Objective The significant increase in the number of COVID-19 publications, on the one hand, and t... more Objective The significant increase in the number of COVID-19 publications, on the one hand, and the strategic importance of this subject area for research and treatment systems in the health field, on the other hand, reveals the need for text-mining research more than ever. The main objective of the present paper is to discover country-based publications from international COVID-19 publications with text classification techniques. Methods The present paper is applied research that has been performed using text-mining techniques such as clustering and text classification. The statistical population is all COVID-19 publications from PubMed Central® (PMC), extracted from November 2019 to June 2021. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) was used for clustering, and support vector machine (SVM), scikit-learn library, and Python programming language were used for text classification. Text classification was applied to discover the consistency of Iranian and international topics. Results The f...
PurposeThe present article's primary purpose is the topic modeling of the global coronavirus ... more PurposeThe present article's primary purpose is the topic modeling of the global coronavirus publications in the last 50 years.Design/methodology/approachThe present study is applied research that has been conducted using text mining. The statistical population is the coronavirus publications that have been collected from the Web of Science Core Collection (1970–2020). The main keywords were extracted from the Medical Subject Heading browser to design the search strategy. Latent Dirichlet allocation and Python programming language were applied to analyze the data and implement the text mining algorithms of topic modeling.FindingsThe findings indicated that the SARS, science, protein, MERS, veterinary, cell, human, RNA, medicine and virology are the most important keywords in the global coronavirus publications. Also, eight important topics were identified in the global coronavirus publications by implementing the topic modeling algorithm. The highest number of publications were respectively on the following topics: “structure and proteomics,” “Cell signaling and immune response,” “clinical presentation and detection,” “Gene sequence and genomics,” “Diagnosis tests,” “vaccine and immune response and outbreak,” “Epidemiology and Transmission” and “gastrointestinal tissue.”Originality/valueThe originality of this article can be considered in three ways. First, text mining and Latent Dirichlet allocation were applied to analyzing coronavirus literature for the first time. Second, coronavirus is mentioned as a hot topic of research. Finally, in addition to the retrospective approaches to 50 years of data collection and analysis, the results can be exploited with prospective approaches to strategic planning and macro-policymaking.
Background: Due to the increased publication of articles in various scientific fields, analyzing ... more Background: Due to the increased publication of articles in various scientific fields, analyzing the published topics in specialized journals is important and necessary. Objectives: This research has identified the published topics in global publications in the health information technology (HIT) field. Methods: This study analyzed articles in the field of HIT using text-mining techniques. For this purpose, 162,994 documents were extracted from PubMed and Scopus databases from 2000 to 2019 using the appropriate search strategy. Text mining techniques and the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling algorithm were used to identify the published topics. Python programming language has also been used to run text-mining algorithms. Results: This study categorized the subject of HIT-related published articles into 16 topics, the most important of which were Telemedicine and telehealth, Adoption of HIT, Radiotherapy planning techniques, Medical image analysis, and Evidence-based medicine. Conclusions: The results of the trends of subjects of HIT-related published articles represented the thematic extent and the interdisciplinary nature of this field. The publication of various topics in this scientific field has shown a growing trend in recent years.
Context: With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid growth of online education, Iranian... more Context: With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid growth of online education, Iranian universities of medical sciences began to hold online classes for students. Accordingly, the present study aimed to examine different aspects of online education in medical universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This narrative review study was to review studies on online education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran's universities of medical sciences. To this end, the PubMed and Sciencedirect databases as well as the Google Scholar scientific search engine were searched on April 20, 2021 using the following keywords: 'online education,' 'virtual education,' 'virtual learning,' 'e-learning,' 'COVID-19,' and 'Iran'. Results: The present findings revealed Navid, Adobe Connect, and SkyRoom platforms as the most popular online teaching tools in Iran's universities of medical sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main challenges in online education in Iranian universities of medical sciences was students' non-equal accessibility to appropriate hardware, software, and communication tools, students and professors' insufficient knowledge and unfamiliarity with information technology tools and e-learning, lack of proper interactions between professors and students, and the lack of a suitable platform for practical clinical training and internships. Conclusions: Educational simulation systems and online education support systems are useful in teaching clinical, practical, and internship courses to students and promoting interactions between teachers and students.
Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern w... more Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern which still is in force. Maintaining health requires health-related information which is found in the informative resources of the relevant area. Web space is considered as a multifunctional and multi-directional sources of information in which the quantity of presented information is increasing day by day, so that it seems it would be a challenge to accuracy of information in relation to health system since people can publish the content freely without any supervision in weblogs and social networks and cite to outdated articles and commercial, advertising sites which may not be scientifically validated. The number of people around the world using the internet was more than 2.5 billion in 2013 which is expected to reach 4 billion currently. Using health information in this way, even before visiting a doctor, is dramatically increasing, as it has been reported that about 70% of the adults in Europe and 90% in America seek help from health information on the web [1-2]. On the other hand, everyone may have not enough knowledge to search the relevant and valid content or all existing websites in this space not scientifically qualified, while such resources of information are shaping like mushrooms. This is because the quality monitoring is difficult over them as a result of free and unique nature of unbridled web space as a non-supervised environment in the production, dissemination, and retrieval of information. Therefore, it is normal that
Introduction: Medical researchers publish articles in medical Journals in different fields and to... more Introduction: Medical researchers publish articles in medical Journals in different fields and topics in a trend that sometimes is not the way it should be and there is skewness to the left or right in topics being published in the said Journals. We are to find and warn to encourage the researchers and the men of responsible to make a better plan for Journal publications. Methods: A simple survey in medical literature in books, Journals and different information sources was done. Then, text mining algorithms including vocabulary frequency and K-Means clustering were implemented using coding in the Python version-3 programming language on data. Results: There was not a standard and planned style for article publishing in medical Journals and topic priority has not been in order and based on the need and necessity of the societies, For example the most observed categories in some medical Journals was on some topics mostly about "The education of medical students" and the term "student", "medical" education", learning and such so was more highlighted than the others. Conclusion: Journals topics and the articles publishing should be controlled and the researches should also be directed to the topics being needed and topic priority for article research and publishing should be considered and a major concern to save time, costs and lives at the end.
Health technology assessment in action, Mar 31, 2021
In late 2019, the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spread around ... more In late 2019, the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spread around the world. Due to this incident, the use of social networks has increased among people. The present narrative review aimed to investigate the studies conducted on the subject of social media and COVID-19 in the Web of Science database. The investigations show that social media has been used to share viewpoints, health care, and distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, using social media can be a valuable means for the governments and experts to prevent the spread of this epidemic and even in similar future crises.
مجله مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی یزد, Apr 23, 2019
Introduction: Electronic health literacy is the skill to seek, find, understand and evaluate heal... more Introduction: Electronic health literacy is the skill to seek, find, understand and evaluate health information from electronic information sources and utilize this information to determine or resolve specific health problems. This study investigates the level of electronic health literacy in students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive research, 430 students were selected randomly.115 students were from the Faculty of Public Health, 110 from the Faculty of Nursing, 93 from Faculty of Medicineand 112 from the Faculty of Paramedicine were selected and interviwed during six months from August 2018 to March 2019. The data collection tool was the Persian version of the EHEALS questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS-V. 20. Result: The findings indicated that the level of electronic literacy in 45.1% of students was moderate, in 31.6% was good and in 9.1% students was very good. 12.3% of the students had poor health literacy and 1.9% had a very poor level of electronic health literacy (P=0.270). Conclusion: To improve the level of electronic health literacy of students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences we recommend informing them about having access to online, comprehensive and validated online health information, and training them on web health information
This study aimed to analyze the websites' ranks on Iranian Medical Sciences Universities in the p... more This study aimed to analyze the websites' ranks on Iranian Medical Sciences Universities in the period of 11 September 2016 to 1March 2017. It was performed on Webometrics method which contains 41 Websites of Iranian Medical Sciences Universities. For instance, Moz, Google, Google Scholar and so on. University of Shiraz's website topped the table. Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Bandar Abbas Universities' websites followed Shiraz in order. Meanwhile, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, North Khorasan, Bushehr and Urmia experienced the highest increase on Home contents, scientific resources, input links and rich files. First-rank universities, as well as universities with the highest growth, all owns what a good website should have the basic contents and beyond. In one word, the results of this study showed that except a limited number of universities possess high-quality website, others have weak effect.
