Euripides, Bacchae
Recent papers in Euripides, Bacchae
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
Choruses of women in Greek Tragedy are uniformly weird
Free e-book, available at: by ISBN search: 9781456637354 (distributed by my publisher): • Google Play Books (PDF). • Google Books (PDF). without an ISBN (distributed by the author): • In this page. Ο Διόνυσος, υιός... more
El texto es un espacio de encuentro donde lectores, discursos y formaciones simbólicas confluyen en la producción de sentidos. Desde este punto de vista, toda lectura o escritura puede ser entendida como traducción. Considerar la... more
The close affinities between Lord of the flies and the Bacchae have been the subject of scholarly discussion. This paper revisits the relationship between the two works and contends that Golding’s intertextual engagement with the Bacchae... more
Los maravillosos relatos que integran este segundo tomo de los Cuentos de la mitología griega nos hablan de la aparición del hombre sobre la Tierra, de las aventuras de los héroes, de las ciudades y estirpes que ellos fundaron, de los... more
Crises--such as COVID-19, the Great Recession, and 9/11--are often triggered by low-probability, high-consequence events. Tragedy can help us model the impact of the highly improbable because tragedy is the art form that dramatizes... more
Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest analizie dramatu Eurypidesa Bachantki pod kątem doświadczenia religijnego epifanii boga Dionizosa przez postaci dramatu. W analizie wykorzystana zostaje kategoria Numinosum Rudolfa Otto określająca... more
Women's mobility is central to understanding cultural constructions of gender. Regarding ancient cultures, including ancient Greece, a re-evaluation of women's mobility within the household and beyond it is currently taking place. This... more
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in Europe. The essay provides a new analysis, referring to the political theory of Eric Voegelin. It shows that the suppression was a reaction of... more
ΙΠΠΟΛΥΤΟΣ – ΠΕΝΘΕΑΣ: Η άρνηση του υπερβατικού και η τραγική καταστροφή Στον Ἱππόλυτο και τις Βάκχες, μια τραγωδία της πρώιμης και μια της όψιμης παραγωγικής φάσης του Ευριπίδη αντίστοιχα, αποκαλύπτεται το εύρος της σκέψης και των... more
Journal of Biblical Literature 138 (2019): 433–49.
This article explores the interdependency that existed in ancient Greece between religious and musical practices. The intimate relationship between those two cultural fields is stressed through a reading of Euripides Bakchai as a... more
Análisis estructural de Las Bacantes de Eurípides desde La poética de Aristóteles.
Nel contesto del pensiero greco antico, la transizione fra età arcaica e classica (VI-V sec. a.C.) fu un momento di notevole importanza per l'inizio di un'approfondita riflessione sulla follia, soprattutto alla luce di una sua... more This chapter discusses one of the ancient Greek rituals associated with maenads, during which the participants left their homes and the city to worship Dionysus... more
Proposta di percorso didattico sulla poetica di Euripide attraverso i suoi prologhi tragici.
This article seeks to explain two of the stranger remarks in Plato’s Symposium. Beginning from the commonly observed Dionysian characteristics of the intruding Alcibiades, it argues that this resemblance between the general and the god is... more
Abstract: The logos of the soul requires a way of seeing outside of the positive, everyday seeing which ego consciousness utilizes. By exploring the kind of seeing we find in the theatrical event, (specifically the complex relationship... more
The great masquerade of reversals portrayed in the Euripides Bakchai offers a baffling discourse on the status and image of the. On the one hand the stranger is a central attribute of Dionysos who is, by his nature, foreign to this world... more
Frontespizio, indice e introduzione della mia tesi di laurea magistrale in Antropologia del Mondo Antico (relatore: Andrea Taddei; correlatore: Alessandro Grilli). Il lavoro analizza l’immaginario mitico-rituale del dionisismo del V... more
Allusion to Euripides' Bacchae in the Aeneid is considered in terms of Virgil's poetics of civil war. Aeneas plays the role of Dionysus; Turnus replays Pentheus; Amata alludes to Agave. The Euripidean allusion intersects with echoes of... more
This thesis aims to recount the performance history of Euripides’ Bakkhai with special reference to nine eminent productions of the 20th century. First, I deal with methodological issues on how one gathers together the pieces of evidence... more
Se Dioniso non fosse un dio, ma il sacerdote che l'ha inventato, come risulterebbe la sinossi delle "Baccanti" di Euripide? Il punto di vista ateo fa di Penteo la vittima di una guerra santa, combattuta per la supremazia del potere... more
Perris situates his fine monograph on versions of Euripides’ Bacchae amidst ‘stronger’ and ‘weaker’ theses on reception. P. finds that this tragedy is fertile material, ‘predisposed to creative translation’ (p. 170). Hence Bacchae... more
In this paper I propose to investigate how Euripides frames the phenomena of wisdom and folly, in order to distinguish between mortals and the gods. Both the triumph of reason and its breakdown are subject to the relativism that derives... more
This paper focuses on the performative perspective of fear in the contemporary theatrical experience, in order to propose a reading that can be framed according to the direction of Euripides’ Bacchae by the Master of the international... more
La fortuna scenica delle Baccanti nella modernità, se paragonata a quella di altre tragedie, ha origine in tempi piuttosto recenti. Dopo la grande popolarità di cui aveva goduto nella Grecia tardo-antica, infatti, l’ultimo testo euripideo... more
How did the position of Bacchae as the last tragedy in a group with Iphigenia in Aulis and Alcmaeon in Corinth, after Dionysia rituals on the eve of the fall of the democracy, affect its ethical, metaphysical and emotional impact?
În imaginarul colectiv, „străinul" este mai mult decât un cumul de trăsături etnice. Afectul deviant și diferența etnică le apropie pe Medeea și Laura Brown, ipostaze ale străinei malefice. Meursault al lui Albert Camus suferă de o... more
ABSTRACT The drama of King Pentheus, ritual adversary and victim of the god Dionysos in Euripides’s Bacchae, bears striking resemblance to the drama of the alcoholic-addict in the progression of his or her disease. The chorus of the... more
The multiple similarities between the "Bacchae" and the "Frogs" have long intrigued scholars and inspired theories about the intertextual relationship of the two plays. In his book (based on his doctoral dissertation at Exeter... more
In the field of studies on the 'theatricality' of Plato’s dialogues, this article deals with Plato's 'Symposium', its references to theatre (real and metaphorical), and in particular its relationship with Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' and... more
This chapter is about the afterlife ('reception') of one of the greatest of all Greek tragedies, Euripides' Bacchae, from antiquity to the present day. It appears in the first-ever essay collection devoted to the worldwide reception of... more
Abstract: This article aims to give a new reading to the concluding events in Plutarch’s Crassus by employing a broader comparison between the Nicias and the Crassus in order to distinguish the historical facts from the literary artifices... more
Sobre Dionísio "Não estamos aqui para explicações." T.S. Eliot O desafio de abarcar o mito de Dionísio é grande, principalmente tentando uma abordagem racional, completa e ordenada-"apolínea"-que seria justamente o seu oposto. Dionísio é... more
As regards the methodological matters pertaining to the stage of the Theatre of Dionysus in the age of Euripides, it is argued that dramatic texts should be studied on the basis of a synchronic approach, in conjunction with the whole... more
In this paper I argue that by reading Plato's Republic through the ancient Greek genre of the satyr-play, new insights into his project emerge. I start by showing that the dialogue abounds with a number of hitherto unrecognized satyr-play... more
Syllabus and bibliography for an advanced Greek seminar taught at Dartmouth in W 2017