatre
The papers of this volume explore suspense in ancient Greek literature. The reader is provided with meticulous analyses of the narrative techniques that triggered the expectations of ancient audiences about the development of a story. For... more
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      HomerGreek TragedyAristophanesPolybius
In lieu of an abstract, here is a preview of the article. Imagine that becoming Athenian were as simple as opening a basket and finding therein the objects needed to secure your citizenship. This is the fantasy dramatized by Euripides’... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGender studies in ancient GreeceEuripides
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesParthenonDelphi
The paper focuses on the contexts and meanings of the terms ἄτοπος and ἀτοπία in 5th century Attic theatre (Euripides' Ion and Iphigenia in Tauris; Aristophanes' Acharnians, Birds, Frogs and Ecclesiazusae) and aims at an appreciation of... more
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      AristophanesEuripidesAristophanes FrogsAristophanes' Acharnians
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
Because of the opposition of Ion’s Apollonian bow to Dionysian birds, the birds of Ion’s monody can be read as portents that correct the misapprehensions giving rise to the tragic plot, that Creusa’s child was eaten by birds and that Ion... more
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      EuripidesBirdsAncient Greek DramaPortents
«Titans and Giants: Merely a Replication?» στο K. I. Soueref, A. Gartziou-Tatti (εκδ.), Gods of Peace and War in the Myth of Mediterranean Peoples, Ioannina, 2019, σελ. 73-85.
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      AutochthonyAncient Greek ReligionGreek MythGreek religion (Classics)
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesEuripides MedeaAncient Greek Drama
In: BELO, Fábio (org.). Íon, de Eurípides: interpretações psicanalíticas. 1ª ed. Petrópolis: KBR, 2016, p. 139-153.
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      Michel FoucaultDemocracyEuripidesDemocracia
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      Performance StudiesMetatheatreEuripidesEuripides' Ion
A study about the theme of τροφή, the figures of nurses and pedagogues, their didactic role and their relationship with pupils in the Greek Tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, from a literary and textual point of view:... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyAeschylusSophocles
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerGreek Tragedy
https://eisodos.org/metamythology-in-euripides-ion/?fbclid=IwAR1-49tGrcAQOyp5rdLyxIEanmsZ7-N1sA_6euK5670D4Z1VUvi8NLHkTA4 The purpose of this paper is to examine aspects of metamythology in Euripides’ Ion. Ion’s characters show a high... more
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      MythologyMetatheatreSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionEuripides
The antistrophic section of Ion’s monody (Eur. Ion 112-143) is formally a paean, but on the level of the content paean’s traditional elements are used in a peculiar way, intermingled with other ones that are unusual for this choral genre.... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesGreek PrayerPaean
Tre momenti della cultura greca e le sue interpretazione del oracolo delfico in chiave illustrata e anche parodica. lo Ione presenia lo smantellamcnto della centralità che I'Orestea conferiva ad Apollo e la frammentazione del modo di... more
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      OracleEuripides' IonLe Etiopiche
http://www.mediterraneanchronicle.org/content.asp?catid=52 Although the body of criticism that discusses the comic elements of Euripides' tragedies (esp. the so-called tragic–comedies) is extensive, very little attention has been given... more
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Percorso didattico liceale e universitario. Analisi strutturale dello "Ione" di Euripide dal punto di vista dei livelli di conoscenza dell’azione come motore dell’intreccio.
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      EuripidesEuripides' Ion
The aim of this paper is to examine in the Ion the Euripidean models for the audience’s emotional response. Throughout the play, the audience is encouraged to engage in a process of emotional reaction to what they see. To provide some... more
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      Greek TragedyMetatheatreEuripidesAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      PindarPausaniasGreek mythologyHymn to Delos
In this Preface I discuss my approach to verse translation, Euripides' verbal and musical art, and some of the nuts and bolts of Euripides’ language, with special attention to his poetic meters.
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyTranslation of PoetryAncient Greek Music
Da quando Angelo Brelich segnò la strada e indicò alcune delle principali prospettive e linee direttive, il teatro greco continua ad essere una miniera inesauribile per lo studioso di storia delle religioni. Traendo spunto dal tema del... more
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      Greek TragedyAncient Greek ReligionEuripidesEuripides' Ion
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek Theatre
Ión e Ciclope son dúas das obras dramáticas máis curiosas, peculiares e orixinais de Eurípides. Ión (413/412 a.C.), quizais a súa traxedia máis descoñecida, trata un mito completamente novo, sen parangón en ningunha obra anterior e... more
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      Greek TragedyTranslations from GreekEuripidesSatyr Play
On the definition of parrhesia. Transcript of the French lectures given by Foucault between January and February 1983 (Le gouvernement de soi et des autres, Cours au College de France 1982-1983, Gallimard-Seuil, Paris 2008). Monica... more
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyMichel FoucaultHistory of Political Activism
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      Greek TragedyTextual CriticismEuripidesEuripides' Ion
Se trata de examinar la aplicación en la tragedia de la teoría de Gorgias sobre la naturaleza dóxica del conocimiento -que no admite la verdad incuestionable de la tradición religiosa pues depende de la incerteza constitutiva de la... more
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      Euripides' IonPrimera sofística
In Euripides’ Hecuba, both the scholia and modern interpreters detect a failure of communication in the farewell scene between the protagonist and Polyxena – though the scholiast names Polyxena as the source of the non-dialogue, whereas... more
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      Conversation AnalysisTextual CriticismEuripidesCoherence
This essay aims at showing that ll. 582-606 of Euripides’ Ion alludes to the political figure of Pericles the Younger. Ion and Pericles’ son are reluctant to join the political stage because of their not entirely Attic ancestry. In... more
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The contribution is focused on the exposure basket in Euripides’ Ion. It provides an analysis of the passages related to the basket, highlighting its role in both performance development and semantics of the tragedy. The explicit... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek IconographySouth Italian vase-painting
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesAncient Greek and Roman TheatreEuripides (Classics)