Health technology assessment in action, May 31, 2023
Context: Infodemic in the COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as too much information about this dis... more Context: Infodemic in the COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as too much information about this disease that spreads quickly. This information can cause various psychological consequences for people. This systematic review studied the effect of the infodemic on individuals’ mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The principles of PRISMA were used to conduct this systematic review. Data were selected using a search strategy in the WOS, PubMed, and Scopus databases on December 31, 2021. The inclusion criteria comprised English-language original articles relevant to the study’s purpose. We excluded all short articles, letters to the editor, conference abstracts, review articles, and any articles unavailable in their full texts. Results: Finally, 17 articles were selected. The results showed that the population of these articles was from China, Singapore, Palestine, Romania, Indonesia, Paraguay, Hong Kong, and Iran. These articles also included health professionals and medical staff (two studies), adults (three studies), citizens and the general public aged 16 or over (eight studies), students (one study), teachers (one study), and the elderly (two studies). The sample sizes varied from 126 to 5,203. Also, these articles examined mental health concerning anxiety (13 studies), depression (eight studies), stress (four studies), sleep disorders (two studies), emotions (two studies), panic, social isolation, and mental health in general. Conclusions: People more subjected to COVID-19-related information are more prone to psychological consequences and more exposed to anxiety, depression, and stress.
Background and Aim: e-health literacy is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate hea... more Background and Aim: e-health literacy is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate health information from electronic information sources and use this information to diagnose or resolve health disorders. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the e-health literacy of non-clinical graduate students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-survey research, 159 graduate students and 41 Ph.D. students were randomly selected and investigated. The data collection tool was a standard version of the e-Healths questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS.22 software. Results: The results showed that the level of e-health literacy in 56.8% of students was moderate, 16.7% in good condition and 3.1% in very good condition. Twenty-one percent of the students had poor health literacy and 2.5% had a low level of e-health literacy. The level of ehealth literacy of Ph.D. students was higher than that of M.Sc. students. The results of independent t-test for comparing the level of e-health literacy between the two groups indicated a significant level (p <0.5). Conclusions: Regarding the "moderate (relatively favorable)" level of e-health literacy among non-clinical students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences; informing in line with having access to online, comprehensible and validated health information, and the training web-based health information assessment by the relevant authorities such as The Ministry of Health and Medical Education will be effective in increasing the level of health literacy and e-health literacy.
Background and Objectives In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, researchers around the world have... more Background and Objectives In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, researchers around the world have conducted various studies on different dimensions of the disease. The researchers and various research teams have designed and conducted an extensive range of studies related to COVID-19 including epidemiology, disease surveillance, consequences of the disease, and clinical trials. In Iran, different ongoing or completed research projects have also been approved to identify various aspects of the disease. Research project proposals are documents prepared by researchers to carry out research projects and are formulated according to particular demands for research in the society on various subjects such as disease burden, epidemics, threats and natural factors. Therefore, this study investigated the structure and topics of COVID-19 research projects approved in Iran. Material and Methods This applied research, adopting an analytical approach, was conducted using bibliometric and text mining methods. The statistical population was the COVID-19 research projects approved in Iran in 2020. These research projects were extracted from the database of Iran national committee for ethics in biomedical research (ethics.research.ac.ir). To identify the topics of the research projects on COVID-19 by their English titles, topic modeling algorithms were used in the Python programming language. This database, includes the bibliographic data of all research projects which have been approved by the medical sciences, received implementation ethics license. The projects related to medical sciences are registered in this database to receive an ethics code before implementation; thus, all Iranian projects within COVID-19 topical area are registered in this database
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 30, 2023
Publications on knowledge and information creation have grown significantly due to their importan... more Publications on knowledge and information creation have grown significantly due to their importance in information and knowledge management. This study aims to discover and analyze the hidden thematic topics of information and knowledge creation publications. The research applied was performed using text mining techniques and an analytical approach. The research population comprises publications on knowledge and information creation from 1900 to 2021, retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC). The data were analyzed by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm and Python Programming Language. Forty-eight thousand two hundred sixty-five documents were retrieved and analyzed. "Data production," "Health seeking behavior," "Human Brain and Information processing," "Decision-making models," "Knowledge production," "Information needs," and "Digital Literacy" are among the essential topics in order of publication rate. The results indicated that the spectrum of the fourteen topics covered a variety of dimensions, including "data and knowledge creation," "information processing," "information needs and behavior," "digital literacy," and "critical thinking." The study's findings have shown the conceptual relationships between textual data and the presentation of the knowledge structure of information and knowledge creation. Based on this, it can be concluded that the creation of knowledge and information includes human mental and behavioral processes concerning knowledge.
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Aug 11, 2022
Background: Due to the prevalence of the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries of the world, the nee... more Background: Due to the prevalence of the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries of the world, the need to apply health information technology is of great importance. Hence, the study has identified the role of health information technology during the period of COVID-19 epidemic. Methods: The present research is a review study by employing text-mining techniques. Therefore, 941 published documents related to health information technology's role during COVID-19 epidemic were extracted by keyword searching in the Web of Science database. In order to analyze the data and implement the text mining and topic modeling algorithms, Python programming language was applied. Results: The results indicated that the highest number of publications related to the role of health information technology in the period of COVID-19 epidemic was respectively on the following topics: "Models and smart systems," "Telemedicine," "Health care," "Health information technology," "Evidence-based medicine," "Big data and statistic analysis." Conclusion: Health information technology has been extensively used during COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, different communities could apply these technologies, considering the conditions and facilities to manage COVID-19 epidemic better.
Objective The significant increase in the number of COVID-19 publications, on the one hand, and t... more Objective The significant increase in the number of COVID-19 publications, on the one hand, and the strategic importance of this subject area for research and treatment systems in the health field, on the other hand, reveals the need for text-mining research more than ever. The main objective of the present paper is to discover country-based publications from international COVID-19 publications with text classification techniques. Methods The present paper is applied research that has been performed using text-mining techniques such as clustering and text classification. The statistical population is all COVID-19 publications from PubMed Central® (PMC), extracted from November 2019 to June 2021. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) was used for clustering, and support vector machine (SVM), scikit-learn library, and Python programming language were used for text classification. Text classification was applied to discover the consistency of Iranian and international topics. Results The f...
PurposeThe present article's primary purpose is the topic modeling of the global coronavirus ... more PurposeThe present article's primary purpose is the topic modeling of the global coronavirus publications in the last 50 years.Design/methodology/approachThe present study is applied research that has been conducted using text mining. The statistical population is the coronavirus publications that have been collected from the Web of Science Core Collection (1970–2020). The main keywords were extracted from the Medical Subject Heading browser to design the search strategy. Latent Dirichlet allocation and Python programming language were applied to analyze the data and implement the text mining algorithms of topic modeling.FindingsThe findings indicated that the SARS, science, protein, MERS, veterinary, cell, human, RNA, medicine and virology are the most important keywords in the global coronavirus publications. Also, eight important topics were identified in the global coronavirus publications by implementing the topic modeling algorithm. The highest number of publications were respectively on the following topics: “structure and proteomics,” “Cell signaling and immune response,” “clinical presentation and detection,” “Gene sequence and genomics,” “Diagnosis tests,” “vaccine and immune response and outbreak,” “Epidemiology and Transmission” and “gastrointestinal tissue.”Originality/valueThe originality of this article can be considered in three ways. First, text mining and Latent Dirichlet allocation were applied to analyzing coronavirus literature for the first time. Second, coronavirus is mentioned as a hot topic of research. Finally, in addition to the retrospective approaches to 50 years of data collection and analysis, the results can be exploited with prospective approaches to strategic planning and macro-policymaking.
Background: Due to the increased publication of articles in various scientific fields, analyzing ... more Background: Due to the increased publication of articles in various scientific fields, analyzing the published topics in specialized journals is important and necessary. Objectives: This research has identified the published topics in global publications in the health information technology (HIT) field. Methods: This study analyzed articles in the field of HIT using text-mining techniques. For this purpose, 162,994 documents were extracted from PubMed and Scopus databases from 2000 to 2019 using the appropriate search strategy. Text mining techniques and the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling algorithm were used to identify the published topics. Python programming language has also been used to run text-mining algorithms. Results: This study categorized the subject of HIT-related published articles into 16 topics, the most important of which were Telemedicine and telehealth, Adoption of HIT, Radiotherapy planning techniques, Medical image analysis, and Evidence-based medicine. Conclusions: The results of the trends of subjects of HIT-related published articles represented the thematic extent and the interdisciplinary nature of this field. The publication of various topics in this scientific field has shown a growing trend in recent years.
Context: With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid growth of online education, Iranian... more Context: With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid growth of online education, Iranian universities of medical sciences began to hold online classes for students. Accordingly, the present study aimed to examine different aspects of online education in medical universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This narrative review study was to review studies on online education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran's universities of medical sciences. To this end, the PubMed and Sciencedirect databases as well as the Google Scholar scientific search engine were searched on April 20, 2021 using the following keywords: 'online education,' 'virtual education,' 'virtual learning,' 'e-learning,' 'COVID-19,' and 'Iran'. Results: The present findings revealed Navid, Adobe Connect, and SkyRoom platforms as the most popular online teaching tools in Iran's universities of medical sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main challenges in online education in Iranian universities of medical sciences was students' non-equal accessibility to appropriate hardware, software, and communication tools, students and professors' insufficient knowledge and unfamiliarity with information technology tools and e-learning, lack of proper interactions between professors and students, and the lack of a suitable platform for practical clinical training and internships. Conclusions: Educational simulation systems and online education support systems are useful in teaching clinical, practical, and internship courses to students and promoting interactions between teachers and students.
Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern w... more Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern which still is in force. Maintaining health requires health-related information which is found in the informative resources of the relevant area. Web space is considered as a multifunctional and multi-directional sources of information in which the quantity of presented information is increasing day by day, so that it seems it would be a challenge to accuracy of information in relation to health system since people can publish the content freely without any supervision in weblogs and social networks and cite to outdated articles and commercial, advertising sites which may not be scientifically validated. The number of people around the world using the internet was more than 2.5 billion in 2013 which is expected to reach 4 billion currently. Using health information in this way, even before visiting a doctor, is dramatically increasing, as it has been reported that about 70% of the adults in Europe and 90% in America seek help from health information on the web [1-2]. On the other hand, everyone may have not enough knowledge to search the relevant and valid content or all existing websites in this space not scientifically qualified, while such resources of information are shaping like mushrooms. This is because the quality monitoring is difficult over them as a result of free and unique nature of unbridled web space as a non-supervised environment in the production, dissemination, and retrieval of information. Therefore, it is normal that
Introduction: Medical researchers publish articles in medical Journals in different fields and to... more Introduction: Medical researchers publish articles in medical Journals in different fields and topics in a trend that sometimes is not the way it should be and there is skewness to the left or right in topics being published in the said Journals. We are to find and warn to encourage the researchers and the men of responsible to make a better plan for Journal publications. Methods: A simple survey in medical literature in books, Journals and different information sources was done. Then, text mining algorithms including vocabulary frequency and K-Means clustering were implemented using coding in the Python version-3 programming language on data. Results: There was not a standard and planned style for article publishing in medical Journals and topic priority has not been in order and based on the need and necessity of the societies, For example the most observed categories in some medical Journals was on some topics mostly about "The education of medical students" and the term "student", "medical" education", learning and such so was more highlighted than the others. Conclusion: Journals topics and the articles publishing should be controlled and the researches should also be directed to the topics being needed and topic priority for article research and publishing should be considered and a major concern to save time, costs and lives at the end.
Health technology assessment in action, Mar 31, 2021
In late 2019, the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spread around ... more In late 2019, the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spread around the world. Due to this incident, the use of social networks has increased among people. The present narrative review aimed to investigate the studies conducted on the subject of social media and COVID-19 in the Web of Science database. The investigations show that social media has been used to share viewpoints, health care, and distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, using social media can be a valuable means for the governments and experts to prevent the spread of this epidemic and even in similar future crises.
مجله مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی یزد, Apr 23, 2019
Introduction: Electronic health literacy is the skill to seek, find, understand and evaluate heal... more Introduction: Electronic health literacy is the skill to seek, find, understand and evaluate health information from electronic information sources and utilize this information to determine or resolve specific health problems. This study investigates the level of electronic health literacy in students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this descriptive research, 430 students were selected randomly.115 students were from the Faculty of Public Health, 110 from the Faculty of Nursing, 93 from Faculty of Medicineand 112 from the Faculty of Paramedicine were selected and interviwed during six months from August 2018 to March 2019. The data collection tool was the Persian version of the EHEALS questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS-V. 20. Result: The findings indicated that the level of electronic literacy in 45.1% of students was moderate, in 31.6% was good and in 9.1% students was very good. 12.3% of the students had poor health literacy and 1.9% had a very poor level of electronic health literacy (P=0.270). Conclusion: To improve the level of electronic health literacy of students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences we recommend informing them about having access to online, comprehensive and validated online health information, and training them on web health information
This study aimed to analyze the websites' ranks on Iranian Medical Sciences Universities in the p... more This study aimed to analyze the websites' ranks on Iranian Medical Sciences Universities in the period of 11 September 2016 to 1March 2017. It was performed on Webometrics method which contains 41 Websites of Iranian Medical Sciences Universities. For instance, Moz, Google, Google Scholar and so on. University of Shiraz's website topped the table. Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Bandar Abbas Universities' websites followed Shiraz in order. Meanwhile, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, North Khorasan, Bushehr and Urmia experienced the highest increase on Home contents, scientific resources, input links and rich files. First-rank universities, as well as universities with the highest growth, all owns what a good website should have the basic contents and beyond. In one word, the results of this study showed that except a limited number of universities possess high-quality website, others have weak effect.
Health technology assessment in action, May 31, 2023
Context: Infodemic in the COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as too much information about this dis... more Context: Infodemic in the COVID-19 pandemic is referred to as too much information about this disease that spreads quickly. This information can cause various psychological consequences for people. This systematic review studied the effect of the infodemic on individuals’ mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The principles of PRISMA were used to conduct this systematic review. Data were selected using a search strategy in the WOS, PubMed, and Scopus databases on December 31, 2021. The inclusion criteria comprised English-language original articles relevant to the study’s purpose. We excluded all short articles, letters to the editor, conference abstracts, review articles, and any articles unavailable in their full texts. Results: Finally, 17 articles were selected. The results showed that the population of these articles was from China, Singapore, Palestine, Romania, Indonesia, Paraguay, Hong Kong, and Iran. These articles also included health professionals and medical staff (two studies), adults (three studies), citizens and the general public aged 16 or over (eight studies), students (one study), teachers (one study), and the elderly (two studies). The sample sizes varied from 126 to 5,203. Also, these articles examined mental health concerning anxiety (13 studies), depression (eight studies), stress (four studies), sleep disorders (two studies), emotions (two studies), panic, social isolation, and mental health in general. Conclusions: People more subjected to COVID-19-related information are more prone to psychological consequences and more exposed to anxiety, depression, and stress.
Background and Aim: e-health literacy is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate hea... more Background and Aim: e-health literacy is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate health information from electronic information sources and use this information to diagnose or resolve health disorders. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the e-health literacy of non-clinical graduate students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-survey research, 159 graduate students and 41 Ph.D. students were randomly selected and investigated. The data collection tool was a standard version of the e-Healths questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS.22 software. Results: The results showed that the level of e-health literacy in 56.8% of students was moderate, 16.7% in good condition and 3.1% in very good condition. Twenty-one percent of the students had poor health literacy and 2.5% had a low level of e-health literacy. The level of ehealth literacy of Ph.D. students was higher than that of M.Sc. students. The results of independent t-test for comparing the level of e-health literacy between the two groups indicated a significant level (p <0.5). Conclusions: Regarding the "moderate (relatively favorable)" level of e-health literacy among non-clinical students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences; informing in line with having access to online, comprehensible and validated health information, and the training web-based health information assessment by the relevant authorities such as The Ministry of Health and Medical Education will be effective in increasing the level of health literacy and e-health literacy.
Background and Objectives In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, researchers around the world have... more Background and Objectives In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, researchers around the world have conducted various studies on different dimensions of the disease. The researchers and various research teams have designed and conducted an extensive range of studies related to COVID-19 including epidemiology, disease surveillance, consequences of the disease, and clinical trials. In Iran, different ongoing or completed research projects have also been approved to identify various aspects of the disease. Research project proposals are documents prepared by researchers to carry out research projects and are formulated according to particular demands for research in the society on various subjects such as disease burden, epidemics, threats and natural factors. Therefore, this study investigated the structure and topics of COVID-19 research projects approved in Iran. Material and Methods This applied research, adopting an analytical approach, was conducted using bibliometric and text mining methods. The statistical population was the COVID-19 research projects approved in Iran in 2020. These research projects were extracted from the database of Iran national committee for ethics in biomedical research (ethics.research.ac.ir). To identify the topics of the research projects on COVID-19 by their English titles, topic modeling algorithms were used in the Python programming language. This database, includes the bibliographic data of all research projects which have been approved by the medical sciences, received implementation ethics license. The projects related to medical sciences are registered in this database to receive an ethics code before implementation; thus, all Iranian projects within COVID-19 topical area are registered in this database
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 30, 2023
Publications on knowledge and information creation have grown significantly due to their importan... more Publications on knowledge and information creation have grown significantly due to their importance in information and knowledge management. This study aims to discover and analyze the hidden thematic topics of information and knowledge creation publications. The research applied was performed using text mining techniques and an analytical approach. The research population comprises publications on knowledge and information creation from 1900 to 2021, retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC). The data were analyzed by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm and Python Programming Language. Forty-eight thousand two hundred sixty-five documents were retrieved and analyzed. "Data production," "Health seeking behavior," "Human Brain and Information processing," "Decision-making models," "Knowledge production," "Information needs," and "Digital Literacy" are among the essential topics in order of publication rate. The results indicated that the spectrum of the fourteen topics covered a variety of dimensions, including "data and knowledge creation," "information processing," "information needs and behavior," "digital literacy," and "critical thinking." The study's findings have shown the conceptual relationships between textual data and the presentation of the knowledge structure of information and knowledge creation. Based on this, it can be concluded that the creation of knowledge and information includes human mental and behavioral processes concerning knowledge.
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Aug 11, 2022
Background: Due to the prevalence of the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries of the world, the nee... more Background: Due to the prevalence of the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries of the world, the need to apply health information technology is of great importance. Hence, the study has identified the role of health information technology during the period of COVID-19 epidemic. Methods: The present research is a review study by employing text-mining techniques. Therefore, 941 published documents related to health information technology's role during COVID-19 epidemic were extracted by keyword searching in the Web of Science database. In order to analyze the data and implement the text mining and topic modeling algorithms, Python programming language was applied. Results: The results indicated that the highest number of publications related to the role of health information technology in the period of COVID-19 epidemic was respectively on the following topics: "Models and smart systems," "Telemedicine," "Health care," "Health information technology," "Evidence-based medicine," "Big data and statistic analysis." Conclusion: Health information technology has been extensively used during COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, different communities could apply these technologies, considering the conditions and facilities to manage COVID-19 epidemic better.
Papers by Meisam Dastani